UFC on ESPN 63 ‘Covington vs. Buckley’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring
- Colby Covington (171) vs. Joaquin Buckley (171)
- Cub Swanson (146) vs. Billy Quarantillo (146)
- Manel Kape (125) vs. Bruno Silva (126)
- Dustin Jacoby (205.5) vs. Vitor Petrino (204.5)
- Daniel Marcos (136) vs. Adrian Yanez (136)
- Navajo Stirling (206) vs. George Tokkos (206)
- Ottman Azaitar (156) vs. Michael Johnson (156)
- Joel Alvarez (156) vs. Drakkar Klose (156)
- Fernando Padilla (145.5) vs. Sean Woodson (145.5)
- Miles Johns (146) vs. Felipe Lima (146)
- Jamey-Lyn Horth (126) vs. Miranda Maverick (126)
- Davey Grant (136) vs. Ramon Taveras (136)
- Josefine Lindgren Knutsson (116) vs. Piera Rodriguez (116)
Josefine Lindgren Knutsson (116) vs. Piera Rodriguez (116)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Knutsson (-230), Rodriguez (+190)Round 1
The night's opening bout will see Josefine Lindgren Knutsson attempt to stay undefeated against Piera Rodriguez. The referee is Jason Herzog. Rodriguez takes the center of the Octagon and lands a 1-2 that catches Knutsson off guard. Knutsson stumbles, and the two clinch against the cage. Knutsson lands a few knees but gets taken down by Rodriguez, who is in control. Knutsson is comfortable in guard and then uses the cage to get back to her feet. Rodriguez eats a knee and Knutsson is able to finally get to distance. That doesn't last as Rodriguez gets another takedown. Knutsson is going for a gogoplata but isn't fully committing to it. Rodriguez is safe, but Knutsson is starting to stand back up. Rodriguez eats a series of punches after Knutsson gets to her feet. The two women exchange head kicks that glance off each others' shoulders. Rodriguez lands a nice knee and then gets another takedown. Rodriguez is in half-guard with a minute left. Knutsson landing elbows from the bottom and Rodriguez stands up and passes to side control. Rodriguez landing some hard elbows that are hurting Knutsson and then stands up as the round ends.Advertisement
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 RodriguezTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Round 2
Knutsson eats a leg kick to start the second frame. Rodriguez aggressively enters, throwing punches, and gets another takedown. Knutsson's takedown defense is leaving a lot to be desired, as is Rodriguez's ability to keep her opponent down as Knutsson gets back to her feet. Nice body kick from Knutsson that lands. Rodriguez gets a clinch and lands several knees before tripping Knutsson and securing another takedown. Knutsson is comfortable in guard but is losing the fight. Rodriguez is getting her hands free and landing some solid shots. Knutsson gives up mount position, but Rodriguez unloads wildly and then loses position. Knutsson is back to her feet temporarily but is up against the cage as Rodriguez is going for yet another takedown. Knutsson is able to almost get the back of Rodriguez after a takedown goes awry but the round ends before anything can really happen. During the scramble, Rodriguez got her nose busted and is really bleeding.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 RodriguezTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Round 3
Rodriguez throws a front kick that comes up short but has been patched up and is no longer bleeding. Knutsson gives up what seems like her 50th takedown of the night. Knutsson has a guillotine choke, but she's in half-guard, and it doesn't seem like Rodriguez is in any danger at all. Rodriguez gets into side control momentarily, looking for a shoulder choke. Knutsson recovers half-guard as Rodriguez lands punches. Rodriguez is keeping busy enough, landing small punches on top. Two minutes left. Knutsson isn't trying to get back to her feet and seems happy to just lose a decision. Rodriguez gets mount with a minute left and lands some hard shots. Knutsson recovers guard, and it looks like she will survive the beating. The fight ends with Rodriguez unleashing punches.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez (30-27 Rodriguez)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez (30-27 Rodriguez)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez (30-27 Rodriguez)
The Official Result
Piera Rodriguez def. Josefine Lindgren Knutsson via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.Davey Grant (136) vs. Ramon Taveras (136)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Taveras (-130), Grant (+110)Round 1
The bantamweight fight will be overseen by Keith Peterson. Grant lands a solid leg kick to start. Taveras takes the center of the Octagon. A nice straight right lands for Taveras, who is timing it well as Grant comes in. Grant is finding distance with his kicks. Grant is staying on the outside and throwing side kicks. Nice right hand from Grant to the body. A body kick from Grant slaps into the side of Taveras. Grant is the much more active fighter so far. A sneaky right hand lands for Grant, who then lands a head kick. Taveras eats two leg kicks but throws a nice straight left. A low blow lands for Grant, so Taveras will take time to recover. The fight restarts with under two minutes left. Nice side kick from Grant. Taveras avoids a big right hand and is able to counter with some hooks. A night left for Taveras, who is starting to find his distance. Grant still finding success with leg kicks. Grant misses a spinning kick. A nice combination of hooks land for Grant, who misses a spinning back fist as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 GrantTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Grant
