

Bellator 159 Results: Play-by-Play & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog's live Bellator 159 coverage kicks off at 6:45 p.m. ET. Also, a free live stream of the prelims can be viewed here.

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Marcio Navarro vs. Fernando Martinez

Round 1

Martinez slings overhand rights at Navaroo in the opening minute but can’t land one cleanly as the taller man slides backward to dodge. Meanwhile, Navarro sticks to the outside and lands the occasional leg kick while slowly pressing toward Martinez from the center of the cage. Martinez just keeps looking for the big right hand, though he doesn’t look any closer to landing it here at the midway point of round one. Navarro continues to chip away with low kicks and jabs until the 70-second mark, when Martinez touches him with a left hook -- the best strike of the fight so far -- and rushes him against the fence. Navarro spins him around and looks for a trip takedown in the clinch. The lightweights reach a stalemate and spend the better part of the final minute grappling on the wall. Just before the end of the round, Navarro throws a knee that lands square on Martinez’s cup. Referee Nick Berens pauses the fight so that Martinez can recover before the fighters go to their stools. As soon as the break ends, the round is over. 10-9 Martinez.

Round 2

Navarro continues to control the center of the cage at the start of the second stanza, but the activity level from both 155ers remains about as low as it was in the opening round. Martinez is still looking for a homerun shot, while Navarro appears content to strike from range, picking up points with jabs and leg kicks. Same as the last round, Martinez finally stings Navarro with a left hand with only about one minute left in the frame. This time, Navarro clinches up and the lightweights go back to the fence. There’s more clinching until the 20-second mark, when Martinez spins Navarro and trips him to the floor at the foot of the fence, scoring with a few short punches before the bell. 10-9 Navarro.

Round 3

Martinez clips Navarro with a left hand on the jaw in the opening seconds of the round, sending the Brazilian stumbling backward to the fence. Martinez chases after him and gets wrapped up, then spun against the cage while Navarro clears the cobwebs. The lightweights split about one minute into the round and begin exchanging leg kicks in the center of the cage. Navarro blocks a head kick but soon after takes Martinez’s foot in the breadbasket. Navarro is trying to turn it up now, throwing harder punches down the center but not quite finding the mark. Martinez is having trouble getting past Navarro’s long jab and leg kicks, but the Argentinian is still swinging hands whenever he sees an opening. Down to the final minute, Martinez still circling the outside while Navarro follows from the center. Both men score with hard leg kicks, then Martinez with a short left hook on the chin. Martinez follows with a clinch knee to the body, gets pushed out of range with a jab. Martinez catches a body kick from Navarro in the closing seconds but can’t convert it to a takedown before time runs out. 10-9 Martinez (29-28 Martinez).

The Official Result

Fernando Martinez def. Marcio Navarro via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Johnny Marigo vs. Andy Riley

Round 1

Marigo rushes Riley with punches and looks for an early slam, but Riley threatens with a guillotine and forces the Brazilian to rethink the takedown. As they clinch on the fence, Riley hits a takedown of his own and begins to look for a choke as he works to pass Marigo’s half guard. Marigo sweeps to top position, stands over Riley and comes crashing back to the ground with heavy punches. Riley rolls to his knees, allowing Marigo to jump on his back. Marigo slams Riley’s head with a hard elbow strike, softening the American while working to secure an armbar. Riley has his hands clasped, resisting the submission, but after a minute of struggle, Marigo switches to a shoulder lock and forces a tap.

The Official Result

Johnny Marigo def. Andy Riley via Submission (Inverted Triangle Keylock) R1 2:44

Gaston Reyno vs. L.J. Hermreck Jr.

Round 1

Reyno rushes Hermreck against the fence but can’t keep him there, and the featherweights circle back to the center, throwing heavy punches in the opening minute. Hermreck eats a huge overhand right but continues to stand in front of the Uruguayan. Another right hand scores over the top for Reyno, followed by a left hook, but Hermreck keeps coming forward. The 145ers tangle on the fence but quickly disengaage again. Hermreck is getting zapped with punches, now absorbing hard kicks to the legs, too. Two right hands score for Reyno as he walks Hermreck back to the fence. The split again and Hermreck catches a kick, then tries to convert it for a takedown, but Reyno pulls back the leg and clinches Hermreck against the wall once more before the end of the round. 10-9 Reyno.

