

UFC 247 ‘Jones vs. Reyes’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

The ordering process for Ultimate Fighting Championship pay-per-views has changed: UFC 247 is only available on ESPN+ in the U.S.

Sherdog's live UFC 247 coverage will begin at 6:15 p.m. ET.

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Austin Lingo vs. Youssef Zalal

Round 1

The Octagon debutantes touch gloves and we’re underway, with Lingo quickly taking the center of the cage. Lingo connects with a left but eats a knee to the body before the featherweights clinch. Zalal lands a calf kick and follows up with a high kick. Zalal grabs a leg and shoves Lingo into the fence. Lingo is already bleeding from his nose. Lingo lands a punch to the body before they separate. Zalal goes back to the low kick, but eats a snapping right hand moments later. Zalal attempts to get Lingo down with a body lock. Lingo is up but Zalal maintains a front headlock, where he lands a series of knees to the head before the Fortis MMA member breaks free. Lingo continues to bleed profusely from his nose. Zalal lands a jumping knee as Lingo pressures with a series of punches against the cage. Lingo with a solid right hand before forcing the clinch. Zalal lands another calf quick before circling out of danger. The Factory X representative takes Lingo down with about 45 seconds left. Lingo explodes to his feet and lands a takedown of his own in the waning seconds. 10-9 Zalal.

Round 2

Zalal changes levels and grabs a single leg, forcing Lingo to the fence. Lingo defends as long as he can, but Zalal dumps his man on his seat against the cage. Zalal has settled into Lingo’s full guard as he pulls his foe away from the fence. Lingo is able to free his right arm, which was previously trapped underneath his body. Lingo attempts to scramble up, but he allows Zalal to lock in a brabo choke. Lingo stands, but Zalal still has the choke in place. Zalal falls back and tightens the maneuver. Lingo is able to break free and they stand with 1:30 left in the round. Lingo continues to apply pressure on the feet, but he’s struggling to track Zalal down. Zalal lands another takedown with less than a minute to go. Lingo briefly clings to a guillotine, but Zalal is in no real danger. The combatants return to their feet and Lingo blocks a high kick at the horn. 10-9 Zalal.

Round 3

Zalal goes back to the calf kick. Moments later he throws a head kick, but Lingo blocks it. Zalal comes down the middle with a knee and then follows up by landing a straight left. Zalal with a push kick to the gut and then a rear kick to the body. Lingo pressures with punches, but Zalal forces the clinch. Moments later, Zalal is able to trip Lingo to the canvas in the center of the Octagon. Lingo rolls and recovers full guard as Zalal attempts to move to his foe’s back. Zalal drops some short elbows from top position. Lingo creates space with his legs and hustles up to his feet, but his head is caught in a front headlock. Zalal snaps him down and looks to lock in an anaconda choke. Zalal lets it go and returns to the front headlock. He separates and lands a jab. Lingo forces the clinch, but the featherweights separate and Zalal fires a high kick that’s blocked. With time winding down, Zalal gets Lingo down again, and he threatens with both a guillotine and a brabo choke before the contest ends. 10-9 Zalal (30-27 Zalal).

The Official Result

Youssef Zalal def. Austin Lingo via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Andre Ewell vs. Jonathan Martinez

Round 1

Ewell and Martinez come out trading low kicks. Martinez changes levels and lands a hard body kick. Ewell is holding his hands very low as Martinez continues to attack the body with kicks. Ewell lands a body kick of his own, then marches forward with a solid one-two. A body kick from Martinez has Ewell reeling for a moment. Ewell counters a low kick with a straight left and Martinez loses his balance. Ewell lands a straight left to the body, then follows with a hook to the ribs. A right jab lands on the chin for Martinez. Another left hook to the ribs for Ewell and Martinez responds by shooting for a takedown. Ewell defends against the fence, and Martinez lands a knee to the midsection. Martinez continues to control positioning against the fence as he lands some knees to the head and thighs of his opponent. Ewell is able to break free in the final 15 seconds. A wild exchange ensues in the final 10 seconds, with both man landing solid shots before the horn. 10-9 Martinez.

