

UFC 207 ‘Nunes vs. Rousey’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog's live UFC 207 coverage kicks off Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET (current odds).

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Alex Oliveira vs. Tim Means

Round 1

The southpaw Means takes the center of the cage and clips Oliveira with a left hook as the Brazilian tries to step inside. Oliveira eats it and backs out of the way of a spinning kick, but "Cowboy" botches a bodylock takedown and winds up underneath Means at the base of the fence. Means hunts for a choke, can't catch it and instead feeds Oliveira a knee to the face as they stand. Oliveira comes back with a hook of his own, now a kick to the body. The next body kick sends Means tumbling backward; he springs to his feet at the fence, where he's tied up by Oliveira in the clinch. Means lands a couple hard knees in the clinch, prompting a bloody-nosed Oliveira to spin for a rear waistlock. Oliveira dumps Means to the floor, sets one hook and begins fishing for a rear-naked choke, now halfway through the opening round. Means gets back to his feet, barely resists another takedown and tries to peel away Oliveira's hands. Means turns around, grabs a double-leg and plants Oliveira on the mat for the first time. The pace slows a bit now, as Means works to pass Oliveira's guard. Means eventually stands up and throws an illegal knee to the head of the still-kneeling Oliveira, and referee Dan Miragliotta rushes in to pause the fight. Oliveira looks dazed as the cageside physician examines him; "Cowboy" tries to stand from his stool and looks wobbly, and after a review by the officials, the fight is stopped.

The Official Result

Alex Oliveira vs. Tim Means is ruled a No Contest (Knee to Head of Grounded Fighter) R1 3:33

Brandon Thatch vs. Niko Price

Round 1

Thatch takes the center of the cage and opens with a few hard kicks to Price's lead knee. Price clinches to throw a knee, gets popped by an uppercut and releases the hold. Price tries to catch Thatch's next kick and convert it to a takedown, but Thatch backpedals and spins Price against the fence. They separate, Price gets hold of the next kick, and now the UFC newcomer completes his first takedown, landing in Thatch's butterfly guard. Price passes to half guard as Thatch works to sit up against the wall. Thatch grabs a kimura from the bottom and wrenches it behind Price's back, but Price relieves the pressure by passing to half guard. Thatch tries to explode to his feet and gets caught in an arm-triangle choke, but Price is trapped back in half guard and can't finish. Price releases and continues to work from top position with 90 seconds on the clock. Thatch tries to jump to his feet again, and again Price catches him in the transition. This time, Price's arm-triangle looks much tighter, and with 30 seconds remaining, Thatch is forces to tap out.

The Official Result

Niko Price def. Brandon Thatch via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R1 4:30

Mike Pyle vs. Alex Garcia

Round 1

Garcia takes the center of the cage and tries to push outward on Pyle, who pumps his jab to keep the shorter man out of punching range in the opening minute. Garcia steps inside with a liver kick, clinches with Pyle on the fence and spins the veteran to the mat. Pyle uses wrist control to try and control Garcia's progress, but Garcia rips the arm free and immediately passes to side control on Pyle's right side. Garcia leans across and delivers a few elbows to Pyle's ribs, then loops an arm around the prone fighter's head. Pyle rolls to his knees and jumps back to his feet with about half the round remaining. Garcia comes swinging forward, gets caught in a headlock but extracts himself before Pyle can connect with a knee. The welterweights trade jabs, then Garcia comes over the top with a left, but there doesn't seem to be much behind it. Pyle puts his hands to his face to block a couple punches, but Garcia's next overhand right lands flush to the jaw. Pyle drops to his back, his head bouncing off the canvas, and Garcia mercifully pulls back on his follow-up punch as referee Dan Miragliotta steps in to halt the bout.

