

UFC Fight Night 36 Results: ‘Machida vs. Mousasi’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Arena Jaragua in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil, at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET with live play-by-play of UFC Fight Night 36.

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Douglas Silva de Andrade vs. Zubair Tuhugov

Round 1

Andrade stays on the outside with a wide stance in the opening minute, fending off the taller man with a few outside leg kicks. About 90 seconds in, Tukhugov catches a kick and shoves the Brazilian to the floor behind a right hand. Andrade pops back to his feet and reestablishes the distance. Tukhugov is still trying to wade into the pocket, walking down Andrade from the center of the cage. A snappy spinning back fist from Tukhugov goes off Andrade’s gloves, and “D’Silva” answers with a kick to the body. Tukhugov lands a left hook which opens up a cut on Andrade’s brow. Referee Osiris Maia has the cageside doctor take a look at the damage, and Andrade is cleared to continue. Tukhugov hits a double-leg takedown with 40 seconds remaining and drops some hard elbows on Andrade’s face before the Brazilian can get up. Tukhugov pops him with a combination as they stand, worsening the cut on Andrade’s face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov

Round 2

Photo: Gleidson Venga/Sherdog.com

Tukhugov outworked Andrade and took the W.
The featherweights resume their positions from round one, Andrade on the outside and Tukhugov working from the center. Tukhugov is still looking for spinning attacks, now going to the body with kicks. Andrade tries some leg kicks and comes inside to clinch, but Tukhugov backs him out with a quick combo upstairs. They tie up and Tukhugov changes levels to try and toss his man down. Andrade defends and stands, and referee Maia calls for action. Tukhugov hits another takedown but can’t keep Andrade on the mat.

Both men throw spinning back fists, and Andrade’s connects. Tukhugov goes for another one late in the round; it goes off Andrade’s gloves. Andrade lands the last punch of the round, a right to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov

Round 3

Tukhugov catches Andrade coming forward and knocks him to the ground with a push kick. The Brazilian stands and resumes backpedaling around the perimeter, making Tukhugov chase him down. Tukhugov comes in with a good left hand to the body, but Andrade answers with a hard left of his own, and the featherweights get into a brief scrap near the fence. Three minutes left in the bout and neither man is really engaging, still just picking their shots and trying to set up spinning attacks. Andrade clips Tukhugov with a left hand behind the ear, but the Russian pushes ahead to score with a three-piece combination, then another. Both guys are swinging a little more wildly now, though only in short bursts. Tukhugov shoots a double with 90 seconds on the clock and gets stuffed. Andrade wants to tie up and takes a left hand up top for his trouble. Tukhugov lands another takedown, but Andrade flips and scrambles out, nearly catching Tukhugov in a headlock on the way. Tukhugov partially lands a spinning back fist, and Andrade comes back with an overhand left, the last offense of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov (30-27 Tukhugov)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov (30-27 Tukhugov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tukhugov (30-27 Tukhugov)

The Official Result

Zubaira Tukhugov def. Douglas Silva de Andrade via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ildemar Alcantara vs. Albert Tumenov

Round 1

The welterweights come out throwing high kicks, Alcantara in the southpaw stance and Tumenov orthodox. The rangier Alcantara looks to get in the clinch, can’t score with a knee there and knocks Tumenov backward with a straight punch. Tumenov returns the favor, knocking Alcantara down, but Alcantara gets back up to hit a quick takedown. Tumenov sweeps to top position, now working from Alcantara’s closed guard. A few hard elbow strikes score for Tumenov, who’s already sporting a bloody nose. Tumenov creates some space and unloads with some heavy punches while standing and controlling Alcantara’s legs. More ground-and-pound scores for Tumenov; he stands, dodges an upkick and comes back to the mat to punish Alcantara with more rough shots. Alcantara gets back to his feet with 80 seconds remaining. He clips Tumenov with a left but eats a right straight in return. Tumenov over-commits on a right hand and gets taken down again. He keeps Alcantara in guard until “Marajo” stands to try and pass. Tumenov eats a right hand from the diving Brazilian, but he gives Alcantara a hard punch from the bottom, too.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tumenov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Alcantara
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tumenov

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Alcantara bested Tumenov by split decision.
Tumenov steps in with a pair of short left hands. Alcantara fires back with knees as he tries to pull the Russian into the clinch. Instead, they wind up on the fence, Alcantara on the outside, controlling the position with an underhook. Alcantara drags Tumenov to the ground and passes to half-guard on his opponent’s right side to drop some heavy elbow shots. Alcantara is framing up an arm-triangle choke, then switches to take the back when Tumenov rolls over. Tumenov turns again, putting Alcantara in full mount, but Tumenov slips out the back door and stands.

