Andreas Hale Joins Press Row

Jordan BreenAug 24, 2017

Every Thursday, Administrative Editor Jordan Breen welcomes a member of the mixed martial arts media into “Press Row” on the blog. This week, Breen is joined by Sherdog and Yahoo contributor Andreas Hale.

Breen and Hale discuss whether or not Jon Jones is the biggest disappointment in sports history, what he's got in common with O.J. Simpson, what Jones' second steroid test failure means for the legacy of Daniel Cormier and how it gives Conor McGregor, even before his “Money Fight” with Floyd Mayweather on Saturday night, even more leverage over UFC ownership group WME-IMG.

Breen and Hale also compare and contrast Jones and Mayweather, noting similarities in their historic greatness and fraught personal lives but the massive difference in discipline that has allowed Mayweather, forever drinking water in the strip club, to become an unparalleled promotional success as a boxer, while Jones has imploded due to his reckless indiscretions.

Grab your credential and get a seat in “Press Row.”

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