

UFC 194 Results: ‘Aldo vs. McGregor’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC 194 coverage kicks off at 6:30 p.m. ET.

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Court McGee vs. Marcio Alexandre Jr.

Round 1

McGee opens with a kick to the body of the southpaw Alexandre, who gets shoved backward when he throws a body kick of his own. Alexandre settles into his wide stance after a few seconds and begins catching McGee’s body and arms with fast kicks. McGee shoots for a takedown after 70 seconds, but Alexandre shoves him away and circles out. A clinch attempt from McGee is more successful, as the “Crusher” pins Alexandre against the fence with over-unders. The welterweights exchange positions in the clinch a few times before referee Mark Smith calls for action, and now they separate. Alexandre counters a McGee low kick with a lovely straight left counter over the top. Again, “Lyoto” finds McGee’s face with the left hand, and now McGee is wearing some redness on his right cheek. Inside 80 seconds, McGee throws a knee and catches Alexandre on the cup. Alexandre lands a pair of straight punches as he’s being kneed in the groin, but he needs 30 seconds to recover from the foul after it registers. The fighters get back to business and McGee shoots for another takedown behind a spinning backfist. Alexandre grabs a guillotine and jumps guard, only to lose the choke a few seconds later and finish the round on his back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alexandre
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alexandre
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Alexandre

Round 2

McGee finds a home for a few single punches in the opening minute of the round, and he adds a few kicks to the legs of the Brazilian before shooting for another takedown on the fence. Alexandre stays standing as McGee works a bodylock and tries to trip up the taller man. They fight off the fence, McGee popping Alexandre with short punches to the ribs as they separate. Alexandre is still waiting to counter off his back foot, though he has fewer chances in this round as McGee offers fewer and tighter punches. Midway through the round, McGee clinches up and goes for another trip on the fence, but again Alexandre shows great takedown defense with a wide base up against the cage. After more than a minute in the clinch, referee Mark Smith splits the fighters. McGee slips a combination from Alexandre and rips him with a right hook to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McGee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 McGee

Round 3

Alexandre has a high kick deflected and lands a straight left, while McGee throws a knee and is warned by the referee to “keep them up.” McGee blasts into a quick takedown but can’t hold Alexandre on the ground, as the karateka works up along the fence and circles away after absorbing a few punches in the clinch. Alexandre has grown more tenative as the fight has gone on, and he’s offering little in the way of offense through the first half of the final round. McGee continues to press the action by moving forward, and now he brings the fight back to the fence with an underhook. He drops levels, tries a high double-leg but Alexandre fends off the takedown again. McGee digs deep on his next attempt, lifting and slamming Alexandre to break free of a short-lived guillotine attempt. With 90 seconds on the clock, it’s McGee in top position, throwing short body punches from Alexandre’s closed guard. The “Crusher” postures up and finds space to land some hard elbow strikes, then a couple thumping punches as he pins Alexandre’s head to the canvas. Two or three big elbows land for McGee in the final seconds as the American finishes with his best work of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)

The Official Result

Court McGee def. Marcio Alexandre Jr. via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

John Makdessi vs. Yancy Medeiros

Round 1

Makdessi opens with an inside leg kick as the taller Medeiros keeps a long reach and tests the range by flicking out jabs. Medeiros lands a pair of body kicks of his own, then slides backward when Makdessi threatens to counter. Makdessi sticks a jab as the lightweights hit the halfway mark with neither having gained an advantage. Switching betweeen stances, Medeiros picks off a low kick with a clean jab which reddens Makdessi’s nose right away. Makdessi steps in to plant a side kick on Medeiros’ chest and then steps back just as quickly. The round seems dead even heading into the last minute, though Makdessi’s leg kicks are picking up again. Medeiros gets a few leg kicks back in the closing seconds of a very tight first frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Makdessi

