Herb Dean Welcomes Questions, Willing to Explain His Calls

Sherdog.com StaffApr 18, 2013
Herb Dean, on “Beatdown,” discussing whether it bothers him when his refereeing is questioned:

“No, it doesn’t. First of all, I need to always remember and always keep in my mind that it’s not about me. I’m here to support these athletes. It’s not about whether I’m infallible or not. It’s about I’m here to support these guys, and if I make a decision, that’s going to affect their careers. I agonize over each of the decisions I make and I need to be able to give a reason for why I did it. I need to be able to be accountable. People should be able to ask me. The fighters should be able to ask me. The fans should be able to ask me, ‘Why did you do what you did?’ And I should have a reason for it.”

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