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Grant
Round 2
Taveras takes the center of the cage again but comes up short trying to fire punches back at Grant, who continues to land kicks at range. Grant gets clipped by a big left hand from Taveras, who allows his opponent to get back up. Grant still looks rocked, but Taveras isn't rushing. Grant seems to have recovered but isn't nearly as confident. Taveras is loading up on big shots as an overhand left misses. A head kick for Grant is blocked. Grant falls after attempting a spin kick but gets back up without taking much damage. Taveras is once again failing to do much in terms of output. Big left hook comes up short for Taveras. Grant lands a big swinging right hook of his own. Several kicks land for Grant. Big hooks land for Grant as Taveras shows how good his chin is. Taveras avoids a spinning back fist but is being outstruck here despite the big moment early on. Grant doing a good job of following up his punches with kicks. The round ends with Grant swinging wildly with hooks and then landing a kick to the shin.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 GrantTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Grant
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Grant
Round 3
Taveras eats a big right hook to start the final round. Grant was told not to spin by his coaches between rounds and has been following their direction. Taveras is finding his distance and landing a nice jab. Grant gets busier and hurts Taveras with a left hook. Grant is once again staying busier. Nice body kick lands for Grant, who follows it up with hooks. Grant's pace is really impressive to be getting busier in the third round. Grant lands a nice leg kick and is throwing hard to the body. Two minutes left. Taveras is defending well but needs to be landing. A big right straight lands for Grant, who stuns Taveras late. Really strong performance from Grant, who has really separated himself from Taveras as a far more varied and better striker. One minute left, and Taveras needs something big. Taveras is looking for a big shot but not throwing. Grant eats a right hand but comes back with several punches of his own. Taveras is swinging wildly in the last 20 seconds but most aren't connecting. The fight ends with Grant jabbing his way to what will be a clear-cut decision.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Grant (30-27 Grant)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Grant (30-27 Grant)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Grant (30-27 Grant)
The Official Result
Davey Grant def. Ramon Taveras via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.Jamey-Lyn Horth (126) vs. Miranda Maverick (126)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Maverick (-470), Horth (+360)Round 1
Andrew Glenn will referee the final women's MMA fight inside the UFC this year. Horth takes the middle of the cage. Maverick is circling well and entering with combinations, although they've all come up short so far. A series of left hooks lands for Maverick. Horth defends a takedown attempt against the cage. Maverick landing short knees to the leg. Maverick stays with it, locking her hands around the left knee of Horth. Maverick starts eating elbows from Horth. Slow opening round as Maverick has been obsessed with getting a takedown that she couldn't get. Just 30 seconds left. Horth eats some knees but stays upright as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 MaverickTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Maverick
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Maverick
Round 2
Maverick complained of shots to the back of the head between rounds. Maverick goes for another takedown, and Horth is up against the cage, defending well. The crowd is booing. Maverick landing some nice knees. Horth tries to jump the back for a second and is now looking for a takedown of her own as she gets back control standing. Maverick gives up her back and is now on the ground. Horth is looking for a rear-naked choke. The decision to grapple and go for nonstop takedown attempts has backfired for Maverick. Horth is cranking the neck currently. Maverick gets back to her feet with two minutes left and finally gets a takedown of her own. Horth gives up her back in a scramble. Maverick gets complacent for a second and is reversed. Horth is in full guard with a minute left. Horth lands a few punches on top before Maverick gets back to her feet.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 HorthTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Horth
