WEC 45 Results and Live Play-by-Play
Dec 19, 2009
Sherdog.com reports from the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas with
play-by-play and live results of Saturday's Versus-televised
45 "Cerrone vs. Ratcliff" card.
Don't forget to check out the MMA Forums to discuss tonight's event.
Click here for quick results.
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Round 1
Both fighters feel each other out with pawing jacks. Massouh with a body kick. Koch answers with one of his own, but missed with a kick and a one two combination. Leg kick by Massouh. Koch closed in with combination but is locked up and pushed to the cage in an over under clinch. Massouh with short knees to the thighs. Koch tries to drag Massouth to he mat but no dice. Massouh back with a body to the knee in the clinch. Koch keeps Massouh pinned against the fence and fires off a punch combination as they separate. Massouh with a pair of body kicks. A leg kick disrupts Koch's balance, Massouh with punches and comes down into the Koch's guard. Koch scoots up, drawing some applause. Massouh works knees against eh fence in the clinch and tries a takedowns but Koch gets to his feet quickly. Koch with a body lock takedown, looking to pass guard. Koch stuffs a takedown attempt by Massouh as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-10.
Round 2
Both fighters back to clinching against the fence working knees from close quarters. Head kick by Koch is blocked. Massouh shoots and pushes Koch back to the fence. Back to knees and clinch work. Koch throws and elbow in tight. Massouh drops for a double but can't get it. Koch throws a Urijah Faber-esque jumping knee with one of his legs hooked. Massouh jumps guard but releases against the fence. Referee Herb Dean separates the fighters. Massouh throws a haymaker and Koch dodges it into a big waistlock takedown. Koch works short elbows from side mount as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 Koch.
Round 3
Koch aggressive with punch combinations to start. Koch hooks the waist and Massouh turns and jumps guard, dragging the fight to the floor. Koch up and drops some punches. Massouh works a kimura when the fight gets back up, but Koch avoids and they separate. Massouh trips up on a flurry and Koch comes back to the elbows and punches from side mount. Koch into Massouh's guard and passes. Massouh turns but eats punches then rolls Koch off his back, but Koch is dogged in staying on Massouh's back. Koch sinks hooks and works aggressively for a rear naked choke. Koch squeezing on Massouh's jawline, but Massouh gets free. Koch with body triangle control still working for the choke for the final minute of the fight. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Koch.
All three judges see the bout 30-27 for Koch, who takes the unanimous decision.
Brad Pickett vs. Kyle Dietz
Round 1
Dietz throws a wild high kick and back fist but gets poked in the eye. Short pause and fighters are winging. Hard low kick by Dietz and Dietz with wild strikes. Kicks hit Pickett's temple, but Pickett pushes through for the takedown. Dietz working elbows from the bottom. Pickett lands short shots from inside Dietz's guard and stands. Dietz with an upkick. Pickett jumps to rain down a punch as he re-enters Dietz's guard. Pickett with elbows as he holds top control. Dietz rolls out and avoids a guillotine, and avoids a triangle attempt as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pickett.
Round 2
Dietz out slinging strikes against the fence. The punches are flying. Pickett catches a body kick that trips up Dietz and it's back to the floor. Pickett, a London-born American Top Team fighter, uses corner advice to help him control position and keep Dietz flat. Elbow to the head by Pickett. Pickett passes but gets an upkick when he stands, bringing him back down into guard. Pickett back to elbows and Dietz struggles to get out from underneath. Pickett shifts to a front headlock and then shoots for a choke, getting the tap. He does a backflip pushing off the fence in celebration. Pickett takes home the win at 4:36 of the second with a Peruvian necktie submission.
Brandon Visher vs. Courtney Buck
Round 1
Both come out striking hard, Visher pushed off a plum clinch but Buck drops him with a right. Visher recovers a big scoop and slam. Visher working from side control with elbows. Buck back up and swings. Buck scores with knees, Visher with hooks. Visher with a nice right up the pipe. Both guys just missing with big shots. Visher catches up to Buck and lands a an uppercut to the body and a right hook to the face. Visher shoots as Buck chases him down and gets back on top, then to mount, Buck rolls and eats rights and lefts. Visher rains down hammerfirst as Buck turns to his back and ends it via TKO. Visher is declared the winner at 4:45 into the first round.
