

UFC Fight Night ‘Hendricks vs. Thompson’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC Fight Night “Hendricks vs. Thompson” coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET.

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Alex White vs. Artem Lobov

Round 1

The southpaw White circles to his right along the outside, away from the power hand of the hard-hitting Lobov. Nonetheless, the “Hammer” manages to find White’s face with a few hard right hooks in the opening minute. White scores with a few leg kicks before Lobov catches one and sends back another right hand in return. White comes off the cage to put a pair of knees in Lobov’s breadbasket, then tries to keep Lobov out of range with some jabs which pull up short. Lobov gets clipped with a left hand as he backs up toward the chain-link, so the SBG Ireland product grabs an underhook and turns White against the cage. White escapes with a knee to the body and avoids some wide punches from Lobov, who gets stung again with a right hand on the temple. White follows the punch with a quick takedown, now inside the final minute of the round. Lobov holds his opponent in butterfly guard until he’s able to burst back to his feet. White makes him pay for the stand-up by landing a couple knees and thwarting a late Lobov takedown attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 White
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 White
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White

Round 2

White lands a leg kick and circles well clear of a telegraphed uppercut from Lobov, then resets to deliver a long, driving punch to the body. Front kicks push Lobov out of range, leaving him swinging at air with a pair of bombs. White eats the next right hand from Lobov and answers with a quick body-head combination. Now it’s Lobov circling the outside and White working the middle of the cage as they hit the halfway mark of round two. Lobov paws at his left eye, which has a cut above it and swelling below. White steps into the pocket with a lead uppercut, slips a shot from Lobov and follows up with a left hand. Another takedown goes for White with 70 seconds on the clock. He tries to control the Russian but can’t wrap up his legs, and Lobov is back on his feet within 30 seconds. He comes forward, swinging more hard punches at White but can’t inflict any damage before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 White
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 White
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White

Round 3

White pumps his jab in Lobov’s face and then goes downstairs with a body shot. Lobov tries to close in near the fence but eats a right hand and gets pushed away with a body kick. Ninety seconds in, White wraps up Lobov with a bodylock and trips him to the ground, where the American passes straight to side control. Lobov rolls to his knees and tries to stand up near the fence, but White has control of the grounded man’s legs and keeps him on the canvas. Referee Mark Smith calls for action at the halfway mark; White responds by hunting for a guillotine choke, but in the process he allows Lobov to stand up. Lobov walks forward with his hands low and swipes a hard left hand across White’s face. The next two wind-up right hands from Lobov hit nothing, and White dings him with a nice left hook on the counter as the “Hammer” stands there with hands by his waist. White grabs a rear waistlock and winds up on top after Lobov tries to roll through and escape. The fight ends a few seconds later, with White in Lobov’s half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 White (30-27 White)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 White (30-27 White)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White (30-27 White)

The Official Result

Alex White def. Artem Lobov via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Mickey Gall vs. Mike Jackson

Round 1

Gall walks across the cage and jabs Jackson backward toward the fence, then follows through with a hard right cross to the chin. Jackson hits the deck and Gall drops a few punches on him before opting to take the Texan’s back. Gall slaps on a rear-naked choke which forces Jackson to tap within seconds, and that’s all she wrote. With that, Mickey Gall has won the right to be the debut opponent for Phil Brooks, a.k.a. “CM Punk,” later this year.

The Official Result

Mickey Gall def. Mike Jackson via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 0:45

