

2024 PFL 2 Regular Season Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

The Professional Fighters League resumes its 2024 campaign with 2024 PFL Regular Season 2 at 6:30 p.m. ET on April 12 in Las Vegas.

Marcelo Nunes (241.6) vs. Jordan Heiderman (246.2)

Round 1

Heiderman works his jab early and is backing up Nunes. The Brazilian begins throwing some kicks and then dives for a takedown. Heiderman defends well at first but eventually gives up his back. Nunes settles in guard before advancing to mount. Heiderman tries to get his way out of the position. During the scramble, Nunes locks in a triangle choke that looks really tight. Heiderman fights it for a bit, but Nunes transitions to an armbar and forces a tap. That's a quick six points for Nunes.


The Official Result

Marcelo Nunes def. Jordan Heiderman via Submission (Armbar); R1, 2:40.

Elvin Espinoza (155.4) vs. Adam Piccolotti (155.6)

Round 1

Espinoza looks for a takedown early and pushes Piccolotti into the cage. Piccolotti is able to stay on his feet and breaks away, although the attempt took up nearly a minute. A nice body kick for Espinoza lands. However, Piccolotti catches the leg and lands a takedown. Espinoza gives up his back while trying to get up. Piccolotti lands some punches while looking for a rear-naked choke. Espinoza is able to reverse and looks for a guillotine choke but winds up on the bottom during a scramble. Piccolotti gets the back again and then transfers to a triangle choke attempt. Piccolotti switches to an omoplata. No danger of a submission, although Espinoza is largely trapped in position. Espinoza still can't get his arm out. Espinoza performs a flip and finally gets out. Now on the feet, Espinoza lands a few decent punches before looking for a takedown. Piccolotti uses a kimura to get into mount as the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti

Round 2

Piccolotti eats a right hand and counters with a body kick. Piccolotti is looser and throws a nice variety of strikes. The jab of Piccolotti is scoring on Espinoza. Piccolotti misses a right hand, and Espinoza counters with a nice body punch. Uppercut scores for Piccolotti. Espinoza sprawls to defend a takedown attempt. Piccolotti throws a body kick that is caught. Espinoza tries to drag his opponent to the floor and eventually gets him here. However, Piccolotti rolls back to his feet shortly afterward. High kick for Espinoza misses. Piccolotti is walking his opponent down and scoring with solid 1-2s. Piccolotti takes the back of Espinoza while standing, and they wind up on the floor as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti

Round 3

Both men come out aggressive. Piccolotti lands a nice uppercut and is dodging most of Espinoza's advances. The American uses his range and lands another thudding uppercut and then an overhand right. Piccolotti shoots for a takedown but is stuffed. Piccolotti grapples and eats a knee on a failed attempt. Espinoza stumbles Piccolotti with a nice right hand. A huge flying knee for Espinoza lands, and Piccolotti is out! A few hammerfists land before the referee can step in. What a comeback KO!

The Official Result

Elvin Espinoza def. Adam Piccolotti via KO (Knee); R3, 2:23.

Gadzhi Rabadanov (155.8) vs. Solomon Renfro (155.6)

Round 1

Rabadanov takes the center of the cage but is backed up by Renfro's jab. An overhand right for Rabadanov misses, and Renfro connects with two punches afterward. Renfro looks comfortable on his feet and connects with his jab. Rabadanov eats a right hand after a jab attempt. A much better jab lands for Rabadanov, who is starting to find his timing. An elbow is thrown by Rabadanov, which almost lands and warns Renfro. There's a small cut on the right cheek of Rabadanov. Rabadanov shoots and gets a takedown. Renfro gets out after almost having his back taken. Rabadanov lands a solid leg kick and follows it up with a jab. An overhand right finds its mark for the Russian. Renfro lands a nice jab but eats another overhand right. Close first round but it became Rabadanov's as it went on.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Renfro
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov

Round 2

Renfro defends a takedown well and stays on his feet. Rabadanov charges forward with another takedown but fails again. Renfro lands a nice 1-2. Solid leg kick for Rabadanov. An overhand right misses for Rabadanov. Neither man has done much damage this round. Rabadanov fails on another takedown attempt, which is becoming a trend. Body punch lands for Rabadanov, who then gets a thai clinch and throws some knees before disengaging. Renfro eats a jab and then a left hook. They clinch and Rabadanov lands some sharp knees to the body. They separate and Rabadanov comes on with several hooks. A jab from Renfro propels Rabadanov back. Rabadanov rushes forward and gets his opponent to the cage. Knees land for Rabadanov. Renfro defends well, makes Rabadanov miss but can't follow-up and do damage. Knees land for Rabadanov, who once again clinches against the cage. The round ends with Rabadanov using his jab before clinching again.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov

Round 3

Rabadanov looks fresher to start the final round. The Russian throwing out the jab well. Renfro is looking to counter rather than move forward. It works in the moment as he lands a nice right hand. Rabadanov rams through Renfro and gets a takedown. Rabadanov immediately takes the back of Renfro but can't get a second hook in at first. Rabadanov gets into a better position and starts looking for a rear-naked choke. Renfro is flattened out and is eating punches. Rabadanov is in control and is happy to do some slight damage. Tight body triangle for Rabadanov, who has a minute left to try and get a finish. The round ends with a frustrated Renfro throwing weak punches from his back.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (30-27 Rabadanov)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (29-28 Rabadanov)
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (30-27 Rabadanov)

The Official Result

Gadzhi Rabadanov def. Solomon Renfro via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28); R3, 5:00.

Bruno Miranda (155.4) vs. Brent Primus (155.8)

Round 1

They touch gloves. Primus holding a tighter guard. Miranda throws a left high kick that is blocked. Leg kicks get through for Miranda. Primus throws hooks to get inside and goes for a takedown. Miranda is able to stay on his feet, but his back is against the cage. Eventually, Primus uses his foot and secures a trip. Miranda gives up his back. Primus gets both hooks in and looks for a rear-naked choke. Two minutes left. Primus gets his arm across the neck and has a slight crank before Miranda fights the hands. Primus lands some solid punches to the body and head. Miranda survives the round but takes a beating.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Primus
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-8 Primus
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Primus

Round 2

Miranda opens the second frame with a nice leg kick. Solid jab lands for Primus, who then secures a takedown. Miranda is in guard, but Primus passes it immediately. Primus takes the back again. He looks for a rear-naked choke. Miranda isn't fighting nearly as much and looks resigned to his fate. Primus slots in the rear-naked choke finally and gets the tap. Five points for Primus, who was totally dominant.

The Official Result

Brent Primus def. Bruno Miranda via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke); R2, 1:49.

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (205.8) vs. Jakob Nedoh (206)

Round 1

Yagshimuradov opens with a leg kick. Nedoh is the taller fighter and throws out his jab. Yagshimuradov slips a punch and lands a big overhand right. Nedoh is hurt. Yagshimuradov comes forward and lands a series of brutal uppercuts. Nedoh is wobbly. Yagshimuradov rushes forward with overhand right and left uppercuts. Nedoh's guard takes the bulk of the damage but some punches are still coming through. Yagshimuradov goes for a takedown and Nedoh has a chance to recover some. Half a round left. Yagshimuradov works his jab and follows with a straight right. A thudding right hand falls Nedoh! Yagshimuradov continues throwing and the referee rips him off. A huge showing for Yagshimuradov, who earns six points.

The Official Result

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov def. Jakob Nedoh via TKO (Punches); R1, 2:54.

Antonio Carlos Jr. (205.4) vs. Simon Biyong (205.4)

Round 1

Both men stumble each other with solid jabs. Definitely a feeling-out process. Biyong throws a high kick that is blocked. Carlos Jr. goes for a takedown and puts Biyong against the fence. Biyong eventually gives up his back while standing and Carlos Jr. is able to pull him to the ground. "Shoeface" gets a body triangle and is looking for a rear-naked choke. Some hard punches land and allow for Carlos Jr. to get his opponent's neck. It looks tight but Biyong is able to pop his head out. One minute left. Carlos Jr. is still in control and doing damage. Another choke is sunk in and Biyong taps to the rear-naked choke! A quick six for "Shoeface," who looked great once the fight hit the floor.

The Official Result

Antonio Carlos Jr. def. Simon Biyong via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke); R1, 4:34.

Sadibou Sy (205) vs. Joshua Silveira (205.4)

Round 1

Sy comes out looking to work his jab and flash kicks. Silveira eats a jab and counters with a leg kick. Sy doing a good job at keeping his opponent at range early on. Silveira goes for a takedown and gets Sy against the cage. Sy is lifted into the air and taken down. Sy gestures to the referee, and the fight is very anticlimactically waved off. Replays show that Sy dislocated his thumb when being taken down and didn't want to continue.

The Official Result

Joshua Silveira def. Sadibou Sy via TKO (Injury); R1, 1:14.

