

UFC 170 Results: ‘Rousey vs. McMann’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas at approximately 7 p.m. ET with live UFC 170 results and play-by-play.

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Yosdenis Cedeno vs. Ernest Chavez

Round 1

Cedeno stays light on his feet around the outside, cutting angles and slapping Chavez with a low kick, then a punch to the body. Not much engagement between the lightweights in the opening half of the round, though Cedeno hits Chavez with a solid kick to the gut. Chavez catches a kick and tries to come inside behind a right hand for a takedown attempt, but Cedeno defends. When Cedeno throws a wheel kick, Chavez closes the gap and hustles him to the ground, then passes to side control with just about one minute remaining. Chavez briefly gets a crucifix, loses it and steps into full mount with 40 on the clock. Cedeno gives up his back but manages to slip out and scramble up to finish the round holding Chavez against the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cedeno
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cedeno
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cedeno

Round 2

Cedeno scores with a pair of hard leg kicks, but Chavez manages to catch the second and deliver a straight counter. Chavez ducks under another spinning kick from Cedeno to hit another takedown near the fence. Chavez tries to work some ground-and-pound from side control as Cedeno keeps his feet on the cage, pushing off to try and escape. With two minutes left, Chavez takes full mount again, but again Cedeno is able to sweep out. The lightweights trade positions clinching on the cage, with Chavez winding up on the outside. Referee Chris Tognoni breaks them up with 50 seconds on the clock, which Chavez uses to walk Cedeno around the perimeter.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Chavez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Chavez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chavez

Round 3

Cedeno goes back to moving in angles, with Chavez standing a foot away, following step-for-step around the outside. Chavez occasionally wades forward with pawing punches but can’t quite find his mark. Cedeno fires back in between movements, punching more defensively than offensively. They lock up midway through the final round and it’s Chavez who takes outside position on the fence. Referee Tognoni warns Chavez not to grab the fence and then breaks up the lightweights a few seconds later. Cedeno flashes a few deflected high kicks and snaps off a stiff jab in Chavez’s face. One minute left and Chavez comes down the center with a good right hand. Chavez slaps with a leg kick outside, lands a short left hook. Cedeno rushes in with a hard, three-piece combination and gets wrapped up by Chavez to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cedeno (29-28 Cedeno)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Chavez (29-28 Chavez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chavez (29-28 Chavez)

The Official Result

Ernest Chavez def. Yosdenis Cedeno via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Erik Koch vs. Rafaello Oliveira

Round 1

Oliveira gets to work with leg kicks early, slipping on one but popping back up before Koch can capitalize. Koch follows a short right hand with a slamming left straight, and Oliveira hits the deck. Koch stands over the downed Brazilian and stacks him up to deliver heavy ground-and-pound. Oliveira is trying to fight back but is absorbing too much damage for referee Yves Lavigne, who steps in to call off the fight.

The Official Result

Erik Koch def. Rafaello Oliveira via TKO (Punches) R1 1:24

Zach Makovsky vs. Josh Sampo

Round 1

Sampo lands a quick kick to the leg as he lines up in orthodox stance across from the southpaw Makovsky. “Fun Size” slaps Sampo’s body with a kick, then goes low with another. One minute into the round, Makovsky changes levels and slams Sampo to the canvas with a single-leg takedown. Sampo pulls rubber guard, not allowing Makovsky much room for ground-and-pound, so Makovsky stands and comes back down in half-guard. Makovsky stands again, dodges an upkick and nearly gets swept by Sampo, who briefly holds an omoplata. Two minutes left in the round and Makovsky is back in Sampo’s open guard. The next time Makovsky stands up, Sampo clips him with an upkick and scrambles up. Sampo scores with a couple quick punches in the clinch and stuffs a trip attempt. Makovsky gets the last offense of the round with a kick to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky

Round 2

Makovsky takes a little longer to work his way inside and score a takedown, this time hitting Sampo with a shot that opens up a cut on the bridge of the nose. Once he commits, Makovsky floors Sampo easily with a double-leg and works short ground-and-pound from the half-guard of “The Gremlin.” Makovsky stands and comes back down with a hard left hand, but it allows Sampo to get to his knees, then his feet. Makovsky steps in with a left hand to the body, eats a counter right for his trouble. Inside the final minute, Makovsky hits another takedown near the fence and has to defend a last-second armbar attempt from Sampo.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky

Round 3

Makovsky keeps on his back foot early in round three, and this time Sampo turns the tables by landing a takedown of his own. Sampo keeps Makovsky at the base of the fence, roughing up the former Bellator champ with short punches until midway through the round, when Makovsky is able to scramble up. Makovsky goes back to moving around the outside, keeping his distance until there’s 1:20 remaining and he floors Sampo with another takedown. Makovsky stands, dodges an upkick and tries to take Sampo’s back as Sampo turns over. Sampo blocks the back-mount by staying on his side and driving some sharp elbows to the side of Makovsky’s head. Makovsky puts Sampo on his back again and drops short punches until late in the round, when Sampo gets back to his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (30-27 Makovsky)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sampo (29-28 Makovsky)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sampo (29-28 Makovsky)

The Official Result

Zach Makovsky def. Joshua Sampo via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Aljamain Sterling vs. Cody Gibson

Round 1

Sterling opens with a kick to the leg before going up high with a push kick, then shoots for a takedown which Gibson denies. Gibson tries a single-leg against the fence, gets swatted away and comes back for another try. This time, Gibson gets his man to the ground, but Sterling is quick to pop back up. Gibson keeps hold with a rear waistlock, tries for a suplex but can’t complete it. Two minutes into the round, Sterling hits a takedown and gets to work from Gibson’s guard. Sterling lands a couple punches before Gibson gets to his feet, where Sterling pushes him against the cage. Not much action as the bantamweights work on the fence, just shoulder shrugs and knees from Sterling on the outside. Gibson fires some knees in return, and both men finish the round throwing short uppercuts inside.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sterling
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sterling
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sterling

Round 2

Gibson closes the distance on Sterling, first to try for a takedown on the back of a caught kick, and then to clinch against the fence. Sterling tries to come off the cage and Gibson whips around to take his back. Sterling scrapes him off, putting his back on the cage again, and now Gibson completes the takedown. Sterling is back up immediately, dodging a guillotine on the way, but Gibson takes him down right away. As Sterling gets to his knees, Gibson turns the corner, looking to sink in both hooks. Sterling shakes the hooks as he stands and turns it around to hold Gibson on the fence. Sterling gets through with a hard knee and a right hand before they separate. Gibson ducks a spinning back fist and takes Sterling down again. This time, Sterling gets up and hits a takedown inside the last half minute of the frame. Gibson tries to finish with a guillotine in the final seconds but can’t get the angle.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gibson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Gibson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gibson

Round 3

Sterling gets the firs takedown of the final round, putting Gibson on his seat at the base of the fence with a double-leg. Gibson is trying to go underneath, hooking Sterling’s back leg. Sterling recognizes the opportunity for a brabo choke, which Gibson defends at first. The next attempt is deeper, but Gibson waits it out and explodes to his feet as Sterling releases. Sterling slips on a kick and Gibson tries to capitalize by pulling guard with a guillotine, but Sterling is sweaty and pops his head out as they hit the ground. Sterling gets a crucifix briefly, gets pushed back to half-guard and starts thumping Gibson’s ribs with punches as he leans right to left. Gibson is trying to get a stand-up command from ref Herb Dean, but it’s not coming as Sterling continues to pound away. Gibson gives up his back and Sterling takes it, first with hooks and then a body triangle. With less than one minute remaining, Sterling starts working for a rear-naked choke. Gibson gets to his knees and escapes danger, but he finishes the round with Sterling punching from his back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sterling (29-28 Sterling)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sterling (29-28 Sterling)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sterling (29-28 Sterling)

The Official Result

Aljamain Sterling def. Cody Gibson via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Raphael Assuncao vs. Pedro Munhoz

Round 1

Assuncao comes around the outside with a nice left hook that quickly reddens Munhoz’s face. Munhoz responds with a hard leg kick outside, gets another punch stuffed in his face and takes a knee to the body. Munhoz lands another leg kick, then one to the body which Assuncao reciprocates. Assuncao moves to the outside and continues targeting Munhoz’s legs as well as counter-punching. Munhoz is getting through with some nasty kicks, too, and continually moving forward on the veteran. Assuncao pushes off Munhoz’s legs with oblique kicks and sends a straight right down the middle.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Assuncao

Round 2

Munhoz comes out aggressive, keeping Assuncao on his back foot early in round two and clipping the Brazilian with a hard right hand. Munhoz stumbles moving backward and dives on a leglock in the ensuing scramble, but Assuncao yanks his leg free and the bantamweights resume striking on the feet. Assuncao comes around Munhoz’s guard with a right hook before absorbing another pair of cracking leg kicks. Munhoz throws a spinning kick and gets rushed to the ground by Assuncao, who comes down to the guard of “The Young Punisher.” Assuncao stands over Munhoz in the final 20 seconds to drop some ground-and-pound before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Assuncao