Noad Lahat vs. Diego Rivas

Round 1

Lahat opens with a front kick and dodges a big right hand from Rivas, who pokes “Neo” in his right eye with an outstretched hand as he pushes away. Lahat recovers from the foul within a minute and gets back to business. Rivas checks a hard leg kick but can’t defend Lahat’s first takedown attempt, a bodylock trip in the center of the cage. From half guard, Lahat snatches a topside guillotine choke and passes to full mount, where he squeezes for the finish. Rivas gives a thumbs-up to referee Mark Smith, and the Chilean looks to be working his way out of the choke, which isn’t under his chin. After 20 seconds of squeezing, Lahat gives up on the choke and sets up in Rivas’ guard. Rivas throws up a triangle which forces Lahat to stand up, but “Neo” comes back to the ground and takes Rivas’ back in a scramble. Lahat looks for the rear-naked choke, can’t get it and gives up a hook to transition to top control again. Lahat tries an arm-triangle choke, can’t get the tap and moves again to Rivas’ back. This time, Rivas stands up with his opponent on his back. Lahat slips off but grabs another guillotine as he’s taken down by Rivas. “Pitbull” escapes from the choke shortly before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Lahat
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Lahat
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Lahat

Round 2

Rivas sends a high kick off Lahat’s forearm, backs up and then leaps at “Neo” with a flying knee. The shot connects clean and knocks out Lahat immediately. He drops to his back in the center of the cage and Rivas follows up with a couple punches before referee Smith recognizes that Lahat is out and stops the fight. Diego Rivas comes back from a tough opening round to score a highlight-reel knockout.

The Official Result

Diego Rivas def. Noad Lahat via KO (Flying Knee) R2 0:23

Ray Borg vs. Justin Scoggins

Round 1

Scoggins is on the attack from the opening bell, pumping jabs in Borg’s face and threatening with kicks both frontward and back. Borg changes levels and hits a quick takedown, but Scoggins is back up within seconds, pushing Borg against the cage. Scoggins keeps his head underneath Borg’s chin, applying pressure as they grind away in the clinch. Scoggins connects with a left hand on the break, comes back to clinch again and applies more head pressure. This one doesn’t last long, and the flyweights are back to striking in the center of the cage. Scoggins slaps Borg’s face with a leaping high kick, then sprawls on a shot from the “Tazmexican Devil.” Borg comes away from the exchange with a bloody nose and circles away, absorbing a leg kick as he does so. Scoggins shuts down another takedown attempt and kicks at Borg’s legs after the Albuquerque fighter drops to guard. Scoggins gets the last word in the round with a lovely spinning back kick to Borg’s midsection.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Scoggins
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Scoggins
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Scoggins

Round 2

Borg gets hold of Scoggins and, instead of trying for a takedown, opts to pull guard in the middle of the cage. Scoggins follows to the ground, lands a couple middling shots and then stands up, asking Borg to do the same. Scoggins continues to switch between orthodox and southpaw stances as he slides around the cage, evading Borg’s power punches. Scoggins gets a bodylock and puts Borg on the ground with a trip takedown. Borg tries to sit up and drive forward for a takedown of his own, but Scoggins keeps control and forces Borg back to his seat at the base of the fence. Borg eats half a dozen hard right hands to the face as he works back to his feet, but once he’s there, he slugs Scoggins with a right hand on the break. Scoggins eats it and walks forward on Borg with two minutes on the clock. Scoggins comes down the center with a hard left hand, then follows up with a pair of high kicks which slap both sides of Borg’s face. Borg drops levels and drives hard on a double-leg takedown attempt, but Scoggins keeps his balance and stays standing with his back up against the fence. Scoggins reverses Borg to the fence and finishes the round in the outside position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Scoggins
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Scoggins
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Scoggins

Round 3

Borg meets Scoggins with a takedown attempt in the center of the cage. Scoggins sprawls and kneels down on Borg to land some ground-and-pound, but after a few punches, Borg rolls him over and gets top position in the scramble. Borg looks for a guillotine but Scoggins escapes instantly, raising up to slam Borg to his back and escaping from the choke in the process. With 3:30 on the clock, it’s Scoggins on top, grinding with short right hands from Borg’s half guard. Borg thumps the side of Scoggins’ head with some frustrated open-palm strikes and then powers back to his feet. He’s there for only a few seconds before Scoggins decks him with a left hook and takes him down again. It’s looking like a lost cause for Borg with 90 seconds on the clock, but he’s still throwing elbows from his back and trying to escape. Scoggins keeps his face buried in Borg’s chest until the 40-second mark, when Borg kicks him back and jumps to his feet. Borg goes for a last-ditch guillotine but loses it almost as soon as they hit the ground, and that’s where this one ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Scoggins (30-27 Scoggins)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Scoggins (30-27 Scoggins)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Scoggins (30-27 Scoggins)

