

UFC Fight Night 109 ‘Gustafsson vs. Teixeira’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog.com's live coverage of UFC Fight Night 109 “Gustafsson vs. Teixeira” kicks off Sunday at 10 a.m. ET from the Ericsson Globe in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Damir Hadzovic vs. Marcin Held

Round 1

Hadzovic reddens the nose of Held with an early jab, but the Polish fighter strikes back with a straight right of his own. It's Hadzovic controlling the middle of the cage in the first half of the round, moving Held around the outside. Held steps back to the middle and surprises Hadzovic with a collar tie and some quick uppercuts, then disengages. Two minutes in, Held wraps up Hadzovic in a high double-leg and drives him to the ground in the center. Straight to side control goes Held, leaning left to right across the "Bosnian Bomber." Hadzovic reclaims half guard, then closed guard as they enter the final two minutes of round one. Held passes to Hadzovic's deep half guard but again gets pushed back. Hadzovic tries an elevator sweep, but when Held drops back and threatens with a heel hook, Hadzovic is forced to remain on his back. Held takes Hadzovic's back in a late scramble but can't secure a choke in the final 20 seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Held
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Held
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Held

Round 2

Held is quick to return to the takedown in the second frame, putting Hadzovic on the ground within seconds and then advancing to the Bosnian's back over the next minute. Hadzovic stands up, wearing Held as a backpack as he leans against the fence. Hadzovic peels away Held's legs, and now Held drops to his feet as he's pressed against the cage. The lightweights trade a few body punches before working off the fence, where Held changes levels for another easy takedown. Hadzovic tries to sit up and gets caught in a D'arce setup; he's able to free himself from the choke, but it leaves Held in side control with more than a minute to work. Hadzovic reclaims full guard; as he tries to prevent Held from passing, he rolls over and gives up his back. Held drops a few punches from behind and again finishes the round on Hadzovic's back.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Held
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Held
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Held

Round 3

Held shoots in behind a right hand and drives his head straight into a perfectly timed Hadzovic knee. Held drops to the ground, out cold, and Hadzovic strolls off with a stunning, come-from-behind knockout victory.

The Official Result

Damir Hadzovic def. Marcin Held via KO (Knee) R3 0:07

Jessin Ayari vs. Darren Till

Round 1

After a slow 90 seconds to start the fight, Till steps in with a straight left hand that puts Ayari on his back foot. Till stays measured and walks down his retreating opponent, clipping Ayari with another left hand and a blocked head kick. Ayari tries to tie up and gets taken down, but the fighters quickly come back to their feet. Till hits another trip from the clinch, nearly takes Ayari's back in the scramble, but again the fighters return to striking. Ayari swipes at Till with pawing left hands, but Till seems unfazed by the strikes which have reddened the right side of his face and continues to move forward until the end of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Till
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Till
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Till

Round 2

Ayari swings forward with a cluster of early right hands but finds the mark more successfully with a body kick. Ayari makes an ill-advised rush into the pocket, leaves his head leaning forward and gets dinged with a short left to the temple. Till chases down Ayari as he tumbles to the ground, but Ayari regains his wits quickly and throws up a triangle, then an armbar. Till stacks up and slams his way clear, and now it's Till atop Ayari in the center of the cage with 3:30 on the clock. Till stands over Ayari, kneels down again, but now Ayari kicks him away and scrambles back up. Now it's Ayari shooting for a takedown, then transitioning to Till's back while standing. Till scrapes him off against the fence, and a few seconds later, Ayari goes down after another short punch to the temple. Till tries to finish with ground-and-pound, slamming Ayari's face with heavy elbows, but Ayari gets hold of the Englishman's wrists to slow the assault and survive to the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Till
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Till
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Till

Round 3

Ayari steps inside to deliver a hard knee to Till's midsection, but he's forced back out just as quickly when the southpaw tags him with a crisp left. Till is showboating a bit now, winding up his left hand, ducking and feinting in front of Ayari. The Englishman flicks a few left high kicks at Ayari's head, but they're all deflected. Ayari is trying to get something going here, but he's still having trouble getting inside on the rangier and seemingly fresher man. Till scores with a step-in knee to the ribs, pops Ayari with a jab, then pokes the German with a finger in the left eye. Till apologizes immediately as referee Neil Hall steps in to pause the action. Ayari is cleared to recover, and the fight resumes with 50 seconds on the clock. Ayari lunges at Till with a big right hand, but Till is on his bike, shuffling and dancing away from his desperate opponent. Ayari is still coming forward when the final horn sounds, and this one will go to the judges.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Till (30-27 Till)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Till (30-27 Till)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Till (30-27 Till)