Round 2

Martinez buckles Ewell with a calf kick early. Martinez then lands a nicely timed knee. Ewell connects with a lengthy jab. Another left hook to the body lands for Ewell. Ewell steps in with a knee to the body, and moments later, lands the same maneuver again. Ewell with a flying knee and then he unloads with two more as Martinez covers up. Ewell lands a combination that includes another body shot, and then he shrugs off a telegraphed takedown shot. Ewell continues to dig to the body, and Martinez answers with a low kick. Martinez counters a body hook with a two-punch combo upstairs. Ewell demonstrates beautiful timing on another knee. A leg kick from Martinez makes Ewell stumble momentarily. Ewell ducks under a kick and lands a two-piece combination to the head. A front kick from Martinez lands hard on the body. Martinez has Ewell hurting with a body kick, and he circles away, keeping his right arm low to recover. Ewell clips Martinez coming forward, but Martinez is able to kick his opponents leg out from under him. Ewell looks tired as he heads back to his corner. 10-9 Ewell.

Round 3

Ewell lands a looping right hook to the body. It’s a deliberate pace early on in the frame for both fighters. Martinez fires off a snapping front kick to the gut. Martinez lands another front kick followed by a low kick. Martinez keeps the pressure on, stepping in with a lead right hook. A straight left to the body connects for Ewell. Martinez continues to go to the well with the front kick to the midsection. Martinez spins Ewell around with a low kick. Ewell jumps in with a knee, but Martinez is able to block it. Martinez lands a pair of low kicks, and Ewell fires back with a punching combination. Martinez is attacking with the low kicks. He catches Ewell coming forward with a knee to the midsection. Another hard leg kick makes Ewell stumble for a moment. Another spirited exchange concludes the final stanza. 10-9 Martinez (29-28 Martinez).

The Official Result

Andre Ewell def. Jonathan Martinez via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 30-27) R3 5:00

Domingo Pilarte vs. Journey Newson

Round 1

Pilarte lands a snapping head kick right off the bat, but after being stunned momentarily, Newson appears to be OK. Emboldened by that connection, Pilarte moves forward with aggression. Moments later, a counter right hand over the top from Newson lands directly on the jaw and Pilarte goes down instantly, his head bouncing off the canvas. With Pilarte turtled up on the mat, Newson lands about eight to 10 unanswered strikes before referee Jacob Montalvo steps in to wave off the bout.

The Official Result

Journey Newson def. Domingo Pilarte via TKO (Punches) R1 0:38

Miles Johns vs. Mario Bautista

Round 1

Johns lands a jab and then sidesteps a flying knee from Bautista. Bautista utilizing a lot of feints and movement during this feeling-out process in the early going. Another jab lands for Johns. Johns backs up Bautista with a straight right. A patient Johns tags Bautista with another jab in what has been a slow start thus far. A high kick from Bautista is blocked. A big overhand right doesn’t appear to land clean for Johns, but it still makes Bautista stumble away. Johns lands a jab followed by a lead left hook before resetting. Bautista picks up the pressure late in the round, threatening with a pair of knees. Johns blocks a high kick before the horn. 10-9 Johns.

Round 2

Bautista comes out with more aggression, swinging heavy punches at the outset. Johns remains patient, looking to land his right hand and throwing with power on every attempt. Thus far he’s coming up short in Round 2, though. Seemingly out of nowhere, Bautista catches Johns leaning in and connects with a flying knee right on the chin. Johns topples to the floor and covers up on the canvas, as Bautista dives in with punches and hammerfists from above until the bantamweight bout is waved off.

The Official Result

Mario Bautista def. Miles Johns via TKO (Knee and Punches) R2 1:41

Alex Morono vs. Kalinn Williams

Round 1

Williams rocks Morono during a wild initial exchange with a looping left hook. As Morono stumbles backward, Williams pours it on, tagging him with more punches as Morono falls against the fence. “Khaos” looks to capitalize on his dazed foe with a takedown. He gives up on that and crumples Morono with an uppercut near the fence. Williams then unloads a few more punches on his defenseless foe before the bout is halted. On short notice, Williams has scored a significant upset as Fortis MMA-based fighters fall to 0-3 on the evening.

