

Bellator 46 Results & Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla., at approximately 7:35 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 46.

The card is to be headlined by four featherweight tournament qualifier fights.

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Dan Cramer vs. Josh Samman
Round 1
After a moment of feinting, Samman shoots in on Cramer and pushes him into the cage. Samman is in on a single, but gets stuffed and switches to a double. Samman nearly gets it coming off the fence, but Cramer regains his footing after dropping to his knees. Cramer and Samman separate and land a flurry of punches before clinching again. Cramer swims to the Thai clinch and lands a hard series of knees and a right cross to follow. Cramer gets Samman along the catch, and sucks the Tallahassee native to the floor. "Cosmo" gets busy with short punches and elbows, but Samman shrimps away and crawls up the cage. Cramer gets the Thai plum again and lands a series of short knees. An elbow lands inside for Cramer, but Samman reponds with a vicious five-punch combo that rocks Cramer. Cramer grabs a headlock and hits a harai goshi into side control at the bell. Sherdog.com sees the opening round 10-9 for Dan Cramer.

Round 2
Keith Mills

Cramer (right) outgunned Samman.
Samman begans the round with a wild flurry of one-twos, putting Cramer on his heels for a moment. However, the TUF alum lands a hard knee, forcing Samman to shoot. After 30 seconds of defending the takedown, Cramer turns his foe off the fence and hits an uchimata that grounds Samman. Cramer postures up in guard and lands some tough hammerfists. Samman tries for an armbar from the bottom, but Cramber stacks, pounds, and then passes to half guard. Cramer stands up out of the guard, and dives back in with a heavy right. Samman continues to bicycle his legs, but Cramer defends and pounds him each time until the bell. Sherdog.com sees the second frame 10-9 for Dan Cramer again.

Round 3
Right cross-left hook combo for Cramer snaps Samman's head back just after the bell. They clinch along the fence again, and Cramer gets a double collar tie once more, pelting Samman with heavy knees. One of Cramer's knees strays low, and Samman feebly crumples to the mat for a moment, earning a reprieve from referee Jorge Alonso. Upon restarting, they clinch again, and this time, Samman knees Cramer low, giving us a five-second pause. The fight resumes again, and the clinching follows. Samman pushes for the takedown, but Cramer defends easily, landing steady knees to the body. Cramer sidesteps and lands another hip throw on Samman, landing in guard. Cramer gets to half. Samman kicks Cramer away at the bell. It's a clean sweep for Dan Cramer, who takes the bout 30-27 on the Sherdog.com scorecard.

Official scores: Judges Ric Bays, Barry Luxenberg and Rich Green match 29-28s across the board for Cramer, the winner by unanimous decision.

Alexandre Bezerra vs. Sam Jones
Round 1
K. Mills

Bezerra (top) choked Jones.
Jones is in and out quickly, landing a left hook before sprawling on a Bezerra takedown. However, Bezerra sucks his ankle out and lands in Jones' guard. Jones escapes to his feet, and Bezerra shoots low, scooping his foe up. Jones illegally elbows to the back of the head while in the air, and referee Troy Waugh halts the bout to warn Jones. The fight is restarted standing, and the lightweights touch gloves. Bezerra lands a left hook, and the fight devolves into brawling for a moment. Jones lands a stiff knee to the guts, but "Popo" gets another takedown into guard. Jones tries to stand again, gets his back taken for a moment, and turns back, giving up side control. In the blink of an eye, Bezerra has an arm-triangle choke, which he uses to pass to mount. Bezerra locks up a topside triangle, punching away on his hapless foe. The Brazilian smoothly rolls Jones over, pulls his head down and gets the tap with a beautiful display of grappling.

The official time is 3:27 of the first.