The Official Result

Darren Till def. Jessin Ayari via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-27) R3 5:00

Nicholas Musoke vs. Bojan Velickovic

Round 1

Musoke pushes forward with a string of punches aimed at the southpaw Velickovic, who backpedals to avoid the early attack. Musoke continues to move toward the Serbian until he's close enough to clinch, then trip Velickovic to the ground at the base of the fence. The Swede triangles Velickovic's legs while wrapping up his waist, keeping him grounded at the fence. Velickovic slowly work his way back to his feet, but not before absorbing a few punches and a knee to the body. It's slow going in the striking department, and with 60 seconds on the clock, Musoke catches another kick and uses it to drive Velickovic back to the wall. Velickovic is quicker to escape this time, now now it's "Serbian Steel" shooting a high double. Musoke denies the takedown attempt, and both men finish the round on their feet.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke

Round 2

Velickovic is on the advance early in the second, but it's Musoke who strikes hardest in the early going of the round, tagging Velickovic with a counter left hand. Musoke circles out to take the center of the cage and now moves Velickovic around the edge with jabs and high kicks. Velickovic narrowly avoids a big right high kick With 90 seconds remaining, Velickovic changes levels and hits a takedown, then plants a few solid punches on Musoke as they climb back to their feet. Now it's Musoke's turn to trap Velickovic on the wall, and the Swede does work in the clinch with short punches and knees. Velickovic wraps a few punches around the back of Musoke's head before shoving him away and circling back to the middle as time expires.

Round 3

Musoke keeps the smaller man at bay with long jabs and head kicks, now mixing in some chops to Velickovic's lead leg. Musoke dives in behind a right hand, nearly gets snared in a choke, but rolls through and escapes to his feet, pushing Velickovic's back agains the cage in the process. Musoke tries a double-leg, can't get it, and now disengages from the clinch with 2:35 on the clock. Velickovic tries a shot of his own, can't get anything going and now returns to striking with just about a minute and a half to go. Velickovic takes a few swings at Musoke, who strikes back with a straight right to the jaw. In the next exchange, Velickovic connects with a clean right hook to the temple that takes out Musoke's equilibrium and sends him staggering backward. Velickovic pounces as Musoke drops to his back, polishing off his wounded opponent with a coffin-nail right hand on the ground. Referee Kevin Sataki rushes in to stop the fight as Bojan Velickovic become the first man to knock out Nico Musoke.

The Official Result

Bojan Velickovic def. Nicholas Musoke via KO (Punches) R3 4:37

Joaquim Silva vs. Reza Madadi

Round 1

Silva comes over the top with a glancing right hand, backs up a few paces and hits the incoming Madadi with a switch kick to the body. Madadi looks to clinch up and is shoved away by "Netto BJJ," but the Iran native's next attempt yields a takedown. Silva posts and stands almost immediately, but Madadi secures another takedown before the second minute of the bout is over. Now it's Madadi in half guard, working from Silva's right side in the center of the cage. Silva pivots to put Madadi in closed guard; Madadi continues to grind away on top, landing short punches while Silva ties up from the bottom, looking to referee Marc Goddard for a stand-up order. Silva throws up an armbar, but Madadi snuffs it out almost immediately. Shucking off another armbar attempt, Madadi passes to side control once again, then tries to mount but is denied as the horn sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Madadi

Round 2

Silva lunges forward with punches, forcing Madadi to back up, then knocks the off-balance "Mad Dog" to the ground with a body kick. Madadi jumps back to his feet, seemingly no worse for wear as he pops back at the Brazilian with a right hand. Madadi shoots in to complete a quick takedown, but Silva is back on his feet within seconds this time. A brief clinch on the fence ends with a solid right hook from Madadi; Silva responds straight away with a left high kick to the jaw that gets Madadi's attention. Silva hurts Madadi with a body kick, but Madadi whirls around with a spinning elbow to the face that slows the Brazilian's progress. Madadi whiffs on the next spinning attack but lands an uppercut behind it. He tries to shoot and is twice denied. Silva sprawls on a third shot and gets an uppercut to the jaw on his way back up. Madadi stays on his back foot in the closing moments, twice sidestepping telegraphed jump knees from Silva.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Silva
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 3

