

Bellator 115 Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Reno Events Center in Reno, Nev., at approximately 7 p.m. ET with live Bellator 115 results and play-by-play.

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Benito Lopez vs. Oscar Ramirez

Round 1

Lopez comes out aggressive with his kicks. Ramirez eats a hard kick to the abdomen but still comes forward. Lopez pounds the body again of the south pawed Ramirez with another body kick. Ramirez responds with two left hands that connect to Lopez’s chin. Ramirez briefly switches to orthodox stance and lands a couple of jabs before moving back to southpaw. Lopez is able to secure a takedown and settles in to the guard of Ramirez. Lopez is working from the open guard of Ramirez with 90-seconds remaining in the frame. He stands and allows Ramirez to follow him back up to the feet. Lopez eats a shot and decides to ground his opponent with another takedown. Ramirez is active off of his back with some strikes. Referee Kim Winslow warns Ramirez with some shots to the back of the head but doesn’t take a point away. The two men stand and exchange again at distance to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lopez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lopez
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Lopez

Round 2

Photo: Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Lopez decisioned Ramirez on the cards.
The two start with a similarly quick pace to begin the second as Ramirez walks Lopez down with swiping hooks. Ramirez clocks him with a stiff left hook that drops Lopez on his seat, but can't land the necessary follow-up to get him out. Lopez sucks him close in guard, then shrimps back to his feet where they resume striking. Ramirez keeps pressing, landing short two- and three-punch combinations coming forward. Lopez lands a counter left and looks for another jumping knee, but can't locate it. Ramirez's forward pressure is constant, as he puts left hooks and right crosses on the face of his foe again.

The Californian seeks to right the ship, changing levels and dumping Ramirez on the canvas. Ramirez uses butterfly guard to push himself back to the fence where he tries to stand up. He creeps back to his feet with Lopez clinging to a bodylock. Lopez takes his time, setting up an outside trip takedown with just under 90 seconds to fight and getting to side mount. Lopez tries to step over Ramirez's head into the side crucifix, but can't get the position. Ramirez regains half guard with 30 seconds to go in the round but Lopez lands a volley of forearms. Before the bell, Lopez postures up and rains down punches with both hands, but can't land effectively.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ramirez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lopez
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Ramirez

Round 3

Ramirez immediately walks Lopez back to the fence and tries to unload, but Lopez thinks better of it at this point, changes levels and puts Ramirez on the mat again. Ramirez moves to double butterfly guard and looks for a chance to stand. Lopez deftly jumps over his legs on the farside, right into side mount. Lopez pressures from knee on belly, nearly allowing Ramirez a backdoor escape, but he manages to reaffirm top position with an overhook. Lopez smartly uses the overhook to step into full mount as Ramirez tries to turn away. Lopez immediately figure fours his arms in hot pursuit of a rear-naked choke. Lopez switches to a body triangle with Ramirez trying to snake his legs up the fence. Lopez sits up with the triangle cinched, punching Ramirez and sucking him back to the mat. The hometown fighter continues to try to wall walk while body triangled, creating an awkward angle. Lopez switches back to full mount, punches briefly, then takes the back once more. Ramirez is exhausted as Lopez is relentlessly driving for the finish. Ramirez gets back to his knees, but that's as far as he can get after several minutes of Lopez back mount is ended by the final bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lopez (29-28 Lopez)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lopez (30-27 Lopez)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Lopez (29-28 Lopez)

The Official Result

Benito Lopez def. Oscar Ramirez via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jason Powell vs. Sinjen Smith

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Smith quickly put away Powell.
Smith lands an inside low kick low on Powell and Powell takes a brief moment to jog it off. Smith lands two right crosses and a body kick. He continues pressing forward but Powell shoots in and puts him on the mat. Smith teases an armbar from the bottom while maintaining an active guard, stifling Powell's ground-and-pound attempts. Smith continues trapping Powell's arms and finally, the hometown Reno product launches up a tight armbar. Powell stands up, but is tapping before he even has a chance to step over.

