

UFC 197 Results: ‘Jones vs. St. Preux’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC 197 coverage kicks off Saturday from the MGM Grand Gardena Arena in Las Vegas at approximately 6:30 p.m. ET.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.


Efrain Escudero vs. Kevin Lee

Round 1

Lee changes stances back and forth while probing the distance with jabs. Escudero tries to step in and let off a combo, only to get popped with a quick flurry from Lee, who keeps circling, jabbing and lobbing head kicks. Escudero lands a hard inside low kick, but can't land his left hook after. “The Motown Phenom” continues picking Escudero off as he approaches with speedy counters from both stances. Lee stuffs a lazy Escudero shot and puts knees to his ribs, then a shot upstairs. Escudero ducks under and gets a rear waistlock, elevating Lee and slamming him, but Lee hops right back up, gets double underhooks, then a rear waistlock, trying to return with a slam of his own. He gets “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 8 winner off the mat, but can't hold him down, so he opts to break. Escudero lands a double jab, then lands a series of sneaky right hands, hooks and uppercuts, momentarily dazing Lee. Escudero charges him, bulling Lee to the mat, but once more, can't hold him down. They clinch with over-unders briefly, then Lee pushes Escudero away. Hard Lee jab lands, but his overhand right whizzes wide. Escudero shoots, Lee bases out along the fence and elbows his head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lee
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lee

Round 2

More stance switching from Lee, pumping the jab as a righty and a lefty. Escudero touching him with lukewarm kicks, then gets in on a good double, but still can't hold Lee down, as the Detroit native pops up and tags him. Escudero keeps marching at Lee, but eats a slapping head kick. Lee shoots a single and runs Escudero to the fence. Escudero defends and lands with elbows, then swims to the collar tie and lands two hard knees before Lee gets free. Escudero catches a Lee low kick, runs him into the fence and switches to a double. Lee pushes him away, grabs over-unders and lands a hard knee to the gut. Lee with a hard left body kick, then a left cross as a southpaw before turning orthodox. Escudero runs Lee into the cage with 90 seconds left in the round, allowing Lee to base out while landing short elbows. Escudero puts a right cross down the middle and stings Lee, who returns with a hard jab and right hand over the top. They cross jabs and Lee lands a clean right uppercut before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Escudero
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Escudero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Escudero

Round 3

Escudero keeps backing down Lee to start the final frame of this nip-tuck lightweight affair. Escudero lands a right hand, then both men throw clashing kicks, with Escudero's teep smashing straight into Lee's cup, prompting referee Mark Smith to call a brief break. Escudero lands a clever jab then shoots, running Lee into the fence and kneeing his thigh. Lee takes a breather against the fence, then turns, shoots on Escudero and elevates him high on his shoulder, slamming him down and achieving true top position for the first time in the fight. Lee sets up in half guard, hammerfisting and landing hooks. Escudero is trying to hang onto Lee while “The Motown Phenom” keeps plugging away with left hands. Escudero tries to attack with a guillotine with 90 seconds left, but there's nothing there. Escudero tries to scramble to his feet and winds up in a Lee guillotine while kneeling. It's tight, but Escudero drops to guard and pops his head out. Unfortunately for him, it allows Lee to get back on top, where he postures up, landing punches with both hands until the end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)

The Official Result

Kevin Lee def. Efrain Escudero via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Clint Hester vs. Marcos Rogerio de Lima

Round 1

Hard low kicks from de Lima to start, then throws one upstairs which Hester blocks. Hester winds up with a wild pair of hooks and de Lima cracks him with a counter hook and drops Hester to the mat. The Brazilian dives into top position, settling in half guard and landing short punches before trying to pass. “Pezao” keeps chipping away to the head, then to the body. Two hard right hands land for de Lima, who moves into full mount just before the halfway mark of the round. Hester tries to overhook de Lima's arms, but the Brazilian gets free and smacks him with left hands. De Lima gets lazy and lets Hester regain half guard, but “Pezao” keeps muscling him and bopping him, now with right hands. De Lima postures up and rips Hester with several heavy rights, then both hands, then a torrent of lefts. Hester eats a hard series of elbows and his face shows the severity of his situation. He just gives up head-and-arm position to de Lima, who tightens the arm-triangle choke and hops to the other side. De Lima doesn't even have to go all the way to the far side before Hester is tapping.