The Official Result

Kalinn Williams def. Alex Morono via KO (Punches) R1 0:27

Andrea Lee vs. Lauren Murphy

Round 1

Murphy rushes out from her corner and misfires on a superman punch. Lee lands a left hook-straight right combination during an early exchange. Lee has already reddened Murphy’s nose with her straight left, and “KGB” has also had success landing her body kick. They clinch, and Lee lands a nice elbow over the top. Lee loses her mouthpiece for a second time as the action continues. Lee lands to the body and the head before the action is halted to give “KGB” her mouthguard. Lee attacks with a low kick and a knee to the body. Lee sticks a jab. Murphy is staying busy throwing back at her opponent, but it’s Lee who has landed the more significant blows. Lee goes upstairs and lands a nice high kick. A left jab from Murphy snaps Lee’s head back. Lee answers with a lead uppercut. A left hook-right uppercut combo connects for Lee. Lee executes a throw, but Murphy is able to scramble into top position with 30 seconds remaining. Lee returns to her feet and the round ends with the flyweights in the clinch. 10-9 Lee.

Round 2

Lee lands a left hook. Lee punctuates a combination with a kick to the body. Murphy sticks a jab in an exchange. Another jab lands for Murphy. Lee lands a left hook as both flyweights trade in the pocket. They tie up in the center of the cage and Murphy lands a knee on the break. Lee is working kicks to the legs and body at range. A straight left connects for Lee. Murphy attempts to change levels for a takedown, but Lee denies it and they separate. A straight right connects for Murphy. Lee just misses on a pair of high kicks. Lee lands a low kick, and Murphy presses forward and forces the clinch against the cage. Lee tries for a hip toss but is able to separate from the clinch. Lee with a left hand, and she’s throwing with more volume even though not everything is connecting. Murphy times a level change and plants Lee on her back in the final 10 seconds, and that’s how the round will end. 10-9 Murphy.

Round 3

Lee steps in and connects on a left hook. A jab lands for Murphy. Lee is mixing in low kicks with her punching combinations. Lee’s mouthpiece falls out for a third time. Murphy slips on a knee and Lee locks in a front headlock before locking in an anaconda choke. She can’t quite secure it enough to roll over, and Murphy shoves Lee into the fence and eventually gets a takedown. Now Murphy is on top in Lee’s full guard. Lee creates space and scrambles to her feet. Her mouthpiece is returned and we’ve got 2:00 to go. A left hook lands for Lee, and Murphy answers with a jab. A hard body kick connects for Lee. Lee changes levels but Murphy sprawls nicely. She lands some elbows and drives Lee into the fence. They continue to battle for position in the clinch as Lee lands a pair of knees before separating. Lee lands a three-punch combination late in the round, finishing with a body shot. The combatants clinch once again before the horn sounds. 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee).

The Official Result

Lauren Murphy def. Andrea Lee via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 30-27) R3 5:00

Trevin Giles vs. James Krause

Round 1

Giles fires off a one-two combination as Krause pressures forward. Giles lands a snapping left jab that backs Krause up. Giles keeps the pressure on and lands a left hand. Krause switches gears and lands a takedown. Giles powers to his feet as Krause jumps on his back. Kraus is kind of high, but the WEC veteran has his hooks in now. Giles tries to shake Krause off, but it only allows his opponent to get a more secure foothold. Krause appears to have the choke in tight, but Giles is able to free himself. Unfortunately for Giles, Krause has full back control with a little less than 3:00 remaining in the fight. Krause continues to threaten with the choke while Giles fights off his opponent’s hands. Krause has a body triangle locked in, but he relents and recovers his hooks. Krause locks in the choke again, but Giles is somehow able to turn out of danger. Krause recovers the body triangle, and Giles shows off his strength by turning and assuming top position. Giles drops some heavy punches from above. They stand, and Giles just misses a massive elbow. They tie up, and Giles just whiffs on a couple big shots as the horn sounds. 10-9 Krause.