Round 2

Medeiros flashes some different looks early in the second, trying to slide into the pocket behind shifty arm movements, but still having difficulty finding his target on the southpaw. Makdessi is mixing up his strikes, jabbing up top, then firing off a leg kick and going to the body with a hook. A spinning kick makes a loud slap on Medeiros’ face, but the Hawaiian shrugs it off and waves Makdessi forward. Makdessi counters a kick with a blasting right hand, knocking Medeiros backward to the fence. Medeiros bounces off and catches “The Bull” at the perfect angle to deliver a hard right hand, then goes back to circling. Makdessi checks a low kick, counters with a jab and denies a clinch attempt. Medeiros nearly tumbles to the ground but pops back up to hold Makdessi on the fence, looking for a trip takedown. Makdessi escapes back to the middle of the cage, where he steps off and counters a Medeiros body kick with another good left hand. A body kick and another straight left close out the round for Makdessi.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Makdessi

Round 3

Medeiros gets busier with his hands as the final round begins but most of his long punches are still coming up short. Makdessi is countering a little less effectively now, though he’s still doing well to mix up his strikes, alternating kicks and punches, high and low. A jab gets Medeiros moving backward and he gets a chop on the leg behind it. Makdessi doubles up on the jab and lands cleaner the next time. The Canadian catches a kick and sends Medeiros tumbling to the ground, though Makdessi doesn’t try to pounce as Medeiros scrambles up. Inside the last two minutes now, Medeiros is sticking a few jabs but not inflicting the kind of damage he’ll need to win this fight. Makdessi comes alive with kicks to Medeiros’ legs and body, then loses his mouthguard as he zaps the American with a straight right. With 10 seconds remaining, Medeiros floors Makdessi with a stunning left hook to the temple. Makdessi bounces back to his feet and Medeiros attacks with a Thai clinch, a knee to the body, and that’s where the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (30-27 Makdessi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (30-28 Makdessi)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (30-27 Makdessi)

The Official Result

Yancy Medeiros def. John Makdessi via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Magomed Mustafaev vs. Joe Proctor

Round 1

Proctor opens with an inside leg kick and backsteps to dodge a couple whipping kicks from the Russian. Another hard kick scores for Proctor, then one to Mustafaev’s midsection. After a minute, Proctor bursts forward with a three-punch combination, one of which knocks back Mustafaev’s head. Mustafaev wings a heavy combination, backing up Proctor to the fence as the American puts his gloves up high. Mustafaev closes the range, trapping Proctor near the fence again, and now he scores with a blistering kick to the body, right underneath Proctor’s left arm. They clinch up and Mustafaev drops Proctor with a knee to the face from the Thai plum. Proctor tries to stand, eats another knee and drops to the mat, where Mustafaev pounds away until referee Mark Smith intervenes.

The Official Result

Magomed Mustafaev def. Joe Proctor via TKO (Knees and Punches) R1 1:54

Leonardo Santos vs. Kevin Lee

Round 1

Santos takes a kick to the body and returns fire with a left hand over the top as the lightweights square off in the center of the cage. Santos backs up to avoid a hard combo as Lee presses forward, then puts another front kick on the American’s midsection. Lee lands a jab, Santos a kick to the lead leg, still going blow-for-blow here in the first two minutes. Santos sticks a jab, gets a kick to the side and then a hard right hand to the chest. Lee sticks up his hands to taunt Santos, who charges forward and plows “The Motown Phenom” to the ground. Lee uses butterfly guard to kick Santos away and scramble back to his feet, but Lee stays all over him and tries to jump on Lee’s back as they stand. Lee shakes him off and they’re back to striking with two minutes to go in the round. Santos backs up to the fence, Lee steps forward, and the Brazilian uncorks a perfect counter right hand on the jaw. Lee drops to the ground and tries to recover as Santos pours on the punishment. The American manages to sit up, still eating punches, and after Santos rattles Lees head with four or five more shots, referee John McCarthy steps in to stop the fight. Santos jumps up on the fence, leaps out of the cage and sprints down the walkway, out of the arena, while Lee comes too and looks to be in complete disbelief of the stoppage. It’s a blink-and-miss-it finish and a hectic scene at the MGM Grand as Santos finally emerges from the back and comes back to the cage to have his hand raised.

