UFC Fight Night 24 Results & Live Play-by-Play
Mar 26, 2011
Sherdog.com will report from the KeyArena
in Seattle, Wash., with play-by-play and live results of UFC Fight
Night 24, which is headlined by a light heavyweight showdown
between Antonio
Rogerio Nogueira and Phil
Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card.
Click here for quick results.
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Round 1
This battle of lightweight fighters is being officiated by referee Anthony Hamlett. Lentz starts with a right head kick that misses. Lowe lands a counter right hook. The Minnesotan looks for a flying knee but Lowe evades. Lowe finds the mark again with a right hook. Lentz fires back with a body kick but Lowe is there again with the counter right. Lentz continues the kicking game but cannot land. The two fighters lock up and Lowe muscles Lentz to the floor. After little action on the floor Lowe stands and let Lentz up. On the feet Lentz fires a right hand that hits the mark. Lowe responds with another takedown. On the floor Lowe settles into the guard and manages to pass for a moment. He lands an elbow and Lentz gets his guard back. Lentz tries to wall walk but his picked up and slammed by his opponent. The round ends. 10-9 Lowe.
Round 2
Lentz starts the round with a low kick that lands. He tries to follow up with another kick but Lowe evades. "The Carny" rushes forward with two winging punches but finds noting. The two men clinch against the fence. With his back against the wall Lentz tries to separate and eats a knee on the way out. Lowe and Lentz meet in the center of the fence and wing punches at one another. Lowe gets the better of the exchanges before shooting and securing another takedown. On the floor Lentz attempts a guillotine choke but there is nothing there. The pace has slowed and Anthony Hamlett stands them up. The KeyArena crowd approves of the decision. Lowe lands lefts and rights that hurt Lentz. A scramble ensues following a blown Lowe takedown. Lentz is on top of the turtled Lowe but the round ends. 10-9 Lowe.
Round 3
Lentz takes the center of the cage. The former Golden Gopher attempts another low kick but lands nothing. Lowe lands a left straight which is answered by a Lentz uppercut. Lowe finds a home for a counter left. Lowe is effective with counter shots. With his back to the wall in the final frame Lentz pulls out a miracle. Lowe shoots in and is caught in a deep guillotine. There is no way out as he is forced to tap. Nik Lentz remains undefeated in the UFC as Anthony Hamlett stops the bout at the 2:24 mark.
Aaron Simpson vs. Mario Miranda
Round 1
The third man in the cage for this middleweight contest is Dan Mirgliotta. The two men touch gloves to start. The two fights clinch and Miranda forces Simpson into the fence. The Brazilian is working some knees to the thighs of Simpson but has little effect. Mirgliotta separates the two fighters but they are back to the same position almost instantly. Simpson improves his situation off the fence by securing a trip takedown. Miranda gets to a base and stands back up. On the feet Miranda is dragged to the floor again by the wrestler. Simpson looks to take the back of "Super Mario" but cannot. Miranda stands but finds himself on his back a moment later. Simpson looks to work strikes from half. The shots from Simpson are mostly elbows but nothing lands clean. The round ends. 10-9 for Aaron Simpson.
Round 2
The middleweights continue the fight in the second frame by clinching once again. Simpson forces Miranda back into the fence. Simpson looks for a single leg but the Washington native Miranda gets away. Simpson initiates the clinch again and secures another trip takedown. Simpson is riding the back of his opponent landing right hands. Miranda has a base but can only get to a knee. Simpson stomps the calf of Miranda. A scramble happens but ends with Simpson securing a slam. Miranda is able to make space however and stands up. Simpson throws some strikes and rushes in and clinches up. At the end of the round Simpson gets another takedown. The crowd is not pleased with the action that sees Simpson take another round 10-9.
Round 3
The final round starts with Simpson tying up for another takedown. Miranda uses the whizzer to stay on his feet. Simpson is able to maintain his grip on Miranda and settles for clinching and taking Miranda to the floor with a single leg. Miranda gives his back. Simpson is content to ride the back rather than put a hook in. Miranda tries to stand but winds up on his back. Simpson settles into half guard. He cannot keep him there though as Miranda stands. Simpson is able to maintain a hold of his opponent and slams him to the floor with a double leg. Miranda repeats the pattern and gets to his feet. Simpson does his part to maintain the clinch. The round ends. 10-9 Simpson.
Official scores: The judges see it 30-26 and 30-27 twice for Aaron Simpson, winner by unanimous decision.
Johny Hendricks vs. Anthony Waldburger
Round 1
Welterweights are in the cage with referee Mario Yamasaki in charge of the action. Waldburger is firing a right head kick. Hendricks evades but is pushed in to the cage and is clinched up. The Team Takedown fighter moves away from the cage. Waldburger attempts a takedown but is sprawled out on. On the feet Hendricks ends the night of the Texan with a left hand that drops Waldburger face first. Yamasaki halts the bout at the 1:35 mark. Waldburger protests a bit, but he was hurt badly.
