

UFC 205 ‘Alvarez vs. McGregor’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog's live UFC 205 (online betting) coverage kicks off at approximately 7:05 p.m. ET.

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Liz Carmouche vs. Katlyn Chookagian

Round 1

The bantamweights spend a minute circling and pumping jabs, with Chookagian flicking out a few kicks to be checked. Carmouche closes the gap and dives for a takedown, planting Chookagian on her seat at the base of the fence. Halfway through the round, it’s Carmouche clinging to Chookagian’s legs, trying to flatten her out, while Chookagian sits up and throws elbows. Chookagian posts and stands, but Carmouche stays glued to her and brings her down again. Inside the final minute, it’s slow going on the mat, with Chookagian trying to walk off the fence and Carmouche staying tight on top to maintain top control.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carmouche
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carmouche
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Carmouche

Round 2

Chookagian grabs for an early takedown but gets underhooked by Carmouche and pushed back to the fence. The fighters separate and Chookagian comes in throwing a low kick, sidestepped by Carmouche, who wraps her up and slams Chookagian to the floor. Carmouche gets in a few hard, stapling elbows to the face from side control before Chookagian begins to stand again. Carmouche isn’t allowing it, dragging her opponent back to the floor, where Chookagian closes up guard with a body triangle from the bottom. Chookagian gets back on her feet with 80 seconds on the clock and is immediately rushed against the fence again. They separate in the final minute; Carmouche scores with a few solid leg kicks, but Chookagian times one and comes over the top with a straight right hand, one of her best strikes of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carmouche
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carmouche
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Carmouche

Round 3

Carmouche opens with more leg kicks, careful to sidestep Chookagian’s overhand punches. Carmouche gets turned around on one kick and spins right into a right high kick or knee from Chookagian, dropping “Girl-rilla” to a knee at the fence. Chookagian swarms her with punches, but Carmouche shakes the cobwebs and powers back up to initiate a clinch on the fence. The bantamweights split with 3:30 on the clock, Carmouche now sporting a bloody nose. Carmouche shoots under a punch from Chookagian and takes her down at the base of the fence once again. Chookagian is able to stand without absorbing any damage on the ground, and they’re back to striking with under two minutes remaining. Carmouche is on her back foot now, sliding away from Chookagian’s punches and countering with low kicks. The former U.S. Marine shoots once again and puts Chookagian on the fence for the final 20 seconds of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Carmouche)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Carmouche)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Carmouche)

The Official Result

Liz Carmouche def. Katlyn Chookagian via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jim Miller vs. Thiago Alves

Round 1

Miller walks forward throwing punches and has his head pulled down for a knee. The New Jerseyan starts finding his mark with punches shortly afterward, then catches a kick on the shoulder and uses it to run Alves to the floor. Alves scoots backward to the fence, Miller in his half guard. Miller catches Alves trying to stand and tries to take the Brazilian’s back, but he’s prevented by the fence. Alves whips around and quickly scrambles to his feet, and the fighters split with 80 seconds on the clock. Alves goes to the body with a right kick, answered in kind by Miller on the left side. Miller plunges down the center with a straight left, then denies Alves’ attempt at a Thai plum by running him to the wall. Alves gets the last word with a straight right hand.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Miller
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 2

The fighters keep their distance through the first minute of round two. Alves scores with a few leg kicks as he works from the center of the cage, working Miller around the outside. Miller shoots for a long single-leg, sprawled on by Alves, who works back to his feet with just over three minutes left. Miller shoots again and completes the takedown this time, quickly passing to half guard and working toward side control. Miller looks like he’s framing up an arm-triangle choke, but he switches to a guillotine setup as Alves begins to work his way up the fence. Alves slips free and marches forward on Miller with one minute left, hitting the local favorite with a kick to the body. Miller gets hold of a leg but can’t complete the takedown this time. Alves marches forward again and walks into a short standing elbow, then a right hand. Miller eats a shot, too, and returns to his corner with a bloody nose and a small cut near his left eye.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Alves
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 3