Tony Johnson Jr. vs. Derrick Lewis
Round 1
Lewis comes out swinging with haymakers, forcing Johnson to circle away. When Johnson finally gets comfortable standing, he changes levels, scoop slamming the Houston, Texas native to the floor and into half guard. Johnson advances to mount, cutting right through his foe's half guard. Lewis escapes, forcing Johnson to try to power him back to the mat. He's unsuccessful, so he switches to a single that puts "Black Beast" back on the mat. Lewis turns away, allowing Johnson an easy pass to side mount. Johnson landing short elbows on top. The former Iowa State wrestler getting heavier with the elbows with two minutes to go in the round. Lewis exposes his back, but Johnson pushes him to his back rather than sinking in his hooks. Lewis returns to his feet, but Johnson locks on a waistlock. Lewis attempts a back elbow, but whiffs and falls to the mat again. Johnson runs down another double-leg, getting full mount again. He flails with punches, but loses his balance, allowing Lewis to escape to his feet. Johnson lands another massive scoop double at the bell. All Johnson in round one, 10-9.

Round 2
K. Mills

Johnson Jr. (top) outpointed Lewis.
The double-leg takedown for Johnson is effortless 15 seconds into the round. Johnson can't control Lewis again, however, and the Houston is back to his feet. Both heavyweights breathing heavily as they circle the cage, before Cormier notches another takedown. It's another wickedly simple pass to full mount for Johnson, but again, Lewis turns and Johnson lacks the ability to take his back. Lewis comes up throwing heavy, but Johnson easily grounds him with another double. The Miami-based heavyweight lands some elbows from half guard, but can't keep Lewis on the mat again. Johnson slowly places his foe on the mat with a glacially-paced double, earning jeers from the crowd. Johnson hangs out in guard until the bell. 10-9 Johnson once again.

Round 3
Lewis wings a right hook that hurts Johnson, forcing another takedown attempt. Lewis flurries, but ends up surrendering a waistlock to Johnson. Johnson clings to Lewis' leg in pursuit of a single, but the Texan sprawls and pounds away on Johnson's hard. Lewis regains his feet, and Johnson drives him into the farside fencing, looking for a double. Lewis maintains his footing, pounding away on the wrestler. Lewis is smashing away with heavy blows on the exhausted Johnson now, rousing the crowd. Johnson protects his face by getting low for a double, but Lewis continues to hammerfist. Johnson weakly trips him to his feet, but can't hold Lewis down. The crowd screams, hoping to inspire some action, but Johnson falls onto Lewis and into half guard once more. Johnson gets to side control, where he elbows to the ribs until the time expires. It's a 10-9 frame for Derrick Lewis, but Tony Johnson Jr. earns the Sherdog.com scorecard 29-28.

Official scores: All three judges -- Rich Green, Hector Gomez and Barry Luxenberg -- score the fight 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Tony Johnson Jr.

Jessica Aguilar vs. Carla Esparza
Round 1
Both women aggressive with punches and low kicks early, but can't penetrate the other's guard. Esparza lands a one-two from the outside. Aguilar is aggressively stalking, but isn't throwing the punches her vocal supporters call for. Aguilar finally lands a hard one-two and pushes Esparza into the fence. Esparza separates, but eats two more right hands from "Jag." Low kick lands for the ATT product. Two more right hooks land for Aguilar as Esparza looks for a takedown. Aguilar defends, and briefly looks for a single of her own before abandoning the takedown. The pair clinch along the fence with little consequence. After they separate, Esparza gets a fast single-leg takedown right into Aguilar's guard. Aguilar looks for an armbar, but Esparza steps out of her guard just before the bell. Sherdog.com sees the first round 10-9 for Jessica Aguilar.

Round 2
K. Mills

Aguilar (left) edged Esparza.
Aguilar continues to walk down Esparza, glancing with one-twos. Esparza attempts to respond with low kicks, but can't find her mark. Esparza runs forward with a series of one-two-low kick combos that hit only air. Aguilar get double underhooks, and the Miami-based bantamweight slams Esparza to the mat, setting up in half guard. Aguilar grinds away with short punches from the half before trying to move to mount. Esparza kicks her away, and manages to get a takedown of her own. Esparza takes her back without hooks, pulling her to the mat, but can't controll her. Aguilar gets to her feet, and Esparza pushes her into the fence, landing knees. Aguilar extricates herself from Esparza, much to the crowd's jubilation. Low kick for Esparza lands.

