

Bellator 68 Results & Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from Caesars Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, N.J., with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 68.

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Gregory Milliard vs. Francois Ambang

Round 1
The fighters touch gloves and we are underway for Bellator 68. The middleweights exchange low kicks with a very slow pace to start. Milliard paws with a left and Ambang counters with a sharp low kick that almost gets caught. Ambang comes back with another low kick, none of which have done all that much damage to the Arubian. Milliard answers the low kicks back with one of his own and finally Ambang responds with the first combination of the evening. The fighters clinch for a moment but nothing comes of it. Ambang connects with a solid left. Milliard tries to go after Ambang with a takedown from the clinch but Ambang shrugs him off. Ambang comes in with a strong looping right but doesn't do anything to follow up with it. Milliard finally makes Ambang pay with one too many low kicks as he grabs the foot to take him down but it's too little too late. The round ends in favor of Ambang 10-9.

Round 2
K. Mills

Ambang edged Milliard.
Ambang opens the round pawing with a left and comes up higher with a kick to the body this time. Milliard has done very little offensively so far in this fight while Ambang continues to chip away with low kicks and one left or right at a time. Ambang comes in too close on Milliard, allowing the Arubian to clinch but again can't do anything from the position. They break from the clinch and Milliard throws a kick to the lead leg of Ambang. Ambang connects with a sharp kick to Milliard's lead leg but again does nothing to add on to the offense. Ambang finally comes in with the first flurry of the fight but doesn't seem to connect with much as Milliard circles out quickly. The round ends with another short flurry from Ambang, who takes the second frame 10-9.

Round 3
Milliard starts the round with a head kick that's partially blocked by Ambang. "Bang Bang" tries to go big with a high kick but it only partially connects on Milliard and he ends up slipping to the mat. But Milliard does nothing to capitalize on the potentially advantageous position. Milliard connects with another low kick in what's been his only offense throughout the entire fight. Milliard throws out a double jab which prompts Ambang to motion to him to bring it on but Milliard does very little in response. Ambang starts to mount some more offense toward the end of the round just missing with a straight right then following up with a one two that lands. Milliard tries to duck down for another takedown attempt but again Ambang shrugs him off. Ambang takes the third round 10-9 and the fight 30-27

Official scores: Ambang takes a split decision with scores of 29-28 (twice) and 28-29.

Claudio Ledesma vs. Anthony Leone

Round 1
Leone opens the bout with a straight kick to the Ring of Combat veteran Ledesma. Ledesma lands with a kick to the body of Team Bombsquad's Leone. Ledesma circles on the outside of the cage but Leone finally catches up to him and pins him up against the cage as they start to work from the clinch. About halfway through the opening round and Leone has one underhook in as you can see Ledesma working for a trip takedown. After another 30 seconds though referee Gasper Oliver breaks the fighters apart and restarts the action in the center of the cage. On the restart Leone steps back claiming he was hit low after an exchange but Oliver lets the fight continue. Leone goes back on the attack pinning Ledesma up against the cage again with less than a minute to go. Ledesma spins out of it though and connects with a knee of his own on the break between both fighters. With 30 seconds left Leone moves back in to clinch with Ledesma after a failed double-leg takedown attempt but nothing comes from it. The round ends 10-9 in favor of Leone.

Round 2
K. Mills

Leone outpointed Ledesma.
Ledesma lands the first offense of the round with a low kick and quickly follows up with a double-leg attempt. Leone sprawls effectively though and tries to lock on a guillotine but to no avail. Ledesma stands up from the foiled takedown attempt with his back against the cage and in the clinch with Leone. Referee Gasper Oliver quickly restarts the action in the center after a brief lull. Just as quickly though, Leone has Ledesma pinned back up against the cage working in the clinch as we approach the halfway mark of the round. Leone explodes out of the clinch and tries a spinning backfist but fails to connect after the break. Ledesma answers back with a high kick and a straight left that lands and then lands a takedown of his own. Just as soon as he lands it he takes Leone's back but he's too high up on the Team Bombsquad member.