Alves looks to be gaining some steam as he presses forward on Miller in the opening minute of the final round, stringing together a few punches and low kicks. His momentum is halted, however, when Miller times a kick and shoots forward, plowing Alves to the canvas in the center of the cage. Miller sits up in Alves’ half guard and works to advance while Alves tries to stand. Halfway through the round, Alves powers back to his feet, thwarting Miller’s attempted back-take in the process. Miller catches Alves coming in and hits the Brazilian with a hard left kick to the ribs, then a straight left hand. Alves gets in one kick of his own before Miller shoots and floors him with yet another takedown. Straight to half guard goes Miller, now with 90 seconds on the clock. Alves rolls to his knees, then onto his back again when Miller tries to take the back. Miller stands and grabs a guillotine, then drops to guard, but he quickly flips back to top position when Alves pops his head free. The clock is ticking down with Miller in half guard, now north-south position as Alves kneels. Miller tries the guillotine again and winds up on his back with Alves dropping punches for the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-28 Miller)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller (30-27 Miller)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Miller (30-27 Miller)

The Official Result

Jim Miller def. Thiago Alves via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Vicente Luque vs. Belal Muhammad

Round 1

Luque brings the pressure to Muhammad early, marching the American around the perimeter of the cage. Both welterweights are swinging heavy punches, it’s Luque connecting with the better punches early, coming over the top of Muhammad’s low hands. Luque blocks a combo and then swings back with a left hook that catches Muhammad on the grill and knocks him to the floor. Muhammad is dazed as Luque comes crashing down on him with three or four follow-up punches which knock him unconscious and force referee John McCarthy into action.

The Official Result

Vicente Luque def. Belal Muhammad via KO (Punches) R1 1:19

Tim Boetsch vs. Rafael Natal

Round 1

Boetsch connects with a glancing right hand in the opening exchange, then catches Natal again with a right hook counter 30 seconds later. Good forward pressure from Boetsch here in the early going, walking down Natal and putting a front kick in his breadbasket. Natal is cut on the outside corner of his left eye, though the blood doesn’t seem to be troubling “Sapo” at this point. Natal gets caught throwing a short right and gets popped with a hook on the other side. Two minutes left in the round as Boetsch continues to move Natal around the edge of the cage. Natal lands a body kick and circles away, but he runs up against the cage and Boetsch catches up to him, then unloads a cracking right hook. Natal drops to his back, and a few more punches from Boetsch knock the Brazilian out cold, sending referee Dan Miragliotta in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Tim Boetsch def. Rafael Natal via KO (Punches) R1 3:22

Michael Johnson vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov

Round 1

The southpaw Johnson switches between stances in the opening minute before settling on his favored left hand and slinging long punches in Nurmagomedov’s direction. Nurmagomedov stays out of range as Johnson whips hooks at his chin and body, but “The Menace” finds the mark with a kick to the body. More leg kicks score for Johnson, but his reaching punches continue to pull up short. Suddenly, a huge left hook from Johnson forces Nurmagomedov to take a few steps backward. Johnson swings more punches but can’t find the same success, and now it’s Nurmagomedov connecting with a short left and running the American against the fence. Nurmagomedov turns the clinch into a takedown and moves straight to side control, where he gets the crucifix position and lands several left hands to Johnson’s face. Johnson gets his right arm free and rolls to his side, trying to shrimp underneath and escape Nurmagomedov’s heavy top pressure. Nurmagomedov postures up and begins unloading with heavy punches and elbows; Johnson goes fetal momentarily but shifts to reclaim guard. Nurmagomedov passes the guard almost instantly, drops a few more punches and then steps over to full mount. Johnson turns to his right side, Nurmagomedov still landing heavy leather from behind. Johnson tries to post up, but Nurmagomedov repeatedly rips out the arm and batters Johnson with more punches. Johnson nearly stands at the end of the round, but Nurmagomedov hurls him back to the ground and closes out the frame with a few more punches.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov

Round 2

Johnson fends off Nurmagomedov’s early advances with a left hook upstairs and a shot to the body, but “The Eagle” continues his forward march anyway. Nurmagomedov gets a clinch, pushes Johnson to the fence and drops to try a takedown, but Johnson fends him off and circles away. Johnson stuffs another shot, then another; on the second try, Johnson pulls guard with a guillotine choke from which Nurmagomedov quickly escapes. Seconds later, Nurmagomedov is back in the mounted crucifix position, dropping more unfettered left hands on Johnson’s face. Johnson continues to absorb punishment through the middle of the round, with referee John McCarthy calling for action from inches away. Nurmagomedov is thudding heavy left hands off the side of Johnson’s head, all the while controlling the kneeling American’s right arm to prevent him from posting. The beating continues down the stretch, and while Nurmagomedov is dominant with his ground-and-pound, the strikes aren’t enough to force a stoppage.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-7 Nurmagomedov
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov

Round 3

Nurmagomedov moves in quickly for another easy takedown which plants Johnson at the base of the fence. The Dagestani resumes his nasty ground-and-pound straight away, drawing a call from referee McCarthy for Johnson to “move.” Nurmagomedov moves to full mount, trapping Johnson’s right arm with his leg, but he loses the position when Johnson threatens to kick off the cage and flip Nurmagomedov to the bottom. Nurmagomedov maintains top control, passes to Johnson’s right side and leans across to crank a kimura on the left arm. The armlock is a vicious one, forcing Johnson to tap within seconds.

The Official Result

Khabib Nurmagomedov def. Michael Johnson via Submission (Kimura) R3 2:31

Frankie Edgar vs. Jeremy Stephens

Round 1

Stephens sprawls on Edgar’s first double-leg attempt and makes the former titleholder pay with a kick to the body as they separate. Edgar shoots again but can’t get deep enough to complete the takedown. Edgar moves around outside of Stephens’ punching range, testing the distance with speedy jabs while Stephens swings murderous hooks. Edgar catches a kick and puts a chop on Stephens’ planted leg, then runs the Iowan against the fence with a loose headlock. The New Jerseyan drops for a single-leg, defended well by Stephens, who widens his base against the wall. Edgar lifts and slaps Stephens, but the “Lil Heathen” springs back to his feet. The sequence repeats, Edgar staying glued to Stephens’ waist all the while. Stephens breaks up the clinch by threatening with a knee, then rakes a hand across Edgar’s face in the ensuing exchange. Referee Keith Peterson pauses the fight with one minute left in the round; Edgar says he doesn’t want the doctor, just for Stephens to keep his hands closed. The action resumes but the featherweights produce little in the way of meaningful offense down the stretch.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 2

Edgar throws a right hand to the body of Stephens, but the punch slips low and lands on Stephens’ cup. After a few seconds to recover, Stephens is back to work, walking forward on the local Tri-State favorite. Edgar changes levels to try another takedown, spins to a rear waistlock and dumps Stephens to the mat. Stephens posts and stands against the fence, then digs an underhook and breaks away. Edgar comes over the top with a straight right hand, then backpedals away as Stephens launches a right high kick. Suddenly, a switch kick from Stephens lands square on the jaw of Edgar, knocking him to the canvas. Edgar powers back to his feet and tries to slow the assault with a shot, but Stephens shoves him away and pushes forward with heavy punches. Stephens clips his wounded opponent with a left hook, then another; Edgar looked wobbly for a moment, but he seems to have regained his footing with 1:40 left in the round. Edgar is doing well to evade Stephens’ big punches down the stretch, and with one minute remaining, “The Answer” explodes into a powerful takedown. Edgar tries a mounted guillotine, but he can’t get underneath Stephens’ chin. Edgar is going for the choke again with 10 seconds left, hops back to mount, but Stephens won’t tap. Edgar releases the choke and postures up to drop a pair of elbows before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Stephens
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Stephens