The Official Result

Alex Garcia def. Mike Pyle via KO (Punch) R1 3:34

Antonio Carlos Jr. vs. Marvin Vettori

Round 1

The southpaw Vettori steps forward slinging straight punches, but before he can connect, he's poked in the left eye by the outstretched and open left hand of Carlos. Referee Mark Smith pauses the bout as Vettori steps away, blinking the damaged eye. After a few seconds and a visit with the cageside physician, Vettori says he's ready to continue. Carlos lobs out a leg kick and gets clipped on the jaw by Vettori's counter left hand. Vettori scores with a kick to the body; "Cara de Sapato" tries to shake it off. Seconds later, Carlos catches Vettori with another eye poke. Referee Smith warns the Brazilian, and the fight resumes without much of a pause. The next exchange sees Vettori poke Carlos in the left eye with an outstretched finger. Carlos says he can continue, and the ref issues a stern warning to both men to keep their hands closed. Carlos lands a hard outside leg kick, then one to the body as they hit the midway point of round one. Carlos latches on to a single, drives Vettori against the fence but can't spin him down. Carlos switches to a bodylock and holds Vettori on the fence to deliver some low knees. Vettori lands a few short punches, answered by a harder shot as Carlos releases to slug with a right. Carlos gets a rear waistlock with one minute left, turns the corner and converts it to a takedown. Vettori is back on his feet quickly, now defending a headlock/choke setup from Carlos. The Brazilian nearly drops to guard to try a guillotine, but instead thinks better of it and stands to keep Vettori on the fence for the final moments.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.

Round 2

Carlos gets hold of an early single-leg, pushes Vettori backward and trips him to the ground. Vettori is back on his feet within seconds, now breathing with his mouth open as he swings forward with left hands. Carlos evades and resets to deliver another stiff kick to the body of the Italian. Vettori steps inside to grab a rear waistlock, but Carlos leans his weight against the fence to resist the takedown and stay standing. Vettori releases with three minutes on the clock, and now the middleweights meet back in the center of the cage. Vettori rushes forward with a left hand and Carlos drops levels as he backs up to the fence. Vettori looks for a guillotine, can't get it and instead forces Carlos to the ground. Vettori tries the choke again, but Carlos wags his finger and gives the referee a thumbs-up. Carlos slips out of a brief brabo choke setup and sits up against the fence, trying to slip around and take Vettori's back. Vettori flattens him out and begins scoring with left-handed ground-and-pound. Vettori stands and eats an upkick from Carlos, then kneels in the Brazilian's guard for a few seconds. Vettori stands again with 20 seconds left and spends the last moments kicking at Carlos' legs.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Vettori
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vettori
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Vettori

Round 3

Vettori lands a leg kick, one to the body, then rushes Carlos against the fence with a left hand. Carlos immediately spins Vettori against the cage with a bodylock, works for 30 seconds and then trips him to the floor. Carlos may be looking for an arm-triangle choke as he puts his weight on Vettori to flatten him out. Vettori frees his head and arm, rolls to his knees and tries to stand; Carlos manages to keep him down at first, but Vettori eventually gets to his feet. Carlos holds him on the cage, delivering knees to Vettori's legs at the midway point of the round. Vettori separates with two minutes left, and now the middleweights are back to striking in the center of the cage. Carlos' hands are low, inviting Vettori to come forward, but Vettori slips on a kick and has to scramble up before the Brazilian can capitalize. Carlos shoots for a single-leg on the fence with one minute left; he can't take down Vettori this time and has to settle for clinch strikes. After 20 seconds of work, Carlos completes the takedown and then spins to take the kneeling Vettori's back. Vettori blocks the back-take but absorbs a few left hands to the head, now a knee to the body. Carlos finishes the fight attempting a guillotine, and this one will go to the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr. (29-28 Carlos Jr.)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr. (29-28 Carlos Jr.)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr. (29-28 Carlos Jr.)

