

Bellator 150 Results: Play-by-Play, Updates & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog.com's Bellator 150 coverage kicks off at 6:45 p.m. ET. Also, a free live stream is available.

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Deron Carlis vs. Thai Clark

Round 1

Clark comes out tall and sticks his jab in the face of the shorter Carlis, who tries to run Clark against the fence for a clinch. Clark shoves him off and circles back to the center, where the featherweights trade strikes for a few seconds before an inside thigh kick catches Carlis on the cup. Carlis recovers quickly and the fighters get back to circling, with Clark still jabbing to keep Carlis out of range. Clark fends off another clinch attempt, then walks Carlis backwards to the fence and drops to his knees for a double-leg takedown. Carlis tries to post and stand, but Clark has his legs wrapped up and now looks to mount. Carlis gets a knee inside and rolls Clark over the top, then bursts back to his feet. Now it’s Clark who wants to clinch on the fence, but he soon regrets the move when Carlis catches him with a knee to the groin. After a short pause, they’re back to throwing hands with 90 seconds on the clock. Clark lands an inside leg kick and Carlis grabs for his cup again, but referee Rob Hinds, who was nearby for the exchange, tells him to fight on. Clark runs down his injured opponent and secures another takedown. Carlis powers back to his feet with 10 seconds left and very nearly gets finished as Clark bombs him with punches against the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Clark
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 2

Clark wrangles Carlis back to the ground in the first 30 seconds of the round, but Carlis quickly sweeps and escapes to his feet. It looks like a repeat of round one as Clark assaults his opponent on the fence, doubling Carlis over with punches. Carlis dashes away and survives, however, and then manages to shake Clark after having his back taken while standing. Clark punches Carlis toward the fence, where suddenly Carlis charges forward with hard, wide hooks which seem to sting Clark. The pace slows as Clark puts Carlis’ back against the cage, drops levels and drags him down to the mat. Carlis struggles back up with Clark still wrapped around him. The fighters disengage and Carlis comes forward, bombing with wild overhand shots. He’s exhausted now, hands by his waist, making it even easier for Clark to land another takedown at the base of the fence. Carlis rolls to his knees and Clark feeds him a few left hands under the armpit.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Clark
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 3

Carlis is connecting with more and more punches as the fight stays standing through the first minute of the final round, but he looks very tired and there doesn’t appear to be a ton of steam behind the strikes.

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Thai Clark remained unbeaten.
Clark looks for a takedown but gets stuffed and forced down to the canvas, where Carlis jumps on his back and goes all-out for a rear-naked choke. Clark defends the RNC and easily sweeps to top position right at the halfway point of the round. Carlis controls his wrists from underneath and threatens to grab an armbar, so Clark stands up and tells his opponent to do the same. Ninety seconds left and both fighters look spent, circling just out of one another’s range. When they do step in to strike, both men land jabs simultaneously and then step back to reset. Carlis tries a flying knee but comes up short, and that’s where the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Carlis (29-28 Clark)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carlis (29-28 Clark)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carlis (29-28 Clark)

The Official Result

Thai Clark def. Deron Carlis via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Brandon Farran vs. Gregory Babene

Round 1

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Babene ran through Farran with ease.
Babene bounces on his toes and flicks leg kicks at the southpaw Farran, who is standing flat-footed and looking to counter. Farran walks forward, Babene gets backed up against the fence and suddenly the Frenchman explodes into a takedown that runs Farran to the other side of the cage. Babene passes straight to side control and then into full mount, where Farran flips onto his belly and gives up his back. Babene opts to not sink his hooks and instead focuses on the rear-naked choke. Farran keeps his chin tucked so Babene tries to soften him up with double-fisted punches to the sides of the head.

The punches work: Farran exposes his neck and Babene snakes his left arm around the American’s throat for a quick tap.