Round 2

Hermreck catches an early kick and tries to slug down the center, but Reyno pulls the leg back and applies it again, this time with a slapping kick to the American’s body. Reyno brings the fight back to the fence, hurling Hermreck to the ground after a brief struggle. Reyno doesn’t want to go to the floor, however, and referee Rob Hinds orders Hermreck back to his feet. Reyno continues to pick at Hermreck’s lead leg with constant kicks, and now adding knees as the featherweights clinch once again. There’s not enough activity for referee Hinds, who brings the fighters back to the center of the cage inside the last two minutes of the round. Reyno blasts Hermreck with another big right hand over the top; Hermreck just keeps coming, continually moving toward Reyno, even while absorbing strikes. 10-9 Reyno.

Round 3

Reyno moves around the edge of the cage with a high guard, deflecting jabs and throwing back leg kicks when Hermreck comes close enough. The featherweights tie up and go back to the fence, where Reyno takes the outside position and roughs up Hermreck with knees to the body. Hermreck’s nose and swollen left eye are leaking blood as he jumps guard; Reyno denies the position, instead coming to the ground in side control and bashing away at Hermreck’s face with right hands. Hermreck throws up his legs, looking for a last-ditch submission attempt, but Reyno shucks the legs and passes to full mount. As Reyno bombs with punches, Hermreck rolls over and gives up his back. Reyno goes hunting for a rear-naked choke, can’t get it and instead moves back to mount, where he pounds away with punches until referee Hinds calls a halt to the beating.

The Official Result

Gaston Reyno def. L.J. Hermreck via TKO (Punches) R3 3:57

Bruna Ellen vs. Jessica Middleton

Round 1

Ellen scores a fast takedown and jumps on Middleton’s back at the base of the fence, then begins working to soften up the Kansas local for a rear-naked choke. Middleton defends by locking up Ellen’s right wrist, but after a minute of struggling, the Brazilian pulls her arm free. Now, Middleton latches onto the left hand, and as Ellen tries to reclaim the arm, she loses her hooks and slips off Middleton’s back. Middleton stands over her prone opponent, landing a few punches before settling down in Ellen’s open guard. More right hands score for Middleton, but she leaves the arm dangling and has to defend against good-looking armbar attempt. Middleton gets free and resumes her punching, dropping hammerfists on Ellen’s face with both hands as the round concludes. 10-9 Middleton.

Round 2

Ellen wastes no time shooting for and completing a takedown near the fence, but Middleton wraps her up in closed guard almost as soon as they hit the ground. Middleton is driving short, horizontal elbows into the side of Ellen’s face as they fight on the ground; Ellen began the round with some solid ground-and-pound but is slowing now, just pressuring Middleton from top position. It’s not enough activity for referee John McCarthy, who orders the flyweights back to their feet. Ellen hits another quick takedown and takes the back of Middleton, who turtles up and buries her head to avoid another choke attempt. Ellen is trying to score with punches from back-mount but is having trouble finding the target underneath. 10-9 Ellen.

Round 3

Middleton comes out swinging, but Ellen ducks underneath and floors the American with an early takedown in the center of the cage. Middleton shifts her hips underneath, perhaps angling for a triangle choke, while Ellen stays busy on top with short, peppering punches. The pace is slowing now, as Ellen continues to grind on top and Middleton tries to figure out an escape from the bottom. Middleton uses head-and-arm control to hit a slow-motion sweep, landing in Ellen’s half guard with time running out. Middleton scores with some short punches, now some harder elbows to the jaw of Ellen, who kicks away her opponent and tries to scramble up. Middleton keeps her on the ground, but Ellen throws up a triangle. The choke doesn’t stick, but the leg scissor is enough to push Middleton out of her guard. Ellen sits up and drives forward, forcing Middleton to her back one more time just before the final bell. 10-9 Middleton (29-28 Middleton).

The Official Result

Jessica Middleton def. Bruna Ellen via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Philipe Lins vs. Guilherme Viana

Round 1

The Brazilian light heavyweights get off to a slow start, with little action through the first 90 seconds apart from a few Viana leg kicks. Lins begins landing his jab, takes a straight right on the cheek but seems unfazed by the punch. The glacial pace continues through the middle of the round, with Lins working from the center of the cage and Viana moving around the outside, neither letting go with much in the way of offense. Viana continues to land the occasional leg kick, Lins the sporadic right hand, but there’s little to separate the 205ers as the round comes to a close. 10-10.

