

Bellator 228 ‘Machida vs. Mousasi’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

Sherdog's live Bellator 228 coverage will begin at approximately 6:30 p.m. ET.

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James Barnes vs. David Duran

Round 1

Barnes is pressuring and feinting before failing to grab a single-leg on a shot. A straight left from Duran sends Barnes stumbling backward momentarily. Another straight left connects for Duran and Barnes answers with an inside low kick. Duran cracks the lead leg of his opponent. Duran denies another naked shot from Barnes, and they remain in the center of the cage. Duran misses on a punch and denies Barnes’ initial takedown try. Barnes is persistent, and he secures a rear body lock before rolling to the mat attached to his foe’s back. Duran scrambles up, but Barnes stays sticky near the fence. The combatants fall to the canvas and Barnes pounds Duran with several right hands and ends the frame in top position in side his opponent’s guard. 10-9 Barnes.

Round 2

Barnes stalks Duran before landing an inside leg kick. He immediately follows with a shot that’s initially stuffed by Duran. However, Barnes takes his man down near the fence, mounts him and transitions to back control with one hook in. Barnes lands some right hands to the head and body while maintaining positional control. Duran covers up as Barnes continues to pepper him with right hands. Barnes locks in a body triangle and fishes for a rear-naked choke. Duran frantically tries to escape, but Barnes only tightens the hold. Duran taps in a matter of seconds.

The Official Result

James Barnes def. David Duran via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 1:51

Joshua Jones vs. Dominic Clark

Round 1

Clark leads off with an outside low kick in this lightweight battle. They tie up in the center of the cage, and Jones shoves his foe into the fence. Jones lands a knee to the midsection before they separate. Clark steps in with a whipping body kick. A high kick from Clark partially lands, and Jones shakes it off. Jones jumps guard for an arm-in guillotine attempt. Jones only has half guard, but the squeeze is nonetheless pretty tight. Clark attempts to work his way to the side of his opponent while freeing his neck but it’s to no avail. Clark is forced to ask out of the fight moments later.

The Official Result

Joshua Jones def. Dominic Clark via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 2:39

Weber Almeida vs. Castle Williams

Round 1

Almeida has garnered some attention early in his career as a member of the Team Machida camp. Williams forces the action early, but he is slammed to the mat when he closes the distance. Almeida lands some hard punches before Williams hustles to his feet. Almeida counters a spinning back kick to the body with a short left, and it drops his opponent. Williams pops up and shoots for a takedown against the cage. They separate, and Williams is already bleeding near his eye and from his nose. He is undeterred as he stalks Almeida. Williams transitions to another takedown try off a spinning back kick. He lands some knees to the body before Almeida breaks free. A front kick lands flush for Almeida. The featherweights clinch against the fence briefly before Almeida backs away. A switch kick to the midsection lands for Almeida. Almeida connects with a right hand to the body and a left upstairs. Almeida is picking up his offense and Williams is backing up for a moment. Almeida lands three left hooks in a row, the last of which puts Williams on his back. Almeida follows him down and drops some punches, but Williams defends. Williams briefly threatens with a gogoplata. He doesn’t get it but it allows him to catch his breath for a moment. Almeida stands and drops some powerful standing-to-ground punches before the horn. 10-8 Almeida.

Round 2

Williams comes out for Round 2 with his right eye nearly swelled shut. Almeida immediately tees off with a multi-punch combination. Williams shakes it off, and resumes pressuring his adversary. Williams flails and misses on a combination, and Almeida drops him with a counter left hook. Almeida dives in and lands another punch or two just before referee Milan Ayers dives in to save Williams. Meanwhile, John Hackleman throws in the towel on Williams’ behalf from the corner, although it doesn’t appear Ayers saw that gesture before he made his call.

The Official Result

Weber Almeida def. Castle Williams via TKO (Punches) R2 0:20

Shawn Bunch vs. Leandro Higo

Round 1

Bunch opens up with an outside leg kick in a tentative opening minute. Higo fires off a jab and then briefly knocks Bunch off balance with a calf kick. Bunch lands a clean counter right hand following a left hook from his Brazilian foe. A straight right lands flush for Higo. A counter right hand from Bunch clips Higo’s jaw. Higo misses a flying knee and Bunch counters with a straight right. The American Kickboxing Academy product ducks under a punch and shoves Higo into the cage. They continue to jockey for position before separating, where Bunch lands a right on the break. Higo connects on a low kick before the round ends. 10-9 Bunch.