The Official Result

Antonio Carlos Jr. def. Marvin Vettori via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Johny Hendricks vs. Neil Magny

Round 1

Magny flicks out jabs and long kicks to keep the southpaw Hendricks out of striking range in the early going. Hendricks charges and backs up Magny to the wall, then whiffs on a big left hand as Magny strides away with a grin. Magny scores with a series of low kicks before circling away off his back foot; Hendricks doesn't give chase and instead waits for his opponent in the center. Another Hendricks left hand backs up Magny to the fence, but Magny bounces off the wall and gives Hendricks a knee. Hendricks changes levels for a quick takedown and sets up in Magny's full guard with half the round remaining. Hendricks tries to posture up for some ground-and-pound, but Magny is making things difficult with a sticky guard. Hendricks tries to stand and adjust; Magny locks down the ex-champ's arms and threatens with a triangle, then nearly sweeps. Hendricks maintains top position but finds himself in triangle trouble again. Magny can't quite cinch the choke, so he holds Hendricks in place to deliver a few elbows to the face in the closing seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Magny

Round 2

Hendricks scores a quick takedown and tries to transition onto Magny's back, but Magny puts his back to the mat in the center of the cage, and Hendricks settles for half guard. Hendricks passes to side control, and Magny looks to roll inside to escape. Magny can't hit the sweep, so he catches Hendricks in half guard and then rolls to his knees. Hendricks catches him in a headlock, forcing Magny onto his side. Magny slips his head free and uses an underhook to work back to his feet, but Hendricks takes him down again almost immediately. The sequence repeats, with Magny working his way back up, but Hendricks keeping hold of his legs and converting for another takedown. Hendricks isn't doing much of anything on top, but Magny isn't managing much from the bottom, either. Hendricks advances to Magny's half guard, but Magny gets to his knees with 30 seconds remaining. Magny blocks a late single-leg from Hendricks and keeps his footing to the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Hendricks

Round 3

Magny backs up Hendricks with long, stomping front kicks, dodges a left hand from the wrestler and then adds an outside leg kick. After a minute of trying to get inside, Hendricks finally wraps up Magny and pushes him to the fence; this time, Magny keeps his balance and disengages from Hendricks without being taken down. Hendricks steps forward with a few low kicks, takes one to the body and tries to catch Magny's foot, but Magny pulls it back. Hendricks shoots a double on the fence, but Magny reaches over the top and hooks one of Hendricks' legs. As soon as Magny lets go, Hendricks lifts him into the air, pulls him away from the cage and slams him to the ground. Magny tries to scramble up quickly, but Hendricks bears down and keeps him flat on the mat with one minute left in the fight. Magny throws up a last-ditch triangle with 20 seconds left, but Hendricks gets an elbow inside and creates enough space to ride out the choke.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)

The Official Result

Neil Magny def. Johny Hendricks via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ray Borg vs. Louis Smolka

Round 1

Smolka steps inside to tie up but disengages soon after Borg delivers a knee to his jaw. Borg slips in the center of the cage, throws an upkick and scrambles to sweep Smolka underneath. Smolka rolls to top position, but when he tries to pass to side control, Borg sweeps back on top. Borg is working to take Smolka's back now, but Smolka is doing well to prevent him from establishing hooks. Borg switches to an armbar, but Smolka frees the arm and grabs for a leg from underneath. Borg kneels down, not allowing Smolka to stretch out the leg, and he gives the Hawaiian a hard hammerfist to the face. More ground-and-pound follows as Borg maintains top position to the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Borg
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Borg
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Borg

Round 2

Borg looks to be the fresher of the two fighters at the start of round two, as he emerges firing speedy kicks both low and high. Smolka is moving a little slower, bleeding from the corner of his left eye, but when Borg trips him to the ground, the Hawaiian instantly sweeps to top position. Seconds later, Borg sweeps Smolka underneath, and now it's Borg working from side control with 3:30 on the clock. Borg steps over to full mount, then has to bail when Smolka looks to secure a heel hook. Borg stands up, untangles his leg and drops back to the ground with a hard right hand to Smolka's face. Smolka catches Borg in half guard, but it doesn't stop Borg from locking up an arm-triangle choke. Borg is trying to step over to finish the choke, but Smolka holds him in place and stays out of submission trouble. Smolka scrambles up, Borg immediately shoots for another takedown, and Smolka tries a guillotine as he's floored again. Borg waits a few seconds before popping his head loose, and again he finishes the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Borg
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Borg
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Borg