Alcantara keeps Tumenov pressed against the cage until referee Keith Peterson separates them with 1:40 on the clock. Ten seconds later, Alcantara has Tumenov back on the ground with another double-leg. More elbows and short punches fall on Tumenov’s face, and now Alcantara switches to grinding his forearm across Tumenov’s face. Tumenov is busted wide open, leaking blood from the outside corner of his left eye as he returns to his corner.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alcantara
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Alcantara
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alcantara

Round 3

Alcantara deflects an overhand right from Tumenov, but the Russian comes back with another that lands. Tumenov counters a low kick with a straight right, then has a rushing head kick blocked. Alcantara lands a kick to the body, caught by Tumenov, who can’t capitalize. Tumenov catches Alcantara changing levels with a hard hook on the jaw. The welterweights and going back and forth with single shots and jabs in the middle of the round, until Alcantara strings together a combination. Tumenov is fading, dropping his hands by his sides, but he’s still got enough to defend a takedown attempt from Alcantara inside the final minute. Alcantara sticks a jab down the center and follows up with a heavy right hook. A left from Alcantara catches Tumenov off balance and knocks him backward at the end of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alcantara (29-28 Alcantara)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tumenov (29-28 Alcantara)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alcantara (29-28 Alcantara)

The Official Result

Ildemar Alcantara def. Albert Tumenov via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Felipe Arantes vs. Maximo Blanco

Round 1

Blanco comes in to clinch right away and gets shoved off Arantes as they fight on the fence. Arantes connects with a right hand up top, answered by Blanco with a left to the body. Blanco rushes forward with a two-punch combo finished with a body kick, then a takedown against the fence. The Venezuelan sits up in Arantes’ half-guard, and Arantes briefly thinks about attempting a sweep before releasing and grabbing for an armbar. Blanco backs out and invites Arantes to stand, and the featherweights get busy throwing leather. Arantes connects with a jumping Superman punch, has a right high kick blocked. Blanco snipes back with a right hand over the top. Blanco rushes Arantes against the cage with uppercuts to the body and head. Arantes covers up for a moment, then fires back with big punches of his own which force Blanco to back out. Arantes lands a jumping knee to the gut of Blanco, then a spinning kick which finds Arantes’ calf on Blanco’s face. Blanco has a kick caught and gets shoved backward, and a pair of right hands from Arantes drop him to the mat. Arantes tries to sink a rear-naked choke, can’t secure the position and instead switches to a mounted crucifix attempt. Arantes is riding too high and Blanco slips out the back door to finish the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Arantes
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Arantes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arantes

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Arantes survived a vicious groin kick.
The featherweights exchange leg kicks early in round two, and Blanco chops the lead leg out from underneath Arantes. “Maxi” takes top position, following Arantes down to set up in the Brazilian’s guard, much to the displeasure of the partisan crowd. Arantes tries a triangle but Blanco slams his way free, and referee Mario Yamasaki orders Arantes back up. Arantes closes the gap on the fence and tries a single-leg. He can’t complete the takedown and Blanco shoves him away but remains on the fence. Blanco comes off the cage with a nice right hook to the ribs. Midway through the bout and Blanco sticks the incoming Arantes with a stiff left hand.

