

UFC 83 Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com's Andy Cotterill and Freddie DeFreitas report from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Canada, with live play-by-play of UFC 83, which is headlined by Georges St. Pierre (Pictures) versus Matt Serra (Pictures).

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Kuniyoshi Hironaka (Pictures) vs. Jonathan Goulet (Pictures)
Round 1
Goulet, who got a big pop from the crowd for his Montreal Canadiens jersey, stuffs an early single-leg attempt near the fencing. The fighters trade knees to the body before Goulet executes a judo throw and lands in Hironaka's half-guard. Hironaka rises to his feet and clocks Goulet with a left hand. The round ends with Goulet sporting a mouse under his right eye. Sherdog.com gives the round to Hironaka, 10-9.

Round 2
Both fighters cautiously trade punches in the opening minute of the second frame. A left hand from Goulet rocks Hironaka. The Japanese fighter recovered and backpedaled away from Goulet, who is on the attack with strikes. A left-right combo scores for Goulet, with the right doing the most damage. Hironaka crumbles as referee Dan Miragliotta stepped in to halt the contest at 2:07 of the second.

Brad Morris vs. Cain Velasquez (Pictures)
Round 1
Velasquez drops Morris with a left hook early. Velasquez jumps into the mount position on his downed opponent and hammers away with strikes. Morris gives up his back to avoid punishment, where he eats some solid punches to the chin that are delivered beautifully under the arm. Morris scrambles and gets to his feet, where he is met with a knee and an uppercut that send him crashing back to the canvas. Velasquez blasts away at his fallen opponent until referee Steve Mazzagatti jumps in to save Morris at 2:10 of the first.

Rich Clementi (Pictures) vs. Sam Stout (Pictures)
Round 1
Clementi clinches with Stout against the cage and takes him down with a body lock. Clementi moves to mount and to Stout's back, but he could not hold the dominant position for long. From the top in half-guard, Clementi lands effective punches and short elbows to the head and body. Stout explodes from his back and got to his feet, but is taken back down almost immediately. Clementi works a Kimura and moves from mount to the back, before returning to the mount. 10-9 for Clementi.

Round 2
Stout finds his range with a few short punches to start the frame. Clementi missed a head kick and a spinning back fist, which caused a wild scramble for position on the ground. Stout gets back to his feet and lands some decent leather while eating a punch or two from Clementi. Stout shakes off a solid left hook from Clementi and gets a takedown. Clementi went for a guillotine but Stout has none of it as he escapes and lands a few strikes before the stanza ends. Good action in the second -- 10-9 for Stout in a very close round.

Round 3
Clementi bullies Stout to the cage and scores a single-leg takedown. Clementi goes for a guillotine but Stout works free and gets to his feet. The fighters circle the cage trading a few punches with nothing landing solid until a Stout right hand finds its target. Stout then shot in search of a single of his own, but a stalemate insues, forcing referee Yves Lavigne to separate the fighters. Clementi landed a head kick and was then knocked off balance by a Stout right hand. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Clementi. The official judges see the bout 29-27, 29-28 for Clementi and 29-28 for Stout. Rich Clementi takes the split decision.

Demian Maia (Pictures) vs. Ed Herman (Pictures)
Round 1
Maia scores a quick takedown but he can not hold Herman down for long. Herman defends another single-leg attempt properly but is eventually wrestled down after Maia switches to a double. Herman works to his feet and finds himself in top position after Maia pulls guard. An omaplata attempt from Maia is close but Herman pulls his arm free. Maia then goes for a leg lock that is defended perfectly by Herman. He fress his leg and takes the top position. Freddie DeFreitas scores it 10-9 Maia, while Andy Cotterill sees it 10-9 for Herman.

Round 2
Maia opens by pulling guard but Herman does not want to play his game. Herman backs away and cracks Maia with a left hand. Herman enters Maia's butterfly guard, which turns out to be a big mistake. Maia worked his legs high and slapped on a triangle choke. Herman fights to free himself, but he ends up on his back with the triangle still applied. Referee Philippe Chartier looks closely and acts when he sees Herman lose consciousness from the choke. The official time is 2:27 of the second period.

