

UFC Fight Night Brisbane ‘Hunt vs. Mir’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC Fight Night “Hunt vs. Mir” coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET.

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Damien Brown vs. Alan Patrick Silva Alves

Round 1

Alves pops Brown with a long left hand and shoots in behind it, taking down the UFC newcomer at the fence in a matter of seconds. The Brazilian postures up to land a few punches, then snares Brown in a guillotine as they scramble back to their feet. His head still trapped, Brown trips Alves to the ground, but “Nuguette” is able to use the headlock to sweep back on top. Alves works from Brown’s half guard with three minutes left in the round, connecting with a few punches and elbows before Brown is able to stand again. Alves tries the guillotine once more, this time pulling guard in an attempt to finish, but Brown escapes on the way down. The lightweights scramble back up, Alves grabs for the guillotine again but puts no real effort toward the finish this time. Again, they’re back on their feet. Brown gets a rear waistlock and tries for another takedown; Alves defends with the help of a fence grab. Brown gets caught off balance in the next exchange and is forced to the ground, where he tries a kimura from the bottom, unsuccessfully. Alves rides out the final minute of the round on top, landing scattered ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alves
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Alves
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alves

Round 2

Alves comes looking for another early takedown, and he succeeds in dragging Brown to the canvas about 20 seconds into the period. “Nuguette” is heavy on top in half guard, pinning Brown to the floor with one arm and dropping punches with the other. Brown twists underneath and hunts for an arm, but he winds up with Alves in his half guard again, throwing more left hands. The middle portion of the round passes with little incident as Alves buries his head and concentrates on keeping Brown grounded The Australian throws shots from his back but can’t find a good angle to land. Brown grabs for a heel hook in the waning seconds of the round, forcing Alves to stand just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alves
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Alves
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alves

Round 3

Alves secures yet another early takedown and passes to side control on Brown’s right, with the Aussie’s left side flush to the fence. Brown rolls to his knees and Alves attempts to move to back-mount, but Brown rolls and puts his back on the mat before “Nuguette” can establish his hooks. To north-south goes Alves, then attempting to take Brown’s back again when the short-notice replacement gets to his knees. At the midway point of the final round, Brown looks exhausted and is unable to climb back to his feet under pressure from Alves. With 90 seconds on the clock, Brown finally posts and stands, then separates from Alves and walks foward throwing punches and kicks. Alves, now looking very stiff as well, dives for an awkward takedown and is easily stuffed. Brown pushes forward and throws a step-in knee which is caught by Alves and converted for another takedown. The fight ends, fittingly, with Alves laying all his weight atop Brown, landing tiny hammerfists to the face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alves (30-27 Alves)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Alves (30-27 Alves)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alves (30-27 Alves)

The Official Result

Alan Patrick Silva Alves def. Damien Brown via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Chad Laprise vs. Ross Pearson

Round 1

Pearson takes the center of the cage while Laprise circles clockwise around the outside, landing a few leg kicks on the Brit in the opening minute. Both men graze with jabs but it’s all single punches between the lightweights through the first two minutes of the fight. Pearson lands a couple chopping low kicks of his own and leaves Laprise swinging with a stiff jab that cuts off a left hook. Pearson swipes Laprise’s face with a sweeping left hand, adds another hard leg kick and takes one in return. They’re down to the final minute of a round still very much up for grabs, but neither man is connecting with any regularity. Both men land body kicks and miss with twitchy punches in the closing moments of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pearson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pearson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Pearson gets back to work with low kicks early in the second frame, further marking up Laprise’s already bruised left leg. Laprise has some leg kicks for Pearson, too, but the damage to the Englishman’s stems isn’t as visible. Meanwhile, up top, it’s more single punches and bouncing around. Pearson’s right hand is connecting wth some regularity, while Laprise is finding a home for his jab. Laprise is also mixing in kicks, but Pearson is able to deflect most of the Canadian’s high strikes. Pearson continues to hold the center of the Octagon down the stretch and places some hard left hands on Laprise’s face. Laprise goes hard with kicks at the end of the round, forcing Pearson to cover up but never seeming to rock him.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pearson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pearson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pearson

