

Bellator 39 Results & Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com's Chris Nelson reports from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 39, which is headlined by a lightweight title bout between champion Eddie Alvarez and challenger Pat Curran.

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John McLaughlin vs. Blair Tugman
Round 1
Tentative exchanges in the opening minute until McLaughlin cracks Tugman with a right hand and the bantamweights clinch. McLaughlin has underhooks and reverses Tugman into the fence. McLaughlin getting the better of the dirty boxing inside. Lots of jockeying for position and the pair finally split with about two minutes to go in the round. McLaughlin sprawls on a Tugman shot and locks up the head. Tugman keeps digging for the single-leg, but can't get it. 10-9 McLaughlin.

Dave Mandel

McLaughlin outpointed Tugman.
Round 2
Tugman gets a right hand off to start the round, but his follow-up shot is sprawled on. Tugman tries some side kicks that glance, both men still hesitant to engage. Tugman scores with a punch and a knee that stumble McLaughlin who wheels backward and stays upright. McLaughlin going inside with leg kicks because Tugman is countering his wild punches. Tugman chatting with McLaughlin now, egging him on. McLaughlin tries to sneak a long jab through, doesn't, and then inhales sharply. Nice kicks to the body from Tugman and McLaughlin connects with a hard right hand right at the bell. 10-9 Tugman.

Round 3
Tugman feints a left hook, ties up and trips McLaughlin to the floor. He passes to McLaughlin's left, then jumps on his back as McLaughlin tries to scramble. McLaughlin flips back over and Tugman keeps side control as they wrestle at the base of the fence. Tugman smashes from the side and again takes McLaughlin's back in a scramble. He looks to have a rear-naked choke momentarily, but McLaughlin slips it. Tugman keeps head-and-arm control as they stand and quickly drags McLaughlin back down. Two minutes to go. McLaughlin kicks Tugman off, but Tugman rushes back in and catches McLaughlin in a guillotine as he stands. McLaughlin escapes, but gives up his back on the floor. Tugman can't get a hook in and, once more, can't finish the choke. They stand and Tugman plows his man right back to the ground. He hops on McLaughlin's back yet again and that's where it ends. 10-9 Tugman.

Official scores: 29-28s across the board for McLaughlin, winner by unanimous decision. The crowd is not happy. Tugman runs out of the cage and backstage immediately as the verdict is read.

Luiz Azeredo vs. Rene Nazare
Round 1
D. Mandel

Nazare (left) stopped Azeredo.
Azeredo circles the outside as Nazare stalks and throws body-head combos. Inside thigh kick and a right hand land for Nazare, who ducks in and bullies Azeredo against the cage. Power uppercuts in the clinch from Nazare, then straight combos have Azeredo covering up. Body shots, outside low kicks working for Nazare. Right head kick from Nazare is just barely deflected. He doubles over for a high single-leg and whips Azeredo to the mat. Azeredo stands back up, but Nazare still has the waistlock. Azeredo reverses in a scramble and winds up on top, on the ground, before Nazare sweeps him into the cage. Azeredo ties up and avoids punishment from Nazare in the final 30 seconds. 10-9 Nazare.

The fight has been halted. Official announcement coming, but it looks like a wrist injury.

Update: It is announced only as an "injury." The official time is 5:00 of round one, giving Nazare the technical knockout win. Sherdog.com has learned that Azeredo likely broke his arm blocking a kick.

Dave Jansen vs. Scott McAfee
D. Mandel

Jansen (top) tapped out McAfee.
Round 1
Both lightweights land right hands simultaneously as Jansen inches McAfee around the cage. Overhand right from Jansen finds its mark behind McAfee's ear. Jansen changes levels and bull-rushes McAfee down, landing in half-guard. Jansen, on McAfee's right, leans across and looks for a kimura on the far arm. Nothing doing. Jansen scoots him around and mashes with elbows from side control, but McAfee puts him back in guard. Hard right hand gets through for Jansen, who postures up and throws hammerfists until he can pass. He walks around McAfee and grabs the Alaskan's head. Jansen locks up a brabo choke and forces McAfee to tap at 4:58 of the first round.

