

UFC Fight Night 104 ‘Bermudez vs. Korean Zombie’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog's live UFC Fight Night 104 “Korean Zombie vs. Bermudez” coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET.

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Khalil Rountree vs. Daniel Jolly

Round 1

After a tense 30 seconds with the southpaw Rountree advancing from the center, Jolly shoots a double from way out and is stuffed to the mat in the middle of the cage. Jolly powers back to his feet, keeps hold of Rountree and runs him against the fence, but Rountree tees up his opponent's head perfectly and delivers a crushing knee. Jolly goes limp immediately and takes a second knee -- this one to the body -- before referee Chris Reed can intervene.

The Official Result

Khalil Rountree def. Daniel Jolly via KO (Knee) R1 0:52

Alex Morono vs. Niko Price

Round 1

Price lands an early leg kick but gets swiped back with Morono's counter right. Working with his back near the fence, Price lands the leg kick again and ducks under a pair of punches from Morono to come back to the center. Morono pulls up short on a few punches before slipping a punch and popping Price with another right-handed counter. Price goes upstairs with a right high kick that Morono is able to deflect. Halway through the round, it's Morono pushing the pace with punches, while Price works from his back foot. Morono counters a body kick with a clubbing left hook that gets Price staggering backward. Morono tries to follow up with a knee but can't find the button, and Price is able to reset and shake the cobwebs. Price is wearing damage under his left eye as he spins forward with a high kick, missing by an inch as Morono slides his head back. The pace drops off in the final minute of the round, but Morono finishes strong with a spinning backfist-right hook combo that floors Price in the last 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Morono
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Morono
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Morono

Round 2

Price emerges for round two with lumps under both eyes, but he continues to attack Morono with kicks in the opening minute. Morono is still getting the better of the standup exchanges, though, landing the more damaging shots with sporadic right hands down the center. When Price gets Morono going backward with a body kick, Morono just circles out of range until he's able to reset, plant and stick the incoming "Hybrid" with a jab. Morono deflects a body kick, attacks with a four-punch combo and finishes with a kick to the body of Price. They're inside two minutes now as Morono connects with a thudding left hook to the gut. Price catches a low kick and runs Morono against the fence. They move back to the center, where Morono's movements are suddenly looking more labored, swinging wildly into the pocket, where Morono waits to counter with a right hand. Price continues to push the action in the final minute and, just as Morono did in round one, comes alive in the last 10 seconds. Punches from Price back up Morono to the fence, flailing with wild punches; Price ducks under a punch and comes up to counter with a right hook that knocks Morono out cold. Morono collapses against the fence just as the horn sounds, and referee Kerry Hatley waves off the bout. Niko Price collects his second UFC win with a stunning buzzer-beater KO.

The Official Result

Niko Price def. Alex Morono via KO (Punch) R2 5:00

Bec Rawlings vs. Tecia Torres

Round 1

Torres opens with kicks to the legs and body of Rawlings, who misses with her first few combinations. Torres steps inside to land a pair of punches, backs out of the pocket before Rawlings can counter, and now the "Tiny Tornado" comes back to hit Rawlings with another punch and a body kick. Rawlings partially blocks a head kick but takes a few steps backward after absorbing the strike. Torres continues to pile on the low kicks through the center of the round, her constant movement keeping her clear of most, if not all of Rawlings' punches. The left hook is working for Torres, too, reddening the right side of Rawlings' face. Rawlings attacks with a Thai clinch and hits Torres with a few knees to the body before Torres peels away. Body kicks are Torres' best weapon down the stretch, keeping the taller Rawlings out of punching range for all but a few successful strikes.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Torres
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Torres
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Torres

