

‘TUF 14’ Finale Live Results and Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the The Pearl at the Palms in Las Vegas at 5:50 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of "The Ultimate Fighter 14" Finale, which is headlined by a middleweight clash pitting Jason Miller against Michael Bisping.

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Dustin Neace vs. Bryan Caraway

Round 1
Josh Rosenthal is the referee for this opening matchup. Neace connects with a jab early. Caraway follows with a left of his own; Neace is utilizing plenty of head movement. A left hook rocks Neace and Caraway presses forward, landing an uppercut. A big overhand right from Caraway misses its mark. Halfway through the round, Caraway shoots and takes Neace down. Neace has a butterfly guard and attempts to sit up. Craway inside control, but Neace catches him in a triangle, but it’s not locked in. Caraway gets out and lands an elbow from side control. With less than a minute to go, Caraway takes his opponent’s back. Neace is trying to shake him off from the front, but Caraway’s butterfly hooks keep him secure. He ends the round trying for the triangle again.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Caraway
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Caraway
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Caraway

Round 2
Caraway begins the frame by landing a couple outside leg kicks. Neace continues to press forward with movement, but isn’t landing much. Caraway with another leg kick. Neace has swelling under his right eye now. Caraway gets a single leg and moves immediately into side control with about 2:30 to go. Neace attempts to get up, and Caraway hunts for a kimura. Caraway takes Neace’s back again, and now he has both hooks in. He’s got the rear-naked choke in tight, and Neace is forced to tap at the 3:38 mark.

Josh Clopton vs. Steven Siler

Round 1
Herb Dean is the referee in charge of the featherweight bout. Clopton presses Siler against the cage, and the Skrap Pack representative lands a few short knees. Siler responds by punishing his opponent with knees of his own from the Thai plum. They break away and return to the center of the cage. Siler throws a leg kick that Clopton catches, but he misses with the right hand. Back in the clinch, Siler controls his opponent while firing away with knees. Clopton catches a kick and tosses Siler to the canvas. He doesn’t want to engage on the ground, however. Siler continues to be aggressive in forcing clinches against the fence. Clopton responds with a couple of body shots. Back in the center of the cage, Clopton lands a solid right hand. Clopton is starting to land some serious punches, and now he presses Siler against the cage. Siler goes for a knee and Clopton falls into a guillotine choke. The round ends with Clopton giving the thumbs up.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Siler
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Siler
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Siler

Round 2
Siler is controlling the center of the Octagon, and follows a lead right hand with a knee. Clopton, with one underhook, lands a knee. Siler goes from the Tahi plum to a single leg. They break away and Siler appears to hurt Clopton with a punch. Clopton is eating punches and knees against the fence. Siler has been landing numerous knees in the first two minutes, and appears to have no trouble controlling Clopton’s head. Clopton gets a trip takedown and proceeds to unleash a series of rapid hammerfists. Siler is able to get up, and goes right back to the plum. A left hook by Clopton is answered by a right from Siler. Both men are opening up in the center of the Octagon. With a minute to go, Siler lands four or five more knees from the clinch. Clopton is bleeding profusely as the frame winds down. Clopton goes for a takedown at the end and falls into a guillotine. He’s saved by the horn.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Siler
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Siler
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Siler

Round 3
Clopton needs to finish the fight to have a chance. He begins the round with a nice right hand. He shoots for a takedown, Siler stops it and momentarily has a guillotine. Clopton achieves a takedown and throws his shoulder into Siler’s chest. Siler sweeps up and has the Thai plum clinch once again, which has been the story of the entire fight. They break away and Dean gives time as Clopton had dropped his mouthpiece. Clopton gets a takedown, but is content to hold position there. Dean urges the fighters to work. Siler is controlling Clopton’s posture nicely to avoid damage. Siler is landing short punches from the bottom. Clopton finally gets an opening and lands a hammerfist before they get back up. Clopton loses his mouthpiece again and Siler lands some punches of his own. Siler finishes the bout with more knees and then he stuffs a final takedown attempt from Clopton.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-10 (30-28 Siler)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Siler (30-27 Siler)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Clopton (29-28 Siler)

Official scores: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Steven Siler.