The Official Result

Leonardo Santos def. Kevin Lee via TKO (Punches) R1 3:26

Warlley Alves vs. Colby Covington

Round 1

Covington comes out southpaw and has to step backward to the fence when Alves comes forward with a hard body kick. Alves rushes the ATT fighter against the fence, but Covington reverses and gets a quick takedown. Covington pops his opponent with a short right hand as Alves works back to his feet and widens his base against the cage. Alves fishes for a guillotine as Covington shoots low, leaving his neck exposed. After a few tries, Alves wraps up the choke and jumps guard, cranking the neck as Covington tries to peel away the Brazilian’s hands. In a last-ditch effort to break up the choke, Covington tries to slam his way free, but Alves has the choke cinched up and gets the tap seconds after the welterweights hit the canvas.

The Official Result

Warlley Alves def. Colby Covington via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 1:26

Tecia Torres vs. Jocelyn Jones-Lybarger

Round 1

Jones-Lybarger takes the center of the cage and presses forward to catch a kick and trip Torres to the ground. Torres jumps back up and continues cutting angles around the outside, avoiding Jones-Lybarger’s long jabs. Torres steps in with an overhand right that touches Jones-Lybarger’s cheek, misses with the left hook behind it. Another right hand connects over the top for the “Tiny Tornado,” who’s out-quicking and out-landing Jones-Lybarger through the first two minutes of the bout. Jones-Lybarger eats a few more right hands before trying to clinch on the fence and being spun around. Torres holds the outside position with an underhook but can’t get through with much offense against the taller fighter. Torres tries to reap a leg as they hit the last 90 seconds of the round, but she can’t trip but Jones-Lybarger. After another slow 45 seconds in the clinch, Jones-Lybarger spins to the outside. She doesn’t stay there long, as Torres reverses to finish the round in the outside position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Torres
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Torres
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Torres

Round 2

Jones-Lybarger sticks a jab as she steps forward in the first 30 seconds, but her progress is slowed by another hard right from Torres. The strawweights tangle up again, Jones-Lybarger on the outside this time, not doing much with the position. She tries a head-and-arm throw, can’t get it and winds up hugging Torres against the cage for 30 seconds before being reversed. Torres throws a few knees at Jones-Lybarger’s legs and the breaks off. Torres comes right back at Jones-Lybarger and gets popped with a hard knee to the body. Now it’s Jones-Lybarger’s turn to push forward, running Torres against the fence for another clinch and pressing her against a post. Again, Torres is able to reverse and put the larger woman’s back on the chain-link. They break apart with 1:35 on the clock and Torres connects with some wild punches in close quarters. Jones-Lybarger dives for a takedown and gets swept underneath, landing Torres on top in deep half guard with a minute left in the round. Torres lands some solid hammerfists to Jones-Lybarger’s body and does well to control the legs to keep her on the ground. Jones-Lybarger rolls for a kneebar as time expires, but there was nothing to the sub attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Torres
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Torres
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Torres

Round 3

Jones-Lybarger starts the round aggressively but gets wrapped up and held against the fence when she tries to step into the pocket. Torres releases after 20 seconds and Jones-Lybarger walks after her, straight into a right cross which lands on the temple. Torres continues to fight off her back foot, sliding around the outside as the rangier Jones-Lybarger tries to close the gap. With three minutes left to fight, Torres is maintaining control of the bout by tagging Jones-Lybarger with speedy combinations and then circling off. Halfway through the round, Jones-Lybarger shoots for a double on the fence, switches to a single and gets elbowed in the side of the head. Torres pulls her leg free and escapes, then blitzes Jones-Lybarger with some of her nastiest combinations of the fight, all lightning hooks and brutal uppercuts. Jones-Lybarger’s head rocks from side to side as she staggers backward to the fence, where Torres’ storm finally relents as the “Tiny Tornado” ties up. Jones-Lybarger clings on to the clinch, not letting Torres back out to the center of the cage until there are 20 seconds remaining. Jones-Lybarger is still pushing forward in the closing moments, but her face is lumped up and bloodied by even more hard right hands from Torres, who finishes strong and should have the decision wrapped up.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Torres (30-27 Torres)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Torres (30-26 Torres)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Torres (30-27 Torres)