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Horth
Round 3
Horth eats an overhand left from Maverick to start the round. Maverick has shown a clear advantage on the feet, so her insistence on takedowns has been strange. Maverick keeping her distance and is starting to use her kicks. Horth has a longer reach but isn't using her jab. Horth swings wildly and gets taken down as a result. Maverick is in half-guard and is landing some short punches from top position. Horth needs to show some urgency to get up but isn't doing so. Maverick postures up and tries to pass but can't get side control. Horth scrambles for a leg, but they're mostly just tangled up. One minute left. Maverick is cruising to a decision win by staying on top. Horth finally gets up with 30 seconds left. Maverick lands a nice left straight and is outstriking Horth easily. The fight ends with Maverick clinching her opponent against the cage.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Maverick (29-28 Maverick)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Maverick (29-28 Maverick)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Maverick (29-28 Maverick)
The Official Result
Miranda Maverick def. Jamey-Lyn Horth via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28); R3, 5:00.Miles Johns (146) vs. Felipe Lima (146)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: /news/articles/3/Preview-UFC-on-ESPN-63-Prelims-195684Round 1
Bantamweights Miles Johns and Felipe Lima are meeting at featherweight due to the short-notice nature of this fight. Referee Jason Herzog is the third man inside the Octagon. Lima takes the center of the cage. Johns is coming in aggressively but not landing. Lima goes for a takedown and then goes for a jumping knee that jus misses. Two left hooks land for Lima, who hurts Johns. Lima is the faster fighter and he rattles Johns after a head clash. A hook kick lands for Lima. Johns is finding punching distance and throwing combinations. A spinning kick to the body lands for Lima. Johns has composed himself, showing his veteran savvy, and is slowing down the pace to better suit him. Big right hand for Lima goes bounces off Johns' guard. Lima is the much more active fighter but finishes the first round by eating a right hook from Johns, who then taunts.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 LimaTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Lima
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Lima
Round 2
Lima starts the second round by using his jab to keep Johns at bay. The two trade leg kicks. Nice leg kick from Johns, who then goes to the body with punches. Lima misses with an elbow. Nice 1-2 from Lima, who then goes for a jumping knee and a spinning back fist. Johns is getting annoyed. Johns throws several hooks wildly, which allows Lima to get an easy takedown into full guard. They scramble and now Lima is looking for an anaconda choke. Johns gets back to his feet and is looking for a takedown against the fence. Lima escapes, and they reset in the middle of the cage with 90 seconds left. Nicely timed uppercut lands for Lima. Johns is really frustrated as he can't get inside. A wild right hand clocks Lima, but Johns doesn't follow up. A real missed opportunity late as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 LimaTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Lima
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Lima
Round 3
Lima throws out a front kick to start. Johns is looking for just one big punch, as he needs a finish. Johns is throwing some vicious hooks that are coming up short. Lima is much more patient and conservative this round, as he knows he's up on the scorecards. Lots of jabs are landing for Lima. Johns rushes in, which allows Lima to take his back while standing. Johns is carrying Lima, who gives up the back but secures a takedown. Lima gets the back with two minutes left and is looking for a rear-naked choke. Johns survives the first attempt. Lima has to reposition and is looking to get a submission with a minute left. Johns is able to escape and now has the back of Lima! However, Johns gets too high and is shaken off. Both men are back to their feet with 40 seconds left. Lima gets the back of his opponent and will look to grapple until the bell rings. Johns reverses but there's only 10 seconds left. Johns swings wildly as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Lima (30-27 Lima)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Lima (30-27 Lima)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Lima (30-27 Lima)
The Official Result
Felipe Lima def. Miles Johns via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.Fernando Padilla (145.5) vs. Sean Woodson (145.5)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Woodson (-155), Padilla (+130)Round 1
