

UFC Fight Night 225 ‘Holloway vs. The Korean Zombie’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

Sherdog's live UFC Fight Night 225 coverage will begin Saturday at 5 a.m. ET.

Seung Woo Choi (146) vs. Jarno Errens (145)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Choi (-180), Errens (+150)

Round 1

Featherweights Choi and Errens kick things off from Kallang, Singapore, with Thomas Fan set to oversee the proceedings. Both men are in orthodox stance. Errens springs forward with lunging low kicks to the leg and front kicks to the body. They throw simultaneous low kicks that clash shin-on-shin. A minute and a half in, most of the offense from both fighters has been kicks, but Errens lands a crisp one-two. Choi catches the onrushing Errens with a nasty short right that buckles his legs. Errens manages to grab a clinch and shove Choi to the fence while he regains his wits. Choi reverses the position and pushes Errens into the chain link. Errens with an overhook. They break up and resume throwing leather. Errens stings Choi with a hard left hand. A minute left in the round and Errens is still throwing everything hard and a bit wild, and the calmer Choi is countering him crisply. Nonetheless, enough of the Dutchman’s haymakers have landed that Choi’s face is showing the wear. Errens shoots for a takedown in the closing seconds but can’t complete it before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Choi
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Choi
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Choi


Round 2

Errens comes forward aggressive again to open Round 2, and Choi immediately catches him with a straight right. Errens jumps in with hook that lands. Errens with a rear-hand uppercut that sits Choi down in the middle of the cage. Errens pounces on the still dazed Korean and drops elbows from half guard. Choi locks down the leg and tries to recover. Choi gets back to his feet and Errens follows, trying to drag him back down. Choi uses a judo throw to dump the taller man to his back. Choi is in Errens’ closed guard with under two minutes left. Errens uses butterfly hooks to try and crate separation, but Choi is wise to it and passes to half guard. Choi is heavy on top, throwing short punches to the head and body, but the strikes don’t have much behind them. Errens throws strikes from the bottom until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Errens
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Errens
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Errens

Round 3

Choi and Errens embrace to begin the final frame. Errens flicks out long front kicks, switching stances repeatedly. Choi tags Errens with his jab and an outside low kick. Errens feints a front kick and throws a spinning back kick to the midsection which lands solidly. Choi with a body kick that glances off Errens’ lowered arm. Errens comes into range and eats a one-two from Choi. Choi nails the oncoming Errens with a right cross. Half the round down and Choi is looking sharp and accurate. Choi lands a low kick that buckles Errens’ leg and sends him to his seat. Choi follows him down and begins throwing short strikes from guard. Choi passes to half guard. While still throwing short strikes, he moves to side control, then to back mount. At the 10-second clapper, he tries to set up a rear-naked choke, but can’t seriously threaten before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Choi (29-28 Choi)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Choi (29-28 Choi)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Choi (29-28 Choi)

The Official Result

Seung Woo Choi def. Jarno Errens via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Na Liang (126) vs. J.J. Aldrich (126)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Aldrich (-520), Liang (+390)

Round 1

Liang and Aldrich square off in mirrored stances; Aldrich southpaw and Liang orthodox. Kevin Sataki is the referee. Both women land jabs. Liang keeps stepping right into Aldrich’s jab. She finally comes in behind a sweeping right hand, grabs a clinch and throws Aldrich to the ground. Aldrich gets back to her feet and Liang tries another headlock throw. Aldrich counters properly but still ends up on bottom. Liang is in Aldrich’s guard, but Aldrich kicks her off and they’re back to the feet. Aldrich catches Liang with a left and right. Liang goes to the well for a third time with the headlock throw and this time, the American makes her pay, taking her back standing and hustling her to the canvas. Aldrich in back mount, but Liang traps Aldrich’s hands underneath her and she can’t get much done. Liang regains guard, but Aldrich is on top, where she throws elbows to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich

Round 2

Liang is the aggressor in the early going, coming forward, but cannot get past Aldrich’s jab and cross. After a couple of tries, Liang walks through a punch and hauls Aldrich to the mat, where she takes the back immediately. Liang moves to mount, then back to back control, where she looks for a choke, but she is high on the back and slides off. Liang holds onto the choke far too long, and Aldrich sets up on top in side control. Halfway through the round, Aldrich is on top, working for an arm-triangle. She gives it up and slides into mount, where she tries the choke again, but Liang survives. Aldrich throws a couple of punches to the ribs and appears to be considering a straight armbar. Aldrich is dominating here, switching between the choke and short, stinging punches. Liang starts rolling to her belly, then goes completely over. 30 seconds left and Aldrich is teeing off. Liang might not make it to the horn, and she doesn’t. Sataki steps in to stop the mauling with just seconds left in the frame.

The Official Result

J.J. Aldrich def. Liang Na R2 4:49 via TKO (Punches)

Billy Goff (170) vs. Yusaku Kinoshita (170.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Kinoshita (-135), Goff (+114)

Round 1

Goff and Kinoshita meet in a clash of 2022 DWCS alums, with Mark Craig set to be the third man in the Octagon. Kinoshita is southpaw, Goff orthodox, and Kinoshita throws a head kick immediately, which glances off the American’s guard. Kinoshita comes forward with a jab and takes an uppercut to the body. They exchange body kicks to the open side. Goff with a leg kick. Goff lands another uppercut, but Kinoshita answers with a clean three-piece combo. Kinoshita’s jab snaps back the head of Goff. Kinoshita is stalking, slowly marching down Goff. Goff briefly essays a takedown, but gives it up almost instantly. Goff lands a low kick and gets countered hard up top. Kinoshita tags Goff with a body kick, then launches a flying knee. Ninety seconds left in the round, and Goff is now coming forward. Out of nowhere, Goff crushes Kinoshita with a straight right to the midsection that instantly crumples him. Goff swarms with hammerfists and Kinoshita is in the fetal position, offering nothing in return. Craig moves in for the stoppage, and it’s a fantastic come-from-behind TKO for Billy Goff.

The Official Result

Billy Goff def. Yusaku Kinoshita R1 3:49 via TKO (Punches)

Kenan Song (170) vs. Rolando Bedoya (170.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Bedoya (-340), Song (+270)

Round 1

Bedoya and Song waste no time in getting to work under the watchful eye of Marc Goddard. Bedoya lands a hard low kick and Song responds in kind. Bedoya with another low kick, then another. Bedoya comes up short on a huge haymaker. Song sticks out his jab and has to duck a big overhand right coming back his way. Bedoya shoves Song to the fence with underhooks. Song disengages and they return to the center of the cage. Bedoya throws a body kick that connects, then a front kick up the middle that comes up short. Song sidesteps another front kick attempt and counters with a clean punch. Under half the round left and Bedoya is back to working on low kicks. Bedoya lands a couple of overhand rights that clatter off the high guard of Song. Bedoya switches stances and lands a low kick from the other side. Bedoya walks Song down and lands a push kick to the midsection. At the 30-second mark, Song still seems not to have gotten fully untracked. Song throws a kick that Bedoya catches, but can’t turn into a takedown. The horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Bedoya
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Bedoya
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Bedoya

Round 2

Song catches Bedoya with a left hand to the head, then another within the first seconds of the round. Song clinches and pushes Bedoya to the fence, but they break up moments later. Bedoya lands a two-piece and a low kick. Song buckles Bedoya with a punch and nearly takes his back on the ground, but Bedoya escapes and returns to his feet. Bedoya lands a heavy low kick and Song counters with a couple of punches that hurt the Peruvian. Bedoya is still coming forward aggressively, but Song seems to have figured something out, because he is catching him cleanly almost every time. Song bounces into range with a lead left, then a right-left combo. Bedoya changes levels for a double-leg takedown, but Song counters with a front headlock and stands him up. Bedoya hits the midsection as they separate. Song nails Bedoya with a counter right. The 10-second clapper sounds, then the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Song
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Song
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Song