Sean McCorkle vs. Christian Morecraft
Round 1
Referee Anthony Hamlett is in charge of the evening’s first Facebook prelim. No touch of gloves as the big men get straight to work. Morecraft lobs a leg kick and then muscles McCorkle into the fence, nearly finishing a takedown with double underhooks. It’s McCorkle who gets the trip instead, and Morecraft throws up a triangle-armbar combo from the bottom. Nothing doing, and McCorkle starts slugging from the closed guard of Morecraft. McCorkle postures up and tries to pass to the side, allowing Morecraft to grab onto his left leg. Morecraft lays back and extends the kneebar, but can’t get the tap. He settles for rolling into McCorkle’s guard with 2:30 left in the round. Hard elbows from Morecraft knock out McCorkle’s mouthpiece, which McCorkle puts right back in. Morecraft stands over McCorkle with 90 seconds left as the crowd boos the lack of action. McCorkle goes to stand and Morecraft comes forward with punches. Morecraft isn’t letting McCorkle to his feet, hovering over him and diving in with elbows. McCorkle turtles and takes a few punches from Morecraft, who flattens McCorkle out and passes to his right. Morecraft just jamming his elbow into McCorkle’s face in the last 30 seconds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Round 2
Morecraft gets McCorkle against the fence and tees off with uppercuts. He drags McCorkle down and lands a few punches, but gets warned for straying to the back of the head. McCorkle is looking for a kimura from the bottom, but can’t find it. Morecraft extracts the arm and wallops away from half-guard as he shoves McCorkle into the fence. Short, grinding elbows from Morecraft have bloodied the forehead and swollen the face of McCorkle. Morecraft lets his man up, but clinches as soon as McCorkle gets to his feet. Two minutes left in the round as the heavyweights jockey along the fence. Morecraft lands a knee square to the cup of McCorkle, and the referee calls time. McCorkle sits at the base of the cage for a moment, then starts to hear boos from the crowd. After a couple minutes, they resume. McCorkle looks exhausted as he eats a punch and shoots a double-leg. Morecraft stuffs and snares McCorkle in a standing guillotine. Morecraft wrenches with his left arm, puts McCorkle to sleep and lets his unconscious foe fall to the mat at 4:10 of the second round.
Michael McDonald vs. Edwin Figueroa
Round 1
Josh Rosenthal is in charge of this bantamweight bout. Both 135’ers swinging away early, but it’s McDonald who gets off with crisp punching combinations and kicks to the body. He appears to have Figueroa in trouble and swarms him against the cage, but Figueroa survives and gets his space. McDonald has Figueroa’s low kicks time and is cracking him with a hard, straight right each time. The pace slows as McDonald looks to counter. Figueroa trying to keep his space with push kicks, but eats a flurry when he dives in with a Superman punch. McDonald gets a high double-leg, lifts Figueroa off the ground and slams him to the mat with just over a minute to go. He digs a few shots and allows Figueroa back up. McDonald closes the round with a crisp left hand, then a right that puts Figueroa on rubber legs.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Round 2
Figueroa slaps a head kick on McDonald, who catches the leg and drives forward, punching Figueroa in the face as h drives him into the mat. Figueroa tries to roll for a leg lock, but instead has his back taken. McDonald sinks both hooks in and sinks in the rear-naked choke with 3:40 left on the clock. It’s under the chin, but Figueroa defends perfectly and gets his head loose. Figueroa twists around and McDonald transitions to a triangle-armbar. Figueroa drops McDonald on his head and survives the submission, but McDonald is tenacious. He continues to throw legs up at the posturing Figueroa with two minutes left. McDonald locks up a triangle, then grabs the arm again, and this time it looks very tight. Figueroa slams loose, but McDonald goes right back to it. It’s a triangle with a straight armbar, but Figueroa just won’t tap. Figueroa slips his head free. He postures up and drills McDonald with a few punches, then goes for a guillotine in the waning seconds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Round 3
McDonald comes out for the third round looking stiff and Figueroa tired, his hands by his side. Nonetheless, both men swing away, McDonald with combos and Figueroa with huge uppercuts. Figueroa tags McDonald with a knee, then a one-two and McDonald is stunned. Figueroa just doesn’t have the gas to finish and gets taken down in the center of the cage with three minutes to go. Figueroa scrambles back up, only to be taken down again, this time at the base of the cage. Figueroa sweeps and gets his head caught, but slips loose and moves to side control on McDonald’s right. McDonald stuffs his man back to full guard and closes up. He latches on to Figueroa’s left arm and tries for an armbar, but Figueroa gets free and wants it back on the feet. Leaping knee from Figueroa with 60 seconds left, then a partially blocked head kick. McDonald scores another takedown with 40 to go and Figueroa tries to punch from rubber guard. That’s where it ends, and both fighters embrace on the mat after a great fight.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald (30-27 McDonald)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Figueroa (29-28 McDonald)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald (30-27 McDonald)
Official scores: All three judges have it 30-27 in favor of 20-year-old Michael McDonald, who takes a unanimous decision in his UFC debut.
John Hathaway vs. Kris McCray
Round 1
The welterweights tie up early and McCray lands a right hand upon exit. McCray paws his way inside with some left jabs, then swings for the fences with his right. He muscles Hathaway into the fence and drills knees to the Englishman’s thigh. Hathaway resists a takedown and rolls through, then grabs McCray’s foot for a toe hold. McCray punches to the ribs of Hathaway, who is just twisting away at his opponent’s foot. McCray gets the appendage free and winds up in half-guard with Hathaway sitting against the fence. McCray stands and socks Hathaway with a few solid left hands on the way up. Hathaway stands and throws a knee, and McCray uses it to hurl him back to the canvas. Back to his feet goes Hathaway; McCray keeps the knees coming to the thighs and scores another takedown with 70 ticks to go. McCray getting busy with punches to the ribs and elbows to the face while Hathaway throws some elbows of his own from the bottom. They stand and Hathaway lands a sharp knee to the body before the horn.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McCray
Round 2
Hathaway pops McCray with an early right hand and they go back to the clinch game. McCray scoops Hathaway up and plants him on the floor, but Hathaway won’t stay down. Straight left from Hathaway is countered by a looping McCray right. McCray catches another knee strike and drags Hathaway down, and now Hathaway throws up a triangle. He transitions to an armbar, but McCray turns over and pulls his arm loose, winding up in Hathaway’s open guard. Hathaway absorbs a few punches, kicks McCray away and stands with just over two minutes on the clock. McCray digs for another takedown against the cage, but Hathaway busts loose and plants a three-punch combo. Hathaway initiates the clinch and dirty boxes, foot stomps and knees to the gut. Hathaway’s long, straight punches are getting off before McCray’s more tired strikes in the final minute. McCray reverses after a takedown and finishes the round on top.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Round 3
Hathaway steps in with a knee and then spins McCray down with a single-leg. Hammer fists and grinding elbows from Hathaway as he works from the tired McCray’s half-guard. Keeping busy, Hathaway goes back to full guard, then looks to pass to McCray’s left. The strikes aren’t doing much damage, but are undoubtedly scoring Hathaway points as McCray remains on the defensive. McCray has enough with 2:40 left and muscles Hathaway off of him, but Hathaway uses the fence to stand while keeping his elbows and punches coming. McCray drags him back down, although the takedown is all he’s concerned with. The offense is coming only from Hathaway, who gets to his feet and scores a takedown of his own with about a minute to go. McCray gets to his feet, but eats half-a-dozen punches on his way up. Hathaway finishes the fight with another takedown and some hammer fists from guard.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (30-27 Hathaway)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (30-27 Hathaway)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (29-28 Hathaway)
Official scores: One judge sees the fight 29-28 in favor of Kris McCray. However, the remaining two have it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, John Hathaway.
