

UFC Fight Night 94 ‘Poirier vs. Johnson’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog's UFC Fight Night “Poirier vs. Johnson” coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Albert Morales vs. Alejandro Perez

Round 1

Morales steps forward on Perez, who switches between stances as he hops around the edge of the cage. The first hard shot of the fight comes from Morales after cornering Perez near the fence and unleashing a cracking combination. Perez tries to slug back, then looks to clinch, but Morales dodges both. Morales connects with another clean left hook, and now it’s he who looks to bring the fight to the ground; Perez fights off the brief double-leg attempt and circles away. Meanwhile, one of Perez’s punches appears to have opened a cut underneath Morales’ right eye, though it’s not impeding “The Warrior” as he continues to come forward. Down to the final two minutes of round one, it’s Morales pressing ahead with leg kicks for Perez, but landing little else as his jabs continually come up short.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Morales
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Morales
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Morales

Round 2

The bantamweights continue to exchange hard leg kicks at the start of the second frame; Morales’ output remains slightly higher than Perez’s, and he looks to be landing the harder shots, too. Perez is stuck on his back foot, looking to counter but slamming his fist into Morales’ guard when he does throw a punch. Morales is constantly advancing, using his reach advantage to pop Perez with jabs in between leg kicks. Perez begins to string together some low kicks and jabs of his own in the final 90 seconds, but it’s Morales who gets the final word with a combination that backs up Perez to the wall.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Morales
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Morales
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Morales

Round 3

Perez is docked one point by referee Kerry Hatley for striking after the bell at the end of the previous round. Perez charges at Morales but soon runs into a left hand that backs him up a few steps. Now it’s Perez trying to clinch, throwing hard right hands as he shoves Morales up against the fence. Morales steps away from the wall, catches a low kick and sticks Perez with a straight right hand. Perez slips to the ground, springs back up and sprints away, but Morales catches up to him. Perez changes levels and uses Morales’ momentum for a takedown at the fence, and suddenly it’s Perez in top position, raining blows down. Morales rolls to his knees, climbs back to his feet under fire and presses forward again. Perez dives for another takedown, gets shoved away and goes tumbling backward. Morales rushes to keep him on the floor, but Perez works his way back up with the help of the fence. The fighters separate and take a breather with three minutes left in what has been a hectic final round. The 135ers settle into the early routine, with Morales marching his way forward, jabbing and leg-kicking, and Perez sniping back when he can. Perez looks the fresher of the two, still bouncing on his toes while Morales’ movements have turned plodding. Jabs and uppercuts are scoring for Perez now, and Morales keeps walking right into more punishment. Morales takes a kick to the neck in the closing seconds and then jumps atop the cage, confident the decision will go his way.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Perez (29-27 Morales)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Perez (29-27 Morales)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Perez (29-27 Morales)

The Official Result

Albert Morales vs. Alejandro Perez is ruled a Majority Draw (28-28, 28-28, 29-27) R3 5:00

Randy Brown vs. Erick Montano

Round 1

Brown works from the center of the cage in the opening minute, following Montano around the edge of the cage with his right hand loaded. Montano looks to tie up and gets spun against the wall, and now the fighters exchange positions a few times as they grapple with over-unders. Montano denies a trip, separates and catches Brown with a clubbing left hand before being held against the fence again. Brown tries a trip, can’t get it, and now Montano spins to take the outside position with 90 seconds left. Short left hands to the body from Montano, now a knee as he leans his weight on Brown to keep him trapped. Referee Jacob Montalvo breaks up the clinch with just under a minute remaining, but the action doesn’t pick up before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brown
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Brown
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brown