The Official Result

Tecia Torres def. Jocelyn Jones-Lybarger via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Urijah Faber vs. Frankie Saenz

Round 1

There’s no touch of gloves between the bantamweights as Faber rushes out to take the center of the cage. Saenz lunges into range with a ouple right hands early but they’re not set up and he can’t land. Faber lands a spiking knee to the gut of Saenz, who appears to double over briefly but does well to cover up the damage. Saenz tries a takedown on the fence but can’t hold Faber on the ground. Faber walks forward on Saenz and gets knocked to the ground as the Arizonan kicks out the lead leg of “The California Kid.” Faber shoots low and gets sprawled on, then takes another hard leg kick from Saenz. The bantamweights clinch up and Faber scores with a pair of hard elbows before they separate. Just over two minutes left in round one, and Faber steps in to hit Saenz on the body with another knee. Faber comes over the top of Saenz’s high guard with a right hand, but there’s not much behind it. Saenz kicks out Faber’s leg again but fails to hold the former WEC champ on the ground. Faber catches a kick now, tries to turn it into a single-leg and has the limb snatched back. Saenz continues to do good work with leg kicks inside the last minute. Faber tries a long, telegraphed single-leg and is denied, then socked with a hook on the break. Saenz misses with a flying knee but catches Faber shooting to score a step-in knee toward the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Faber
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saenz
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Saenz

Round 2

Saenz emerges for the second round with blood dripping from the corner of his right eye. He ducks inside and gets caught with a huge knee from Faber, and now Saenz is in trouble, wobbling backward to the cage on unsteady legs. Faber tries to finish the fight with elbows in the clinch while Saenz is still hurt, but Saenz is making it tough, tying up and trying to regain his wits. Saenz starts throwing punches in return and gets stuffed to the ground, and Faber lands in a mounted crucifix position. Saenz somehow overpowers Faber and rolls him over, then grabs a rear waistlock as Faber gets back to his feet with 3:15 on the clock. Faber draws a deep breath and looks up at the clock as Saenz leans him against the cage, working for a trip takedown. Faber tries to hit the switch, can’t get it but manages to turn Saenz’s back against the fence. Saenz exits the clinch with a knee to the body and the fighters circle back to the middle with just over two minutes remaining. Faber is moving slower now, his hands dropping low as Saenz connects with a leg kick and a stiff jab. Another low kick takes the legs out from underneath Faber; he stands up and takes a front kick to the chest and a straight punch behind it. Improbably, Saenz is coming on strong late in the round. Ever since reversing Faber on the ground, Saenz has been in control of the action. Faber hits a takedown in the final minute, but Saenz’s back is only on the ground a few seconds before he powers back to his feet. More leg kicks from Saenz send Faber shooting for another takedown. This one is denied as Saenz escapes in the scramble and closes the round with an uppercut-right hook.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Faber
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Faber
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Faber

Round 3

Faber catches a leg kick and tries to rush Saenz for a takedown, but Saenz pulls the leg back and circles away. Body kicks and leg kicks continue to score for Saenz, who just misses with a spinning backfist after deflecting a Faber combo. Saenz charges into the pocket and hits Faber with a pair of knees to the body as he presses the veteran against the fence. Faber fends off a high double-leg attempt and the fighters reset with just over 3:00 on the clock. Faber looks exhausted as he hits the deck after another hard leg kick connects. He stands up and snipes Saenz with a clean right hand, while Saenz offers up a lot of feints and fakes. Saenz tags Faber with a left hook, turns him around with another big leg kick. A clinch uppercut from Saenz is answered by a right hand and a jab from Faber. A pair of punches pull up short for Saenz, but he finds the target with a kick to the body. Faber wraps up Saenz and trips him to the ground with one minute remaining. Saenz tries to work his way back up the fence but his legs are being controlled by Faber. Twenty seconds later, Saenz is back on his feet, Faber still wrapped around his waist. Saenz pulls down Faber’s head in the Thai plum and breaks away with a knee. Saenz tries a takedown in the final seconds, gets reversed and put on his back, where he finishes the fight grabbing for a loose heel hook.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Faber (30-27 Faber)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saenz (29-28 Saenz)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Faber (29-28 Faber)