Alex Caceres vs. Mackens Semerzier
Round 1
Semerzier fires off a slapping head kick and the featherweights are off to a quick start. Caceres tries a spinning elbow and gets seized upon by Semerzier, who drags “Bruce Leroy” to the floor after a short struggle. Both fighters are warned for grabbing the fence at various points. Caceres gets to his feet only long enough to try a jumping knee and get warned to keep the strikes above the belt. Semerzier brings him right back down and drills Caceres with a few elbows. Caceres stands and is taken right back down; this time, Semerzier lands in full mount. Caceres twists and gives up his back, where Semerzier starts wailing away. Body triangle for Semerzier. Caceres postures up and tries to shake Semerzier off. It looks as though Semerzier is too high, but he stays glued on tight. Caceres tries to twist free and Semerzier slaps on a rear-naked choke in the scramble. Bruce Leroy is caught with nowhere to go and is forced to tap out at 3:18 of the opening frame.
Mike Russow vs. Jon Madsen
Round 1
Madsen lands first with a double-up overhand right. Russow comes inside with a straight right and ties up. He does so again, but can’t seem to keep a grip on Madsen. Russow swinging big overhand rights, looking to knock Madsen’s block off. Madsen scoring with some rights of his own, but it’s mostly head-hunting from the big men. Short uppercut connects for Russow, who pins Madsen against the fence with about a minute left. Russow punches to the ribs as referee Anthony Hamlett calls for action.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
After some more wild flurries, Russow rushes in behind an uppercut and muscles Madsen into the fence. Madsen won’t stay there and comes out looking for takedown of his own, which Russow stuffs and uses to take Madsen’s back standing. Madsen twists free and shoves Russow off, but Madsen’s left eye is now badly swollen. Russow takes the back standing again and drags Madsen down. Russow doesn’t keep busy enough for ref Hamlett’s liking, and the big men are stood up. Madsen drives a knee to Russow’s gut. Russow throws another right hand and they tie up. They stall out there, too, and are restarted with 60 seconds to go. Boos rain down as the heavyweights clinch up against the fence. Russow grabs a guillotine and stuffs a shot from Madsen, ending the round riding Madsen’s back.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Russow
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Russow
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Russow
Between rounds, the cageside physician has a good look at Madsen’s left eye, which has a huge mouse beneath it and is completely swollen shut. On the advice of the doctor, referee Anthony Hamlett waves the contest off between the second and third frames, giving Mike Russow the TKO victory.
Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung
Round 1
Dan Miragliotta is the referee for the show’s first televised bout. Jung opens up with a low kick and both men circle. Garcia throws one of his own and a follow-up left hook. Jung drops his hands at the one-minute mark and Garcia throws a kick to the body. Overhand right from Garcia tags Jung behind the ear. Jung strings together a one-two and a low kick. A body kick is caught by Garcia, who pops Jung with a counter right hand. Jung stuffs a left jab into Garcia’s face, nullifying a leg kick. Already Jung is sporting a small cut beneath his right eye. Garcia throws a bomb and gets caught off-balance, and Jung trips him to the mat. Jung lands in north-south position, then reverse-mounted on the prone Garcia, hunting for an armbar. Garcia gets to his feet and Jung drops him with a knee against the fence. Garcia uses his legs to push the Korean away, but Jung takes his back with 10 seconds to go and unloads with punches.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jung
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jung
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Jung
Round 2
More tentative work in the opening minute of the second round. Garcia clips Jung with a step-up knee and Jung retaliates with a punch to the ribs. Jung stalks Garcia, pressing in from the center, and lands a jumping knee of his own. The featherweights trade leg kicks midway through the frame. Garcia throwing haymakers now, eats a knee and an outside thigh kick from Jung. It’s Garcia circling the outside as the “Korean Zombie” slowly encroaches. Jung lands an uppercut and a flying knee, then gives chase as Garcia slips and falls on a kick. Garcia closes up his guard and Jung postures up, driving punches and elbows downward. Garcia flips over and Jung hops on his back, rolling the “Bad Boy” over. Jung loses one of his hooks and abandons the rear-naked choke attempt. The Zombie traps the right arm and cranks the neck of Garcia, who submits to the twister with just one second left in the round.
