

UFC Fight Night 138 ‘Oezdemir vs. Smith’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog's UFC Fight Night 138 coverage kicks off Saturday at 6:30 p.m. ET.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Jessin Ayari vs. Stevie Ray

Round 1

Ayari takes the center of the cage and flips between stances as he tries to close the distance against the southpaw Ray, who keeps the taller man at bay with low kicks in the opening minute. Ray comes over the top with a hard left hand, eats a right in return, then tags Ayari with the left again. Ayari continues to apply pressure through the middle of the round, but the German fighter isn’t exactly overwhelming Ray with offense. Ray rushes in with a combination and gets countered with a hard Ayari uppercut. Ray misses with a left and gets caught at a bad angle; Ayari capitalizes with another hard counter right. The lightweights tangle in the final 20 seconds, clinching on the fence, but neither man is able to get off the knee strikes they’re seeking.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Ayari
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ray
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ayari

Round 2

Ray continues his kick-heavy offense, hopping around the outside and trying to keep the longer Ayari out of striking range. Ayari bounces forward in a wide orthodox stance, still looking to counterpunch but so far having fewer punches to counter in this frame. Ayari lands an uppercut, has a right high kick deflected, but when he gets overly aggressive with his hands, Ray tags him back with a counter left. Ray sticks Ayari with another left, then a few more leg kicks as they enter the final two minutes of the round. Ayari is doing solid work with sporadic clinches, landing two or three shots on Ray each time he grabs hold. Ray is absolutely smashing the lead leg of Ayari, but the Scot continues to eat long, hard punches which he cannot counter. Ayari scores with another clean uppercut just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Ayari
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ayari
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ayari

Round 3

Ayari switches things up by attacking Ray with a leg kick to start the round; “Braveheart” shows a busier, bouncier stance as he looks to get busy and put Ayari on his back foot. After a minute, however, they’re back to their familiar positions, with Ayari controlling the center of the cage and following Ray around the edge. Ayari blocks a left high kick, ducks under a left hook and comes away from a clinch grimacing, apparently having taken an inadvertant low blow. Referee Barry Gallant takes no action, and the 155ers carry on with three minutes left to fight. Ray lands a good left hook, but a subsequent combination comes up short as the lanky Ayari shifts his head to dodge. Ayari appears to hurt Ray with a straight right, follows with an uppercut, but the Scot continues to fire back. Ayari’s jab has bloodied Ray’s nose, not to mention lumping up the right side of his face. Ayari holds his hands behind his back, inviting Ray to throw hands in the last 10 seconds, but the fight ends without much further action.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Ayari (30-27 Ayari)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ayari (29-28 Ayari)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ayari (30-27 Ayari)

The Official Result

Stevie Ray def. Jessin Ayari via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Arjan Singh Bhullar vs. Marcelo Golm

Round 1

Bhullar tries to get busy early, pushing out from the center of the cage and sticking his hands in Golm’s face, which is already turning red just 40 seconds into the fight. Bhullar lands a clinch knee to the gut, but Golm chops out his leg and momentarily knocks him to the mat. Golm has scored with several hard low kicks already, though Bhullar has been equally effective with his head punches. Halfway through round one, Bhullar tries to clinch and gets shoved away, then popped with a right hand to the gut. Golm connects with another nasty leg kick, then gets tied up and zapped with a clinch uppercut before Bhullar shoves him against the fence. Golm breaks free and resets, now with 90 seconds on the clock. Bhullar sidesteps a kick and slugs Golm with a cross, then another uppercut. Golm waves the Canadian forward; Bhullar obliges and walks into another leg kick. The big men clinch again, and Bhullar gets the better of the tie-up with a few short punches.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Golm
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bhullar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bhullar

Round 2

Golm starts the round with a body kick and a snappy jab, but the Brazilian soon finds himself pressed against the fence by a Bhullar underhook. Golm lands a knee to the body which sends Bhullar grabbing for a takedown. Golm shuts down the shot and circles away; when Bhullar presses forward, Golm is waiting with a jump knee. Bhullar seems a little more tentative after that last volley, while Golm is doing well to establish his jab through three minutes of this round. Bhullar, whose left calf has now turned purple from Golm’s low kicks, tries to clinch against the cage but can’t hold the larger man in place. Bhullar absorbs a few more strikes before opting to clinch again; the Canadian finds more success in pinning Golm to the fence but can’t muster much in the way of offense.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Bhullar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Golm
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Golm

