

UFC 193 Results: ‘Rousey vs. Holm’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC 193 coverage kicks off at 6:15 p.m. ET.

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Ryan Benoit vs. Ben Nguyen

Round 1

Benoit is stunned by an early left hand and changes levels for a desperation takedown, but Nguyen stuffs it and drills the wrestler with a knee to the gut before forcing him to the ground. Nguyen follows him to the mat and steps over to full mount, then attaches himself to Benoit’s back when he goes belly-down. Nguyen gets both hooks and slaps on a rear-naked choke, but Benoit tucks his chin and refuses to submit. Nguyen loses one hook, gets it back and continues to ride Benoit near the fence, now two minutes into the bout. Nguyen may be looking for an armbar as he peppers Benoit with short, sporadic punches. He flattens out Benoit on his stomach, and now Nguyen gets the RNC on tight. Benoit resists for a moment and then taps out.

The Official Result

Ben Nguyen def. Ryan Benoit via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 2:35

Anton Zafir vs. James Moontasri

Round 1

Zafir comes over the top with a right hand and tries for a takedown behind it, but Moontasri puts his back against the fence to defend. The UFC newcomer pulls Moontasri off the cage and completes the takedown, then works to advance past half guard. Moontasri reclaims full guard but takes a few elbows along the way. Moontasri works back to his feet midway through the round, eating a few more punches to do so. Zafir holds him on the cage and receives a warning from referee Steve Perceval for grabbing the fence. Moontasri finally breaks out with 80 seconds to go, and now Zafir is sucking deep breaths as he wings tired-looking punches. Moontasri lands a beautiful combination, a spinning kick to the body followed by a spinning backfist to the face, and Zafir hits the deck in a heap. Moontasri pounces and drops four or five quick punches before he’s pushed off by referee Perceval.

The Official Result

James Moontasri def. Anton Zafir via TKO (Spinning Back Fist) R1 4:36

Richard Walsh vs. Steve Kennedy

Round 1

Walsh lands four good leg kicks and a right cross in the opening 20 seconds, then keeps pressuring Kennedy and backs him up to the fence with jabs. Kennedy circles out to the center but soon finds his back near the cage again as Walsh is not letting up here early on. Another hard right hand stuns Kennedy and puts him on rubber legs as he circles away again. Walsh catches up with Kennedy and slams him with more right hooks and a few standing hammerfists as Kennedy doubles over, trying to recover and dodge more damage. Kennedy is just staying alive here, not mounting much offense of his own as the opening round hits the halfway point. Walsh is staying calm, stalking Kennedy around the outside and looking for openings. “The Animal” lunges forward to trap Kennedy near the fence, but it’s Kennedy reversing the position and changing levels to try a double-leg takedown. Walsh defends, but Kennedy switches to a single and spins him to the ground, then tries to jump on Walsh’s back as he stands. Kennedy keeps hold of a rear waistlock and dumps Walsh back to the mat, and suddenly this fight is looking a lot different. Walsh goes two-on-one, fighting off Kennedy’s hands as he tries for the rear-naked choke. Kennedy transitions into full mount as Walsh rolls over, then smashes with elbows and forearms. Now breathing heavily, Walsh rolls again and puts his back on the mat, then rides out the remainder of the round as Kennedy tries for a kimura.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Walsh

Round 2

Walsh starts the second round as he did the first, pressuring Kennedy toward the fence, only this time, Kennedy tries to reverse the momentum by bouncing off the cage and shooting for a takedown. Walsh stuffs him to the ground, so Kennedy pulls guard and fishes for submissions until Walsh stands and requests that Kennedy do the same. Kennedy tries another takedown, can’t get it, flops to guard and throws up an armbar. Walsh blocks it and stands up with Kennedy still clung to his leg. Back up comes Kennedy, and now Walsh catches him with a right hand on the temple. Kennedy hits the ground, rolls to his knees, then onto his back, where he’s assaulted by the standing Walsh with leg kicks and short punches through guard. Walsh tripods over Kennedy to drop more punches until he feels an armbar coming, then backs away. Kennedy is still on his back until halfway through the round, when referee John Sharp orders him back up. A double-leg on the fence goes for Kennedy, who lands in Walsh’s closed guard with under two minutes to go in the round. Walsh gets busy with elbows from underneath until Kennedy stands up and tries to drop a big left hand which connects with the ground. Walsh is winning the latter part of this round from his back, being more active with offense and frustrating Kennedy with clinching.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Walsh