Featherweight action continues with Andrew Glenn as the referee. Woodson is in the center of the Octagon and throws a high kick. Padilla runs inside, lands a knee and then falls down. Woodson takes advantage and goes into the guard of Padilla. Woodson tries to pass but Padilla manages to get up and land a knee to the body. Woodson gets backed up against the cage and eats a series of knees and elbows. Padilla is very aggressive and keeps a great pace. Woodson lands a left hook and is firing back well. Padilla lands a nice 1-2. Woodson lands a nice leg kick. An uppercut from Woodson stuns Padilla momentarily. A straight right from Woodson hurts Padilla, and he follows up with another leg kick. Woodson has really found his range and is landing well. 10 seconds left in the round and Woodson lands a duo of uppercuts. Padilla backs up and gets flattened by a series of hooks. The fight is waved off with two seconds left! What a TKO by Woodson.The Official Result
Sean Woodson def. Fernando Padilla via TKO (Punches); R1, 4:58.Joel Alvarez (156) vs. Drakkar Klose (156)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Alvarez (-395), Klose (+310)Round 1
The referee for this lightweight contest is Dan Miragliotta. Klose and Alvarez meet in the center of the cage. Klose lands a heavy leg kick and then goes to the body twice. Alvarez using his length to jab on the outside. Alvarez hurts Klose with a straight right hand. Klose powers through with a takedown and goes straight into side control. Alvarez gets back to guard and starts landing elbows. Alvarez uses the cage to get back up. Klose gets hurt by a 1-2. Alvarez lands a jumping knee, and Klose is knocked immediately out cold. Alvarez is holding up the body of Klose and landing more punches until the referee steps in. Wow!The Official Result
Joel Alvarez def. Drakkar Klose via KO (Knee and Punches); R1, 2:48.Ottman Azaitar (156) vs. Michael Johnson (156)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Johnson (-192), Azaitar (+160)Round 1
We stay in the lightweight division, and overseeing the action between Michael Johnson and Ottman Azaitar is Jason Herzog. Johnson takes the middle of the Octagon and is on the offensive. Quick jabs are being fired off by Johnson. A nice body kick lands for Azaitar. Both men are staying disciplined early on. Johnson enters with a combo, then backs out. Azaitar enters wildly and misses with hooks. Both men are looking for the knockout blow but not landing much of note. They trade overhands that don't land cleanly. Johnson is using his jab effectively at range. The two clinch against the cage briefly. Azaitar exits and lands a nice right hand as they exit. Johnson hurts Azaitar with a right hook but doesn't keep the pressure up. A straight left scores for Johnson, who ends the round in control.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 JohnsonTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Johnson
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Johnson
Round 2
Johnson begins the second frame looking confident. Azaitar comes in wildly and clips Johnson with a right hook. Head kick by Azaitar is blocked. Johnson finding success with his jab but isn't using it very often. Front kick lands for Azaitar. More wild hooks for Azaitar, who walks right into a gigantic right hook by Johnson! Azaitar is completely out. That was a nasty knockout that shows why you don't just wildly throw like that.The Official Result
Michael Johnson def. Ottman Azaitar via KO (Punches); R2, 2:03.Navajo Stirling (206) vs. George Tokkos (206)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Stirling (-500), Tokkos (+380)Round 1
The first main card fight will be overseen by Dan Miragliotta. Stirling takes the center. Tokkos eats a leg kick and struggles to get into striking distance. The two exchange leg kicks. Stirling works his jab and catches a body kick. Both men are staying patient. Stirling is more active with jabs and leg kicks. Tokkos eats a right hand and tries to charge forward but misses. Stirling hurts Tokkos with a front kick to the gut. A nice knee lands for Stirling. Tokkos is hurt and backing up into the fence. A thudding uppercut lands for Stirling, and Tokkos goes to the floor. Stirling lets his opponent up. Tokkos survives the round, but it looks like he has nothing for his opponent.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 StirlingTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Stirling
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Stirling
Round 2
Tokkos is coming out aggressive to start the second round. Stirling working his jab well. Tokkos goes for a takedown attempt and grabs the back of his opponent while standing. Tokkos is able to ground Stirling but loses the position. Stirling lands a big knee that hurts Tokkos. Standing elbows land for Stirling, who is just leagues better on the feet than his opponent. Tokkos is eating body shots. Stirling gets pushed into the cage by Tokkos, who is looking for another takedown. Stirling is taken down but is able to get back up shortly afterward as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 StirlingTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Stirling
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Stirling