Round 2

Rawlings sprints out of her corner and charges Torres at the start of the round, but Torres stays out of danger and lands a few body kicks off her back foot. The strawweights clinch up and Rawlings hooks a leg; Torres defends the takedown at first, but Rawlings switches to a double and drags her to the ground. Torres tries to post and stand at the fence, while Rawlings continues to control both legs and tries to corral her opponent. Torres finally powers back to her feet, but now Rawlings hooks one of the American's legs and tries to climb on her back. Torres spins around, instantly escaping the danger and now pressing Rawlings up against the wall with more than half the round remaining. Rawlings lands a knee to the body in the clinch, but Torres pops her with a pair of short right hands as they fight off the fence. Rawlings tries to wrap up Torres' head and arm for a throw; Torres sniffs it out, slips free to the rear and rides Rawlings to the mat. Torres takes back-mount with one hook in, now establishes the second hook with 80 seconds on the clock. Rawlings hand-fights as Torres tries to position her arms for a rear-naked choke. Torres bails off the back to try an arm-triangle choke in the last 20 seconds, then transitions to an armbar which Rawlings is still defending at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Torres
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Torres
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Torres

Round 3

Rawlings presses forward with a few push-kicks to the body in the first minute of the final round, but she's still having trouble catching up with the speedy Torres. The Australian sticks a jab, answered right back by Torres with a right hand. Torres continues to stick right hands on the ends of her combinations, then lands an outside leg kick that nearly chops out Rawlings' lead leg. Rawlings is trying to attack, but each time she does, the backpedaling Torres is waiting with a counterpunch or a kick for her planted leg. Rawlings tries a clinch on the fence instead and is reversed by Torres with 90 seconds left. Torres catches Rawlings throwing a knee and dumps her to the ground, then looks to take Rawlings' back as she stands. Torres spins her opponent to the ground, but she's riding too high on the back and Rawlings escapes out the back door. Torres leaps to her feet just before the horn and slugs Rawlings with one last heavy right hand.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Torres (30-27 Torres)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Torres (30-27 Torres)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Torres (30-27 Torres)

The Official Result

Tecia Torres def. Bec Rawlings via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Ricardo Lucas Ramos vs. Michinori Tanaka

Round 1

Ramos works from the center of the cage while Tanaka circles around the edge. The ex-Shooto standout evades a few high kicks from Ramos but takes a chop to the lead leg. The bantamweights tie up near the fence, and it's Tanaka who tosses the larger Ramos to the floor. Ramos posts and stands immediately, still held against the cage, but after a few seconds, Ramos reverses to take the outside position. Ramos lands several hard knees to the midsection before disengaging and sliding backward to avoid a huge Tanaka right hand. Tanaka whiffs on a right hand and loses his footing, but he jumps back to his feet before Ramos can get hold of him. Ramos catches Tanaka lunging into the pocket and counters with a perfect right hand that sends Tanaka crashing to the floor. Ramos tries to pound out his wounded foe, smashing with hammerfists and even clubbing Tanaka back to the ground a second time in a wild sequence. Tanaka survives the assault, however, and somehow climbs back to his feet with 40 seconds on the clock. Both men look to be taking a breather down the stretch with little activity in the last half minute.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ramos
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Ramos
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Ramos

Round 2

After a slow first minute spent circling the cage, Ramos leaps at Tanaka with a flying knee, allowing Tanaka to grab hold of the Brazilian and shove him against the cage. Ramos threatens with a headlock, prompting Tanaka to put his head on the other side as he changes levels to attempt a takedown. Tanaka nearly succeeds in tripping Ramos, but Ramos expertly uses the cage to his advantage, bouncing off the fence and reversing Tanaka to the bottom. Ramos quickly passes to full mount, then peels off with an armbar attempt. Referee Herb Dean is standing inches away as Tanaka stacks up Ramos, trying to relieve pressure on the arm. Tanaka extracts the limb with half the round remaining, leaving him on top in Ramos' guard. Tanaka advances to half guard and puts a pair of left hands on the side of Ramos' head. Tanaka achieves full mount for a split second before Ramos sits up against the fence and escapes to his feet. Tanaka grapevines Ramos' right leg as they tangle on the fence. Ramos is able to trip Tanaka to the ground, but the bantamweights are back on their feet quickly this time. Again, both fighters slow down in a final minute with little activity.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ramos
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ramos
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Ramos