Round 3

Stephens chops at Edgar with a hard low kick, but Edgar catches the leg and converts it to a takedown just a few feet away from the fence. Edgar postures up and works some short ground-and-pound from half guard, but Stephens gets hold of his opponent’s left arm and works a kimura from the bottom. Edgar gets Stephens to release the arm after dropping a couple hard elbows on his face, and now it’s Edgar shifting to try and take the kneeling Stephens’ back. Edgar gets one hook but the cage is preventing his right leg from getting through. Stephens stands up for a split second, only to be hurled back to the ground, where he continues to defend his back from Edgar’s advances. Stephens stands again and finally separates from Edgar with just over two minutes on the clock. Stephens walks straight at Edgar, connects with an overhand right but can’t find a follow-up. Edgar grabs for a single-leg, gets denied by Stephens, who fends off another takedown try a few seconds later. Stephens is marching on Edgar, trying to close the distance and do some damage as the final minute ticks away. Edgar eats a right hook but seems unfazed, and he continues to fire punches back at Stephens down to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar (29-28 Edgar)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar (30-27 Edgar)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Edgar (29-28 Edgar)

The Official Result

Frankie Edgar def. Jeremy Stephens via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Miesha Tate vs. Raquel Pennington

Round 1

Pennington does well to land her jab in the opening minute, moving Tate around the edge of the cage. Tate tries to push forward and eats more jabs, reddening the former champion’s face. They clinch up and Tate works a body-head combination, but Pennington pushes her against the fence. Pennington gets a modified standing guillotine, and Tate, with her back to the wall, walks up the fence backward in an attempt to loosen the choke. It takes a few tries, but Tate is able to pop her head free and then change levels for a takedown, now inside the final two minutes of round one. Tate jams Pennington up against the base of the fence and tries to slip around to the back. Tate only establishes one hook before Pennington climbs back to her feet, but “Cupcake” stays glued on with the hook in the standing position. Tate manages to pull Pennington back down to the canvas before the horn but can’t do anything with the position.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Pennington

Round 2

Pennington gets back to working her jab in the opening minute, but her progress is slowed when Tate clinches up and begins scoring with knees inside. The bantamweights tangle on the fence, now with Pennington slipping around to a standing rear waistlock. Tate throws an over-the-shoulder elbow that lands, then turns around to put her back on the wall while Pennington grinds away with pressure in the tie-up. Pennington lands a few short right hands as she muscles the former champion on the wall with 90 seconds left in the round. Tate grabs the Thai plum and drives three hard knees into Pennington’s midsection; the Hawaiian returns fire with a knee, then gets another in return. Tate spins Pennington against the wall, but now it’s “Rocky” scoring with an uppercut to Tate’s gut. Pennington puts a pair of knees in Tate’s breadbasket, then an uppercut before turning Tate around again. Tate puts a knee shield up inside, so Pennington switches to left hands in the closing moments of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Pennington

Round 3

Tate comes forward swinging wild punches and runs into another stiff jab from Pennington. The ex-champ grabs hold of Pennington and jumps guard, only to be deposited at the foot of the fence and stacked up. Tate throws up an armbar, slowing Pennington’s ground-and-pound; when the armbar doesn’t materialize, Tate tries to switch to a triangle. Pennington shows expert defense as she works her way clear of Tate’s guard and passes to north-south position. Tate spins around to try and reclaim guard, but has to use butterfly guard to keep Pennington from dropping strikes. Tate drops back for a heel hook, so Pennington stands up straight until she’s able to work the leg free. Pennington stays standing over Tate, kicking at her legs until “Cupcake” sits up. Pennington threatens with a headlock as Tate struggles to drive forward, and now it’s Pennington who shoves Tate’s back against the fence. Down to the final minute now, Pennington is grinding away with short left hands in the clinch. She trips Tate back to the mat with 30 seconds remaining. Tate rolls onto her side as Pennington drops hammerfists to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pennington (30-27 Pennington)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington (30-27 Pennington)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Pennington (30-27 Pennington)