Mike Winters vs. Ryan Quinn
Round 1
Keith Peterson is the ref for this welterweight contest. Quinn gets a takedown almost instantly and the Tri-State crowd roars for the Connecticut native. Winters works back to his feet, only to be deposited on the floor again. They stand again and the tide changes, as it's Winters who lifts Quinn off the ground and drives him into the canvas. Quinn uses a kimura to sweep beautifully into the guard of Winters, who puts his back to the fence and punches to Quinn's head. Quinn grabs a headlock as they stand and Winters takes a knee to avoid Quinn's knee strikes. Winters nearly gets a takedown, but Quinn flips him over the top and spins for an armbar. Winters defends and winds up on top with 90 seconds left. Quinn uses an omoplata to get on top, but Winters slaps on an inverted triangle. The pair work back to their feet and Quinn scores another takedown with 30 seconds to go. Winters reverses again and closes out the round with short elbows from side control. Extremely close round. 10-9 Quinn.

Round 2
D. Mandel

Quinn (left) dominated Winters.
Quinn ducks in behind a one-two and muscles Winters into the cage, but it's Winters who scores the trip takedown. Winters works from deep half-guard and can't get enough space to punish Quinn, who gets to his feet and trips Winters down. They land awkwardly and Quinn takes Winters' back momentarily, then scrambles and grabs a standing headlock. Winters gets another takedown and works from the half-guard of Quinn midway through the round. Quinn powers his way back up and the pair disengage. Quinn shoots on the first punch Winters throws and takes him down. He sets an arm-triangle and uses it to hop on top. Quinn pounds for a second, then looks for a rear-naked choke as time expires. 10-9 Quinn.

Round 3
Quinn hits a takedown in the first 15 seconds and soon he's on Winters' back. Winters twists and puts Quinn back in half-guard, where Quinn tries for the same arm-triangle transition that ended the previous round. He gets Winters' back and puts one hook in, can't get the RNC, so he pounds away for a few seconds. Winters is on his back again with Quinn working diligently to pass. Winters looks for a kimura from the bottom and nearly has his back taken again. Quinn works from half-guard with 60 seconds to go, thudding shots to Winters' ribcage. Winters is just tying up, trying not to take any more abuse, but Quinn gets loose for a moment and wails away. Winters flips Quinn over the top and grabs at a leg as the fight ends. 10-9 Quinn, for a 30-27 Quinn scorecard.

Official scores: Judges Cardo Urso and Dave Tirelli see it 30-27 for Quinn, while Bryan Minor registers an official tally of 30-26, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Ryan Quinn.

Ben Saunders vs. Matt Lee
Round 1
Two thudding body kicks for Saunders start the bout. Saunders looks for a head kick which is blocked, and Lee cracks him with a hook counter. Saunders kicks low, and it appears to catch Lee on the groin, but he's fine, and the pair high-five in a show of respect. A "Matt Lee, Matt Lee!" chant begins as he wades in with hooks on Saunders. However, Saunders grabs the Thai clinch, and steadily drives knees into the guts of his foe. Saunders drives Lee into the fence, kneeing to the body, but Lee fights away. A long left for Saunders cracks Lee, and a massive right that follows stuns him. Saunders pounces, grabbing the clinch again and cracking Lee with knees to the face and body again. Lee pummels and preserves himself. Saunders lands another hard right hand that stuns Lee, and "Killa B" drives him into the fence again. Lee lands a knee to the body of his own before breaking away. Another sharp right for Saunders leads to a clinch, where Saunders pelts Lee with brutal knees and elbows until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Saunders
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Saunders
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saunders