John Hosman vs. Chad George
Round 1
George with an overhand right and takedown to start. Hosman locks up a body triangle from his back. George lifts and drops Hosman from the position but can't get any distance to work serious punches. Referee Herb Dean stands them up. George gets another takedown and back to lifting and dropping inside Hosman's guard. Dean calls for another stand up but after a quick exchange its back to the floor, where George stays on top until the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
Round 2
Hosman with a body kick and sprawls a takedown attempt but gets brought down yet again. Little activity on the floor. Hosman struggles to sweep and works small heel kicks to George's body. Herb Dean stands them up. Rinse and repeat, as George gets the fight right back down after Hosman closes in. Another referee stand up, same takedown sequence. Hosman's corner, which includes Clay Guida, now screaming "Get Up!" at their charge. George holds top control to close out the round. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
Round 3
Hosman stuffs takedown and this time on top in George's guard. George scrambles back to his feet. George with an overhand right that lands and another takedown when Hosman kicks. Hosman wraps up George but doesn't work toward a sweep. Refree stand up is followed by a missed Hosman head kick. George shoots but Hosman gets out of dodge. Hosman with a haymaker misses. Crowd booing. George with a straight right. Hosman bleeding from the nose. More boos. Low kick by George and the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
All three judges 30-27 for George, giving him the unanimous decision win.
Muhsin Corbbrey vs. Zachary Micklewright
Round 1
Both fighters feel each other out with strikes in the opening minute. They clinch and jockey for position. Corbbrey tries a whizzer and Micklewright a hip throw, but neither fighter completes the techniques. They remain clinched as Micklewright comes out with elbows. Corbbrey with Plum clinch and Micklewright gets the hip throw this time. Corbbrey working a high guard and gets an armbar, but Micklewright wiggles free. Micklewright going hard with punches as Corbbrey looks to contain him. Corbbrey tires a heel hook but Micklewright sits down on it. Corbbrey uses the position to sweep and get on top. They scramble back up and swing. Micklewright hits the body with a punch and knees from the clinch. Corbbrey tries another whizzer and is pinned up against the fence as the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright.
Round 2
Micklewright closes in with a jumping knee and the fighters clinch. Micklewright tires the hip throw again and lands some Thai elbows from in tight. Plum clinch and knees and elbows by Micklewright. Micklewright with strikes against the fence but slips and Corbbrey on top in side control. Corbbrey can't get much going and referee Kim Winslow stands them up. Corbbrey not happy. Back to clinch work with Micklewright trying strikes and a hip throw as the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright.
Round 3
Micklewright chasing Corbbrey down with punches. Back to clinch and Micklewright gets off some knees to the body. Micklewright with one-two combinations that clip Corbbrey. Corbrrey closes in and leans on Micklewright against the fence for about a minute. They trade against the fence with Micklewright the more active of the two, though he is bleeding a bit beneath the right eye. Micklewright hits a good straight right, Corbbrey bleeding from the right eyebrow. Both fighters trade as the fight wraps. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright
All three judges score the bout 30-27 for Zach Micklewright, who takes the unanimous decision.
Bart Palaszewski vs. Anthony Pettis
Round 1
Pettis with a jab, keeping his hands low baiting Palaszewski. Pettis pushes off the fence with a superman punch that grazes. Pettis with an axe kick, looking flashy. Pettis with a spinning back fist that lands and Palaszewski clinches up. Palaszewski ducks under and tries a trip takedown. Pettis lining up a kimura and tucks in a back elbow from the position. Pettis drags his down in the kimura and scissors the leg as Palaszewski stands and comes down into Pettis' guard. Pettis takes a hard kick in the crotch and he tries an unorthodox kick from his back. Pettis throws a spin kick when action resumes and Palaszewski pores on some heavy strikes. Palaszewski mocking Pettis' somewhat cocky posture. Back to the clinch as Pettis works for a kimura. Palaszewski jumps onto Pettis back and rides it until Pettis rolls forward before the horn. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pettis.