Round 3

Bhullar wastes little time hustling Golm against the fence, though little comes of the clinch before Golm is able to break free. Bhullar follows the big Brazilian to the other side of the cage, drops levels for a double-leg, then lifts and slams Golm to the canvas. Golm is in a bad spot, with the top of his head jammed against a cage post and Bhullar bearing down on him from open guard. Bhullar keeps a grinding pace through the middle of the round, but the Canadian stays just busy enough to prevent a stand-up command from referee Eric Nevitt. Golm shifts and pivots underneath but can find no avenue for escape. Bhullar turns up the volume with his punches in the final 40 seconds, but this gives Golm enough room to kick him away and stand up just before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Bhullar (29-28 Bhullar)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bhullar (29-28 Bhullar)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bhullar (29-28 Bhullar)

The Official Result

Arjan Singh Bhullar def. Marcelo Golm via Unanimous Decision (29-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Te'Jovan Edwards vs. Don Madge

Round 1

Edwards cuts Madge with a flurry of punches in the first 20 seconds, but it’s Madge who sparks the American and sends Edwards to the canvas. Madge tries to take top position on his downed opponent, but Edwards sweeps to top position and bears down in the South African’s guard. Madge throws up an armbar, and Edwards looks to be in deep trouble as the submission artist goes belly down, fully extending the limb. Somehow, Edwards resists the tap, then fends off another armbar attempt from Madge at the midway point of the round. Edwards stands up with 2:20 on the clock but looks a bit confused as he tries to figure out his next move. Edwards winds up flopping back into Madge’s guard, where Madge is ready and waiting with a high guard, angling for another armbar attempt. Edwards stands up again and wastes some more time standing over Madge until referee Barry Gallant stands him up at the 45 second mark. Madge traps Edwards against the fence as the lightweights spend the final 20 seconds in an inactive clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Madge
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Madge
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Madge

Round 2

Madge fires a left high kick that lands on Edwards’ wrist but still puts the American on the run. As Edwards tries to circle away to his left, Madge walks him down and absolutely destroys him with a clean right high kick. Edwards hits the deck and referee Gallant rushes in to rescue the fallen fighter.

The Official Result

Don Madge def. Te Edwards via KO (Head Kick) R2 0:14

Talita Bernardo vs. Sarah Moras

Round 1

Bernardo opens the fight with a few kicks to the lead leg of Moras, who swings punches at the shorter Brazilian and winds up eating a left hand counter. Moras’ straight left finds its mark early in the second minute, but the Canadian continues to absorb punches, her nose already red. Bernardo catches Moras leaning forward and lands a body kick-left hand combo. Moras lands a reaching right hand as the bantamweights’ tepid action continues through the middle of round one. Bernardo comes alive soon after, bombing Moras with a series of heavy punches. The Canadian decides to tie up, jamming Bernardo against the fence to slow her attack. Bernardo defends a trip attempt, turns “Cheesecake” against the fence and then trips Moras to the ground, now with 70 seconds on the clock. Moras throws elbows from the bottom, but her wide open guard allows Bernardo to pass to side control. Moras regains a deep half guard and then fends off a brief guillotine attempt as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Bernardo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bernardo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bernardo

Round 2

Moras sticks a few punches on Bernardo in a slow-moving opening minute. Bernardo starts to find the mark with her right hand in the second minute, but neither fighter is looking particularly impressive on the feet. Moras continually loads up on big, whiffing right hands, while the shorter Bernardo struggles to navigate the distance against the Canadian. Three minutes into the round, Bernardo hits another takedown and moves back to the same position as the end of round one, with her left leg stuck in a deep half guard. Bernardo tries a quarter-mount but winds up back in half guard. Bernardo finally achieves side control, but Moras rolls to her knees, then onto her back again and traps Bernardo’s leg again. Bernardo finishes the round looking for an armlock.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Bernardo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bernardo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bernardo