Round 2
D. Mandel

Saunders (right) cut Lee up.
Saunders quickly walks Lee down to the fence, where he lands two hard knees to the body, and glances with a large left roundhouse kick. Lee's face is swollen and bloody, but he continues to throw punches. Saunders kicks to the body, and pushes Lee to the fence, but eats a knee below the belt. Referee Kevin MacDonald quickly steps in to give Saunders a brief respite, and in just a matter of seconds, the UFC vet is ready to go again. Another clinch ensues, and Saunders cracks Lee with more knees, prompting a double-leg attempt, which Saunders defends. Lee is swinging away, showing no quit, but he can't land flush. He drives for a single-leg takedown, but is eating copious punches and elbows from Saunders.

Saunders breaks his grip, and lands three hard knees and elbows to follow. Lee's face is a mess. More elbows and knees from Saunders land as the round expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Saunders
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Saunders
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saunders

Round 3
A huge ovation marks the beginning of the third round as the ringside physician clears the disfigured Lee to continue. Lee quickly looks for a bodylock takedown, but he's being ripped with more Saunders elbows. A sharp right elbow from Saunders causes a cut over Lee's left eye to erupt with a torrent of blood. Referee Kevin MacDonald calls for a cut check, and the ringside physician was simply looking for a reason to stop the fight. As the gruesome-looking Lee walks toward him, the doctor instantly shakes his head, and the bout is halted. Ben Saunders is the winner at 1:24 of the third round after a vicious and impressive performance.

Bellator Lightweight Tournament Semifinal
Toby Imada vs. Patricky Freire

Round 1
D. Mandel

Freire (standing) KOd Imada.
A Freire low kick stumbles Imada, who responds with a left hook. Another "Pitbull" low kick prompts Imada to return, but the Brazilian counters smartly with a right cross. A crushing leg kick from Freire chops into Imada's lead leg. Two Freire punches are blocked, but he sneaks a body kick under Imada's guard. Suddenly, Freire explodes into a jumping knee that freezes Imada stiff on his feet. Imada is barely conscious on his feet, tiptoeing backwards. Freire rushes him with punches, and three brutal punches put Imada on his back, splayed out. The incredible knockout punches Freire's ticket to the Bellator lightweight tournament final at 2:53 of the the first round. Imada stays down on the mat, and is stretchered out of the cage.

Bellator Welterweight Tournament Semifinal
Lyman Good vs. Rick Hawn

Round 1
Both men paw with jabs, hitting only air through the first 50 seconds. Hawn changes levels and drives Good into the fence, working for the takedown. Both men pummel hard, trading underhooks, and Good drives his knee into the head of Hawn. Hawn looks for a foot sweep, but can't convert, and Good breaks free. Good shows a quick lead hand, but can't locate Hawn. Hawn ducks in, and catches a hard right uppercut from Good. Good begins to push forward, and glances with another clean right, prompting another Hawn clinch. The judo standout nearly gets an outside trip, but can't fell "Cyborg." Good pushes Hawn away, and launches a head kick, which is blocked. Good lunges with a right cross at the bell, but can't land.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Good
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Good
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Good

Round 2
D. Mandel

Hawn (top) edged Good.
Good gets the clinch and delivers a salvo of knees, but Hawn wisely lands an outside trip that puts Good on his back. Hawn sets up in Good's full guard, chipping away with short punches to the ribs and head. Good attempts to posture up and eats an upkick before diving back into Good's guard. The Tiger Schulmann product continues to keep his guard closed, as Hawn cranks his neck and lands the odd right hand. The grinding pace of the round prompts the pro-Good crowd to boo. Hawn postures up and lands three clean rights. Good idly tries to punch back from the guard, but Hawn cracks him with a left and two hard rights at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hawn
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Hawn
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hawn