Arantes connects with a straight right and has a head kick blocked. Blanco goes to the body with a right hook, then up high with a left. Blanco hits another takedown with 70 seconds on the clock in round two. Arantes keeps his guard open and swings his legs up, hunting for a triangle or armbar. Referee Yamasaki calls for action as Blanco lies on top; a few short shoulder strikes aren’t enough to keep the fighters on the ground, and Yamasaki stands them up just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Blanco
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Blanco
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Blanco

Round 3

Blanco goes to the body with hard punches, and Arantes responds with a quick combination to the head. An inside low kick from Blanco lands on Arantes’ cup with a loud pop, and “Sertanejo” drops to the canvas in agony. Ref Yamasaki calls the doctor in to examine Arantes, who is still on the ground a minute later. Arantes recovers, and Yamasaki takes one point away from Blanco for the foul. They resume with 3:50 on the clock and Blanco is immediately looking for a spinning kick. He lunges at Arantes on the fence and changes levels for a takedown. Arantes is thinking armbar underneath, but Blanco stays heavy on top. Arantes rolls for a leg and Blanco bails to his feet, then gets taken down against the fence when Arantes hits a double-leg midway through the final round. Arantes drops a couple thumping punches to Blanco’s body before they stand up. Another takedown attempt comes from Arantes, this one stuffed by Blanco with a wide base against the cage. Arantes takes a sharp elbow to the temple and stands up to give Blanco one in return. Yamasaki separates them inside the last minute, and Arantes is quick to put Blanco back on the fence with another single-leg attempt. Blanco denies it, and they finish the fight standing.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Arantes (29-27 Arantes)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Arantes (29-27 Arantes)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Arantes (29-27 Arantes)

The Official Result

Felipe Arantes def. Maximo Blanco via Unanimous Decision (29-27, 29-27, 29-27) R3 5:00

Iuri Alcantara vs. Wilson Reis

Round 1

Reis clips Alcantara with a left hand behind the ear, and “Marajo” goes diving for a takedown. Reis tries to spin and take the back, but Alcantara sweeps to the top and tries to pin down the jiu-jitsu specialist. It looks like Reis will be able to escape until Alcantara settles down in half-guard and flattens him out. Reis powers his way back up 90 seconds into the round and shoves Alcantara against the cage. They come off the fence in the whizzer and Alcantara lands in full mount. Reis slips out the back and takes top position in half-guard on Alcantara’s right side. There’s not enough action for referee Osiris Maia, who curiously stands the bantamweights up halfway through the frame. Alcantara taps Reis with a couple left hooks before Reis closes the gap and tries a double-leg against the cage. Again, referee Maia is quick to call for action, and now Reis voluntarily gives up the shot. Alcantara drops Reis with a stiff right straight, then comes down on top looking for a triangle. Reis just slips out and stands up, then catches a knee and takes Alcantara to the ground in the final 20 seconds. Alcantara reverses for another takedown of his own, attaching himself to Reis’ back just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alcantara
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Reis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alcantara

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Reis dropped a hard-fought split decision.
A big left hand from Alcantara sends Reis to the floor, and Marajo tries to punch out his injured opponent with ground-and-pound. Reis is turtling up at first, but he comes to life when he grabs hold of Alcantara and sweeps to the top. Reis quickly passes to full mount, keeping tight on top for a few seconds until he sits up to unload with punches. Alcantara is able to avoid any serious damage and eventually pushes off the cage to buck Reis out of mount. Now it’s Alcantara on top, trying to feed punches through Reis’ guard. Reis looks for a deep half-guard sweep but gets thwarted by Alcantara, who is close to mounting Reis again.

Alcantara pops Reis with a hard left hand on the ground just before Reis drives forward to put Alcantara on his seat at the base of the fence, where Reis is able to keep him for the final minute of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alcantara
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Reis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alcantara

Round 3

Reis starts the final round on the outside, circling Alcantara and occasionally stepping in with big, sweeping left hands. It’s Alcantara who strikes with a hard left behind the ear which slows Reis momentarily. Alcantara sticks a jab, follows with another left hook and backs out of the way of Reis’ power punches. Reis shoots a double-leg, changes to a single as they come off the fence and finishes the takedown on the other side of the cage. Just under three minutes remaining as Reis grinds with short ground-and-pound from half-guard. Alcantara puts him back in closed guard, while Reis just keeps swimming with punches on top. They scramble up and now it’s Alcantara on the outside, tripping Reis to the ground with 30 seconds to go. Heavy left hammer fists score for Alcantara on top as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Reis (29-28 Alcantara)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Alcantara (29-28 Reis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reis (29-28 Alcantara)

The Official Result

Iuri Alcantara def. Wilson Reis via Split Decision (30-27, 30-27, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jesse Ronson vs. Francisco Trinaldo