The Official Result

Marcos Rogerio de Lima def. Clint Hester via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R1 4:35

Cody East vs. Walt Harris

Round 1

East opens up with inside low kicks to the lead leg of the southpaw Harris. Harris tries to fire back with a head kick, which actually sails over East's head. East lands a sharp right hand, then both men touch each other with body kicks. Hard right kick to the body by East, then two quick right hooks behind it. East landing his right hand straight up and in combination now, but when he throws a front kick, it tags Harris in the cup and referee Mark Smith calls for a pause. Harris takes just a minute then resumes. Hard left body kick lands for Harris, but then East rushes him back to the fence, where both men let their guns blaze. East touches Harris a few times but can't rock him as both heavyweights rip a dozen punches or so. East lands an inside leg kick and tries to come behind it with a right hand, but he walks right into a right cross from Harris. East stumbles and goes down to the mat and Harris is all over him. Heavy left hooks and elbows land for Harris on top, smashing away on East. East looks to be regaining his composure until Harris dives into his guard with two more punches that freeze East up. Mark Smith and seen enough and dives in, giving Harris the win. East protests to Smith, but then struggles to take his feet after the stop.

The Official Result

Walt Harris def. Cody East via TKO (Punches) R1 4:18

Glaico Franca vs. James Vick

Round 1

Franca begins with two hard low kicks, then a right hand, seguing nicely into double underhooks and tripping Vick to the mat. Franca pounds away on Vick liberally, landing with consistency and accuracy on the lanky, awkward Vick, who repeatedly shrimps back toward the fence. He nearly gets up two minutes into the round, but Franca sucks him back down quickly and settles in full guard. Vick nearly elevates Franca with butterfly hooks but can't get there. He finally stands back up with two minutes left in the round, lands a knee to the body and gets pressed into the fence by the Brazilian until referee Dan Miragliotta breaks them up. Vick lands a spinning back kick to the body, then a salvo of long punches, but while he appears to rock Franca to his heels, he gets overzealous and gives up and easy double-leg takedown.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Franca
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Vick
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Franca

Round 2

Franca rushes into the pocket, firing a right cross as Vick throws a body kick. Vick's right hand comes out and his fingers go into Franca's left eye, prompting referee Dan Miragliotta to call time and bring the doctor in for a brief consult. Franca says he can see, and we're fighting again. Franca lands a nice knee to the body, but then Vick lands a series of jabs, then a three-piece combination, the final right hand visibly stunning Franca. Franca is just eating rangy strikes from Vick now. Left hook to the body scores for “The Texecutioner,” who then lands a counter right. Franca glances him with a spinning back fist, then shoots in. Vick tries to overhook and throw him over the top, but Franca rolls through and winds up in his full guard on top. Vick shrimps back to the fence again then wall-walks to his feet while “Nego” tries to hold on. Back on his feet, Vick lands a head kick through Franca's guard, then goes back to peppering his opponent. Hard left uppercut lands for Vick, then Franca tags him with a surprising right cross. Vick measures the distance by posting his lead hand, then rips Franca with an outside low kick, then three clean punches. Franca charges for a takedown and Vick shrugs him off, sending him into the fence. Franca just following Vick around the cage, eating jabs, then a spinning back kick before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vick
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Vick
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vick

Round 3

“Nego” still stalking his rangy foe, but Vick keeps popping multiple jabs and circling. Franca is determined by visibly tired and Vick is getting out of the way of all of his strikes with minimal effort. Franca shoots sloppily and Vick almost gets caught before recovering with an underhook, then forcing a clinch. Vick reaches Franca with a jab, so the Brazilian responds with several nice leg kicks, his first real offense in minutes. He keeps rushing Vick, but walks into a jumping knee that snaps his head back. Vick misses a one-two, then Franca lands a hard right cross that surprises him. One minute left and Vick continues circling away and looking to counter the rushing Franca. With 15 seconds left, Vick lands a hard teep right to the mouth that forces Franca to clinch, where the bout ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vick (29-28 Vick)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Vick (29-28 Vick)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vick (30-27 Vick)

The Official Result

James Vick def. Glaico Franca via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Carla Esparza vs. Juliana Lima