Round 2

Higo lands a glancing front kick to the body as he attempts to set the pace at the outset of the frame. A right hand from Bunch snaps Higo’s head back. Bunch fires off a quick one-two, then moves out of danger. Higo is standing in front of him and answers with a right of his own. Bunch catches Higo coming in with a jab. Another straight right finds a home for Bunch. Bunch is consistently beating his Brazilian opponent to the punch during exchanges. Higo briefly lands a takedown, but Bunch escapes through the backdoor and presses his man into the fence. Higo reverses position, but Bunch has double underhooks with his back to the fence. They continue to battle for position in the clinch, and they separate with a little more than 1:00 remaining. Bunch goes back to the right hand. Higo lands a knee and a right, so Bunch changes levels and shoots for a takedown. Higo defends with his back to the fence. The Pitbull Brothers representative jumps guard for a guillotine choke, and it’s locked in tight. Bunch remains on his feet momentarily before crumbling to the canvas, where he taps in a matter of seconds.

The Official Result

Leandro Higo def. Shawn Bunch via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R2 4:34

Mike Jasper vs. Johnny Cisneros

Round 1

Jasper puts Cisneros on his seat immediately with a jab during an initial exchange. Jasper follows his foe down and sets up in side control. Cisneros attempts to buck Jasper off him, but his opponent stays heavy on top. Still in side control, Jasper covers Cisneros’ airway while slamming a knee to the body. Jasper continues to drive periodic knees to the body before landing a couple right hands to the face. Cisneros sits up for a second, but Jasper powers him right back down to the floor. Cisneros gives up his back and Jasper puts in a hook near the fence. Jasper rides him, pounding away with left hands and an elbow. Cisneros covers up as Jasper continues to pound away. Cisneros powers to his feet with 45 seconds left, but Jasper is still attached to him. Jasper drags his foe back down and lands in side control before passing to full mount with less than 20 seconds remaining. Cisneros survives without eating too much damage. 10-8 Jasper.

Round 2

Cisneros comes out firing big punches, but he can’t find the range. Jasper answers with a right cross that does land. Jasper eludes a combination from Cisneros. Jasper stalks, looking for an opening. Cisneros changes levels for a takedown behind a big punch after Jasper appears to turn his ankle due to an awkward step. Jasper defends against the fence as Cisneros tries to stay busy with short punches. Jasper reverses position and turns Cisneros into the fence. Cisneros delivers some elbows to the side of the head as the struggle in the clinch wages on. Jasper changes levels. They separate and it’s clear Jasper can’t put weight on his injured foot. Cisneros attacks with punches. They separate and Cisneros whips at the leg with low kicks before tagging Jasper with a right hand. Jasper can’t put any weight on his leg as he backs into the fence. Jasper falls to the mat as he attempts to put pressure on the ankle, and Cisneros dives in to attack with ground-and-pound. Referee Frank Trigg has seen enough, and Cisneros has an improbable TKO triumph.

The Official Result

Johnny Cisneros def. Mike Jasper via TKO (Punches) R2 4:28

Antonio McKee vs. William Sriyapai

Round 1

McKee is cornered by his son, A.J., who is part of the featherweight grand prix on tonight’s main card. McKee misses on a high kick and Sriyapai backs away. The combatants trade low kicks. McKee with a standing side kick that doesn’t seem to affect Sriyapai. He follows up with a body kick. A slow pace to start as we’re halfway through the round, but both fighters are approaching 50 years old. Sriyapai lands a body kick and follows with a right hand to the top of the head that knocks McKee off balance. McKee with a low kick, and then just misses on a hook kick. McKee drops low for a takedown and he plants Sriyapai on his back near the fence. McKee transitions from half guard to a north-south position. He’s back to half guard, dropping elbows and punches from above. McKee is having success with elbows as time winds down. 10-9 McKee.

Round 2

Sriyapai lands a kick to the body, and McKee answers with a glancing high kick. Sriyapai stumbles and McKee capitalizes by taking his opponent down against the cage. McKee grapevines one of Sriyapai’s legs and begins unloading with left hands to the head. Sriyapai is attempting to cover up as the barrage continues, but referee Mike Beltran wants to see a little more in the way of defense. A few of those punches find their way through Sriyapai’s guard, and Beltran has seen enough. Sriyapai offers a mild protest of the stoppage, but he clearly wasn’t offering any intelligent means of defense. At 49 years old, McKee has his first professional MMA win since November 2014.

