

WEC 43 Play-by-Play and Results

Sherdog.com reports from the AT&T Center in San Antonio with live play-by-play of WEC 43. In the main event, lightweights Donald Cerrone and Benson Henderson will clash for the WEC 155-pound interim title.

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Deividas Taurosevicius vs. Javier Vazquez
Round 1
Taurosevicius opens the bout with a low kick to the inside of Vazquez’s lead leg. Vazquez shoots and Taurosevicius sprawls. Another inside-leg kick from Taurosevicius. Taurosevicius with head kick that grazes Vazquez with little effect. Vazquez pushing forward, Taurosevicius looking to counter. Vazquez pulls guard and immediately elevates his guard. He locks up a triangle. Taurosevicius tries to slam his way out but is not successful. Vazquez transitions to an armbar. Taurosevicius escapes the dangerous position. Vazquez uses a high guard again to slow down Taurosevicius’s ground and pound attack. Sherdog.com scores the first round 10-9 for Taurosevicius.
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Taurosevicius vs. Vazquez.

Round 2
Vazquez, again pushes forward while Taurosevicius looks to counter. Taurosevicius is beating him to the punch. He lands a clubbing right hook midway through the second and then drops Vazquez with a chopping leg kick. Vazquez is right back up and back to pursuing his opponent, he just isn’t finding him with regularity. Taurosevicius eats a nice left and fires back as the round comes to a close. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Taurosevicius.

Round 3
Taurosevicius started to show some fatigue in the second and the break between rounds has not seemed to help. Vazquez drops him with a right hand and follows him to the canvas. He settles into his guard and the lack of action prompts referee Kerry Hatley to stand them up. Vazquez hurts Taurosevicius again and as he staggers back to the cage, Vazquez leaps into a flying knee that misses. Taurosevicius tries to retreat but Vazquez tracks him down and slams him to the mat. Vazquez mounts and then takes his back. Taurosevicius turns back into him and eats a pair of big elbows. Vazquez passes to half and tries to mount and the 10-second warning sounds but he cannot. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-8 for Vazquez, and the fight a 28-28 draw.

Official scores: 29-28 Vazquez, and 29-28 (twice) for Taursovicius, who took the split decision. Both fighters seem shocked at the scores.

Charlie Valencia vs. Coty Wheeler
Round 1
Wheeler and Valencia trading right off the bat. Valencia lands a couple nice shots as Wheeler charges in. Wheeler rolls for a leg-lock but Valencia makes him pay. Valencia ends up in guard but Wheeler makes it back to his feet quickly. Valencia’s knee looks like it buckles as he scrambles to his feet. Wheeler is all over his with punches and knees. Valencia weathers the storm and tries to get back in the round with punches but Wheeler puts him back on the canvas with a low kick. Valencia is back up and begins to find his range with punches. He lands a flurry of his own and then another multi-punch combination. Wheeler lands a kick to the groin that brings referee Jon Schorle in for a moment. Valencia waves him off and the fight resumes. Valencia goes down again, it looks like he is having knee issues. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Wheeler.

Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Valencia vs. Wheeler.
Round 2
Wheeler attacks the legs of Valencia early in round two, landing several low kicks. Valencia answers with a head kick that is blocked. Valencia takes Wheeler down but finds himself defending another leg-lock. Valencia escapes but Wheeler is back up as well. Wheeler lands another leg kick and follows it up with a right hand and a body shot. Valencia throws a head kick that is caught by Wheeler but Valencia bombs away with right hands while extricating his leg. He lands a solid knee as the fighter break. Valencia takes the fight back to the mat and tries to take Wheeler’s back but he gets to high and Wheeler escapes out the back door. Valencia puts him on his back again and lands some elbows. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Valencia.

Round 3
The fighters shake hands to start round three. Wheeler continues his attack on Valencia’s legs. Valencia is down again from a low kick. He pops right back up and launches into a superman punch. Wheeler has a nice mouse above the outside of his left eye. Valencia chases Wheeler down and lands a good right kick to the body and follows with a left to the other side of his torso. Wheeler responds with a nice kick to the thigh of Valencia. Valencia scores with a pair of big right hands before missing with a flying knee. Wheeler takes a wayward kick to the groin but waves off Schorle. Valencia stops a Wheeler advance with a stiff jab and leaps into another combination of punches. A final flurry from both fighters brings the fight to a close. They embrace after a hard fought battle. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 Valencia (29-28 Valencia.)

Offical scores: 30-27, 29-28 and 29-28 for Valencia, who takes the unanimous decision.

Valencia said his traction problems were due to the slippery mat in his post-fight in-cage interview.