The Official Result

Justin Scoggins def. Ray Borg via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Derrick Lewis vs. Damian Grabowski

Round 1

Grabowski blocks a high kick from Lewis, changes levels and drives forward for a fast double-leg takedown. Lewis sweeps almost as soon as they hit the ground and drops a couple right hands on Grabowski’s face while passing to the Pole’s half guard. Grabowski reclaims full guard and locks down both of Lewis’ wrists to prevent any further offense. Lewis stands, shucks Grabowski’s legs and comes crashing back to the ground with a huge right hand. The punch opens a deep cut on the left side of Grabowski’s head, staining the canvas with blood straight away. Lewis compresses Grabowski on the ground and tees up the head of the “Polish Pitbull” for some heavy right hands. Grabowski is fading fast, covering up as Lewis unloads with more strikes. Lewis stands up again and dives back to the ground with another massive right hand that splits the gloves of the already fetal Grabowski. This time, referee Mark Smith has seen enough, and Derrick Lewis has notched a quick and dominant stoppage victory.

The Official Result

Derrick Lewis def. Damian Grabowski via TKO (Punches) R1 2:17

Joshua Burkman vs. K.J. Noons

Round 1

It’s a tense opening minute between the welterweights, who circle and jab around the middle of the cage, testing the range with kicks. Burkman puts a few good leg kicks on Noons’ lead leg and follows with a body shot. The Las Vegas crowd begins to jeer after two minutes of slow going, so Burkman goes back to Noons’ body with another kick. Burkman tags Noons with a left hook which gets the Hawaiian circling away. Another thumping left kick hits Noons on the flank. A left hand to the body lands for Burkman, but he misses with a pair of huge power punches, trying to take off the head of his opponent. Noons continues to work off his back foot, flicking out punches but not landing much of anything. Burkman raises up with a left high kick that partially connects to Noons’ head in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Burkman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Burkman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Burkman

Round 2

Burkman fires off a few punches before running forward and grabbing hold of Noons’ legs, looking for a double against the fence. “The People’s Warrior” lifts Noons into the air and slams him to the ground, but he can’t contain the former Strikeforce contender and soon both welterweights are back on their feet. Once again, the pace slows in the striking exchanges. Both men are moving around the cage, both throwing strikes but not connecting with much. Referee John McCarthy calls for action but none is forthcoming. Burkman decks Noons with a good combination, finished with a right hook as they fight down the final minute.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Burkman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Burkman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Burkman

Round 3

Before the start of the final round, referee McCarthy cautions both fighters to stay busy and “go after” one another. Burkman shoots a single-leg and immediately takes down Noons at the base of the fence. Noons kneels, posts and stands, working back to his feet with surprising ease. He walks forward on Burkman and dings the veteran with a couple good left hands on the side of the head. Noons leans over to dodge a punch from Burkman and gets a knee to the face instead. Noons continues to press forward on Burkman, socks him with a hard right hook and fends off another takedown attempt. The tide has turned in favor of Noons here in the final round, but Burkman slows the boxer’s roll with a double-leg takedown attempt against the cage. Noons fights out of it, steps toward Burkman and gets clipped with a hook, then another body kick. Burkman follows up his successful offense with another double-leg try, pushing Noons back to the fence. Noons drops to one knee as they enter the final minute, stands up with Burkman still clung to his legs and scores with three or four elbows to the side of the head. Burkman takes a couple more elbows before he lifts Noons off the ground and slams him to the mat. That will be all she wrote, as Noons is unable to escape before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Noons (29-28 Burkman)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Noons (29-28 Burkman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Noons (29-28 Burkman)