Round 2

Brown comes out swinging hands, pushes Montano to the fence and then changes levels to try a takedown. It looks good until Montano reverses and lands in top position, stacking up Brown at the base of the wall. Brown throws up an armbar, can’t catch it, then misses on a triangle attempt. Montano stands up and comes crashing back to the floor with a hard right hand for Brown’s face. Brown shifts underneath, trying to kick away Montano and create room to escape. Brown stalls out on his knees, then climbs back to his feet just as Montano is going for another takedown. A grab of the fence helps Brown stay vertical, but a few seconds later, Montano gets his takedown, breaking out of a loose guillotine attempt from Brown in the process. Montano passes to side control on Brown’s right and tries to ground-and-pound, but Brown is thwarting it. Montano switches to a kimura, but he’s stymied by the fence on Brown’s left side.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Montano
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Montano
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Montano

Round 3

Brown backs up Montano to the fence and throws a kick to the body, prompting Montano to shoot for a takedown. Brown is ready for the shot and immediately wraps up a no-arm guillotine choke; Montano’s tap comes only seconds after the welterweights hit the canvas.

The Official Result

Randy Brown def. Erick Montano via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R3 0:18

Joey Gomez vs. Jose Quinonez

Round 1

Quinonez hits an early trip and drags Gomez to the mat at the base of the fence, then works to climb on his back. Gomez stands, gets taken down and stands again, and now the bantamweights begin circling in the center of the cage. Gomez slams a hard kick into the lead leg of southpaw Quinonez, who charges forward with a combination but can’t land cleanly. Quinonez catches one of Gomez’s next kicks and trips him to the ground again; this time, Gomez quickly closes his guard. Quinonez stands and catches Gomez with a knee to the neck as they come back up. Referee Kerry Hatley steps in to pause the fight, but Gomez motions that he’s OK to continue. Seconds later, Gomez catches Quinonez throwing and chops out his planted leg, landing a right hand simultaneously. Quinonez quickly recovers and scrambles up, and now it’s his turn to push Gomez to the outside. Quinonez lands a pair of straight punches on Gomez’s jaw, follows up with two more and pushes Gomez to the ground. Gomez uses his long legs to push the shorter man away and then powers back up his feet. Gomez is looking a bit more tentative here, and Quinonez takes advantage with a clinch knee and another hard sequence of punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Quinonez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Quinonez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Quinonez

Round 2

Quinonez wraps up Gomez and trips him to the ground near the fence inside the opening minute of the round. Gomez posts and climbs back to his feet, but Quinonez makes it a struggle for “The KO King” to separate. Gomez tries to get busy with his jab, but Quinonez skitters away. Gomez keeps coming, finds a home for one jab and follows with a right hook. The next hook from Gomez produces a knockdown, though Quinonez seems to recover almost as soon as he flops to the ground. The bantamweights are back up and trading inside the final 90 seconds of round two. Quinonez remains the quicker of the two, but Gomez is doing solid work with his harder punches. Quinonez wraps him up against the fence and exits with a knee to the body, a right hand. Quinonez grazes Gomez’s face with an overhand right in the closing moments; Gomez shakes his head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gomez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gomez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gomez

Round 3

Quinonez connects with a few punches from range before the 135ers tangle in a flurry of strikes. It’s Quinonez who produces a knockdown with a knee, and now he establishes full mount on the downed Gomez. From mount, Quinonez wraps an arm around Gomez’s head and tries to elbow with the other, but Gomez is doing well to avoid damage. Gomez nearly sweeps but winds up being mounted again, this time nearer the fence. Gomez gets to his knees, but that’s as far as he gets before Quinonez climbs on his back and attaches himself with one hook. The fence is blocking Quinonez’s progress, so he tries to flatten out Gomez instead, but it leaves too much room and Gomez is able to climb back to his feet. Gomez is trying to mount some kind of comeback with high kicks and punches, but the strikes are coming much slower now. Quinonez hops around outside of range and lunges at Gomez’s knees with stomping kicks as the final seconds tick down.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Quinonez (29-28 Quinonez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Quinonez (29-28 Quinonez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Quinonez (29-28 Quinonez)