Round 3

Tanaka lands an outside leg kick, slips an attack from Ramos and grabs for a takedown, but the Brazilian keeps his footing. Ramos' striking has dropped off sharply from the opening round; he continues to chase the bouncy Tanaka around the cage but isn't offering much in the way of offense. Tanaka, meanwhile, waits to counter but has little to work with; he attacks Ramos with the occasional leg kick or right hand but is mostly just circling off his back foot. Referee Dean tells the fighters to engage as they hit the midway point of the final round. After another 30 seconds of circling, Dean pauses the fight and gives a "hard warning" to Tanaka for timidity. Tanaka continues to stick jabs and single strikes on Ramos in the last minute. He stuffs a Ramos double-leg attempt, then comes back to take down Ramos near the center of the cage. Ramos grabs a loose headlock, but it doesn't seem to concern Tanaka, who postures up in Ramos' guard and lands short body punches. Tanaka slips his head free in the last 10 seconds and goes wild with punches, but he's unable to finish Ramos before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Tanaka (29-28 Ramos)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tanaka (29-27 Ramos)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Tanaka (29-27 Ramos)

The Official Result

Ricardo Ramos def. Michinori Tanaka via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Chas Skelly vs. Chris Gruetzemacher

Round 1

Gruetzemacher presses forward and walks into a right hand from Skelly, who resets and then scores with an uppercut, a clinch knee. Skelly gets in on a double-leg attempt, pushes Gruetzemacher to the fence and comes back up to dig an underhook. Skelly connects with a hard elbow to the side of the head as he works on Gruetzemacher in the clinch. "Gritz" makes Skelly miss on several punches and pops him back with a one-two, but seconds later, Skelly shoots in again and runs Gruetzemacher to the floor. Skelly begins working to take the back with 2:30 left on the clock; his progress is blocked by Gruetzemacher's back as he sits up against the cage. Skelly spends a minute working to take the back, eventually tries a no-hooks rear-naked choke but can't latch on. Gruetzemacher escapes a brief full mount and puts his back on the ground, leaving Skelly in deep half guard, grinding with elbows and punches. Gruetzemacher pivots to regain full guard with 30 seconds left, climbs back to his feet just before the horn and gets tagged by Skelly with a knee and a standing elbow at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Skelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Skelly
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Skelly

Round 2

Gruetzemacher tries to back up Skelly to the fence with forward pressure, but it's Skelly who connects with a pair of counter right hands as Gruetzemacher comes close. The next straight right from Skelly knocks Gruetzemacher backward by a few steps, but the Arizona fighter regains his footing to hit Skelly with a body kick. One minute in, Skelly changes levels and drives forward to plow Gruetzemacher to the ground near the fence. Gruetzemacher reaches behind him and lands several solid elbow strikes to the side of Skelly's head. Skelly repositions himself on Gruetzemacher's back and slaps on a rear-naked choke, sinking in his second hook just as Gruetzemacher taps in submission.

The Official Result

Chas Skelly def. Chris Gruetzemacher via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 2:01

Adam Milstead vs. Curtis Blaydes

Round 1

Blaydes shoots in after 10 seconds and easily floors Milstead with an early takedown. Milstead climbs back to his feet, only to be suplexed back to the mat instantly by the larger man. Again, Milstead stands, and again Blaydes hurls him back down. Milstead kneels at the fence and tries to come up again, but this time Blaydes is putting all of his weight on the Pittsburgh native's back, peppering with left hands from the rear. Milstead is back up at the 90-second mark, only to be dumped back to the ground 10 seconds later. Blaydes throws knees to Milstead's thighs and posterior; Milstead gets to his feet for a moment before his right leg appears to buckle and he takes a knee again. Blaydes lands some harder punches now, including one to the back of the head, for which he is warned by referee Kerry Hatley. Milstead is pulled away from the cage and drops to his back, where he grabs for an arm or leg from guard. Blaydes stands up and allows Milstead to do the same, and the heavyweights are back to striking with 70 seconds left. Blaydes hits another seemingly effortless takedown at the fence and keeps Milstead on the ground until the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Blaydes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Blaydes
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Blaydes

Round 2

Blaydes shoots inside early again and winds up with a rear waistlock, which he uses to ride Milstead down to his knees at the foot of the fence. Milstead stands up with his back to the wall, Blaydes still draped all over his left side. Blaydes sweeps the left leg out from underneath Milstead, causing Milstead's right knee to bend the wrong way. Milstead lets out a scream and clutches his injured leg as referee Hatley rushes in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Curtis Blaydes def. Adam Milstead via TKO (Knee Injury) R2 0:59