The positioning allows Leone to turn into Ledesma and go to work from Ledesma's open guard with less than a minute remaining. Leone goes to work on an arm triangle choke with some intermittent elbows thrown in but there's not enough time to complete the maneuver. The round ends in favor of Leone 10-9.

Round 3
Ledesma opens the round mroe aggressively doubling up on the jab and following with a right. Leone works a one-two combination to the body which gives him the opportunity to clinch up with Ledesma yet again 90 seconds into the final frame. Ledesma answers with knees from the clinch and a short right as Leone doesn't really seem to be working for much. Leone finally breaks the clinch and the action restarts in the center of the cage. Leone connects with a looping right that finds a home and doubles up on the right hand. Ledesma tries to answer back with a kick but Leone grabs the leg and takes Ledesma down with 90 seconds left in the round. Working from Ledesma's full and butterfly guard, Leone is throwing lefts and rights to the head and body of Ledesma staying active. With 30 seconds left Leone is doing enough to prevent a restart and picks Ledesma's ankle to drive him further to the cage. Ledesma tries to answer with a triangle but to no avail. The round ends in favor of Leone 10-9 and 30-27 overall.
K. Mills

La Nsang shocked Martinez.

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 28-29 for Anthony Leone, who takes the split decision.

Jesus Martinez vs. Aung La Nsang

Round 1
Martinez opens the open connecting with a looping right hand that puts Nsang down. Martinez tries to capitalize but can't do enough before Nsang gets back to his feet. Just as soon as Nsang got back up he puts Martinez down with a shot of his own and quickly follows up to finish the fight. Dan Miragliotta calls an end to this fight 36 seconds into the opening round.

Jacob Kirwan vs. Don Carlo-Clauss

Round 1
Carlo-Clauss connects with a low kick to open the bout. Kirwan answers back with a straight right and then shoots for a takedown but Carlo-Clauss sprawls effectively. Carlo-Clauss spends a long time working off that sprawl looking for some sort of offense but eventually stands the fight back up with less than two minutes to go in the round. Kirwan throws a knee from the clinch with Carlo-Clauss with little effect. Less than a minute left in the round and Kirwan seems to be shooting for another takedown but Carlo-Clauss defends successfully again stuffing Kirwan. The round ends in favor of Carlo-Clauss 10-9.

Round 2
K. Mills

Carlo-Clauss bested Kirwan.
With someone shouting from the crowd for Kirwan to be first, he is in fact first connecting with a straight left. Carlo-Clauss answers back with a right kick to Kirwan's lead leg and then goes up high with another kick to Kirwan. He's met with a hard right from Kirwan in the hardest shot of the fight thusfar. Halfway through the round Kirwan throws out a tepid left hand and misses with another looping left. Carlo-Clauss comes in to try and clinch with Kirwan but gets shrugged off. Carlo-Clauss responds with successive 1-2 combinations with 90 seconds left in the round. Thirty seconds left in the round and Kirwan starts to become more aggressive with a one-two of his own. Carlo-Clauss goes in for a takedown but trips in his efforts allowing Kirwan to take his back as the round ends. Kirwan takes the round 10-9.

Round 3
Feints and shots that just missed take up the first minute of the third round between the lightweights. Carlo-Clauss connects with a low kick to Kirwan's lead leg and Kirwan responds with a straight left. Carlo-Clauss comes in with another sharp kick followed by a brief exchange in the clinch before they break apart past the halfway mark in the round. The markedly pro-Kirwan crowd is imploring their fighter to turn it on but Carlo-Clauss is the aggressor of the two fights as he starts to connect with mroe lefts and rights. Kirwan shoots in for a half-hearted single-leg attempt but Carlo-Clauss fends it off eating a knee on the way out for his troubles. The round ends in favor of Carlo-Clauss 10-9 and 29-28 overall.

Official scores: 29-28 (twice) and 28-29 for Carlos-Clauss, winner by split decision.