Round 3

More kickboxing between the lightweights through the first minute of the final round, with not even a whiff of a takedown from either man. Pearson continues to land effectively with leg kicks and is forcing Laprise to back up with constant pressure. Laprise snipes with jabs off his back foot but the strikes aren’t slowing down Pearson, aside from some swelling around the Englishman’s right eye. Both fighters seem content to let the judges decide this one as they continue to throw single shots down the stretch. Finally, with 30 seconds on the clock, Pearson decides to try a takedown. Laprise pushes him away and whirls around with a spinning backfist which seems to partially connect. Pearson leaps into the air and is pushed away by a Laprise kick. Both men finish the fight throwing hands, and both raise their arms at the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Laprise (29-28 Pearson)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Laprise (29-28 Pearson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Laprise (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Ross Pearson def. Chad Laprise via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-30) R3 5:00

Viscardi Andrade vs. Richard Walsh

Round 1

Walsh tries to close in on Andrade near the fence but has to take a step back when the Brazilian clips him with a left hook. Back comes Walsh, this time slipping to the ground after walking into a kick. “Filthy Rich” jumps back to his feet and is pressed against the cage for a few seconds; Andrade releases without doing much of anything with the position. Andrade catches a kick and runs Walsh to the fence with a single-leg, eating a few punches from the hopping Aussie along the way. The takedown eventually comes for Andrade, who’s now in Walsh’s closed guard with half the round remaining. Walsh locks down Andrade’s arms to limit ground-and-pound from the top man. The action stalls out and referee Marc Goddard orders the welterweights back to their feet with one minute on the clock. Walsh chases after Andrade and walks into a right hand; a few seconds later, he catches Andrade whipping around on a spinning backfist and shoots for a takedown, but Andrade sprawls on it and the round ends there.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade

Round 2

Walsh comes out with more forward pressure on Andrade, who is already breathing heavily as he backpedals at the start of the second round. An awkward attempt to clinch or shoot is denied by Walsh, who forces Andrade to the ground and pushes him to the fence. Andrade keeps an open guard and eats a few more punches from Walsh as he posts and stands against the fence. The 170-pounders circle back to the center of the cage with 3:00 on the clock, but soon it’s Walsh on the push again. Andrade dives for a takedown and briefly brings Walsh to the floor. Walsh springs up within seconds and presses Andrade against the cage, but again there’s little action in the clinch. Andrade is swinging ugly punches, catching only air as he tries to stave off Walsh’s advance. He gets hold of a leg and runs Walsh to the ground, nearly being flipped over the top of the Australian in a wild exchange. Walsh scoots over toward the fence and takes a knee while Andrade stands up and controls the position with a headlock. Andrade tries to cinch up a modified guillotine or brabo choke in the closing seconds, but Walsh survives to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Walsh

Round 3

Walsh marches across the cage, straight at Andrade, throwing heavy leather and rocking the Brazilian’s head from side to side with a series of hard punches. Andrade wants the fight back on the ground, and he gets it there inside the opening minute. The welterweights are back in the same position -- Walsh on his knees, Andrade framing up a choke -- but this time Walsh isn’t giving up his neck. Walsh loses his grip on Andrade’s wrist, allowing the Gracie Fusion fighter to try for another guillotine, but Walsh pops his head free and scrambles back to his feet midway through the round. Now it’s Walsh hitting a takedown at the fence, but he can’t hold Andrade on the ground and the fighters are back up with 1:40 left in the bout. Walsh sprawls on a takedown but Andrade’s second effort forces the Australian to pull guard or have his back taken. Walsh opts for guard and gets shoved againist the base of the fence, where Andrade grinds away with short punches and elbows. Walsh throws strikes from his back in the closing seconds as well.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Andrade (29-28 Andrade)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Andrade (29-28 Andrade)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade (29-28 Andrade)

The Official Result

Viscardi Andrade def. Richard Walsh via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rin Nakai vs. Leslie Smith

Round 1

Smith takes the center of the cage and crouches low to meet the gaze of the much shorter Nakai, who circles in the opening minute. Smith sends out a combination and forces Nakai backward, but the Japanese fighter connects with a right hand in return. Nakai catches Smith with a short left hook; Smith decks her back with a right hand as she continues to get her bearings. Nakai’s seems to be giving Smith some trouble as she continually leans in and occasionally appears to lose her footing. Nakai drops levels and tries a takedown on the fence but can’t get Smith to the floor. Smith catches a leg kick and pops Nakai with a right hand as the former Pancrase fighter turns to extract the limb. Smith winds up and clips Nakai with a right hand over the top, then a follow-up left hook that leaves Nakai swinging at air. Nakai shoots in for a takedown just before the horn and completes the shot just after the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Smith