Round 2

Lins sticks a jab and clips Viana with an overhand right on the temple, momentarily wobbling Viana, who backs up toward the fence. Lins closes in slowly, not rushing to finish; he corners Viana at the wall and tees him up for another hard right hand, this one landing flush to the jaw. Viana goes tilting to the ground, and a pair of follow-up punches from Lins is all referee John McCarthy needs to see before stopping the fight.

The Official Result

Luiz Philipe Lins def. Guilherme Viana via TKO (Punches) R2 1:13

Daniel Weichel vs. Emmanuel Sanchez

Round 1

Sanchez strikes first with an inside leg kick, then tries to go upstairs on the other side and gets blocked. Weichel catches the next low kick and runs Sanchez to the ground near the fence, but “El Matador” is able to bounce back up and circle away. Sanchez presses forward with a three-punch combination that touches Weichel’s jaw. “The Weasel” catches another kick and trips Sanchez to the mat, but again Sanchez is right back on his feet. Long front kicks from Sanchez are doing well to keep Weichel out of the pocket as the featherweight circle at the middle of the round. Weichel sticks the charging Sanchez with a jab but gets slapped in the face by a high kick. Sanchez goes to the body with a kick, eats a right hand in return. It’s give-and-take striking here in the first, though Sanchez may be edging it with his volume. With 90 seconds left, Weichel shoots and drives Sanchez to the ground, then tries to jump on his back. Sanchez works his way up slowly from one knee, then circles away with a minute on the clock. Sanchez continues to land body kicks, sneaking his left leg underneath Weichel’s right elbow almost at will. Weichel tries for another takedown at the death but only manages to wrangle Sanchez down to a knee. 10-9 Sanchez.

Round 2

Weichel dodges a dozen or more strikes in the opening minute, but Sanchez still gets through with a couple hard kicks to the body as he chases “The Weasel” from the center. Weichel comes over the top with a right hand as he takes control of the middle, then sticks a jab. He shoots low and nearly single-legs Sanchez to the ground in the center, but Sanchez posts up and springs back to his feet. Sanchez walks forward on Weichel at the middle of the frame, looking a little more tentative after walking into Weichel’s right hand on a few occasions. Sanchez may have injured his right hand, as he’s switched to throwing leg kicks almost exclusively down the stretch. Even so, Sanchez is getting the better of the exchanges, absorbing a punch or two from Weichel for every half dozen kicks landed. 10-9 Sanchez.

Round 3

Weichel hits a takedown in the first 20 seconds and sets up in Sanchez’s closed guard, working a couple feet away from the fence. Sanchez tries to get busy with punches and elbows from the bottom, so Weichel jams him up against the base of the fence. Sanchez willingly flattens himself out, then tries to cage-walk and sweep. Weichel is all over him, though, and the German sits out to spin around the back. Sanchez blocks the back-take and works his way up, but Weichel keeps him clinched against the cage. The 145ers separate with just under half a round remaining, and now it’s Weichel pressing out from the center of the cage. Sanchez tries to clinch, gets denied and eats a right hand, but he slaps Weichel’s face with a left high kick on the way out. Straight right hand connects for Sanchez, then a clinch knee narrowly misses Weichel’s chin. Sanchez tries the clinch again and eats a pair of short rights from Weichel before releasing. Down to the final 30 seconds, both fighters are still swinging hard punches. Sanchez cracks Weichel with a sharp left hook and fends off a takedown attempt, but Weichel blocks a kick and stuffs him to the groun just before time expires. 10-9 Weichel (29-28 Sanchez).

The Official Result

Daniel Weichel def. Emmanuel Sanchez via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Bruna Vargas vs. Emily Ducote

Round 1

Vargas tests the range with a few jabs before launching a straight right hand down the center. The Brazilian follows up with a two-piece combination, but this time Ducote scores with a counter right over the top. Another whipping right hand from Ducote turns the head of Vargas, and the American takes the opportunity to run her stunned opponent against the fence. Vargas tries to reverse or escape, but she’s decked by Ducote with a short elbow strike and then wrestled to the ground. Vargas reverses almost immediately, and now it’s the Brazilian on top with just under three minutes remaining. Vargas works slowly as she tries to pass Ducote’s half guard, maintaining constant pressure on the American’s head and shoulders. Ducote triangles the left leg of Vargas to hold her in place, so Vargas momentarily abandons the pass to get busy with some solid right hands to the face. Ducote tries to shrimp underneath and escape, but she gets an elbow to the face for her troubles. Ducote is sucessful in regaining full guard, though a short-lived armbar attempt at the end of the round amounts to nothing. 10-9 Vargas.

