

UFC Fight Night 120 ‘Poirier vs. Pettis’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog's live UFC Fight Night 120 coverage kicks off live Saturday at 6:30 p.m. ET.

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Karl Roberson vs. Darren Stewart

Round 1

The southpaw Roberson is on his back foot early, evading a few spinning strikes from Stewart, who switches between stances as he hops forward. After a slow opening 90 seconds, Stewart land a leg kick and takes a body shot in return. Suddenly, Roberson rocks Stewart with a series of uppercuts in the clinch, forcing "The Dentist" to tie up on the fence and slow the pace. Robertson reverses and tosses Stewart to the floor, then jumps on the Englishman's back. Stewart gets to one knee as he tries to stand up against the fence. Roberson is hunting for a rear-naked choke with two minutes on the clock; he snakes his right arm around Stewart's neck but can't cinch it as Stewart peels away at this left hand. Roberson tries the RNC again and winds up with more of a short choke with his forearm across Stewart's neck. After a brief struggle, it's enough to force a tap from Stewart.

The Official Result

Karl Roberson def. Darren Stewart via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 3:41

Jake Collier vs. Marcel Fortuna

Round 1

Collier opens with a pair of low kicks but gets touched with a jab from the Brazilian in an early exchange. Another punch from Fortuna backs up Collier, but this time the American scores a left hook counter on his way back. Collier slips to the mat but jumps back to his feet before Fortuna can capitalize. Fortuna is pressuring with big, lunging combinations, hurling uppercuts and hooks at the wrestler. Collier walks into the pocket with his hands down and eats a stiff jab. The next jab catches Collier rushing forward and knocks him to the ground, though it looks like a partial slip. Fortuna is mixing up his punches to the body and head now, but Collier regains some ground with a left hook, followed by a spinning body kick that gets Fortuna backing up. Fortuna shoots for a double, gets stood up and spins to take Collier's back on the feet. Collier moves over to the fence, peels away Fortuna's hands and escapes with 2:00 on the clock. A big overhand left from Collier appears to stagger Fortuna, but he regains his footing. It's Collier pressing the action here in the second half of the round, and now he catches Fortuna with a spinning kick and another hard left hand. Collier catches a kick just before round's end but can't convert it to a takedown.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Collier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Collier
Josh Stillman scores the round 10-9 Collier

Round 2

Collier is on the march again early in the second frame, but he walks into a hard jab from Fortuna in his first attack. Fortuna hits a trip takedown and jumps straight on Collier's back. Collier stands with Fortuna locked on, both hooks in, but Collier quickly peels the hooks away and escapes. Collier charges forward again, backing up Fortuna to the wall and connecting with a hard spinning back kick. Fortuna is taking some deep breaths as he backs up, and the Brazilian's offense has dropped off significantly here in the second, mostly waiting to counter during Collier's attacks. Fortuna tries the standing rear waistlock again and gets shaken off almost instantly. Collier just keeps moving forward, starting to overwhelm Fortuna with his strikes. Fortuna tries a trip takedown, can't get it, but Collier goes down on the second attempt. Fortuna passes straight to full mount and tries an arm-triangle choke, but he can't get the squeeze from mount and Collier escapes. Seconds after he frees himself from the choke, Collier hits a sweep to wind up in top position with 45 seconds left. Collier tries to mount some late ground-and-pound, managing to land a few punches and elbows, but largely tied up from Fortuna on the bottom.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Collier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Collier
Josh Stillman scores the round 10-9 Collier