Amir Sadollah vs. DaMarques Johnson
Round 1
Both welterweights come out firing before Sadollah slips on a kick about 20 seconds in. Johnson goes right to side control, but Sadollah pops back up. He cracks Johnson with a stiff straight right, but the follow-up low kick strays to the groin. Johnson needs only a few seconds to recover and they get back to it. Johnson catches a teep kick from Sadollah and shoves him to the floor. Johnson gets to half-guard briefly and Sadollah stuffs him back. Sadollah looks to be positioning his legs for a triangle, can’t find it, and instead settles for stifling Johnson’s offense. Johnson gets an elbow through, but Sadollah shoves him away and stands back up with two minutes to go. Sadollah digs a nice punch to the body, then a front kick. Johnson slips and falls backward into the fence, pops back up and goes for a takedown of his own. Sadollah defends and muscles Johnson in the clinch, driving a knee to the guy. Johnson scores a takedown, but Sadollah again gets back to his feet. Sadollah with a takedown of his own, spends the last 30 second trying to land shots on top, but only gets a few punches through.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sadollah
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
Johnson gets a nice knee to the body and Sadollah answers with a kick to the gut. Knees score for Sadollah now, and he swarms Johnson with punches against the fence. Johnson lands a few hands of his own in the exchange, but he’s the one who emerges with his nose bloodied. Similar to the first round, Johnson gets caught slipping on a punch and eats more knees to the ribs from Amir. Now it’s Sadollah with a takedown into half-guard, where he mashes Johnson with staple elbows at the base of the cage. Sadollah opens up with big punches, gets into mount, and Johnson rolls free. Knees to the body and rear from Sadollah as Johnson scrambles to his feet. Johnson is clearly gassed out as he gets dragged down again with two minutes left. Sadollah gift wraps the arm of Johnson and takes full mount, where he ends the fight with elbows to the face. Johnson taps to the strikes and referee Mario Yamasaki rescues him at 3:27 of the second round.
Dan Hardy vs. Anthony Johnson
Round 1
Josh Rosenthal is the referee for this welterweight co-main event. A tentative touch of gloves begins bout. Johnson fires off an inside leg kick and then tries to go outside. Hardy looks a bit stiff in the early going, shaking out his hands. One minute in, Johnson drops Hardy with a left high kick and pounces as the Brit falls along the fence. Johnson gets a headlock and controls Hardy as they stand, then drives him back down to the ground. Hardy has full guard this time and ties Johnson up, but Johnson busts free and lets loose with a few big shots. Johnson lays a forearm across Hardy’s throat and throws a couple short hammer fists. Nice head and neck control from Johnson is stifling Hardy’s offense from his back. Hardy goes for a triangle-armbar as Johnson postures up, but “Rumble” breaks it. Johnson dives back in, looks to pass to the side, and Hardy turns to his right to frame up a kimura. Johnson muscles out of it and works from Hardy’s half-guard with a minute left. Hardy’s corner calls for him to slip out the back door, but he can’t hit the switch and Johnson finishes on top.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Round 2
Johnson ducks inside and puts Hardy down against the fence with a single-leg about 30 seconds into the round. The KeyArena crowd disapproves of the decision and begins booing immediately. Johnson works from full guard, volume punches to the ribs, and Hardy again looks for a kimura. Midway through the round and there’s a stalemate, as Johnson really has cause for concern with his left arm. Hardy relents momentarily, but goes right back to it. Johnson gets the arm loose and pummels with elbows from half-guard. More elbows and punches come from the top until Rosenthal stands them up with 30 seconds left. Johnson scores another takedown before the horn.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Round 3
Another takedown from Johnson opens the final frame, and it’s another kimura attempt from Hardy. Some short punches to the side of Johnson’s head from Hardy, who goes for and abandons the kimura once more. Johnson turns the corner and takes the back of Hardy, who stands and absorbs knees to the thighs. Close-quarters head kick from Johnson, who glances at the clock and takes Hardy down again. Now he’s on Hardy’s back with both hooks in, punching away. The crowd doesn’t like it at all and responds with a chorus of boos with 1:40 remaining. Johnson is riding high with a body triangle. He puts Hardy on his back and switches to an arm-triangle choke, but Hardy defends ably. Johnson switches to a neck crank and can’t get the tap there either. Johnson finishes the fight with Hardy in the headlock and should be on his way to a unanimous decision win.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Official scores: The judges’ cards read 30-27 across the board for the winner by unanimous decision, Anthony Johnson.
Phil Davis vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira
Round 1
Herb Dean draws officiating duties for tonight’s light heavyweight main event. Davis going to the body and head with kicks in the tense opening minute. He rips a front kick to the chest of Nogueira, then steps in with a knee, but eats Nogueira’s counter right hand. The 205’ers clinch against the fence with Davis on the outside, driving a dozen or more knees into Nogueira’s legs. They disengage and Davis circles the outside. Nogueira throws a murderous right that misses. Davis ducks in and has a takedown stuffed, but gets Nog against the cage. Nogueira shucks him off. Davis goes low for another double-leg and gets stifled. Davis gets clipped with a right hand as he fires off a high kick. Nogueira stuffs a shot, falls backward onto his rear anyway, but gets up before Davis can pounce. Another hard right gets through for Nogueira, who sprawls on another shot from Davis with 20 seconds to go. Outside leg kick from Nogueira before the round ends.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
Davis goes back to his body kicks and both feint and twitch. He slips on one, but gets right back up and plants another on Nogueira’s chest. Nogueira gets off a one-two, then a right hand as Davis wades in to shoot. Davis goes high with a kick and shoots in lightning-fast behind it, but still can’t drag the Brazilian down. With exactly two minutes left, Davis finally spins Nogueira down in the center of the cage. He postures up and lands a single right hand to the jaw of Nogueira as he dives back in. Davis backs up and Nogueira scrambles to stand, but Davis pounces and takes his back. He drags Nogueira down against the fence and tees off with punches both over the top and under the arm. Nogueira turtles and eats another dozen punches, along with some knees to the body, before the end of the round.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis
Round 3
A touch of gloves begins the final frame. Davis circles the outside until he leaps into the center with a flying knee, then a blocked right high kick. The wrestler grabs a single-leg and brings Nogueira down on the logo in the center of the cage. Nogueira tries to scramble up and Davis drives him right back down, same as the end of the previous round, driving punches from side control. Davis works from half-guard until Nogueira shoves him off with half the round left. Nogueira catches a kick and sends a left down the pipe. Another punch sends Davis shooting, but Nogueira resists. The next single-leg is successful and Davis takes top position with two minutes to go. Nogueira is shrimping, keeping Davis at bay with his legs, but the Brazilian vet needs a finish here. Davis stacks Nogueira up and finishes the fight there.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-27 Davis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-28 Davis)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-28 Davis)
Official scores: All three judges cageside have it 30-27 in favor of Phil Davis, the winner by unanimous decision.
Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card.
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Nik Lentz vs.
Round 1
This battle of lightweight fighters is being officiated by referee Anthony Hamlett. Lentz starts with a right head kick that misses. Lowe lands a counter right hook. The Minnesotan looks for a flying knee but Lowe evades. Lowe finds the mark again with a right hook. Lentz fires back with a body kick but Lowe is there again with the counter right. Lentz continues the kicking game but cannot land. The two fighters lock up and Lowe muscles Lentz to the floor. After little action on the floor Lowe stands and let Lentz up. On the feet Lentz fires a right hand that hits the mark. Lowe responds with another takedown. On the floor Lowe settles into the guard and manages to pass for a moment. He lands an elbow and Lentz gets his guard back. Lentz tries to wall walk but his picked up and slammed by his opponent. The round ends. 10-9 Lowe.
Round 2
Lentz starts the round with a low kick that lands. He tries to follow up with another kick but Lowe evades. "The Carny" rushes forward with two winging punches but finds noting. The two men clinch against the fence. With his back against the wall Lentz tries to separate and eats a knee on the way out. Lowe and Lentz meet in the center of the fence and wing punches at one another. Lowe gets the better of the exchanges before shooting and securing another takedown. On the floor Lentz attempts a guillotine choke but there is nothing there. The pace has slowed and Anthony Hamlett stands them up. The KeyArena crowd approves of the decision. Lowe lands lefts and rights that hurt Lentz. A scramble ensues following a blown Lowe takedown. Lentz is on top of the turtled Lowe but the round ends. 10-9 Lowe.
Round 3
Lentz takes the center of the cage. The former Golden Gopher attempts another low kick but lands nothing. Lowe lands a left straight which is answered by a Lentz uppercut. Lowe finds a home for a counter left. Lowe is effective with counter shots. With his back to the wall in the final frame Lentz pulls out a miracle. Lowe shoots in and is caught in a deep guillotine. There is no way out as he is forced to tap. Nik Lentz remains undefeated in the UFC as Anthony Hamlett stops the bout at the 2:24 mark.
Aaron Simpson vs. Mario Miranda
Round 1
The third man in the cage for this middleweight contest is Dan Mirgliotta. The two men touch gloves to start. The two fights clinch and Miranda forces Simpson into the fence. The Brazilian is working some knees to the thighs of Simpson but has little effect. Mirgliotta separates the two fighters but they are back to the same position almost instantly. Simpson improves his situation off the fence by securing a trip takedown. Miranda gets to a base and stands back up. On the feet Miranda is dragged to the floor again by the wrestler. Simpson looks to take the back of "Super Mario" but cannot. Miranda stands but finds himself on his back a moment later. Simpson looks to work strikes from half. The shots from Simpson are mostly elbows but nothing lands clean. The round ends. 10-9 for Aaron Simpson.
Round 2
The middleweights continue the fight in the second frame by clinching once again. Simpson forces Miranda back into the fence. Simpson looks for a single leg but the Washington native Miranda gets away. Simpson initiates the clinch again and secures another trip takedown. Simpson is riding the back of his opponent landing right hands. Miranda has a base but can only get to a knee. Simpson stomps the calf of Miranda. A scramble happens but ends with Simpson securing a slam. Miranda is able to make space however and stands up. Simpson throws some strikes and rushes in and clinches up. At the end of the round Simpson gets another takedown. The crowd is not pleased with the action that sees Simpson take another round 10-9.
Round 3
The final round starts with Simpson tying up for another takedown. Miranda uses the whizzer to stay on his feet. Simpson is able to maintain his grip on Miranda and settles for clinching and taking Miranda to the floor with a single leg. Miranda gives his back. Simpson is content to ride the back rather than put a hook in. Miranda tries to stand but winds up on his back. Simpson settles into half guard. He cannot keep him there though as Miranda stands. Simpson is able to maintain a hold of his opponent and slams him to the floor with a double leg. Miranda repeats the pattern and gets to his feet. Simpson does his part to maintain the clinch. The round ends. 10-9 Simpson.
Official scores: The judges see it 30-26 and 30-27 twice for Aaron Simpson, winner by unanimous decision.
Johny Hendricks vs. Anthony Waldburger
Round 1
Welterweights are in the cage with referee Mario Yamasaki in charge of the action. Waldburger is firing a right head kick. Hendricks evades but is pushed in to the cage and is clinched up. The Team Takedown fighter moves away from the cage. Waldburger attempts a takedown but is sprawled out on. On the feet Hendricks ends the night of the Texan with a left hand that drops Waldburger face first. Yamasaki halts the bout at the 1:35 mark. Waldburger protests a bit, but he was hurt badly.
Sean McCorkle vs. Christian Morecraft
Round 1
Referee Anthony Hamlett is in charge of the evening’s first Facebook prelim. No touch of gloves as the big men get straight to work. Morecraft lobs a leg kick and then muscles McCorkle into the fence, nearly finishing a takedown with double underhooks. It’s McCorkle who gets the trip instead, and Morecraft throws up a triangle-armbar combo from the bottom. Nothing doing, and McCorkle starts slugging from the closed guard of Morecraft. McCorkle postures up and tries to pass to the side, allowing Morecraft to grab onto his left leg. Morecraft lays back and extends the kneebar, but can’t get the tap. He settles for rolling into McCorkle’s guard with 2:30 left in the round. Hard elbows from Morecraft knock out McCorkle’s mouthpiece, which McCorkle puts right back in. Morecraft stands over McCorkle with 90 seconds left as the crowd boos the lack of action. McCorkle goes to stand and Morecraft comes forward with punches. Morecraft isn’t letting McCorkle to his feet, hovering over him and diving in with elbows. McCorkle turtles and takes a few punches from Morecraft, who flattens McCorkle out and passes to his right. Morecraft just jamming his elbow into McCorkle’s face in the last 30 seconds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Morecraft
Round 2
Morecraft gets McCorkle against the fence and tees off with uppercuts. He drags McCorkle down and lands a few punches, but gets warned for straying to the back of the head. McCorkle is looking for a kimura from the bottom, but can’t find it. Morecraft extracts the arm and wallops away from half-guard as he shoves McCorkle into the fence. Short, grinding elbows from Morecraft have bloodied the forehead and swollen the face of McCorkle. Morecraft lets his man up, but clinches as soon as McCorkle gets to his feet. Two minutes left in the round as the heavyweights jockey along the fence. Morecraft lands a knee square to the cup of McCorkle, and the referee calls time. McCorkle sits at the base of the cage for a moment, then starts to hear boos from the crowd. After a couple minutes, they resume. McCorkle looks exhausted as he eats a punch and shoots a double-leg. Morecraft stuffs and snares McCorkle in a standing guillotine. Morecraft wrenches with his left arm, puts McCorkle to sleep and lets his unconscious foe fall to the mat at 4:10 of the second round.