Round 2

Giles lands a looping right hand and then connects with a glancing right high kick. The power difference is evident between Giles and Krause, who has competed as low as lightweight in the past. Krause lands a solid low kick. Giles backs up Krause after landing a left hook. Giles tees off against the fence, but Krause is able to establish the clinch and turn his foe into the cage. Giles frees himself and tags his man with more punches. Giles shoves Krause into the cage, lands a shoulder strike and then shoves Krause away. Krause ducks under a punch for a takedown, but Giles is able to reverse and power his way to top position. Giles passes to half guard momentarily, but Krause is able to recover full guard . Giles creates some space and lands some heavy punches. Giles postures up and continues to drop heavy shots. Krause briefly frames an armbar, but Giles is undeterred. Giles tees off with more powerful shots and the referee takes a close look. Giles takes the back and locks in a tight rear-naked choke, but Krause is saved by the horn. 10-9 Giles.

Round 3

Giles comes out firing his jab, but Krause answers with a solid right hand. Krause is utilizing low kicks, and then he tags Giles with a right hand after his foe lets out a yell. Krause remains content to attack with calf kicks. A straight right lands for Giles, but Krause shakes it off. Krause follows a low kick with a straight right, and he is piecing together offense now. However, Giles answers with a heavy two-punch combination. A right hand-left hook combination briefly staggers Krause, but he quickly recovers and fires back. They clinch against the fence, and Giles lands some short punches in close before they separate. Both men are clearly fatigued with 1:30 to go. Krause ties up his man, and he lands a knee before moving away. Giles whiffs on some power shots, and Krause forces the clinch again. As Krause comes in, Giles tags him with a short right, then turns his foe into the fence in the clinch. Giles is denied on a takedown attempt, and they end the fight in the clinch. 10-9 Giles.

The Official Result

Trevin Giles def. James Krause via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Derrick Lewis vs. Ilir Latifi

Round 1

Lewis takes the center of the Octagon as he welcomes Latifi to the heavyweight division. they tie up, and Lewis lands a knee to the body before shoving his foe into the fence. Latifi lands a couple short punches in close before breaking away. Latifi claims he was poked in the eye, but Dan Miragliotta isn’t having it. Lewis launches a jump knee that lands on the chest of Latifi, but the Swede doesn’t seem to be affected. Latifi secures the clinch and then transitions to a single leg. Lewis maintains his balance and Latifi relents. He continues to drive Lewis into the fence, however. Not much is happening in this position, and Miragliotta urges the heavyweights to work before ordering a separation with less than 2:00 remaining. Lewis fires off a surprisingly quick high kick. Moments later, “The Black Beast” lands a body kick, prompting Latifi to shoot. Latifi drives his opponent back into the fence, drawing boos from the crowd. Lewis shows off outstanding defense of the single-leg takedown as Latifi is content to grind away against the fence. They break with 20 seconds left, and Lewis misses a leaping knee in the waning seconds. 10-9 Lewis.

Round 2

Lewis opens with a high switch kick. Latifi blocks it but he felt the blow nonetheless. Latifi answers with a hard low kick. Another hard leg kick from Latifi briefly backs up Lewis, who answers with a kick to the body. Lewis tries the flying knee, but Latifi avoids it and shoves his adversary into the cage again. More boos as Latifi doesn’t offer much in the way of offense from this position. Lewis is able to reverse the position, and he lands a short elbow and a knee. However, that allows Latifi an opportunity to land a body lock takedown, and he lands in half guard. The Swede lands some short punches to the body, but nothing of consequence. Latifi is trying to stay busy enough to avoid a standup, but he doesn’t appear to be interested in passing beyond half guard. With 50 seconds left, Miragliotta orders a standup. Lewis jabs and misses a big right hand. Latifi blocks a high kick, secures the clinch and tosses Lewis to the mat. He dives into guard and ends the frame in top position, landing a couple solid right hands before the horn. 10-9 Latifi.