Round 2
Pettis pumps jabs at the outset and continues to keep his hands low. Leg kicks by Pettis. Palaszewski ducks into a takedown and works inside Pettis' guard. Palaszewski stands up and out of the guard. The fighters clinch and Palaszewski wrests back to the waistlock. Pettis with another kimura attempt but loses his footing and almost opens his neck for a rear naked choke. Pettis breaks free and fires off a head kick. Palaszewski shoots back to the waist and Pettis rolls for a heel hook. Palaszewski gets out of the position. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 Palaszewski.
Round 3
Pettis back to jabbing to set up hand combinations. Leg kick by Palaszewski lands, but Pettis answers with a few of his own. Another spinning back fist attempt by Pettis, but this one whiffs. Pettis throws but gets dropped in an exchange, Palaszewski down into his guard. Pettis composed. Palaszewski gets elbows working from the top and stands out. Not much activity standing. Pettis rocks Palazewksi with a right hook off a Palaszewski leg kick and then throws a jumping knee. Palaszewski holding on in the clinch. Pettis throws a wild jumping spin kick to close the round. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pettis.
Palaszewski is the winner by split decision with scores of 30-27 and 29-28. Judge Glenn Trowbridge saw the fight 30-27 for Pettis.
Takeya Mizugaki vs. Scott Jorgensen
Round 1
Mizugaki throws a left hook, and they clinch. Jorgensen lands a huge right that drops Mizugaki. Mizugaki is in trouble, but he survives and locks up with Jorgensen. He recovers in the clinch. Jorgensen backs him into the cage. Eventually Mizugaki gets his back off the fence, but then Jorgensen puts him back there. The fighters trade knees. Jorgensen keeps Mizugaki against the fence. Mizugaki throws a knee, and Jorgensen catches it and turns it into a takedown. Mizugaki gets up. An exchange ensues, and Mizugaki gets the best of it, throwing in combinations. With two minutes to go, though, Jorgensen lands another big right and stuns Mizugaki. Jorgensen landing with his left and right, and Mizugaki goes to his back again. He is hurt, but he gets to his feet and the round closes in the clinch.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-8 Jorgensen
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Round 2
Jorgensen and Mizugaki exchange to start the second until Jorgensen shoots and finishes a takedown. Jorgensen works from half guard, and Mizugaki gets to his feet. Jorgensen shoves him against the cage. He knees to the body. The fighters stay in the clinch, exchanging short strikes. Jorgensen controls his foe against the fence. He knees to the inside of the thigh. At 2:36, they’re restarted. Mizugaki is aggressive on the feet. He doesn’t land squarely but has Jorgensen covering up, but then Jorgensen completes another takedown. Jorgensen pushes him back to the fence. They break. Jorgensen closes the distance on a left hook. They tie up again, and Jorgensen finishes a double-leg to close the round.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Round 3
Jorgensen lands a knee and a short right. Then he again pushes Mizugaki to the fence. Back in the center, the fighters trade jabs. Mizugaki misses a right cross. Jorgensen misses a takedown and comes up with a right hand. Jorgensen again puts Mizugaki’s back against the cage. 3:30 to go. Jorgensen steps in with a right hand that lands. Jorgensen tries to counter a Mizugaki right. Mizugaki lands a stiff jab. In response Jorgensen changes levels and hits a double. However, Mizugaki stands quickly and trips Jorgensen to the mat. Jorgensen tries to get up and go for a single, but Mizugaki goes for his back. Jorgensen eventually reverses, and the fight goes back to the feet. Mizugaki trips Jorgensen to the mat. Mizugaki closes the round punching from the top.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-27 Jorgensen)
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-28 Jorgensen)
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-28 Jorgensen)
Official scores are 29-28, 29-28, 29-28 for Scott Jorgensen.
Joseph Benavidez vs. Rani Yahya
Round 1
Kim Winslow refereeing. Fighters touch gloves, go to their corners. Yahya comes out, fakes a takedown. Benavidez feints a jab. Benavidez looks ready for the takedown. Yahya kicks the leg, and Benavidez swings a hook. Benavidez misses an overhand. Yayha steps in with a jab. Benavidez tries to counter with a hook but misses. A quick exchange with Yahya jabbing, and Benavidez counters with an overhand right off a hook that clips Yahya on the jaw/ear. Benavidez pummels his opponent on the ground, and Winslow intervenes. Official time is 1:35 R1.