Marius Zaromskis vs. Waachiim Spiritwolf

Round 1
Zaromskis comes out throwing lefts and rights and a few knees for good measure to open the round. Very few of those shots connect and very quickly Spiritwolf clinches up with Zaromskis up against the cage. The welterweights exchange knees but the relative inactivity forces referee Dan Miragliotta to restart the action. On the restart both fights start winging lefts and rights but nothing really lands. Zaromskis tries to throw a left kick to the body but it gets caught and Spiritwolf parlays it into a slam takedown. Zaromskis almost immediately stands back up though and manages to grab Spiritwolf's leg and lifts it up to take him down. He turns into Spiritwolf but the subsequent scramble allows the fight to get stood back up. Spiritwolf goes right back to work though looking to clinch up and takedown Zaromskis though. With 90 seconds left in the round Spiritwolf has Zromskis back up against the cage again. Zaromskis turns Spiritwolf into the cage and tries to drop down for a takedown himself but to no avail. Dan Miragliotta restarts the action with about 10 seconds left and Spiritwolf connects with a right as the round ends 10-9 in favor of Zaromskis.

Round 2
Spiritwolf opens the round with a big flurry of shots to the body. Zaromskis tries to respond with a kick to the face that gets blocked. Zaromskis follows up with what's supposed to be a spinning backfist but really just ended up being him spinning like a top with his fists out. Needless to say the effort didn't connect. 90 seconds into the 2nd round Zaromsksi throws another high kick that gets caught and Spiritwolf parlays that into clinching with the former Dream welterweight up against the cage. In the clinch Zaromskis starts to find a home for more than a few knees that connect. Spiritwolf responds by throwing all sorts of lefts and rights that start to connect on Zaromskis with no answer. Zaromskis turns and seems to run away from Spiritwolf but Spiritwolf chases after him and puts him down with another shot. Zaromskis survives the onslaught though and is working with Spiritwolf iin his guard with 90 seconds left in the round. After that back and forth flurry though both fighters seem spent working on the ground here. Spiritwolf takes the second round 10-9.

K. Mills

A cut ended Spiritwolf's night.
Round 3
The cage-side physician has halted the bout between rounds two and three due to a cut above the right eye of Spiritwolf, giving Zaromskis the technical knockout win.

Seth Petruzelli vs. Carmelo Marrero

The bout has been cancelled due to a reported illness with Seth Petruzelli.

K. Mills

Held tapped out Kennington.

Marcin Held vs. Derrick Kennington

Round 1
Kennington connects early on with a right that puts Held down. Kennington hesitates before following Held to the ground though and it almost costs him. After he does follow Held down Held immediately tries to throw on a submission which prompts Kennington to back away and start back on his feet. A kick to the body connects for Kennington and then another. Held counters looking for a takedown then drops down for what looks to be a heel lock. He has it latched on and Kennington is forced to tap. Held is your winner at 2:08 of round one.

Marcos Galvao vs. Travis Marx

Round 1
Marx opens the semifinal bout quickly coming forward with left right combinations. Galvao tries to respond in kind with a big knee of his own but Marx catches it and pushes Galvao up against the cage. Marx throws out a leg kick but Galvao catches it and throws Marx down on the mat. The subsequent scramble sees Galvao clinched up with Marx against the cage less than 90 seconds into the opening round. Galvao is connecting with knees from the clinch and tries to break free while throwing a left that just misses. After having his kick caught, Marx is a bit more reluctant to attack. He clinches Galvao now up against the cage as we approach the halfway point of the first round. Galvao eventually turns into him and breaks away as the action turns back to the center. Galvao catches Marx with another strong kick to the body and follows up with a 1-2. He adds on to the attacks with a knee and another kick to the body. Marx responds with a low kick with 90 seconds left in the round. With less than a minute to go Marx clinches with Galvao up against the cage as he tries to slow down his attack. The bantamweights exchange knees to end the round that goes in favor of Galvao, 10-9.