The Official Result

Joshua Burkman def. K.J. Noons via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Mike Pyle vs. Sean Spencer

Round 1

Spencer is on the move in the opening minute, flicking out his jab as he tries to close the gap on the taller man. The welterweights engage in a brief clinch on the fence and then disengage without much action. Pyle lands a few leg kicks, then takes a lead left hook on the cheek. Spencer sends a hard jab down the center that gets Pyle wiping at his face. Pyle uses his long arms to touch Spencer with a couple right hands, but Spencer gets the last word in the exchange with a hook that puts the veteran on his seat. Spencer follows his opponent to the ground but stays there only a few seconds after “Quicksand” threatens with an armbar. More jabs and lead left hooks score for Spencer, who is keeping up his forward motion here in the final 90 seconds of the round. Pyle catches a body kick with seconds to spare, tries a takedown and gets stuffed. He releases and catches Spencer on the jaw with a right hand just as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Spencer

Round 2

Spencer keeps up the pressure at the onset of the second round, his jab thwarting the offense of Pyle in the opening minute. Spencer leans into the pocket awkwardly and gets caught with a right hook which loops around the back of his head. He wobbles backward as Pyle steps forward cautiously, looking to capitalize but not rushing. Spencer regains his footing and slugs back at Pyle with a right hand that gets the veteran’s attention. A left hook scores for Spencer, then an overhand right, another left hook. Pyle strikes back with a pair of right hands which slows the Virginian’s attack. Spencer gets a left hook on the side of the head and winds up with a small but pronounced hematoma on his right temple. Pyle eats a right hand and changes levels for a takedown near the fence, but Spencer is back up within seconds to finish the round on his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pyle
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pyle

Round 3

Spencer pushes Pyle backward with a left hook and an overhand right, waits 20 seconds and repeats the sequence. Pyle tries a little rope-a-dope but can’t get Spencer to rush in. Spencer shoots for a takedown and nearly gets caught in a guillotine; he escapes the choke after they hit the ground, surrendering top position in the process. Spencer backs up to the fence and get to one knee, where he has to fend off another choke attempt. Pyle switches to a bodylock and tries to keep Spencer on the ground, but “Black Magic” is back on his feet with just under two minutes on the clock. Pyle flicks out a couple jabs, tries a takedown and gets stuffed, but he hits Spencer with a knee as they split. A spinning elbow from Pyle puts Spencer on rubber legs. Pyle smells blood and traps Spencer against the cage, blasting him with level elbows. Spencer doubles over and leaves his head in perfect position for Pyle to deliver a knee. Pyle looks at referee Yves Lavigne, trying to get him to stop the fight. Lavigne takes no action, so Pyle drives another knee into Spencer’s face, and this one gets the ref to intervene.

The Official Result

Mike Pyle def. Sean Spencer via TKO (Elbows and Knees) R3 4:25

Misha Cirkunov vs. Alex Nicholson

Round 1

Cirkunov presses forward in the first minute, ducking under a few spinning attacks from Nicholson to deliver strikes of his own. After a tense couple of minutes, Cirkunov catches Nicholson near the fence, wraps him up and drags him down to one knee. Nicholson gets back up but takes a knee to the face in the process. Cirkunov lands a left hand over the top, dodges another spinning backfist from Nicholson and takes him down again. Nicholson stands up with his back to the fence and knees Cirkunov in the groin as they fight in the clinch. Referee Herb Dean issues a stern warning to Nicholson and tells him a point will be deducted for the next foul. Cirkunov recovers quickly and comes back to slug Nicholson with another overhand left. Yet another left scores for Cirkunov as he walks Nicholson against the fence. Nicholson shoves him away but is soon backed up again. Cirkunov lands a pair of punches, ducks under a spinning elbow and tries to clinch, but Nicholson refuses to be held. Nicholson gets too aggressive as he steps in to strike, allowing Cirkunov to change levels and floor him with ease. A huge elbow to the face gets Nicholson to turn over; Cirkunov tries to follow up but runs out of time.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cirkunov
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cirkunov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cirkunov

Round 2

Cirkunov catches Nicholson off balance and completes another easy takedown near the fence. He jumps on Nicholson’s back, holds the position with a body triangle and begins pounding away with left hands. Nicholson tries to cover up and deflect the strikes, so Cirkunov applies a tight neck crank and wrenches Nicholson’s face to the right. Nicholson taps out almost instantly and grabs at his jaw, which Cirkunov looks to have injured with the pain lock.