Round 1

Both women just paw with jabs for the first minute until Esparaza runs in with a short flurry and lands, prompting a shot from Lima. Esparza defends and the Brazilian runs her into the fence, trying to drag her to the mat before switching to the collar tie and landing a hard knee. Off the knee, Esparza shoots and puts Lima on the mat with ease. Lima tries to isolate Esparza's arm, so the American picks her up and slams her back into full guard. Lima looks for a triangle choke, but Esparza pulls out and passes under her legs, getting to half guard. “Cookie Monster” tries to pass up the middle, but Lima replaces guard, only for Esparza to pick her up and thump her back down again. Short hammerfists from Esparza while Lima works a high, active guard. Esparza stands up with 80 seconds left and tries to shuck Lima's legs to the side, but winds up eating two upkicks. Late in the frame, Esparza stacks Lima up and lands with both hands.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Esparza
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Esparza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Esparza

Round 2

Esparza remains cautious and tentative standing, circling around Lima and feinting before running in with four punches that fall short. She waits until the one-minute mark when Lima throws a front kick, catches it and dumps her deftly. From full guard, Esparza knees her foe in the glutes. Esparza lands a series of solid lefts, permitting a pass to half guard, where she continues to pressure until Lima kicks her away with her dextrous legs. Esparza ends up back in “Ju Thai's” full guard, but lands solid elbows. Lima tries to tie up Esparza's arms again, but gets picked up and slammed once more. Lima abandons her high guard tactics and spins for a leglock, which she uses to sweep to her feet. Esparza tackles her back down, but the Brazilian is right back up, driving for a double of her own at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Esparza
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Esparza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Esparza

Round 3

Esparza wings a wild overhand right and eats a jab from “Ju Thai,” but she returns with a clean right cross, then shoots a double and trips the outside leg to complete it. Lima plays wrist control to slow Esparza's ground-and-pound, then nearly sweeps her with a pendulum sweep, but Esparza keeps her base. Esparza keeps grinding away, passing to side control, landing knees to the body with two minutes to go. Lima is breathing deeply on bottom, clearly exhausted by the “Cookie Monster's” constant top pressure. Lima throws up a head scissors attempt that lacks the requisite trapped arm to be an inverted triangle, but she manages to sweep to top position with just over a minute to go. She chips away from half guard while Esparza holds on, stalling her until the fight's conclusion.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Esparza (30-27 Esparza)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Esparza (30-27 Esparza)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Esparza (30-27 Esparza)

The Official Result

Carla Esparza def. Juliana Lima via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Danny Roberts vs. Dominique Steele

Round 1

The southpaw Roberts tests the distance with his lead hand and then whips a body kick into Steele’s midsection. “Hot Chocolate” tries to walk down Steele and snap off a front kick, but Steele counters beautifully and sends Roberts to the canvas with a big left hand. Roberts throws up his legs, hunting for a submission, but Steele lifts him and slams his way free immediately. Steele passes to side control briefly but gets put back in Roberts’ full guard a few seconds later. Two minutes in, Roberts posts and works his way back to his feet, but he takes a knee to the body along the way. Roberts breaks loose with a knee of his own, and now the welterweights are back to striking with half a round remaining. A straight left hand puts Steele on roller skates momentarily, but he’s able to get hold of Roberts and shove him against the fence. Roberts spins him around and delivers a clinch knee, but Steele reverses him right back and scores another takedown at the base of the fence. Roberts tries to stand, eats another knee and gets wrapped up for the final 10 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Steele
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Steele
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Steele

Round 2

Roberts opens the second round with some body work as he tries to close the gap on Steele near the fence. Steele wants to clinch, but Roberts is quick to disengage and find some space in the center of the cage. Steele deflects a left high kick but eats a clean overhand right behind it. Both men are starting to slow down after an action-packed seven minutes to start the fight, and now they wind up back in the clinch on the wall. Roberts lands a few short elbows while Steele tries to trip up the Englishman, without success. They fight back to the middle with 40 seconds on the clock, and Steele evades a front kick to force Roberts down to the canvas. Steele follows him to the mat, then back up to the feet, where the American closes the round with a slashing elbow over the top and a knee to Roberts’ body.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Roberts
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Roberts
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Roberts