Round 2
Keith Mills

Galvao decisioned Marx.
Galvao connects with a few kicks to start the round but one does catch Marx low. After taking a minute to recover the action restarts and Marx immediately jumps all over Galvao. Marx is working hard for a double-leg takedown against the cage but Galvao is having none of it. Marx resorts to lefts and knees with Galvao up against the cage. Galvao pushes back against Marx allowing him to break away from the cage 90 seconds into the first. Galvao throws a kick to the body that connects but Galvao slips in the process. He's able to stand back up but Marx immediately plows forward attempting another takedown on Galvao. Again Galvao defends though and Marx is eventually forced to break away and work in the center.

With 90 seconds left in the round Galvao connects with successive low kicks. Marx works for another double-leg but again Galvao does well defending. Marx is able to take his back for a moment but doesn't parlay that into anything. As the round ends Marx connects with a couple of kicks in a row but the round goes in favor of the Brazilian 10-9.

Round 3
The first minute of action goes by without much of note until Galvao tries to initiate the clinch with Marx. He immediately turns Galvao back into the cage though and breaks away thereafter. Galvao connects with a left right combination with two minutes gone by in the final frame. Marx shoots in for a double-leg attempt that he isn't fully committed to and Galvao takes advantage hitting another left right combination. Another right and a couple of low kicks by Galvao find a home but it also gives Marx the opportunity to land a takedown. Galvao almost immediately stands up with it though and works with his back against the cage and in the clinch with Marx. Less than a minute remaining and Marx is hitting short knees while Galvao connects with short rights before Marx breaks away. The round ends in favor of Galvao as he takes the round 10-9 and the semifinal 30-27.

Official scores: All three judges see the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Marcos Galvao.

Marlon Sandro vs. Daniel Straus

Round 1
Sandro opens up the tournament final with a couple of kicks for Straus and the Ohio native responds in kind with one shot that connects square with Sandro and low. Sandro is down and in pain early. On the restart the fighters shake hands and Straus goes right back after Sandro looking for a takedown. Sandro fights it off but finds himself in the clinch against the cage with Straus. He can't avoid the takedown there though as Straus hits a trip and puts Sandro down. With two minutes gone by Straus tries to take Sandro's back but Sandro takes the bout back to the mat. After fighting off a rear-naked choke attempt, Sandro manages to turn into Straus and stand the bout back up just after the halfway mark. Straus hits a straight left after both fighters stood back up. Then Straus exploded into another takedown attempt, this time a low single. Sandro tries to turn away and forces Straus to eat a few lefts for his troubles but Straus is unrelenting in his efforts. Straus stands back up still in the clinch with Sandro and takes his back. With a minute left in the round Straus is connecting with short knees looking to improve his position. The round ends with both fighters in the same spot with the round going to Straus 10-9.

Round 2
The first noteworthy offense of the round comes from Straus in the form of a high kick. He follows that up going for another takedown as he clinches with Sandro up against the cage less than 90 seconds gone by in the round. The fighters break from the clinch and Sandro connects with his first noteworthy offense of the fight with an uppercut that connects. Straus responds with a couple of kicks that go low and to the body on Sandro. Another kick from Straus connects as there are 90 seconds left in the round. Straus connects with a jumping knee and a brief scramble sees Straus take Sandro's back for just a moment. The round ends in favor of Straus 10-9 going to the third.

Round 3
Both fighters start the round swinging although not necessarily connecting with much. Sandro grazes Straus with a shot to the body. Sandro then initiates the clinch on Straus and pushes him up against the cage but nothing comes from it. Straus connects with a high kick and tries to follow up immediately with a takedown but Sandro clinches up with Straus and turns him back into the cage. Sandro looked to take Straus down but Straus defending the takedown and gave the Brazilian his back in the process. The scramble allows Sandro to latch on with an arm-triangle choke which doesn't seem to be causing Straus too much trouble. The action slows to a halt until Sandro tries to go for a trip which forces him to release the submission attempt. Soon thereafter the fighters break from the clinch and with less than a minute to go Straus ducks down for a double leg takedown and immediately takes his back on the mat. The round ends with the crowd cheering what should be a victorious Straus 10-9 for the round and 30-27 for the fight.

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 all for Daniel Straus, winner by unanimous decision.
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