Silva comes out swinging and forces Madadi to cover up with his back to the fence. "Netto BJJ" tees off with combinations, getting through with a few uppercuts, but Madadi is able to deflect most of the strikes. Madadi shoots for a takedown and completes it, but has to extract himself from a guillotine as they hit the ground. Silva works back to his feet, jumps guard and immediately loses the choke. Back up comes SIlva, only to be taken down again, this time with 3:30 left to fight. Madadi seems content to grind away from close quarters in Silva's tight closed guard. Silva bumps and rolls, escaping to his feet with half the round remaining. A straight right backs up Madadi, who tries a single-leg and is brushed aside. Silva knocks Madadi to the ground, tries to jump on his back but rides too high, and Madadi escapes out the back door. Madadi drives forward to work a single-leg, switches to a sacrifice throw and winds up on the bottom. Silva stands and dives back down atop Madadi with a heavy right hand. Silva is going for broke here in the final minute, but the space he leaves for strikes allows Madadi to get back to his feet. Madadi tries the same throw and again winds up underneath Silva, who finishes the fight dropping punches in Madadi's half guard.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva (29-28 Silva)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Silva (29-28 Silva)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva (29-28 Silva)

The Official Result

Joaquim Silva def. Reza Madadi via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Chris Camozzi vs. Trevor Smith

Round 1

Smith opens with an inside leg kick, leans inside with a few right hands for the taller man, then changes levels and drives Camozzi to the ground near the fence. Camozzi gets wrist control on Smith's right arm and drops back with an omoplata, but Smith kneels on the Coloradoan's head and forces him to release the submission attempt. Camozzi rolls to his knees and gets socked in the face by Smith a few times before he can stand. Smith keeps Camozzi trapped against the cage with an underhook. Smith switches to double underhooks and gets his head underneath Camozzi's chin. Camozzi pulls down Smith's head in the Thai clinch and narrowly misses with a knee; Smith returns fire with a body shot of his own before completing another takedown. Camozzi wraps up Smith in his guard as the middleweights enter the final minute of round one. Smith stands over Camozzi, drops a hard punch on his jaw and comes back down in side control. Smith looks to be setting up an arm-triangle choke, can't secure it and instead drops a few short punches on Camozzi as time expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Smith

Round 2

Smith hits an early takedown and jams Camozzi up against the base of the fence, triangling his right leg and holding him in place to land right-handed body shots. Camozzi drops to his back and takes a few short shots to the face as he shifts his guard, looking to catch Smith leaving an arm dangling while ground-and-pounding. Smith stays heavy and tight on top, only posturing up to create enough space for a left hand or stapling elbow. Camozzi throws up an armbar, but again Smith works his way free by stepping over and kneeling on the striker's head. Camozzi is bloodied around the left eye now after absorbing a few dozen shots on the ground. Smith is starting to overwhelm his opponent with his smothering ground game, as he mounts Camozzi and then transitions to back-mount with 70 seconds to go. Camozzi flips over to put his back on the ground, using butterfly guard to prevent Smith from mounting again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Smith

Round 3

Camozzi stuffs Smith's first takedown attempt but still gets tangled up with "Hot Sauce." Smith brings the fight to the fence, pressing Camozzi against the cage with an underhook, then a bodylock. Smith works a trip takedown 75 seconds into the final frame, but Camozzi is back on his feet quickly this time, and referee Kevin Sataki separates the fighters soon afterward. It only takes a few seconds for Smith to get hold of Camozzi and push him back to the wall. Smith completes another takedown on the bloody-nosed Camozzi as they hit the midway point of the round. Smith's ground-and-pound has dropped off now in favor of smothering top control. Smith briefly achieves full mount, gets pushed back to half, now back to mount with 45 seconds to go. Camozzi turns to his side, gets a knee in and forces Smith back to butterfly guard.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith (30-26 Smith)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Smith (30-26 Smith)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Smith (30-26 Smith)