Round 3

Moras shoots straight for the legs of Bernardo, plowing the Brazilian to the canvas near the center of the cage. Bernardo is looking to sweep as soon as her back hits the mat, and 45 seconds into the round, it’s the Rio native back in Moras’ half guard. Moras tries to get busy with elbows from the bottom, leaving Bernardo plenty of room to pass to side control, then north-south position. Bernardo straddles the head of Moras and lands right hands to the body, then goes back to side control on Moras’ left. Moras is trying to kick her legs up and hook Bernardo somehow, but the Brazilian is wise to it and moves back to north-south with half the round remaining. Bernardo doesn’t seem to be in a rush on top, content to ride out the remainder of the round, but Moras suddenly kicks her away and scrambles to her feet. Moras hits a fast takedown and slams Bernardo with elbows, then tries rear-naked choke. Bernardo peels away one of Moras’ hooks and reclaims top position; after a brief glimmer of hope, it’s looking like a lost cause for Moras. “Cheesecake” climbs back to her feet and walks down Bernardo with punches, but it’s too little, too late.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Bernardo (30-27 Bernardo)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moras (29-28 Bernardo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bernardo (30-27 Bernardo)

The Official Result

Talita Bernardo def. Sarah Moras via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Chris Fishgold vs. Calvin Kattar

Round 1

The newcomer Fishgold starts his UFC career with a quick takedown, then tries to catch Kattar in a guillotine as they stand up. Kattar pulls free of the choke attempt, then covers up as Fishgold tries to blitz him with combinations on the fence. The attack subsides and, after a brief clinch, Kattar circles back to the center of the cage. Another flurry of punches puts Kattar on his back foot, but the American seems no worse for wear after the attack. Fishgold is swinging for the fences, bombing with wild overhand rights but largely coming up short. Kattar uses long jabs to bloody the nose of Fishgold, who shoots a single and is left grasping at air. Fishgold connects with a clean right hand, but Kattar has a good poker face, absorbing everything the Englishman throws his way. Kattar catches his opponent leaning and fires a right hand over the top that clips Fishgold on the temple, sending him to the canvas in the center of the cage. Kattar pounces and gives Fishgold no space to recover, pounding away on his dazed opponent until referee Yves Lavigne intervenes.

The Official Result

Calvin Kattar def. Chris Fishgold via TKO (Punches) R1 4:11

Thibault Gouti vs. Nasrat Haqparast

Round 1

The southpaw Haqparast throws a few heavy combinations at Gouti in the opening seconds, catching the Frenchman with a hard right hand in one of them. Haqparast takes a finger to the eye, but he doesn’t want long to recover from the accidental foul. Haqparast is starting to find the mark with his heavy left hand, with Gouti’s legs appearing to buckle after one particularly hard shot. Gouti swings back with a combination of his own, but Haqparast gets a mitt up to block. Gouti is already marked up on the right side of his face, less than halfway through the opening round. Haqparast floors Gouti with a big left hand, but Gouti somehow scrambles back to his feet and sprints away under fire. Gouti goes to the body with a right hand, but Haqparast seems wholly unconcerned with the French fighter’s strikes, and the Afghan-born German continues to charge forward with big punches. Gouti strings together a decent combination in the last 30 seconds, but he leaves his head exposed and narrowly avoids another blistering left from Haqparast.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Haqparast
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Haqparast
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Haqparast

Round 2

Gouti starts round two moving forward, sticking long punches in Haqparast’s face. Two quick right hands put Haqparast on his back foot, and Gouti continues to apply pressure here in the opening minute. Gouti goes back to the body with a straight right. Haqparast is still finding moments of offense, but the constant forward movement from Gouti is throwing a wrench in Haqparast’s blitzkreig style. Gouti lands a clean, straight right hand, answered by Haqparast with a left to the body. Haqparast plants a big left hand on Gouti’s chin; this time, the Frenchman offers only a shrug, then resumes his forward movement. Gouti seems content to eat punches from Haqparast as long as he can land a few of his own. Haqparast lands a body kick that puts Gouti in reverse for a moment. Gouti is advancing again in the final 30 seconds of the round, but he comes away from an exchange looking at his left hand, then looking at referee Barry Gallant. Fortunately for the distracted Gouti, the horn sounds a few seconds later.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Gouti
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Haqparast
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Haqparast