Josh Ferguson vs. Roland Delorme

Round 1
Chris Tognoni is in charge of this bantamweight tilt. Ferguson rocks Delorme with a left hand right off the bat, but he recovers and wrestles his opponent to the ground. In half guard, Delorme gives up position to attempt a guillotine, but it’s to no avail, as Ferguson is out. Ferguson is up and working some ground-and-pound. Delorme is working for a triangle from his back, but Ferguson is defending. Delorme is peppering his foe with shots while holding on to the triangle. Ferguson’s right arm is the only thing saving him from serious trouble. Now he’s got the arm across and pulls Ferguson’s neck down. Delorme is looking for an armbar, and pounds Ferguson with some elbows in the process. Somehow Ferguson escapes the triangle and moves to side control. He steps into full mount, and lands some punches before moving to Delorme’s back. Delorme nearly gives up an arm triangle while trying to escape. Delorme reverses position as time expires.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Delorme
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Delorme
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Delorme

Round 2
A nice left right combo from Ferguson lands, and he continues to move forward. Both men are exchanging on the feet in the opening minute. Ferguson catches a kick and shoves Delorme away. A left hook from Delorme finds its mark, and Ferguson responds with one of his own. Ferguson answers a kick from Delorme with a combination. Ferguson lands a body kick followed by a lead hook, also to the body. Ferguson gets him down to the mat. Delorme tries to stand up, and Ferguson hunts for a guillotine. He loses the choke and they’re back up. Ferguson connects with a couple of stiff jabs with less than a minute to go. Delorme is in Ferguson’s guard as the round ends.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Ferguson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Ferguson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferguson

Round 3
A touch of gloves to begin the final frame. Delorme drops Ferguson with a left hand. He wastes no time and pounces for a rear-naked choke. The choke is deep, and Ferguson is forced to tap 22 seconds into the final round.

John Albert vs. Dustin Pague

Round 1
Herb Dean is the referee for this bantamweight matchup. Both fighters ccome out with an aggressive exchange. Albert hits Pague with a left hook followed by a big right hand to the jaw, dropping his opponent. He pounces and attacks with rapid hammerfists. Now mounted, Pague is in trouble. His right arm is tied up across his neck, and Albert continues to tee off. The pummeling continues, and finally Dean has seen enough. The time of the stoppage is 1:09.

Stephen Bass vs. Marcus Brimage

Round 1
The referee for this featherweight bout is Josh Rosenthal. Brimage connects with a lead right hook. Bass looks outmatched on the feet early as he looks for a single leg. Brimage defends and moves forward. Brimage is controlling the pace and looks comfortable letting his hands go. Bass initiates a clinch and connects with a few punches inside. They break away and Brimage tees off. Now back in the clinch, Brimage works some effective dirty boxing. Brimage lands a superman punch. Bass hits an inside leg kick and shoots for a takedown. Brimage’s defense is solid, and they break away once again. A good inside leg kick from Brimage. Bass hits a left hook and moves away. Brimage continues to be the one landing combinations, however. The inside leg kick from Brimage is also starting to consistently find a home as the round wanes.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Brimage

Round 2
Bass begins with an inside leg kick. He needs to get the fight to the canvas, but so far his attempts have failed. A kick from Brimage finds his opponent’s cup, and Bass takes a brief recovery period. A straight left from Brimage lands. Bass returns fire with a knee. Bass returns the favor with a kick to Brimage’s groin, and another pause ensues. Brimage assures the referee he’s ready, and they resume. Brimage hits a right hand followed by a flying knee. A well-timed leg kick from Brimage sends Bass to the mat. Brimage comes with a left hand-inside leg kick combo. Bass clips Brimage while countering a leg kick, and Brimage appears temporarily dazed. Another takedown attempt from Bass is stuffed. Brimage continues to use movement, but he’s slowing down. Brimage finishes the round with one more crushing inside leg kick.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Brimage

Round 3
They exchange wildly and Bass drops Brimmage and follows with a flying knee. Bass knows he’s behind and continues to move forward to try and make something happen. Bass hits a right uppercut. Brimage is waiting as Bass controls the Octagon. An uppercut misses but Brimage does connect with a left hand. Brimage stuffs Bass’ single leg attempt, and they continue to stand. Bass lands a combination. Bass rushes toward Brimage and gets a knee to the gut. He smiles and continues to plod forward. Brimage clips him with a left hand. Bass lands a knee to the body. Despite obvious fatigue, Brimage is able to string together effective combos. With 10 seconds left, a slugfest ensues. Bass connects with a right hook and drops Brimage to the mat. He can’t finish the job before the round ends.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Bass (29-28 Brimage)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Bass (29-28 Brimage)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Bass (29-28 Brimage)

Official scores: Two judges score the bout 30-27, while the other sees it 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Marcus Brimage.