Michael McDonald vs. Edwin Figueroa
Round 1
Josh Rosenthal is in charge of this bantamweight bout. Both 135’ers swinging away early, but it’s McDonald who gets off with crisp punching combinations and kicks to the body. He appears to have Figueroa in trouble and swarms him against the cage, but Figueroa survives and gets his space. McDonald has Figueroa’s low kicks time and is cracking him with a hard, straight right each time. The pace slows as McDonald looks to counter. Figueroa trying to keep his space with push kicks, but eats a flurry when he dives in with a Superman punch. McDonald gets a high double-leg, lifts Figueroa off the ground and slams him to the mat with just over a minute to go. He digs a few shots and allows Figueroa back up. McDonald closes the round with a crisp left hand, then a right that puts Figueroa on rubber legs.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Round 2
Figueroa slaps a head kick on McDonald, who catches the leg and drives forward, punching Figueroa in the face as h drives him into the mat. Figueroa tries to roll for a leg lock, but instead has his back taken. McDonald sinks both hooks in and sinks in the rear-naked choke with 3:40 left on the clock. It’s under the chin, but Figueroa defends perfectly and gets his head loose. Figueroa twists around and McDonald transitions to a triangle-armbar. Figueroa drops McDonald on his head and survives the submission, but McDonald is tenacious. He continues to throw legs up at the posturing Figueroa with two minutes left. McDonald locks up a triangle, then grabs the arm again, and this time it looks very tight. Figueroa slams loose, but McDonald goes right back to it. It’s a triangle with a straight armbar, but Figueroa just won’t tap. Figueroa slips his head free. He postures up and drills McDonald with a few punches, then goes for a guillotine in the waning seconds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald
Round 3
McDonald comes out for the third round looking stiff and Figueroa tired, his hands by his side. Nonetheless, both men swing away, McDonald with combos and Figueroa with huge uppercuts. Figueroa tags McDonald with a knee, then a one-two and McDonald is stunned. Figueroa just doesn’t have the gas to finish and gets taken down in the center of the cage with three minutes to go. Figueroa scrambles back up, only to be taken down again, this time at the base of the cage. Figueroa sweeps and gets his head caught, but slips loose and moves to side control on McDonald’s right. McDonald stuffs his man back to full guard and closes up. He latches on to Figueroa’s left arm and tries for an armbar, but Figueroa gets free and wants it back on the feet. Leaping knee from Figueroa with 60 seconds left, then a partially blocked head kick. McDonald scores another takedown with 40 to go and Figueroa tries to punch from rubber guard. That’s where it ends, and both fighters embrace on the mat after a great fight.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McDonald (30-27 McDonald)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Figueroa (29-28 McDonald)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonald (30-27 McDonald)
Official scores: All three judges have it 30-27 in favor of 20-year-old Michael McDonald, who takes a unanimous decision in his UFC debut.
John Hathaway vs. Kris McCray
Round 1
The welterweights tie up early and McCray lands a right hand upon exit. McCray paws his way inside with some left jabs, then swings for the fences with his right. He muscles Hathaway into the fence and drills knees to the Englishman’s thigh. Hathaway resists a takedown and rolls through, then grabs McCray’s foot for a toe hold. McCray punches to the ribs of Hathaway, who is just twisting away at his opponent’s foot. McCray gets the appendage free and winds up in half-guard with Hathaway sitting against the fence. McCray stands and socks Hathaway with a few solid left hands on the way up. Hathaway stands and throws a knee, and McCray uses it to hurl him back to the canvas. Back to his feet goes Hathaway; McCray keeps the knees coming to the thighs and scores another takedown with 70 ticks to go. McCray getting busy with punches to the ribs and elbows to the face while Hathaway throws some elbows of his own from the bottom. They stand and Hathaway lands a sharp knee to the body before the horn.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McCray
Round 2
Hathaway pops McCray with an early right hand and they go back to the clinch game. McCray scoops Hathaway up and plants him on the floor, but Hathaway won’t stay down. Straight left from Hathaway is countered by a looping McCray right. McCray catches another knee strike and drags Hathaway down, and now Hathaway throws up a triangle. He transitions to an armbar, but McCray turns over and pulls his arm loose, winding up in Hathaway’s open guard. Hathaway absorbs a few punches, kicks McCray away and stands with just over two minutes on the clock. McCray digs for another takedown against the cage, but Hathaway busts loose and plants a three-punch combo. Hathaway initiates the clinch and dirty boxes, foot stomps and knees to the gut. Hathaway’s long, straight punches are getting off before McCray’s more tired strikes in the final minute. McCray reverses after a takedown and finishes the round on top.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Hathaway
Round 3
Hathaway steps in with a knee and then spins McCray down with a single-leg. Hammer fists and grinding elbows from Hathaway as he works from the tired McCray’s half-guard. Keeping busy, Hathaway goes back to full guard, then looks to pass to McCray’s left. The strikes aren’t doing much damage, but are undoubtedly scoring Hathaway points as McCray remains on the defensive. McCray has enough with 2:40 left and muscles Hathaway off of him, but Hathaway uses the fence to stand while keeping his elbows and punches coming. McCray drags him back down, although the takedown is all he’s concerned with. The offense is coming only from Hathaway, who gets to his feet and scores a takedown of his own with about a minute to go. McCray gets to his feet, but eats half-a-dozen punches on his way up. Hathaway finishes the fight with another takedown and some hammer fists from guard.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (30-27 Hathaway)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (30-27 Hathaway)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Hathaway (29-28 Hathaway)
Official scores: One judge sees the fight 29-28 in favor of Kris McCray. However, the remaining two have it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, John Hathaway.