Round 3

Bedoya lands a low kick, but Song punishes him for it with four or five short punches. Bedoya with another low kick, but he is the one who comes away briefly limping. Bedoya walks into range and is stopped in his tracks by a hard jab. Bedoya flicks out the low kick several times, but Song keeps sticking him with solid counter punches. Half the round has expired and the pace slows, but Bedoya’s low kicks are a constant presence. Song tags Bedoya with a crisp right-hand counter. Bedoya tries a snatch single, but Song is all over it. Song sits Bedoya down with a big punch. Bedoya is back up immediately, but Song hits him with a knee on the way up. Song punches the body. Bedoya tries a takedown but gets nowhere. Song shoves Bedoya to the cage. They disengage and swing until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Song (29-28 Song)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Song (29-28 Song)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Song (29-28 Song)

The Official Result

Kenan Song def. Rolando Bedoya via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Chidi Njokuani (185.5) vs. Michal Oleksiejczuk (186)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Oleksiejczuk (-115), Njokuani (-105)

Round 1

The middleweight strikers go to work at the behest of referee Thomas Fan. Njokuani immediately grabs a thai clinch and punishes Oleksiejczuk with knees up the middle. Njokuani fires off a salvo of push kicks. Oleksiejczuk closes the distance and Njokuani grabs another clinch, then fires off more knees. Oleksiejczuk lands a body punch. Njokuani clinches, but gives up his back standing. Njokuani breaks the grip and escapes. Njokuani lands a kick, then an ill-advised takedown attempt which the Pole pancakes, taking top position. Oleksiejczuk returns to the feet and Njokuani catches him with an intercepting knee, then a head kick that rocks him badly. Njokuani gives chase, punishing Oleksiejczuk with short elbows and knees. Oleksiejczuk throws back a right hand that lands flush and Njokuani is on wobbly legs. Oleksiejczuk pursues, grounds Njokuani and pours on a stream of punches as Njokuani covers up. Referee Fan looks on closely, and after Njokuani rolls onto his side, intervenes for the stoppage. Wild end to a wild one-round fight.

The Official Result

Michal Oleksiejczuk def. Chidi Njokuani R1 4:16 via TKO (Punches)

Toshiomi Kazama (135.5) vs. Garrett Armfield (135)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Armfield (-166), Kazama (+140)

Round 1

Bantamweights Kazama and Armfield are up next, with Sataki on referee duty. Kazama lands a low kick but takes a glancing counter punch. Kazama with another low kick and again eats the counter. Armfield comes forward with a string of punches to the body, and everything is landing solidly for the Missouri native. Kazama’s first takedown attempt of the fight is stuffed with ease. Kazama tries a snatch single, which Armfield defends, again without any trouble. Armfield tags Kazama with a one-two. Armfield’s jab snaps back the head of Kazama. Armfield walks his man into the fence and as Kazama rebounds, nails him with a pair of body punches. Armfield lights up Kazama with three punches, dropping him. Armfield jumps on his fallen foe and Kazama is in survival mode, clinging to an arm. Armfield waves him back up. Ninety seconds left in the round and Armfield again backs Kazama into the fence and flurries. Armfield drops Kazama with a blistering right hand, dives in with a single follow-up punch and Sataki jumps in for the stoppage. Kazama protests immediately, but his argument is undermined by the fact that he’s still swaying all over the place. Brutal work by Garrett Armfield.