The Official Result

Misha Cirkunov def. Alex Nicholson via Submission (Neck Crank) R2 1:28

Joseph Benavidez vs. Zach Makovsky

Round 1

Makovsky dodges early punches from his fellow southpaw and denies Benavidez’s first takedown attempt, albeit a half-hearted one. “Funsize” shoots for a takedown of his own and slams Benavidez to the ground with a high single-leg, but the Team Alpha Male product jumps right back to his feet. Benavidez connects with a two-piece combination, shuts down Makovsky’s next two shots and backs him off with an elbow strike. A right hand swipes Makovsky’s face as Benavidez backs him up to the fence. Makovsky catches a kick but can’t keep hold as Benavidez spins out of the dangerous position. Jabs continue to score for Benavidez, now a standing elbow. Inside the final minute, Makovsky brings down Benavidez with a takedown near the fence and tries to climb on the Joe-Jitsu fighter’s back. Benavidez stands and peels him off just before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez

Round 2

Benavidez walks straight at Makovsky, backing up the former Bellator champ to the fence and then shutting down a takedown attempt. Benavidez backs up a step and thumps Makovsky’s body with a right kick, then steps back inside to deliver a knee to the gut. Makovsky gets out of the way of a telegraphed right hand, lands a counter left hook and circles away. Benavidez goes body-head with a pair of punches, ducks under a Makovsky spinning backfist. Makovsky drops levels, grabs a leg and dumps Benavidez to the ground in the middle of the cage, but Benavidez executes a nice bridge sweep and flips him over the top. Benavidez tags Makovsky with a lead right hook and then drops to his knees to shut down the wrestler’s next shot. A short clinch on the cage ends with a Makovsky knee to the body and a Benavidez right hook upstairs. Makovsky gets another takedown with 30 seconds on the clock and this time jumps on Benavidez’s back as they scramble up. Benavidez shakes him off and clinches Makovsky against the cage as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez

Round 3

Benavidez swings and misses as he marches forward on Makovsky in the opening minute. Makovsky catches him coming inside and delivers a knee to the body, but Benavidez shuts down another takedown attempt behind the strike. Benavidez is walking inside on Makovsky’s with hands low, swinging at “Funsize” with impunity. A short clinch off the fence ends with a Benavidez standing elbow strike and a knee to the gut. Halfway through the final round, Benavidez continues to snuff out Makovsky’s shots. A right hook connects for Benavidez on the end of one takedown try, then a reaching left hand as Makovsky moves backward. Makovsky tries a spinning backfist in the closing seconds, gets knocked to the ground and takes a right hand to the face. He kicks Benavidez backward just as the final horn sounds, and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)

The Official Result

Joseph Benavidez def. Zach Makovsky via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ovince St. Preux vs. Rafael Cavalcante

Round 1

The southpaw St. Preux moves slowly forward on “Feijao,” who switches stances as he bounces around the perimeter of the cage. There’s not much action between the 205ers in the first 90 seconds. “OSP” throws a leg kick and appears to injure his foot as it clashes against the Brazilian’s knee. St. Preux switches to orthodox stance after a kick from Feijao connects to the injured leg. St. Preux uses the other leg to front-kick Feijao’s midsection, but the American is clearly limping as he tries to walk forward. St. Preux catches Feijao near the fence and drills him with a left hand over the top. Cavalcante hits the deck, absorbs a couple more punches from OSP and then wraps him up to avoid any further damage in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 St. Preux