The Official Result

Antonio McKee def. William Sriyapai via TKO (Punches) R2 1:17

Ava Knight vs. Shannon Goughary

Round 1

Knight, a boxing champion, makes her MMA debut tonight in a strawweight affair. Knight presses forward with clean one-two combinations. Knight counters a low kick with a hard straight right. Knight doubles up on her jab and then scores with a lead right moments later. Goughary is doing her best to mix up kicks, but Knight is just tagging her on the counter. Goughary shoots for a takedown out of desperation, and Knight sprawls and defends against the cage. Knight turns Goughary into the cage and lands a knee. Goughary is able execute a lateral drop and get Knight to the mat. Goughary effortlessly passes into mount. Knight scrambles out of an armbar attempt, and Gougharyworks from side control. She traps Knight’s arm and drops some elbows. Knight reverses position and drops punches from above as Goughary frames a triangle from her back. Knight has to survive for another minute, as she remains trapped in the choke. Goughary looks to transition to an armbar as we hit the 20-second mark. The round ends with Knight in defense mode. 10-9 Goughary.

Round 2

Back on her feet, Knight tags Goughary with a jab, and then hurts her with a right to the body moments later. Knight counters a lazy kick with another clean right hand. Goughary lands an inside low kick, but she again absorbs another right. Goughary eats more shots attempting to shoot a naked takedown. Knight lands a right and that staggers Goughary, who paws at her eye for a moment. Knight counters another Goughary kick with a combination. Goughary’s eyes are both wearing the damages from Knights punches. Knight drops her foe with a right and follows her opponent to the mat. Goughary shoots for a takedown and Knight sprawls. They’re standing again, and Knight stalks her foe before tagging her with another right hand. More right hands from Knight land, and Goughary isn’t disguising her kicks at all. Knight feints and then backs Goughary up with a right across the jaw. Knight presses the action and lands more straight rights before attacking the body. 10-8 Knight.

Round 3

A counter right makes Goughary stumble backward. Knight tags her foe with a couple nice jabs. A right hand-left hook combination lands for Knight. She forces Goughary to shoot after landing a left to the body. Knight stuffs the takedown, backs away and orders Goughary to return to her feet. A right hand and a left uppercut land for Knight, who hurts Goughary with a follow-up body shot. Goughary returns to her feet only to eat a straight left to the liver. Goughary doubles over in pain while giving an audible yelp, and Jason Herzog intervenes before any damage can be done. Knight has a victory in her pro debut.

The Official Result

Ava Knight def. Shannon Goughary via KO (Body Punch) R3 1:46

A.J. Agazarm vs. Jonathan Quiroz

Round 1

Agazarm stays on the outside to begin, looking for an opening to get the fight to the mat. Agazarm lands a kick to the body and then explodes for a double-leg takedown at the 3:45 mark. Quiroz slides to the fence, where he remains in a seated position. Agazarm lands some elbows to the body before Quiroz scrambles back up. A low kick lands for Quiroz as Agazarm presses forward. Agazarm pressures forward with punches, but he gets tagged by a right hand. Agazarm lands a couple jabs but eats another hard right from Quiroz on the counter. Agazarm lands a pair of body kicks but gets clipped with a left hook. Quiroz lands a hard knee to the body, and Agazarm takes it relatively well. Agazarm drops low for a single leg, but Quiroz stuffs it. Quiroz lands a combination and backs Agazarm off with a jumping knee. Agazarm goes back to the body kick. 10-9 Quiroz.

Round 2

Agazarm goes back to working the body with kicks, and Quiroz answers with a hard low kick. Agazarm closes the distance and works for a takedown against the fence. Quiroz is down only briefly before returning ot his feet and creating separation. Quiroz steps in with a hard knee to the body. Agazarm is consistently attacking the body with kicks. Agazarm gets a takedown in the center of the cage and takes his foe’s back in a scramble. This is a bad spot for Quiroz with about 3:00 to go. Agazarm has both hooks in and he’s looking for a rear-naked choke. He lets it go and lands some punches ot the side of the head. Agazarm cranks on the jaw of Quiroz as we approach the 1:00 mark. Quiroz throws some shots over the head at Agazarm, but they’re doing minimal damage. Agazarm brings his left leg up to try and isolate Quiroz’s arm. Instead, it allows Quiroz to scramble free, and the featherweights are standing again. Agazarm shoots for a single-leg against the fence. He works to take the back again as time winds down. 10-9 Agazarm.