Anthony Njokuani vs. Chris Horodecki
Round 1
Steve Mazzagatti is reffing. Horodecki flicks a kick. Njokuani jabs, and Horodecki misses a counter. Njokuani carries his hands low. Short right hand to the body from Horodecki. He also connects with a left hook and pushes Njokuani to the cage. Horodecki works on a double against the fence, but Njokuani sits his hips down, stops it and separates. They trade kicks. Njokuani is trying to counter with his hands while Horodecki throws punch-kick combinations and does so in greater volume. Horodecki shoots, but it’s stuffed and Njokuani tosses Horodecki to the mat and takes mount. Hordoecki gets butterfly guard and kicks off Njokuani.
Horodecki turns his back and hustles away, but Njokuani kicks him in the face while he’s moving away. Njokuani punches on the ground. Horodecki tries to recover, but Njokuani keeps throwing, and Mazzagatti stops it. Official time is 3:33.
Donald Cerrone vs. Ed Ratcliff
Round 1
Ratcliff throws a push kick to begin, and Cerrone goes through it and clinches. Ratcliff turns off the cage, and pushes Cerrone against it and snap him to the ground, but he lets Cerrone stand. Ratcliff puts a one-two on Cerrone’s chin, and Cerrone’s knees buckle. Cerrone stays on his feet, with his chain the air. Ratcliff cracks him with another right. Cerrone moves forward, and Ratcliff kicks his leg and causes him to stumble. Cerrone still looks slightly dazed. They lock up against the fence. 3:15 to go. Nothing lands in a wild exchange. They tie up against the fence. On the break, Cerrone plants a knee into Ratcliff’s midsection, but he eats a left hand. Cerrone kicks to the body. Cerrone kicks hard to the leg. Ratcliff throws a lead body shot, and Cerrone ties him up and lands a hard knee that Herb Dean says landed low. It did. The fight is paused. On the restart, Ratcliff kicks to the leg and leans away from a straight right. Again Cerrone knees him accidentally to the groin while in the clinch, and the fight is paused. Dean takes one point from Cerrone. Ratcliff throws a side kick on the restart. Both land in a wild right-left exchange. Cerrone finishes a single-leg takedown with seconds to go in the round and tries for a guillotine.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 9-9
Joe Hall scores the round 9-9
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 9-9
Round 2
The fighters trade kicks. Cerrone kicks low and Ratcliff tries to leap in with a right hand. Ratcliff kicks low, and Cerrone slips to the mat. He’s up quickly. Cerrone kicks well to the leg and body. Again Cerrone goes low with a kick, and Ratcliff misses a right hand counter. Cerrone kicks again to the body. Cerrone moves forward, forcing Ratcliff to back up and allowing Cerrone to plant a kick to his thigh. Cerrone is taking over. He slams another kick into Ratcliff’s thigh. He stalks forward and kicks again. Cerrone grabs the Thai plum and drills Ratcliff in the groin for the third time. Ratcliff is in pain as the fight is paused. Dean takes another point from Cerrone.
The fight resumes, and Cerrone moves forward and lands another kick to the body. He jumps in with a knee and has Ratcliff retreating. Kick to the leg from Cerrone. Another one. Cerrone picking Ratcliff apart. Ratcliff finishes a takedown late, but Cerrone wraps up a guillotine he can’t finish as the bell sounds.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 9-9
Joe Hall scores the round 9-8 Cerrone
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 9-8 Cerrone
Round 3
Cerrone takes the center of the cage. He closes the distance and moves to Ratcliff’s back on the feet. When they turn around, Cerrone lands a jump knee. Cerrone fires a right hand and misses a knee. Ratcliff tries a takedown, and Cerrone reverses and mounts him, but Herb Dean restarts the fight on the feet after warning Cerrone for grabbing the fence. Cerrone flicks a kick into Ratcliff’s arms. Ratcliff still backing up, getting kicked. They clinch, and Cerrone wrestles Ratcliff to the mat and takes his back. Ratcliff is tired. He tries to roll out and Cerrone catches his leg and stretches it, but Ratcliff escapes. Cerrone then takes the back again and wraps up the rear-naked choke for the tap at 1:12.