Alex Caceres vs. Mackens Semerzier
Round 1
Semerzier fires off a slapping head kick and the featherweights are off to a quick start. Caceres tries a spinning elbow and gets seized upon by Semerzier, who drags “Bruce Leroy” to the floor after a short struggle. Both fighters are warned for grabbing the fence at various points. Caceres gets to his feet only long enough to try a jumping knee and get warned to keep the strikes above the belt. Semerzier brings him right back down and drills Caceres with a few elbows. Caceres stands and is taken right back down; this time, Semerzier lands in full mount. Caceres twists and gives up his back, where Semerzier starts wailing away. Body triangle for Semerzier. Caceres postures up and tries to shake Semerzier off. It looks as though Semerzier is too high, but he stays glued on tight. Caceres tries to twist free and Semerzier slaps on a rear-naked choke in the scramble. Bruce Leroy is caught with nowhere to go and is forced to tap out at 3:18 of the opening frame.
Mike Russow vs. Jon Madsen
Round 1
Madsen lands first with a double-up overhand right. Russow comes inside with a straight right and ties up. He does so again, but can’t seem to keep a grip on Madsen. Russow swinging big overhand rights, looking to knock Madsen’s block off. Madsen scoring with some rights of his own, but it’s mostly head-hunting from the big men. Short uppercut connects for Russow, who pins Madsen against the fence with about a minute left. Russow punches to the ribs as referee Anthony Hamlett calls for action.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
After some more wild flurries, Russow rushes in behind an uppercut and muscles Madsen into the fence. Madsen won’t stay there and comes out looking for takedown of his own, which Russow stuffs and uses to take Madsen’s back standing. Madsen twists free and shoves Russow off, but Madsen’s left eye is now badly swollen. Russow takes the back standing again and drags Madsen down. Russow doesn’t keep busy enough for ref Hamlett’s liking, and the big men are stood up. Madsen drives a knee to Russow’s gut. Russow throws another right hand and they tie up. They stall out there, too, and are restarted with 60 seconds to go. Boos rain down as the heavyweights clinch up against the fence. Russow grabs a guillotine and stuffs a shot from Madsen, ending the round riding Madsen’s back.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Russow
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Russow
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Russow
Between rounds, the cageside physician has a good look at Madsen’s left eye, which has a huge mouse beneath it and is completely swollen shut. On the advice of the doctor, referee Anthony Hamlett waves the contest off between the second and third frames, giving Mike Russow the TKO victory.
Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung
Round 1
Dan Miragliotta is the referee for the show’s first televised bout. Jung opens up with a low kick and both men circle. Garcia throws one of his own and a follow-up left hook. Jung drops his hands at the one-minute mark and Garcia throws a kick to the body. Overhand right from Garcia tags Jung behind the ear. Jung strings together a one-two and a low kick. A body kick is caught by Garcia, who pops Jung with a counter right hand. Jung stuffs a left jab into Garcia’s face, nullifying a leg kick. Already Jung is sporting a small cut beneath his right eye. Garcia throws a bomb and gets caught off-balance, and Jung trips him to the mat. Jung lands in north-south position, then reverse-mounted on the prone Garcia, hunting for an armbar. Garcia gets to his feet and Jung drops him with a knee against the fence. Garcia uses his legs to push the Korean away, but Jung takes his back with 10 seconds to go and unloads with punches.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jung
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jung
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Jung
Round 2
More tentative work in the opening minute of the second round. Garcia clips Jung with a step-up knee and Jung retaliates with a punch to the ribs. Jung stalks Garcia, pressing in from the center, and lands a jumping knee of his own. The featherweights trade leg kicks midway through the frame. Garcia throwing haymakers now, eats a knee and an outside thigh kick from Jung. It’s Garcia circling the outside as the “Korean Zombie” slowly encroaches. Jung lands an uppercut and a flying knee, then gives chase as Garcia slips and falls on a kick. Garcia closes up his guard and Jung postures up, driving punches and elbows downward. Garcia flips over and Jung hops on his back, rolling the “Bad Boy” over. Jung loses one of his hooks and abandons the rear-naked choke attempt. The Zombie traps the right arm and cranks the neck of Garcia, who submits to the twister with just one second left in the round.
Amir Sadollah vs. DaMarques Johnson
Round 1
Both welterweights come out firing before Sadollah slips on a kick about 20 seconds in. Johnson goes right to side control, but Sadollah pops back up. He cracks Johnson with a stiff straight right, but the follow-up low kick strays to the groin. Johnson needs only a few seconds to recover and they get back to it. Johnson catches a teep kick from Sadollah and shoves him to the floor. Johnson gets to half-guard briefly and Sadollah stuffs him back. Sadollah looks to be positioning his legs for a triangle, can’t find it, and instead settles for stifling Johnson’s offense. Johnson gets an elbow through, but Sadollah shoves him away and stands back up with two minutes to go. Sadollah digs a nice punch to the body, then a front kick. Johnson slips and falls backward into the fence, pops back up and goes for a takedown of his own. Sadollah defends and muscles Johnson in the clinch, driving a knee to the guy. Johnson scores a takedown, but Sadollah again gets back to his feet. Sadollah with a takedown of his own, spends the last 30 second trying to land shots on top, but only gets a few punches through.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sadollah
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
Johnson gets a nice knee to the body and Sadollah answers with a kick to the gut. Knees score for Sadollah now, and he swarms Johnson with punches against the fence. Johnson lands a few hands of his own in the exchange, but he’s the one who emerges with his nose bloodied. Similar to the first round, Johnson gets caught slipping on a punch and eats more knees to the ribs from Amir. Now it’s Sadollah with a takedown into half-guard, where he mashes Johnson with staple elbows at the base of the cage. Sadollah opens up with big punches, gets into mount, and Johnson rolls free. Knees to the body and rear from Sadollah as Johnson scrambles to his feet. Johnson is clearly gassed out as he gets dragged down again with two minutes left. Sadollah gift wraps the arm of Johnson and takes full mount, where he ends the fight with elbows to the face. Johnson taps to the strikes and referee Mario Yamasaki rescues him at 3:27 of the second round.