Round 3
Good idly jabs, and Hawn slaps him with a low kick. Good retaliates with a glancing right hook. It's Hawn moving forward in pursuit of the clinch, while Good circles, looking to counter. Both men continue to feint with very few strikes landed through the first two minutes of the round. Hawn ducks under a Good right hook, and drives his foe into the fence. A knee to the body lands for Good, and he circles off the cage. Low kick lands for Good, and a clean right cross. A head kick by Good is blocked, and Hawn drives forward, pushing Good into the cage. Good circles away with 90 seconds to fight. Hawn moves in and tries to sweep Good's foot out, but can't get the takedown. Hawn continues to press forward but can't establish his offense as Good jabs diligently. Hawn bulls Good into the fence once more, and lands a hard knee to the body. Hawn gets a quick single-leg with seconds to fight, and as he dives into guard, he eats an upkick. Both men flail away at the horn, ending a very, very close fight.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Good (29-28 Good)
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Hawn (29-28 Hawn)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Good (29-28 Good)

Official scores: Cardo Urso sees the fight 29-28 for Rick Hawn, while Jeff Blatnick sees it 29-28 for Lyman Good. Bryan Minor scores the bout 30-27 for the winner by split decision and advancing to the Bellator welterweight tournament final, Rick Hawn. The partisan crowd boos the decision.

Bellator Lightweight Championship
Eddie Alvarez vs. Pat Curran

Round 1
The "Eddie, Eddie!" chants take all of 10 seconds to begin at the Mohegan Sun, as Alvarez pops Curran with a lead right cross. Alvarez is feinting from the crouch, lunging into right crosses against Curran, who has yet to open up. Curran glances with his jab, and Alvarez misses a swiping pair of hooks intended for the body of Curran. Alvarez ducks under a Curran jab, locks up a single, and trips his plant foot out. Curran ends up on his knees, and Alvarez dives on him, but Curran gets to his feet before Alvarez can take his back. Alvarez changes levels for a takedown, and Curran connects with a knee. Four-punch combination for Alvarez lands on the arms of Curran. Alvarez continues to jump in with flailing rights that miss their mark. The Bellator champion pushes Curran into the fence, but can't find a takedown. Alvarez sticks two hard hooks into Curran's body. A Curran right hook slips in at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez

Round 2
Alvarez dances in and out looking for power shots on Curran, who keeps his guard high. The champ shoots, but Curran sprawls nicely and pushes him away. Alvarez lands a left hook to the body, and measures Curran with his jab before unloading a wild uppercut that whizzes by his foe's face. Alvarez pushes Curran into the fence to little effect, as Curran pummels nicely to defend the takedown. Curran escapes, but Alvarez quickly jabs his way back into the clinch, driving Curran's back into the cage. A body kick lands for Curran, and Alvarez thuds with two hard hooks to Curran's body. A low kick for Alvarez scores, and he follows with another thump-thump to Curran's bread basket. Alvarez shoots for a double, but Curran again shuts it down, prompting another clinch along the fence which lasts until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez

Round 3
D. Mandel

Alvarez (right) kept his title
Alvarez more active to start the third, pumping his hands quickly. He looks for a double, which again, Curran stuffs. Curran hasn't landed much, but he has stunted Alvarez's offense. The champ wades in, and lands another two-piece to the body, which has been his best offense through the first two rounds. A Curran jab catches Alvarez on the way in. An uppercut from Alvarez goes wide as he switches to southpaw, then back to orthodox quickly. An Alvarez right hook is blocked, but he lands a stiff left uppercut on the follow. A double jab and a right hook from the Pennsylvanian are blocked. Alvarez shoots, and Curran sprawls expertly once again, as the fight ends up along the cage once more. On the break, Alvarez digs to the body, but Curran blocks it. However, moments later, Alvarez returns to the body attack and scores.