The Official Result

Sinjen Smith def. Josh Powell via Submission (Armbar) R1 1:52

Freddie Aquitania vs. Josh Appelt

Round 1

Aquitania lands a one-two that briefly stumbles Appelt right out of the gate. Aquitania lands another right, so Appelt launches a heavy right and goes into the clinch. Aquitania easily dumps him on the canvas, gets hooks in and punches away. Appelt eventually bucks Aquitania off of his back, but the Sacramento fighter is still on top, pounding away. Appelt tries to kick him away and stand up to no avail. Aquitania passes the guard and steps over right into full mount, landing blows with both hands. Appelt manages to escape while under fire, though Aquitania pins him to the fence and continues to land short punches and knees.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Aquitania
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Aquitania
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Aquitania

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Aquitania took two rounds from Appelt.
The southpaw Appelt lands a glancing lead left, but nothing behind it. He tries a kick to the body but Aquitania catches it, drives him to the mat, then takes his back once more with quickness. Appelt stands briefly and impressively rolls out of the position, but Aquitania grabs a front headlock, snaps him back down to his knees and continues pounding away with one hook in. Appelt gives referee Kim Winslow a thumbs up while the Team Alpha Male fighter whacks away on his head with hammerfists.

Aquitania continues to ride Appelt with his nearside hook in, punching away until he gets opportunities to take full mount. With 90 seconds left in the round, Aquitania is essentially sitting on Appelt in quarter guard, punching away and crossfacing him. Appelt feebly looks for a kimura to defend himself but Aquitania keeps punching away. Appelt can't get out of the turtle position until there's 17 seconds left on the clock. He regains his feet but can't escape the clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Aquitania
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Aquitania
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Aquitania

Round 3

Appelt lands a left hook after stuffing an Aquitania takedown. He notices that Aquitania is swelling badly below his right eye and doubles the left. Aquitania stumbles back to the fence, bleeding from the nose, as Appelt jockeys for position. Aquitania turns him around and stalls the action until referee Kim Winslow breaks them up. They quickly come together once more in the clinch and Aquitania gets double underhooks. Referee Kim Winslow again separates them, but it appears both fighters think the break is for a low knee on Aquitania. Both fighters pause for a moment before Appelt cracks Aquitania with another salvo of lefts and rocks him back to the fence again. Appelt goes for a takedown but Aquitania shamelessly grabs the fence to stay up, prompting a pointless warning from Winslow. Aquitania is desperately holding on to Appelt, trying to hear the final bell, but Winslow breaks them up again with 30 seconds to fight. Appelt cracks him with another left hand, but gets sucked into the clinch again. Appelt swings for the fences before the bell but can't reach his target.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Appelt (28-27 Aquitania)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Appelt (29-28 Aquitania)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Appelt (29-28 Aquitania)

The Official Result

Freddie Aquitania def. Josh Appelt via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

James Terry vs. Rick Reeves

Round 1

Reeves immediately runs across the cage in pursuit of a double-leg takedown, but eats a right hand for his trouble. The lengthier Reeves pumps his jab and looks for leg and body kicks as Terry patiently counters while circling. Terry tags Reeves with a few clean counter jabs, weaving around the Reno native's offense. Reeves launches an overhand right then shoots for Terry's legs. Reeves is stuffed, but holds onto a rear waistlock and tries to jump on the Strikeforce veteran's back standing. Reeves drops his hips and yanks Terry to the ground. Terry is shrewd, grabbing a headlock and forcing his way to top position. He tightens a guillotine, steps over and takes mount for a moment, but Reeves scrambles free and gets loose. Reeves jabs and lands a hard leg kick behind it. Terry catches his leg, but before he can actually take Reeves down, the Reno fighter just falls to his back, inviting the ground battle. Terry buries his head to the farside in half guard, punching Reeves to the ribs until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Terry
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Terry
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Terry

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Reeves edged terry by split decision.
Reeves continues to kick whilst Terry circles, counters and jabs. Terry continues to stick his jab out, but he's not landing clean or stopping Reeves from moving forward. Reeves chops into Terry's left leg as he retreats, eventually landing a one-two that actually has some sting. Reeves keeps walking forward slowly as Terry circles to his own right. Terry isn't countering any more as Reeves keeps kicking away at his legs. Terry misses a left hook, but the right cross afterward is the hardest punch of the fight.