Round 1

Ronson stakes out the center of the cage while the smaller Trinaldo goes to the outside, both in the southpaw stance. Ronson strikes first with a pair of inside leg kicks and dodges some power punches from the Brazilian. Trinaldo continues to circle the outside as Ronson lands a body kick and steps in with a left straight. Now it’s Trinaldo scoring with leg kicks inside, taking return fire on his lead leg from the striker. Trinaldo steps into the pocket and pops Ronson with a right hook, a body shot and some stiff jabs. Trinaldo tries to pull down Ronson’s head in the Thai plum, so Ronson puts his hand on the mat and then shoots for a double-leg against the cage. Trinaldo rocks Ronson’s head with an uppercut, and the lightweights exchange knees in the clinch. One minute left in the round and Ronson seems to have regained his footing, setting up a few feet away from Trinaldo, who keeps his back to the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Trinaldo cruised against Ronson.
Trinaldo resumes his circling of the outside, working kicks to the inside and outside of Ronson’s lead leg. Ronson snaps off some good jabs and keeps the smaller man where he wants him with front kicks. Ronson goes to the body now, attacking Trinaldo with a kick and a right hand. Ronson lands a left on his way into the clinch but gets turned around and elbowed by Trinaldo before they split. Trinaldo whiffs on a big left but catches Ronson a few seconds later with an overhand right. Ronson shuts down Trinaldo’s next takedown attempt with a whizzer. Good movement from Ronson now, slipping in and out of range to pluck Trinaldo with a
couple left hands.

Trinaldo tries a standing arm-triangle choke, loses it and winds up pressing Ronson against the cage. Ronson grabs the Thai plum and works his way off the fence, only to be tripped down by Trinaldo in the final seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Ronson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo

Round 3

Ronson is finding his range with jabs and lead uppercuts early in the final frame, still keeping Trinaldo on the outside. Trinaldo is breathing heavy as he answers with some low kicks. Ronson lands a leaping left, has a high kick blocked and gets grazed with Trinaldo’s counter left. Another overhand left connects for Trinaldo, then a left to the body halfway through the final round. Ronson sticks a jab in Trinaldo’s face, eats a heavy left in response. Trinaldo grabs hold of Ronson and trips him down, working to take the Canadian’s back in the middle of the cage. Ronson gets to his feet and keeps a hand on the mat to avoid knees as he crab-walks over to the fence. Instead, Trinaldo winds up with big knee strikes to Ronson’s legs. Ronson stands and separates with 50 seconds remaining. He puts Trinaldo on the cage and drives a knee to the body, but Trinaldo reverses and hits one last takedown to finish the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ronson (29-28 Trinaldo)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo (29-28 Trinaldo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ronson (29-28 Trinaldo)

The Official Result

Francisco Trinaldo def. Jesse Ronson via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Rodrigo Damm vs. Ivan Jorge

Round 1

Damm takes the outside of the cage, looking to counter Jorge as “Batman” presses forward with punches and leg kicks. Both lightweights find success with short punches in the pocket, followed by a stiff leg kick from Damm. A body-head combo scores for Jorge, and he lunges ahead with a high kick that’s blocked. Damm counters a low kick with a short left hand inside. Jorge comes back inside with a hook to the body. They clash low kicks and reset in the center of the cage, Jorge landing a right hand down the center but Damm coming back with two or three looping punches up top. Jorge eats a double jab and comes in to drill Damm with a hard right hook. Another pair of clipping punches connect for Jorge in the final moments.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Damm
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jorge
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Damm

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Damm continued his winning ways.
Jorge comes out aggressively, charging straight at Damm with punches. Damm sidesteps them to move to center cage and backs Jorge away with a right hand to the body. Jorge grazes with a head-down overhand right, and Damm swipes back with an open hand which sticks Jorge with a finger in the eye. Jorge recovers quickly and the round resumes with 3:30 on the clock. Now it’s Damm complaining of a finger in the eye from an open-handed strike from Jorge. Damm recovers fast as well and the lightweights get back to throwing. Damm connects with a heavy overhand left and walks forward on Jorge, shaking his head.

Jorge tries a high kick that whips right over Damm’s head.