Round 3

Lewis launches a big overhand right, and Latifi counters, but neither man connects. A solid right lands for Lewis moments later. Lewis again goes back to the jumping knee, but it allows Latifi to secure double underhooks against the fence. Latifi drops low and lifts Lewis, dumping him on his back in the middle of the canvas. Latifi is back in half guard with about 3:30 left in the fight. Latifi stays just busy enough, alternating punches to the body and head. Lewis doesn’t look like he has much hope of returning to his feet from this position. The crowd doesn’t like it, but it’s effective. Lewis powers his way up with 2:00 left. Another flying knee comes up short for Lewis, who is on the attack. His aggression allows Latifi to secure the clinch with double underhooks. Lewis pummels free and lands a knee, but Latifi shoves him back into the fence. There’s only a minute left. Latif trips Lewis down but the Houston native hustles up immediately. A kick from Lewis appears to have hurt Latifi somewhat. Latifi quickly ties up, and Lewis lands some hard elbowsand shrugs his foe off. An uppercut lands for Lewis with Latifi on the retreat. They clinch once more as Latifi sneaks a look at the clock. The round ends as Lewis misses one more big right hand. 10-9 Lewis (29-28 Lewis).

The Official Result

Derrick Lewis def. Ilir Latifi via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Mirsad Bektic vs. Dan Ige

Round 1

Ige lands a big left hook during an initial exchange. Bektic looks to tie up, and a scramble ensues. They’re back up and Ige lands another clean shot as they trade in the pocket. They tie up and Ige lands an uppercut in the clinch. He takes Bektic down and then tags Bektic with several punches as his foe returns to his feet. Ige is looking sharp thus far in all phases of the fight. Ige gets the better of another exchange and then he tags Bektic again after separating from the clinch. Ige pressures forward and digs to the body before shoving his man into the fence. Ige denies Bektic on a takedown and he tags Bektic with a nice counter. Bektic lands a left for one of his cleaner connections of the fight so far. A right hook lands for Ige. Ige forces the clinch behind a combination, and he lands a short elbow on the break. Bektic lands a glancing spinning back elbow at the end of the frame. 10-9 Ige.

Round 2

Bektic lands a couple decent right hands, but Ige fires right back with a combination. Bektic is much more aggressive so far. Bektic times a takedown and is able to land in side control. Bektic lands some knees to the body from the position before spinning around to the other side. Bektic gives Ige a little space, but he looks to take the back while Ige stands. Ige is up as Bektic clings to a leg. He gets Ige back down to the canvas. Ige has Bektic’s leg hooked momentarily, but he loses the grip as Bektick maintains top position. Bektic is staying heavy on top, framing an arm-triangle choke. Bektic passes to full mount now with the choke still locked in. Bektic seems content to keep the mount rather than passing to the correct side to complete the submission. Eventually, Bektic relents on the choke, but he maintains top control. Ige frames a kimura from his back for a moment late in the round, which allows him to recover full guard before the end of the round. 10-9 Bektic.

Round 3

Ige fires off a glancing straight right. He pressures forward and lands a glancing body kick. Bektic forces a tie up behind a couple right hands as he shoves Ige into the cage. Ige defends with his back to the fence and lands some elbows to the side of the head. Bektic is still hunting for that single leg, but Kerry Hatley has seen enough and orders a break. Ige moves forward and lands a clean straight right. Another right lands for Ige. Bektic lands a right, but Ige counters with a left. Ige pressures with a kick to the body. Bektic changes levels behind a punch for a takedown, but Ige transitions to an armbar. Bektic is able to scramble into top position with a minute to go. Ige explodes to his feet but Bektic maintains a body lock. Ige attempts to roll out of danger, but Bektic is able to secure a headlock. He works to transition to his opponent’s back while Ige hunts for a leg lock. That’s where the fight ends. 10-9 Ige (29-28 Ige).