Round 3
Tokkos eats a big left hook. Stirling is the fresher fighter. Tokkos goes for another takedown attempt and pushes Stirling into the cage. Tokkos is deep on a double-leg attempt but loses it. Stirling is now in control as they are clinched. Tokkos reverses but is eating elbows as he attempts to get a takedown. Fans are booing as this has been a dull round. They separate, and Stirling throws a head kick. Stirling is letting his kicks go. Stirling eats two slow leg kicks from Tokkos. A nice head kick from Stirling hurts Tokkos. Stirling hurts Tokkos with a kick to the body. Tokkos looks totally uninterested in fighting and then goes for a takedown as the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Stirling (30-27 Stirling)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Stirling (30-27 Stirling)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Stirling (30-27 Stirling)
The Official Result
Navajo Stirling def. George Tokkos via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.Daniel Marcos (136) vs. Adrian Yanez (136)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Marcos (-180), Yanez (+150)Round 1
Keith Peterson will oversee the bantamweight fight. Both men meet at the center of the cage and Yanez is throwing fast hooks at his opponent. Marcos is throwing out his jab and measuring distance well. An overhand right from Marcos lands. Yanez is hurt! Marcos is keeping the pressure on and throws a front kick. Yanez is recovered. Marcos lands a simultaneous low blow and an eye poke all at once. Brutal. Yanez is hurt and taking time to recover. Marcos gets a stern warning, but no points are taken. Yanez scores with a leg kick. A wild exchange occurs, with Marcos eating an uppercut and then coming over the top with his own right hand. Yanez clinches and gets Marcos against the fence. Marcos reverses the position and is now going for a takedown of his own. Marcos lands a nice right elbow as time expires.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 MarcosTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Marcos
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Marcos
Round 2
Marcos goes for a single-leg takedown but comes up short. Yanez punishes him with a nice right hand. A hard left hook lands for Yanez that hurts Marcos. Yanez is keeping up the attack but eats a right hand from Marcos. Clean bodywork by Marcos, who has a varied attack and throws out a front kick. An overhand right lands for Marcos. A short left hook and then an extended right hand finds their mark for Marcos. Yanez is really struggling not to get hit. Yanez times a right hand as Marcos comes in. Really fun fight so far. Yanez lands a nice left hook but eats a right hand from Marcos. The harder shots are coming from Marcos but this is a much better round for Yanez. The round ends with Marcos attempting a single-leg and then landing a clubbing overhand right.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 YanezTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Yanez
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Yanez
Round 3
Wild start to the round as Yanez and Marcos are both exchanging wild punches. Marcos winds up getting a takedown and takes the fight to the ground for the first time. Yanez has his legs locked and is in full guard. Marcos is trying to keep his opponent grounded, but Yanez is able to use the cage to get back to his feet. They separate, and Marcos lands a nice overhand right and then gets another takedown. Yanez goes for a guillotine choke that goes nowhere. The round is halfway over. Marcos is sneaking in some small elbows. Yanez gets back up after losing a minute of the fight on the ground. Yanez clinches and gets Marcos against the cage. They separate with a minute left. Marcos looks tired but is landing his jab. Marcos enters with a nice left hook. 30 seconds left. Yanez isn't attacking and then clinches with 10 seconds left, securing a win for Marcos, who survives some sloppy punches in the last few moments.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Marcos (29-28 Marcos)Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Marcos (29-28 Marcos)
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Marcos (29-28 Marcos)
The Official Result
Daniel Marcos def. Adrian Yanez via Split Decision (28-29, 30-27, 29-28); R3, 5:00.Dustin Jacoby (205.5) vs. Vitor Petrino (204.5)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Petrino (-298), Jacoby (+240)Round 1
Andrew Glenn will oversee the light heavyweight fight. The two men meet in the middle, but both are hesitant to open up. Jacoby lands a thudding leg kick. Petrino works his jab and then unleashes a leg kick of his own. Petrino throws an overhand right and follows it up with several power punches that also only hit the air. Solid jabs from Petrino. Jacoby scores with leg kicks but hasn't been able to get his punches going. Petrino goes for a takedown but loses position. Jacoby is able to hurt Petrino in the scramble with a hook. The two reset in the middle with a minute left. A Superman punch misses for Petrino. The round ends with Jacoby landing a nice jab and Petrino missing a headkick.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 JacobyTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Jacoby