Jorge tries to change levels after a combo from Damm, but Damm stuffs it and gives Jorge another short right for his trouble. Inside the final minute of the round and it’s Damm coming forward, catching Jorge with a hard left hook on the chin. Jorge jumps into the pocket and eats another left and a leg kick behind it, and “Batman” returns to his corner sporting a cut under his right eye.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Damm
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Damm
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Damm

Round 3

Damm catches a low kick and hustles Jorge to the ground, where Damm sets up for a crucifix. Jorge slips out and catches Damm in a tight brabo choke near the fence. Jorge leans into the choke, trying to finish, but Damm has an arm in and is able to peel Jorge’s hands away. They scramble up and it’s Jorge coming ahead on the suddenly fatigued Damm. Jorge denies a takedown, lands a left and goes for a shot of his own. Damm stuffs this and tries to throw punches in return, but his hands are falling to his sides. Jorge changes levels against the fence and Damm rolls him to the ground, looking for an armbar. Damm can’t get the sub and scrambles up, still held against the cage halfway through the final stanza. Damm is bloodied around his left eye now as he escapes Jorge’s grasps. Jorge steps forward with a jackhammer jab, dodges a wild right from Damm, but eats the next right hand. Just as Damm begins to string together punches, Jorge complains of a groin shot from a front kick. Referee Yamasaki does not deduct a point, and they get back to business with 83 seconds to go. Damm stuffs a single-leg and slugs Jorge with some good uppercuts before Batman releases the leg. A left jab-right straight combination sticks for Damm, and Jorge answers with a hard left. Jorge is denied a last-ditch single-leg attempt but makes Damm pay with a left upstairs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jorge (29-28 Damm)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jorge (29-28 Jorge)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jorge (29-28 Damm)

The Official Result

Rodrigo Damm def. Ivan Jorge via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Cristiano Marcello vs. Joe Proctor

Round 1

Proctor comes out aggressive, backing Marcello toward the fence with long punches. The American grabs for a guillotine, can’t keep hold and winds up turned around with his back to the fence. Proctor grabs another guillotine as he’s taken down, loses it and sits up to try again. Marcello slips his head loose and postures up in the guard of Proctor, who throws up his legs for an armbar. Marcello stands to escape danger and comes back down in Proctor’s half-guard. Proctor isn’t giving Marcello much room to work, so Marcello stands and controls the legs, looking to improve position. Marcello drops back for a heel hook attempt and Proctor tries to defend by peeling at the hands. Proctor instead stretches out and yanks his leg free, then comes forward to snare Marcello in another guillotine. Marcello pulls free and dodges the final right hand of the round from Proctor.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Marcello
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Marcello
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Marcello

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Proctor defeated a friend in Marcello.
The lightweights peck at each other with jabs and low kicks early in round two. Proctor tries another guillotine which falls by the wayside. Now it’s Marcello shooting for a single-leg against the fence, dodging another headlock. They separate and Proctor comes forward with a hard one-two. Marcello grabs the Thai plum against the fence, but it’s Proctor scoring with big knees and uppercuts in the tie-up. As they move across the cage, Marcello tries to keep Proctor at bay with front kicks. Proctor still finds his way inside with snappy punches.

Good one-two from Proctor, then another right hand and an uppercut as he traps Marcello against the cage. Marcello circles out, eats a jab and backpedals some more.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Proctor
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Proctor
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Proctor

Round 3

Marcello goes down after a hard right straight from Proctor, who invites the Brazilian back to his feet. Marcello comes forward throwing punches now, catching Proctor in a flurry. Proctor is soon on the offensive again, though, marching forward on Marcello with more measured punches. A grazing right hand from Marcello has Proctor smiling. Proctor catches a kick and trips Marcello to the ground, then allows him to stand. Marcello gets through with a left hook to the body. A quick right hand from Proctor sends Marcello backing up against the cage. Marcello comes forward to eat another right, then another which sends him shooting. Proctor stuffs the shot and clips Marcello with another wide right. Marcello answers with a slow leg kick, now with 80 seconds to go. Proctor counters a leg kick with an overhand right, snuffs out another shot and whips Marcello with yet another right. A four-punch combo from Proctor stings Marcello. It’s all Proctor in the closing moments, beating the exhausted Marcello to the punch in the last minute.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Proctor (29-28 Proctor)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Proctor (29-28 Proctor)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Proctor (29-28 Proctor)