The Official Result

Dan Ige def. Mirsad Bektic via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Juan Adams vs. Justin Tafa

Round 1

Adams lands a front kick with his lead leg. A body kick followed by a right hand connects for Adams, who owns a significant reach advantage. Adams is extending his fingers constantly, potentially inviting an eye poke. Tafa lands a kick to his opponent’s lead leg. A right hook lands to the head of Adams and he looked stunned for a moment and Tafa follows up with a couple more hard shots to the head. Adams attempts to shake it off. Moments later, another right hook lands clean for Tafa, and Adams stumbles backward into the fence. Tafa presses his advantage and sends Adams tumbling forward with a big uppercut. A rocked Adams attempts to cling to a leg out of desperation, but Tafa unloads a couple more shots to the head before referee Jeff Rexroad dives in on Adams’ behalf.

The Official Result

Justin Tafa def. Juan Adams via TKO (Punches) R1 1:59

UFC Women's Flyweight Title Fight:
Valentina Shevchenko vs. Katlyn Chookagian

Round 1

The first minute is tentative, with both fighters trying to figure out their respective range. A straight left lands for Shevchenko. The champ connects with an inside low kick. Chookagian attempts to pressure and Shevchenko counters with a spinning back fist. Shevchenko ends a one-two with a low kick. A left hand lands to the chest for Shevchenko, who follows it with another hard leg kick. “Bullet” sticks her jab. Chookagian, meanwhile, has yet to find her range. Shevchenko catches a kick and trips her foe to the mat. She’s in full guard with a minute left in the round. Chookagian tries to keep Shevchenko close to limit her offense from top position. Shevchenko cuts Chookagian open with a slashing elbow just before the horn. 10-9 Shevchenko.

Round 2

Chookagian opens up with a solid leg kick. Shevchenko answers with a thudding body kick. A spinning kick to the body sends Chookagian backward momentarily. A hard inside low kick connects for the champion. A two-punch combination lands clean for Shevchenko, as she punishes her opponent every time she closes distance. Shevchenko blocks a kick and punishes Chookagian with a leg kick. “Bullet” is going to work with hard leg kicks, and then she lands a spinning wheel kick to the head that draws a roar from the crowd. Moments later, Shevchenko follows up with a glancing axe kick. Shevchenko lands a takedown and sets up in half guard. Shevchenko lands punches to the body and head from top position. Chookagian recovers full guard with 30 seconds remaining. Shevchenko ends the round in top position. 10-8 Shevchenko.

Round 3

Shevchenko fires a front kick to the body of her foe. Shevchenko catches a kick and Chookagian briefly attempts to pull guard. She gives up on that idea and Shevchenko trips her to the mat. Shevchenko quickly traps Chookagian in a crucifix and begins to drop elbows and punches on her defenseless foe. The champion lands about 10 unanswered blows before the fight is mercifully halted. Shevchenko remains unchallenged as flyweight champion.

The Official Result

Valentina Shevchenko def. Katlyn Chookagian via TKO (Punches) R3 1:03

UFC Light Heavyweight Title Fight:
Jon Jones vs. Dominick Reyes

Round 1

They clinch immediately, and Ryes lands a knee to the body. Reyes is swinging with intent early. Jones is attacking the knees with his trademark kicks. Jones blocks a high kick from Reyes. Jones answers with a pair of low kicks. Reyes pressures with left hands. Reyes sticks a right hook. Jones steps in with a right elbow. Jones has received a couple warnings regarding his fingers already. Jones with a low kick. Reyes counters a low kick and drops Jones with a left. Jones appears to be reeling after eating another left hand. Jones takes the defensive and Reyes throws a hard kick to the body. Jones jabs the body. Reyes lands a pair of body kicks and Jones retreats. Jones with a front kick to the midsection. An inside low kick lands for Reyes. A front kick to the body lands for Reyes. Jones lands a left high kick to the face of Reyes, then goes with another kick upstairs that Reyes is able to block. Reyes circles away to end the round. 10-9 Reyes.