The Official Result

Gregory Babene def. Brandon Farran via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 3:37

Andre Fialho vs. Manuel Meraz

Round 1

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Fialho earned a 29-second KO.
Meraz gets cracked with a right hook on the jaw but slugs back with a straight right hand of his own that backs Fialho out of the pocket. Fialho walks down Meraz, backing him toward the cage. When Meraz sticks out a jab and leaves his left hand low, Fialho sees the opening and lays waste to his opponent with a left hook-right straight combo. Meraz hits the ground in a daze and referee John McCarthy tells Fialho to fight on. Fialho obliges with a pair of hammerfists which knocks Meraz out cold and sends McCarthy into action for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Andre Fialho def. Manuel Meraz via KO (Punches) R1 0:29

Julian Marquez vs. Chris Harris

Round 1

Harris comes out firing with a few left high kicks, but Marquez dodges and blocks, then steps forward and just misses with a murderous uppercut. Harris gets clipped with a left hook on the cheek but gets one back with a push kick to the chest that knocks Marquez back a few steps. Marquez is staying busy with his hands but most of his hooks and overhand power shots are bouncing off the high guard of Harris. An uppercut scores for Marquez, then Harris pushes forward with a pair of punches and a body kick. Harris keeps trying the left high kick but Marquez is getting his hand up to block every time. With two minutes left in the round, it’s Harris coming on strong, moving Marquez backward with headshots and leg kicks. A hard body kick backs up Marquez to the fence, where Harris attacks with uppercuts, hooks, more kicks. Not to be deterred, Marquez keeps swinging back as the final seconds tick down on a busy first frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Harris
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Marquez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Harris

Round 2

Harris continues to hunt for the left high kick at the start of the second, but on the second attempt he winds up slipping to the ground. He jumps back to his feet before Marquez can capitalize. Marquez is getting aggressive now, pushing forward to shove Harris against the cage. Harris breaks out of the clinch with a Thai knee upstairs that gets Marquez’s attention. Marquez shoots a slow-motion double and is easily stuffed. Harris attacks with more clinch knees, takes a right hand down the middle that splits his gloves. Marquez tries to run Harris against the cage but gets turned around and kneed again, then bashed with a level elbow to the jaw. Referee Rob Hinds pauses the action to replace Marquez’s lost mouthguard, and now they’re back at it with 90 seconds left. An uppercut scores for Marquez, then a one-two for Harris before the offense drops off a bit. Harris gets the last word in the round with a counter left hand that nearly knocks the kicking Marquez to the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Harris
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Harris
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Harris

Round 3

The middleweights are on full tilt at the start of the final frame, with Marquez going particularly hard for the finish, attacking Harris with heavy hooks and uppercuts. Marquez walks Harris toward the fence and looks to have him hurt with a left hook on the early, only Harris fires right back and stings Marquez with an uppercut. The fighters clinch on the fence and it’s Harris on the outside, getting the better of the exchange with knees and slashing elbows. Marquez separates, grabs Harris in the collar tie and feeds him an uppercut, but there’s significantly less power behind the punches at this stage. Harris slips throwing a knee and has to scramble back to his feet as Marquez tries to hold him down.

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Harris just eked by Marquez.
With 1:40 on the clock, Marquez lands a hard, straight right to which Harris responds with a bloody grin. Harris is backing up with his mitts high, deflecting punches and possibly trying to ride out Marquez’s last bit of energy. Marquez has found a second wind, though, and keeps attacking down the stretch. Harris gets the better of the final exchange, landing four or five precise counters on the face of the wildly swinging Marquez. That’s the end of an entertaining scrap which should yield an interesting decision.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Marquez (29-28 Harris)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Harris (29-28 Harris)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Marquez (29-28 Harris)

The Official Result

Chris Harris def. Julian Marquez via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Henry Lindsay vs. Marcio Navarro

Round 1

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Lindsay surprised Navarro with bombs.
Lindsay charges forward, swinging five or six fast punches which force Navarro to cover up and backpedal to the fence. Navarro nearly slips but keeps his footing and circles back to the center, where Lindsay begins circling around him, peppering with jabs and leg kicks. Navarro hasn’t thrown much through the first 90 seconds; he seems content for now to sit back and allow Lindsay to expend some energy. Navarro throws a body kick with his right leg, dropping his hands to his waist in the process. Lindsay spots the opening and throws a huge left hook to the jaw which sends Navarro stumbling, then dropping to his knees.

Lindsay stands over his fallen opponent, dropping punches until referee Nick Berens steps in to save Navarro from further damage.

The Official Result

Henry Lindsay def. Marcio Navarro via TKO (Punches) R1 2:30

Kyle Noblitt vs. David Hammons

Round 1

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Noblitt needed only 45 seconds.
Not much feeling out process between the two fighters as Noblitt closes the distance and gets hold of Hammons in a hurry. As soon as he gets hit mitts on Hammons, Noblitt trips him to the ground at the base of the fence. Straight to full mount goes Noblitt, then dropping off to riding position when Hammons rolls to his knees. Noblitt begins socking his turtled opponent with left hands, prompting referee Nick Berens to tell Hammons that he needs to defend himself or escape. Hammons does not, and with Noblitt still pouring on punches, the referee steps in and halts the bout.