The Official Result

Jose Quinonez def. Joey Gomez via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Antonio Carlos Jr. vs. Leonardo Guimaraes

Round 1

Carlos comes forward, pumping his jab on the southpaw “Leleco,” who sits back and waits as his countryman tests the range. Front kicks from Carlos connect to Guimaraes’ midsection, but Guimaraes’ return fire to the body comes up short. The crowd begins to jeer after two minutes of slow going, and soon referee Jacob Montalvo asks the fighters to pick up the pace. Guimaraes connects with a right hook, takes a left to the face in return. Carlos gets in on a single-leg attempt, thwarted by Guimaraes as he backs up to the fence. Carlos loses the leg, shoots again with one minute on the clock and wrangles Guimaraes down to one knee. Guimaraes posts and stands, keeping one hand on the mat, and Carlos hits him with a barely illegal knee to the face. Referee Montalvo pauses the actioin and takes one point away from Carlos for the infraction. When the fight resumes with 30 seconds on the clock, Carlos completes a quick takedown at the fence. Guimaraes stands up, grabbing the cage along the way; referee Montalvo issues him a verbal warning, but does not take action when Guimaraes grabs the fence again a few seconds later.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 9-9
Brian Knapp scores the round 9-9
Chris Nelson scores the round 9-9

Round 2

Carlos shoots for an early takedown, can’t bring Guimaraes to the floor and instead pulls guard in the center of the cage. “Cara de Sapato” is only on his back for a few seconds before he uses a kimura to sweep Guimaraes to the bottom. Guimaraes rolls to his knees, eats a few right hands from Carlos, who’s controlling the action from ride position. Guimaraes is verbally warned for holding the inside of Carlos’ right glove in order to slow the top man’s offense. Carlos drills Guimaraes’ ribs with a hard knee, then jumps on his back and rolls him to the side. Guimaraes gets back to his knees, blocking Carlos from establishing hooks and securing back-mount. Carlos is landing some solid right hands in the final 90 seconds, but Guimaraes keeps his chin buried, never exposing himself to a choke attempt. Carlos just keeps pounding away with the right hands, landing a few dozen unanswered strikes while referee Montalvo tells Guimaraes to defend himself and fight back. “Leleco” tries a last-second guillotine choke attempt that amounts to nothing but slows down Carlos in the final 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carlos Jr.

Round 3

Carlos comes shooting for an early takedown, defended by Guimaraes with his back against the fence. “Cara de Sapato” releases, backs up a few steps and lunges at Guimaraes, but again “Leleco” is able to fend off the shot. Carlos keeps digging, and Guimaraes eventually succumbs to the shot, grabbing another loose guillotine choke on his way to the ground. Carlos takes a few seconds to work his way out of the headlock and then flattens out Guimaraes from half guard. The position lasts only a moment, as Guimaraes gets to his knees and then back to his feet. The stand-up is short-lived, as Carlos lifts Guimaraes into the air and slams him again. Referee Montalvo issues two more verbal warnings to Guimaraes for grabbing the fence -- plus one for looping his arm over the top of the fence as he was taken down -- but no point is deducted. Carlos takes him down anyway as the 185ers continue their grueling grappling match with two minutes remaining. Carlos scores another takedown and finally moves to take Guimaraes’ back, securing the position with a body triangle. Carlos waits for the opening and wraps his arm around Guimaraes’ neck, then pulls “Leleco” away from the fence. Guimaraes struggles for a moment, but the choke is locked on and he has no choice but to submit.