Angela Hill vs. Jessica Andrade

Round 1

Andrade inches forward in the opening minute, while Hill bounces backward, staying light on her toes while flicking out leg kicks and jabs. Andrade tries to grab hold of one kick, but Hill backpedals and reels in the limb. Andrade tags Hill with a right hand as Hill backs up against the cage, but Hill swings back and circles away to escape being trapped. Hill scores with a knee to the body, answered by Andrade with a right hand. Andrade tries to corner Hill on the fence, connects with another right hand, but again Hill is able to bail out. Andrade keeps pressing forward and slings power punches with both hands, tagging Hill at the fence once again. Hill is eating everything Andrade has to offer and continuing to fire back; likewise, Andrade walks through the striker's counters and continues to work strong body-head combinations. Hill gets turned around during one exchange and is jammed against the cage, where Andrade catches her with another pair of hard rights. Andrade scores with a left hook-uppercut, throws in a body shot and keeps marching after Hill in the final minute. Hill seems unfazed as Andrade tags her with another stinging right in the closing seconds, but there's no doubt Andrade is landing hard shots.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Andrade

Round 2

Continuing her forward press at the start of round two, Andrade lands a pair of inside leg kicks and then swipes her left hand across Hill's face. Andrade appears to hurt Hill with a shot to the body, but as she's back up to the wall, Hill grabs the Brazilian in the Thai clinch and delivers a hard knee to the face. Andrade comes up with a cut under her right eye, but she's still coming forward, still pressuring Hill with big power shots. Andrade chases Hill across the cage with a body shot and a right hook across the face. Hill still looks fresh and light on her feet despite absorbing a couple dozen hard shots from Andrade to this point. Andrade gets Hill against the cage and explodes with a flurry of body punches and uppercuts. Again, Hill is able to take the punishment and circle out of danger, back to the center of the cage. Andrade walks forward, into a right hand from Hill, but "Bate Estaca" hardly stops for a moment before she's swinging punches again. With one minute left, Andrade gets hold of a single-leg and spins Hill to the ground, then begins the process of establishing back-mount. Hill goes to her knees, leaving Andrade in riding position, landing punches from behind. Hill gets back to her feet for a moment, only to be picked up and tossed back to the floor before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Andrade

Round 3

Andrade moves Hill backward to the fence and lands a right hand, prompting both women to begin slinging with punches with both hands; Andrade appears to get the better of the exchange. Andrade goes to the body with a right hand, comes upstairs and knocks slobber out of Hill's mouth with a clubbing left hook. Hill hardly blinks, just keeps circling backward while Andrade continues her forward motion. Andrade hurts Hill with a right hook to the temple, but the wounded Hill knocks Andrade to the ground with a stiff jab to the chest. Andrade springs back to her feet and stuns Hill with a left hook on the chin, steps in to follow up with a knee. Hill stays standing, though, ducking and weaving to try and avoid Andrade's bombs. Down to the final minute of the fight, Andrade continues to bring the pressure, constantly moving Hill backward with body shots and power punches. Andrade catches Hill leaning in and lands a knee, but Hill gets her head off center for Andrade's flying follow-up.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Andrade (30-27 Andrade)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade (30-27 Andrade)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Andrade (30-26 Andrade)

The Official Result

Jessica Andrade def. Angela Hill via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Anthony Hamilton vs. Marcel Fortuna

Round 1

The heavyweights tangle in the first 30 seconds, and it's Hamilton who comes away landing a hard body punch. The next time they come close, the big men clash heads and Fortuna is cut open at the corner of his right eye. Hamilton shoves the Californian against the fence but can't get much going in the clinch. Shortly after they separate, referee Herb Dean pauses the action so the cageside physician can check on Fortuna's cut. Fortuna is cleared to continue, and the fight is back on with about three minutes on the clock. Hamilton comes swinging forward with a big right hand, but it's Fortuna who connects with a check right hook that nearly takes the legs out from under the "Freight Train." Fortuna circles back to the center, resets and steps into the pocket with an overhand right that connects right on Hamilton's left temple. Hamilton drops face-first to the canvas, tries to climb back to his feet and falls against the fence, while Fortuna strides away coolly, raising his arm in victory after a walk-off knockout.