Don't forget to check out the MMA Forums to discuss tonight's event.
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Massouh vs. Erik
Round 1
Both fighters feel each other out with pawing jacks. Massouh with a body kick. Koch answers with one of his own, but missed with a kick and a one two combination. Leg kick by Massouh. Koch closed in with combination but is locked up and pushed to the cage in an over under clinch. Massouh with short knees to the thighs. Koch tries to drag Massouth to he mat but no dice. Massouh back with a body to the knee in the clinch. Koch keeps Massouh pinned against the fence and fires off a punch combination as they separate. Massouh with a pair of body kicks. A leg kick disrupts Koch's balance, Massouh with punches and comes down into the Koch's guard. Koch scoots up, drawing some applause. Massouh works knees against eh fence in the clinch and tries a takedowns but Koch gets to his feet quickly. Koch with a body lock takedown, looking to pass guard. Koch stuffs a takedown attempt by Massouh as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-10.
Round 2
Both fighters back to clinching against the fence working knees from close quarters. Head kick by Koch is blocked. Massouh shoots and pushes Koch back to the fence. Back to knees and clinch work. Koch throws and elbow in tight. Massouh drops for a double but can't get it. Koch throws a Urijah Faber-esque jumping knee with one of his legs hooked. Massouh jumps guard but releases against the fence. Referee Herb Dean separates the fighters. Massouh throws a haymaker and Koch dodges it into a big waistlock takedown. Koch works short elbows from side mount as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 Koch.
Round 3
Koch aggressive with punch combinations to start. Koch hooks the waist and Massouh turns and jumps guard, dragging the fight to the floor. Koch up and drops some punches. Massouh works a kimura when the fight gets back up, but Koch avoids and they separate. Massouh trips up on a flurry and Koch comes back to the elbows and punches from side mount. Koch into Massouh's guard and passes. Massouh turns but eats punches then rolls Koch off his back, but Koch is dogged in staying on Massouh's back. Koch sinks hooks and works aggressively for a rear naked choke. Koch squeezing on Massouh's jawline, but Massouh gets free. Koch with body triangle control still working for the choke for the final minute of the fight. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Koch.
All three judges see the bout 30-27 for Koch, who takes the unanimous decision.
Brad Pickett vs. Kyle Dietz
Round 1
Dietz throws a wild high kick and back fist but gets poked in the eye. Short pause and fighters are winging. Hard low kick by Dietz and Dietz with wild strikes. Kicks hit Pickett's temple, but Pickett pushes through for the takedown. Dietz working elbows from the bottom. Pickett lands short shots from inside Dietz's guard and stands. Dietz with an upkick. Pickett jumps to rain down a punch as he re-enters Dietz's guard. Pickett with elbows as he holds top control. Dietz rolls out and avoids a guillotine, and avoids a triangle attempt as the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pickett.
Round 2
Dietz out slinging strikes against the fence. The punches are flying. Pickett catches a body kick that trips up Dietz and it's back to the floor. Pickett, a London-born American Top Team fighter, uses corner advice to help him control position and keep Dietz flat. Elbow to the head by Pickett. Pickett passes but gets an upkick when he stands, bringing him back down into guard. Pickett back to elbows and Dietz struggles to get out from underneath. Pickett shifts to a front headlock and then shoots for a choke, getting the tap. He does a backflip pushing off the fence in celebration. Pickett takes home the win at 4:36 of the second with a Peruvian necktie submission.
Brandon Visher vs. Courtney Buck
Round 1
Both come out striking hard, Visher pushed off a plum clinch but Buck drops him with a right. Visher recovers a big scoop and slam. Visher working from side control with elbows. Buck back up and swings. Buck scores with knees, Visher with hooks. Visher with a nice right up the pipe. Both guys just missing with big shots. Visher catches up to Buck and lands a an uppercut to the body and a right hook to the face. Visher shoots as Buck chases him down and gets back on top, then to mount, Buck rolls and eats rights and lefts. Visher rains down hammerfirst as Buck turns to his back and ends it via TKO. Visher is declared the winner at 4:45 into the first round.