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Jacoby
Round 2
Petrino comes out aggressive and lands a clean right hook. Jacoby eats it well. More leg kicks from Jacoby land. Both men trade jabs. Petrino follows up his jab with a combination to the body. A body kick lands for the Brazilian. A big right hand from Petrino hurts Jacoby, who retreats. Petrio whiffs a right hook and can't capitalize. A spinning back kick misses for Jacoby. Petrino eats a jab. Jacoby tries to go in but eats a right hand. The round ends with Petrino landing another jab.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 PetrinoTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Petrino
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Petrino
Round 3
Petrino comes out more energetic. Jacoby lands a wild left hook, but Petrino charges forward. They clinch against the cage before resetting. A big left hook misses for Jacoby. Both men are hesitant, and the crowd is booing. A leg kick lands for Petrino. Jacoby lands an overhand right, which leads to Petrino unsuccessfully going for another takedown. It's anyone's fight with two minutes left as this has been an uneventful final frame. Right hand comes up short for Petrino. Jacoby eats a running knee from Petrino that mostly hits his shoulder and then delivers an incredible straight right that puts out Petrino. Wow! A one-and-done KO out of nowhere.The Official Result
Dustin Jacoby def. Vitor Petrino via KO (Punch); R3, 3:44.Manel Kape (125) vs. Bruno Silva (126)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Kape (-345), Silva (+275)Round 1
Keith Peterson will referee the final flyweight fight on the UFC calendar. Kape's striking looks extremely quick. Silva throws out some kicks but eats a right hand for leaving it out. Nice leg kick by Kape, who then follows it up with punches. A big overhand right for Silva lands. A low blow hits Kape. The fight is restarted after a brief break. Silva keeps getting caught by Kape after he throws out leg kicks. Kape is the faster fighter. Kape gets kicked in the groin again. No point is taken. Kape finishes off the round in control and misses a spinning back fist.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 KapeTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Kape
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Kape
Round 2
Silva charges forward, trying to get a takedown attempt, but it's unsuccessful. Kape catches Silva with a hook. Silva gets hurt with a right hook. Kape taunts him and then lands a huge right hand as well. Silva's power is just not respected by Kape. Yet another low blow as Kape goes down. Peterson finally takes a point from Silva. Kape looks reenergized. After hitting Silva with a right hook, Kape mocks him and dances as he avoids another punch. Incredible theater here and quite embarrassing for Silva, who is getting clowned up despite landing several illegal strikes. A solid right hand lands for Silva. Kape finishes the round with a solid body kick.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-8 KapeTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-8 Kape
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-8 Kape
Round 3
Silva comes out recklessly swinging as he knows he needs a finish. A right hand cracks Kape, but he doesn't show any signs of being hurt. Kape is continuing to piece up Silva, landing a combination of punches to the body. Silva walks backward into the fence while Kape lands hooks to the body. Silva charges forward and lands a left hook. Kape lands a brutal body kick, and Silva turtles up. Kape continues with a flurry of punches, and Silva falls to the floor. Peterson waves it off as Silva has no fight left in him.The Official Result
Manel Kape def. Bruno Silva via TKO (Punches); R3, 1:57.Cub Swanson (146) vs. Billy Quarantillo (146)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Quarantillo (-155), Swanson (+130)Round 1
Overseeing the co-main event is Jason Herzog. Quarantillo and Swanson trade leg kicks. Swanson is able to enter with a straight right hand. Swanson has a clear speed advantage. Quarantillo finds success with a front kick. Quarantillo hurts Swanson with a series of left hooks. Swanson fires back and lands two overhand rights that stun Quarantillo. Swanson keeps the pressure going and lands a 1-2 and then a head kick. Quarantillo is hurt but is still throwing. Swanson lands another straight right hand, which is landing constantly for him. Another 1-2 for Swanson. Quarantillo's defense is really struggling, but he fires back with two hooks that hurt the veteran featherweight. The opening frame ends with both men trading wildly and Swanson getting hurt with a right hand. Quarantillo then gets a takedown as time expires.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 SwansonTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Swanson