Round 2

Smith connects with a lunging combination, stuffs an early takedown attempt from Nakai but gets clipped with a right hand on the way out. There’s more pressure from Smith in the early going of this round, and more upright posture as she steps forward. The latter allows Nakai to duck underneath a punch and drive the American to the floor near the fence. Nakai passes to side control but Smith reclaims half guard and tries to sweep. Nakai stays heavy and keeps top position while Smith wall-walks off the fence and tries to catch the Japanese fighter in a reverse triangle. Nakai pops her head free and frames up an arm-triangle choke; Smith is able to refrain from tapping by again walking her feet up the wall to relieve the pressure on her neck. Eventually, Nakai’s grip is broken and Smith pops back to her feet with just over one minute on the clock. Smith pushes forward on the suddenly tired Nakai but can’t get much going in the way of offense. Nakai changes levels on the incoming Smith and takes her back to the canvas for some quick ground-and-pound in the final 30 seconds of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nakai
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nakai
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nakai

Round 3

Smith sticks a combination on the face of Nakai, who tries unsuccessfully to run the American against the fence for a takedown. Smith steps backward as she jabs, popping Nakai with a few more good shots to the face. Nakai wants to clinch but can’t keep hold of Smith, who flurries with a combination and sprawls on another shot a few seconds later. Nakai ducks low and gets an uppercut to the midsection, then comes diving for an ankle pick and winds up hugging Smith against the wall. Smith breaks loose with a right hand and backpedals again to draw Nakai forward. With 90 seconds on the clock, Nakai gets a high double-leg and runs Smith against the wall. She can’t finish the takedown, so Nakai throws Smith over her hip and back to the ground. Smith shrimps underneath, looking to secure one of Nakai’s arms. Nakai throws punches and is warned by referee John Sharp for striking the back of Smith’s head. Smith posts and gets back on her feet with 20 seconds remaining, Nakai still wrapped around her upper body, and that’s where the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith (29-28 Smith)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Smith (29-28 Smith)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Smith (29-28 Smith)

The Official Result

Leslie Smith def. Rin Nakai via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Mark Eddiva vs. Daniel Hooker

Round 1

The lanky Hooker steps forward on Eddiva and gets jabbed, then forced to defend a single-leg takedown from the Filipino fighter. Hooker catches Eddiva in a high-elbow guillotine choke as he defends the takedown against the fence. The featherweights drop to the ground and Hooker steps over to full mount with the choke still cinched up. Eddiva resists for a moment, but the choke is extremely tight and he’s soon forced to tap out.

The Official Result

Daniel Hooker def. Mark Eddiva via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 1:24

Alan Jouban vs. Brendan O'Reilly

Round 1

O’Reilly lands a leg kick and counters a Jouban body kick with a short hook, but it’s the American getting the upper hand in the ensuing clinch. Jouban pushes O’Reilly against the wall with an underhook, but O’Reilly hits a lovely foot sweep and jumps on Jouban’s back in the transition. Jouban shakes his opponent off his back but can’t get clear of O’Reilly, who now takes the outside position in the clinch. The welterweights fight off the fence, still tangled up, and O’Reilly scores with a knee to the body. Jouban reclaims the outside position and decks O’Reilly with a pair of level elbows. Jouban disengages, takes a step back and unloads with a heavy combination that has O’Reilly rocked. Thai clinch from Jouban yields a good knee, then two more elbows to the face send O’Reilly slumping to the canvas. Jouban follows up with three or four more punches to his grounded opponent before referee John Sharp steps in to halt the contest.

The Official Result

Alan Jouban def. Brendan O’Reilly via TKO (Elbows and Punches) R1 2:15

Seo Hee Ham vs. Bec Rawlings

Round 1

The southpaw Ham steps toward Rawlings with her right arm outstretched and then delivers a straight left down the center. Rawlings swings a combination and is cut off by a short counter hook. Both strawweights score with right hands in the next exchange, though Ham’s looks to connect with more force. Rawlings is still being pushed backward but is beginning to find her jab. Ham eats the punches and keeps pressing to sting the Australian with a clean two-piece in the pocket. Rawlings’ nose is bearing some redness from Ham’s punches here, midway through the opening round. Ham slips to the ground off a deflected push kick but jumps back up to continue stalking with her left hand cocked. At the 70-second mark, Rawlings lands her best sequence of the round, ending with a left hand to the grill that leaves Ham blinking. A few seconds later, it’s Ham pushing forward again. Rawlings catches her with a left hook and then has to avoid a standing back-take from the Korean just before round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ham
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rawlings
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rawlings