The Official Result

Urijah Faber def. Frankie Saenz via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Max Holloway vs. Jeremy Stephens

Round 1

Stephens switches stances in frotn of the southpaw Holloway, who forces the veteran to take a few steps backward with a double-pumped jab. There’s not a ton of action through the first 90 seconds, with Stephens giving Holloway a lot of different looks while cutting angles around the perimeter. Holloway sends a few long punches down the center before Stephens hits him with an outside leg kick. Holloway finally starts to close the gap with a left hook that backs up Stephens to the fence, but the Alliance MMA fighter catches Holloway’s next kick and hustles him against the fence about halfway through the round. Holloway loops his right arm over Stephens’ and controls his right wrist on the inside, preventing any dirty boxing. They split wth 90 seconds left in the round and Stephens ducks under a few punches from Holloway but eats a few more. Stephens clinches for the final 20 seconds and gets a knee to the body as he presses Holloway on the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway

Round 2

Stephens charges in to land a hard right hook on the body of Holloway, who answers with a long, sweeping right hand. Leg kicks back up Stephens to the fence again; he tries to step out and tie up but gets denied by Holloway. The featherweights take turns moving forward and backward, showing lots of respect for one another’s strikes. Holloway connects with a nice counter right over the top, gets put back on the fence by a Stephens single-leg but uses good balance and more inside wrist control to stay on his feet. They separate at the halfway point of the round and the bout. Stephens swings a pair of big lefts over the top but gets picked off by Holloway’s shorter, quicker counters. Another takedown try from Stephens is stuffed, and Holloway winds up pressed against the cage again. Holloway breaks out of the clinch with a standing elbow, resets and counters the incoming Stephens with a blasting right hand on the side of the head. Stephens puts the fight back on the fence with an underhook but Holloway escapes quicker this time, and they finish the round on their feet in the middle of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway

Round 3

Stephens comes out with increased aggression, attacking Holloway’s legs with kicks and thumping the Hawaiian’s body with a hard uppercut. Holloway hits a takedown in the first minute of the round and pins down Stephens at the base of the fence, passing to side control on the veteran’s right side. Stephens rolls to one knee and Holloway jumps on his back, but he gets only one hook in before Stephens lies down on the mat again. The sequence repeats, Stephens giving up his back as he rolls to defend an arm-triangle choke setup. This time, Holloway gets both hooks set and goes hunting for the rear-naked choke with over half the round remaining. After getting a few heel strikes to the body, Stephens scrambles to his feet and shakes Holloway off his back in the process. Stephens stalks forward on Holloway, now inside the final two minutes. He tags “Blessed” with a body shot, a right hand and then shoots for another takedown. Holloway turns him away, eats a left hook on the break and gives Stephens a nod to acknowledge the strike. Stephens is swinging for the fences now, knowing he needs a knockout to win, but Holloway avoids the haymakers and throws big overhand strikes in return down to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)

The Official Result

Max Holloway def. Jeremy Stephens via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Demian Maia vs. Gunnar Nelson