Round 3

Collier hits Fortuna with a nice left hook in his first flurry of punches, eats a jab in return but comes back with a left high kick. Fortuna is stuck moving backward again, constantly having to dodge or deflect punches. Collier snuffs out a single-leg attempt from the Brazilian, eats a left and gives Fortuna a nod. Collier goes straight back to his forward march, hitting Fortuna with a knee. Fortuna grabs the leg and appears to hit a takedown, but Collier sweeps as soon as they hit the ground and takes top position. Collier doesn't want to play in Fortuna's guard and asks referee Bill Bookwalter to stand him up. Collier is starting to mix in more leg kicks as he continues to pressure Fortuna in the middle of the round. Fortuna catches Collier leaning over and appears to sting the American with an overhand right. The Brazilian tries to capitalize with a kick and an elbow as he runs Collier against the fence. Collier recovers quickly, however, and he's soon back to walking Fortuna around the edge of the cage. Inside the final minute, Collier is still the busier and more accurate fighter in the exchanges, though Fortuna is still connecting with the occasional right hand. Fortuna goes for a late shot and eats a well-timed uppercut for Collier, who looks for a late takedown of his own and gets stuffed.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fortuna (29-28 Collier)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Collier (30-27 Collier)
Josh Stillman scores the round 10-9 Collier (30-27 Collier)

The Official Result

Jake Collier def. Marcel Fortuna via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Court McGee vs. Sean Strickland

Round 1

McGee lands a leg kick but get stuck with a jab from the longer Strickland. "Tarzan" uses his long limbs to counter-punch McGee the ground after a high kick. Strickland comes down to McGee's guard, throws a few elbows, but can't get anything going before McGee powers back to his feet. McGee is pressing forward and landing leg kicks, but it's the rangy jabs and right hands of Strickland that seem to be doing more damage upstairs. The backpedaling Strickland sticks a jab, takes a hard kick to the ribs in return. Strickland is starting to check McGee's low kicks now, just before he stuffs a jab from the "Ultimate Fighter" winner. McGee's nose and eyes are reddened at the end of the round, with significant swelling underneath his left eye.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Strickland
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Strickland
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Strickland

Round 2

McGee charges straight at Strickland and gets popped with another jab as he steps into range. "Crusher" switches tactics, trying a double-leg takedown as he runs Strickland against the fence, but Strickland keeps his balance as McGee spins to his back. Strickland is warned for grabbing the cage as he defends the takedown, but he eventually peels away McGee's hands and dashes away. Two minutes into round two, Strickland continues to touch McGee with frequent jabs. The forward movement is all McGee, who continues to score with leg kicks, but the volume and head shots are decidedly in Strickland's favor. McGee lands four or five more leg kicks before shooting and getting stood up by Strickland, whose volume is starting to drop off a bit in the second half of the frame. McGee narrowly avoids shooting into a knee, then shoots again but gets sprawled on by Strickland, who continues to deny McGee's takedown tries.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Strickland
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 McGee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee

Round 3

The final round begins with more of the same from the second stanza, as McGee brings constant forward pressure, mixing up leg kicks and punches, occasionally threatening with a takedown attempt. Strickland keeps his balance up against the wall and defends a single-leg. When McGee comes back to try a double, Strickland hits the switch and reverses, landing in side control on McGee's right side. Strickland puts himself back in McGee's half guard as he tries to posture up and land short elbows to McGee's head. Strickland has more than two minutes left to work as he keeps McGee's back glued to the floor near the fence. McGee moves away from the wall, kicks Strickland away and scrambles to his feet with just over one minute on the clock. McGee tries a rear waistlock takedown, but Strickland does well to keep his balance. Strickland throws elbows behind him, prompting McGee to drop and try a heel hook. McGee abandons the sub attempt and jumps back to his feet, only to be slammed to the floor by Strickland. Straight to back-mount goes Strickland, now looking for a last-second rear-naked choke. McGee is alert to the choke and hand-fights his way free, and the welterweights end the fight punching and elbowing at one another.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Strickland (30-27 Strickland)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Strickland (29-28 Strickland)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Strickland (29-28 Strickland)

The Official Result

Sean Strickland def. Court McGee via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Nina Ansaroff vs. Angela Hill

Round 1

Ansaroff strikes first with a low kick but gets her head snapped back by Hill's speedy jab. Hill takes another pair of low kicks, now counters Ansaroff's jab with a left hook. Hill catches Ansaroff throwing a spinning kick and rushes in to take the back, hustling the ATT fighter against the fence. Ansaroff breaks out quickly and goes back to kicking at Hill's lead leg. Hill responds with a heavy pair of low kicks of her own as the strawweights continue to try and chop one another down. Hill lands two more leg kicks, then catches Ansaroff's return kick and chops her to the ground. Ansaroff gets back on her feet and is forced backward with a left hand to the grill. Hill looks to be taking over the battle of the leg kicks, as she ups her volume and starts to check more of Ansaroff's kicks. Hill is the fighter pressing forward in the final minutes of the round, too, as her speed and volume begins to put Ansaroff in a defensive mode.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hill
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Hill
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hill

