Trainer: Record-Breaking Attendance in Toronto Won’t Affect GSP StaffFeb 24, 2011
Greg Jackson, on “Beatdown,” discussing whether the record-breaking audience expected at the Rogers Centre in Toronto for UFC 129 (55,000 tickets sold) will affect Georges St. Pierre against Jake Shields:

“There’s going to be one guy who’s trying to squeeze the life out of Georges, and he’ll be focused 100 percent on that. The only real detriment to us in the corner is that sometimes it’s so loud that you literally can’t coach. I like to have conversations with the other coaches. ‘What are you seeing? What are you seeing?’ A lot of times that isn’t possible because the decibel level is so high. High decibels make for hard talking. That can be a practical thing that we need to worry about, but … Georges is always ready to step up and perform under pressure. That won’t be a big deal.”