SalmonGate Comes to a Merciful End

Jake RossenOct 21, 2009

Recognizing that the sport’s community couldn’t possibly take any more “bad Salmon” puns, the Ohio State Athletic Commission finally put to rest a summertime mini-scandal -- the one involving mid-tier Sean Salmon and his curious admission to tapping too quickly in a fight with Allan Weickert June 6. According to MMAMania, Salmon got a $2,500 fine and a suspension from competition until June of 2010.

Salmon wasn’t the first and won’t be the last athlete to escape further fight trauma by exiting at the first sign of real trouble: some athletes in Brazil’s IVC promotion of the 1990s would sometimes quit because they just felt tired. TKO via malaise was once a viable finish.

Unfortunately, Salmon broke the cardinal rule of stupidity: never admit to it.

MMAMania’s article, incidentally, was titled “Poached Salmon.” Let’s have it end on that high note.