Round 2

Ansaroff catches the incoming Hill with a clean left kick to the body, then bloodies the nose of "Overkill" with a right hook. Hill steps into the pocket and grabs for the Thai clinch, but she's easily shoved away by the larger fighter. Ansaroff shoots for a takedown but gets no purchase on her shot as Hill shuts it down and circles away. Hill continues to work Ansaroff's lead leg with hard, loud kicks, and midway through the round plants a pair of punches on "The Strina" before backing away again. Ansaroff fires back with an outside leg kick that nearly chops Hill to the floor, but the Alliance MMA fighter keeps her balance. Hill gets the Thai plum and drives a hard knee into Ansaroff's midsection. Ansaroff takes a step back after eating a clean counter right hand. Hill looks for the clinch again, but this time Ansaroff avoids damage and pushes Hill away, landing a heavy low kick on the way out. Now it's Hill's turn to bloody Ansaroff's nose with a hook. Ansaroff eats the punch well and continues to press the action as round two comes to an end.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff

Round 3

Hill lands a quick right hand over the top and quickly backs up to dodge Ansaroff's kicks. Ansaroff lands a glancing spinning back kick to the body, slips a right hand from Hill and counters with a right hook. Hill strikes back with a nice uppercut on the end of a combination, but Ansaroff answers with two leg kicks that force Hill to back up momentarily. Both strawweights throw right straights, and Ansaroff looks to land the cleaner blow. She touches Hill with a jab, now throws a kick which is caught by Hill, but Ansaroff pulls the leg back before her opponent can capitalize. Ansaroff eats a right over the top but immediately reclaims the ground by backing up Hill to the wall with two low kicks and a right of her own. Hill bursts off the wall, looking charge Ansaroff with punches, but the Floridian is evasive. Ansaroff catches another kick and trips Hill to the floor in the center of the cage, but Hill jumps up before Ansaroff can pin her down. Ansaroff lands the last hard shot of the bout, sending a right high kick over the glove of Hill.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)

The Official Result

Nina Ansaroff def. Angela Hill via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sage Northcutt vs. Michel Quinones

Round 1

Quinones looks to beat up the lead leg of Northcutt early, as "Super Sage" leaves his left leg sticking out in his wide karate stance. Northcutt is starting to time Quinones' kicks in the first minute, plunging down the center with a hard, straight right hand that gets the attention of "El Capo." Northcutt mixes in a kick to the body as he stalks Quinones around the cage. Quinones ducks under a spinning kick and tries to clinch with the striker, but Northcutt pulls away and resets. The right hands of Northcutt have already reddened the face of Quinones, who is put on the retreat as the youngster charges forward, trying to blast him with kicks. Northcutt is still walking down Quinones in the final minute, and he finishes off the round with a last-second takedown at the base of the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Northcutt
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Northcutt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Northcutt

Round 2

Quinones opens round two with a pair of low kicks, inside and out of Northcutt's lead leg. Northcutt responds by bursting forward with a right hand and a kick of his own, backing up Quinones to the fence. The lightweights move back to the center, where they exchange leg kicks and feints before Northcutt sticks a jab. Quinones takes a kick to the chest, gives back a low kick and gets a smile from Northcutt in return. Halfway through the round, low kicks continue to be the main weapons for both men, though Northcutt is landing the odd punch or side kick. Northcutt dodges a right hand and lays a kick across Quinones' body. Quinones hangs around in the pocket too long and gets popped with an uppercut. With 20 seconds left in the round, Northcutt plows Quinones to the floor with an effortless double-leg straight to side control.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Northcutt
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Northcutt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Northcutt