Round 2

Reyes throws two straights to the body and follows up with a low kick. Reyes lands a body kick as Jones pressures forward. Jones lands a hard body kick of his own. Reyes swarms with a flurry of punches. Jones utilizes good head movement and circles out of danger. Reyes expended a lot of energy there, but Jones avoided the majority of those offerings. Reyes lands a hard low kick. Jones with a couple low kicks to Reyes’ rear leg. A counter left hand connects for Jones. A lead uppercut lands for Reyes and he follows with anotehr body shot. Jones connects with a solid lead left hook. Jones continues to lead the dance, moving forward constantly. Reyes backs up Jones with a glancing left. Jones tags Reyes with a nice jab. Jones lands a body kick. A counter left connects for Reyes and he follows up with a low kick. Reyes counters a low kick with a left hand. Jones lands a spinning back kick to the body. Reyes connects clean with an uppercut as Jones moves forward. Reyes avoids a left hook from Jones at the end of the round. 10-9 Jones.

Round 3

Jones opens with an inside low kick, and Reyes answers with a low kick of his own. Reyes connects with a glancing left high kick. Jones continues to pressure, but Reyes lands a hard kick to the body. Jones lands a right, but Reyes counters and forces him to retreat. Reyes doubles up on low kicks to Jones’ lead leg. A right hook lands for Reyes. Reyes whiffs on a big left hand. The challenger connects on another leg kick. As Jones moves forward, Reyes sneaks an uppercut in. Jones has a high kick blocked. Jones shoots for his first takedown, and while he looked to be in deep, Reyes powers out of it. Reyes lands a left to the body and steps off at an angle. Jones blocks a counter left. Reyes fires a high kick that Jones catches on the forearm. Jones checks a low kick. Jones finds the range on a lead left hook. A left uppercut to the body lands for Reyes, as he continues to have success with body work. A straight left lands for Reyes. Jones misses a leaping knee at the end of the round and Reyes defends a takedown as the horn sounds. 10-9 Reyes.

Round 4

Reyes lands a hard inside leg kick and follows with a left hand. A couple right hooks form Reyes have Jones on the retreat and the challenger lands a hard left. Jones shifts gears and hunts for a takedown. Reyes initially defends, but Jones gets him down near the fence. Reyes powers right back up, and Jones maintains the body lock. Jones lands a knee to the body, and they break. Jones is now bleeding from his nose. A low kick from Jones buckles Reyes briefly. Jones changes levels for a takedown. Reyes spins and escapes the body lock, landing an elbow over the top following a knee from “Bones.” A left-right combo lands for Reyes. A right hook lands for Reyes again. Jones moves forward and lands a body shot. Jones turns up the heat and lands a nice elbow. A left hook from Nones lands, but Reyes fires back with a straight left. Reyes just blocks a high kick. Jones blocks a Reyes high kick. Jones attacks the knees with his front kick. Reyes responds with an uppercut. Jones lands a solid left hook before the end of the round. 10-9 Jones.

Round 5

Reyes leads with his left, but Jones steps away. Reyes with a two punch combo to the body. The challenger lands an inside low kick. Jones fully commits to a takedown and he pulls his foe down near the fence. Reyes is up as Jones clings to him. Reyes circles off after breaking the clinch. Jones lands an elbow, but Reyes counters with a combination. A right hand and a body kick land for Jones. Reyes jabs to the body. Another jab to the body lands for Reyes. Reyes just misses a left and Jones answers with a body kick. A spinning back kick to the body lands for Jones. The champ is still moving forward. Reyes ducks under a kick and lands a nice straight left. Reyes flicks out his jab as Jones moves forward. A side kick to the body lands for Jones. Reyes absorbs a spinning back kick to the body. Jones is still keeping the heat on, mixing in kicks and punches. Reyes circles out and misses a left hand while Jones simultaneously whiffs on a spinning back fist as time expires. 10-9 Jones. (48-47 Jones).

The Official Result

Jon Jones def. Dominick Reyes via Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 49-46) R5 5:00
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