Round 3

Assuncao looks to counter from the southpaw stance, staving off the oncoming Munhoz with quick jabs. Assuncao gets through with a good left hand, ducks a punch and comes back to zap Munhoz with a right hook on the end of a combo. More good combinations getting through for Assuncao, further swelling Munhoz’s left eye. Munhoz keeps coming forward, though, eating counters from Assuncao, now inside the final minute of the bout. Late in the round, Assuncao catches a kick and flashes a combination in the face of Munhoz, who succumbs to one last takedown before the end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (30-27 Assuncao)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (30-27 Assuncao)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Assuncao (30-27 Assuncao)

The Official Result

Raphael Assuncao def. Pedro Munhoz via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Alexis Davis vs. Jessica Eye

Round 1

Eye wastes no time in muscling Davis against the fence, breaking off with a quick combination after a minute of working in the clinch. Eye hits Davis with a front kick up the center before moving the fight to the cage again. This time, Davis is active in pushing away Eye’s face, trying to break the grip, but still can’t escape. Referee Yves Lavigne breaks the women up, so Eye clinches in the center of the cage and mugs Davis with punches inside. Now it’s Davis with underhooks, looking for a takedown and settling for an over-under clinch on the cage. Eye breaks away with a right hand and moves to the center. With 30 seconds left, Davis hits a double-leg takedown in the middle of the cage and finishes the round in Eye’s half-guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Eye
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Eye
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Eye

Round 2

Eye lands a leg kick, catches one from Davis and connects with a good elbow strike up top before circling out. Davis returns the favor by catching a kick from Eye and tripping her to the mat, and now Davis keeps tight as she works to move past Eye’s half-guard. Eye is keeping her in place, but Davis is working some good, grinding ground-and-pound while continuing to work on advancing position. Eye gets to her knees, controlling Davis’ far wrist but still can’t get to her feet before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis

Round 3

The women are keeping their distance early on in the final round, with Eye in the center of the cage and Davis on the outside. Eye is swinging heavy hands, keeping a left jab in Davis’ face in between sledgehammer rights. Davis tries to come forward with a leg kick, caught by Eye and countered with a right hand which pulls up short. Ninety seconds left and Eye is staying busy with leg kicks. Davis changes levels for a takedown attempt, denied by Eye. In the final 15 seconds, Davis clinches up to drive knees up the middle and Eye returns fire with punches as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Eye (29-28 Eye)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Eye (29-28 Eye)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Eye (29-28 Eye)

The Official Result

Alexis Davis def. Jessica Eye via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Stephen Thompson vs. Robert Whittaker

Round 1

Whittaker catches Thompson with a hard, short left hook in the pocket, and the striker responds with a flurry of kicks and punches from his wide-open stance. Thompson is stringing together low kicks and right hands over the top, and he dips out of the way when Whittaker looks to clinch near the cage. Whittaker looks to pump his jab and step inside but Thompson is just too quick in the early going. Whittaker does catch the escaping Thompson with a left hand, but Thompson comes back with a cleaner combo. Whittaker connects with another solid left hand, and now Thompson is sporting a mouse near his right eye. Thompson sends Whittaker to the ground with a right hand on the chin, then drops him again when Whittaker pops up. Whittaker is trying to survive, clinging to Thompson’s leg as “Wonderboy” unloads with punches, but referee Mario Yamasaki has seen enough.

The Official Result

Stephen Thompson def. Robert Whittaker via TKO (Punches) R1 3:43

Mike Pyle vs. T.J. Waldburger

Round 1

The welterweights feel one another out in the center of the cage, Waldburger trying a kick up high and Pyle going low. Pyle lands another inside leg kick, this one returned by Waldburger, who ties up afterward and runs Pyle into the fence. They separate and Waldburger slips on a high kick but pops up before Pyle can pounce. Waldburger lands an uppercut, then counters a Pyle jab with an overhand right and a left hook. Waldburger grabs the Thai plum and has his legs swept out, and Pyle comes down to work with two minutes left in the round. Pyle passes to side control on Waldburger’s left and drops some short strikes before Waldburger scrambles up. Pyle throws a knee in the clinch while Waldburger muscles him against the fence. They come off the cage and move to the other side, where Pyle hits a late takedown.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pyle
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pyle

Round 2

Pyle keeps Waldburger at bay with front kicks up the middle, while Waldburger attacks Pyle’s legs from outside. Waldburger gets knocked down and dives on a leg, but Pyle gets out of immediate danger and sets up on top position. The welterweights scramble up midway through the round and get back to striking, with Pyle trying out some spinning kicks. Waldburger closes the gap and looks for a double-leg on the fence, which Pyle defends by widening his base and threatening with a kimura. Pyle gets underhooks and puts Waldburger on the ground briefly. Waldburger, now sporting some damage on his left eye from a Pyle knee, scrambles back to his feet and breaks away to land a right hand up top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pyle
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pyle