Eddie Wineland vs. Manny Tapia
Round 1
Tapia opens the scoring with a three-punch combination. Wineland is unaffected. Tapia steps in to throw again but Wineland beats him to the punch with a thudding straight right. Wineland uses head movement to evade a pair of Tapia punches before the fighters both land right hands to the face. Wineland jabs to the head and follows with a solid right to the body. Tapia shoots a sloppy double with 40 seconds remaining but Wineland easily shakes him off. Both fighters land effective shots as they trade right up to the bell. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Wineland.

Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Wineland vs. Tapia.
Round 2
Tapia lands a solid body shot but Wineland invites him to do it again, tapping his stomach. Tapia obliges him and Wineland smiles and offers again. Tapia backs up and resets. Wineland finds his mark with a big right that looks to have hurt Tapia. He continues the attack and snaps his head back again. Tapia lands a looping right hand. He drops for an ankle pick but Wineland denies him. Wineland launches another salvo, landing a couple more right hands and backing Tapia up for a moment. Wineland goes to the body with a left as he cuts an angle. Wineland pounds Tapia with a counter right hand as he tries to get inside. He is landing almost at will in the second. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Wineland.

Round 3
In the first exchange of the third the fighters clash heads but neither looks worse for the wear. Wineland then unloads another flurry, landing a series of punches including a right to the chin that buckles Tapia. Tapia desperately searches for a takedown after hitting his knees but Wineland punishes him with punches. Tapia retreats to his feet but can’t find his way from the end of Wineland’s punches. Wineland shoves him to the mat and barely misses a huge right as he climbs back to his feet. Wineland is in complete control and cruising. Tapia desperately tries to land the homerun punch but Wineland just jabs and circles away. Wineland cinches the bout with a takedown at the horn. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Wineland in a very impressive performance.

Wineland takes the unanimous decision with official scores of 30-27 across the board.

Wagnney Fabiano vs. Mackens Semerzier
Round 1
Fabiano jumps into a right hook and drops for the takedown. He pushes Semerzier to the mat and works to mount from half-guard. Semerzier wont give up the mount and Fabiano stands up. In a shocking turn of events, Semerzier catches Fabiano in a triangle as he sinks back into his guard. Fabiano fights it off for a few seconds but Semerzier adjusts his position and pushes his arm across before pulling his head down. Fabiano has no recourse and taps out at 2:14 of the first round.

D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Noah Thomas vs. Scott Jorgensen
Round 1
Jorgensen staggers Thomas with a straight right but circles away, allowing Thomas to recover. Jorgensen shoots and hits the double-leg takedown. Thomas elevates his guard and Jorgensen lifts him to slam but Thomas lets go and lands on his feet. Jorgensen hits another takedown and gets to work in Thomas’s guard. He lands a big right and peppers him with shots. Thomas works his way free and gets to his feet. Jorgensen bombs away and drops Thomas after a barrage of punches. Jorgensen pounces and elbows and punches Thomas until referee Mark Calo-oy intervenes at 3:13 of the first round.

Anthony Njokuani vs. Muhsin Corbbrey
Round 1
Thirty seconds in and Corbbrey finally opens the action with a low kick. The fighters are feeling each other out as they circle much to the crowds’ dismay. Corbbrey charges forward and lands another low kick while the crowd boos. Njokuani paws with his jab but has yet to really throw anything. That quickly changes. Njokuani explodes with punches and puts Corbbrey to the mat after a series of knees. Njokuani stands over him and kicks to the legs of Corbbrey before letting him back up. Njokuani lands a left-hook/straight right combination after the 10-second warning while Corbbrey answers with a head kick that is blocked. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Njokuani.

Round 2
Corbbrey comes out attacking to start round two and backs Njokuani into the cage with punches. Corbbrey lands a solid right before his opponent can circle away. The crowd erupts in boos again as the first lull, just 15 seconds into round two. Njokuani stuns Corbbrey with a grazing right-head kick that clipped the top of his dome. With Corbbrey clearly dazed, Njokuani blasted him with a right hand that dropped him. Standing above him, Njokuani blasted away with punches including a left hand that summoned referee Rafael Ramos who stopped the bout at 1:42 of the second round giving Njokuani the TKO victory.

Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Page vs. Campuzano.
Damacio Page vs. Will Campuzano
Round 1
Page comes out swinging haymakers. Campuzano misses a jump knee, and both men tee off on each other. Campuzano lands two glancing left hooks, but Page scores a takedown. Campuzano immediately throws up a triangle, but Page defends and moves into back control. One minute into the fight and it’s a feverish pace. Now Page slips his forearm under Campuzano’s chin, and he gets the tap via rear-naked choke. The official time is 1:02.