Round 3

Gouti is rocked by a heavy left hand in the opening minute of the round, but it’s a body kick early in the second minute that really puts him on the ropes. Haqparast tries to pound out his wounded opponent, slamming away with standing punches, then ground-and-pound once Gouti hits the deck. Somehow, the French fighter survives the brutal assault and puts Haqparast in his guard. Haqparast postures up, then stands and bombs Gouti with more punches, then elbows. Gouti slows things down with a half-butterfly guard, just trying to get hold of Haqparast from the bottom to neutralize the heavy strikes. Haqparast still seems to have plenty left in the tank as he bombs Gouti with big punches. Gouti is tough as nails, however, and refuses to turtle up; “GT” is stuck on the bottom but keeps trying to wrap up Haqparast and deflect his punches. Gouti gets back to his feet in the final 30 seconds and bravely chases after Haqparast, but the horn sounds and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-8 Haqparast (29-27 Haqparast)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Haqparast (30-26 Haqparast)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Haqparast (30-26 Haqparast)

The Official Result

Nasrat Haqparast def. Thibault Gouti via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sean Strickland vs. Nordine Taleb

Round 1

Strickland presses forward in the opening minute, firing long jabs to keep Taleb out of range and on his back foot. Taleb lands a few inside leg kicks as he slides backward, doing well to slip nearly every punch Strickland throws his way. Strickland, meanwhile, is trying without success to catch Taleb’s kicks. Taleb swipes a lead left hook across Strickland’s face; the American’s nose starts bleeding immediately. Strickland continues to move forward, but he’s still coming up short on his punches. Taleb makes him pay with some more inside leg kicks, and a clean lead uppercut in the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Taleb
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Taleb
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Taleb

Round 2

Strickland starts the second round the same as the first, but he’s running into the same problems: Taleb is content to absorb the American’s constant forward pressure so long as he can hit Strickland with leg kicks and the occasional hard punch. Strickland is getting through with sporadic jabs, and suddenly a reaching right hand grazes Taleb on the temple, sending the Canadian to the mat. Strickland tries to pound him out, but Taleb powers back to his feet, now roughly halfway through the round. Taleb looks dazed as Strickland tags him with two hard right hands in quick succession. Taleb hits the deck, trying to put Strickland in his guard, but Strickland postures up to keep the guard open. Strickland stands up in Taleb’s guard, then comes crashing down on him with a thudding right hand. Referee Eric Nevitt has seen enough and steps in to call a halt to the bout, much to the displeasure of Taleb, who protests the stoppage.

The Official Result

Sean Strickland def. Nordine Taleb via TKO (Punches) R2 3:10

Alex Garcia vs. Court McGee

Round 1

Garcia is swinging for the fences in the opening minute, trying to take off McGee’s head with big left hooks. McGee backs up, staying out of trouble until he’s able to counter Garcia, then land a few leg kicks. Garcia catches him throwing one of the kicks and hustles McGee to the ground, but the “Crusher” stands up quickly with the help of the wall. Garcia holds McGee in a body lock on the fence, then climbs on the American’s back when McGee botches a sacrifice throw. Garcia only gets one hook established, causing him to fall off as McGee stands up. The fighters separate with just over two minutes on the clock. Garcia clips McGee with an overhand, narrowly misses with a big uppercut. McGee is absorbing some hard shots here but looking no worse for wear. Garcia looks to be slowing down in the final minute, and McGee capitalizes with a late double-leg takedown.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Garcia
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McGee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Garcia

Round 2

McGee catches Garcia with a jab to the jaw that sends the Dominican to the canvas in a daze. McGee looks to be on the verge of pounding out the Tristar Gym representative, but Garcia shrimps inside and wraps up until the assault subsides. After 90 seconds on the mat, Garcia is looking at referee Jerin Valel, asking for a stand-up; McGee stays just busy enough with ground-and-pound to keep the fight on the floor. Referee Valel warns McGee to stay busy in top position, so the “Crusher” jams Garcia up against the fence and ramps up his punching. The fighters are ordered back to their feet with 90 seconds on the clock. Garcia hits a quick double-leg but can’t keep McGee on the floor. Back on the feet, McGee takes the outside position in the clinch before putting Garcia on the ground again. Garcia remains on his back until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 McGee
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McGee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee

Round 3

Garcia touches McGee with a one-two in the opening moments of the round, but Garcia’s punches don’t seem to have the same pop to them at this late stage in the bout. McGee fends off a takedown from Garcia and immediately turns the tables with a single-leg attempt that puts Garcia on the fence. McGee backs up, then shoots a double, but Garcia sprawls on it and gives the former “Ultimate Fighter” a knee to the gut. The 170-pounders continue to trade takedown attempts until Garcia finally picks an ankle and puts McGee on his seat at the base of the fence. McGee exposes his back; Garcia gets one hook in, but the wall is blocking him on the right side. Just when Garcia gets both hooks set, McGee rolls him and turns over to take top position. Now it’s McGee on top with 90 seconds on the clock, dropping short elbows on Garcia’s face. Garcia looks spent as he tries to power out of the bad spot; McGee floats all over him and nearly mounts before landing back in half guard. McGee postures up to slam Garcia with one last elbow before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McGee (30-27 McGee)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)

The Official Result

Court McGee def. Alex Garcia via Unanimous Decision (30-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ed Herman vs. Gian Villante

Round 1

Villante backs up Herman to the wall and tags him with a pair of hard right hands in the opening minute. Herman is swinging big left hooks in return but pulling up short against the New Yorker. Both men are swinging power punches, and one right hand from Villante appears to have cut Herman on the inside of his left eye. Villante sticks the veteran with a pair of jabs, but Herman slows him down with a jab of his own. Halfway through the round, both 205ers are still headhunting, still throwing single punches or two-piece combos, always aimed at the other’s head. Villante catches Herman leaning in and thumps him with a right hook. Herman backs up to the wall, shakes the cobwebs and steps out to the center, now with 80 seconds on the clock. “Short Fuse” is increasingly accurate with his punches in the final minute, reclaiming some ground after a tough start to the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Herman
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Villante
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Villante

Round 2

Herman seems to have his timing down at the start of round two, beating Villante to the punch in two or three exchanges during the opening minute. Villante is swinging big punches and hitting only air, while Herman is jabbing and countering much better than in the first frame. Herman starts mixing in some leg kicks, still eating jabs from Villante but now giving the New Yorker plenty in return. Villante lands an overhand right but Herman doesn’t budge. Herman’s cut, which was the focus of referee Yves Lavigne’s concern between rounds, now looks like nothing in comparison to the bloody nose and right cheek of his opponent. Villante is looking exhausted as they circle in the final 30 seconds, but he’s still finding the mark with some overhand bombs. Both men smile and slap hands after a second round which seems to have evened the scores heading into the third.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Herman
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Herman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Herman

Round 3

Herman circles into Villante’s left hand, making it difficult for the former football player to come across his body and land a power punch. Villante adapts with some jabs, but he continues to eat Herman’s jab. Herman looks to be the fresher fighter, though he’s also less active, opting to wait and counter Villante, which occasionally leads to Villante’s preferred wild exchanges. Herman is shaking out both hands as he’s backed up by Villante in the final half round. Herman trips Villante to the ground but allows him to get back up. Villante finishes the fight throwing tired “high” kicks, and both men seem to think they’ve won after the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Villante (29-28 Herman)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-10 (29-29 Draw)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10 (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Gian Villante def. Ed Herman via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jonathan Martinez vs. Andre Soukhamthath

Round 1

The southpaw Martinez opens with an inside leg kick, then throws upstairs but has a left high kick blocked. Soukhamthath presses out from the center of the cage, touching Martinez with a long right hand as he does. Martinez flips to orthodox and Soukhamthath immediately snipes him with a straight right hand. Martinez hits the deck and Soukhamthath pounces straight away, holding the UFC newcomer in a front headlock as he tries to stand. Martinez peels away Soukhamthath’s hands to disrupt a choke setup, and the 135ers wind up clinching on the fence. Referee Jerin Valel calls time, apparently thinking Soukhamthath landed a low-blow knee, but replays seem to indicate that the strike landed to Martinez’s body. They resume with two minutes on the clock, and Soukhamthath attacks Martinez almost instantly, flurrying with punches and then switching to a clinch knee. Soukhamthath jams Martinez against the fence and pops him with right hands to the ribs. Soukhamthath marches on Martinez, throwing hands and knees with little concern for Martinez’s counters. Martinez gets dropped by a left hand in the final 10 seconds but hangs on to see round two.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-8 Soukhamthath
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath

Round 2

Following a brief clinch on the fence, Soukhamthath starts to unload on Martinez, first with shots to the body, then with elbows and leaping knees. Martinez is being forced into a defensive shell, but again referee Valel bails him out with a bizarre pause. Valel rebukes Soukhamthath for a low blow, but does not give Martinez his allowed five minutes to recover, then forces the fighters to restart immediately. Martinez hits a trip takedown soon after the restart, and now it’s Martinez in the dominant position, dropping elbows and punches from Soukhamthath’s half guard. Martinez is landing some hard shots here at the halfway point of the round, but Soukhamthath is surviving by wrapping up and holding him in half guard. Soukhamthath rolls to his knees, giving up his back, but Martinez can’t secure the position before Soukhamthath turns his back to the fence. Martinez lands some hard elbows to Soukhamthath’s shoulders as they stand up. Soukhamthath is moving a bit slower as he walks forward on Martinez with 40 seconds left. Martinez, now back in the southpaw stance, hits Soukhamthath with a nice step-in elbow. Soukhamthath hits him back with a body blow, and improbably this one looks to be headed to round three with Martinez still very much in the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 3

Martinez gets double underhooks and shoves Soukhamthath against the fence. After absorbing a few foot stomps, “The Asian Sensation” spins Martinez around and goes back to work with body shots and jumping knees. Martinez shows some bad body language as he covers up, but again he’s able to withstand the assault. Back to the clinch they go, Martinez just hugging Soukhamthath against the wall with over-unders. Soukhamthath hits a takedown to side control with 2:45 on the clock, but Martinez sits up and drives forward to stand up immediately. The bantamweights seem content to take turns spinning one another around in the clinch as they fight on the fence with two minutes left. Soukhamthath scores another takedown, again landing in side control on Martinez’s left side. Martinez tries to wall-walk, but Soukhamthath is heavy on top. Martinez finally kicks off the fence and sweeps, dodging an armbar attempt from Soukhamthath. The fighters are still trading positions in the final 30 seconds, and the fight ends with Soukhamthath holding Martinez in a standing arm-triangle choke on the wall.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath (29-28 Soukhamthath)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath (30-26 Soukhamthath)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Soukhamthath (29-28 Soukhamthath)

The Official Result

Andre Soukhamthath def. Jonathan Martinez via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Misha Cirkunov vs. Patrick Cummins

Round 1

Cummins steps inside to throw but gets tripped up and clipped with a short left from Cirkunov in the opening seconds. The wrestler immediately grabs hold of Cirkunov and jams him against the fence, where Cirkunov defends the takedown while threatening a guillotine with his right arm looped over the upright Cummins’ neck. Eighty seconds in, Cummins continues to dig for the takedown, while Cirkunov maintains his balance up against the fence. The 205ers wind up in an over-under clinch, exchanging knees to the body. Cirkunov looks to be landing the harder strikes, and now he winds up in mount thanks to Cummins botching a throw. Cirkunov frames up an arm-triangle choke, hops off to the side and forces Cummins to submit to the airtight choke.

The Official Result

Misha Cirkunov def. Patrick Cummins via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R1 2:40

Michael Johnson vs. Artem Lobov

Round 1

The first half of the opening round sees little in the way of significant offense, though it’s not for lack of trying on Lobov’s part. The “Russian Hammer” walks down Johnson with kicks and right hands, but Johnson isn’t in a hurry to engage, constantly sliding out of range. Johnson absorbs a few more leg kicks, flashes a jab in Lobov’s face and leaves the SBG Ireland product with a cut on the bridge of his nose. Johnson scores with an inside leg kick-left hook combination, but Lobov takes the punch on the chin and keeps coming forward. Lobov fakes a shot and exits the tie-up with an uppercut to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Lobov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Lobov continues to bring the pressure in round two, but this time Johnson is finding more success with his punches and kicks, mixing things up to the body and head. Lobov snaps off a jab in the face of “The Menace,” who answers with a left hand to the breadbasket. Upstairs goes Johnson with the left hand, then back down with a low kick. Lobov is starting to look frustrated as Johnson’s volume is helping the American take control in this round. Johnson goes back to circling to his left around the outside, with Lobov chasing after him from the center.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Lobov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 3