Round 2

Ham goes to the body of Rawlings early in round two, first with a left hand and then a trio of push kicks. Rawlings is sticking to the outside, giving Ham the center of the cage to work. Suddenly, Rawlings bursts off the fence with a left hook-right straight. Most of the follow-up punches are deflected by Ham, who tries to slow the attack with more push kicks. Rawlings’ confidence is growing as she drops her hands to her sides, inviting Ham to throw. Ham sends a kick which is caught by Rawlings and converted into a takedown in the center of the cage. Ham throws up a high guard and tries to switch to an armbar when Rawlings postures up, but Rawlings shakes her off and spins to attempt a back-take. Ham nearly escapes but Rawlings eventually establishes her hooks with 90 seconds left in the round. Rawlings peels off the back to try an armbar and is stuffed by Ham, who breaks out and scrambles to her feet inside the final minute. Ham comes forward, looking to make up some ground, landing a few punches before ducking a spinning backfist and shoving Rawlings against the cage. The clinch doesn’t yield much for Ham, who’s pushed away but finishes the round with some more body work.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rawlings
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rawlings
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rawlings

Round 3

Ham comes out firing with kicks to the body and right hands inside to cut off Rawlings’ early combinations. Ham kicks Rawlings toward the fence, but the Australian comes back to the center looking for a takedown. Ham stuffs the shot and moves to jump on her kneeling opponent’s back, but Rawlings sits up and rolls her underneath. As she hits her back, Ham throws up a triangle that forces Rawlings to put her head on the mat. Rawlings tries to step over Ham’s head, can’t and instead knees the Korean fighter’s shoulders. Ham loses the triangle with 3:15 on the clock and Rawlings stands over her to deliver a right hand. Ham kicks her to the ground, then both women scramble up, Ham socking Rawlings in the face with a left along the way. Ham shoves Rawlings against the wall after connecting with two more hard right hands. Rawlings looks to be fading a bit and takes a look over to her corner or the clock before spinning Ham around. With two minutes left, it’s Rawlings on the outside, her head pinned tight to Ham’s shoulder, just pressing her against the fence. Ham tries to land some knees from the inside but Rawlings is giving her little room to work. Ham reverses positions for a brief moment but the stronger Rawlings overpowers her to finish on the outside, and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ham (29-28 Ham)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ham (29-28 Rawlings)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ham (29-28 Rawlings)

The Official Result

Bec Rawlings def. Seo Hee Ham via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Steve Bosse vs. James Te Huna

Round 1

Bosse charges forward, swinging and missing with a four-punch flurry as Te Huna counters with a kick to the body. Te Huna swings over the top with a big right hand but Bosse stays out of danger. Bosse circles to the outside while Te Huna takes the center of the cage. Back to the center comes Bosse with a right hand to the chest, followed by a short left hook. Te Huna winds up for a counter and gets obliterated with a right cross to the jaw. Te Huna falls to the ground in a heap, tries to sit up and drops face-first on the canvas. Bosse stands over his fallen opponent, taunting Te Huna as referee Marc Goddard rushes in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Steve Bosse def. James Te Huna via KO (Punch) R1 0:52

Antonio Carlos Jr. vs. Daniel Kelly

Round 1

Carlos lobs out a few punches before shooting low and pulling the southpaw Kelly to the ground near the fence. The Brazilian climbs straight onto Kelly’s back and secures the position with a body triangle, then goes hunting for a rear-naked choke as he rolls Kelly on his side. Kelly has the left wrist of Carlos trapped beneath his arm and is burying his chin to avoid the choke. Carlos underhooks Kelly’s left arm and uses his free right hand to land a few solid punches to the face. Still, Kelly is staying clear of danger for the time being, fending off the RNC even as “Cara de Sapato” compresses his midsection with the body triangle. Carlos tries to get busy with left hands from the back, but they’re blocked by Kelly’s open palm. Kelly rolls to his knees, eats a few punches from Carlos and drops back to his hip, now inside the final minute of the round. Carlos tightens the body triangle as he looks to be setting up an armbar or shoulder lock. It’s an armbar, and Carlos peels off to attempt the submission just before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Carlos Jr.
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Carlos Jr.
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Carlos Jr.