The Official Result

Kyle Noblitt def. David Hammons via TKO (Punches) R1 0:45

Lena Ovchynnikova vs. Rebecca Ruth

Round 1

Ruth bounces forward and gets clipped with a couple hard hooks from the Ukrainian, including one which opens a small cut. Ruth puts the pressure on Ovchynnikova against the fence with an underhook, but it’s Ovchynnikova pulling Ruth off the fence and hurling her to the canvas. Ovchynnikova gets head-and-arm control but goes too heavy on top, allowing Ruth to sweep into top position. Ruth doesn’t make the same mistake, putting her weight on Ovchynnikova from cross side control. Ovchynnikova rolls to her knees, and Ruth drives a hard knee strike into her opponent’s ribs. Referee John McCarthy calls for work as the flyweights stall out on the ground. Ruth lands another knee to the ribs, then a left hand as she drives Ovchynnikova against the fence. Ovchynnikova works back to her feet but Ruth is still wrapped around her, now hugging her against a cage post. Ruth releases and backs up to bomb Ovchynnikova with punches, though only one clubbing right hand lands clean. Ovchynnikova tries another throw but can’t ground Ruth before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ruth
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ruth
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ruth

Round 2

Ruth slips to the ground throwing a kick and gets slugged in the face by an Ovchynnikova right hand before she’s able to scramble back up. Ovchynnikova connects with a few more punches and then tries another head-and-arm throw, but Ruth stuffs it and forces Ovchynnikova to the floor. Ovchynnikova is back up within seconds and steps backward, drawing Ruth forward to land a straight left counter. After a few exchanges in which neither woman comes up with a hard shot, Ruth puts Ovchynnikova on her seat with a right hook on the chin. Ovchynnikova powers back to her feet but gets stuffed against the cage, now midway through the round and the fight. Ovchynnikova keeps hunting for the same throw but Ruth is hip to it now and has no problem staying on her feet. The flyweights are back in the middle with 1:45 on the clock, and now Ovchynnikova worsens the cut above Ruth’s right eye with a hard left straight. Ruth won’t be deterred and continues to march forward, cracking Ovchynnikova’s nose with a right over the top. Ruth is bearing some damage on her left cheek now, too. She slips out of the way to avoid a spinning backfist and the whiffed strike sends Ovchynnikova falling to the ground. Ruth follows her to the mat and goes for a last-second armbar, but Ovchynnikova is saved by the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ruth
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ruth
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ruth

Round 3

Ruth opens the striking in the final frame with a left hook to the body of Ovchynnikova, who continues to step backward, hoping to capitalize on Ruth’s aggression with counters. The tactic doesn’t work, as Ruth ducks under a hook and drives Ovchynnikova to the mat with just over four minutes on the clock. Ruth sets up in cross-side control on Ovchynnikova’s right and leans across, so Ovchynnikova rolls left and gets to her knees. Ruth makes sure that’s where Ovchynnikova stays, while the Ukrainian throws her left arm behind her back to loop around Ruth’s neck, still thinking of the throw. The bleeding from Ruth’s cuts has worsened as they hit the halfway mark of the final round.

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Ruth ran roughshod on Ovchynnikova.
Ovchynnikova briefly gets back to her feet, only to be ragdolled to the ground by Ruth with a big slam from the rear waistlock. Ruth pins Ovchynnikova’s right arm underneath her and steps over to full mount. Ovchynnikova escapes the dangerous position and reclaims full guard, then kicks Ruth away. They’re back on their feet with 30 seconds to go, and Ruth walks straight into a left straight-right cross combination. She keeps coming and gets a knee to the gut from Ovchynnikova, who’s still looking for the head-and-arm throw when the final bell sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ruth (30-27 Ruth)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ruth (30-27 Ruth)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ruth (30-27 Ruth)

The Official Result

Rebecca Ruth def. Lena Ovchynnikova via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Chuka Willis vs. Gaston Reyno