The Official Result

Antonio Carlos Jr. def. Leonardo “Leleco” Guimaraes via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 4:46

Augusto Montano vs. Belal Muhammad

Round 1

Muhammad stakes out the center of the cage and inches forward on Montano, mindful of rangy kicks from the taller fighter. A low kick from “Dodger” lands square on Muhammad’s cup with a loud pop, and referee Herb Dean pauses the fight to give Muhammad time to recover. The ref issues a “hard warning” to Montano before the fight resumes. Montano gets back to low-kicking, this time placing hard shots on the inside of Muhammad’s lead leg. Muhammad responds with a kick outside, but he’s pulling up short with most of his punches. Left hook scores for Muhammad, then a right straight counter. Muhammad comes away from the exchange blinking his right eye, and referee Dean pauses the fight again. Replays show that the thumb from Montano’s outstretched left hand poked Muhammad in the eye. Dean tells Montano that he’s “been doing this all night” and warns him to keep his hands closed or fingers up. When the fight is back on, Montano begins throwing even harder low kicks, now one to Muhammad’s midsection. Muhammad tries a last-second takedown which is denied by “Dodger” at the fence, but Muhammad gets the last word with a partially blocked left high kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Muhammad

Round 2

Montano dips and dives around the outside, stopping and planting to kick at Muhammad’s legs whenever the shorter man comes close enough. After 80 seconds of chasing and having his legs kicked, Muhammad gets in on a good takedown attempt and rips Montano to the floor about a foot away from the fence. Montano’s left side is near the wall, while Muhammad works from deep half guard on his right. Muhammad tries to mount and instead takes back-mount as Montano rolls over. The Chicagoan establishes his hooks but loses them after 20 seconds as Montano whips around to put his back on the mat. When Muhammad tries to mount again, Montano slips out the back door and escapes to his feet. Montano is warned to watch his fingers by the referee as he sticks out his hands to ward off Muhammad’s last-ditch attacks. Muhammad is clearly the fresher man here, doing good work down the stretch with low kicks and punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Muhammad

Round 3

Muhammad continues to overwhelm Montano with his offensive output early in the final frame. Montano’s hands have dropped to his waist, and he’s got little to offer when Muhammad comes shooting for another takedown after 90 seconds or so. Muhammad wastes no time in taking Montano’s back, but again he’s unable to maintain the position. Montano squirms free and tries to crawl away, eventually getting back to his feet with just over two minutes remaining. Montano fires off a head kick, not much behind it, but he catches Muhammad with a knee to the body. Just when Montano is beginning to string together a few strikes, Muhammad turns up the heat on his own offense, mixing up his strikes to the body and head. Montano comes charging at Muhammad, who ducks beautifully underneath and executes another takedown. Montano rolls to his knees and Muhammad climbs on his back, pounding away with punches. Referee Dean tells Montano to fight back, and when the fighter doesn’t respond, the fight is waved off.

The Official Result

Belal Muhammad def. Augusto Montano via TKO (Punches) R3 4:19

Gabriel Benitez vs. Sam Sicilia

Round 1

The southpaw Benitez counters a Sicilia leg kick with a left straight, then chops back at the American with a pair of nasty low kicks. Sicilia presses forward with a series of vicious hooks, backing up Benitez to the fence, but it’s “Moggly” who scores with a left hand and a knee to Sicilia’s body. Sicilia is slinging murderous right hooks but hasn’t been able to find the button on Benitez through the first two minutes. Benitez remains more measured, working from his back foot with low kicks and waiting to throw more precise left-handed counters. Benitez catches a high kick, slugs Sicilia with a short left hook and exits the pocket with another low kick. Sicilia is still throwing hard shots, still having difficulty stringing together a combination on his constantly moving opponent. Benitez produces some loud smacks with kicks to the inside of Sicilia’s lead leg. Sicilia barges forward with another flurry of haymakers, this time connecting with a right hook before Benitez circles away. Benitez finishes the round with a left high kick that catches Sicilia leaning forward.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benitez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benitez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benitez

Round 2

A body kick from Benitez precedes a reaching left hand to the chin of Sicilia, and now the “TUF” veteran has to dash away from his opponent. Benitez gives chase and tries to pound out Sicilia, who escapes the attack and circles off to the other side of the cage. Sicilia looks hurt but he’s still pressing forward, walking into more hard kicks. Sicilia runs in on an awkward takedown attempt and gets his neck wrapped up in a guillotine choke. Benitez forces Sicilia down to the base of the fence and tells referee Dan Miragliotta that the choke has rendered Sicilia unconscious. Referee Miragliotta checks, finds that Sicilia is out cold, and then waves off the fight.