Round 3

Roberts backs up Steele to the wall and plunges down the center with a straight left hand that sends the American shooting for a takedown. Roberts goes to the ground but winds up on his knees, with Steele still glued to his legs, driving forward. “Hot Chocolate” cracks Steele with a few good elbows to the side of the head on his way back up, and now the welterweights disengage with 3:45 left in the fight. Roberts tries to clinch but he’s exhausted, and he has to break away with a right hook to the body after Steele shuts down the shot. Steele gets another slow-motion double-leg, and the pair winds up back at the base of the fence with Roberts on his knees. Roberts works back to his feet at the midway point of the round, only to be dragged back to the mat seconds later. Steele is keeping Roberts on the floor but doing little else, and now referee Herb Dean calls for action. Roberts responds with a few more elbows to the head before Dean opts to restart the fighters on their feet. With 90 seconds on the clock, it’s Roberts pressing forward, sending a front kick up the center, then landing a right hand. Steele backs up Roberts with a clinch knee but then walks into a cracking left hook from the Englishman. Steele shoots and completes another takedown, and Roberts receives a warning from the ref after grabbing the fence. Roberts is back on his feet with 25 seconds remaining, but Steele keeps control of his opponent to deliver a few final knees before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Steele (29-28 Steele)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Steele (29-28 Steele)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Roberts (29-28 Roberts)

The Official Result

Danny Roberts def. Dominique Steele via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sergio Pettis vs. Chris Kelades

Round 1

Pettis clips Kelades with an early hook and then denies a clinch attempt from the Canadian. Kelades is walking after Pettis, trying to close the distance, but Pettis is making things hard by continually switching stances, bouncing on his toes and flicking out jabs. Kelades briefly gets the clinch but can’t hold Pettis there; instead, Kelades tries chasing after his opponent, but Pettis is fleet on his back foot and evades any damage. Halfway through the round, Kelades gets in on a high single-leg and pushes Pettis against the fence. Pettis threatens with a trip takedown, and now Kelades opts to disengage. Pettis catches a kick under his arm and sweeps Kelades’ other foot out from underneath him. The Milwaukee native takes top position above Kelades with 40 seconds remaining; Kelades kicks him away and jumps up about 20 seconds later to finish the round on his feet.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pettis
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pettis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis

Round 2

Kelades catches a kick and runs Pettis to the ground in the first 30 seconds of the period, but once the flyweights hit the floor, Pettis entangles Kelades and thwarts any potential offense from the top man. After 30 seconds of struggling, Pettis sweeps Kelades underneath and begins throwing short punches, though nothing hard is landing. Kelades gets hold of Pettis’ leg and tries to drive forward, but Pettis stands up and socks the Canadian with a clean left hand in the process. Kelades is tenacious, still working for the takedown, but Pettis is determined to stay standing and they reach a stalemate. The fighters disengage and circle back to the middle of the cage with 90 seconds on the clock. Both men slug with solid hooks, then Pettis tries another foot sweep but winds up clinched with Kelades against the fence. Pettis dings Kelades with a right hook to the temple and shuts down one last takedown try before the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pettis
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kelades
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis

Round 3

Pettis comes looking for the clinch early in the final stanza, but Kelades gets his back off the fence and comes forward swinging to graze with a left hand. The next takedown attempt from Pettis is successful, and it lands the flyweights at the foot of the fence with more than three minutes left to fight. Kelades rolls to his knees, then powers back to his feet; Pettis keeps hold of the Canadian in a headlock and delivers a knee in the transition. Kelades steps forward on Pettis and walks into a flurry of punches, then does it again. Pettis latches on to Kelades’ left leg and works him on the fence, but Kelades gets him to release with three or four quick elbows to the side of the head. Kelades is advancing with one minute left to fight, running Pettis against a cage post to try a single-leg of his own. Pettis looks to frame up a guillotine as Kelades shoots in, but the choke doesn’t materialize. Pettis comes shooting in at the last second and nearly gets caught in a Peruvian necktie, but time runs out there and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pettis (30-27 Pettis)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pettis (29-28 Pettis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis (30-27 Pettis)

The Official Result

Sergio Pettis def. Chris Kelades via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Andre Fili vs. Yair Rodriguez

Round 1

Rodriguez puts a spinning kick in the breadbasket of Fili, who charges forward but comes up short with a flurry of punches. Fili dodges the next spinning kick and steps inside for a brief moment to jab the Mexican fighter. Rodriguez catches a kick, dumps Fili to the ground and follows him to the mat with a few good punches. Heavy right hands and elbows follow, but Fili eats them and gives Rodriguez an upkick to the face as he stands. Rodriguez opts to come back to the ground, now looking to secure one of Fili’s legs for a possible submission attempt. “Pantera” soon abandons the leg and instead settles down in Fili’s half guard at the midway point of round one. Rodriguez uses a can opener to make things uncomfortable for Fili, who tries to hip-bump but only succeeds in knocking Rodriguez into half guard. Rodriguez springs to his feet inside the final minute and kicks at the legs of his prone opponent before Fili stands, too. Rodriguez eats a jab and nearly slips to the ground, but he keeps his balance. Fili explodes into a takedown in the final seconds, plows Rodriguez to the mat but cannot keep him there.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez

Round 2

Rodriguez comes flying at Fili with a leaping kick, falls to the ground and springs back to his feet before Fili can capitalize on the error. A hard leg kick from Fili knocks Rodriguez to his back, but again “Pantera” is able to pop right back up. One minute into the round, Rodriguez changes levels for a double-leg and floors Fili a few feet away from the fence. Referee Dan Miragliotta calls for action; this seems to suit Fili, who tries to tie up Rodriguez from underneath. Rodriguez stands voluntarily and allows Fili to follow, then chases him against the fence and launches himself into the air with a leaping roundhouse kick. Fili takes a shin directly to the face and collapses to his back, sending referee Miragliotta into action for the immediate stop. Yair Rodriguez produces a highlight-reel knockout midway through the second round.

The Official Result

Yair Rodriguez def. Andre Fili via KO (Head Kick) R2 2:15

Robert Whittaker vs. Rafael Natal

Round 1

Whittaker takes the center of the cage and follows Natal around the outside, clipping the veteran with a right hook as both men test the range. Natal scores with a pair of leg kicks, a counter hook and then tries to clinch with Whittaker but comes up empty. Natal eats a left hook but ducks underneath Whittaker’s follow-up head kick and nearly converts it to a takedown midway through the round, but again Whittaker is able to keep his footing. Whittaker sticks a nice jab and sidesteps Natal’s return fire as the middleweights hunt and peck in the last two minutes. Whittaker lands a leg kick, gets hit back with a body shot. A looping left hook behind the ear momentarily takes the legs out from underneath Natal, but he’s right back on his feet within seconds to continue lobbing bombs at Whittaker in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Whittaker

Round 2

Both men come out swinging, Natal getting backed up to the fence as Whittaker tries to take off his head. Whittaker snuffs out a running double-leg attempt and steps forward to crack Natal with an overhand. Natal responds with three hard chops to Whittaker’s lead leg, then looks to change levels but again is stood up. Whittaker’s left leg is a mess just 90 seconds into the round; the Australian is now checking Natal’s kicks and limping a bit as he comes forward. Whittaker tries to give Natal a leg kick in return, but there’s nothing much behind it. Whittaker is keeping Natal cornered near the fence, not giving the Brazilian much room to operate. Whittaker is dripping blood from his nose, while Natal is sporting a swollen left eye and a small cut on his forehead.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Whittaker
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Whittaker

Round 3

The action is paused early in the final round when Natal gets a heel to the cup from an awkward Whittaker side kick. “Sapo” recovers quickly and comes back to fight, and now the middleweights trade kicks in the middle of the cage. Natal continues to do damage with his kicks, but Whittaker is landing clean with punches almost every time he chooses to throw. An overhand left dings Natal’s face, then a jab and a front kick to the midsection. Natal gets stuffed on a double-leg shot and socked with a left hand to the face on the split. Another left hand has Natal stumbling near the fence, but the vet is hanging tough, continuing to throw kicks. Down to the final minute, Natal steps off the fence to engage with Whittaker in the center. The leg kicks are starting to have a visible effect on Whittaker, who has stumbled after the last few chops to his left stem. Right at the 10-second clapper, Whittaker catches Natal leaning left and clubs him with a right high kick for the last meaningful strike of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Whittaker (30-27 Whittaker)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Whittaker (30-27 Whittaker)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Whittaker (30-27 Whittaker)

The Official Result

Robert Whittaker def. Rafael Natal via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Anthony Pettis vs. Edson Barboza

Round 1

Barboza hits the incoming Pettis with a leg kick but eats a sweeping right hand across the face. The lightweights bounce around the cage, flicking out jabs, and now Barboza connects with an inside leg kick. Pettis counters the next low kick from “Junior” with another clean right-handed counter. Barboza tags him back with a left hook which forces the former UFC champ backward a few steps. Again, Barboza cracks Pettis with a left hook, this time opening a small cut on the outside of the Roufusport fighter’s right eye. Pettis sticks a jab but stays at range and takes a spinning back kick to the guts. Pettis tries to tie up and gets shoved away; he launches into the air with a spinning heel kick but can’t find the mark as Barboza slides backward.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barboza