Raphael Assuncao vs. Yves Jabouin
Round 1
Assuncao takes the center of the cage. Jabouin jabs, fires a head kick that misses. Assuncao tries to come over the top with a right hand. Meanwhile Jabouin is bouncing around the cage before stepping in with a short right that doesn’t land squarely. Assuncao kicks to the body, but his kick is caught. The Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt is content to go to his back, but Jabouin stands up and misses with a spinning back fist. Assuncao then gets in fairly deep on a double-leg, but Jabouin shows excellent hips in defense and nearly turns his defense into offense by mounting Assuncao. Instead, Assuncao goes to his guard. He’s not there for long before Jabouin wisely stands out. The exchanges are close on the feet, with Assuncao throwing the more conventional punches while Jabouin mixes in a superman punch and other attacks. To close the round Assuncao lays on Jabouin against the fence.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jabouin.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jabouin.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Assuncao vs. Jabouin.
Again Assuncao takes the center of the cage, moving forward slowly. He lands a kick to Jabouin’s thigh. The fighters trade kicks, and Assuncao connects with a right hand off an exchange. Another kick from Assuncao trip Jabouin to the mat, but Jabouin jumps back to his feet quickly. The next offense comes at the end of a combination when Jabouin throws a spinning back kick that doesn’t connect squarely but does stumble Assuncao briefly. Following another exchange Assuncao jumps forward to close the distance and tries a single-leg. Jabouin defends well, but Assuncao wraps up a deep guillotine and takes the top position on the ground to close out the period.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Assuncao.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Assuncao.

Round 3
Assuncao lands a kick to Jabouin’s thigh to start the third and again sweeps him to the mat. The fighters lock up against the cage. Assuncao has one overhook and one underhook, and he gets Jabouin to the ground. Jabouin tries to stand, and Assuncao works on taking his back. He puts in one hook and eventually gets a second, but Jabouin turns to his side. Assuncao stays on him, controlling his wrists. At the 2:20 mark, Assuncao tries to sink a rear-naked choke, but he’s not under the chin. At 1:40 Jabouin escapes to his feet. He takes a knee and throws another spinning back kick. Jabouin is bouncing around the cage again, then connects with a spinning back fist. Assuncao tries to retaliate with his own but misses. He locks up with Jabouin to end the fight.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (30-27 Assuncao).
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (29-28 Assuncao).
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (29-28 Assuncao).

Assuncao wins a split decision: 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

Rich Crunkilton vs. Dave Jansen
Round 1
Crunkilton opens with a leg kick. He tries for a single-leg, but Jansen defends and neither lands in the wild exchange that follows. The fighters lock up, and just as it looks as if Jansen is bending Crunkilton to the mat, Crunkilton throws him. Crunkilton, however, can’t keep top position. Jansen then defends a takedown by hitting a switch and taking Crunkilton down. Crunkilton gets up, but Jansen drives him back to the mat and begins working from the top position in half guard. Crunkilton creates enough space to attempt a heel hook. Jansen defends and punishes his opponent with punches. Crunkilton is offensive from his back, trying to lock up an anaconda choke from the bottom, but it isn’t close. Jansen isn’t doing a ton of damage from the top, but he’s all over Crunkilton. With 45 seconds to go in the round, Crunkilton swivels his hips out and gets to his feet. Both fighters look tired in the exchanges that follow, and Crunkilton stuns his foe before the bell rings.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jansen.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jansen.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jansen.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Jansen vs. Crunkilton.
Crunkilton slips a right hand to start the second. Both men look a little sloppy. Crunkilton kicks, and Jansen eats it and turns it into a takedown. Crunkilton uses a butterfly guard to elevate him, though, and get back to his feet. Jansen then lands an accidental knee to the groin, and referee Jon Schorle halts the action. Following the restart, Jansen moves into a straight right. He’s aggressive but taking some shots as Crunkilton sits back and counters. Jansen struggles for a single-leg, which Crunkilton defends and nearly turns into his own takedown. Off a scramble Jansen finishes a double-leg. Both fighters are looking tired. Crunkilton has full guard with Jansen on top and 1:30 to go in the round. The fight is restood after Jansen lost his mouthpiece. Crunkilton lands a liver kick and a right-left combo. Jansen scores another double-leg to close the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Crunkilton.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Crunkilton.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Crunkilton.

Round 3
Crunkilton comes out throwing left hooks to the body. Jansen looks desperate for a takedown, as Crunkilton opens up on the feet, picking him apart. Again, though, Jansen finishes a takedown. Seconds later Crunkilton escapes to his feet and sprawls on another shot. Jansen shoots again. This time Crunkilton locks up a D’Arce choke but can’t finish it. 3:00 to go in the fight. Jansen looks exhausted. Crunkilton continues to pick him apart on the feet but doesn’t have much on his punches. Another takedown for Jansen, and he passes guard. Crunkilton regains half guard at 2:30. Referee Jon Schorle refuses to give them time to work on the ground, inexplicably standing up the fighters. Jansen puts it right back down, though, with yet another takedown. 1:10 to go in the fight. Jansen torques a kimura, but Crunkilton eventually frees his arm. Jansen punches in the guard. Crunkilton tries to roll out, but Jansen stays on him until the final bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Crunkilton (29-28 Crunkilton).
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jansen (29-28 Jansen).
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jansen (29-28 Jansen).