The Official Result

Gabriel Benitez def. Sam Sicilia via Technical Submission (Guillotine Choke) R2 1:20

Maximo Blanco vs. Chas Skelly

Round 1

Skelly sprints across the cage and knocks Blanco to the ground with a flying kick to the chest. As Blanco sits up and tries to stand, Skelly wraps up a tight anaconda choke and drops to the ground. Skelly squeezes for a few seconds until referee Herb Dean recognizes that Blanco has gone unconscious, then stops the fight. Chas Skelly puts Maximo Blanco to sleep in mere seconds with one of the wildest submissions you’ll see this year.

The Official Result

Chas Skelly def. Maximo Blanco via Technical Submission (Anaconda Choke) R1 0:19

Islam Makhachev vs. Chris Wade

Round 1

Wade lands heavy low kicks to both of Makhachev’s legs in the opening minute, but he’s forced on the defense when Makhachev shoots low near the fence. Wade drops down to defend and has the legs pulled out from under him by Makhachev, who has to fight off a headlock as he works to flatten out the American. Makhachev frees his head and sets up in half guard on Wade’s right side, then steps over to full mount. Wade rolls over and scrambles to top position, making Makhachev pay for a failed armbar attempt. Makhachev works to secure a triangle from the bottom, though he’s having trouble cinching the choke. Despite not having his left ankle under his right knee, Makhachev pulls down on Wade’s head and looks to coax the tap. Wade resists and postures up, dropping hammerfists on Makhachev’s face. Makhachev just keeps working to tighten the choke, intermittently pulling down on Wade’s head. Wade finally breaks the triangle, and Makhachev gets a warning from referee Dan Miragliotta for lacing his toes into the fence as he’s stacked up. Inside the final minute, Wade is making up ground with hard elbows, but Makhachev is doing well to stay tight underneath and avoid excessive punishment.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wade
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makhachev

Round 2

Makhachev puts a kick on the body of Wade, then catches a kick and takes the American to the floor in the center of the cage. Wade catches a guillotine on his way down, and while the choke doesn’t force a tap, it allows him to sweep into top position. Wade continues to work the choke from the top side, and referee Miragliotta checks the arm of Makhachev to make sure he’s still conscious. Makhachev waits out the choke and bumps Wade, rolling him back to the bottom, but a few seconds later, Wade comes out on top again in another scramble. The sweeps continue as Makhachev transitions into side control, now with three minutes left in the round. Wade rolls to his knees and gets a shot to the ribs as Makhachev clings to him from behind. Makhachev pulls Wade backward and tries to secure back-mount, but he’s only able to establish one hook before Wade spins around. Wade tries to hit the switch and is immediately reversed by Makhachev. The lightweights roll toward the fence, where Wade grabs for a last-second heel hook attempt at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makhachev

Round 3

Makhachev lands a straight left hand and ducks in behind it, pushing Wade’s back against the wall. The Russian changes levels and works for a double-leg which comes slowly but does eventually materialize. Wade sweeps as they hit the floor, but Makhachev stands up with little difficulty. Wade grabs a guillotine as he’s taken down again; Makhachev waits a few moments and then frees his head to set up in Wade’s half guard. Halfway through the final round, it’s Makhachev staying tight on top as he peppers with short punches from half. Wade tries to stand and has his back taken by Makhachev, who locks up the position with a body triangle. Makhachev throws light punches with both hands, possibly working to soften up Wade for a choke; it’s not enough for the crowd, who begins to boo as the fight enters its final 90 seconds. Wade twists and turns but cannot free himself from the body triangle, and Makhachev spends the last minute racking up short strikes from the back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makhachev (29-28 Makhachev)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makhachev (29-28 Makhachev)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makhachev (30-27 Makhachev)