The Official Result

Garrett Armfield def. Toshiomi Kazama R1 4:16 via TKO (Punches)

Waldo Cortes-Acosta (264) vs. Lukasz Brzeski (243)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Cortes-Acosta (-250), Brzeski (+205)

Round 1

The undercard closes out with an unranked heavyweight slobberknocker between Cortes-Acosta and Brzeski. Your referee is Mark Craig. Both big men are in orthodox stances and Brzeski flicks out a low kick to the lead leg, then another, then yet another. Cortes-Acosta doesn’t check the kicks, looking instead to counter with punches. Brzeski remains committed to the leg kicks, but Cortes-Acosta ignores them and nails Brzeski with a body punch and a big one up top. Cortes-Acosta surges forward with a pair of punches that bounce off the Pole’s high guard. Brzeski throws a kick up the middle. Cortes-Acosta launches an overhand right that doesn’t land clean. Cortes-Acosta catches a body kick and crushes Brzeski with a right to the head, then another right. Cortes-Acosta smashes Brzeski with another right hand that leaves the dazed Pole staggering away with his back turned, completely out on his feet. Cortes-Acosta pursues, wrapping a left hand around the ear from behind, and Brzeski face-plants. Craig is there in a flash, and Waldo Cortes-Acosta has picked up one hell of a knockout win.

The Official Result

Waldo Cortes-Acosta def. Lukasz Brseski R1 3:01 via KO (Punches)

Junior Tafa (255) vs. Parker Porter (256)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Tafa (-142), Porter (+120)

Round 1

Heavyweights get the ball rolling on the main card, as Tafa attempts to rebound from a decision loss to Mohammed Usman on April 22. Porter, meanwhile, sports a 4-3 record across his seven UFC appearances. Marc Goddard draws the officiating assignment. The sportsmen touch gloves. Porter flips out a jab and throws two punches behind it but misses his target. Tafa connects with a collar-tie knee, staggers the Connecticut native and lands an overhand right. Porter clinches in a bid to recover. Tafa breaks away and delivers a clean standing elbow while doing so. Power punches follow, and Porter hits the deck after eating a brutal right hook to the side of the head.

The Official Result

Junior Tafa def. Parker Porter—KO (Punch) 1:24 R1

Erin Blanchfield (125.5) vs. Taila Santos (124.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Blanchfield (-142), Santos (+120)

Round 1

A compelling women’s flyweight affair keeps the line moving. Blanchfield has been the talk of the division for the better part of a year and enters the cage on the strength of eight consecutive victories, with a shot at the 125-pound title almost certainly within reach. Santos, 30, has not fought since she wound up on the wrong side of a contentious split decision against Valentina Shevchenko in a failed bid to capture the women’s strawweight crown at UFC 275 on June 12, 2022. Thomas Fan answers the call as to referee. No glove touch from these two. Blanchfield gets going with a kick to the lower lead leg. Santos answers with one of her own. The Brazilian cracks Blanchfield with a crisp right, then denies her bid for a takedown. Santos connects with a one-two, showing off her heavier hands. She drops Blanchfield to a knee with a leg kick, then counters the American in the pocket. Blanchfield pins her counterpart to the fence with punches and settles into the clinch. Non-stop action thus far. Santos backs up Blanchfield with some short-range elbows and gets back into open space. The Brazilian scrambles out of another Blanchfield takedown attempt and returns to letting her hands fly. Blanchfield starts to show signs of damage, blood trickling from the bridge of her nose. They jockey for position in the clinch, trading knees with roughly 30 seconds left in the round. Blanchfield does some nice work in close quarters to close the round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Santos
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Santos
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Santos

Round 2

Santos continues to attack the legs at the start of the middle stanza and shuts down another takedown attempt. Not much is going according to plan for Blanchfield. Santos sprawls along the fence, forcing her opponent to clinch. They trade knees at close range, with Blanchfield controlling the position on the cage. Santos frames off with a few elbows, then pummels into double underhooks. Blanchfield powers into top position in a surprise turn of events, settling in full guard. Santos rolls her hips for an armbar but allows Blanchfield to progress to half guard and eventually the back. However, the Brazilian wills herself back to an upright position and frees herself from danger. Blanchfield presses her into the fence and mixes knees with short punches. They trade knees as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield

Round 3

The result of this critical women’s flyweight affair appears to hang in the balance at the start of the third round. Blanchfield backs up the Brazilian with a head kick, follows with punches and closes distance to clinch. Santos breaks free and forces the American to exchange in the center of the cage. Blanchfield holds her own, then presses her into the fence. The action stalls, as Blanchfield breaks away with an elbow, gets in on the hips and clinches again. Santos breaks free and smashes the leg with a kick. However, Blanchfield draws her back into the clinch. She lands an elbow over the top off the break, shoves Santos away and delivers a jab. A volley of punches follows from the American, who appears to be flexing her superiority in the cardio department. Blanchfield keeps the Brazilian off-balance with punches and clinches. With less than a minute to go, Santos has surrendered momentum. They trade in the center of the cage, and Blanchfield fires a head kick, forcing the Brazilian to dive at her legs as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield (29-28 Blanchfield)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield (29-28 Blanchfield)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Blanchfield (29-28 Blanchfield)

The Official Result

Erin Blanchfield def. Taila Santos—Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Rinya Nakamura (135) vs. Fernie Garcia (135.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Nakamura (-800), Garcia (+550)

Round 1

Bantamweight hopefuls are next to the stage, as Nakamura puts his undefeated record on the line in his first Ultimate Fighting Championship assignment since winning the Road to UFC tournament. The 28-year-old Japanese standout has finished six of his seven opponents, five of them inside one round. Fortis MMA’s Garcia has suffered back-to-back defeats since joining the UFC roster in 2022. Kevin Sataki steps up as the third man in the cage. They touch gloves and get down to business. Nakamura operates out of the southpaw stance and tests the waters with leg kick, then a body kick. Nakamura shoots and completes a takedown. Garcia tries desperately to build a base, succeeds in doing so and gets back to his feet. Nakamura ups the ante, propels his opponent into the air and scores with a powerful takedown. The Japanese prospect progresses to half guard, then moves between side control and the north-south position. Garcia is getting schooled on the canvas. Nakamura bites down on a north-south choke, then bails on it before delivering a nasty elbow to the body. The situation looks dire for Garcia as the round concludes with the Fortis MMA rep eating elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-8 Nakamura
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-8 Nakamura

Round 2

They circle one another on the feet. Garcia swings and misses with a left hook, then an overhand right. Nakamura works over the legs and body with kicks. The undefeated prospect starts targeting the head with kicks, avoids returns fire and circles on the outside. Nakamura scores with a lead right hook and follows it with a low kick before briefly backing up on the end of a right hand. Nakamura shoots on a takedown, counters a guillotine with shoulder pressure and moves back to the north-south position. Garcia shifts into survival mode with 90 seconds left in the round. Stellar top control from Nakamura, who moves to a topside crucifix and scores with an elbow. He frames a straight armbar but elects to bail on it, choosing surefire position over potential submission as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura

Round 3

Nakamura touches his adversary with a leg kick and fires a straight left behind it. Garcia not yet showing a sense of urgency despite being two rounds in the hole. Nakamura dodges a one-two and continues to score with kicks and punches. Garcia throws an ill-advised leg kick and surrenders another takedown. Nakamura transitions beautifully from half guard to side control and smothers Garcia with heavy pressure. He tries to isolate an arm, then shifts his attention to elbows to the head. Nakamura moves toward mount, then climbs to the back, all while threatening the neck. Garcia looks to be out of answers. Nakamura feeds him more elbows and punches before snapping down on an armbar. Garcia survives. He tries to roll free and manages to get back to his feet with time ticking away. Nakamura connects with head kick while moving backward and avoids the return fire as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura (30-26 Nakamura)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura (30-27 Nakamura)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Nakamura (30-26 Nakamura)

The Official Result

Rinya Nakamura def. Fernie Garcia—Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Giga Chikadze (146) vs. Alex Caceres (145.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Chikadze (-245), Caceres (+200)