Round 3

Northcutt dodges an axe kick, lands a leg kick and then shoots for a takedown, but Quinones stays standing with the help of the fence at his back. Northcutt knocks Quinones backward with a stiff jab before planting another hard kick across his midsection. Quinones gets body-kicked to the ground but jumps straight back to his feet, where Northcutt continues walking him down with three minutes left in the fight. Quinones doesn't look tired but also doesn't seem to have much to offer here in the late going, as Northcutt's pressure and strikes keep Quinones on his back foot. Northcutt hits another powerful takedown but can't keep Quinones on the ground. Quinones lands one of his best right hands of the fight inside the final minute; Northcutt just eats it and keeps moving forward. Quinones defends a late double-leg from Northcutt but can't come up with anything on a last-ditch kimura attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Northcutt (30-27 Northcutt)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Northcutt (30-27 Northcutt)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Northcutt (30-27 Northcutt)

The Official Result

Sage Northcutt def. Michel Quinones via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Viviane Pereira vs. Tatiana Suarez

Round 1

Suarez lines up southpaw and crouches low, cautiously firing low kicks and jabs at her shorter opponent. Suarez shoots in for a takedown, winds up clinching Pereira against the fence and backs out. Again, Suarez shoots in, and this time she has to work her way out of a guillotine attempt from the Brazilian. Suarez completes the takedown this time, landing in north-south position, then going knee-on-belly to drop punches. Pereira rolls to her knees, Suarez tries to take the back, but "Sucuri" rolls over and puts Suarez in guard. Suarez has no difficulty transitioning back to north-south, then re-taking Pereira's back when she offers it up in a scramble. Suarez is locked on the back, both hooks in, and begins hunting for a choke with 1:40 on the clock. Pereira defends the choke and shakes one of Suarez's hooks, but Suarez remains on the back, landing right hands, into the final minute of the round. Suarez transitions off the back, into full mount and then north-south position, finally finishing the round with a few right more hands.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Suarez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Suarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Suarez

Round 2

Suarez waits 30 seconds before shooting a long-distance double-leg, which is sprawled on by Pereira. A second effort allows Suarez to complete the takedown, and she moves straight to side control on her diminutive opponent. Suarez dodges a reverse triangle from the bottom, then steps over to full mount and begins unloading with hard elbow strikes to Pereira's face. Pereira kicks off the fence and bucks Suarez out of mount at the halfway point of the round, but Suarez makes sure that Pereira stays glued to the ground at the base of the fence. Suarez briefly considers a topside guillotine as she peppers Pereira with punches, now inside the two-minute mark. Suarez gets Pereira in a headlock and drives a knee to the body, but Pereira is able to stand up. Pereira jumps guard with a loose guillotine, which Suarez pulls out of as soon as the strawweights hit the ground. Pereira tries to kick off the fence and get back to her feet but finds no joy under the heavy top pressure of Suarez.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Suarez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Suarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Suarez

Round 3

Pereira inches forward in the opening minute, trying to find an opening for a big punch, but she's kept at a distance by the larger Suarez's long kicks and punches. Suarez pushes forward to clinch at the fence, and Pereira seems to willingly go to the ground with another loose guillotine attempt that evaporates instantly. Suarez moves to north-south position and straddles the face of Pereira, then moves back to a mounted crucifix position and roughs up the Brazilian with short, stapling elbows. Suarez keeps Pereira in a headlock as the wrestler leans across and elbows the body. Pereira tries to stand, sitting up against the fence, but Suarez just knees her to the body before forcing her back to the mat and mounting her again. Pereira attempts another escape by kicking off the fence but this time Suarez stays heavy on top. Pereira gives up her back as the fight enters its final minute, and Suarez spends the last 60 seconds fishing for a rear-naked choke which doesn't materialize.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Suarez (30-25 Suarez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Suarez (30-26 Suarez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Suarez (30-25 Suarez)

The Official Result

Tatiana Suarez def. Viviane Pereira via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