Round 2

Kelly swings wild punches in an attempt to keep Carlos out of the pocket and off his legs in the early moments of the round. Carlos pops Kelly with a left hand and shoots inside but is denied by the judoka. Kelly snuffs out the next two takedown attempts from Carlos, too, and now hits the Brazilian with a left hand near the fence. Carlos shoots again, gets caught in a front headlock and puts his hand on the canvas to avoid knees. Carlos breaks out of the bad position, sticks a jab and has a right high kick blocked. Kelly keeps coming forward and now sprawls on a diving shot from Carlos, who stays kneeling, allowing Kelly to slip around the back for a rear waistlock. Kelly lands a few good right hands under Carlos’ armpit, prompting the jiu-jitsu specialist to scramble back up. Carlos finally gets his takedown with 90 seconds remaining in the round, and he wastes no time in climbing on Kelly’s back. Carlos tries the same body triangle-to-armbar transition from last round, but this time Kelly slips out straight away. Kelly pushes forward and Carlos flops to guard; Kelly wants none of it, and referee Greg Kleynjans orders the Brazilian back to his feet to finish the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kelly
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kelly

Round 3

Kelly stalks forward at the start of the round but is backed up by a sharp knee to the ribs. Carlos grabs for a high double-leg and runs Kelly toward the fence, where he drills the Aussie with a knee to the cup. Kelly takes only a few seconds to recover from the inadvertant foul; when action resumes, it’s Kelly looking for a takedown. Carlos escapes and comes back shooting for another takedown of his own. Kelly kicks him in the face, stuffs him to the ground and starts going wild with punches, trying to pound out the Brazilian with a heavy assault. The shots don’t seem to be having much effect at first, but after taking 10 or so directly to the face, “Cara de Sapato” is rolling to his side. Kelly gives him no quarter, bombing away with everything he has left. Carlos is exhausted, his nose busted, and referee Kleynjans decides he’s seen enough. Daniel Kelly completes an impressive comeback win as the partisan crowd in Brisbane goes wild.

The Official Result

Daniel Kelly def. Antonio Carlos Jr. via TKO (Punches) R3 1:36

Johnny Case vs. Jake Matthews

Round 1

Matthews sends Case backward a few steps with his first straight right hand, then counters a kick from the American with another nice right. Case backs him up with a push kick to the midsection, but “The Celtic Kid” catches Case’s next offering and tries to convert it for a takedown. Case hops away, and now the lightweights get back to throwing with about 90 seconds gone. Case clubs Matthews with an overhand left on the cheek, but Matthews zaps him right back with a hooking left to the chin. Matthews, who’s circling to his right around the edge of the cage, bursts out to the center with a hard body shot. Case easily snuffs out a takedown attempt from Matthews and runs the Australian to the floor near the middle of the cage. Matthews gets to his knees, then back to his feet, but he’s popped by Case with an uppercut on the way. Matthews times another nice straight right counter to a Case leg kick. Matthews goes lunging at Case with a knee which misses, then slugs him with a hard left hook which does not. Case gives Matthews a grin after the hard shot, and the undeterred “Hollywood” keeps walking forward. Matthews catches a kick from Case, gets him turned around and kicks the American in the posterior. Matthews sits down on his next punch and gets a hard counter left from Case in the waning seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Case
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Matthews
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Matthews

Round 2

Case takes the center of the cage and spends the opening minute following Matthews around the outside, both men waiting for an opening in which to strike. A body kick from Matthews gets Case to double over just a bit, but Case does well to hide the hurt. In for a takedown comes Case; as soon as the lightweights hit the ground, Matthews throws up a triangle which stalls Case’s progress on top. Case slowly works his way out of the submission attempt, breaking loose midway through the round to sock Matthews with a pair of hard punches. Matthews rolls to his knees and is held there by Case, who stays heavy on top when Matthews tries to roll him. Matthews grabs for a leg from underneath, forcing Case to kneel and allowing the Aussie to work back to his feet. Case lands a knee as they separate, but seconds later, Matthews hurts “Hollywood” with another nasty body shot. Case tries to no-sell the blow, but he’s clearly hurt and has to shoot for a takedown. Case succeeds in bringing Matthews to the ground and holds him there until the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Case
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Matthews
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Matthews

Round 3

Matthews scores with another body kick which sends Case grabbing for a double-leg, easily denied by “The Celtic Kid.” Matthews steps into the pocket with a backfist to disguise another body shot. Case takes a hard right hook on the ribs, then a left hand upstairs. Another body-head combo scores for Matthews, who’s coming on strong here in the first two minutes of the final frame, while Case looks to be fading. A left hand appears to stagger Case, who shrugs at Matthews and shakes it off. Matthews stuffs two double-leg attempts and underhooks Case’s arms to separate. Case slugs down the middle with a left hand, gets a kick on his lead leg in return. “Hollywood” wants a clinch on the fence, and he gives Matthews a few foot stomps to make things uncomfortable in the tie-up. Matthews turns the tables by climbing on Case’s back and riding him to the ground, where Case is soon in deep trouble with a tight rear-naked choke. Matthews doesn’t have the angle, can’t get the tap and releases to transition to full mount. Case rolls over, gets to his knees but can’t shake Matthews off his back. Matthews flattens out his opponent and re-applies the choke; this time, Case has nowhere to go and taps the mat in submission.