Round 3

Kennedy is trying to mount offense as the final frame begins, but his strikes are coming slow and telegraphed. Walsh is the fresher fighter, if not by much, and he’s keeping up the pressure-based standup attack he’s been on all fight. Kennedy tries a takedown as he’s backed up to the fence, gets stuffed to the ground, and Walsh spins around to try and take his back. Walsh has Kennedy’s arms underhooked from behind but can’t get his hooks in before the “Steamrolla” is able to stand (with the help of a fence grab). Kennedy tries another takedown and is overpowered again; this time, Walsh just stands over him for a few seconds before asking referee Sharp to stand him up. Another failed shot, and again Kennedy is left on his back, looking up at Walsh, who tries to stack up his opponent and pass to side control. Kennedy shifts his hips to keep Walsh in front of him, so Walsh wants him back on his feet. Sixty seconds left now and Walsh is looking for a finish, throwing what punches he’s got left at the tired Kennedy, who is circling with his back to the cage. Kennedy flops to guard one more time and finishes the fight on his back, literally having his rear end kicked by Walsh.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Walsh (30-28 Walsh)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Walsh (30-26 Walsh)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Walsh (30-27 Walsh)

The Official Result

Richard Walsh def. Steve Kennedy via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Daniel Kelly vs. Steve Montgomery

Round 1

Montgomery starts on the outside, circling to his left, away from the power hand of the southpaw Kelly. The Australian steps into the pocket to throw at Montgomery and is greeted by a hard knee that knocks him backward. Montgomery comes out to the middle now, firing straight punches down the middle. Kelly tags him back with a nice left hook, then clinches up and throws the American Top Team fighter to the canvas. Montgomery tries to post and stand, but the judoka Kelly is heavy in half guard, throwing short elbows and left hands to give “Creepy Steve” pause for thought. Montgomery powers back to his feet about midway through the round and is immediately thrown back to the canvas. Kelly jumps on Montgomery’s back, but the American scrapes him off before he can get hooks established. Montgomery’s back is on the canvas, Kelly working to pass his guard with under two minutes remaining. Back up comes Montgomery... and back down he goes, courtesy of another Kelly throw. Kelly keeps him on the ground to the horn, threatening with punches and chokes.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kelly
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Kelly

Round 2

Montgomery starts the round on his back foot again; Kelly gives chase, albeit slowly, and catches up with his rangy opponent to pop him with a pair of jabs. Montgomery strikes back with harder punches which nearly take the Aussie off his feet, and now Kelly wants to clinch. Montgomery defends a single-leg attempt and clocks Kelly with a couple more punches before pulling his leg free and retreating. Kelly walks through more long punches in order to clinch, but now Montgomery pulls his head down in the Thai plum to deliver knees. Kelly grabs hold again and finally manages to wrangle Montgomery down to the mat. Montgomery kneels and tries to get up, then has to work his way out of a D’arce choke attempt. The middleweights are back on their feet with 90 seconds left in the round, Montgomery throwing long punches while backing up and catching the incoming Kelly with some good shots. Montgomery grabs the Thai plum, can’t get a knee off but pops Kelly with an uppercut. More punches score for Montgomery, now a knee to the body, and he stuffs a throw attempt to sock Kelly with more shots on the ground. Kelly scrambles up to finish the round on his feet and touches Montgomery with a long let hand before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Montgomery
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Montgomery
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Montgomery

Round 3

Montgomery catches Kelly coming inside and drills him with a clinch knee that nearly takes out the Australian’s legs. The ensuing scramble sees Montgomery land a knee on Kelly’s cup, but Kelly says he’s good and resumes the fight right away. Kelly pushes Montgomery to the fence, where the 185ers trade body blows before Montgomery is tossed to the mat. “Creepy Steve” gets right back up and continues firing long jabs into the face of the tiring Kelly, who keeps walking through the punches and touches Montgomery’s face with a long left. Halfway through the final period now, and Montgomery is keeping Kelly at bay with jabs and one-twos. Kelly is getting through with the occasional left, but Montgomery is winning the volume battle and doing better to avoid being clinched and thrown in this round. Kelly hits a foot sweep with 90 seconds left and jumps on Montgomery’s back as he rolls to his knees. Montgomery fends off a rear-naked choke attempt and rolls underneath to try and escape, but Kelly catches him and forces him back to the ground, then steps over into full mount with 30 seconds on the clock. Kelly drops a few punches before he frames up an arm-triangle choke. When he can’t find the angle to finish, Kelly releases and finishes the fight dropping punches on Montgomery’s face.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kelly (29-28 Kelly)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kelly (29-28 Kelly)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Kelly (29-28 Kelly)

