Combate Americas Postpones Return Due to COVID-19 Surge in Florida

Tristen CritchfieldJul 22, 2020

Latin American mixed martial arts promotion Combate Americas has elected to postpone its return due to the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in Florida.

The organization recently revealed plans for three shows — beginning on Aug. 28 — at a closed studio in Miami. It would have been Combate Americas first event since its card on Feb. 28 in Fresno, California. Cards on Sept. 11 and Sept. 25 in Miami were also postponed. Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren announced the decision in a statement to the Associated Press.

“This is not a decision we took lightly, and is based entirely on our focus to prioritize the safety of our employees, broadcast partners, fighters and the broader MMA community,” McLaren said in a statement. “We explored many alternatives to avoid this measure, including the possibility of moving our in-studio fights to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the state of California is in a similarly precarious situation with COVID outbreaks, and it seems untenable to proceed without taking into consideration the health of those we love.”

The UFC returned from a nearly two-month hiatus with a trio of cards in Jacksonville in May, but Florida currently has more than 370,000 total COVID-19 cases and nearly 10,000 new cases since the pandemic began, making it one of the most affected areas in the country.

Combate Americas was one of the first major promotions to postpone its events due to the pandemic. Combate Americas 60 on Aug. 28 was expected to be headlined by a clash between Juan Puerta and David Duran for the promotion’s inaugural flyweight title.