Round 1

Reyno catches a body kick from Willis but can’t capitalize, and Willis adds a knee to the gut as the featherweights clinch against the fence. It’s Willis on the outside with an underhook, now tripping Reyno to the ground about one minute into the fight. Reyno works quickly to get back to his feet but can’t escape Willis’ heavy pressure. The fighters trade short knees to the body with Reyno appearing to get the better of the exchange before he trips Willis to the ground. Willis jumps back up and the fighters are back to striking, now midway through the round. Reyno gets Willis to bite on a feint and then gives him a chop to the lead leg. Willis switches between stances constantly as he stands just outside of the Uruguayan’s striking range. Willis comes looking for another takedown, but this time Reyno is waiting and snares “The Lion King” in a guillotine choke on the way to the ground. Reyno thinks he has it and is squeezing the choke for the finish; Willis stays calm and appears to have worked the right side of his neck free. Willis pops his head loose with 45 seconds left in the round and catches Reyno in transition to take his back. Willis tries for a rear-naked choke but can’t get it going before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Willis
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Reyno
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Willis

Round 2

Willis backs up Reyno toward the fence with push kicks, but Reyno pushes back to the center with a few kicks of his own. Reyno misses with a combination and gets caught with his hands down, and Willis sends him crashing to the mat with a right hand on the jaw. Reyno scoots backward to the fence, where he somehow regains his wits and powers back to his feet while Willis is trying to finish him off with more punches. Willis keeps his man pinned to the cage, pulls him back to the ground but can’t keep him there. Reyno throws a few knees inside, one of which hits Willis on the groin. Referee Rob Hinds pauses the action, gives Willis a moment to recover and asks if he wants to resume in the same position. Willis does, so it’s back to the clinch on the fence with just about three minutes on the clock. The 145ers exchange knees to the body as they continue their grueling battle in close quarters. Reyno loops his right arm around Willis’ head, fishing for another guillotine, but it’s not there. Willis is giving Reyno zero breathing room as they fight down the final 90 seconds of the round. Reyno finally escapes inside the last 20 and catches Willis in the back of the head with a spinning kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Willis
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Willis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Willis

Round 3

Willis goes straight across the cage to pin Reyno against the fence, and within 30 seconnds, he’s got the Uruguayan on the canvas. Reyno stands right back up but once again finds himself underhooked on the fence. Now, Willis is adding more damage in the clinch, leaning Reyno to the right and popping him with short left hands.

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Willis' wrestling was too much..
Two minutes in, Willis brings Reyno back to the mat with a double-leg takedown. Reyno goes to his knees and stands up as Willis tries unsuccessfully to jump on his back. Willis is tenacious and seems intent on keeping Reyno trapped against the fence, possibly for the final two minutes of the bout. Reyno reverses to the outside for a brief moment, only to be spun around again. Finally, referee Hinds breaks up the fighters inside the final minute. The separation is short-lived as Reyno pushes Willis against the cage. Willis reverses right away, backs up a step and both men swing wildly with punches. Reyno grabs the guillotine one last time and jumps guard just before the final bell sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Willis (30-27 Willis)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Willis (29-28 Willis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Willis (30-27 Willis)

The Official Result

Chuka Willis def. Gaston Reyno via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Kendall Grove vs. Francisco France

Round 1

Grove moves France backward to the fence with leg kicks, then doubles up on his jab and fires a right straight down the center. France circles out to the center, dodges a right high kick and whiffs on a big overhand right. Now it’s Grove going around the outside, circling to his left and dodging another power punch. Grove counters France’s next punch with a nice, short left hook on the temple. France swings some ugly punches to close the distance and puts Grove’s back against the fence, but the middleweights are only tied up for a few seconds before an inside knee from Grove lands on France’s cup. “Kiko” takes 30 seconds to compose himself and the fight resumes with France forcing Grove back a step with an overhand left. A hard leg kick gets the attention of Grove, who’s twice seemed affected by the low strikes. France charges again and gets pushed against the cage, though he soon reverses to the outside position, where he spends the final 30 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 France
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 France
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 France

Round 2

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Grove punched 'Kiko' unconscious.
France opens up the second stanza with another leg kick and then misses badly as he lunges forward on Grove with a particularly telegraphed right hand. Grove resets in the center and threatens with long punches and kicks, backing up France to the fence. France tries to grab hold of the Hawaiian to avoid damage, but Grove goes underneath with an uppercut and then over the top with a thumping right hand that lands square on the temple. France collapses to the ground and Grove gets in two shots that knock the Brazilian stiff. Grove moves in to drop more punches, but referee Rob Hinds is already on his way in to stop the fight.