The exchange opens the action up a bit, as Terry lands another right hook and Reeves smacks him back with an uppercut. Late in the round, Terry begins moving forward more, landing a sharp leg kick of his own and slamming Reeves with a double-leg before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Round 3

Reeves rushes for a takedown and gets caught in a guillotine. Terry torques it standing up, running Reeves back to the fence. Reeves breaks his grip, but Terry holds the front headlock to thwart Reeves' takedown. “Intensity” flips Reeves over and claims top position for himself, smothering the Nevada fighter from half guard. Terry is just grinding away on top, putting his hand over his opponent's mouth and periodically punching. Terry passes into side control, but Reeves pushes off the fence and escapes. Terry refuses to give up the position, scrambling back to top position and punching away in half guard. Reeves is bleeding from under his right eye now. Terry passes to the far side and looks for a crucifix. He settles for punching away at Reeves' ribs until the final bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Terry (30-27 Terry)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Terry (30-27 Terry)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Terry (30-28 Terry)

The Official Result

Rick Reeves def. James Terry via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jimmy Jonesvs. Rudy Morales

Round 1

The spindly Jones opens up by kicking from distance. As soon as Morales attempts to return fire with a spinning back fist, Jones changes levels and tackles him to the mat. Jones pounds away tepidly until Morales spins for a leglock briefly, giving him a better chance for ground-and-pound. Morales scrambles back to his feet, but is stuck is the clinch with the lanky Jones. He finally gets free, but as soon as he kicks Jones, Jones catches his leg and puts him on the mat again. Jones postures up to pound, inviting Morales to try to escape. When he tries, Jones dives on him, riding him and looking to take his back. Jones controls Morales, knees him to the body and boxes his ears until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Morales bested Jones after 15 minutes.
Jones and Morales cautiously gauge the distance standing, pawing with jabs and missing with leg kicks. Jones finally cracks Morales wit ha few hard outside low kicks. Morales is pressing forward against Jones, but is hesitant to let his strikes go. As a result, the crowd gets restless. Jones whizzes an overhand left wide of its target and Morales beats his chest, begging Jones to engage with him. Morales kicks to the body again, resulting in another Jones takedown. Morales tries to limpleg out, but Jones runs him across the cage, rams him into the fence and lands a hard knee.

Jones sucks Morales to the canvas again, but just for a moment, as Morales pops back up against the cage. Morales lands a chopping left elbow inside and misses with the following right hand. Morales looks for a takedown of his home, which Jones stuffs, landing elbows to the side of the head. Morales and Jones exchange briefly with neither man landing substantially, prompting another Morales shot at the bell, which is stuffed.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Morales
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Morales
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Morales

Round 3

Morales is more aggressive to start the third, walking Jones down quickly and letting his hands go. Jones counters with a sharp right uppercut that backs Morales up. Morales lands a right hook in retaliation. Jones continues circling, landing a jab-cross and double-legging his man to the mat again. Morales instantly grabs a kimura from full guard, working it diligently for 10-15 seconds before bucking his hips and rolling into full mount. Morales claims full mount against the cage and unloads a dozen left elbows. Most of them are being blocked, but Jones is just laying there. Jones bucks and now it is right elbows from Morales, chopping into his hairline and drawing blood. Jones turns again and exposes his arm, giving Morales the chance to threaten with an armbar. Jones slowly steps over and escapes, trying to lock up a standing kimura of his own. Jones throws Morales down while holding him with the armlock, but Morales pops right back up. Morales walks away from the exchange, turning his back and trying to catch his chasing foe with a spinning back fist. With 30 seconds to go, Morales shoots a double, dumps Jones on the canvas and chips away until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Morales)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Morales)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Morales)

The Official Result

Rudy Morales def. Jimmy Jones via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Mikkel Parlo vs. Johnny Cisneros