Aguilar lands a low kick of her own, but Esparza tags her twice. Aguilar runs the Team Oyama product into the fence, but Esparza hits a headlock throw into side control just before the bell. Sherdog.com sees the round 10-9 Esparza.

Round 3
Aguilar is aggressive to begin the third, but can't land her low kicks as Esparza circles the outside of the fence. Aguilar finally lands one hard on the shin that drops Esparza to a knee for a moment. Her opponent returns with a low kick of her own. Aguilar winces, as if she's gotten hit in the eye, but she fights on. Aguilar kicks, and Esparza lands a counter hook that drops her on the mat for a moment. The crowd roars as Esparza pounces, but Aguilar regains her feet and is back on the attack. A "Jag" one-two lands, and Esparza kicks low. Hard right hands land for both women. It is anyone's fight with two minutes to go. Esparza reaches for the clinch, but gets inged with an overhand right. Aguilar lands a left to the body and a right hook upstairs cleanly. Aguilar flurries, and Esparza lands knees from the clinch as she wades in. A clean right cross for Aguilar is the last significant action of the bout. Sherdog.com sees the third round 10-9 for Jessica Aguilar, giving her the fight 29-28.

Official scores: Judge Ric Bays has it 30-27 for Jessica Aguilar, while Hector Gomez reckons it 29-28 Esparza. Judge Barry Luxenberg sees it 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Jessica Aguilar. The verdict splits the pro-Aguilar crowd.

Ronnie Mann vs. Adam Schindler
Round 1
K. Mills

Mann (top) pounded out Schindler.
It's wild punching early, as Schindler rushes Mann against the fence, and eats four straight to the face. The Dallas native pressed on, pushing "Kid Ninja" into the cage. They separate, and Schindler misses a wild spinning back kick. Mann continues to look for counters, circling the outside. Schindler shoots for a single but is easily shucked saway by Mann. "Kid Ninja" connects with a stiff leg kick. After some circling the two men engage and Mann lands a clean left hook to the chin, sending Schindler to the canvas. Mann then follows into Schindler's guard and connects with a series of hard hammer fists, putting him out and forcing referee Jorge Alonso to step in and wave off the fight at 4:14 of the first round.

Jacob Devree vs. Nazareno Malegarie
Round 1
The bell rings and both men meet at the center Malegarie with two shots and circles away. Devree shoots for a single and finds himself in a guillotine from Malagarie. Devree escapes and tries to advance position in Malagaries' guard. He tries to stand and finds himself in a kneebar. Devree again escapes and stands after a few seconds in Malegaries' guard. Both men circle a bit and exchange in the middle with neither landing cleanly. Malegarie wings a left hook which is easily countered by Devree. Malagarie shoots for a takedown and is easily stopped. Devree connects cleanly again. Malegarie shoots again and Devree sprawls out. Malagarie takes his back at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Malegarie
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Malegarie
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Malegarie

Round 2
K. Mills

Malegarie took out Devree.
Malegarie shoots and Devree sprawls, pancaking Malegarie. Malegarie forces a scramble and latches on to a guillotine. Dvree rolls over and Malegarie moves to mount. Malegarie spends some time in Devree's half guard, landing occasionally. Devree strikes off his back and evntually uses the cage to walk u back to the feet. Malegarie has none of it and simply dumps Devree back on the ground. Malegarie attempts a kneebar and Devree escapes. The ten second warning sounds and Devree dives into Malegarie's guard with a big punch as the bell sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Malegarie
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Malegarie
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Malegarie

Round 3
Malegarie gets another quick takedown to start the third frame. The Argentinian native can't pass guard, but as Devree shrimps, he gets a front headlock and dives into yet another arm-in guillotine attempt. This one is deep, as Malegarie rolls Devree over and bases down, forcing him to tap out at 1:25 of the third round.