Round 3

Borg needs all of 40 seconds to wrestle Smolka back to the ground, this time landing a foot or so away from the fence. Smolka tries to throw up his legs from the bottom, looking to catch Borg in his long guard, but Borg is wise to it and maintains heavy top pressure to keep Smolka flattened. Borg frames up another arm-triangle choke, and this time he's able to hop off to the right side. Smolka is holding out, trying to keep from tapping, and he's saved by the fence which is preventing Borg from fully extending and bearing down on the choke. Borg steps back over to full guard, but now Smolka is able to roll free and escape to his feet. Borg doesn't let him get very far, holding Smolka in a rear waistlock at the fence. Borg tries to leap onto Smolka's back, falls to the ground but pops back up before Smolka can take top position. The flyweights are back to striking with 30 seconds left, and Smolka steps inside to deliver a level elbow to Borg's jaw. Borg strikes back with a spinning elbow and gets wrapped up by Smolka, who finishes the fight trying to take Borg's back.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Borg (30-27 Borg)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Borg (30-27 Borg)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Borg (30-27 Borg)

The Official Result

Ray Borg def. Louis Smolka via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27) R3 5:00

Dong Hyun Kim vs. Tarec Saffiedine

Round 1

Kim clinches up quickly and trips Saffiedine to the mat near the fence, but Saffiedine is back on his feet in a hurry. "Stun Gun" keeps the former Strikeforce champ pinned against the fence with an underhook, but after a minute, Saffiedine turns the clinch around and disconnects. Kim presses forward with a stiff jab, then whiffs on a wilder pair of punches. Saffiedine sticks a jab as he steps inside, then moves backward and eats a straight left. Kim continues to press forward and walks into a jab, but with 90 seconds left, he corners Saffiedine and traps him on the fence. Saffiedine resists a trip attempt and separates without taking any damage in the clinch. Saffiedine uses Kim's forward momentum to trip him to the ground in the closing seconds, but the Korean jumps up and finishes the round holding Saffiedine on the wall.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Saffiedine
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saffiedine
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Saffiedine

Round 2

Kim ties up again and tries to wrangle Saffiedine to the mat in the center of the cage, but Saffiedine refuses to be grounded. Kim shoves him against the fence, but Saffiedine uses an underhook to spin around and disengage. Kim walks down Saffiedine around the outside, unable to come up with any clean strikes and ultimately settling for another clinch. Saffiedine escapes again, and now the 170-pounders lock up in the middle of the cage. Kim pushes the "Sponge" back to the wall, nearly scores a takedown, but Saffiedine posts and springs up before his butt hits the canvas. The fighters pummel for position in the clinch, neither man gaining a clear advantage, and they split with 30 seconds left in the round. The final half minute ticks away without much action.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Saffiedine
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Saffiedine

Round 3

Both men come out swinging to start the final round, with Kim appearing to get the better of the early exchange with a right hook and an uppercut. Saffiedine ties up and lands a few uppercuts of his own, but now Kim pushes the fight back to the fence and gives the Belgian a knee to the body. Kim drops levels, briefly grabs for a double-leg and then stands to corral Saffiedine on the wall. Saffiedine pries away Kim's hands and sits out to escape to the center of the cage. Kim hugs him against the cage again, grabs hold of a single-leg and now completes a takedown. Saffiedine is down for only a split second before he latches on to one of Kim's legs and works back to his feet. Saffiedine lands a level elbow as he breaks loose with half the round remaining. Fifteen seconds later, Kim has Saffiedine's back pressed against the cage again. Kim hits another takedown, but again Saffiedine spends no time on his back. With 1:40 on the clock, they're striking from range, Saffiedine landing a hard kick to the body of Kim. "Stun Gun" keeps pressing, keeps working for a takedown and finally wrangles Saffiedine to the floor in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kim (29-28 Saffiedine)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kim (29-29 Draw)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Kim (29-28 Saffiedine)

The Official Result

Dong Hyun Kim def. Tarec Saffiedine via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