The Official Result

Marcel Fortuna def. Anthony Hamilton via KO (Punch) R1 3:10

Ovince St. Preux vs. Volkan Oezdemir

Round 1

Oezdemir looks to corner "OSP" on the fence in the first 30 seconds, pressing forward with punches and high kicks. St. Preux gets pushed against the wall with an underhook but nearly reverses with a trip; the 205ers land in the whizzer, then jump back to their feet to continue striking. Oezdemir gets St. Preux backpedaling again and this time clips the southpaw with a high kick, now a right hook. St. Preux stays standing and plants his feet to return fire with a left hand, and now Oezdemir backs off a bit. "OSP" digs a front kick into Oezdemir's midsection, the second hard kick to the body he's landed in this opening round. With two minutes on the clock, Oezdemir clinches St. Preux on the fence, dropping levels for a takedown and then coming back up with an underhook. St. Preux breaks loose, Oezdemir presses forward again, but this time St. Preux is waiting with a pair of punches. Despite his best efforts, St. Preux gets backed up against the fence again, where Oezdemir clubs him with a couple hard right hands in the final seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir

Round 2

St. Preux gets Oezdemir backing up with some hard, straight punches, but Oezdemir cracks back with an overhand right as they near the fence again. St. Preux drops levels for a double-leg attempt, spins Oezdemir against the cage and trips him to the ground. Oezdemir is back on his feet seconds later, spins around to neutralize St. Preux's rear waistlock and then separates. St. Preux is breathing heavier now but still attacking Oezdemir with bursts of power punches. Oezdemir continues to pick at the lead leg of the former Tennessee Volunteer with hard kicks. St. Preux switches to orthodox stance and snaps off a few more front kicks to Oezdemir's midsection as they enter the final minute of round two. Both men are slowing down, looking tired and throwing more single strikes in the last 60 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 St. Preux

Round 3

St. Preux wastes little time in running Oezdemir against the wall and clinching up, then separating with a knee to the gut. Oezdemir tries to step inside and is cut off by St. Preux's jab, but "OSP" misses with a hard left hook follow-up. Oezdemir walks at St. Preux with his head lowered, and the UFC veteran clubs him with a labored left hand. The 205ers come back to the middle of the cage with half the round left to fight. St. Preux is the busier man through the middle of the round, while Oezdemir's volume and accuracy both have dropped off significantly. St. Preux is controlling the cage, marching Oezdemir around the perimeter. St. Preux digs a left hand into Oezdemir's gut, backs him up to the wall with another body blow. "OSP" takes a few punches in return, but Oezdemir is rocked by a left hook to the jaw, an overhand right, another body punch, now another overhand in a wild closing exchange.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 St. Preux (29-28 St. Preux)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 St. Preux (29-28 St. Preux)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 St. Preux (29-28 St. Preux)

The Official Result

Volkan Oezdemir def. Ovince St. Preux via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

James Vick vs. Abel Trujillo

Round 1

Trujillo takes the center of the cage and presses outward on the taller Vick, who circles with his back near the fence. Vick flicks out long jabs and nearly connects with a head kick, but it's Trujillo who takes control of the fight after two minutes by shooting in and completing a takedown at the base of the fence. Vick sits up against the wall and loops his left arm around Trujillo's head, threatening a guillotine. There doesn't appear to be anything on the choke at the moment, but it's enough to slow Trujillo's progress as he postures up in Vick's half guard. Trujillo pulls his head free with 1:40 on the clock, and he loses control of Vick shortly afterward. The lightweights stand and separate to resume striking with one minute left. Vick misses with an uppercut but gets Trujillo to turn and then hits "Killa" with a body kick. Vick catches the incoming Trujillo with a straight right, prompting Trujillo to shoot and get caught in another headlock in the last seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Vick
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vick
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Vick

Round 2

Vick does well to control the distance again in the early part of round two, but when he leaps at Trujillo to close the distance, Trujillo is waiting with a counterpunch. Trujillo tries a shot on the fence, Vick keeps a wide base and stays standing. Once they fight off the fence, Vick uses his length to land a few high knees, then stuffs a takedown and forces Trujillo to the ground instead. Vick frames up a tight brabo/D'arce choke and rolls to his left side, squeezing hard to try and force a tap, but Trujillo's neck looks open on the right side. Vick keeps hold of the choke and rolls on top, where Trujillo finally frees his neck. This leaves Vick on top in side control with nearly a minute left to work. "The Texecutioner" immediately goes for another choke, but this attempt doesn't last long. Trujillo jumps back to his feet in the final 20 seconds and gets kneed in the body by Vick as they break.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Vick
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vick
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Vick