Mads Burnell (156) vs. Michael Dufort (155.8)

Round 1

Dufort comes out throwing plenty of jabs and calf kicks. Burnell is defending well, as his shell is deflecting most of the punches. However, Burnell isn't getting much offense off. Nice leg kick by Burnell. Dufort lands a push kick and throws a jumping knee that is blocked. Dufort goes for a half-hearted takedown, but it is easily shrugged off. Burnell lands a shovel uppercut and a right hook. Nice work inside by Burnell, who is finding his rhythm. Dufort is stuffed once again. Nice bodywork by Burnell. Dufort lands a nice knee to the body and is the busier fighter still, although most strikes are missing. Burnell ducks through punches but gets tagged by follow-ups and then eats a spinning back fist. Big right hand for Burnell. Dufort closes the round with a flurry that mostly misses. Close first round where neither man had the other in much trouble.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Burnell
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Burnell
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Burnell

Round 2

Burnell opens the round with dance moves. Burnell throwing more hooks. Dufort misses a jump knee. Dufort catches Burnell off guard with a switch kick and pressures him. A flurry of punches leads to Burnell diving for a takedown. However, Dufort sinks in a guillotine choke and gets the submission win! Talk about capitalizing on an opportunity.

The Official Result

Michael Dufort def. Mads Burnell via Submission (Guillotine Choke); R2, 1:03.

Clay Collard (155.6) vs. Patricky Freire (155.2)

Round 1

Freire comes out aggressive and lands a solid 1-2. Collard comes forward and walks into a right hand. Jab to the body for the American. Nice leg kick by Collard. "Pitbull" gets backed into the cage and eats some jabs and a right. Collard gets in close and lands a sneaky uppercut. Freire lands a jumping knee and then a really powerful 1-2 that floors Collard. The American gets back to the feet. Freire lands an overhand right and then gets a takedown. Collard gets back up, lands a nice knee and "Pitbull" is now cut on his cheek. Collard backs his opponent up with punches. Freire looking to counter. Collard working the body and legs. Collard is the busier fighter. Freire eats a right hand to the body. Freire lands a hook and shows that he's still dangerous. Collard unloads against the fence and finishes off with a high kick that is blocked. Spinning back fist is blocked for Freire. The round ends with Collard throwing combinations and ducking out of the way of a hook.

Sherdog Scores

Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Freire
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Freire
Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Freire

Round 2

"Pitbull" lands a big right hand to start the second but misses a flying knee. Collard looks much fresher. Push kick for the American, who follows it up with a series of punches. Right hooks land for Collard. Freire looks exhausted. Uppercuts land for Collard, and Freire is just standing still. To the body, to the head, Collard is unloading varied punches as "Pitbull" stands still and the referee steps in. The volume punching of Collard proved the difference.

The Official Result

Clay Collard def. Patricky Freire via TKO (Punches); R2, 1:32.

Rob Wilkinson (205.8) vs. Tom Breese (205.2)

Round 1

The co-main event begins with Wilkinson pawing out a jab. It finds its mark and the Australian unloads with a series of hooks and uppercuts. Breese counters with an effective hook. Wilkinson clinches and lands a number of damaging knees. Breese eats a knee to the head and goes down due to a right hand. Wilkinson continues to throw hammerfists in guard, and the fight is stopped! Wilkinson tore through Breese.

The Official Result

Rob Wilkinson def. Tom Breese via TKO (Knee and Punches); R1, 1:10.

Impa Kasanganay (204.8) vs. Alex Polizzi (204)

Round 1

The main event begins with Polizzi eating a right hand. Kasanganay strikes with a right hand and then a left hook. Kasanganay easily gets a takedown and goes into side control. Polizzi manages to get back to the feet and then goes for a takedown himself. Kasanganay sprawls well. Polizzi goes for a single-leg takedown and charges again to no avail. Kasanganay tags Polizzi with a right hand that floors him. Kasanganay follows up with punches and then lands several uppercuts. Polizzi is wobbly on his feet. Kasanganay is teeing off and floors his opponent again. He thought it was over, but the referee didn't step in. Polizzi goes for a kneebar attempt, but Kasanganay escapes. Now on the feet, another right hand hurts Polizzi. Kasanganay swings away, landing six punches in a row on Polizzi, who then stumbles backward. The referee has finally seen enough, and this fight is over.

The Official Result

Impa Kasanganay def. Alex Polizzi via TKO (Punches); R1, 3:29.

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