Round 1

A hotly anticipated featherweight scrap heats up the room in Southeast Asia. Chikadze finds his way back into the cage for the first time in more than a year and looks to rebound from a decision defeat to Calvin Kattar that put an end to his nine-fight winning streak. Caceres appears to be enjoying a mid-career resurgence, with victories seven of his past eight bouts. Marc Goddard gets the nod to officiate. Caceres opens with a side kick to the body and looks light on his feet. Chikadze stalks from the center of the cage and uses feints to back up the Miami native. Caceres connects with a crisp one-two, then stomps at the knee. Chikadze partially blocks and spinning backfist and targets the body with one of his patented kicks. Caceres controls the center of the cage but eats a right hand over the top. His unorthodox style seems to be giving Chikadze trouble. Caceras throws in a jab, follows it with a low kick and misfires on a Superman punch. Chikadze still throwing in single strikes. So far, Caceres is holding his own on the feet. Chikadze meets him with a jab in the center of the cage, as Caceres lunges in and out with punches. They trade right hands as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Caceres
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Caceres
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze

Round 2

Caceres once again gets out of the gate first. Chikadze looks keen to counter, but the Georgian is still only throwing one shot at a time. Lack of output is limiting his effectiveness. Chikadze follows a sharp jab with a right cross. The Kings MMA rep seems to have found his rang and timing, as he starts to connect in combination. Caceres dives in with a right hook to the body and exits without absorbing anything in return. Chikadze steps into a right hand, then follows a jab with a heavy straight right, snapping back his counterpart’s head. There is a noticeable difference in the impact of their shots. Chikadze uncorks a kicks to the body, backs out of the pocket and answers a leg kick with a right cross. Momentum has definitely shifted here.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze

Round 3

Chikadze gives Caceres pause with a head kick to start Round 3, then rattles him with a jarring right hook. The Georgian counters a low kick with an overhand right and continues to land the more impactful blows. Caceres probably needs to alter his strategy, though he punctuates a nice combination with a partially blocked head kick. The Miami native smiles, as Chikadze remains stoic and hunts opportunities. Kicks to the leg and body back up Caceres, who is swinging and missing far more often now. Chikadze steps into another right hand, nearly spinning around “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 12 graduate. With 90 seconds left, Caceres needs to put forth something significant. Chikadze circles on the outside and delivers a heavy kick to the chest. A two-punch volley comes next. Caceres is running out of time. Chikadze counters while moving backward and chews up the remaining seconds on the clock.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze (29-28 Chikadze)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze (29-28 Chikadze)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Chikadze (30-27 Chikadze)

The Official Result

Giga Chikadze def. Alex Caceres—Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-37, 30-27)

Anthony Smith (205.5) vs. Ryan Spann (205)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Spann (-130), Smith (+110)

Round 1

The rematch of a September 2021 pairing that saw Smith get his hand raised via rear-naked choke submission serves as the co-main event. However, “Lionheart,” now 35, finds himself reeling after consecutive losses to Magomed Ankalaev and Johnny Walker. Spann has gone six straight fights—three of them wins, three of them losses—without seeing a second round. Mark Craig serves as the referee. Smith gets going with a leg kick and follows with another. He swings and misses as Spann ducks in for a takedown, which goes nowhere. Smith connects with a left hand over the top. Spann pushes him toward the fence, eats a right and goes to knee on a beautiful low kick from “Lionheart.” They trade front kicks to the body, gathering themselves for the next burst of violence. Smith sits down Spann with a leg kick and follows up with punches, only to have the Texan spin away from danger. Spann counters a low kick with a straight right, resets in open space and delivers a left hook. Smith ducks into a takedown, sheds an attempted guillotine and works from half guard. Action briefly stalls, as Smith considers his options. He climbs to mount but squanders position, and Spann escapes to his feet with roughly a minute to go. Smith connects with another hard kick to the thigh, then aims lower on the leg as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Smith
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Smith
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Smith