Dave Jansen wins a unanimous decision: 30-27, 29-28, 29-28.

Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson
Round 1
Cerrone launches a head kick right away and misses, falling to his back. Henderson rushes in with punches. He doesn’t land. Instead, Cerrone locks up a deep guillotine and uses it to put Henderson on his back. Henderson eventually gets out after a serious struggle, but Cerrone instantly transitions to a triangle choke. Cerrone’s hand is caught under Henderson’s leg, and Henderson punches until he gets out. The fight moves back to the feet, 1:45 in. Cerrone kicks to the outside of Henderson’s leg, and Henderson shoots for a single. Cerrone stops the single, but Henderson changes to a double and finishes it. Henderson takes the top position with 2:00 to go in the round. He throws a few heavy punches while standing up in Cerrone’s guard. Cerrone has his guard wide open. He tries to roll out, but Henderson moves to his back, without hooks, and punches. Henderson lands more punches from the top to close the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.

Round 2
Henderson is faking takedown shots to start the second. He fakes, then shoots for real and gets the takedown but can’t keep position. Cerrone nearly takes his back on the ground, but Henderson moves into Cerrone’s guard. Again Henderson stands to punch. He goes back down and tries to pass, but Cerrone batters him from the bottom. Cerrone then attempts an armbar that looks tight, but Henderson seems to have little trouble escaping. 2:15 to go. Henderson stands up in Cerrone’s open guard, and he lands a right hand. Cerrone is letting him stand over him and punch. Henderson works the body as well. Cerrone is throwing upkicks but not landing as Henderson stacks him down and punches, alternating body and head. Cerrone finally tries to kick him away to close the round, but Henderson scores more from the top.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Henderson.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Henderson.

Round 3
Cerrone flurries forward but doesn’t connect to begin the third. Henderson kicks to the leg. Cerrone lunges in with a body shot that misses, and Henderson easily takes him down again with a double-leg. Cerrone misses a triangle attempt on the ground, allowing Henderson to pass to side control. Cerrone then gives his back briefly before going back to an open guard. Henderson controls one of Cerrone’s leg and punches with his other hand. This time Cerrone kicks him away and stands. 2:20 to go in the round. Cerrone kicks to the inside of the leg. When he flurries, Henderson just backs away. Henderson shoots a single. He doesn’t get it, but he does get an outside trip. Cerrone stands quickly, but Henderson reshoots a double and dumps him. Cerrone stands quickly again, but Henderson works him to the mat again briefly before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Henderson.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Henderson.

Round 4
Cerrone shoots to open the third. Henderson defends, but Cerrone wraps up the same modified guillotine he tried in the first and uses it to ground him. 1:30 into the period, Henderson escapes and throws a body kick. His next takedown attempt is from too far. Cerrone backs away. Henderson dives in again from too far out, and Cerrone slips out of his grasp. Henderson turns to a single-leg, but Cerrone stops it too and pops him with an uppercut. Cerrone is moving forward. Henderson’s shots have slowed considerably. Cerrone stuffs another attempt and stands over Henderson kicking. Henderson works to his feet, but Cerrone scores with more punches and sweeps Henderson to the mat.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cerrone.

Round 5
Henderson shoots for a single in the opening 10 seconds. He backs Cerrone into the cage, but Cerrone stays on his feet as Henderson transitions to a double and tries to sweep the leg. Cerrone gets free. He moves forward on the feet and cracks Henderson with a left hook. Henderson gets a takedown but can’t keep position. Cerrone looks fresher at this point, with 3:30 to go. Henderson misses a left to the body and loses his balance. Cerrone engages him on the ground, but Henderson rolls out and reverses, though Cerrone immediately tries an omoplata from his back. Cerrone then goes to a triangle and an armbar. Henderson escapes the armbar but falls back into an omoplata. The attempt doesn’t finish Henderson, but it controls him. Cerrone then torques a kimura. Henderson escapes again and struggles for a double against the cage. Cerrone goes to his back and immediately returns to the triangle choke and then an omoplata to a straight armbar as the bell rings.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Cerrone (48-46 Cerrone).
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cerrone (48-47 Cerrone).
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Cerrone (48-46 Cerrone).

Henderson wins a unanimous decision: 48-47, 48-47, 48-47.
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