John Lineker vs. T.J. Dillashaw

Round 1

Lineker catches a low kick and trips Dillashaw to the mat, then tries to catch the American in a headlock as he stands. Dillashaw slips loose and continues to press forward on "Hands of Stone" from the center of the cage. Lineker catches a left high kick on his shoulder and forces Dillashaw to the ground, but again Dillashaw is able to stand with ease. About two minutes in, Dillashaw changes levels and explodes forward, easily putting Lineker on his back. Lineker tries to sit up, but the former champ flattens him out from deep half guard. Lineker pivots to reclaim full guard, absorbs some short ground-and-pound and then works back to his feet with about 90 seconds on the clock. Lineker stalks Dillashaw around the outside in the final minute, eventually getting inside to swing hard punches, but Dillashaw just backpedals away with a grin.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw

Round 2

Dillashaw hits a double-leg takedown in the first 15 seconds of round two, then tries to take Lineker's back in a scramble. Lineker shakes him off and jumps back to his feet, where both men are cautious in their striking. Dillashaw fires off a few kicks to the body before changing levels again and taking the Brazilian to the ground. Lineker holds Dillashaw in half guard, so Dillashaw loops his right arm around Lineker's head and uses the left hand to land punches. Lineker creates space to sit up, only to have Dillashaw push down on his face and flatten him out again. Dillashaw is scoring with some good elbows on top now, grinding on Lineker's face with rough ground-and-pound. Lineker grabs for an arm, eats a few punches to the face and releases. Dillashaw steps over to full mount, lands some more punches and gets pushed back to half guard with 90 seconds remaining. Lineker is absorbing some hard shots here, especially in the final 20 seconds, with Dillashaw posturing up to drop punches on the Brazilian's face.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Dillashaw

Round 3

Dillashaw scores another quick takedown, but this time Lineker is back on his feet within seconds. Lineker plods forward, not much urgency to his movement even with three-plus minutes left in the bout. When Lineker commits to punches, Dillashaw changes levels for another speedy takedown. Lineker holds Dillashaw in half guard, but Dillashaw still finds space to posture up and land punches. Lineker rolls to his knees, absorbs some more right hands from Dillashaw, but ultimately powers back to his feet. Dillashaw keeps control of his opponent with hands wrapped around Lineker's waist, then rolls to the ground with a figure-four leglock. Dillashaw tries to lock up a calf slicer with one minute on the clock, can't get it and eventually bails on the submission attempt. Lineker steps forward to deliver a pair of body punches, and suddenly it's Dillashaw dashing away along the outside. Lineker rips two more right hands to the body, drawing a smile from Dillashaw, and that's where the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw (30-27 Dillashaw)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw (30-27 Dillashaw)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Dillashaw (30-26 Dillashaw)

The Official Result

T.J. Dillashaw def. John Lineker via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

UFC Bantamweight Title Fight:
Dominick Cruz vs. Cody Garbrandt

Round 1

Referee John McCarthy is the third man in the cage for the first of tonight's 135-pound title bouts. Cruz steps inside to deliver a solid right hand in the opening seconds, then slips out of the pocket before Garbrandt can land his counter left. Garbrandt does a little dance in front of Cruz, tries to come over the top with a right hand but comes up short. Garbrandt's next left hand connects, but Cruz shakes it off to return fire with a low kick. Garbrandt chases Cruz backward to the fence, but Cruz slips his head off center to avoid a flurry of punches. Garbrandt lands another nice leg kick, and now it's the challenger on his back foot, avoiding the advances of Cruz. The champ shoots for a takedown, gets sprawled on and flipped over by Garbrandt, and now the bantamweights scramble up with 90 seconds left in round one. Garbrandt explodes into a takedown but can't keep Cruz on the ground for more than a few seconds. Cruz presses forward at the end of the round but can't find the challenger with any of his punches or low kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt

Round 2

Cruz comes over the top with a combination that marks up the right eye of Garbrandt, then goes low with an inside leg kick. Garbrandt clips the champ with a left hand, then gets stung by Cruz's counter combination. Cruz backs off, however, allowing Garbrandt to regain his footing before pressing forward again. Cruz sticks a jab and slides away before Garbrandt can counter. Cruz scores with a hard low kick and dips out of range as Garbrandt swings forward with a heavy combination. Garbrandt strikes back with a few hard body kicks in the final minute, but Cruz finishes the round with a quick trip and a flurry of punches.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt

Round 3

Garbrandt slips on a head kick but powers back to his feet even as Cruz tries to dive on top of him. As they stand, Garbrandt and Cruz clash heads, opening a gushing cut above the champion's left eye. Cruz seems unfazed by the cut, but now Garbrandt is adding to the damage with right hands, jawing at Cruz as they circle around the cage. Cruz is having more difficulty getting inside this round, while Garbrandt is having more success by backing Cruz against the fence and then slugging with punches. Cruz whiffs on a big right hand; Garbrandt points back to the center of the cage, and Cruz steps out to meet him. Cruz misses with another right, and this time Garbrandt floors him with a counter. Cruz springs up immediately but eats a knee along the way. Good head movement from Garbrandt keeps him out of danger as Cruz unleashes a nifty combination of hooks and uppercuts. One minute left in round three, Cruz continues to press forward, still unable to connect on his challenger with punches. Cruz snaps off a nice jab in the final 10 seconds of a round which undeniably belonged to the challenger.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Garbrandt

Round 4

Cruz lands a hard leg kick, prompting a smile and a point from Garbrandt, who continues to back up and draw the champion forward. Garbrandt decks Cruz with a right hand, and it looks like the champion is in deep trouble as he drives forward in slow motion, grabbing for Garbrandt's legs. Cruz regains his footing, however, and soon he's marching forward on Garbrandt again. Garbrandt makes him pay with a straight right to the jaw. Cruz misses on a few punches, and Garbrandt taunts him with another dance. With 90 seconds left, Cruz continues to struggle as he steps forward. Garbrandt is letting him hear it, too, constantly talking to the champion in between punches and leg kicks. Cruz hits the floor again as Garbrandt slugs him with a big left hand. The champ gets back to his feet, hits the ground again as Garbrandt continues to tee off with lefts in the final minute.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Garbrandt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Garbrandt
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Garbrandt

Round 5

Cruz snaps off a few good jabs in the opening minute of the final round, but nothing that seems to faze his challenger. Garbrandt scores with an inside leg kick, but soon Cruz is swinging back with some hard left hands of his own. Cruz tries a flying knee, caught by Garbrandt as they enter the final three minutes of the bout. The 135ers separate, Cruz lands a low kick, and Garbrandt mocks him by briefly dropping to one knee. Garbrandt continues to make Cruz miss badly with combinations; Cruz is still working his funky angles and footwork, but it's not getting him any closer to the speedy challenger. Garbrandt presses Cruz against the fence inside the final minute. Cruz breaks loose with 20 seconds left and tries to walk down Garbrandt, but Garbrandt is already celebrating, and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cruz (48-46 Garbrandt)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cruz (48-46 Garbrandt)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cruz (49-45 Garbrandt)

The Official Result

Cody Garbrandt def. Dominick Cruz via Unanimous Decision (48-46, 48-46, 48-47) R5 5:00

UFC Women's Bantamweight Title Fight:
Ronda Rousey vs. Amanda Nunes

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight's main event, scheduled for five rounds in the women's bantamweight division. The champion Nunes sticks out a hand to touch gloves, but challenger Rousey shows no interest. Nunes connects with her first combination, putting Rousey on her back foot, backing up to the fence. Nunes walks her down, digs into the body with more punches, then goes back upstairs. Rousey is on wobbly legs, staggering around as Nunes continues to tag her with right hands. Rousey tries to clinch, gets a one-two to the face, a left straight on the jaw, now a right hand on the temple. Rousey is out on her feet, still absorbing punches, when referee Dean steps in to stop the beating. Nunes circles the cage with a finger to her lips, shushing the stunned crowd. Rousey seems confused at first, ready to keep fighting, but her bloody face tells the story of the brief fight. Amanda Nunes retains her UFC 135-pound title with an impressive performance against the former champion.

The Official Result

Amanda Nunes def. Ronda Rousey via TKO (Punches) R1 0:48
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