Xtreme Couture Out, Team Tompkins In

Adam SwiftFeb 28, 2008

While both sides of the Zuffa v. Couture preliminary injunction motion await a ruling, Sherdog.com has learned that Friday's International Fight League event in Las Vegas will feature a group of fighters representing Team Tompkins, not Xtreme Couture, regardless of the outcome of today's hearing.

"Given the ongoing litigation between Extreme Couture and the UFC, we were asked by Xtreme Couture [lawyers] Wednesday to not use the Xtreme Couture camp name in our event this Friday," said Joe Favorito, IFL Senior Vice President of Communications. "Out of respect for Randy and his team in this difficult situation, the camp will take the name Team Tompkins. Shawn Tompkins (Pictures) is coaching this Friday as already announced for this Friday's event. The IFL is not in any way involved in this litigation, we are doing this out of professional courtesy for Randy and his group."

Adam Swift is the Editor of MMAPayout.com and a regular contributor to Sherdog.com.