The Official Result

Daniel Kelly def. Steve Montgomery via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Richie Vaculik vs. Danny Martinez

Round 1

Vaculik tries to keep Martinez at bay with kicks, but the “Gremlin” is swinging hands in the opening minute, clipping the Aussie with punches as he comes forward. Vaculik manages to counter the next rush, but Martinez changes levels and floors him with a takedown in the center of the cage. Vaculik stands up from half guard and eats a hard knee, then a hook as he stands. Another takedown goes for Martinez, his second inside two minutes, and now he throws short body punches as he works from Vaculik’s closed guard halfway through the round. Referee John Sharp threatens to stand up the fighters, and Martinez responds with a nice punch to Vaculik’s face. The flyweights are brought back to their feet with just over 90 seconds on the clock. Martinez gets back to bombing with wild punches and in the process leaves himself open to a Vaculik takedown. Vaculik can’t do much with the position before Martinez breaks out and finishes the round holding Vaculik in a front headlock.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 2

Martinez touches Vaculik with an overhand left in an early salvo, then slows his wild offense and opts for another takedown instead. Vaculik holds him in half guard until he’s able to scramble up. Midway through the slow second round, a left hook from Martinez takes the legs out from under Vaculik. As the former surfer gets back to his feet, he blocks a left high kick from Martinez with his glove. Vaculik ducks under a wide overhand left and takes down Martinez with a double-leg, then tries to take his back. Martinez scrapes him off and puts his back on the ground, now inside the final minute of the round. Martinez gets some space and jumps back up, then drives on a single-leg and hits a takedown of his own to finish off the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 3

Vaculik hits an early takedown, ducking under another punch to floor Martinez in the center. Martinez is back on his feet within 20 seconds, backing up and looking to counter Vaculik’s strikes. Martinez eats a couple punches before he’s able to grab hold of a leg and put Vaculik on the ground. Martinez works from half guard with 3:30 on the clock, leaning right to left across Vaculik’s body. Vaculik pushes him away and gets enough space to stand, although he eats a knee on the way. Vaculik fends off a pair of takedown attempts and tries to get something going on the feet, but as soon as he gets aggressive with his punches, Martinez ducks low and shoots for another takedown. Vaculik hits the ground at the base of the fence, gets up and is taken down yet again. The sequence repeats with two minutes to go, an exhausted Martinez refusing to let go of Vaculik’s leg. It looks like Martinez will be able to ride out the remaining time on top, as Vaculik is equally spent and unable to power back to his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)

The Official Result

Danny Martinez def. Richie Vaculik via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Anthony Perosh vs. Gian Villante

Round 1

Villante puts a few front kicks on the body of Perosh as the 205ers circle the cage in the opening minute. An overhand right clips “The Hippo” and sends him stumbling toward the fence, but Perosh regains his footing before Villante can capitalize. Another right and an uppercut connect for the American, who resets before marching forward to club Perosh with a left hook. Perosh’s face is reddened halfway through the opening frame, while Villante looks to be barely breaking a sweat as he walks the older man around the cage. Villante catches Perosh sleeping and comes down the center with a crushing right hand. Perosh hits the ground in a daze and referee Greg Kleynjans jumps in for the save before Villante can add any more punishment.

The Official Result

Gian Villante def. Anthony Perosh via KO (Punch) R1 2:56

Kyle Noke vs. Peter Sobotta

Round 1

Noke switches stances a few times and threatens with a couple hard front kicks before settling in orthodox and denying Sobotta’s first takedown attempt. Sobotta gets one back with a hard kick to Noke’s breadbasket, followed shortly by a straight right hand counter. Another kick to the body sends Sobotta to the ground in pain, and referee Steve Perceval takes a close look as Noke tries to finish him with punches. Sobotta is still with it but unable to defend himself, and the referee steps in for the save.