Genair da Silva vs. Marlon Sandro
Round 1
Active feinting from both fighters quickly, as Sandro walks da Silva down to the cage and misses an uppercut. Two low kicks land for Sandro, who follows with a right-hand lead. "Junior PQD" feints, and smacks Sandro with a low kick of his own. Sandro lunges with another uppcut which is partially blocked. Both men tack turns lobbing haymakers that don't land. Each fighter continues to glance with heavy blows landing on their opponent's arms and gloves. A right hook and a left cross for Sandro land, flattening da Silva. Junior PQD tries to recover but Sandro rushes him, pounding away and jumping for a guillotine. Da Silva is able to free himself and survive, but Sandro is right up off the bottom, taking top position briefly before da Silva regains his feet. One-two for Sandro clips da Silva. Sandro lunges with a one-two, but da Silva lands a clean right-handed counter thatm akes the crowd roar for a moment. Sandro starts a four-punch combo with a left hook to the body at the bell, but can't land the follow-up.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sandro
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sandro
Tony Loisleur scores the round 10-9 Sandro

Round 2
K. Mills

Sandro (right) bested da Silva.
A head kick for da Silva is blocked. Sandro continues to operate in the center of the cage, looking for punching combinations. He throws an errant low kick that hits his foe loe, prompting referee Jorge Alonso to halt it briefly. On the start, Sandro lands a short hook that sends da Silva literally running for a moment. Da Silva leaps at Sandro with a front kick, and is touched with a one-two for his effort. Sandro feints, and gets hit with an overhand from da Silva. Feint, and a bruising inside low kick from Sandro. Da Silva runs at him with a sloppy rush of punches and finds no success. Da Silva throws a hook kick which whizzes by Sandro, but connects with a subsequent one-two. Sandro continues to aggressively stalk da Silva, but can't land before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sandro
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sandro
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Sandro

Round 3
The second round begins with a low kick from da Silva that connects square with Sandro's cup, leading to a 90-second pause in action. On the restart, da Silva shoots a single-leg, but Sandro limplegs his way out. A right cross from Sandro turns da Silva around for a moment. Da Silva jabs and throws a loaded-up right that smacks Sandro square in the kisser, allowing PQD to run the Nova Uniao fighter in to the cage. Da Silva looks to knee to the body, but finds Sandro's cup again, leading to another warning by Jorge Alonso. Bolo uppercut from Sandro misses its mark, as does a subsequent one-two on the rushing da Silva. Sandro is looking for a heavy counter, but PQD is playing it safe now, just throwing body kicks from the outside. When da Silva commits to a punch, Sandro clinches and trips him to the mat with 70 seconds to go in the bout. Sandro reaches half guard, hammerfisting away. Da Silva tries to kick Sandro away; Sandro feels he was upkicked illegally, but referee Alonso tells him the kick was legal, and to fight on. Da Silva works back to his feet with under 20 seconds to fight. Sandro puts his hands up and yells at his foe to engage him, prompting the fight to end in verbal fisticuffs rather than physical ones.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sandro (30-27 Sandro)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sandro (30-27 Sandro)
Tony Loiseleur scores the round 10-9 Sandro (30-27 Sandro)

Official scores: Barry Luxenberg sees it 30-27 for Marlon Sandro, while Ric Bays has it 29-28 da Silva. Final judge Rich Green has it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Marlon Sandro.

Pat Curran vs. Luis Palomino
Round 1
K. Mills

Curran tapped out Palomino.
Curran misses a push kick to start proceedings. The Crystal Lake, Ill. native has taken the center of the cage and is waiting to counter Palomino. Curran feints with a flying knee. He returns with a hard kick to the body, as Palomino glances with a right hand. Palomino kicks, and Curran smashes him with a left hook that drops him. Curran pounces immediately, momentarily being taken down before popping back to his feet and putting Palomino on the floor. Curran gets to half and eyes a pass to side control, and he begins to sneak a brabo choke in on the Peruvian. Palomino gets to his knees, but is still in danger of the choke. Curran changes to an S-grip, sits up and slaps on a deep Peruvian necktie, coincidentally, on the Peruvian. Curran rolls "Baboon" over, throws his left leg over his neck and forces Palomino to tap out, ending the bout in
sensational fashion at 3:49 of the first round.
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