Round 3

Trujillo presses forward at the onset and walks into a big knee from Vick, and "Killa" immediately wobbles backward. Vick tries to tee up his dazed opponent for a follow-up punch, but Trujillo still has the sense to return fire as he's backed up against the fence. Trujillo shoots for a desperate takedown; Vick sprawls, frames up the same brabo choke and forces Trujillo to his back. This time, the choke is tight and Trujillo has no choice but to submit.

The Official Result

James Vick def. Abel Trujillo via Submission (Brabo Choke) R3 0:49

Alexa Grasso vs. Felice Herrig

Round 1

Herrig presses out from the center of the cage, bouncing a few punches off Grasso's high guard in the opening 90 seconds. Grasso throws a leaping kick and slips to the ground, but she turns the mistake into an opportunity with a heel hook attempt. Herrig pulls the leg free and allows Grasso back to her feet as they near the midway point of round one. The slow pace resumes and continues down the stretch, Herrig pushing forward but neither woman really committing to their attacks. Grasso is throwing a lot of middle and high kicks, seemingly to keep Herrig at range. Grasso scores with a good right hand in the last 20 seconds, gets clipped back and finishes with a shot to Herrig's body.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Herrig
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Herrig

Round 2

Herrig comes over the top to land an early right hand in round two; the "Lil Bulldog" remains the more active fighter, though like Grasso, her striking accuracy could use some improvement. Herrig is starting to counter Grasso's low kicks with solid right hands. Kicks are making up the bulk of Grasso's output at this point, with few punches coming from the Mexican so far in round two. Herrig ducks under a left hook and springs back up to deliver a right hand to the side of Grasso's face. Grasso begins swinging some harder punches in the final 30 seconds; Herrig shoots for a takedown and runs into a knee from Grasso, but Herrig walks through it and pushes the unbeaten fighter against the fence as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Herrig
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Herrig
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Herrig

Round 3

Grasso spends the first minute of the final round stepping forward but not throwing all that much, though she does manage to ding Herrig with a hard kick to the ribs. Herrig shoots for a takedown, nearly gets reversed but rolls through and puts Grasso on her back. Grasso uses a kimura to sweep and escape to her feet. Grasso is beginning to string together a few punches between her body and leg kicks, but it's still Herrig scoring with right-handed counters from her back foot. Herrig snaps back Grasso's head with a pair of jabs in quick succession. Grasso continues to step forward with 80 seconds left, shuts down a double-leg shot and shoves Herrig against the cage. Herrig breaks free with 40 seconds on the clock, eats a right hand and takes a body kick from Grasso. The Mexican fighter finishes strong, backing Herrig against the fence with a left hook and a hard body kick, and both women are still swinging when time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Grasso (29-28 Herrig)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grasso (29-29 Draw)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Grasso (29-28 Herrig)

The Official Result

Felice Herrig def. Alexa Grasso via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Dennis Bermudez vs. Chan Sung Jung

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight's five-round featherweight main event. Bermudez shoots in behind his first right hand but can't get hold of Jung's legs. The American sticks a jab, gets wrapped up and spun against the fence, but he hits the "Korean Zombie" with a knee as they split. Jung eats another punch, brings the fight back to the fence and takes a body-head combo from Bermudez as they disengage again. Bermudez comes over the top with a right hand, steps back and hits the incoming Jung with an outside leg kick. Jung stuffs another shot from Bermudez and backs up to the fence, and now the "Zombie" raises his hands, inviting Bermudez to trade. Bermudez pulls up short on a left hand, leans in to throw a jab and gets blown up by Jung's perfectly timed counter uppercut. Bermudez collapses in a heap and takes a couple more punches to the side of the head as referee Dean steps in to rescue the dazed fighter.

The Official Result

Chan Sung Jung def. Dennis Bermudez via KO (Punch) R1 2:49
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