John Hosman vs. Chad George
Round 1
George with an overhand right and takedown to start. Hosman locks up a body triangle from his back. George lifts and drops Hosman from the position but can't get any distance to work serious punches. Referee Herb Dean stands them up. George gets another takedown and back to lifting and dropping inside Hosman's guard. Dean calls for another stand up but after a quick exchange its back to the floor, where George stays on top until the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
Round 2
Hosman with a body kick and sprawls a takedown attempt but gets brought down yet again. Little activity on the floor. Hosman struggles to sweep and works small heel kicks to George's body. Herb Dean stands them up. Rinse and repeat, as George gets the fight right back down after Hosman closes in. Another referee stand up, same takedown sequence. Hosman's corner, which includes Clay Guida, now screaming "Get Up!" at their charge. George holds top control to close out the round. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
Round 3
Hosman stuffs takedown and this time on top in George's guard. George scrambles back to his feet. George with an overhand right that lands and another takedown when Hosman kicks. Hosman wraps up George but doesn't work toward a sweep. Refree stand up is followed by a missed Hosman head kick. George shoots but Hosman gets out of dodge. Hosman with a haymaker misses. Crowd booing. George with a straight right. Hosman bleeding from the nose. More boos. Low kick by George and the round closes. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for George.
All three judges 30-27 for George, giving him the unanimous decision win.
Muhsin Corbbrey vs. Zachary Micklewright
Round 1
Both fighters feel each other out with strikes in the opening minute. They clinch and jockey for position. Corbbrey tries a whizzer and Micklewright a hip throw, but neither fighter completes the techniques. They remain clinched as Micklewright comes out with elbows. Corbbrey with Plum clinch and Micklewright gets the hip throw this time. Corbbrey working a high guard and gets an armbar, but Micklewright wiggles free. Micklewright going hard with punches as Corbbrey looks to contain him. Corbbrey tires a heel hook but Micklewright sits down on it. Corbbrey uses the position to sweep and get on top. They scramble back up and swing. Micklewright hits the body with a punch and knees from the clinch. Corbbrey tries another whizzer and is pinned up against the fence as the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright.
Round 2
Micklewright closes in with a jumping knee and the fighters clinch. Micklewright tires the hip throw again and lands some Thai elbows from in tight. Plum clinch and knees and elbows by Micklewright. Micklewright with strikes against the fence but slips and Corbbrey on top in side control. Corbbrey can't get much going and referee Kim Winslow stands them up. Corbbrey not happy. Back to clinch work with Micklewright trying strikes and a hip throw as the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright.
Round 3
Micklewright chasing Corbbrey down with punches. Back to clinch and Micklewright gets off some knees to the body. Micklewright with one-two combinations that clip Corbbrey. Corbrrey closes in and leans on Micklewright against the fence for about a minute. They trade against the fence with Micklewright the more active of the two, though he is bleeding a bit beneath the right eye. Micklewright hits a good straight right, Corbbrey bleeding from the right eyebrow. Both fighters trade as the fight wraps. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Micklewright
All three judges score the bout 30-27 for Zach Micklewright, who takes the unanimous decision.
Bart Palaszewski vs. Anthony Pettis
Round 1
Pettis with a jab, keeping his hands low baiting Palaszewski. Pettis pushes off the fence with a superman punch that grazes. Pettis with an axe kick, looking flashy. Pettis with a spinning back fist that lands and Palaszewski clinches up. Palaszewski ducks under and tries a trip takedown. Pettis lining up a kimura and tucks in a back elbow from the position. Pettis drags his down in the kimura and scissors the leg as Palaszewski stands and comes down into Pettis' guard. Pettis takes a hard kick in the crotch and he tries an unorthodox kick from his back. Pettis throws a spin kick when action resumes and Palaszewski pores on some heavy strikes. Palaszewski mocking Pettis' somewhat cocky posture. Back to the clinch as Pettis works for a kimura. Palaszewski jumps onto Pettis back and rides it until Pettis rolls forward before the horn. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pettis.