Round 1

Parlo starts the round with a left and a right low kick which allows Cisneros to clinch and push Parlo in to the fence. Parlo is able to reverse the position and then gets a takedown. Cisneros gets to all fours and then stands back up. The Russian pushes Cisneros back in to the fence and throws a combination on the inside. Parlo then grabs the leg and scoops up his opponent for a takedown. Cisneros gives his back and Parlo takes the position bit is unable to get a hook. Cisneros breaks free and the two fighters are again back at space. Parlo enters in to another double-leg and takes down his opponent. From the open guard Parlo postures and throws down heavy shots. Cisneros is able to make space and gets back to his feet. With his back to the fence Cisneros lands a nice combination emphasized with a low kick. The two men clinch against the fence exchanging dominant positions along the perimeter to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parlo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Parlo

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Parlo easily outpointed Cisneros.
Parlo runs Cisneros right back to the cage, flurries inside and drives him to the mat once more. Parlo muscles the Californian, punching away and trapping his arms. Cisneros gets to his knees, but the Dane uses a front headlock to keep him down. Parlo locks up a cradle, puts Cisneros on his back again and passes to full mount just before the halfway mark of the round. Cisneros turns his back under Parlo's constant punching, going belly down and protecting his neck. Parlo keeps digging for a rear-naked choke. He learns back and nearly loses the back, but takes mount again and gets back to punching.

Parlo postures up and lands more left hands and forearms, before sitting back and letting loose with both hands before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Parlo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Parlo

Round 3

Parlo leg kicks and evades Cisneros' wild, winging combinations. Parlo shoots and is stuffed, but finds the takedown on his re-shot. He is instantly back into half guard, punching away on the grounded Californian. Cisneros turns his back while trying to stand, so Parlo briefly threatens with another take of the back. Cisneros pulls guard instead and Parlo goes right back to work. The Danish fighter keeps busting Cisneros with short shots before taking his back again halfway through the round. Cisneros escapes the position, but can't escape Parlo, who stays on top, taking full mount again with 30 seconds left. Parlo punches away with both hands, trying to seal the deal, but can't crack Cisneros.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parlo (30-26 Parlo)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parlo (30-27 Parlo)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Parlo (30-27 Parlo)

The Official Result

Mikkel Parlo def. Chris Cisneros via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Volkan Oezdemir vs. Kelly Anundson

Round 1

The longer Oezdemir immediately trips Anundson off of his feet with a low cut kick to his plant leg. Anundson closes the distance on the much lengthier fighter, elevating him and slamming to the mat from the waistlock. Oezdemir gets a warning from referee Herb Dean for grabbing the fence as Anundson drags him across the cage in pursuit of a takedown. Anundson puts Oezdemir down again but can't keep him down, so this time, he locks his hands, elevates the Swiss fighter and slams him in the middle of the cage. Anundson continues to use the rear waistlock to control his opponent, kneeing his thighs and forcing him to play defense. Anundson again slams Oezdemir to the canvas but can't actually control him, leading to Oezdemir standing back up once more. The hometown favorite Anundson keeps driving for a double-leg takedown and gets another one, but unsurprisingly, Oezdemir stands up along the fence. Less surprisingly, Anundson ragdolls him to the mat again. Oezdemir gets up, Anundson mauls him to the mat again. Anundson, from his knees, looks for a rear-naked choke with no hooks. Oezdemir escapes again and ends the round on his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Anundson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Anundson
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Anundson

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Anundson neck cranked Oezdemir.
Anundson lands a running overhand left on Oezdemir, segueing into his eighth takedown of the fight, double-legging his man in the center of the cage. Oezdemir crawls his way to the fence, but Anundson is still riding him, boxing his ears and controlling him the waistlock. When Oezdemir gets back to his feet, he's tackled to the canvas again. This time, Anundson instantly pins down a kimura from half guard and sets to work on it. Oezdemir powers his way out with little technique, but is still on the bottom of side control. Oezdemir rolls and shows his back again, resulting in more of the same rear waistlock control along the fence.