Round 1

Maia shoots for an early double-leg on the fence, gets reversed and placed on his back, but he quickly elevates Nelson and scrambles back to his feet. Nelson keeps his balance as Maia runs him across the cage with a single-leg takedown attempt. The Icelandic fighter briefly considers a guillotine, then releases to trip up Maia and land back on top. Maia shifts underneath to regain half guard, works back to his feet and jumps on Nelson’s back in the transition. Nelson puts his hands on the mat and postures up, trying to shake the Brazilian off his back. Maia falls off but transitions into full mount, where he drops some hard left hands on Nelson’s face as they hit the halfway point of round one. Nelson bumps and tries to shake off his opponent by rolling to his knees again, but Maia stays with him the whole way and takes back-mount to land more punches as Nelson posts and tries to work back to his feet. Harder right hands get through for Maia, forcing Nelson to roll to his back with a bloodied nose. Maia has a body triangle now, squeezing Nelson from the back and slamming him with nasty elbows to the side of the head. Maia peels off to try an armbar, loses the arm and winds up on his back for the final 10 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Maia
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Maia
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Maia

Round 2

Nelson comes out for the second frame sporting lumps underneath both eyes, but he still bounces on his toes as Maia steps toward him from the center. Maia dives on a long single-leg attempt and spins Nelson to the ground. “Gunni” reverses but Maia keeps hold of a leg and uses it to work back up in the scramble. A rear waistlock from Maia can’t bring Nelson to the ground, partly because Nelson is grabbing the fence. Referee John McCarthy twice slaps away the hand of Nelson and has to warn him again a few seconds later. Maia finally succeeds in dragging Nelson to the mat and jumps on his back again with more than three minutes remaining in the round. Nelson is eating some hard punches as he struggles to get back to his feet, and now he drops back to his knees where he can cover up more effectively. Nelson absorbs another dozen or so strikes before he’s able to roll Maia onto his back. Maia’s body triangle prevents Nelson from establishing on top, and within seconds, Nelson is on the bottom again. Maia works from Nelson’s half guard as they hit the last minute, and now the ground-and-pound is adding up for the Brazilian. Hard elbows slam Nelson’s face before Maia traps his right arm. Nelson pulls the arm back but surrenders full mount to Maia, who finishes the round in the dominant position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Maia
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Maia
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Maia

Round 3

Nelson looks exhausted as he steps backward, flat-footed, to avoid in the incoming Maia. It’s not enough, as Maia shoots for and completes a takedown in the first 30 seconds of the round. Nelson grabs for Maia’s neck from underneath but Maia easily defends and goes back to working the pass. Nelson tries to block with butterfly guard; Maia slices right through and steps over to drop elbows from deep half guard. Nelson gets to his knees and Maia takes the back again, slapping on a body triangle to secure the position. Maia drops left hands on Nelson’s body and face, while Nelson just rests on his side, controlling Maia’s left arm and doing little else. Down to the final 90 seconds now and referee John McCarthy tells Nelson to “work your way out.” Maia fishes for a rear-naked choke, can’t get under the chin and tries a face crank instead, but Nelson won’t tap to the pain hold. Maia maintains back-mount until the 15-second mark, when Nelson twists around and takes top position to end the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Maia (30-25 Maia)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Maia (30-27 Maia)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Maia (30-24 Maia)

The Official Result

Demian Maia def. Gunnar Nelson via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-25, 30-26) R3 5:00

Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza vs. Yoel Romero

Round 1

The southpaw Romero puts a left kick on Souza’s body as the middleweights circle in the first minute. “Jacare,” working from the center, presses forward but isn’t finding the mark with his strikes through the first minute as Romero is in constant motion. Romero gets caught stepping off during one exchange and takes a hard left hook on the ribs. Romero sends a left hand over the top, blocked by Souza’s right glove. An overhand left catches Souza on the shoulder and causes him to lose his footing momentarily, but he’s back to marching forward on Romero seconds later. Two minutes remain in an opening minute which is still up for grabs. Romero whips around with a spinning backfist which drops Souza to his seat in the middle of the cage. Souza waves Romero to the ground and the Cuban obliges, kneeling in Souza’s guard to land some heavy left hands. “Jacare” is eating the shots and staying alive, shifting his hips underneath and trying to ensnare the wrestler with a submission. Romero blocks a triangle and slams Souza with a brutish elbow on the jaw. A few more elbows send Souza trying for an armbar, but again he’s blocked by Romero. The “Soldier of God” closes out the round with an uppercut underneath the armpit of the kneeling Souza.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Romero
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Romero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Romero