Round 3

Quiroz begins the frame firing off his jab, and Agazarm answers with a left body kick. Quiroz stumbles forward but still lands a short left. Quiroz sprwalws on a shot by Agazarm. They trade blows near the fence before Agazarm drops for a low single. Quiroz lands some hammerfists before getting pinned against the fence. Agazarm unloads with a knee to the torso of his opponent. Another knee on the inside from Agazarm lands. Agazarm is punishing Quiroz with knees against the fence. Quiroz looks frustrated, but he can’t do anything to return to his feet with 1:30 remaining. Agazarm lands some short right hands as the crowd becomes restless.The return to their feet and Quiroz makes Agazarm stumble with a low kick. Agazarm dives for a low shot and quickly transitions to Quiroz’s back. Agazarm hunts for a choke, falls back but loses the hold as the 10-second warning sounds. Agazarm ends the fight attached to Quiroz’s back. 10-9 Agazarm (29-28 Agazarm).

The Official Result

A.J. Agazarm def. Jonathan Quiroz via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Daniel Weichel vs. Saul Rogers

Round 1

Rogers lands a right hand in an early exchange and then staggers Weichel with another punch moments later. Rogers just misses on an overhand right, but Rogers lands a one-two and Weichel circles away. Weichel evades a combination, and Rogers changes levels for a single-leg. Weichel defends nicely and circles off the fence. Weichel follows an inside low kick with a jab. Rogers has a high kick blocked. Rogers with a straight right-left hook combination. Weichel lands a counter left hook, his best shot of the fight so far. Weichel lands an outside low kick. The German whiffs on a hook and sprawls on a takedown. A left hook from Weichel puts Rogers on rubbery legs in the waning seconds. Weichel attacks with punches, knees and kicks against the fence as time winds down. Rogers circles away as the bell sounds. 10-9 Weichel.

Round 2

Rogers has a body kick blocked. A hard low kick lands for Weichel, and Rogers counters with a jab. A right hand over the top scores for Rogers. Weichel lands a straight right. Rogers is stuffed on a takedown and they remain in the center of the cage. Weichel attacks with an inside low kick. Weichel sticks a one-two combination. Rogers attacks the lead leg of Weichel with a pair of kicks. A right cross from Rogers grazes his foe’s chin. Weichel with a left hook during an exchange, and Rogers answers with a hard kick to his opponent’s lead leg. A low kick by Weichel briefly sends Rogers to the floor, but he’s up quickly. Rogers sticks his jab. Rogers connects with a quick combination. Weichel lands a left hook at the tail end of an exchange in the pocket. Another left hook finds the range for Weichel. 10-9 Rogers.

Round 3

Weichel begins with a three-punch combination at the outset. A straight right lands for Rogers. Weichel pressures and Rogers changes levels. However, Weichel stuffs it and they separate. Weichel backs up Rogers with a straight right. Weichel is working behind his jab, following with a left and a low kick. Rogers answers with an uppercut. A counter right grazes Rogers. Weichel pressures and lands a combination. Rogers is throwing single jabs but struggling to find the range. The crowd starts to boo as Weichel buckles Rogers with a straight right hand. Rogers shoots for a takedown in response and is stuffed. Both men land hard rights in an ensuing exchange. Weichel catches a kick and shoves Rogers to the floor. Weichel kicks at the legs before a standup is ordered. Rogers sticks a jab as time ticks down. Weichel, who is cut under his right eye, stuffs another takedown before the bell sounds. 10-9 Weichel (29-28 Weichel).

The Official Result

Daniel Weichel def. Saul Rogers via Unanimious Decision (29-28, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Darrion Caldwell vs. Henry Corrales

Round 1

Both fighters taking a measured approach early, with Caldwell threatening with kicks to control the range. Caldwell drops low for a single leg, he lifts Corrales and lands in side control. Caldwell’s corner urges him to look for a crucifix as he maintains top position. Caldwell briefly steps into full mount, but Corrales quickly recovers half guard. Caldwell postures up and drops a couple left hands. “The Wolf” creates space for an elbow. Now Corrales reclaims full guard at the 1:30 mark. Caldwell isn’t especially active, but he’s working to advance while landing the infrequent punch or elbow. Now Caldwell picks up the pace, dropping a series of punches and elbows in the final 30 seconds. Corrales appears to be cut from an elbow. Corrales scrambles up and Caldwell launches a knee as he returns to his feet. It would have been illegal had it landed to Corrales’ head, but the blow misses and the round ends without further incident. 10-9 Caldwell.