The American Top Team rep is turning this fight into a wrestling practice with punches. Oezdemir is just getting run into the ground. Anundson hooks one of Oezdemir's legs and looks for the rear-naked choke. The Reno native can't sink the choke clean, but he crossfaces Oezdemir so hard he gets the tapout from the neck crank.

The Official Result

Kelly Anundson def. Volkan Oezdemir via Submission (Neck Crank) R2 3:19

Herman Terrado vs. Justin Baesman

Round 1

Jason Herzog gets this welterweight assignment. Terrado wastes little time rushing Baesman and clinches forcing the Nick Diaz WAR MMA veteran in to the fence. With an underhook on the left side Terrado uses the free right arm to land a standing elbow to Baesman. Terrado stumbles backwards as Baesman pushes him away and the guys return to open space. Terrado shoots in again and forces his opponent to the mat. Baesman stands however and then forces Terrado in to the fence while clinched. Terrado spins, eats a knee, but forces Baesman in to the fence. Terrado grabs a single leg and gets the takedown. He quickly takes mount and Baesman surrenders his back. Terrado flattens out the Pittsburgh, Calif., native. Referee Jason Herzog reminds Terrado not to hit the back of the head as the welterweight rains down strikes on to Baesman’s skull. Baesman moves and is defending but cannot break free. Baesman continues to defend himself and then rolls free. The scramble forces Terrado to the bottom position as Baesman finishes the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Terrado
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Terrado
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Terrado

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Terrado and Baesman fought to a draw.
The middle round starts with Terrado throwing looping punches with Baesman backing up. A low kick from Baesman causes Terrado to stumble backwards but he continues forward. Baesman catches Terrado with a high kick which forces the fighter to shoot in. Baesman stuffs it briefly and then takes the back of Terrado. Three minutes remain in the round with Baesman controlling the back of Terrado. The Californian is not able to secure a hook howver which allows Terrado to roll through and grab a leg. Baseman moves and gets out of any danger. Back at space “Raw Deal” lands a kick to the body of Baesman. Terrado shoots and is stuffed.

Terrado goes to his back and Baesman launches an assault of strikes from the guard. Terrado briefly flirts with an armbar attempt but nothing is there. Baesman launches a barrage of elbows which forces referee Jason Herzog to get in for a closer look but the round comes to an end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Baesman
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Baesman
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-8 Baesman

Round 3

The third round of this evenly matched contest starts with Terrado stalking Baesman. Terrado launches a right hand that rocks the head of Baesman. Terrado eats a low kick to his lead leg. Baesman follows with a spinning back fist that misses. Terrado still pressing forward lands a combination. Baesman tries to respond with another spinning backfist. However, the low-percentage move misses again. Baesman lands a combination and gets a takedown. Terrado is able to move however and ends up on top fishing for the right arm of Baesman. He secures the arm and it’s fully extended. However, Baesman powers out of it and stands. Baesman falls to the mat after missing what looked to be a spinning elbow attempt. Terrado is able to get on top of the grounded Baesman and works from the guard. Time is not on the side of Baesman as Terrado is able to keep up the action to ride out the fight on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Terrado (28-28 Draw)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Terrado (28-28 Draw)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Terrado (28-28 Draw)

The Official Result

Herman Terrado and Justin Baesman draw (29-28, 28-28, 28-28) R3 5:00

Bellator Heavyweight World Title Fight:
Cheick Kongo vs. Vitaly Minakov

Round 1

The first action comes 10 seconds in when Minakov throws a jab and an inside leg kick that goes low on Kongo, prompting a brief pause from referee Herb Dean. Minakov continues walking Kongo back to the fence after the restart, trying to line him up for a long right hand. Minakov feints a leg kick, but the Frenchman remains patient and doesn't flinch. Minakov quickly clinches and trips Kongo to the ground deftly, moving into half guard. As Minakov looks to pound, Kongo jumps to his feet and eats a knee to the groin on his way up. Herb Dean again pauses the action as Kongo sits on the canvas, adjusting his jock. After Kongo indicates he's good to go, Dean deducts a point from the champion for his second low blow in the first two-and-a-half minutes of the fight. On the restart, Kongo lands with a long pair of crosses, rattling the champ. The Russian roars back with a right cross that puts Kongo flat on the deck. Kongo gets his wits back, but Minakov rolls back for an Achilles lock. He can't get the hold and Kongo has recovered, so they end up in an awkward leglock race. After 90 seconds of tinkering with Kongo's feet, Minakov sits up and reclaims half guard on top. He pounds away with short punches and elbows until the bell rings.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 9-9
TJ De Santis scores the round 9-9
Joe Ortiz scores the round 9-9