Johnny Bedford vs. Louis Gaudinot

Round 1
Steve Mazzagatti is the referee for this bantamweight tussle. The fighters touch gloves at the start of the round. Bedford gets a takedown 30 seconds in and moves into Gaudinot’s half guard. Gaudinot fights to get up and eats a knee in the process. Bedford continues to force the action, and Beford slams him to the floor. Bedford moves into full mount and hammers away on his now-bloodied opponent. Gaudinot is struggling to hip escape and protect himself at the same time. Gaudinot rolls and gives up his back. Bedford has both hooks in and tries to slip his arm under Gaudinot’s chin. He breaks free momentarily, and forces Bedford into half guard. The ground-and-pound continues over the final minute from inside Gaudinot’s full guard. As Gaudinot rises, Bedford finishes the round with a couple knees to the body.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-8 Bedford
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-8 Beford
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Bedford

Round 2
Gaudinot starts out using kicks and movement, but Beford quickly moves forward with punches. Bedford takes Gaudinot down near the cage and smashes him with a knee to the body. They’re back up, but Bedford is too big and strong. He grabs a leg and forces Gaudinot to the canvas again. Now in half guard, Bedford hammers away with punches to the ribs. Bedford moves from side control to full mount and resumes the assault. Gaudinot can’t push Bedford away, and the Texan continues to methodically pound away. With a minute left, Bedford has full mount again. Elbows and punches continue, and Gaudinot can do little but cover up. With 15 seconds left, Bedford is trying for an armbar, but Gaudinot is saved by the bell.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-8 Bedford
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-8 Bedford
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Bedford

Round 3
Gaudinot is trying for a takedown to change things up in the final frame. It doesn’t work. Bedford rushes forward with a solid knee. Another knee from Bedford, and Gaudinot wisely circles away from the cage. Gaudinot lands a spinning back fist, his most significant offense of the night. Beford isn’t fazed, and he tees off with body shots. Now Gaudinot is turtled up on the canvas as Bedford whales away, but Mazzagatti is letting it go. Bedford lands a series of knees to the body with Gaudinot against the cage, and finally Mazzagatti has seen enough, calling a stop to the action at the 1:58 mark.

Tony Ferguson vs. Yves Edwards

Round 1
Ferguson starts out throwing kicks. He continues with this approach and hits three solid leg kicks. A headkick from Edwards lands. He follows with a solid left. Ferguson hits an uppercut right down the middle. A right by Ferguson hurts Edwards. A right hook from Ferguson connects another right hand rocks Edwards. Ferguson is looking for a finish. The round ends in entertaining fashion with both men attacking.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Ferguson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Ferguson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferguson

Round 2
Ferguson connects with a lead uppercut and then a jab. Edwards fires back, and Ferguson's nose is bloody. Now Ferguson throws a rear-hand uppercut and finds a home for it. Edwards with a straight left and a jab, followed by a counter right-left. Ferguson now stalking Edwards around the cage, but Edwards lands an overhand left. Ferguson lands right back. Edwards tries a high kick, but it's blocked. High kick from Ferguson is blocked, now. Edwards whiffs on a left hook and tries a double-leg, but it's stuffed. Ferguson hits a double-leg of his own and plants Edwards on his butt as the round expires.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Ferguson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferguson

Round 3
Ferguson lands a stiff jab to start round three and follows it with a body kick. Edwards answers with a hard leg kick. Lead-right straight by Ferguson, then Edwards leaps in with a right hook. Ferguson connects with another body kick. Edwards lands and inside leg kick but eats a right-hand counter. Ferguson pushes forward and lands another jab. Another body kick from Ferguson. Lead-hand superman punch from Ferguson is answered by a leg kick from Edwards. Nice straight left lands from Edwards, then another. Uppercut-hook-head kick combo from Edwards lands, then Ferguson attempts a sloppy backfist. Edwards hits n inside leg kick. Ferguson comes back with a lead-leg sidekick. Neither man can find the sweet spot, but the work rate is phenomenal. Ferguson whiffs on a superman punch, then stuffs a takedown attempt. Both men pawing for distance now, and Ferguson lands a jab. Both men throw as the round expires in another close round.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Edwards (29-28 Ferguson)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Ferguson (30-28 Ferguson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferguson (30-27 Ferguson)

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Tony Ferguson.