Round 2

Ducote’s first right hand of the round catches Vargas throwing a punch, and the Brazilian goes pirouetting to the ground in a daze. Ducote tries to pound her out with half a dozen quick right hands; the stoppage doesn’t come, but the strikes force the turtling Vargas to raise her head. As soon as she does, Ducote applies a lightning-fast rear-naked choke and squeezes tight, forcing an instant tap from Vargas.

The Official Result

Emily Ducote def. Bruna Vargas via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 0:29

David Rickels vs. Melvin Guillard

Round 1

The lightweights engage in a tense staredown but touch gloves amiably at the opening bell. Guillard opens his attacking with punches to the body of Rickels, who presses forward with leg kicks. Guillard latches on to a body kick but has to bail as Rickels throws punches on one leg. Guillard steps inside to throw a right hand over the top and gets a hard kick to the cup in the process. The UFC veteran needs only a few seconds to recover, and the fight’s back on with 3:30 on the clock. Rickels runs Guillard against the wall with an underhook, then drills him with a knee to the body. Guillard answers with a slashing elbow strike, then a left hand, knocking Rickels to the floor. Guillard smells blood and he’s going for the finish, smashing through Rickels’ open guard with punches, forearms and more elbows. Once Guillard finds the angle to land his right elbow over the top, two strikes are all it takes to knock Rickels silly and force referee Rob Hinds into action.

The Official Result

Melvin Guillard def. David Rickels via KO (Elbows) R1 2:14

Darrion Caldwell vs. Joe Taimanglo

Round 1

Veteran referee “Big” John McCarthy is the third man in the cage for tonight’s main event, which is a likely No. 1 contender bout for the bantamweight division. Caldwell swings and misses with some big punches early, even slipping to the ground while throwing an overhand left, but the southpaw soon settles down. Taimanglo looks to press forward and walks into a hard body kick from Caldwell. The Guam native stuffs Caldwell’s first takedown attempt, a double-leg shot from a mile out. Caldwell catches Taimanglo throwing a kick and shoots inside again, this time driving “Baby Joe” to the ground at the base of the fence. Caldwell looks for full mount as he mashes Taimanglo’s face with short, hard right hands and elbows. Taimanglo nearly gives up his back at one point, but he flips over and keeps Caldwell contained in half guard as they hit the midway point of round one. Caldwell’s offense drops off as he works to corral Taimanglo, who has now reclaimed full guard. Taimanglo works his way back to his feet with 80 seconds left, then sprawls on another long shot from “The Wolf.” Caldwell grabs hold of Taimanglo’s left arm from the sprawl position and tries to work it into a kimura, but the wrestler winds up on his knees with Taimanglo spinning to take his back. Taimanglo doesn’t have great position on the back, and Caldwell is able to escape out the back door to finish the round on top, still working for the kimura. 10-9 Caldwell.

Round 2

Caldwell slides backward and slaps Taimanglo’s face with a high kick as the bantamweights engage in a much more measured start to the second round. Taimanglo slips to the ground while throwing a kick and has to defend as he stands, with Caldwell running at him with a knee before pushing him against the wall. Taimanglo breaks loose from the clinch and resets in the center, now about two minutes into the period. Caldwell shoots under a murderous right hand from Taimanglo and floors him with another takedown. Heavy pressure from half guard keeps Taimanglo pinned to the canvas; Caldwell stays busy on top with short punches and another kimura attempt. Caldwell keeps grinding down the stretch with shoulder strikes and forearms to the face. It’s not enough for referee McCarthy, who stands up the fighters with 30 seconds on the clock. Taimanglo shoots for a last-second takedown, but Caldwell backs up to the wall and defends it with ease. 10-9 Caldwell.

Round 3

Caldwell shoots a mile-long double-leg and gets sprawled on by Taimanglo, who wraps up an arm-in guillotine choke and jumps guard. From his knees, Caldwell tries to climb back to his feet but doesn’t make it, and he taps out as they tumble to the ground. Guam’s Joe Taimanglo pulls off a huge upset, handing Darrion Caldwell the first loss of his career via second-round submission.

The Official Result

Joe Taimanglo def. Darrion Caldwell via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R3 0:09
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