Disturbing Details Emerge Surrounding Jon Jones’ Arrest in Las Vegas

Tristen CritchfieldSep 28, 2021

More details have emerged surrounding Jon Jones’ arrest for battery domestic violence and vehicle tampering last week in Las Vegas, and they don’t paint the former UFC light heavyweight champion in a very flattering light.

According to an arrest report released by the Las Vegas Metro Police Department that was obtained by MMAjunkie.com, Jones allegedly assaulted a woman who was later identified as his fiancée, Jessie Moses, and then head-butted a police vehicle as he was being arrested. Jones was in Las Vegas for the UFC Hall of Fame Induction ceremony that occurred on the night of Sept. 23.

According to the report, police arrived at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to respond to a domestic battery call that left Moses bleeding from her nose and mouth. When interviewed by police, Moses stated that she and Jones have been together for 17 years and have three children together, and that she and Jones had not been arguing prior to the incident. Moses said that she elected to remain in the couple’s hotel room while Jones went out with his friends. She told police that Jones was “not very happy” when he returned and revealed that the fighter “touched the back of my head and pulled my hair a little bit but he did not hit me or anything.” Moses added that Jones pulled her hair because “I was trying to leave the room.”

In the report, the officer observes that there was blood on Moses’ clothing as well as a bump with dried blood on her lower lip, which seemed to indicate a physical altercation. Meanwhile, a statement from Caesars Palace security guard Cassandra Villa reveals that Moses came to the security booth asking for another key to her room, at which time Villa noticed the blood on the woman and asked if she was scared. Villa added that Moses’ youngest child asked, “Can you call the cops?”

Upon entering the hotel room, police noticed that Moses’ cell phone was face down near the stairs as she led them to where the altercation allegedly took place. According to the police report, “there was blood on the bed sheets, as well as shoes strewn about.” As authorities were leaving, Moses asked, “How long do I have until he is out,” and appeared to be frightened regarding the prospect of Jones’ release from jail. Moses elected not to obtain a domestic violence protection order, however.

Jones was taken into custody on the Las Vegas Strip around 6 a.m. local time on Friday, and “he became irate and smashed his head onto the front hood” of the police vehicle, causing a dent and paint chipping. That damage led to the vehicle tampering charge.

When he was later interviewed by police, Jones became “extremely agitated” and threatened with a “huge lawsuit with the department for putting him in handcuffs on the biggest night of his life,” per the report. Jones “emotions were all over the place,” and he alternated from being angry to crying to calmly talking, according to police.

Jones added that he couldn’t remember the last time he saw Moses other than kissing her and their kids by the hotel loading dock. However, he later said he remembered returning to the room and telling Moses that he was getting $10,000 to go to the strip club, and eventually an argument began regarding the couple’s relationship. Jones said he couldn’t remember what happened when he left but claims that he did not touch Moses.

Upon being informed that he would be arrested for domestic violence and vehicle tampering, Jones began joking about the arrest, according to the report.

“He stated jokingly that he would like to take us all on and see what we could do,” the report states. “While placing him into handcuffs, he jokingly feinted that he was going to escape the handcuffs and fight the officers.” The report adds that type of behavior “shows the emotional roller coaster [Jones] displayed during the interview and the arrest.”

Jones was released this past Friday evening on $8,000 bail and is due to return to court on Oct. 26. He has not fought for the UFC since February 2020 and has been involved in a public dispute regarding money and a planned transition to the heavyweight division.