The Official Result

Joe Proctor def. Cristiano Marcello via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Andy Ogle vs. Charles Oliveira

Round 1

Oliveira comes straight at the smaller man with punches before changing levels for a takedown at the base of the fence. From side control, “Charles do Bronx” works for an arm-triangle. Oliveira passes to mount, then secures back control a body triangle as Ogle turns over. Ogle stands up against the fence with Oliveira still stuck to his back, and the “Little Ax” tries to make things less comfortable for the Brazilian with punches and elbows over his shoulder. Ogle has to focus on controlling Oliveira’s left arm as he defends a rear-naked choke attempt. The featherweights fall to the ground, where Oliveira continues to fish for the RNC. Ogle traps the right arm, so Oliveira punches at the Englishman’s head with lefts. Late in the round, Oliveira releases the body triangle to deliver knees to Ogle’s body, then locks it back up and finishes the frame with elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Oliveira
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Oliveira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Oliveira

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Oliviera pulled off the first finish of the night.
Ogle shakes off the first takedown attempt from Oliveira, but succumbs to the second against the cage. As Oliveira tries to take the back again, Ogle turns around to take top position. Not much work from Ogle in Oliveira’s open guard, just controlling the Brazilian’s legs. Oliveira gets to his feet and takes a left on the cheek from Ogle as they separate. Oliveira catches a kick and turns it into a takedown in the center of the cage. Ogle works over to the fence and stands, taking a left from Oliveira on his way out. Another takedown lands for Oliveira.

As Ogle scrambles up from this one, Oliveira snares him in a brabo choke. Ogle defends, but Oliveira adjusts the choke. Ogle breaks free and tries to take Oliveira’s back in a quick move. Oliveira defends and they scramble up, with Ogle pressing Oliveira against the fence and delivering a few foot stomps. A big slam lands for Ogle with 1:40 left in the round, and he tries to stack up Oliveira at the foot of the fence. A couple hard punches from Ogle get through the Brazilian’s guard, but Oliveira gets to his feet with 25 seconds left and drills Ogle with a knee. Oliveira falls backward in back control to finish the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Oliveira
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Oliveira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Oliveira

Round 3

A straight punch from Oliveira sends Ogle falling to the canvas, and Oliveira tries to capitalize with another choke attempt. Ogle slips loose and stands over Oliveira, then lands a takedown once both featherweights are back up. Oliveira fights him off and marches forward on Ogle as they stand, but Ogle isn’t backing down, landing kicks and a straight shot. Ogle gets on top again, dropping short ground-and-pound. Oliveira throws up his legs and traps Ogle in a triangle choke. As soon as Oliveira pulls down on the choke, Ogle is forced to tap out.

The Official Result

Charles Oliveira def. Andy Ogle via Submission (Triangle Choke) R3 2:40

Viscardi Andrade vs. Nicholas Musoke

Round 1

Musoke sticks a pair of jabs in the face of Andrade, who circles to his right around the outside. Andrade grabs hold and drives Musoke to the ground near the fence, then socks the Swede with three or four hard left hands to the face. More lefts score for Andrade as he continues to keep Musoke trapped on the cage. Musoke powers back to his feet and Andrade circles out. Andrade comes back to clinch and gets shoved away. A huge overhand right from Andrade sends Musoke to the floor, and Andrade throws up his arms in celebration. Referee Keith Peterson isn’t stopping the fight, however, and Andrade has to pounce on a suddenly recovered Musoke. The finish doesn’t come, as Musoke wraps up Andrade from underneath to dodge the Brazilian’s ground-and-pound and stay in the fight. Musoke powers back to his feet again and comes forward on the wild-swinging Andrade, countering with straight shots down the center. The right hook is landing for Musoke at the end of the round, cutting through Andrade’s winging combinations.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Andrade
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Musoke took rounds two and three from Andrade.
Musoke quickly closes the distance and wraps up Andrade, twice pulling him to the ground. Andrade gets up both times and sends peppering punches over his shoulder in between. Musoke catches Andrade leaning with a couple knees to the head before Andrade turns the clinch around. Musoke shoves off and counters a body shot from Andrade with a jab. Andrade shoots and gets caught in a headlock. The welterweights fall to the ground and Musoke catches Andrade with a head kick on the way up.