The Official Result

Trevor Smith def. Chris Camozzi via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27) R3 5:00

Pedro Munhoz vs. Damian Stasiak

Round 1

Munhoz lands a body kick and has to yank back his right leg before Stasiak can catch hold. The Brazilian ducks under a right hand from Stasiak and returns fire with a short right hand before bouncing another kick off Stasiak's forearms. Stasiak throws a few combination but can't navigate past Munhoz's mitts. Now it's Stasiak diving under a Munhoz punch to score a takedown; Munhoz grabs a guillotine on the way down which forces Stasiak to bail out and escape to his feet. With two minutes on the clock, Munhoz comes over the top with a cracking right hand, but Stasiak absorbs it well. Stasiak hits Munhoz with a hard clinch knee, then an uppercut as the "Young Punisher" dives in to try a takedown which does not materialize. Munhoz zaps Stasiak with a left hook in the final 30 seconds, tries for another takedown but is denied again by the Polish fighter.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Munhoz
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Munhoz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Munhoz

Round 2

Stasiak dodges an overhand right from Munhoz, spins around with a kick that bounces of the Brazilian's right forearm. Munhoz keeps the pressure on as he follows Stasiak around the edge of the cage with heavy right hands and kicks. Stasiak strikes back with a hard lead uppercut, catches a kick and tries for a takedown, but Munhoz sprawls. Munhoz grabs Stasiak's neck for a guillotine setup, then spins to take the back of his kneeling opponent. Stasiak scrapes Munhoz off his back with the help of the cage, and the bantamweights are back to striking with two minutes left in the round. Stasiak is getting more active with his combinations late in the round, keeping his hands in Munhoz's face, but when he tries to take down the Brazilian off a caught kick, Munhoz denies him.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Munhoz
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Munhoz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Munhoz

Round 3

Stasiak denies a pair of takedown attempts from Munhoz in the first 30 seconds of the round, then escapes a brief guillotine choke. Munhoz is bringing the pressure, marching on Stasiak with a steady barrage of right hands. Stasiak has a left high kick blocked, ties up with Munhoz and drops to guard, where the pace of the bout almost immediately slows to a crawl. Referee Neil Hall brings the 135ers back to their feet with three minutes left in the bout. Munhoz uses the Thai clinch to hit Stasiak with a pair of knees. Munhoz bounces a right hook off Stasiak's temple. Stasiak tries to answer with several punches which bounce off Munhoz's guard. Munhoz uses a front headlock to break Stasiak down to his knees, then jumps on his back with one hook in. Stasiak works back to his feet, but only for a moment, as Munhoz keeps hold of a rear waistlock and hurls him back to the mat. The sequence repeats again, then again, Munhoz never letting go of his grip around Stasiak's waist. Stasiak finally frees himself with 15 seconds on the clock; both bantamweights start swinging, with Stasiak landing a spinning body kick and Munhoz a right hand.

The Official Result

Pedro Munhoz def. Damian Stasiak via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jack Hermansson vs. Alex Nicholson

Round 1

Hermansson hops in circles around Nicholson, then shoots in for a long takedown and gets caught in a headlock on his way down. Hermansson escapes the choke by passing to side control on the opposite side, then drops a few short elbows to Nicholson's face from the left side. Nicholson tries to bump and roll but gets held down, his face exposed briefly for a few punches from Hermansson. Nicholson rolls to his stomach and Hermansson attaches himself to his back, then begin unloading with thunderous punches. Referee Bobby Rehman is having a close look, and as the belly-down Nicholson continues to absorb unanswered strikes, the ref steps in to halt the contest.

The Official Result

Jack Hermansson def. Alex Nicholson via TKO (Punches) R1 2:00

Oliver Enkamp vs. Nordine Taleb

Round 1

Taleb presses forward at the start, moving Enkamp backward toward the fence, but Enkamp creates some space by pushing the Canadian backward with a kick to the midsection. Taleb resumes his forward pressure, now attacking Enkamp's lead leg with low kicks. Enkamp is standing very close to the fence, now trying to check Taleb's leg kicks. Enkamp shoots in to try a takedown, can't complete it but manages to push Taleb against the fence. Taleb widens his base and underhooks an arm as Enkamp tries to complete the double. Enkamp wrestles Taleb to the mat, can't keep him there, but knocks the off-balance veteran back to the ground with an awkward combination. Back on the feet, it's Taleb coming forward once again, now with 90 seconds on the clock. The welterweights tangle in the Thai clinch, Taleb connecting with a right hand while Enkamp scores with a few knees to the body. Taleb trips Enkamp to the ground and comes down in top position for the first time with 45 seconds remaining in the round. Enkamp throws up his legs, fishing for a triangle or armbar, but Taleb jams him against the base of the fence and passes to side control.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Enkamp
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Enkamp
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Enkamp