The Official Result

Raquel Pennington def. Miesha Tate via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Chris Weidman vs. Yoel Romero

Round 1

Weidman tests the range with low kicks and long punches as he circles with the southpaw Romero in the opening minute. Romero gets through with a hard kick to the body which immediately reddens Weidman’s midsection. The Cuban defends Weidman’s first takedown attempt; the second try puts Romero on his seat in the center of the cage, though only for a split second. The middleweights are back to circling a the halfway point, and now Weidman mixes in a flashy wheel kick between his low kicks. Weidman grabs Romero in a rear waistlock and the middleweights close out the round with an extended clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Weidman
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Weidman

Round 2

Weidman lands a few reaching right hands and leg kicks in the opening minute, but his first takedown attempt is denied by Romero. Low kicks continue to score for “The All-American” as the middleweights continue their cautious exchanges on the feet. Romero connects with an overhand left, though it doesn’t seem to faze Weidman. When Romero comes back inside to throw hands, he comes away grabbing at his eye from Weidman’s hand raking across his face. The action resumes and the 185ers clinch up, allowing Romero to foot-sweep Weidman to the canvas. Weidman jumps up immediately, but Romero clings to his back with a standing rear waistlock. Weidman tries to peel away Romero’s hands, but Romero stays glued on and delivers a few knees to the back of the ex-champ’s legs. Romero runs Weidman to the ground in the center of the cage, denying a guillotine attempt in the process. The Cuban finishes the round in riding position with a few short right hands.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Romero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Romero
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Romero

Round 3

Fifteen seconds in, Weidman shoots low from far away, and Romero launches himself at the American with a vicious flying knee. Weidman hits the ground in a daze, turtling up on his knees, and referee Mario Yamasaki allows Romero to finish the job with two or three vicious follow-up punches on the ground.

The Official Result

Yoel Romero def. Chris Weidman via KO (Flying Knee) R3 0:24

UFC Strawweight Title Fight:
Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs. Karolina Kowalkiewicz

Round 1

Referee Keith Peterson will officiate the first of tonight’s UFC championship tripleheader. Kowalkiewicz switches between orthodox and southpaw stances as she presses forward on the champion Jedrzejczyk, who works off her back foot with some sharp leg kicks in the opening minute. Jedrzejczyk continues her low-kicking, taking a right hand down the center and giving her challenger a wry grin in return. Kowalkiewicz tries to bring the fight to the fence but can’t corral the champ, and the 115ers are back to striking with 90 seconds left in the round. Jedrzejczyk keeps her distance and fires off more leg kicks, and she’s able to disengage when Kowalkiewicz looks to clinch again in the closing moments.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 2

Kowalkiewicz quickly closes the distance, grabs a kick and shoves Jedrzejczyk against the wall, but the champion won’t stay on the fence. As Kowalkiewicz pushes forward again, “Joanna Champion” catches the challenger with sharp, straight counterpunches. Jedrzejczyk is picking apart her countrywoman from the outside, not allowing Kowalkiewicz to attack or get in the pocket. When Kowalkiewicz does manage to close the gap, it’s only for a brief clinch on the fence before Jedrzejczyk is able to separate again. The fighters tie up on the wall once more inside the final minute, and this time Jedrzejczyk breaks away with a slicing elbow strike. Jedrzejczyk whips around with a spinning backfist in the closing seconds but can’t find the mark on the incoming challenger.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 3

Kowalkiewicz opts to clinch again in the first 30 seconds, but again Jedrzejczyk is able to push her away and escape. As the challenger comes forward, Jedrzejczyk zaps her with a long, hard right hand, now a standing elbow strike. Jedrzejczyk throws a spinning backfist, then a kick, but Kowalkiewicz dodges both and uses the leg to shove the champ against the wall. They don’t stay there long, and soon it’s Jedrzejczyk providing some forward pressure, jabbing and leg-kicking before shutting down another clinch attempt. When they go back to the wall again, it’s Jedrzejczyk taking control of the clinch, wrapping up Kowalkiewicz by the body and hugging her against the fence. Kowalkiewicz escapes in the closing seconds and comes forward swinging, but her punches don’t come close to the backpedaling champ.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 4