Musoke hits a double-leg near the fence midway through the round. Musoke is landing some heavy right hands as he works to pass Andrade’s guard. Andrade fires back from underneath but he’s getting the worse of the exchange. With 1:20 on the clock, Musoke crashes down with another right hand to pass to side control. Andrade is quick to put him back in guard but remains underneath, absorbing Musoke’s ground-and-pound until the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Musoke
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke

Round 3

Musoke slips a wild combo from Andrade and strikes back with a short right hand inside. The Swede clinches up with Andrade off the fence, but Andrade wants none of it. Another good right inside for Musoke as Andrade charges ahead throwing hands. Musoke puts the fight on the cage and winds up with a rear waistlock, throwing knees at Andrade’s legs. He pulls Andrade to the mat, sinking in both hooks to secure back control. Halfway through the round, Andrade tries to flip over and take top position but is thwarted. After eating a couple punches, Andrade rolls to his knees, then to his back again at the base of the fence, giving Musoke less space to work. Musoke has a body triangle now, popping Andrade with right hands as the Brazilian continues to defend the RNC. One minute remains and Musoke looks to slip around top for an arm-triangle choke. He abandons it and instead remains on Andrade’s back to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Musoke (29-28 Musoke)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Musoke (29-28 Musoke)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke (29-28 Musoke)

The Official Result

Nicholas Musoke def. Viscardi Andrade via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Erick Silva vs. Takenori Sato

Round 1

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Silva mauled his prey quickly.
Silva connects with a front kick that has Sato shooting for a single-leg takedown. Silva keeps the punishment coming while defending on one leg, kicking Sato in the face before knocking him out cold with a barrage of brutal right hands. Referee Mario Yamasaki recognizes that the kneeling Sato has gone out and steps in to stop the fight.

The Official Result

Erick Silva def. Takenori Sato via KO (Punches) R1

Ronaldo Souza vs. Francis Carmont

Round 1

Carmont whips a front kick up the center, an inch from Souza’s face. “Jacare” walks after Carmont around the outside, clipping him with a spinning kick before grabbing hold and wrestling Carmont to the ground. Souza spins to take Carmont’s back, quickly cinching up a body triangle and peppering with short punches. Carmont punches over his shoulder in between fending off Souza’s hands, then rolls to his knees at the base of the fence. Souza pulls him back to the ground as Carmont continues to punch over his shoulder. A few more punches give Souza the space to snake his left arm underneath Carmont’s chin. Souza squeezes, trying to finish with the rear-naked choke, but Carmont keeps his chin down and peels off the hands to survive the scary spot. Carmont still has Souza glued to his back, though, and the jiu-jitsu ace checks the time before considering an armbar. Souza doesn’t go for the arm, but he does eat some quick punches from Carmont before “Limitless” flips around to take top position just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Souza
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Souza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Souza

Round 2

Photo: G. Venga/Sherdog.com

Jacare handled a game Carmont.
Souza comes in behind a leg kick and a right hand, looking to tie up with Carmont on the fence. Carmont denies the clinch and comes off the cage looking to strike. Souza is on his back foot, keeping a wide stance and staying out of Carmont’s striking range. Now the Brazilian changes directions, lands a couple body shots and forces Carmont to block a wheel kick up high. Jacare looks to clinch on the cage and gets outmuscled by Carmont, who connects with a combo as they reset. Souza working the body now, but Carmont throws his hands up to say the punches aren’t hurting.

Instead, Souza pushes Carmont against the cage and separates with a knee to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Souza
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Carmont
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Souza

Round 3

Carmont flicks out jabs and kicks to the gut of Jacare as the final round begins, but Souza ducks under a wide punch and plows Carmont to the mat. Carmont gives up his back and Souza softens him up with a few punches before trying another RNC. Carmont defends and then goes still as he’s now trapped belly-down underneath the Brazilian. Carmont takes a moment before turning over and scraping Souza off his back. Souza still has one hook in, still thinking rear-naked choke. As Carmont tries to stand, Souza reestablishes his hooks. Carmont throws punches over his shoulder while Souza hits back with some open-handed strikes. Souza drops right hands on Carmont’s face now, again hunting for a RNC. Carmont keeps his chin tucked and stays alive as the fight enters its final minute. Sitting up against the fence now, Carmont throws more punches over his shoulder. Souza goes for one last choke attempt as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Souza (30-26 Souza)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Souza (29-28 Souza)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Souza (30-26 Souza)