Round 2

Minakov again feints and stalks Kongo back to the fence. The minute the champion tries to pounce, however, Kongo lunge at his legs for a takedown. He gets his hands clasped and dumps Minakov on the mat by the fence. Minakov takes his time, tying Kongo's arms up and then walking up the cage wall to his feet. Minakov lands another knee by the borderline, prompting a reaction from Kongo, but Herb Dean tells him the strike wasn't low and to fight on. Kongo is aggressive, perhaps angry, when the action begins again, whipping body kicks at the champ. Minakov keeps trying to line Kongo up for another long right hand. Kongo comes inside and nearly eats knees from Minakov, but he covers up well and escapes. Minakov continues stalking forward, landing a front kick and a right hand. Kongo turns away as if hurt, but it's a possum attack, as he explodes with a giant right cross when Minakov approaches. The Russian avoids the killshot and tackles Kongo to the mat, instantly hopping into mount. Kongo covers his head while turtled on his knees, eating left hands from the champ. Kongo shakes Minakov off and gets back to his feet, then the bell rings.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minakov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Minakov
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Minakov

Round 3

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Minakov was the sharper fighter at Bellator 115.
Kongo holds off the advancing Minakov with a right cross, then rushes forward with both hands blazing. Minakov avoids the crosses and clinches, using another outside trip to put Kongo on his back. The UFC veteran is able to sit up against the fence, but not to get back to his feet, as Minakov buries his head into Kongo's chest and lands with short, blind punches. Halfway through the round, Minakov finds a second wind, getting real torque into his punches from his knees, ripping Kongo in close, grounded quarters. Kongo fights to get up and is able to push Minakov over and get top position along the fence.

Minakov shrimps and rolls into a tired takedown attempt before getting back to his feet. Kongo is still glued to his legs. Minakov hooks through Kongo's legs and rolls him over, taking top position back and thumping him with left hands to the abdomen until the bell rings.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minakov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Minakov
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Minakov

Round 4

Minakov is quickly in on a sloppy, tired takedown, allowing Kongo to sprawl, then suck his legs out. Kongo mostly holds Minakov down, elbowing his legs and body as Minakov tries to slide up the fence. As Minakov looks for a switch or some way to stand up, he is forced to contend with Cheick Kongo's patented shorts-grabbing techniques. Referee Herb Dean warns Kongo multiple times before pausing the action to warn both fighters for grabbing the shorts, with no point deduction. Kongo continues holding Minakov down in half guard as Minakov elbows his head and tries to catch his breath. With 20 seconds to go in the round, Herb Dean stands the pair up for inactivity. Kongo lands a stepping knee on Minakov, who eats it easily and exhaustedly dumps Kongo on the mat again before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 5

The minute Kongo swings, the champion snatches a single-leg takedown and spins the Frenchman to the mat. Minakov smothers Kongo on top in half guard, boxing his ears. Minakov manages to break Kongo's grip, posture up and rain down some solid shots with both hands. Minakov stays diligent, threatening the guard pass while punching away, getting to full mount with under 90 seconds to go. Minakov lands a hard salvo of punches before Kongo ties him up, prompting the Russian to favor short elbows instead. Kongo holds him tight in the last 10 seconds with Minakov trying to flail on him.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minakov (49-46 Minakov)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Minakov (48-45 Minakov)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Minakov (48-46 Minakov)

The Official Result

Vitaly Minakov def. Cheick Kongo via Unanimous Decision (48-46, 48-46, 48-46) R5 5:00
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