Who You Got? Sherdog Staff Pick 'Em: Bellator 221

Sherdog.com StaffMay 11, 2019

First things first, an apology is owed: Due to an error in the tracking spreadsheet, Mr. Cole Shelton has been severely underrated for several months. After the formula in question was corrected, he leaps up to take his rightful spot at No. 3 in the standings. Apologies to him and the rest of the league.

With that out of the way, there won't be much happening here to threaten his -- or anyone's -- place in the standings. Once again, Bellator MMA has served up a card full of matchups that, shall we say, skew pretty hard in the direction of one fighter, with three of the five picks coming in at 90 percent or higher. Shooting for glory are the distinguished gentlemen Jason Burgos, the only staffer to pick James Bennett to defeat Tywan Claxton, and Ed Carbajal, the only one to pick T.J. Jones over Jake Hager. It should be noted that Carbajal, with the upset, would become the first three-time recipient of the Super Cojones award.

Without further ado, below are the Sherdog staff picks for Bellator 221: Chandler vs. Pitbull.