The Official Result

Kendall Grove def. Francisco France via KO (Punches) R2 0:35

David Rickels vs. Bobby Cooper

Round 1

Cooper blocks a head kick but takes one on the inside of his lead leg, then snipes back at Rickels with a left hook before the “Caveman” can get out of the pocket. Rickels keeps the leg kicks coming inside the first minute, tries to go upstairs and gets blocked again. Cooper land a hard straight right to counter a Rickels left; after eating a few hard shots, Rickels wants to bring the fight to the fence. Cooper breaks loose after 20 seconds and lands a short right hook as Rickels moves in to clinch again. Rickels scores with a good knee to the body as Cooper escapes a few seconds later.

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Rickels' knees ended Cooper's night.
Rickels is having trouble finding his punching range as he slips to the ground throwing a right hand. Leg kicks continue to land for Rickels, but he eats another hook as he closes the gap on Cooper. The lightweights fight on the fence, now inside the last two minutes of the round. Rickels lowers Cooper’s head with the Thai clinch and hurts him with a pair of knees. Cooper drops to the mat and tries to cover up at the base of the fence as Rickels pours on the right hands. Cooper is in deep trouble, bloodied and trying to find a way out, but Rickels has him trapped on his knees and keeps slamming away until the fight is stopped by referee John McCarthy.

The Official Result

David Rickels def. Bobby Cooper via TKO (Knees and Punches) R1 3:49

Cheick Kongo vs. Vinicius ‘Spartan’ de Queiroz

Round 1

Referee “Big” John McCarthy issues a pair of verbal warnings to de Queiroz for leaving his outstretched hands open as he and Kongo circle the cage in the opening minute. After 90 seconds, the fighters finally engage as Kongo looks for a clinch near the fence. “Spartan” breaks free but eats a short left from Kongo on the way out. Kongo lands a few front kicks to the Brazilian’s midsection in the middle of the round, then a hard chop to the lead leg. De Queiroz walks him toward the fence, but it’s Kongo grabbing hold of the taller man and clinching him against the cage. Kongo lands some knees to Spartan’s thighs before being turned around and tripped to the ground. The Frenchman won’t stay down, however, and he’s back on his feet, kicking at the legs of de Queiroz inside the last minute. Kongo partially blocks a spinning backfist but seems to have felt it, as he drops to his knees for an immediate takedown attempt. The UFC vet can’t get the takedown but does manage to hold de Queiroz against the fence until the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 2

Kongo continues to chop at the lead leg of de Queiroz early in the second frame, forcing the Brazilian to begin checking the kicks. “Spartan” isn’t offering much in return as he slowly backs Kongo toward the fence, constantly walking down his opponent but going a solid 90 seconds without landing a strike. Kongo just keeps leg-kicking and flicking out his jab to keep de Queiroz at arm’s length. Spartan whips around with a spinning backfist, blocked by Kongo. With just over two minutes remaining, Spartan gets a trip takedown and plants Kongo on his back in the center of the cage. De Queiroz works from half guard on Kongo’s left side, landing a few left hands to the body while Kongo wraps up his head and right arm to slow down the offense. Spartan wants to mount but Kongo does well to retain half guard in the final minute. Referee McCarthy orders the heavyweights back to their feet with 15 seconds on the clock, and Kongo gets in a nice jab before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 3

Kongo lands a pair of leg kicks, slips a punch and slugs Spartan with a straight right. The Brazilian changes levels and drives Kongo to the ground inside the opening minute, once again near the middle of the cage. They scoot backward to the fence, Spartan back in the same half-guard position where he was in the previous round. Kongo is trying to kick off the fence and get some momentum to stand; referee McCarthy warns him to not hook his toes in the chain-link. Two minutes into the round, Kongo powers back to his feet. Once he’s upright, the Frenchman gets aggressive on Spartan, fending off a takedown attempt and then charging forward with a bunch of punches, including a right hook which bounces off Spartan’s temple. Kongo wants to clinch now and traps de Queiroz against a cage post with an underhook. They last about 30 seconds in the clinch before the ref separates the fighters. Kongo steps into the pocket with a right hand and gets slugged with a counter right on the button. Kongo’s legs go out from under him and it looks like he’s knocked out for a few seconds, but he regains his senses and clamps down on Spartan’s arms from the bottom. Spartan tries to pass half guard as the final minute ticks away, but now Kongo has recovered and is throwing punches from underneath. The fighters are stood up with 10 seconds left; Kongo gets the last word in the fight with one final leg kick.0

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spartan (29-28 Kongo)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Spartan (29-28 Kongo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Spartan (29-28 Kongo)

The Official Result

Cheick Kongo def. Vinicius “Spartan” de Queiroz via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00
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