Johnson is the busier fighter as the final round begins, going body-head on Lobov once again with his left hand. Lobov blocks a high kick and comes after Johnson with a big punch of his own, but Johnson slips his head off center yet again. Johnson catches Lobov coming in and stings him with a short, straight left. Lobov eats a one-two and shakes his head, shrugging it off. Johnson is having his best round so far, constantly moving in and out of range, picking at the slower Lobov with speedy punches. Lobov has been reduced to swinging big single punches at Johnson, hoping to come up with something to keep this out of the judges’ hands. With 40 seconds on the clock, Johnson finally shoots a double-leg and plows Lobov to the ground. Lobov tries to stand, but the wrestler has him wrapped up around the waist and isn’t letting him up.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-28 Johnson)

The Official Result

Michael Johnson def. Artem Lobov via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Volkan Oezdemir vs. Anthony Smith

Round 1

Canadian referee Yves Lavigne is the third man inside the cage for tonight’s 205-pound main event, with judges Douglas Crosby, Hubert Earle and Declan Woods scoring the bout. Oezdemir strikes first with an outside leg kick, but it’s Smith looking to take control of the fight with an early takedown attempt. Oezdemir stuffs the shot and spins Smith around, putting the American’s back against the fence. The fighters trade short knees inside, Smith trying to walk Oezdemir off the wall, and now they separate with 3:45 on the clock. Oezdemir clips Smith with a left hook that sends “Lionheart” shooting. Again, Oezdemir is able to deny the takedown, and the big Swiss fighter continues to pressure Smith near the fence. Smith looks to establish his jab, but he pokes Oezdemir in the right eye with an outstretched hand. Oezdemir needs only a few seconds to recover, while Smith receives a warning from referee Lavigne. Action resumes with Oezdemir attacking Smith, first with a blocked high kick and then a jumping knee that lands to the body. Smith is still being backed up against the fence as they fight inside the final 90 seconds of round one. Oezdemir starts whipping Smith’s legs with heavy kicks, then initiates a clinch which keeps Smith trapped on the wall for the last 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir

Round 2

Oezdemir goes back to his low kicks, landing hard shots to the legs that push Smith backward. After 40 seconds of going in reverse, however, Smith starts to time the kicks and catch Oezdemir with right-handed counters over the top. Oezdemir hits a takedown with 3:45 on the clock, fends off a triangle attempt from Smith and sets up in the American’s deep half guard. Oezdemir tries to mount, gets his leg caught, but when Smith tries to go for a leglock, Oezdemir yanks the limb free. Smith winds up on his knees with Oezdemir draped over his back in the wrestling ride position. Oezdemir is looking for a choke in between punches, pushing down on Smith’s head to try and get him to expose his neck. Smith pulls Oezdemir’s right arm over his shoulder, but Oezdemir is still looking to take the back as they enter the final minute of the round. Smith tries to stand in the last 10 seconds but Oezdemir keeps him grounded.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Oezdemir

Round 3

Both men are starting to look tired as the third frame begins, but Smith still seems to have some pop in his hands as he puts Oezdemir on his back foot with jabs and straight rights. Smith lands a clinch knee to the midsection, trips Oezdemir to the ground and catches him with another knee as he stands. Oezdemir starts jawing at Smith, telling him he’s not hurt; Smith would like to test that and continues to chase the Swiss fighter around the outside, now at the halfway point of the round and the fight. Smith hits a takedown and tries to take the back of Oezdemir, who rolls onto his side. Smith has both hooks in, his left arm looped around Oezdemir’s jaw. Oezdemir is in deep trouble, but somehow he peels away Smith’s hands and frees himself from the choke. Seconds later, Smith switches sides, wrapping his right arm around Oezdemir’s throat and squeezing tight. This time, Oezdemir has no choice but to tap out. Anthony Smith pulls off the come-from-behind upset of Volkan Oezdemir with a rear-naked choke submission late in round three.

The Official Result

Anthony Smith def. Volkan Oezdemir via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 4:26
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