John Dodson vs. Marlon Moraes

Round 1

Moraes opens with one of his trademark leg kicks, then fires one to the body and has to defend a trip attempt. Dodson bursts forward with a quick right hand over the top and gets clipped with a right hook from Moraes in return. Dodson bounces on his front foot, threatening to leap into range, but ultimately backpedaling to dodge a spinning kick. Moraes continues to land low kicks, but he's put on his back foot when Dodson doubles up on a left hand to the grill. The next left from Dodson is a hard one, flooring Moraes and bloodying his nose. The Brazilian recovers quickly and gets back to walking forward on Dodson, now halfway through the round. Dodson steps in to throw another left hand, but this time Moraes is throwing an inside leg kick which lands square on the cup of "The Magician." Dodson looks close to vomiting as referee Bill Bookwalter pauses the bout and calls for the doctor. Dodson says he's ready to continue, but Bookwalter advises him to take as much of the five-minute pauses he he wants. When the fight resumes, Marlon's first strike is an inside leg kick which lands cleanly. Moraes follows with a heavy kick to the body of Dodson, who looks to have had a little wind taken out of his sails by the unintentional foul. Moraes is pressing the action late in the round but having trouble tracking down the speedy Dodson, who is sticking to his back foot. Moments before the end of the round, Moraes catches Dodson with a finger to the eye. Referee Bookwalter warns Moraes that another foul will cost him a point, and the round ends without further incident.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dodson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dodson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dodson

Round 2

Dodson rushes into the pocket and clips Moraes with a pair of hooks, but the Brazilian connects with a right hook counter before the "Magician" can step back out. Moraes brings the forward pressure, catching Dodson with a right hand on the temple as he bounces off the fence. The southpaw Dodson seems unfazed as he circles to his left, then dashes inside to clinch. Dodson pulls away from the tie-up, complaining of another foul, but referee Bookwalter tells him to continue fighting. Dodson scores with a heavy kick to the breadbasket of Moraes, then gets out of the way of Moraes' counter left hook. Dodson lands a trip takedown as the bantamweights hit the three-minute mark, but Moraes forces him to stand with a quick heel hook attempt. When Moraes comes forward again, Dodson catches a head kick and tosses him back to the floor. Moraes uses the heel hook to get back to his feet, now with two minutes remaining. Dodson catches a spinning back kick, but he's unable to secure a takedown. Dodson catches yet another kick, but this time he pops Moraes with a speedy right hand before releasing. Moraes shoots a double-leg at the fence with 30 seconds left, drags Dodson to the ground with his legs wrapped up, and holds him there until the last five seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Moraes
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moraes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moraes

Round 3

Dodson explodes forward with a flurry of lightning-fast punches, landing a few right hands as he gets Moraes turned around in the exchange. Moraes lands a low kick but has to back up as Dodson catches it and nearly trips him to the ground. Moraes dodges a body shot from Dodson and swipes back with a right-handed counter. Moraes slips throwing a low kick, spins around and narrowly dodges a lunging Dodson right hand. Moraes connects with a body kick, caught by Dodson but nothing further comes of it. Inside the final two minutes, Moraes continues to land low kicks, while Dodson is mixing up his strikes a bit more, landing kicks to the body and clean punches usptairs. Dodson stings Moraes with a left hand, then hops on one leg to avoid the Brazilian's takedown attempt. Dodson is complaining to the ref of a foul, but it's unclear exactly what he's claiming Moraes is doing. Dodson takes down Moraes in the final moments; Moraes grabs a guillotine on his way down. The horn sounds, but Moraes doesn't let go of the choke immediately, and Dodson appears to tap. Moraes thinks he got the submission, but time had already run out and this one will go the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Moraes (29-28 Moraes)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moraes (29-28 Moraes)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dodson (29-28 Dodson)

The Official Result

Marlon Moraes def. John Dodson via Split Decision (30-27, 30-27, 27-30) R3 5:00

Clay Guida vs. Joe Lauzon

Round 1

Guida opens the striking with a pair of leg kicks, then a swiping right hand that grazes Lauzon's face. An uppercut to the jaw sends Lauzon staggering, then crashing to the ground, and "The Carpenter" pounces on his dazed opponent, trying to pound him out. Lauzon is trying to defend himself, trying to wrap up Guida from the bottom, but he's clearly out of this fight and absorbing unnecessary damage. Finally, with Guida slamming Lauzon's head with heavy, unanswered punches and elbows, referee Mike King intervenes.