Round 2
Pettis pumps jabs at the outset and continues to keep his hands low. Leg kicks by Pettis. Palaszewski ducks into a takedown and works inside Pettis' guard. Palaszewski stands up and out of the guard. The fighters clinch and Palaszewski wrests back to the waistlock. Pettis with another kimura attempt but loses his footing and almost opens his neck for a rear naked choke. Pettis breaks free and fires off a head kick. Palaszewski shoots back to the waist and Pettis rolls for a heel hook. Palaszewski gets out of the position. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 Palaszewski.
Round 3
Pettis back to jabbing to set up hand combinations. Leg kick by Palaszewski lands, but Pettis answers with a few of his own. Another spinning back fist attempt by Pettis, but this one whiffs. Pettis throws but gets dropped in an exchange, Palaszewski down into his guard. Pettis composed. Palaszewski gets elbows working from the top and stands out. Not much activity standing. Pettis rocks Palazewksi with a right hook off a Palaszewski leg kick and then throws a jumping knee. Palaszewski holding on in the clinch. Pettis throws a wild jumping spin kick to close the round. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Pettis.
Palaszewski is the winner by split decision with scores of 30-27 and 29-28. Judge Glenn Trowbridge saw the fight 30-27 for Pettis.
Takeya Mizugaki vs. Scott Jorgensen
Round 1
Mizugaki throws a left hook, and they clinch. Jorgensen lands a huge right that drops Mizugaki. Mizugaki is in trouble, but he survives and locks up with Jorgensen. He recovers in the clinch. Jorgensen backs him into the cage. Eventually Mizugaki gets his back off the fence, but then Jorgensen puts him back there. The fighters trade knees. Jorgensen keeps Mizugaki against the fence. Mizugaki throws a knee, and Jorgensen catches it and turns it into a takedown. Mizugaki gets up. An exchange ensues, and Mizugaki gets the best of it, throwing in combinations. With two minutes to go, though, Jorgensen lands another big right and stuns Mizugaki. Jorgensen landing with his left and right, and Mizugaki goes to his back again. He is hurt, but he gets to his feet and the round closes in the clinch.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-8 Jorgensen
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Round 2
Jorgensen and Mizugaki exchange to start the second until Jorgensen shoots and finishes a takedown. Jorgensen works from half guard, and Mizugaki gets to his feet. Jorgensen shoves him against the cage. He knees to the body. The fighters stay in the clinch, exchanging short strikes. Jorgensen controls his foe against the fence. He knees to the inside of the thigh. At 2:36, they’re restarted. Mizugaki is aggressive on the feet. He doesn’t land squarely but has Jorgensen covering up, but then Jorgensen completes another takedown. Jorgensen pushes him back to the fence. They break. Jorgensen closes the distance on a left hook. They tie up again, and Jorgensen finishes a double-leg to close the round.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Jorgensen
Round 3
Jorgensen lands a knee and a short right. Then he again pushes Mizugaki to the fence. Back in the center, the fighters trade jabs. Mizugaki misses a right cross. Jorgensen misses a takedown and comes up with a right hand. Jorgensen again puts Mizugaki’s back against the cage. 3:30 to go. Jorgensen steps in with a right hand that lands. Jorgensen tries to counter a Mizugaki right. Mizugaki lands a stiff jab. In response Jorgensen changes levels and hits a double. However, Mizugaki stands quickly and trips Jorgensen to the mat. Jorgensen tries to get up and go for a single, but Mizugaki goes for his back. Jorgensen eventually reverses, and the fight goes back to the feet. Mizugaki trips Jorgensen to the mat. Mizugaki closes the round punching from the top.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-27 Jorgensen)
Joe Hall scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-28 Jorgensen)
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki (29-28 Jorgensen)
Official scores are 29-28, 29-28, 29-28 for Scott Jorgensen.
Joseph Benavidez vs. Rani Yahya
Round 1
Kim Winslow refereeing. Fighters touch gloves, go to their corners. Yahya comes out, fakes a takedown. Benavidez feints a jab. Benavidez looks ready for the takedown. Yahya kicks the leg, and Benavidez swings a hook. Benavidez misses an overhand. Yayha steps in with a jab. Benavidez tries to counter with a hook but misses. A quick exchange with Yahya jabbing, and Benavidez counters with an overhand right off a hook that clips Yahya on the jaw/ear. Benavidez pummels his opponent on the ground, and Winslow intervenes. Official time is 1:35 R1.