Jason Day (Pictures) vs. Alan Belcher (Pictures)
Round 1
Belcher throws Day down against the cage and works from the top position in his opponent's guard. Day switches to a rubber guard and elbows the top of Belcher's head. Belcher stands and is cracked by a sharp standing elbow that rocks him. Belcher retreats backwards and is hit with a flurry of punches from Day that prompt referee Dan Miragliotta to show mercy at 3:58 of the opening frame. Impressive performance from Jason Day.

Joe Doerksen (Pictures) vs. Jason MacDonald (Pictures)
Round 1
MacDonald went for a standing guillotine early and nearly had it before Doerksen was able to escape. From the top in MacDonald's half-guard, Doerksen goes for a Kimura that is as deep as could be without causing injury. MacDonald eventually escapes but is hit with several hard knees to the body from side-control. Doerksen looks for another Kimura before the round ends. 10-9 for Doerksen.

Round 2
Doerksen misses a big overhand right and is taken down by MacDonald. From the top position, MacDonald hammers away with shots that put Doerksen away at the 0:54 mark of the second round. A second after referee Steve Mazzagatti halted the fight; MacDonald landed two more hammer fists after the fight was clearly stopped.

Mark Bocek (Pictures) vs. Mac Danzig (Pictures)
Round 1
Danzig backs Bocek up against the cage with punches. Bocek avoided most of the shots and lands a right hand lead upon exit. Bocek drops levels for a single-leg and muscles Danzig to the canvas after he gets close enough to switch to a double. From his back, Danzig locks on an omaplata but Bocek has none of it. He pulls his left arm loose and fires a right hand that scores. Danzig goes high with his hips as he looks to slap on an armbar or pass for a triangle, but Bocek senses danger and postures up to avoid any danger. Danzig reverses Bocek and takes the top position, where he lands some leather before the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bocek
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bocek
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bocek

Round 2
Danzig starts the round with a jab that connects. A right knee to the chin collapses Bocek to the canvas. Danzig pounces and strikes the head from half-guard. Bocek fights to get back to his feet, where he is met with a jumping right knee that smacks his mouth. Danzig finds himself back on top. He effortlessly passes to half-guard and mount before going to Bocek's back with both hooks sunk. Danzig works to flatten the Canadian out but he chooses to stand up. Bocek moves forward and lands a one-two before shooting a single. Danzig stuffs it and cracks his opponent with left hands.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Danzig
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Danzig
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Danzig

Round 3
Danzig lands a straight right to begin the final period. Bocek takes Danzig down with a double-leg. Danzig slaps on a gogoplata but Bocek is able to escape to his feet. Danzig tees off with a knee that opens up a cut on the left eyebrow. The fights is paused by referee Yves Lavigne so the doctor can get a closer look at the laceration. The fight is resumed and Danzig goes right to work with straight punches. Bocek's face is a bloody mess as Danzig scores a takedown and moves directly to the mount. Bocek gives up his back to avoid punishment and is caught in a rear-naked choke. Bocek taps at 3:48 of the third round.

Charles McCarthy (Pictures) vs. Michael Bisping (Pictures)
Round 1
McCarthy wings wild punches from the outside while Bisping throws straight punches down the pipe and explodes with knees to the body from the Thai plum. Early on, McCarthy is covering with both hands when Bisping strikes instead of looking to counter punch. Bisping got too comfortable with his striking and is slammed to the floor by a McCarthy double-leg. McCarthy quickly slaps on an armbar that is deep. He goes to his back to finish but Bisping stays patient and clears his arm. Now back on their feet, Bisping pushes McCarthy to the cage and unloads with a torrent of knees and punches to the body. McCarthy crashes to the canvas just before the horn sounds to close the round. McCarthy does not get to his feet and the bout is called. McCarthy is complaining of a forearm injury, apparently from a knee strike.