The Official Result

Islam Makhachev def. Chris Wade via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Roan Carneiro vs.Kenny Robertson

Round 1

Robertson closes in on Carneiro early and tries to muscle him against the fence, but the Brazilian has other ideas and spins Robertson around. “Jucao” is slowly working his way around to Robertson’s back, but before he can get there, Robertson tilts sideways and crashes to the ground. The American peels away Carneiro’s hands and scrambles back up, though Robertson soon finds himself up against the cage again. Robertson breaks loose and stalks Carneiro around the outside with his right hand loaded. Robertson is moving forward but it’s all feints and fakes; when he does throw a punch, it’s a stiff right hook that misses by a foot. Carneiro ducks under the next right hand and pops Robertson with a right of his own, then a kick to the body. Robertson keeps coming, defends a brief shot and resists Carneiro’s effort to put his back on the wall. Robertson is picking up the pace a bit here in the last 45 seconds of round one, flicking jabs in the face of Carneiro down the stretch.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Robertson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Robertson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Robertson eats a right hand from Carneiro, grins and walks forward, straight into a well-timed double-leg takedown from the Brazilian. Robertson sweeps to the top after a few seconds and sets up in half guard on Carneiro’s left side. Robertson may be looking to frame up an arm-triangle choke here, in between short punches and grinding his forearm across Carneiro’s face. “Jucao” just shrimps underneath, trying to stay in tight and avoid the ground-and-pound. Suddenly, Carneiro whips around and makes for Robertson’s legs, grabbing at a heel hook. Robertson snuffs out the leglock attempt in a hurry and reestablishes himself on top, albeit now in Carneiro’s closed guard. Carneiro executes a nifty sweep, locking on a body triangle from the bottom and rolling to land in full mount atop Robertson with just about one minute remaining. Carneiro gets in a few good punches and elbows but isn’t able to capitalize on the dominant position before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Robertson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carneiro
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Robertson

Round 3

Carneiro is sneaking through with a few good straight rights early in the final frame, but it’s Robertson moving forward, keeping his hands in the Brazilian’s face with flickering jabs. Carneiro lands a decent left hook and shoots in behind it, but Robertson blocks the shot and stands him up, spinning the jiu-jitsu black belt against the cage. Carneiro takes a look up at the clock and sees just about three minutes remaining; the welterweights separate shortly afterward. Robertson continues to crouch forward, lobbing out punches but not doing much with them. Carneiro has become almost entirely reactive as he backpedals away from his opponent, now with 90 seconds on the clock. Robertson slams Carneiro with a good leg kick, tries to punch his way forward but doesn’t come up with much. Uppercut lands for Carneiro in the last minute; he goes for one last takedown with 20 seconds remaining but can’t finish it.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (29-28 Robertson)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (29-28 Carneiro)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Roan Carneiro def. Kenny Robertson via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Evan Dunham vs. Rick Glenn

Round 1

Glenn smacks a switch kick off the lead glove of his fellow southpaw Dunham, who answers with a hard left hand over the top. Dunham swings a few right hooks, can’t land clean, but he fires the left over Glenn’s right glove again. Dunham runs the smaller man to the floor with a quick double-leg, postures up and drops a few right hands on Glenn’s face. Glenn escapes a brief choke attempt and puts Dunham back in closed guard. Glenn switches to open guard, tries to escape and has his back taken in the scramble. Dunham works from the back with one hook in, Glenn kneeling at the base of the fence. Glenn somehow battles out of a deep rear-naked choke attempt, but he finishes the round underneath Dunham.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Dunham
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Dunham
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Dunham