The Official Result

Clay Guida def. Joe Lauzon via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R1 1:07

Raphael Assuncao vs. Matthew Lopez

Round 1

The southpaw Lopez looks to step inside early and gets cleared out by Assuncao with a hard-swung right hand. Both fighters land to the body, then Lopez goes upstairs with a left hand. Assuncao is the one coming forward, forcing Lopez on to his back foot with a steady stream of punches and kicks, albeit nothing particularly damaging. Assuncao steps inside, stuffs a shot from Lopez and pops the American with a left hook on the break. Assuncao keeps his head too high as he walks inside, and Lopez hits him with a well-timed left hand counter. Assuncao catches a body kick and tries to punish Lopez with punches, but Lopez spins around and dashes away. With 40 seconds on the clock, Lopez wraps up Assuncao in a bodylock and slams him to the ground in the center of the cage. Assuncao works back to his feet and ends the round swinging hands in Lopez's direction.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Assuncao

Round 2

Lopez gets caught leaning in and takes a right hand to the side or back of the head, along with a leg kick that leaves his right leg instantly swollen. Assuncao is targeting the right leg now, where there's already a dark bruise in the shape of the Brazilian's foot. Lopez tries to press forward and land a leg kick of his own, but he soon finds himself backing up again, under pressure from Assuncao. Ninety seconds remain in what has been a relatively uneventful second stanza. Assuncao keeps coming forward and appears to stagger Lopez with a right hand as they enter the final minute. Another heavy leg kick nearly chops down Lopez, but he stays on his feet and continues to try and counter the oncoming Assuncao, who throws a blocked head kick right at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Assuncao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Assuncao

Round 3

Assuncao opens with another loud inside leg kick, but Lopez strikes back with a right hook in the ensuing exchange. One minute in, the next low kick from Assuncao nearly buckles the right stem of Lopez, but again the Arizona native stays standing. Lopez tries a double-leg, but Assuncao sprawls all over it and continues his work on the feet with 3:30 on the clock. Assuncao comes soaring at Lopez with a flying knee which doesn't land, but the Brazilian lights up Lopez with a perfectly-placed left hand to the temple. Lopez is instantly knocked out cold, and referee Keith Peterson comes rushing in to stop the bout, giving Assuncao his first finish since 2013.

The Official Result

Raphael Assuncao def. Matthew Lopez via KO (Punch) R3 1:50

Nate Marquardt vs. Cezar Ferreira

Round 1

After a slow opening minute, it's Ferreira who connects with the first heavy shot, a straight right hand down the middle. Marquardt answers with a low kick, then backs up and raises his arms to block a left high kick from "Mutante." Ferreira stings the incoming Marquardt with a left hand, then stuffs the American's first takedown attempt. Marquardt times a low kick and slugs over the top with a right hand that gets Ferreira's attention. Inside the final two minutes of round one, Ferreira is sporting a cut on the bridge of his nose, while Marquardt is leaking from above his right eye. Neither man is particularly accurate down the stretch, though Marquardt connects with a straight right that splits Mutante's gloves in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferreira
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ferreira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ferreira

Round 2

The Virginia crowd is letting the middleweights have it after the second round begins with another minute of inactivity. Marquardt catches "Mutante" coming forward and tries a double-leg shot, but the Brazilian stands tall and blocks the shot as Marquardt pushes him to the fence. Marquardt switches to a bodylock and tries to rip Ferreira to the floor, but there's nothing doing and the middleweights separate with just over three minutes on the clock. Now it's Ferreira's turn to try a takedown, grabbing a single-leg at the fence and eventually dumping Marquardt to the mat. Marquardt doesn't stay down for more than a few seconds, scrambling back to his feet and pushing Ferreira backward with a pair of punches. Ferreira is working Marquardt's left leg with a steady stream of low kicks, now sends a spinning back fist bouncing off the American's gloves. Both fighters connect with right hands in a late exchange, with Marquardt appearing to land the harder shot. "Nate the Great" comes alive in the final 10 seconds and floors Ferreira with another combination, but the Brazilian is back on his feet when the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Marquardt
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Marquardt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Marquardt