The Official Result

Kyle Noke def. Peter Sobotta via TKO (Body Kick and Punches) R1 2:01

Jake Matthews vs. Akbarh Arreola

Round 1

The southpaw Arreola takes the center of the cage and sticks a left hand on Matthews’ body, then one upstairs. Matthews catches a left high kick and tries to run Arreola to the ground, but the Mexican keeps his balance and separates. Matthews dodges a whipping overhand left and this time succeeds in grabbing hold of Arreola to push him against the fence. “The Celtic Kid” pins Arreola with an underhook for a few seconds before the lightweights split again. Arreola sweeps Matthews’ back leg with a kick and knocks him to the ground, then catches him with a left hand on the way up. Matthews backs up to the fence and gets a left high kick on the ear, followed by a pair of punches from Arreola which put him on the mat. Arreola jumps on the kneeling Aussie’s back and sinks both hooks, then works for a rear-naked choke while Matthews tripods up and tries to escape out the back door. Arreola breaks his man back down to the ground and uses the hooks to flatten out Matthews for some ground-and-pound. Arreola briefly considers an armbar, then goes back to work on the RNC with under a minute left in the opening round. Matthews is burying his chin, defending well, and finally he slips out the back with 30 seconds to go. Matthews winds up in Arreola’s guard and goes wild with strikes, trying to finish or at least steal the round before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Arreola
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arreola
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Arreola

Round 2

Matthews floors Arreola with a blast double-leg takedown in the first 30 seconds and picks up right where he left off, trying to smash the Mexican unconscious with heavy ground strikes. An elbow slices Arreola above his right eye and punches rock his head from side to side as Matthews continues his assault. Two minutes into the round, Arreola’s face is lumped up and bloodied, but now Matthews’ offense begins to slow. It’s still one-way traffic for the Australian, as even his sporadic ground strikes are keeping Arreola on the defensive. Arreola continues to shift and twist underneath as the round ticks down, but he never looks close to escaping Matthews’ heavy top pressure.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Matthews
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Matthews
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-8 Matthews

The referee has a look at Arreola’s cut and swollen right eye between rounds and advises referee Greg Kleynjans to stop the fight. This one is all over.

The Official Result

Jake Matthews def. Akbarh Arreola via TKO (Doctor Stoppage) R2 5:00

Stefan Struve vs. Jared Rosholt

Round 1

It’s a slow start between the two big men, with only a few strikes thrown in the opening minute. Struve is stalking from the center of the cage while Rosholt circles and cuts angles on the perimeter. The Dutch giant flashes a high front kick and gets a kick back on his lead leg. Rosholt lands a right hand to the body, tries to step into the pocket and gets pushed back by Struve’s outstretched hand. Two minutes in, Rosholt changes levels and easily double-legs Struve to the ground in the middle of the cage. Rosholt moves to side control on Struve’s left and hammers “The Skyscraper” with a few good punches. Struve pivots and uses his long legs to push Rosholt away and back to his feet. Rosholt takes a moment before diving back down on Struve’s right side. Struve traps Rosholt’s right leg between his, but the American extracts the limb after 30 seconds or so. Down to the last minute of the opening round, Rosholt looks for a mounted crucifix but can’t trap Struve’s arm. Rosholt tries for mount instead and gets kicked away. Before Struve can stand, Rosholt comes back to the mat to finish the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 2

It’s another slow start in round two, with Struve in the center and Rosholt moving around the edge, looking for a way inside. Rosholt commits to a high single-leg and pushes Struve to the fence, but the Dutchman refuses the takedown and circles out. Rosholt sprints away from a Struve flurry, circles back and hits another single in the center. Rosholt is nearly swept out of side control, but he uses a rear waistlock to keep hold as Struve scrambles to his feet and then drags him back to the ground. Struve rolls from his knees to his back, so Rosholt stands over him. Referee Herb Dean tells Rosholt that he needs to attack or else risk Struve being brought back to his feet. Struve pops Rosholt with an upkick, sending “The Big Show” back down into Struve’s guard. Rosholt passes to half guard on Struve’s right, where the pace slows and referee Dean again calls for action. Struve tries an armbar in the closing seconds, can’t get it but manages to hit Rosholt with a few solid elbows from underneath.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 3