Round 2

Glenn lands his best shot of the fight so far with a sharp, straight left about 20 seconds into the round. Dunham hits another takedown, though, and slows Glenn’s roll by putting him on his back in the middle of the cage. Glenn shrimps underneath and clings to Dunham’s leg, and Dunham uses the opportunity to snatch the same brabo choke setup that he attempted in round one. Glenn twists free but remains on the bottom; he grabs hold of Dunham’s leg again and drives forward, standing up in the process. With 3:30 on the clock, Glenn pushes Dunham against the wall, but Dunham quickly turns him around. Short right hands and knees to the body score for Dunham, and now he catches Glenn leaning over to land a knee to the face. The lightweights separate halfway through the round, and Dunham fires off a pair of left straights. The Oregonian catches a kick and runs Glenn back to the floor; this time, Glenn is able to climb back to his feet after only a few seconds. Dunham continues to get the better of the punching exchanges, though his strikes are coming a little slower now. Glenn stuffs a takedown attempt in the final minute, blocks a right high kick, then gets a knee to the groin in the clinch. Glenn recovers quickly, and the round concludes with Dunham landing some hard body kicks and a right hand.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dunham
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dunham

Round 3

Dunham gets in on an early takedown attempt, can’t get it and spends 20 or 30 seconds grappling with Glenn on the fence. The 155ers break apart, and now it’s Dunham coming forward with stuttering steps and stiff jabs. Glenn takes a few punches and a kick to the body before diving on a takedown attempt of his own. Dunham blocks the shot, and the fighters come back to the center with 3:30 remaining. Tired punches coming from both men down the stretch here, the crowd whistling to encourage them. Dunham’s punches are slow but accurate, keeping Glenn on the outside for the most part. “The Gladiator” steps inside to deliver a kick to Dunham’s body, but he’s soon back on the end of the UFC mainstay’s jab. Dunham is turning up the heat now, knocking Glenn around the outside with hooks, a head kick, now a kick to the body. Glenn takes another right high kick, foot to face, but he stays on his feet and keeps swinging back at Dunham. Thirty seconds remain and both men are swinging for the finish, but neither man seems to have enough gas to bring on a finish. Glenn goes for a wild flip kick in the last 10 seconds and nearly gets caught in an armbar after landing on the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Dunham (30-25 Dunham)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dunham (30-26 Dunham)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Dunham (30-25 Dunham)

The Official Result

Evan Dunham def. Rick Glenn via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Derek Brunson vs. Uriah Hall

Round 1

Brunson rushes to pin Hall against the wall, holding the striker’s back to a cage post for the opening minute of the fight. Hall breaks loose after absorbing a few shots to the body, and now the middleweights circle one another in the center of the cage. Hall knocks Brunson backward a few steps with a body kick, but Brunson comes marching forward again. Brunson fakes a left hand to the body, then goes upstairs and puts Hall on the floor with a hook to the jaw. Hall is dazed but grabbing for the legs of Brunson -- who misses with three or four follow-up punches -- when referee Herb Dean steps in and waves off the contest. Hall isn’t happy about the stoppage, and it looks like he has a case, but there’s nothing to be done about it now.

The Official Result

Derek Brunson def. Uriah Hall via TKO (Punch) R1 1:41

Michael Johnson vs. Dustin Poirier

Round 1

Referee Dan Miragliotta is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 155-pound main event, which is scheduled for five rounds. Johnson scores in an early exchange, countering Poirier’s first combination with a right hook on the temple. “The Menace” is swinging the speedier punches here in the opening 90 seconds, as well as mixing in some nice leg kicks. Poirier comes forward swinging a combination, leaves his left hand down and gets absolutely torched by Johnson’s counter right hook. Poirier falls to his back in a daze, tries to sit up and is met by another ferocious punch from Johnson. Referee Miragliotta steps in to stop the fight, and Michael Johnson collects a highlight-reel knockout in the very first round.

The Official Result

Michael Johnson def. Dustin Poirier via KO (Punch) R1 1:35
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