The Official Result

Ronaldo Souza def. Francis Carmont via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Lyoto Machida vs. Gegard Mousasi

Round 1

Referee Mario Yamasaki is the third man in the cage for tonight’s middleweight main event. Mousasi opens up with a leg kick as he inches toward the southpaw Machida, starting the tense opening minute of the bout. Machida lands his first strike, a slapping kick to the body, and goes back to dodging Mousasi’s punches. Mousasi slaps with another outside leg kick and backs up to avoid Machida’s speedy counter combination. Mousasi is doing well to cover up when Machida ducks inside to deliver a combo, and now he pops “The Dragon” with a probing left. Machida catches Mousasi with a quick left hand and dips back to the outside. Mousasi continues to come forward and throws another low kick outside at round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Machida
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Machida

Round 2

Machida comes out flashing a kick aimed at Mousasi’s head, then targets the body with subsequent kicks. Mousasi throws his at Machida’s legs as he continues to chase the former UFC champ around the cage. Machida lands a head kick and has the leg caught by Mousasi, who releases after holding his opponent still for a moment. Mousasi lands a left hook, takes a front kick up the middle and dodges a pair of punches as Machida lunges in. Mousasi gets in a solid kick to the body and then has to back up as Machida drives forward. Mousasi looks a little frustrated as he swings and misses with a wide right hand. The next combo from Mousasi finds its mark, ending with a right and followed by a leg kick. Machida dodges an attack from Mousasi, counters with a left and takes a leg kick at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi

Round 3

The middleweights move to the clinch, first on the fence and then working off it, exchanging knees up the middle. Machida breaks away with a short push kick and resumes his backward motion. He catches Mousasi with a left hand, resets and drives a spinning kick to the Dutchman’s body. Mousasi blocks a whipping left high kick, swings and misses with a wide left hand. Machida slips and falls on a kick but pops right back up. With 90 seconds left, Mousasi gets in Machida’s face with a good sequence of three or four punches against the fence. Machida steps into the pocket with a standing elbow which lands, but he takes a forearm to the face in return. Changing levels in the center of the cage, Machida has a takedown attempt stuffed, and they finish the round standing.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Machida
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Machida

Round 4

Machida stands in front of Mousasi with exaggerated feints and twitches, which works until Mousasi changes levels and plows him to the canvas. Machida is quick to scramble up and resume his twitching, and he catches Mousasi coming in with a counter right. An inside leg kick from Machida has Mousasi checking. Mousasi has his feet swept out from under him, and Machida follows him to the ground, passing to side control. Mousasi gets him back in half-guard and then tries to elevate with a butterfly guard. The butterfly sweep works for Mousasi, who winds up on top in Machida’s half-guard. Machida briefly holds Mousasi in place with an omoplata, but Mousasi yanks his arm loose and stands to drop ground-and-pound. Before he can land, Machida gives up his back and Mousasi jumps on. Machida slips out and Mousasi comes tumbling off. As Machida kneels down in Mousasi’s guard, “The Dreamcatcher” catches Machida with an illegal upkick to the face. Machida takes a minute to recover and then closes out the final seconds of the round in Mousasi’s guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Machida
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Machida

Round 5

Machida sticks to the outside in the final frame, working Mousasi with kicks and knees as both men’s offensive output slows. Mousasi sticks a stiff jab, bloodying Machida’s nose, and tries to shoot a double-leg off a Machida foot sweep. Machida forces him to the ground and jumps into back mount when Mousasi rolls over. Punches score for Machida from back mount until late in the round, when Mousasi rolls over in a bid to take top position. Instead, Machida stands and rushes at Mousasi with a diving punch, dodging an upkick along the way. The final horn sounds and this one is headed to the scorecards.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Machida (49-46 Machida)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Machida (49-46 Machida)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Machida (49-46 Machida)

The Official Result

Lyoto Machida def. Gegard Mousasi via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 50-45, 49-46) R5 5:00
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