The Official Result

Jake Matthews def. Johnny Case via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 4:45

Hector Lombard vs. Neil Magny

Round 1

Lombard goes straight at Magny with hands low, and it’s only a matter of 20 seconds or so before an uppercut from the judoka sends Magny to his knees. Lombard follows him to the floor and unloads with hammerfists as Magny tries to bury his head and cover up. Magny’s right side is up against the fence with Lombard on the left, still slamming away with left hands. Still unsteady, Magny struggles back to his feet for all of three seconds before he’s thrown face-first back to the canvas. Lombard stands up in Magny’s guard to continue landing punches and short, hard elbows to Magny’s face. With 1:45 on the clock, Magny powers back to his feet again. He pulls down Lombard’s head in the Thai plum, but his knees don’t seem to faze “Showeather.” Magny comes shooting and gets sprawled on by Lombard, who stuffs the American back to the ground. Magny stands up using the whizzer and starts jabbing at Lombard, who may have punched himself out in the opening minute. Magny keeps pawing with jabs down the stretch while Lombard stands flat-footed, his hands by his side.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Lombard
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Lombard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Lombard

Round 2

Magny comes out jabbing, gets Lombard in the clinch and sends a knee to the body, then separates with a left hand. Lombard eats a straight right and slugs Magny back with a hard left hand over the top. Magny loops his gloves behind the shorter man’s head and sends a pair of knees to the gut. It’s all Magny here in round two, and Lombard looks to have little left in the tank after going all-out for the finish in the first frame. Lombard tries to clinch on the fence but winds up back in the Thai plum with Magny throwing more knees. Lombard waits for Magny to release and then decks him with a huge left hand that sends Magny to the ground in the center of the cage. Lombard follows him to the mat and spends a few seconds on top before dropping back for a heel hook. Magny pulls his leg free almost instantly and takes top position, then full mount, where he sets up a triangle choke and drops to guard. Lombard stands up to try and escape, nearly gets caught in an armbar but yanks the limb free. Magny sweeps him underneath and steps over to full mount, and this time it’s all punching from Magny as he goes for the finish. Lombard is completely out of it, barely even covering up as Magny lands dozens of unanswered strikes. Referee Steve Perceval is standing inches away but will not stop the fight, even after Lombard rolls to his stomach and looks completely out of the fight. Magny continues to dribble Lombard’s head off the canvas until the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-7 Magny
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-7 Magny

Round 3

Magny blasts straight down the center with a right hand, lands a level elbow as he clinches with Lombard and then takes down the Cuban with a double-leg at the fence. Lombard is finished, exhausted, not even fighting back at this point. Magny cinches up an effortless mounted triangle and lands only a few strikes before referee Perceval finally, mercifully rescues Lombard.

The Official Result

Neil Magny def. Hector Lombard via TKO (Punches) R3 0:46

Mark Hunt vs. Frank Mir

Round 1

Referee Marc Goddard is the third man in the cage for tonight’s heavyweight main event, with judges Anthony Dimitriou, Charlie Keech and Paul Sutherland scoring at cageside. Mir leans toward Hunt to grab for the kickboxer’s legs and gets clipped with an uppercut before Hunt limp-legs away. There’s cautious circling on the feet between the big men as they test the range in the first two minutes of the potential five-round fight. Hunt comes over the top with a grazing right hand and shoves Mir away when the former champion comes grasping for another takedown. Hunt catches Mir leaning over again and this time does not waste the opportunity: the “Super Samoan” catches Mir with a right hand behind the ear, and Mir hits the deck. Mir isn’t out cold but he’s clearly in a daze and in no state to continue. Hunt coolly strides away and referee Goddard steps in to wave off the bout. It’s another one-punch, walk-off knockout for Mark Hunt.

The Official Result

Mark Hunt def. Frank Mir via KO (Punch) R1 3:01
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Who will leave Manchester with the UFC welterweight title?



Jarred Brooks