Round 2

Souza staggered over to his corner at the end of the first frame but seems to have cleared the cobwebs as the second round begins. Romero attacks the Brazilian’s legs with stomping kicks and shuts down a trip attempt, circling around his slower opponent for the first two minutes. “Jacare” shoots for a takedown from five feet out and gets stuffed to the ground by Romero, who grabbed the fence to take top position. Referee Marc Goddard pauses the fight to bring the fighters back to their feet, although Souza looks like he wants the ref to leave them on the ground. Romero gets a stern warning before the fight resumes, and now both middleweights are drawing deep breaths as they circle and paw. Souza still presses the action from the center, dives in behind an overhand right to grab for a leg, but Romero circles away. “Jacare” goes to the body with a right hand, gets a push kick to the gut as they fight in the final minute. Souza comes back with a snappy front kick to the body and nearly has his left leg chopped out by a hard kick from Romero.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Souza
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Romero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Souza

Round 3

Souza looks to be the fresher man as the final frame begins, keeping his head and hands moving as he walks forward on Romero, who is breathing with his mouth open and throwing few strikes. Romero fakes a shot, lands a kick to the body and comes across the middle with a left hand. “Jacare” shoots low but Romero limp-legs away and avoids an ankle pick. A lead uppercut-left straight lands for Romero, but Souza just keeps walking forward. Romero ducks under an uppercut, comes back up and eats a right hook. Souza pops him with another pair of punches before he changes levels and floors the wrestler with a double-leg takedown. Souza tries to pass to Romero’s left, gets caught in half guard and instead postures up to sock the Cuban with right hands. Romero shifts underneath and buries his head, so Souza punches his legs instead. Down to the last 90 seconds, Souza is in control on top, now flattening out Romero from half guard to score with more right hands. Referee Goddard gives a verbal warning to Romero, who’s pushing away on Souza’s face with an open hand. Souza moves to secure a crucifix in the last 10 seconds, allowing Romero to jump back to his feet and finish the fight standing.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Souza (29-28 Souza)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Souza (29-28 Romero)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Souza (29-28 Souza)

The Official Result

Yoel Romero def. Ronaldo Souza via Split Decision (29-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

UFC Middleweight Title Fight:
Chris Weidman vs. Luke Rockhold

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for the first of tonight’s title fights, scheduled for five rounds at 185 pounds. The southpaw Rockhold deflects the first high kick from Weidman, then takes one on the lead leg. Weidman rushes in to clinch, Rockhold turns his back and the champion jumps on, locking up the position with a body triangle. Rockhold takes a few seconds before he shakes Weidman and tries to dump him to the ground. Weidman posts with one arm as he drops and stays on his feet to be pushed against the cage by the challenger. Weidman turns him around, lands a left hand and drops levels to plant Rockhold on the mat with a double-leg. Rockhold gets back to his feet, dodges a knee as he stands and is wrapped up on the fence as they hit the halfway point of round one. Weidman is using his strength advantage to good effect here, but when he drops for a takedown, Rockhold snatches up his neck in a guillotine. Weidman hits the ground in half guard and then passes to side control, still not freeing his neck but essentially neutralizing any danger from the choke. Rockhold keeps the champ’s head and left arm trapped as the last minute ticks down, and referee Dean stands up the fighters with 35 seconds remaining. Rockhold finishes the round strong, popping Weidman with a couple shots and rolling him to the ground with another guillotine attempt, this one tighter than the first.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Weidman
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman

Round 2

Weidman rushes at Rockhold and gets knocked to the ground by a right hook, though it looks like the champion slipped as he was caught off-balance. Rockhold bounces a couple kicks off Weidman’s arms and waves him forward, and the New Yorker obliges by pushing Rockhold against the cage. Rockhold circles out right away and goes upstairs with a left high kick, blocked by Weidman’s bicep. A leg kick gets Weidman to switch stances briefly, then Rockhold staves off another takedown attempt from the champ. Rockhold is scoring with body kicks almost at will, prompting Weidman to close the distance for a clinch on the fence. Rockhold escapes with a knee and they reset in the center midway through round two. An overhand right knocks Weidman backward; he tries to press forward on the challenger but gets tangled up in Rockhold’s long counters. Now it’s Weidman’s turn to land a body kick, and Rockhold gives him one in return. Weidman swings a big left hand, misses and gets spun against the fence. Rockhold backs out, lands another leg kick but misses with a question mark kick behind it. Rockhold dips out of the pocket and sprints away after absorbing a body kick, then turns around with a grin and zaps the incoming Weidman with a hard, straight left as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rockhold
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Rockhold
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rockhold

Round 3

Rockhold plunges the same left hand down the center early in the third, then gets rushed against the fence late in the first minute. The middleweights stall out and separate quickly, and Weidman runs in behind a solid right hook to take down Rockhold again. Rockhold is back on his feet with 3:00 on the clock, and now the 185ers clinch on the fence with over-unders. Weidman opens up his right side to throw a few uppercuts at Rockhold’s body, then Rockhold pushes him away and steps out to the middle to deliver a left body kick. Weidman is on the march again, answering Rockhold’s body kicks from round two with some nasty kicks of his own. Weidman tries a spinning kick and gets caught turning his back, then ridden to the ground by Rockhold. The challenger moves from back-mount to full mount with just over one minute remaining. Weidman puts up his gloves as Rockhold unloads with heavy left hands which bloody the champion’s face. Referee Dean takes a close look as Rockhold continues to pour on the punches, now elbows, with Weidman covering up but offering nothing in return. Rockhold keeps smashing away to the horn, and Weidman stumbles backward to his corner, his forehead gushing blood.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Rockhold
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-7 Rockhold
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Rockhold

Round 4

Weidman comes out to start the championship rounds with a big lump underneath his right eye and a deep cut right in the center of his forehead. Rockhold tries a takedown and gets denied by Weidman, who’s aided by a grab of the fence and warned by referee Dean for the infraction. Rockhold keeps pushing for the takedown and plants Weidman on his back just about one minute into the fourth. With Weidman’s right side flush to the fence, Rockhold kneels on the left and lands a couple good right hands before the “All-American” shifts his hips to regain full guard. Rockhold stands to reposition and dives back down to side control with a thunderous left hand. Rockhold nearly takes full mount but Weidman gets a knee inside to prevent it. From deep half guard, Rockhold postures up and unloads with right hands, causing referee Dean to tell Weidman to “fight back” almost immediately. Weidman isn’t fighting back and Rockhold is still landing, so the ref steps in to wave off the fight. Rockhold gets up, walks away and then falls to his knees in the middle of the cage, the new UFC middleweight champion.

The Official Result

Luke Rockhold def. Chris Weidman via TKO (Punches) R4 3:12

UFC Featherweight Title Fight:
Jose Aldo vs. Conor McGregor

Round 1

Referee John McCarthy is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 145-pound championship main event, with judges Sal D’Amato, Derek Cleary and Junichiro Kamijo scoring at cageside. Aldo stares at the ground in front of him for the duration of the introductions, while McGregor paces in his corner, trying to catch the champion’s eye. McGregor grins as he flicks out a long jab and a stomping kick at Aldo’s lead leg. Aldo steps into the pocket to throw a straight right-left hook combo and gets drilled with a counter left hook. The Brazilian crashes to the canvas face-first, already stiff as a board, and eats two more hammerfists from McGregor before referee McCarthy can get in for the stoppage. This one is over in seconds, and Conor McGregor is now the undisputed featherweight champion of the world.

The Official Result

Conor McGregor def. Jose Aldo via KO (Punch) R1 0:13
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