Struve quickly closes the distance to hit Rosholt with an outside leg kick, then sticks the American with a long jab that leaves Rosholt swinging at air. Struve keeps the jabs coming, then clips Rosholt on the jaw with an uppercut. Rosholt lands a significant strike 90 seconds into the round, a kick to Struve’s bruised left leg, and soon after comes looking for another takedown. Struve hops backward to the fence and circles out halfway through the final round. Rosholt is fading and Struve is in control of this round so far, but Struve will likely need a finish here to get the win. Struve tries a right high kick but it goes over Rosholt’s head. A front kick to the chest pushes Rosholt backward and Struve follows up with a right hand. Rosholt is on the retreat, turns around and ties up to slow Struve with a clinch on the fence. Rosholt is struggling with 80 seconds left, slips to the ground trying to evade Struve’s strikes and eats a knee on the way up. Rosholt gets a high double-leg and puts his weight on Struve to drag him to the ground. Struve staggers back to his feet with 40 seconds left and stalks Rosholt across the cage. Once he gets into range, however, Struve doesn’t unload with much. Rosholt clinches and Struve reverses to trip the American to the ground. Struve sits up to drop elbows as Rosholt clings on until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Struve (29-28 Rosholt)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Struve (29-28 Rosholt)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Struve (29-28 Rosholt)

The Official Result

Jared Rosholt def. Stefan Struve via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Uriah Hall vs. Robert Whittaker

Round 1

Whittaker comes out swinging wild punches, causing Hall to turn his back and dash to the other side of the cage. Whittaker calms a bit after 30 seconds and starts bouncing on his toes, kicking Hall’s legs. A ripping right hand forces Hall to step backward, but Whittaker doesn’t pounce, instead opting to keep bouncing and circling in the center. Hall throws a few kicks of his own now, blocked by Whittaker’s right glove. Whittaker lunges into range with a Superman punch, settles for a short left hook behind it. Whittaker keeps landing leg kicks but is having trouble finding a home for his overhand punches. Hall comes spinning at Whittaker like a top, missing with three or four kicks before having his leg hooked by Whittaker. The middleweights hit the mat, Whittaker kneeling in Hall’s half guard, sending short forearm strikes to the face. He stands over Hall, dodges an upkick and dives back down into half guard. Hall tries to sweep and winds up surrendering side control to Whittaker, who lands a few elbows before stepping over to full mount. Hall immediately bursts out of the bad position, kicking Whittaker back to his feet. Whittaker dives back down with a hard right hand and sets up in side control again with one minute on the clock. Whittaker takes full mount, then catches Hall trying to roll and escape, latching on to the striker’s back. Whittaker secures the position with hooks but doesn’t try anything with short time left in the round. Hall twists around to take top position as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Whittaker

Round 2

Hall looks a little lighter on his feet as the second round begins, trying and grazing with a few step-in knees aimed at Whittaker’s body. Hall whiffs on a punch and gets caught leaning over, where he’s socked and snatched up by Whittaker. The 185ers run to the fence, where Hall clears himself of Whittaker’s body lock by separating his hands. Whittaker lands a nice straight left and Hall comes away from the exchange complaining of an eye poke. Referee Steve Perceval pauses the fight and has the doctor check on Hall, although the replay shows Whittaker struck with a fully closed fist. Action resumes and Whittaker works the lead leg of Hall with some inside kicks. Hall just keeps walking after him, right hand cocked, looking for an opening, but Whittaker is too busy and mobile. Hall catches a body kick and tees up Whittaker with a beautiful left high kick to the face. Whittaker eats it and resumes his backpedaling with just over a minute left. Hall lands a body kick and yanks back the leg before Whittaker can get hold. Whittaker catches him leaning again and clubs him with a crossing right hand.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Whittaker

Round 3

Whittaker sticks a pair of straight lefts on Hall’s chin in the early moments of the round, switches stances and eats a right hand. Hall comes away from another exchange grabbing at his eye, this time the left one, but now he gets no stop from the referee. Whittaker swarms Hall with uppercuts, knees, and finally ends up holding him against the fence with a rear waistlock. There’s not much Whittaker can do from the position, so he stomps Hall’s feet in between attempts to pull him off the cage. Hall spins around to put his back against the fence, so Whittaker switches to a single-leg with three minutes left in the round. Whittaker puts a forearm across Hall’s throat and breaks the clinch with a slashing elbow. Hall comes off the fence and gives chase with another head kick, a jumping knee. He grabs Whittaker’s neck in the Thai clinch and drills him with a pair of knees before digging an underhook and pushing “The Reaper” against the fence. Hall releases, backs up a few steps and mashes Whittaker’s face with a hard front kick. Whittaker, now bleeding from the outside corner of his left eye, is still bouncing on his feet with one minute on the clock. The middleweights meet back in the center, and now Whittaker comes alive with a combination before rushing Hall against the fence. Whittaker closes out the fight with a rear waistlock takedown, but Hall is back on his feet before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hall (29-28 Whittaker)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall (29-28 Whittaker)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Hall (29-28 Whittaker)