Round 3

Pyle is getting off some good punches over the top early in the final frame, while Waldburger returns fire to the body and with leg kicks. Pyle scores another good right over the top before shutting down a takedown attempt. Pyle catches a kick and clips Waldburger with a spinning back elbow. Waldburger hits the ground but pops back up, where Pyle is waiting with punches. The welterweights move to the fence midway through the round, Waldburger on the outside, looking for a takedown. Pyle denies it and comes off the fence, then drills the shooting Waldburger with a knee. They roll to the ground with Pyle on top, looking for a guillotine. Pyle loses the choke but now he’s in full mount with 90 seconds left, dropping elbows on Waldburger’s face and temple. Waldburger looks ready to go, flat on his belly, not fighting back, and referee Herb Dean waves this one off.

The Official Result

Mike Pyle def. T.J. Waldburger via TKO (Elbows and Punches) R3 4:03

Rory MacDonald vs. Demian Maia

Round 1

Maia shoots a quick double-leg in the center of the cage, gets sprawled on and comes back for another. This one puts MacDonald on his back, and he uses butterfly guard to keep Maia out of full mount for about 60 seconds. With 3:15 on the clock, Maia takes mount and socks MacDonald with a pair of right hands on the cheek. Maia is heavy on top as he drops punches on MacDonald’s face and ribs. MacDonald tries to sweep, can’t get on top but does put Maia back in half-guard. MacDonald reclaims butterfly guard with 90 seconds left as the welterweights continue their grappling battle. MacDonald uses an omoplata to get back on his feet, hitting Maia with a hammer fist on the way up. Maia puts a right hand behind MacDonald’s ear, eats a punch before he can get out of the pocket.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Maia
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Maia
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Maia

Round 2

Maia shoots to start the round and just gets back to his feet as MacDonald whips a kick at his head. MacDonald shuts down another takedown attempt and hits Maia with a head kick. Two more shots from Maia are sprawled on, and suddenly it’s MacDonald in control, hitting Maia with combinations as they move around the outside. Maia is shooting desperately now, diving on double-legs from way out, in between legs kicks. Midway through the round and Maia looks exhausted, throwing arm punches in retaliations to MacDonald’s crisper punches and knees. MacDonald comes around the outside with a right hook and sends a pair of kicks up the center. A right cross rocks Maia’s head, and the Brazilian looks to be in trouble now. MacDonald can’t capitalize, though, and instead picks at Maia with leg kicks and jabs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 MacDonald
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 MacDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 MacDonald

Round 3

MacDonald catches Maia leaning to deliver a hard kick to the body, and “Ares” follows up with a pair of hard, straight right hands. Maia has another shot sprawled on, takes another kick to the ribs and draws in a deep breath. Maia grabs hold of a single-leg near the fence, switches to a double and finally completes the takedown he’s been wanting for the past seven minutes. MacDonald tries a butterfly sweep and sends Maia over the top as the Brazilian tries to mount. The welterweights are back on their feet with 1:45 on the clock, and MacDonald sprawls on a long double-leg shot from Maia, then another. Maia is swinging away with tired punches now, eating hard return fire from MacDonald. Another shot from Maia fails, and MacDonald makes him pay with a cracking right hand on the way up. Maia shoots one last time after a left-right combo from MacDonald, and that’s where it ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (28-28 Draw)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (29-28 MacDonald)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (28-27 MacDonald)

The Official Result

Rory MacDonald def. Demian Maia via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Daniel Cormier vs. Patrick Cummins

Round 1

Cummins goes for an early takedown and gets shoved away by Cormier, then repeats the sequence. Cormier lands an uppercut on the end of the second shot, then adds on a couple more punches which have Cummins sprinting across the cage. Cormier chases him down and sends Cummins to the mat with another uppercut. This time, Cormier unloads with heavy ground-and-pound on his kneeling opponent, and referee Mario Yamasaki steps in to halt the bout.

The Official Result

Daniel Cormier def. Patrick Cummins via TKO (Punches) R1 1:19

Ronda Rousey vs. Sara McMann

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s main event, with judges Junichiro Kamijo, Chris Lee and Glenn Trowbridge scoring at cageside. McMann lands the first punch of the fight, a right hand which catches Rousey ducking in. McMann keeps the punches coming as Rousey grabs hold and shoves the challenger’s back against the fence. McMann sends a knee up the middle as the women separate, but Rousey comes right back in, looking for a trip. Rousey scores with an elbow in the clinch, then a knee that drops McMann to her knees. Rousey only lands one follow-up punch before referee Dean steps in to call an end to the fight.

The Official Result

Ronda Rousey def. Sara McMann via TKO (Knee to the Body) R1 1:06
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