Round 3

Marquardt lands another right hand to start the final round, but Ferreira comes back with a level change, driving the former King of Pancrase to the ground at the base of the fence. "Mutante" stacks up Marquardt against the wall, roughing him up with body shots. Marquardt gets to one knee, still wrapped up by Ferreira, who tries for another takedown but gets thwarted by Marquardt with the whizzer. Ferreira lifts and slams Marquardt to the ground, bypassing a brief guillotine attempt by moving to side control on Marquardt's right. Halfway through the final round, it's Ferreira in control on top, leaning right to left across Marquardt, possibly looking for a kimura on the far arm. Marquardt rolls onto his right side, then onto his back again, and now Ferreira just flattens him out from north-south position. "Mutante" stays busy enough to with short puches and body blows to prevent a stand-up order from referee Dan Miragliotta. Ferreira tries a last-second guillotine choke but winds up on the bottom after pulling guard. Right before the end of the fight, Marquardt opens up a massive cut on Ferreira's forehead with an elbow from guard.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ferreira (29-28 Ferreira)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ferreira (29-28 Ferreira)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ferreira (29-28 Ferreira)

The Official Result

Cezar Ferreira def. Nate Marquardt via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Andrei Arlovski vs. Junior Albini

Round 1

Both heavyweights are swinging in the opening minute, with Albini appearing to touch Arlovski with a few left hands, but the former UFC heavyweight champion doesn't budge. In fact, Arlovski continues to engage with the Brazilian, backing up Albini with a few heavy right hands, including a ripping shot to the body. Two minutes in, the big men clinch on the fence, with Albini taking the outside position, throwing knees while holding Arlovski in place with double underhooks. Arlovski breaks loose and lands a few leg kicks, now slugs Albini with an overhand right. Albini drives a knee into the body of Arlovski as they enter the final 90 seconds of round one. Albini slows things down with another clinch on the wall; both heavyweights are swinging as they separate, but neither is able to land anything clean. Arlovski catches Albini with a couple overhand rights in the closing seconds, but the Brazilian doesn't budge.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Arlovski
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Albini
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arlovski

Round 2

Arlovski is the busier fighter as round two begins, picking at Albini with low kicks and jabs from the outside. Albini ties up "The Pit Bull" with over-unders and shoves him against the fence. There's not much action in the clinch, save for a few low knees from Albini, and referee Bill Bookwalter tells the fighters to stay busy. The fighters are split up with three minutes on the clock, but Albini is soon back to hugging Arlovski against the wall. Arlovski pushes Albini back to the center and breaks away with an uppercut. Arlovski remains the busier fighter when the heavyweights strike from range, though it's Albini plodding forward on the Belarusian. Late in the round, Arlovski stings Albini with a straight right, then scores with an uppercut-right hook in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Arlovski
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Arlovski
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arlovski

Round 3

Arlovski goes body-head as he steps inside on the incoming Albini, then tries an overhand right which is deflected by the Brazilian. Arlovski turns the head of "Baby" with a right hand to the jaw, but Albini gets a glove up to block the head kick behind it. Arlovski gets through with a left high kick, and now Albini is leaking blood from a cut beneath his right eye. Arlovski gets an eye poke toward the middle of the round, but he doesn't seem too hurt by the foul and is soon OK to resume. Albini strings together a few combinations as he continues to march on Arlovski, but it's the veteran who looks to be connecting with the heavier shots. Arlovski clinches up and hits Albini with a knee to the cup, but "Baby" doesn't want much time to recover either. Inside the final minute, Albini digs an underhook and puts Arlovski's back on the wall, and the last moments tick away with little action in the clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Arlovski (30-27 Arlovski)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Arlovski (29-28 Arlovski)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arlovski (30-27 Arlovski)

The Official Result

Andrei Arlovski def. Junior Albini via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Matt Brown vs. Diego Sanchez