Round 2

Pettis leaps at Barboza with a round kick to the ribs; the Brazilian responds with two sharp kicks to Pettis’ lead leg. Both men connect with left hooks in an exchange, though Barboza’s seems to land with greater impact. Pettis is starting to turn up the heat in the second minute, launching kicks upward at Barboza’s body and head. Barboza stays measured, however, and controls the center of the cage with tight combination striking. Barboza digs into Pettis’ body with a left hook, then slams the other side with a kick. Body-head combo from Barboza yields another lovely left hook, and even Pettis takes a step back to admire this one. Barboza gets his cheek swiped by a right hook and gives Pettis back another stinging left. Pettis looks for a wild cartwheel kick just before the horn, but Barboza backpedals to evade.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barboza

Round 3

Pettis plants his left hand and launches a right high kick toward Barboza’s head but can’t find the mark. A nasty low kick from Barboza nearly takes the legs out from underneath Pettis. Once “Showtime” regains his footing, Barboza goes back to chopping at the lead leg. One kick strays to Pettis’ cup, but he only takes a few seconds to shake off the accidental foul. Barboza is brutalizing Pettis’ left leg, the inside of which is now almost entirely purple. Pettis motions to his groin after another kick apparently goes high, but referee Herb Dean tells the lightweights to fight on. Inside the final 90 seconds now, Barboza lobs out a low kick and Pettis tries to grab hold of the leg. Barboza yanks the limb back and resets in the middle. Pettis takes another hard shot to the leg, then tags Barboza with a pair of punches, but it looks like too little, too late. Pettis comes flying at Barboza near the fence, but Barboza dodges the ex-champ’s flying knee and raises his arms as the final horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barboza (30-27 Barboza)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barboza (30-27 Barboza)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barboza (30-27 Barboza)

The Official Result

Edson Barboza def. Anthony Pettis via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

UFC 125-Pound Title Fight:
Demetrious Johnson vs. Henry Cejudo

Round 1

Referee John McCarthy is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 125-pound title fight. Cejudo works from the center of the cage as the bout begins, kicking at the right leg of the champion as Johnson circles left around the outside. The fighters clinch in the middle and Cejudo trips Johnson to the ground, where “Mighty Mouse” uses spring-loaded legs to kick away the wrestler and scramble back to his feet. Johnson clinches up and delivers a knee to the gut that has Cejudo covering up immediately. Cejudo’s right arm, lowered to his midsection, leaves an opening for Johnson to drive a knee upstairs, an elbow over the top. Johnson sees the knees working and keeps Cejudo in the clinch to deliver two, three more. Cejudo is in trouble, staggering backward, and Johnson chases him down to deliver one more vicious knee. Cejudo collapses to the canvas, and two follow-up punches from Johnson are all it takes for referee McCarthy to stop the contest. Demetrious Johnson defends his UFC flyweight title with his second Octagon knockout, becoming the first man to defeat Henry Cejudo in MMA.

The Official Result

Demetrious Johnson def. Henry Cejudo via TKO (Knees to the Body) R1 2:49

UFC 205-Pound Title Fight:
Jon Jones vs. Ovince St. Preux

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s 205-pound main event; judges Sal D’Amato, Junichiro Kamijo and Chris Lee will score the bout at cageside. Jones crawls out to the center of the cage and then stands to meet St. Preux, who opens with a few outside leg kick. “Bones” throws one of his trademark stomping oblique kicks, then grazes with a spinning back kick to the body. St. Preux looks to corner the former champ on the fence with a reaching jab, but Jones angles back out to the middle. Jones steps forward and pushes St. Preux back to the fence with a side kick to the midsection. St. Preux catches Jones turning on a back-kick and tries to pop him with an uppercut. Jones covers up and wheels away, then narrowly misses a flashy front kick to the incoming St. Preux’s jaw. “OSP” switches between stances as he cuts angles around the outside, throws a high kick and has to pull back after Jones catches his foot. Down to the last 90 seconds of the opening round, Jones puts another long side kick in St. Preux’s breadbasket. More oblique kicks from Jones, and now St. Preux gives him one in return. A turning back kick to the body gets St. Preux off balance but doesn’t seem to sting the former Tennessee Volunteer. Jones closes out the round with a few clinch knees to the body.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 2