Round 2

They tap gloves to start Round 2. Smith again zeroes in on the leg from an upright muay thai stance. Spann should probably address these if he wants to maintain a solid base. The Fortis MMA rep connects with a left hook, forces Smith to retreat and drives him to the canvas with a flying knee. “Lionheart” taking a lot of damage in a short period of time. Spann stays in top position and unleashes hammerfist-laden ground-and-pound. Elbows and forearm strikes are part of the mix, too. Smith stands, showing the extent of the damage to his right eye, which includes significant swelling and a cut. Smith hammers away at the leg and tries to stay busy, then steps into a sneaky left hand. Spann leans on one-twos, as he targets the already damaged eye. With 30 seconds to go, it looks as though Smith will survive this brush with adversity.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Spann
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-8 Spann
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Spann

Round 3

The cageside physician examines the eye before the start of Round 3 and clears Smith to move forward. The two rivals hug ahead of their final five minutes. Smith tags his opponent with jab, then covers up to avoid return fire. Spann sits down on his punches and backs up the former Cage Fury Fighting Championships titleholder, who responds with jabs and shots to the body. Still anyone’s fight. The pace has slowed noticeably for obvious reasons. Smith continues to invest in the leg kicks, moves his head of the center line and sticks Spann with a right hand over the top. Smith steps into a left hand, backs it up with a right hand, then gets knocked off-balance by a right hook from Spann. Smith connects with an overhand right, covers up and eats a few jabs. Spann pushed “Lionheart” toward the fence with a clean one-two. Neither man throwing more than two or three strikes at a time at this point. Close, close round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Smith (29-28 Smith)
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Spann (29-27 Spann)
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Spann (29-28 Spann)

The Official Result

Anthony Smith def. Ryan Spann—Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Max Holloway (146) vs. Chan Sung Jung (146)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Holloway (-850), Jung (+520)

Round 1

The featherweight mainstays close the show for the UFC’s first visit to Singapore in more than a year. Stuck in Alexander Volkanovski-induced limbo, Holloway has won 17 of his past 21 fights, with three of those losses resulting from failed encounters with the current featherweight champion. Jung has not fought since he succumbed to fourth-round punches from Volkanovski in April 2022. Marc Goddard draws the final assignment as the third man in the cage. They tap gloves, as a raucous crowd roars at the start. Holloway gets going with a leg kick and trades left hands with Jung. The Hawaiian looks more tentative than usual. Jung sneaks in a left hand, then exchanges with Holloway on the run. Holloway rocks Jung with a counterpunch but remains cautious. The former champion feints low and steps into a crisp left hook, then jabs at the body. Holloway connects with a two-punch burst. Jung shovels a left hand into the Hawaiian’s face but fails to follow up. Holloway staggers him with another left, rolls into a combination and turns away an attempted takedown. When Jung, he does so with impact but usually only a punch at a time. They close with a flurry, and Jung gets the better of the exchange.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Holloway
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Holloway
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Holloway

Round 2

Holloway takes the center of the cage in Round 2 but eats a left hook. The Hawaiian drops Jung with a right hand to the temple, then bites down on a brabo choke. “The Korean Zombie” refuses to surrender and somehow escapes. Holloway delivers some hammerfists as the rise back to their feet. Jung tags the former champion with a left hook and sets of an exchange that shows Holloway to be the more surgical of the two. Holoway backs Jung to the fence, rattles him with a right and eats a heavy shot in return. They resume their dance in the center of the cage with a little more than 90 seconds to go in the rounds. Holloway jabs at the body, feints and goes upstairs. Jung may be living on borrowed time here. A left hook-overhand right connects for the Hawaiian. Holloway starting to overwhelm the South Korean with his speed, output and accuracy.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Holloway
Tudor Leonte scores the round: 10-9 Holloway
J.L. Kirven scores the round: 10-9 Holloway

Round 3

Jung cuts loose with punches at the start of Round 3. Holloway stays calm under serious duress, and the furious rush of violence ends when he faceplants “The Korean Zombie” with a devastating overhand right. No follow-up shots were necessary. Jung went out on his shield.

The Official Result

Max Holloway def. Chan Sung Jung—KO (Punch) 0:23 R3


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