Anthony Njokuani vs. Chris Horodecki
Round 1
Steve Mazzagatti is reffing. Horodecki flicks a kick. Njokuani jabs, and Horodecki misses a counter. Njokuani carries his hands low. Short right hand to the body from Horodecki. He also connects with a left hook and pushes Njokuani to the cage. Horodecki works on a double against the fence, but Njokuani sits his hips down, stops it and separates. They trade kicks. Njokuani is trying to counter with his hands while Horodecki throws punch-kick combinations and does so in greater volume. Horodecki shoots, but it’s stuffed and Njokuani tosses Horodecki to the mat and takes mount. Hordoecki gets butterfly guard and kicks off Njokuani.
Horodecki turns his back and hustles away, but Njokuani kicks him in the face while he’s moving away. Njokuani punches on the ground. Horodecki tries to recover, but Njokuani keeps throwing, and Mazzagatti stops it. Official time is 3:33.
Donald Cerrone vs. Ed Ratcliff
Round 1
Ratcliff throws a push kick to begin, and Cerrone goes through it and clinches. Ratcliff turns off the cage, and pushes Cerrone against it and snap him to the ground, but he lets Cerrone stand. Ratcliff puts a one-two on Cerrone’s chin, and Cerrone’s knees buckle. Cerrone stays on his feet, with his chain the air. Ratcliff cracks him with another right. Cerrone moves forward, and Ratcliff kicks his leg and causes him to stumble. Cerrone still looks slightly dazed. They lock up against the fence. 3:15 to go. Nothing lands in a wild exchange. They tie up against the fence. On the break, Cerrone plants a knee into Ratcliff’s midsection, but he eats a left hand. Cerrone kicks to the body. Cerrone kicks hard to the leg. Ratcliff throws a lead body shot, and Cerrone ties him up and lands a hard knee that Herb Dean says landed low. It did. The fight is paused. On the restart, Ratcliff kicks to the leg and leans away from a straight right. Again Cerrone knees him accidentally to the groin while in the clinch, and the fight is paused. Dean takes one point from Cerrone. Ratcliff throws a side kick on the restart. Both land in a wild right-left exchange. Cerrone finishes a single-leg takedown with seconds to go in the round and tries for a guillotine.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 9-9
Joe Hall scores the round 9-9
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 9-9
Round 2
The fighters trade kicks. Cerrone kicks low and Ratcliff tries to leap in with a right hand. Ratcliff kicks low, and Cerrone slips to the mat. He’s up quickly. Cerrone kicks well to the leg and body. Again Cerrone goes low with a kick, and Ratcliff misses a right hand counter. Cerrone kicks again to the body. Cerrone moves forward, forcing Ratcliff to back up and allowing Cerrone to plant a kick to his thigh. Cerrone is taking over. He slams another kick into Ratcliff’s thigh. He stalks forward and kicks again. Cerrone grabs the Thai plum and drills Ratcliff in the groin for the third time. Ratcliff is in pain as the fight is paused. Dean takes another point from Cerrone.
The fight resumes, and Cerrone moves forward and lands another kick to the body. He jumps in with a knee and has Ratcliff retreating. Kick to the leg from Cerrone. Another one. Cerrone picking Ratcliff apart. Ratcliff finishes a takedown late, but Cerrone wraps up a guillotine he can’t finish as the bell sounds.
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 9-9
Joe Hall scores the round 9-8 Cerrone
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 9-8 Cerrone
Round 3
Cerrone takes the center of the cage. He closes the distance and moves to Ratcliff’s back on the feet. When they turn around, Cerrone lands a jump knee. Cerrone fires a right hand and misses a knee. Ratcliff tries a takedown, and Cerrone reverses and mounts him, but Herb Dean restarts the fight on the feet after warning Cerrone for grabbing the fence. Cerrone flicks a kick into Ratcliff’s arms. Ratcliff still backing up, getting kicked. They clinch, and Cerrone wrestles Ratcliff to the mat and takes his back. Ratcliff is tired. He tries to roll out and Cerrone catches his leg and stretches it, but Ratcliff escapes. Cerrone then takes the back again and wraps up the rear-naked choke for the tap at 1:12.
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