Round 1

Sanchez lands a quick right hand and changes levels to try an early takedown at the fence. Brown widens his base and keeps his balance as "The Nightmare" works to spin him to the floor with a single-leg, now switching to a double. Brown escapes by pushing down on Sanchez's head and then steps forward on the Greg Jackson student. Sanchez shoots low to try an ankle pick, then comes up on the single-leg and pushes Brown back to the fence. Brown escapes again, this time with three minutes left in the opening round. Sanchez shoots for the ankle again and winds up driving his own head into the floor as Brown yanks his leg away. Brown hurts Sanchez with an elbow, but Sanchez hurts him back with a body kick. Sanchez doesn't follow up on the body blow, allowing Brown to recover and resume his forward motion. Brown catches a kick from Sanchez and makes him hop backward on one leg, then releases and obliterates Sanchez with a devastating right elbow. Sanchez drops to the ground, out cold, and referee Dan Miragliotta rushes in to save him from any further damage. Matt Brown, who previously announced that this could be his final fight, collects a highlight-reel knockout in the first round.

The Official Result

Matt Brown def. Diego Sanchez via KO (Elbow) R1 3:44

Anthony Pettis vs.Dustin Poirier

Round 1

Referee Keith Peterson is the third man in the cage for tonight's 155-pound main event. Pettis opens with an inside leg kick for the incoming southpaw Poirier, then adds another. Poirier slings a heavy left hand but can't find the mark, and now he's forced to back up as Pettis launches a jump knee-right hand sequence. Poirier shoots and completes a double-leg at the fence, wrapping up Pettis' legs to keep the striker grounded. Pettis looks to snare Poirier with a guillotine from guard, can't get it and switches to a kimura on Poirier's right arm. Poirier uses his free hand to land body punches until Pettis releases the sub attempt, and now "The Diamond" postures up to land some harder blows. Pettis kicks him away, then sweeps to top position but can't keep Poirier grounded. Pettis scores with a knee to the body and a straight right hand, then catches the incoming Poirier with another hard, straight right. Poirier dives for another takedown but this time winds up with his back against the fence, held in place by a Pettis underhook. Pettis throws a sloppy high kick and gets caught with a right-handed counter that instantly marks up his face. Poirier backs up Pettis with a series of heavy punches, and Pettis looks to be barely hanging in there. As Poirier ups his aggression, he leaves an opening for Pettis to land a hellacious uppercut in a furious final exchange.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Poirier

Round 2

Poirier clasps his hands on a high double-leg against the fence, then lifts and dumps Pettis to the ground at the base of the wall. Pettis is fishing for a triangle from the bottom, nearly cinching it about 90 seconds into the round, but Poirier forces him to give up on the sub attempt by slamming him with a couple elbows to the face. Pettis is cut wide open, blood spreading all over his face as he turns over and gives up his back. Poirier loses the position as Pettis spins over, and suddenly it's "Showtime" bashing Poirier with elbows to the face. Pettis tries to take the back of Poirier as "The Diamond" tries to stand, but he's riding too high and Poirier escapes out the back door. Pettis turns over again to wind up in top position. He keeps hold of Poirier as they stand, trips him to his knees, but the Roufusport product is unable to maintain top position. Referee Peterson calls time and gets the doctor in the cage to check on the grisly face of Pettis, whose eye sockets are filled with blood. The doctor clears the former WEC champ to continue, and the fight restarts with Poirier in Pettis' guard and 45 seconds on the clock. Pettis throws up a triangle, but Poirier is so slick with Pettis' blood that he's able to slip right out. Poirier finishes the round smashing the kneeling Pettis with hammerfists.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Poirier

Round 3

Poirier shoots early, clasping his hands around Pettis' legs and dragging the former lightweight champ to the ground at the base of the fence. Pettis hunts for a kimura from the bottom and uses the submission threat to work back to his feet. When Pettis tries to roll to ground, Poirier is wise to it and follows him, with "The Diamond" winding up in top position. Pettis gives up his back, and Poirier quickly secures the position with a body triangle, then goes hunting for a rear-naked choke. Pettis tries to spin again, but Poirier rides him to full mount. As soon as Poirier gets on top, Pettis taps out, likely due to the body triangle that was still locked on.

The Official Result

Dustin Poirier def. Anthony Pettis via Submission (Body Triangle) R3 2:08
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