Round 2

More forward pressure from Taleb as the second stanza begins, but Enkamp is fending him off with spinning kicks. Taleb gets close enough to land a right hand which clearly stings Enkamp, but the UFC newcomer appears to recover quickly. Enkamp is coming up empty on almost all of his spinning attacks, and now he takes a left hook on the end of a Taleb combination. Taleb easily defends a long takedown attempt, and suddenly Enkamp is breathing heavily, his movement looking more labored. Enkamp shoots again, and this time Taleb catches him in a front headlock off the sprawl. Taleb slips to his knees and Enkamp tries to blitz him, but Taleb flips him over the top and onto his back. Now it's Taleb in side control on Enkamp's right side with 80 seconds left in the middle frame. Enkamp rolls to his knees, keeping control of Taleb's right wrist to try and prevent having his back taken. Enkamp rolls through to put Taleb in guard for the last few seconds of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Taleb
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Taleb
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Taleb

Round 3

Taleb's left hook is the best and cleanest shot landed in the first minute of the round, and the Canadian sprawls on another long takedown try from Enkamp soon after. Taleb slips to the ground on a punch, but Enkamp can't capitalize before Taleb is back on his feet. Body shot lands for Taleb, now a jab as he catches Enkamp stepping into the pocket. Taleb catches a body kick under his left arm, takes a straight right on the nose as Enkamp hops on one foot, but gives the youngster a hard leg kick in return before releasing. Enkamp keeps trying to step inside but is being picked off by Taleb's left hand each time. Taleb times Enkamp's next entry and hits a takedown at the fence; Enkamp looks for a guillotine as he sits up against the cage, but nothing materializes. Taleb sets up in side control with 65 seconds remaining, and that may just be it for Enkamp, who has struggled to generate opportunities off his back throughout the fight, despite an active guard. Taleb stuffs a late triangle attempt and drops an elbow on Enkamp's face, then a few more for good measure before the final horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Taleb (29-28 Taleb)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Taleb (29-28 Taleb)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Taleb (29-28 Taleb)

The Official Result

Nordine Taleb def. Oliver Enkamp via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Omari Akhmedov vs. Abdul Razak Alhassan

Round 1

Akhmedov fires a front kick to fend off the advancing Alhassan, who gets caught stumbling on his back foot and is taken down by "Wolverine" in the opening minute. Alhassan climbs back to his feet and resumes his forward movement, backing up Akhmedov to the fence. Akhmedov ducks under a huge right hand from Alhassan and hits the Texan with a counter right on the other side. Another takedown for Akhmedov plants Alhassan in the center of the cage, but Alhassan elevates and escapes again. Halfway through the round, it's Alhassan on the advance again, bouncing a right hand off Akhmedov's forearm. Akhmedov dodges another right hand and clips Alhassan with another counter. Alhassan is whiffing badly on his power punches, while Akhmedov's more measured jabs and counters continue to connect. Both men land right hands in a close-quarters exchange, and Alhassan eats a left from the Dagestan native shortly afterward.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov

Round 2

Akhmedov resumes his circling around the edge of the cage while Alhassan stalks him from the center. Alhassan is starting to find a home for his right hand, but Akhmedov puts an end to his momentum with a powerful takedown. Akhmedov stands over Alhassan, trying to control his legs, but "Judo Thunder" bursts back to his feet. Akhmedov shoots again and plants Alhassan on his seat at the base of the fence with just over half the round remaining. Alhassan is back on his feet within seconds, now stepping forward again. A short right hand from Alhassan appears to stun Akhmedov, whose left eye immediately begins swelling. Alhassan is looking to finish the job with more right hands when Akhmedov changes levels and hits another power double near the center of the cage. Akhmedov moves from side control to pin down Alhassan's arms in the crucifix. Alhassan gets his left hand free, just enough to block Akhmedov's punches and buy himself more time at the end of the frame.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alhassan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov

Round 3

It's all forward movement from Alhassan in the opening minute of the final frame, but the knockout artist's pace and output have dropped off significantly. Alhassan reverses an Akhmedov takedown attempt and backs up the Dagestani against the fence to land a few punches, but Akhmedov shows his strong beard and absorbs the strikes well. Over the top comes Alhassan with another heavy right hand; Akhmedov circles to his right, latches on to a single-leg and takes down Alhassan a few feet away from the wall. Full mount for Akhmedov now with more than two minutes remaining in the bout. Alhassan tries to escape and winds up stranded on his side, then rolls to his back again. Akhmedov looks exhausted as he drops slow-motion punches and elbows from mount. Alhassan simply powers his way out of the bad position, bumping and shoving Akhmedov away to scramble up with one minute left to fight. Akhmedov pins Alhassan against the wall with a double-leg attempt and holds him there until the final horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov (29-28 Akhmedov)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov (30-27 Akhmedov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Akhmedov (30-27 Akhmedov)

The Official Result

Omari Akhmedov def. Abdul Razak Alhassan via Split Decision (30-27, 30-27, 28-29) R3 5:00

Ben Saunders vs. Peter Sobotta

Round 1

Sobotta stings Saunders with his first punch of the fight, but Saunders covers up and regains his composure up against the fence, withstanding Sobotta's brief follow-up attack. The welterweights move back to the center of the cage, the rangy Saunders establishing himself in the middle and pushing Sobotta to the outside with long strikes. Still, Sobotta's brief bursts of striking seem the more dangerous shots. Sobotta catches a kick, can't trip up Saunders, and the 170-pounders continue to strike in the middle of the cage. Saunders is knocked to the ground by a Sobotta right hand, but when Sobotta pounces to try and polish off the American, Saunders neutralizes the threat with rubber guard. Saunders looks to have recovered as he continues to hold Sobotta in tight guard for the final 30 seconds of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Sobotta
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sobotta
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Sobotta

Round 2

Saunders marches forward on Sobotta, pulling up short on half a dozen jabs before snapping back Sobotta's head with a stiff right. Sobotta is on his back foot when he wobbles Saunders for the second time in the bout, but again he can't find the finish as Saunders somehow regains his footing up against the wall. Saunders' grill is bloodied as he staggers backward, eating more jabs from Sobotta. A left hand to the temple folds Saunders' legs; he springs back up, but Sobotta is waiting with a crushing clinch knee, and Saunders goes down again. This time, referee Neil Hall has seen enough and rushes in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Peter Sobotta def. Ben Saunders via TKO (Punches and Knee) R2 2:29

Misha Cirkunov vs. Volkan Oezdemir

Round 1

Oezdemir catches a kick and slugs Cirkunov with a straight right counter. Cirkunov pulls the leg back and rushes forward, forcing Oezdemir backward with a flurry of punches including an uppercut and a right hand to the grill. As he backs up, Oezdemir throws a short right counter that doesn't look like much but lands directly behind Cirkunov's left ear, sending him crashing face-first to the canvas. Referee Kevin Sataki rushes in to stop the bout as Volkan Oezdemir leaves the Stockholm crowd stunned with a massive upset knockout.