The strawweights are back in the clinch as the championship rounds begin, pummeling for position as they fight against a cage post. Kowalkiewicz takes the outside position but gets shoved away, and Jedrzejczyk punishes her with a few hard low kicks. The next exchange sees Kowalkiewicz crack Jedrzejczyk with a short right hand in the pocket, and suddenly the champion is on rollerskates. Kowalkiewicz chases the champ against the fence, assaulting her with follow-up punches, but Jedrzejczyk bobs and weaves until she’s able to circle away. Jedrzejczyk looks to have cleared the cobwebs as she works jabs off her backfoot, keeping Kowalkiewicz out of striking range. Down to the final minute of the round, Kowalkiewicz dodges a spinning backfist, catches a kick but can’t make the champion pay for the error. Kowalkiewicz connects with a solid right hand in the final seconds, answered by Jedrzejczyk with a pair of stiff knees.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz

Round 5

Jedrzejczyk instigates an early clinch but is shoved away after 30 seconds by Kowalkiewicz, who lands an elbow on the break. Jedrzejczyk goes back to leg-kicking as the challenger pushes forward. Kowalkiewicz catches a body kick, but before she can counter, Jedrzejczyk sticks a pair of punches on her face. The strawweights are swinging with more abandon as they reach the midway point of the final frame, and both women are getting in some good shots. Both are wearing it, with major swelling on the outside of Jedrzejczyk’s right eye in particular. Jedrzejczyk continues to get the better of the exchanges with her speedy combinations. Jedrzejczyk brings the fight to the fence with just over one minute remaining; when Kowalkiewicz pushes her away, Jedrzejczyk tags her with a pair of punches. They’re still swinging when the final horn sounds, after which the Polish countrywoman embrace and raise one another’s hands.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (49-46 Jedrzejczyk)

The Official Result

Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Karolina Kowalkiewicz via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46) R5 5:00

UFC Welterweight Title Fight:
Tyron Woodley vs. Stephen Thompson

Round 1

Referee Dan Miragliotta is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 170-pound title bout. Woodley circles around the wide-stanced “Wonderboy,” slowly moving backward toward the fence while Thompson works from the center. Thompson flicks out a flashy high kick, can’t find the mark as Woodley stays cautious on the outside. Two minutes in, Woodley catches a kick from Thompson and runs him to the floor in the center of the cage. Woodley flattens out Thompson from half guard and throws left hands to the body, then goes body-head with his ground-and-pound. Woodley locks down Thompson’s leg with a triangle, but the challenger reclaims guard in the final minute. Woodley keeps grinding with elbows in the closing moments and opens a nasty cut on the bridge of Thompson’s nose.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Woodley
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Woodley
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Woodley

Round 2

Woodley takes up his position on the outside again, allowing Thompson to close in on him as he pushes out from the center. Once Thompson gets close enough, Woodley wraps up the challenger and spins him against the cage. Thompson tries to pummel and take the outside position, but the champion reclaims the outside in short order. Thompson gets in a good knee to the body as he’s clinched against the wall, then separates from Woodley with half the round remaining. Thompson backs up Woodley to the fence again, this time clipping the champ with a spinning kick to the midsection; Woodley shakes it off and continues circling. Woodley takes a punch to the gut, then a straight left to the chin as Thompson stalks him on the outside in the final 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Thompson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Thompson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Thompson

Round 3

Thompson is doing well to evade Woodley’s attacks in the opening minute of the round, sliding backward when the champion throws a bunch of punches. The first two minutes pass without incident, as Woodley struggles to find a way inside and “Wonderboy” waits for an opportunity to counter. Nearly three minutes in, Woodley finally sticks a jab and is immediately punished by a Thompson leg kick. Woodley catches Thompson changing stances and nearly chops out his legs with a nasty low kick. Thompson goes to the body of Woodley with a kick, then resumes inching forward on the champion. Woodley gets in his best licks of the round with a pair of overhand rights in the closing 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Thompson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Woodley