Nathan Quarry (Pictures) vs. Kalib Starnes (Pictures)
Round 1
Quarry lands a right hook to the body as both fighters show good footwork in the center of the Octagon. Quarry wildly chases Starnes around the cage throwing punches as Starnes turns his back halfway and sprints away. The crowd starts to let Starnes hear it as he continues to run away from the fight. Starnes clinches with Quarry against the fence and trades knees to the body. Quarry gets his back off the fencing and lands a right hand. Starnes continues his best Donovan Bailey impersonation as he sprints away from his opponent. Quarry is wasting lots of energy but he lands good shots just before the round expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Quarry
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Quarry
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Quarry

Round 2
Back to the body goes Quarry with a kick and a left hook. He's mixing in low kicks to Starnes' left leg as well. Quarry steps forward and Starnes circles and flat out runs away. The crowd lets him hear it for his actions. Two more low kicks connect for Quarry as Starnes starts to favor his lead leg. Quarry slips and is hit with a hard right but he shakes it off. The track meet resumed as Starnes ran around the cage avoiding a striking exchange. At the end of the round, chants of "Bor-ing, bor-ing," showered the Octagon.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Quarry
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Quarry
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Quarry

Round 3
Starnes, perhaps aware of his plight with the judges' scorecards, turns it up with three straight rights that find their target. Just when it seemed that Starnes is piecing together a rhythm with his timed side-steps and left jab, he reverts to retreat mode as Quarry stepped forward with heavy punches. Like an inexperienced quarterback, Starnes moved well in the pocket but got happy feet when the blitz was on. The dreadful fight ends after 15 horrible minutes.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Quarry
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Quarry
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Quarry

The official judges see the bout 30-27, 30-26 and 30-24 for Nathan Quarry.

Travis Lutter (Pictures) vs. Rich Franklin (Pictures)
Round 1
Franklin landed a right hand as Lutter shot in for a single. Lutter clinched with Franklin against the cage and dragged him to the canvas. Lutter is on Franklin's back with no hooks, but the former champion is able to get to half-guard. Franklin shows excellent leg work as he tries to get away from Lutter on the ground. Lutter gets back to half-guard and doesn't waste much time in going to mount. Lutter spins into an armbar and it takes an amazing escape from Franklin to keep the fight going. After escaping, Franklin fought off a single-leg attempt while he landed strikes to the side of Lutter's head.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lutter
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lutter
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Lutter

Round 2
Franklin stuffs two lazy takedowns attempts by Lutter early in the round. Lutter looks exhausted as he tries to pull guard. He locks up Franklin's right leg with a single and transitions to an ankle lock. Franklin escapes and invites his gassed opponent to stand. Lutter's gas tank is completely empty as he holds both hands at his waist while eating punches and knees to the body. A kick found its target as well. A series of punches on the fallen Lutter seal the deal as referee Steve Mazzagatti steps in at 3:01 of the second.

Georges St. Pierre (Pictures) vs. Matt Serra (Pictures)
Round 1
Serra leads with a right hand to the body and St. Pierre drops directly into a successful takedown. From half-guard, St. Pierre pushes the head down but he can't get anything going before Serra got back to full-guard. Lightly striking from the top, St. Pierre looks to pass but Serra is game. A hard right and left hand score for GSP. St. Pierre advances to side-control. Serra offers his back and nearly gets to his feet but St. Pierre holds him down while elbowing the head. Sporting a mouse under his right eye, Serra stands and gets hit with a superman punch before being taken back down. St. Pierre turns it on with punches to the head and knees to the body as the horn sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St.Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre

Round 2
St. Pierre catches a lazy Serra low kick and drags him to the ground after hitting his opponent with a straight right. Serra grazed a head kick and followed with a right hand. GSP turns it up and snaps Serra's head back with a handful of jabs. Back to the ground went the fighters as St. Pierre scored another takedown with ease. With Serra resting on his knees, St. Pierre knees the body hard. Serra rolled over to avoid the knees and found himself on the bottom in half-guard. St. Pierre is dominating with punches. Serra has no answer as he rolls over to his stomach and is hit with more powerful knees to the body and punches to the head. Serra covered and forced referee Yves Lavigne to intervene at 4:45 of the second.
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