St. Preux shakes his hips in front of Jones, who pushes forward to catch a kick and then drags OSP backward by the foot. St. Preux pulls the leg back but stays standing right in front of Jones to absorb some snappy kicks. St. Preux presses forward now, tries to jab his way into range but can’t come up with anything. Jones’ gloves meet St. Preux’s pawing punches, then the ex-champ stomps again on his opponent’s lead leg. St. Preux scores with a knee to the gut of Jones as the 205ers engage in a brief clinch away from the fence. Jones muscles St. Preux against the fence midway through the round and starts to get busy with knees, then slashing elbows. St. Preux separates and steps out to the middle, where he delivers his best punch so far, a straight right to Jones’ beard which momentarily causes the New Yorker to lean forward. Jones shows no ill effects from the shot as he resumes his forward motion in the last 90 seconds, stomping on St. Preux’s knee. A leaping kick from Jones just before the horn loops around the back of St. Preux’s head.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 3

St. Preux sticks a few long jabs in the face of Jones, but “Bones” keeps coming forward. St. Preux checks a kick to his right thigh but eats a spinning elbow just behind it. Jones is landing some clean shots but St. Preux is eating them well, continuing to give Jones different looks with stances and angles. Two minutes in, OSP steps out to the middle, reaches in with a jab and gets a hard chop to the thigh. Jones scores with more hard leg kicks, a whipping kick to the body which lands across St. Preux’s right arm and chest. St. Preux gets a glove up to block a left high kick but eats the right hand which follows. St. Preux catches Jones winding up and slugs him with a left hook to the ribs. They’re inside the final minute of what has been a slower, more measured round than the previous two, drawing scattered boos from the Vegas crowd. Jones lays another nice left kick across St. Preux’s chest with the last meaningful strike of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 4

St. Preux opens the championship rounds with a kick to the chest similar to those landed by Jones in the previous round. Jones is staying passive in the first minute, bouncing just out of range and allowing St. Preux to score with a hard leg kick. Jones catches the next kick but can’t do anything with it. Jones, who hasn’t thrown much of anything through 90 seconds, suddenly runs OSP against a cage post and then slams him to the ground. St. Preux posts and stands within seconds, and now the 205ers are back to circling with two minutes gone. Jones tries a leaping side kick to St. Preux’s knee but misses the mark. Jones comes forward and decks St. Preux with a pair of level elbows before pushing him against the wall. Jones drops down for another effortless double-leg takedown, and this time St. Preux isn’t able to stand up. From side control, Jones pushes St. Preux’s left side flush to the fence and tees up his head for a few short, sharp elbow strikes. Jones looks to frame up St. Preux’s right arm for a kimura, nearly allowing St. Preux to scramble up. Jones gets another double, mounts St. Preux and begins dropping heavy leather. St. Preux looks spent as he rolls to his stomach, absorbing more blows. Referee Dean warns Jones to mind the back of the head, so he stands over the exhausted St. Preux, who just stays on the mat. Jones finishes the round soccer-kicking St. Preux’s body and then crashing back to the floor with some final ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 5

St. Preux walks toward Jones, switching stances and looking to step into the pocket, but he’s knocked backward by a hard body kick. Jones gets a jab in his face, gives St. Preux a spinning back kick to the body in return. St. Preux is forced to the outside by Jones’ forward pressure, now two minutes into the round. St. Preux’s hands have dropped to his waist as he moves around the perimeter, and Jones uses the opening to crack with a lead uppercut. St. Preux throws a few punches, but Jones catches his hands and puts him back on the fence. Jones drops for a double-leg, lifts St. Preux over his shoulder and deposits him harshly on the floor in the middle of the cage. St. Preux goes fetal momentarily but is soon powering back to his feet, albeit only to backpedal while Jones stalks him around the Octagon. Jones pins St. Preux against the fence with just over one minute left in the bout. Short elbow strikes work inside for Jones until St. Preux shoves him away. St. Preux tries to mount some last-second offense, but Jones evades him until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones (50-45 Jones)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones (50-45 Jones)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones (50-45 Jones)

The Official Result

Jon Jones def. Ovince St. Preux via Unanimous Decision (50-44, 50-45, 50-45) R5 5:00
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