The Official Result

Robert Whittaker def. Uriah Hall via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Mark Hunt vs. Antonio Silva

Round 1

Hunt takes the center of the cage and flicks out a leg kick at Silva, who circles to his right on the outside during the tense opening minute. Hunt closes the distance with a single body shot, then backs away as Silva throws a leg kick. Silva switches to the southpaw stance and puts a kick on Hunt’s midsection before returning to the perimeter. Hunt tries to slug with a big right hand, but Silva gets his dukes up near the fence. Hunt backs out and plants a loud kick on the Brazilian’s lead leg. Another slapping kick lands, this time to the body of “Bigfoot.” Silva comes back with a step-in knee to the body and a straight right behind it. Another leg kick from Hunt is answered by a Silva body kick, then a low kick from the visitor. Hunt steps into the pocket and cracks Silva with a huge right hook on the chin and an overhand left to the temple, but Silva takes the punishment and steps off the fence. Hunt keeps stalking and grazes Silva’s temple with his next overhand right. The Brazilian’s legs go out from under him, allowing Hunt to pounce on his kneeling opponent and pound out Silva with a pair of right hands before referee John Sharp intervenes. The Melbourne crowd goes wild for the sudden and nasty knockout from the New Zealand native.

The Official Result

Mark Hunt def. Antonio Silva via TKO (Punches) R1 3:41

UFC 115-Pound Women's Title Fight:
Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs. Valerie Letourneau

Round 1

Australian referee Steve Perceval is in the cage to officiate tonight’s first title fight. Jedrzejczyk pumps her jab but doesn’t connect as she creeps forward on her relatively stationary challenger. Letourneau catches a kick and trips Jedrzejczyk to the ground in the center of the cage, then feeds the champion three or four good right hands as she tries to power back to her feet. Jedrzejczyk’s right leg is being hooked by Letourneau’s left arm, the Polish fighter shrimping underneath to try and escape. Two minutes in, Jedrzejczyk is back on her feet, but Letourneau shoves her against the fence with an underhook. Jedrzejczyk can’t get off the fence and is losing the battle for head position on the inside, but Letourneau finally releases with 2:00 left in the first of five rounds. A perfectly placed front kick to the face turns the head of Letourneau, who turns back toward Jedrzejczyk in a daze. Jedrzejczyk runs her against the fence, where Letourneau appears to recover and creates some space to circle out. Thirty seconds left, Letourneau connects with a one-two over the top as Jedrzejczyk goes low with a stinging leg kick. Letourneau lands a head kick at the 10-second clapper, but Jedrzejczyk walks through it to finish the round with an elbow and a front kick to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Letourneau

Round 2

Jedrzejczyk sticks a stiff jab down the middle and takes a kick to the front leg as she steps forward. More jabs come down the middle, but Letourneau seems unintimidated and fires a combination in return. Letourneau catches another kick from the champ, tries to trip her to the ground but cannot finish the takedown. Jedrzejczyk catches a kick and tries to counter with one on the other side, but Letourneau catches this and rushes Jedrzejczyk against the fence again. Jedrzejczyk breaks out with 3:00 left in round two and resumes her stalking. Letourneau has a sizable mouse beneath her right eye which seems to be steadily inflating as the round progresses. Jedrzejczyk lands a leg kick, takes an overhand right in return and has to back out of the pocket. They’re going strike-for-strike here, Letourneau refusing to yield to Jedrzejczyk’s volume attack. Jedrzejczyk’s jabs keep splitting the challenger’s guard, but when the champ opens up with combinations, Letourneau is right there countering.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Letourneau
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Letourneau
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 3

Letourneau goes straight to the clinch on the fence, but it’s Jedrzejczyk getting off the better strikes with elbows and body shots. Jedrzejczyk reverses to take the outside position, then disengages and comes back to the center of the cage. Jedrzejczyk delivers a few leg kicks, flashes the jab and sticks a left to Letourneau’s body. A swift front kick up the center leaves Letourneau testing her jaw. The challenger’s pace has slowed here in round three, and her legs are taking a beating from Jedrzejczyk’s kicks. Down to the last minute of the round as Letourneau counters a Jedrzejczyk flurry with a good right hand. Jedrzejczyk resets and slams Letourneau’s body with a kick.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 4