Two inside thigh kicks land for the champion, and Curran responds with a kick to the body. Two more digging hooks to the both for Alvarez. Alvarez sees Curran retreat, and smacks him to the guts twice more, before finishing his first takedown of the fight. However, Curran quickly scrambles back to his feet along the fence. The pair separate, and Alvarez thuds in three more pairs of hooks to the body -- five landing clean -- on Curran's torso.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez

Round 4
A Curran attack is countered with a left hook to the body and a right hook to the head from Alvarez, who pushes Curran right back into the fence. Curran throws a chopping elbow to get off the cage, but Alvarez ducks under it. Alvarez smoothly ducks under four jabs from Curran, before rolling side-to-side with four hooks to the body. A short lead uppercut from Alvarez finds only Curran's gloves. Blood is now flowing from both of Pat Curran's nostrils. Alvarez turns his foe 90 degrees with a hard outside leg kick. Curran tries for a high kick, but is blocked. Curran lands a pair of clean jabs that prompt Alvarez to come forward with four punches, but he can't land cleanly. An uppercut is followed by a triple jab for Alvarez, and the champ changes levels, notching a takedown at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez

Round 5
Alvarez's frenetic lateral movement appears again, as he changes levels and finishes a double on Curran. Curran quickly turns his back and scoots back to his feet, thwarting Alvarez's re-shot. A jab and two hooks to the -- guess where? -- body land for Alvarez again. Another pair of rib-roasters land for Alvarez. Restless for action, the Mohegan Sun crowd boos. A hard left hook lands for Alvarez, but his three-punch salvo to follow is blocked. Alvarez crouches, and explodes with a flying knee that lands on Curran. He flurries to follow, but Curran covers up. A teep from Curran just grazes the champ. A wild right uppercut from Alvarez snaps Curran's head back. Curran's has started to show the toll of five rounds with Alvarez. The champ fake a flying knee, and ducks under for a takedown, but Curran reverses and takes top position with 20 seconds to fight. Both men flail away, and Alvarez scampers back to his feet at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvarez (50-45 Alvarez)
Jack Encarnacao scores the round 10-9 Alvarez (50-45 Alvarez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez (50-45 Alvarez)

Official scores: Judge Dave Tirelli reckons the bout 49-46, while Bryan Minor and Cardo Urso see it 50-45, for the winner by unanimous decision and still the Bellator lightweight champion, Eddie Alvarez.

Greg Rebello vs. Dan Cramer
Round 1
Cramer clinches Rebello into the fence, immediately eliciting cheers of "Let's go, Cramer" from the Connecticut fans left in attendance. Cramer spends a good 90 seconds digging for a takedown, switching from single leg to waistlock. Two minutes in, it's Rebello who trips Cramer down at the base of the cage. Cramer gets on top and ties up the shrimping Rebello. Referee Kevin MacDonald warns Cramer for an elbow which strays to the back of Rebello's head. Cramer grabs a loose guillotine and finishes out the round with ground-and-pound. Sherdog.com sees the opening frame 10-9 Cramer.

D. Mandel

Cramer (top) outpointed Rebello.
Round 2
Another takedown from Cramer begins the second round, and he scoots Rebello around the cage in open guard.

Deep, deep half guard from Rebello, who's not letting Cramer get enough space to punish him from on top. Cramer bashes with left hands nonetheless until the inside of his arm is red with Rebello's blood.

They stand at the bell at Cramer gets off a few solid knees to the gut in the clinch. It's another 10-9 Cramer round on the Sherdog.com scorecard.

Round 3
Rebello clinches up this time and he eats half a dozen knees to the midsection for his trouble. He drops levels on Cramer, who's got his back to the cage and his base spread. Cramer takes Rebello to the floor. They quickly stand and Cramer goes back to trying to take his man down. He does with about 30 seconds to go. Rebello's rear is at the base of the cage and he drives forward on Cramer's leg. Cramer stifles the takedown attempt and punches from the standing position to the final bell. 10-9 Cramer, and 30-27 Cramer overall on the Sherdog.com scorecard.

Official scores: Judges Jeff Blatnick, Dave Tirelli and Cardo Urso all see the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Dan Cramer.
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