Round 2

Corrales leads off with an inside low kick. Caldwell lands a glancing high kick. He throws another high kick and follows with a takedown against the fence. Caldwell ties up both legs, but Corrales is up. Caldwell remains attached to his foe against the cage with his hands connected. Caldwell shifts to a single-leg but can’t keep Corrales down. Corrales is able to separate with a little more than 2:00 left in the frame. Corrales stalks Caldwell, but he is reluctant to pull the trigger. Caldwell times a level change, grabs a single leg and trips Corrales’ opposite leg out from under him. Corrales scrambles up and Caldwell drives for another takedown against the fence. They separate with 10 seconds left, and Caldwell gets a final takedown just as the bell sounds. 10-9 Caldwell.

Round 3

Likely down two rounds, Corrales needs a finish to extend his five-fight winning streak. Corrales lands a low kick. Caldwell circles on the outside and lands a leg kick of his own. Corrales remains hesitant to throw anything. Caldwell again drops low, but can’t get the takedown. They separate and Caldwell resumes circling on the outside. Caldwell makes Corrales stumble forward with a low kick. Referee Black Grice urges the competitors to engage as we’re under two minutes. Grice calls time and warns Caldwell for timidity. Caldwell throws a front kick and shoots for a takedown. He drops the single-leg and keeps Corrales pinned against the fence. Corrales jumps guard for a guillotine choke with 40 seconds remaining. Corrales loses the grip, and Caldwell will be content to control this position until time runs out. 10-9 Caldwell (30-27 Caldwell).

The Official Result

Darrion Caldwell def. Henry Corrales via Unanimous Decision (29-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

A.J. McKee vs. Georgi Karakhanyan

Round 1

McKee fires off a long jab to begin the action before closing the distance. McKee drops Karakhanyan to the canvas with a massive left hand to the chin. “The Mercenary” wastes no time in capitalizing, as he unloads with standing-to-ground punches on his dazed opponent. About five unanswered blows land and Karakhanyan goes out as his head bounces off the canvas. This one is over in near record time, as McKee has recorded the second-fasted KO/TKO victory in promotion history. He punctuates his advancement into the grand prix quarterfinals with a backflip off the cage.

The Official Result

A.J. McKee def. Georgi Karakhanyan via KO (Punches) R1 0:08

Bellator Title Fight:
Patricio Freire vs. Juan Archuleta

Round 1

The featherweight title will be on the line in the lone bout scheduled for five rounds in the opening round of the grand prix. Archuleta begins the contest circling on the outside while the champ takes the center of the cage. Archuleta lands a couple low kicks about a minute in as an extended feeling-out process has ensued. Archuleta lands to the cup of Freire with his next kick, and Freire is granted a brief recovery period. Archuleta loses his balance on a head kick and then throws a wild upkick as Freire advance. “Pitbull” avoids any damage and locks up a head lock to threaten with a guillotine. Freire tightens the squeeze with Archuleta crouched against the fence. Freire relinquishes the grip with about 1:30 to go. Freire lands a knee to the chest as he continues to control position. Another knee lands to the chest for Freire. Archuleta attempts to hold Freire close, but the champ frees himself and flurries with right hands from above until the frame ends. 10-9 Freire.

Round 2

A stiff right hand connects for Freire after about a minute of inactivity. Archuleta presses forward and accidentally pokes his opponent in the eye. Freire seems to be OK, and Archuleta gets a quick warning. A left hook from Freire catches Archuleta as he looks to close the distance. Archuleta shoots for a takedown and the Brazilian defends against the fence. Freire turns his foe into the fence. The clinch battle continues, but not a lot of action is happening from this position. It’s been a slow paced round, and the boo birds make a brief appearance. Freire appears content to pin Archuleta on the fence. They separate just before the horn and Archuleta whiffs on a rolling kick. 10-9 Freire.