Round 4

Woodley continues to engage in an all-standup affair as they enter the championship rounds, circling the edge of the cage while Thompson stalks from the middle. Out of nowhere, Woodley uncorks a beauty of a right hand that sends Thompson crashing to the mat. Woodley tries to follow up but can’t find the target at first; he eventually catches up with Thompson and floors him again. Thompson somehow regains his footing, but now he has to contend with a Woodley standing guillotine attempt. Woodley switches from a high-elbow guillotine to a 10-finger variation, still can’t get the tap. Now, Woodley tries the choke again by jumping guard; it looks extremely tight, but “Wonderboy” refuses to submit. After nearly a minute of squeezing and struggling, Thompson finally pops his head free and winds up in Woodley’s closed guard. Thompson finishes the round on top, trying to reclaim some land with ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Woodley
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Woodley
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Woodley

Round 5

Thompson closes the gap and backs up Woodley to the wall once again, but both welterweights seem hesitant to engage after a wild fourth round. “Wonderboy” flicks out long jabs but comes up short; Woodley is fighting reactively, seemingly waiting to counter strikes which aren’t materializing. At the midway point, the final round still appears very much up for grabs. Thompson starts stringing together combinations, firing one-twos at the champion’s head. Woodley remains largely inactive as he circles to his left around the edge of the cage. Woodley lands a leg kick, dashes forward to throw an overhand right, but it bounces off Thompson’s left arm. Thompson goes to the body, sticks another jab, but the cut on his nose has reopened and leaks down his face for the remainder of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Thompson (48-47 Thompson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Thompson (48-47 Woodley)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Thompson (48-47 Woodley)

The Official Result

Tyron Woodley vs. Stephen Thompson declared a Majority Draw (47-47, 47-47, 48-47) R5 5:00

UFC Lightweight Title Fight:
Conor McGregor vs. Eddie Alvarez

Round 1

Veteran official “Big” John McCarthy is the referee for tonight’s 155-pound title fight, with judges Sal D’Amato, Chris Lee and Jeff Mullen scoring the bout. Alvarez opens with a few hard chops to McGregor’s extended lead leg, while the challenger works from the center, pushing out toward Alvarez near the fence. Alvarez comes rushing inside with sloppy punches and gets clipped on the temple by McGregor’s counter left. The champion hits the deck for a second but scrambles back to his feet before McGregor can capitalize on the knockdown. Alvarez wants to tie up, gets shoved away by the Irishman. Alvarez rushes inside once more, and again he’s made to pay by McGregor’s left hand. McGregor floors Alvarez for the third time, now up against the fence, but Alvarez rolls up underneath and survives by clinging to McGregor’s legs. McGregor stacks him up but can’t finish the job before Alvarez is able to stand and dash away. McGregor is giving Alvarez no room, keeping him near to the fence and shutting down the American’s attempt at a double-leg. Alvarez digs into McGregor’s body with a punch and a front kick in the closing seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 McGregor
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 McGregor
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 McGregor

Round 2

McGregor finds a home for his left hand again early in round two; he’s also able to shut down another high double-leg attempt from Alvarez, who’s struggling to find a way into this fight. McGregor taunts the champion by standing in front of Alvarez with his hands behind his back. Alvarez takes some big swings but can’t find the mark, and instead he winds up pressing McGregor against the wall with an underhook. They hit the midway point of the round before they separate. When they do, McGregor steps forward and floors Alvarez with a left hand behind the ear and a follow-up right hook. Alvarez drops to his back in a daze, and referee McCarthy rushes in to rescue him from any further damage.

The Official Result

Conor McGregor def. Eddie Alvarez via TKO (Punches) R2 3:04
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