T.J. Dillashaw vs. John Dodson

Round 1
Dillashaw whiffs on a low kick. Dodson sticks him with a left hand. Both men gauging range now. Dodson's speed advantage is evident from the start. Dillashaw whiffs on another low kick. Dodson eats a short right on the way in, but he circles out quickly. Dodson lands an inside lock kick and pursues Dillashaw across the cage. Dillashaw resets but gets hit with a high kick to the cheek. Dillashaw eats a brutal left hook on the way in and it's over quickly. Dodson pounds away as Dillashaw tries to recover, and Herb Dean has seen enough. The end comes at 1:54 of round one.

Dennis Bermudez vs. Diego Brandao

Round 1
Brandao fires a leg kick to start and whiffs on a right hand. Bermudez pushes him against eh cage and lands a right hand. Bermudez lands a front kick and catches a Brandao round kick, putting him down. Brandao up-kicks and scrambles to his feet. Brandao lands a right hand after missing with a lead uppercut. Brandao lands a glancing overhand and misses with a hook. Bermudez doubles up on his jab and lands a nice kick to the ribs. Bermudez gets clipped with a left hook to the body and then a right hand that puts him down. He's back up, however, and starts to fire back. Brandao lands an inside leg kick, then counters an uppercut with a nasty left hook. Both men wing punches, but neither connects. Bermudez eats a flying knee and falls to his back with Brandao riding him. Brandao takes Bermudez's back, but the American escapes to his feet. Brandao charges forward but gets caught with a sharp right straight that drops him. Bermudez pounces, but the Brazilian dives for a kneebar. Bermudez escapes and starts to drop more leather, before Brandao pulls a wicked straight armbar out of nothing and forces Bermudez to tap out in pain. Josh Rosenthal stops the contest with only seconds remaining in the first round.

Jason “Mayhem” Miller vs. Michael Bisping

Round 1
Steve Mazzagatti starts the contest. Miller lands a leg kick and gets caught with an uppercut as he charges forward. The crowd chants U-S-A as the men clinch against the cage. Miller has hold of a Thai plum, but Bisping escapes. Miller tries an overhand right, but Bisping slips it and counters. Miller fires back with a right overhand. Miller wades forward with a big right, and Bisping looks to counter. Miller clinches, grabs a body lock and executes a trip. Miller now steps over into mount as Bisping sits against the cage. It's a low mount, just over the Brit's knees. Bisping is trying to butt-scoot and looks to Mazzagatti, presumably for a restart. Miller is now starting to land with ground-and-pound from the odd position. Bisping scoots his hips back and escapes to his feet. Bisping laces a right hand to the jaw of Miller and lands a counter left hook and then an overhand right. Miller's standup is wide open, but Bisping can't capitalize with a big shot. Bisping lands a jab, and Miller bulls ahead as the round expires.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Miller
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 2
Bisping takes the center of the cage and lands a counter left hook. Miller lunges forward and lands a hard knee to the gut. Bisping answers with a two punch combination and then a leg kick. Miller dives for a double-leg and switches to a single against the fence. Bisping has a whizzer and pummels with an underhook to escape. As they reset, Miller accidentally headbutts the Brit as they both throw leather. After a brief pause, action is restarted. Bisping pumps a jab and then avoids a takedown. Bisping lands a nice straight right and then another jab. Miller lands a jab, but Bisping answers with a hard knee to the belly. Miller dives for another takedown, but Bisping easily defends. On the ground, Miller taunts his man, and Bisping appears to throw a kick at Miller's head. Luckily, it misses, and Miller once again tries for a takedown, which he misses. Miller stands again, but he's exhausted. Bisping is now really finding his range, and he's cracking combinations to the head and body. Deep breath from Miller. Bisping lands a knee to the the face, and Miller puts his hands by his sides and taunts Bisping again. Bisping obliges and lands another flurry. Miller drops to the mat for another takedown, and Bisping jumps on him, landing ground-and-pound as the round ends.

Freddie DeFreitas scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 3
Miller's left eye is swollen and bruised, but he comes out aggressively. Bisping avoids another takedown and allows Miller to stand. Bisping is picking his shots, and Miller looks lost as he eats another sharp right straight. Bisping works the body and lands another right hand. Miller is circling and winging big, individual shots, taking deep breaths in between swings. Miller accidentally pokes Bisping in the eye, but he's fine. Action resumes, and Miller dives for an ankle. Bisping sprawls and Bisping is unloading from the turtle position. Miller manages to recover guard, but it's not looking good. Miller is surviving, but Bisping is in total control. “Mayhem” tries to upkick, but it's ineffective. Bisping is continually landing punches and knees, as Miller rolls to the turtle position. Mazzagatti has seen enough and steps in to save Miller from more punishment.
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