Dan Hardy vs. Anthony Johnson
Round 1
Josh Rosenthal is the referee for this welterweight co-main event. A tentative touch of gloves begins bout. Johnson fires off an inside leg kick and then tries to go outside. Hardy looks a bit stiff in the early going, shaking out his hands. One minute in, Johnson drops Hardy with a left high kick and pounces as the Brit falls along the fence. Johnson gets a headlock and controls Hardy as they stand, then drives him back down to the ground. Hardy has full guard this time and ties Johnson up, but Johnson busts free and lets loose with a few big shots. Johnson lays a forearm across Hardy’s throat and throws a couple short hammer fists. Nice head and neck control from Johnson is stifling Hardy’s offense from his back. Hardy goes for a triangle-armbar as Johnson postures up, but “Rumble” breaks it. Johnson dives back in, looks to pass to the side, and Hardy turns to his right to frame up a kimura. Johnson muscles out of it and works from Hardy’s half-guard with a minute left. Hardy’s corner calls for him to slip out the back door, but he can’t hit the switch and Johnson finishes on top.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Round 2
Johnson ducks inside and puts Hardy down against the fence with a single-leg about 30 seconds into the round. The KeyArena crowd disapproves of the decision and begins booing immediately. Johnson works from full guard, volume punches to the ribs, and Hardy again looks for a kimura. Midway through the round and there’s a stalemate, as Johnson really has cause for concern with his left arm. Hardy relents momentarily, but goes right back to it. Johnson gets the arm loose and pummels with elbows from half-guard. More elbows and punches come from the top until Rosenthal stands them up with 30 seconds left. Johnson scores another takedown before the horn.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Round 3
Another takedown from Johnson opens the final frame, and it’s another kimura attempt from Hardy. Some short punches to the side of Johnson’s head from Hardy, who goes for and abandons the kimura once more. Johnson turns the corner and takes the back of Hardy, who stands and absorbs knees to the thighs. Close-quarters head kick from Johnson, who glances at the clock and takes Hardy down again. Now he’s on Hardy’s back with both hooks in, punching away. The crowd doesn’t like it at all and responds with a chorus of boos with 1:40 remaining. Johnson is riding high with a body triangle. He puts Hardy on his back and switches to an arm-triangle choke, but Hardy defends ably. Johnson switches to a neck crank and can’t get the tap there either. Johnson finishes the fight with Hardy in the headlock and should be on his way to a unanimous decision win.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Official scores: The judges’ cards read 30-27 across the board for the winner by unanimous decision, Anthony Johnson.
Phil Davis vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira
Round 1
Herb Dean draws officiating duties for tonight’s light heavyweight main event. Davis going to the body and head with kicks in the tense opening minute. He rips a front kick to the chest of Nogueira, then steps in with a knee, but eats Nogueira’s counter right hand. The 205’ers clinch against the fence with Davis on the outside, driving a dozen or more knees into Nogueira’s legs. They disengage and Davis circles the outside. Nogueira throws a murderous right that misses. Davis ducks in and has a takedown stuffed, but gets Nog against the cage. Nogueira shucks him off. Davis goes low for another double-leg and gets stifled. Davis gets clipped with a right hand as he fires off a high kick. Nogueira stuffs a shot, falls backward onto his rear anyway, but gets up before Davis can pounce. Another hard right gets through for Nogueira, who sprawls on another shot from Davis with 20 seconds to go. Outside leg kick from Nogueira before the round ends.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Round 2
Davis goes back to his body kicks and both feint and twitch. He slips on one, but gets right back up and plants another on Nogueira’s chest. Nogueira gets off a one-two, then a right hand as Davis wades in to shoot. Davis goes high with a kick and shoots in lightning-fast behind it, but still can’t drag the Brazilian down. With exactly two minutes left, Davis finally spins Nogueira down in the center of the cage. He postures up and lands a single right hand to the jaw of Nogueira as he dives back in. Davis backs up and Nogueira scrambles to stand, but Davis pounces and takes his back. He drags Nogueira down against the fence and tees off with punches both over the top and under the arm. Nogueira turtles and eats another dozen punches, along with some knees to the body, before the end of the round.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis
Round 3
A touch of gloves begins the final frame. Davis circles the outside until he leaps into the center with a flying knee, then a blocked right high kick. The wrestler grabs a single-leg and brings Nogueira down on the logo in the center of the cage. Nogueira tries to scramble up and Davis drives him right back down, same as the end of the previous round, driving punches from side control. Davis works from half-guard until Nogueira shoves him off with half the round left. Nogueira catches a kick and sends a left down the pipe. Another punch sends Davis shooting, but Nogueira resists. The next single-leg is successful and Davis takes top position with two minutes to go. Nogueira is shrimping, keeping Davis at bay with his legs, but the Brazilian vet needs a finish here. Davis stacks Nogueira up and finishes the fight there.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-27 Davis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-28 Davis)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-28 Davis)
Official scores: All three judges cageside have it 30-27 in favor of Phil Davis, the winner by unanimous decision.
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