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Swanson
Round 2
Swanson lands a leg kick that causes Quarantillo to stumble. Both men open the second round active. A nice right hand lands for Swanson, which causes Quarantillo to go for a takedown. Quarantillo gives up on the takedown. Swanson lands three straight right hands and hurts Quarantillo. Swanson is using his jab well and pawing at Quarantillo. A big knee from Quarantillo hurts Swanson and is followed up by an overhand right. This is a brutal pace. An uppercut lands for Quarantillo, who is starting to wear down Swanson. Quarantillo is confident enough to come in swinging. Swanson is still touching Quarantillo but isn't stinging his opponent like he was in the first round. Quarantillo gets a takedown and looks to get the back. Swanson is throwing hooks to the body. Swanson hurts Quarantillo with a hook and lands a head kick. Quarantillo answers with a knee of his own. Quarantillo gets another takedown and takes the back of Swanson temporarily. The round ends with both men clinched against the cage before separating.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 QuarantilloTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Quarantillo
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Quarantillo
Round 3
Quarantillo opens with leg kicks. Swanson follows a straight right with a well-timed head kick. Quarantillo is finding some success with a hard jab. Swanson eats an overhand right and lands one of his own. Quarantillo ducks down for a takedown. Swanson defends well. They separate. Swanson eats a jab and then lands a brutal 1-2 combination that puts out the lights of Quarantillo. An incredible knockout for the 41-year-old. A huge win for Swanson, who showed total heart tonight in what is possibly his final fight.The Official Result
Cub Swanson def. Billy Quarantillo via KO (Punches); R3, 1:36.Colby Covington (171) vs. Joaquin Buckley (171)
BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Buckley (-285), Covington (+230)Round 1
Refereeing the final UFC fight of 2024 is Dan Miragliotta. Covington lands a body kick to start. Buckley takes the center and starts to walk down "Chaos." Covington throwing out his jab, which Buckley walks into. "New Mansa" is struggling against the jab and coming up short as he throws hard-hitting hooks. Covington's first takedown attempt is stuffed easily by Buckley. "Chaos" is cut over his right eye. Head kick thrown by Buckley, who then comes over the top with a left hook. Covington lands an uppercut and follows it up with a series of left hooks. The jab of Covington continues to keep Buckley at bay. Covington goes for another takedown with a minute left. Buckley controls the head and stays upright. Buckley is looking good as he lands a right hand with five seconds to go that floors Covington. "Chaos" was potentially saved by the bell, but on second look it appears to be more of a slip.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 BuckleyTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Round 2
Buckley defends another takedown attempt and punishes Covington with a series of right hooks to the body. Buckley has really found his stride and looks monstrous. Big uppercut to the body for Buckley. Covington finally gets a successful takedown and gets into side control. Buckley is able to recover half-guard and then uses the cage to get back to his feet with two minutes left. Covington eats a kick, and Buckley is staying very composed. Nice jab and straight from Covington. Big leg kick from Buckley, who has controlled the action on the feet. Buckley uses a hard jab and is targeting the right eye of Covington that is already damaged.Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 BuckleyTristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Round 3
Covington is told he has to protect his eye by the doctor. Buckley stuffs a takedown. Buckley is working his jab. Covington does a spinning jump kick. Buckley fires back with hooks and then stuffs a bad takedown attempt. Buckley gets into full mount but Covington is able to get up. Buckley lands a big uppercut that hurts "Chaos." Covington's eye is further damaged, and he has a crimson mask. Big left hook for Buckley. "New Mansa" is in total control. Covington has another takedown attempt stuffed. Buckley is punishing Covington on the ground with heavy punches and elbows. Covington is showing heart and scrambles. Buckley locks in a triangle choke in an attempt to get his first submission win. Covington escapes and is now in full guard. Covington is landing some small punches on top. Buckley is attempting to wall walk with a minute left. Covington is back on his feet and has been clearly outstruck so far. The fight is paused for the doctor to look at Covington's eye. She has concerns about Covington's eye, and the one-sided fight is waved off.The Official Result
Joaquin Buckley def. Colby Covington via TKO (Doctor's Stoppage); R3, 4:42.
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