The Official Result

Volkan Oezdemir def. Misha Cirkunov via KO (Punch) R1 0:28

Alexander Gustafsson vs. Glover Teixeira

Round 1

Referee Marc Goddard is the third man in the cage for tonight's 205-pound main event, with judges Ben Cartilidge, Andreas Gruner and Andy Roberts scoring at cageside. Teixeira takes the center of the cage and follows the hopping Gustafsson around the outside. The Swede strikes first with a hard low kick, but Teixeira steps forward to lift and slam Gustafsson with a high-crotch single. Gustafsson rolls through as soon as he touches the ground, scrambling to his feet and away from Teixeira's clutches. Gustafsson leans inside to land a jab and takes a short right-handed counter from the Brazilian. The next shot from Gustafsson, a lead uppercut, rocks Teixeira's head back, but Teixeira eats it and keeps marching forward. The lead uppercut lands again for Gustafsson, but this time his outstretched left hand catches Teixeira with a finger to the eye. Referee Goddard calls time and has the doctor examine Teixeira, who says he wants to continue fighting. When action resumes, Gustafsson connects with a straight right, another uppercut, then dashes out of range before Teixeira can return fire. Ninety seconds left in the opening round as "The Mauler" plunges inside with a stout left and follow-up right. Teixeira tries a single-leg, can't take down Gustafsson but pops him with a left hand on the break. Gustafsson continues to sprint around the outside while Teixeira tries to walk him down. Gustafsson is landing his lead uppercut at will, touching Teixeira with the right hand again before the end of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson

Round 2

Teixeira chases Gustafsson from the center again at the start of round two, until a step-in elbow strike from the Swede forces Teixeira backward a few steps. Gustafsson sprawls dangerously on a faked single-leg from Teixeira, leaving him dangerously on his knees in front of the Brazilian for a moment. Gustafsson rocks Teixeira's head with the uppercut once again, then sprints away from Teixeira's counter. Gustafsson rocks Texieira with a spinning elbow to the face and a heavy follow-up combination. Teixeira falls to his seat near the fence, but he powers back to his feet under pressure from the hometown favorite. Teixeira's face is a bloody mess, plasma leaking from his damaged nose. Gustafsson mixes a knee into his attack, connects with the uppercut again, but he continues to slip and stumble directly in front of Teixeira, leaving him in some dangerous positions. Gustafsson uses his length to slash Teixeira's face with a standing elbow. Teixeira answers with a pair of stiff jabs, has a right high kick blocked. Teixeira tries to get something going with combinations in the final 30 seconds, but Gustafsson is ready to dash away whenever the Brazilian begins to throw hands.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson

Round 3

Teixeira connects with a short left hand as he catches Gustafsson in the pocket early in the round. Gustafsson takes a few seconds and slugs him right back, felling Teixeira with yet another uppercut on the end of a combination. Gustafsson follows his dazed opponent to the floor, setting up in Teixeira's guard to drop more punches, now elbows. Teixeira tries an armbar, can't get it but manages to escape out the backdoor. The 205ers come to their feet, Teixeira shoving Gustafsson against the cage, but Gustafsson quickly reverses and trips Teixeira to the ground. Teixeira powers back to his feet midway through the round and moves back to the center after eating a knee. Gustafsson plays matador once again, angling away to his left and completely avoiding a big right hand. Teixeira eats another uppercut, now a jab, a kick to the body. Gustafsson takes a short left on the chin, but he was already moving away from the punch. Teixeira marches forward to throw more and walks into another uppercut. Gustafsson holds his left hand outstretched and follows through with a hard, straight right.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Gustafsson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Gustafsson

Round 4

Gustafsson goes back to cutting angles around the outside, hitting Teixeira with a body kick as the Brazilian presses forward. Teixeira gives him a hard low kick in return, catches Gustafsson with a short right hook in an exchange shortly afterward, but Gustafsson sprints away from danger once more. Gustafsson steps into the pocket, has an uppercut blocked but slams Teixeira with a level elbow right behind it. Gustafsson moves in to clinch, wraps up Teixeira on the wall with over-unders as they enter the third minute of the fight. Gustafsson releases and connects with an uppercut on his way out. The light heavyweights meet back in the middle, where Teixeira strings together a few jabs and a body shot. Gustafsson backs him off with an overhand right, now another huge uppercut. Gustafsson keeps Teixeira on the end of his front kicks, then comes forward to land the uppercut yet again. Another uppercut blasts the bloodied Teixeira in the final 10 seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gustafsson

Round 5

Gustafsson evades the pressure of Teixeira for the first 45 seconds of the round, but once Teixeira catches up, he slams the Swede with a heavy left hook. Teixeira keeps pressing and walks into a vicious trio of uppercuts, each one snapping his head backward. Gustafsson sizes up Teixeira for one last punch, an absolutely murderous right hook to the temple that finally puts Teixeira down for good. Referee Goddard steps in to halt the bout as Gustafsson strides away and the Stockholm crowd erupts.

The Official Result

Alexander Gustafsson def. Glover Teixeira via KO (Punches) R5 1:07
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