Round 3

Archuleta storms out and whiffs on a left hook. “The Spaniard” then slips on a missed high kick. Freire lands a stiff counter right hand that drops Archuleta. Freire moves in for the finishes and dodges an upkick. Archuleta is bleeding profusely as Freire assumes top position near the fence. Archuleta is in a seated position and he is able to stand. The featherweights battle in the clinch before separating, and Freire takes the center of the cage again. Archuleta is coming up short on virtually all of his offense. Freire times a takedown, but Archuleta defends and breaks free. Freire lands a right hand. Archuleta is denied on a takedown. Freire denies another takedown and cinches a tight guillotine near the fence in the round’s waning seconds. It’s tight, but Archuleta is saved by the bell. 10-9 Freire.

Round 4

Archuleta picks up the pace, attacking with a combination. Freire answers an onrushing Archuleta with a two-punch counter. Freire connects with a hard leg kick, then knocks Archuleta off balance with a left hook that lands while his foe was attempting a kick. Freire scrambles to the back of his foe, landing knees to the glutes. Freire maintains a rear waistlock as Archuleta stands. Archuleta lands some elbows to the ribs as he defends the takedown. Archuleta separates his foes hands and briefly threatens with a guillotine before the fighters separate. Archuleta misfires on a combination. He’s attacking with aggression, but he steps in and eats a Freire left hook for his efforts. Freire sprawls on a takedown from far out and threatens with a guillotine. He can’t do anything with it before the bell, however. 10-9 Freire.

Round 5

Archuleta fires a right hand but can’t connect. Freire tags Archuleta coming in with a stiff right hand on the chin. Archuleta backs up and Freire just misses a flying knee. Archuleta changes levels, but Freire defends, secures underhooks and turns Archuleta into the fence. Archuleta reverses position, and drops for a takedown. Freire gets his underhooks in, reverses position and then breaks free. Archuleta presses and attacks, but he can’t land anything of significance. A short left lands for Freire. Freire is cut now, apparently from an incidental clash of heads. Freire grabs a leg and trips Archuleta down, but “The Spaniard” hustles up immediately and drives “Pitbull” into the fence. Archuleta needs to make something happen with less than a minute remaining, but the featherweights continue to battle against the fence. Freire drops for a takedown. He lifts Archuleta and slams him down with five seconds left. The fight ends with Freire in top position. 10-9 Freire (50-45 Freire).

The Official Result

Patricio Freire def. Juan Archuleta via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 50-45, 49-46) R5 5:00

Lyoto Machida vs. Gegard Mousasi

Round 1

Machida misses on a rear left kick, but it’s a measured start as one might expect. Mousasi attacks the lead leg of his opponent. Machida comes forward and he’s clipped by a counter right hand from Mousasi. Machida stumbles backward and regains his bearings. Machida counters a low kick and Mousasi fires off a two-punch counter. Machida avoids the worst of it. Machida throws a body kick and Mousasi answers with a right hand. Mousasi pressures with punches but “The Dragon” circles out of danger. The crowd at the Forum is firmly behind Mousasi, who eats a straight left hand counter from his opponent. Machida connects with a leg kick before the bell. 10-9 Mousasi.

Round 2

Mousasi lands an oblique kick to the lead leg of Machida. Once again, both fighters would prefer to counter, so that makes for a slow-paced fight at times. Mousasi forces the action and flurries with a punching combination before Machida circles away. Mousasi with an inside leg kick as Machida switches to a southpaw stance. Machida finds the range on a left kick to the body. Mousasi pressures forward but can’t find the range on his combination. Mousasi attacks the legs of his opponent. Machida throws a body kick and dodges a counter offering from his opponent. Machida lands a straight left. “The Dragon” follows up with a body kick and is countered by a Mousasi right. 10-9 Machida.

Round 3

Machida steps in with a high kick, but it’s blocked. Machida lands a body kick and Mousasi counters with a straight right. Mousasi counters again with a right hand. Mousasi lands a low kick and an oblique kick. Mousasi lands a side kick to the midsection of his opponent. Mousasi blocks a kick to the liver and Machida follows with a low kick. Machida catches Mousasi with a short left. A high kick from Machida lands, but Mousasi catches it on the way out and shoves his man to the floor, landing in full guard with about 1:30 to go. Machida is attempting to stay active from the bottom with short punches, while Mousasi looks to create space for offense of his own. Mousasi is struggling to land punches from above. Machida is able to frame a guillotine choke with about 20 seconds remaining. “The Dragon” squeezes as time winds down, but Mousasi is able to survive until the bell. 29-28 Mousasi (29-28 Mousasi).

The Official Result

Gegard Mousasi def. Lyoto Machida via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 30-27) R3 5:00
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