The championship rounds begin with more jabs and leg kicks from the champion, who doesn’t seem the least bit fatigued as she bounces on her toes in front of Letourneau. A right hand down the center knocks Letourneau backward a few steps, but she catches another kick from Jedrzejczyk behind it. Jedrzejczyk pulls the leg back and uses it to continue chopping at Letourneau’s left leg, which is turning all shades of purple and black as the fight wears on. Letourneau gets something going with a series of kicks to the body, but Jedrzejczyk slows that momentum with more straight punches and body shots. Letourneau steps in and counters a straight left from Jedrzejczyk with a beauty of a left hook. Jedrzejczyk just keeps banging on that lead leg with vicious kicks. A speedy three-punch combo rattles the head of Letourneau, then a left hook scores for Jedrzejczyk before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 5

Letourneau goes back to the body kick as the final round begins, while Jedrzejczyk presses forward, mixing up her strikes to the body and head. Letourneau is getting her licks in during the exchanges, but the hand speed advantage is in the champion’s favor, especially at this late stage. A short clinch ends with a slicing elbow from Jedrzejczyk, followed by half a dozen more kicks at Letourneau’s left leg. Letourneau catches a front kick on the shoulder, steps forward and gets another elbow on the face. Jedrzejczyk breaks away, circles back to the center and continues jabbing, now with two minutes on the clock. A straight right-left hook scores for Jedrzejczyk, then another elbow to the face as she steps off center. With 45 seconds remaining, Jedrzejczyk gets a finger in her righr eye, but she only needs a few seconds to recover. The final round ends with more leg kicks and left hands from “Joanna Champion,” whose reign now rests in the hands of the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)

The Official Result

Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Valerie Letourneau via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 49-46, 49-46) R5 5:00

UFC 135-Pound Women's Title Fight:
Ronda Rousey vs. Holly Holm

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s 135-pound championship main event, with judges Mark Collette, Barry Foley and Charlie Keech scoring at cageside. Holm paces side to side in her corner during introductions; Rousey bounces in place, scowling at her challenger across the cage. The champ maintains her glare through final instructions and refuses a touch of gloves when Holm offers up her hands. Rousey closes the distance quickly, but Holm circles away. Holm angles off with a lovely left hand that turns Rousey’s head. A straight left from Holm connects as Rousey continues to chase her around the cage. Holm is slipping most of Rousey’s punches until about 90 seconds in, when “Rowdy” tags her with a right hand over the top. Rousey gets an underhook and rushes Holm against the fence, but Holm slips out and exits with a clean left hand. Rousey is bleeding from the nose as Holm continues to tag her with counters. Another left hand connects for Holm, but the dazed Rousey manages to clinch up and take her down with head-and-arm control. Rousey throws up an armbar, but Holm pulls the arm free and escapes to her feet, forcing Rousey to do the same. Holm stomps on Rousey’s lead leg with an oblique kick, then another. Rousey wants the clinch again, now trying uppercuts in the tie-up, but Holm slips out and circles away. Ninety seconds remain as Rousey walks right into a big left hand. Holm connects on another punch but loses her mouthguard and the action is paused to replace it. Holm wraps up Rousey and trips her to the ground with 45 seconds left, but she immediately allows the champ to stand. Rousey is chasing after Holm with wild punches, swinging and missing as Holm sprints away. The horn sounds and Rousey connects with a late left hand which draws a slight jeer from the crowd.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Holm
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holm
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Holm

Round 2

Holm continues to tee off with left hands as Rousey tries desperately to close the distance. A side kick jacks Rousey’s jaw before Holm ducks completely under a punch which leaves the champ falling to the ground. Rousey jumps back up and walks into another hard, sraight left from Holm. The next left takes out Rousey’s legs, sends her stumbling to the canvas as she turns her back to the challenger. As she gets back to her feet, Holm uncorks a perfect left high kick. Rousey takes it on the jaw and crashes sideways to the canvas, and Holm makes sure she’s out cold with a few punches before referee Herb Dean can intervene. She’s done it. Holm has done it, and it looks as though even she can hardly believe it. Holly Holm is the new UFC women’s bantamweight champion.

The Official Result

Holly Holm def. Ronda Rousey via KO (Head Kick and Punches) R2 0:59
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