Round 2

The light heavyweights are off to another slow start in the second stanza, with St. Preux pressing out from the center while Cavalcante circles the perimeter. Feijao steps back to the center to deliver a right hand, but he goes back to cutting angles after landing the single strike. St. Preux sends him back a few steps with a push kick to the body and, moments later, floors the off-balance Brazilian with a right hand. OSP follows him to the ground, setting up in Feijao’s closed guard near the fence. Feijao tries to control St. Preux’s arms and limit the ground-and-pound, shifting between closed and open guard as he appears to ponder a submission. St. Preux gets busy with some hammerfists but only socks Cavalcante with two or three before relenting. St. Preux puts an open hand across Feijao’s face and gets a warning from referee Yves Lavigne to mind his fingers.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 St. Preux

Round 3

It’s a much quicker start to the final round, as Cavalcante absorbs a pair of punches and a body kick, then comes back swinging power punches at St. Preux’s head. OSP drops to his knees to try a double-leg, gets stood up and holds Feijao against the fence for a few seconds before releasing. St. Preux lands a stiff front kick to the body, dings the side of Feijao’s head with a pair of left hooks and then scores a takedown near the fence. Feijao tries to wrap up St. Preux, who works from the Brazilian’s half guard with just over three minutes left in the fight. A minute evaporates with little action on the mat, just St. Preux keeping Feijao flat on his back, scoring the occasional short left hand to the head. Feijao reclaims full guard but can’t do much from his back, and St. Preux continues to grind him down in the final minute. With 30 seconds on the clock, St. Preux stands over his opponent and comes crashing back to the mat with a big left hand. More lefts rain down on Feijao’s face as St. Preux tries to finish before the horn, but time expires before the finish materializes.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 St. Preux (30-26 St. Preux)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 St. Preux (30-26 St. Preux)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 St. Preux (30-26 St. Preux)

The Official Result

Ovince St. Preux def. Rafael Cavalcante via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Roy Nelson vs. Jared Rosholt

Round 1

Rosholt cuts angles around the edge of the cage while Nelson looks to close in from the center, both heavyweights hunched low with hands cocked. Nelson sticks a jab on the nose of Rosholt, who swings and misses with a simultaneous overhand right. Rosholt circles left and dashes away to avoid Nelson’s first overhand bomb of the fight. Nelson doubles up on his jab and tries to follow through with another huge right hand, but again “The Big Show” is able to evade the power punch. Nelson whiffs on a right hand and stumbles into range, allowing Rosholt to clip him with a quick burst of punches. Rosholt jabs his way toward Nelson and follows through with a right straight which grazes the face of “Big Country.” Nelson gets Rosholt to bite on a couple feints but the Texan finishes the frame with a stiff front kick to Nelson’s midsection.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 2

It’s more of the same from the big men at the onset of the second stanza: Rosholt keeping to the outside, cutting angles and staying away from the power hand of Nelson. Back to the center comes Rosholt, just briefly, to land a leg kick and a short right hand. Nelson gets caught off balance and drops to a knee after a punch from Rosholt but he’s soon back on his feet. Rosholt continues to pick at Nelson’s lead leg as they circle around the cage. Nelson catches Rosholt leaning in and clips him with an overhand right behind the ear. Nelson gets Rosholt moving with a pawing left hand and follow-up right over the top. Rosholt fakes a shot but doesn’t get much reaction from “Big Country,” who whiffs on a couple right-handed bombs in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nelson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 3

Rosholt remains on his back foot as the final round begins, dashing around the edge of the cage when Nelson comes charging forward with his big right hand. Nelson finds the mark with an overhand bomb but can’t land follow-up shots as Rosholt runs away. Nelson ducks under a right high kick and catches Rosholt on the other side with a right hand. Half a round remains in the bout, and the heavyweights continue to attack one another with single strikes. Nelson clips Rosholt with a right hand and gives him a little more with a backhand on the other side. Inside the final 90 seconds, Rosholt comes looking for a takedown and is stuffed by “Big Country.” There’s lots of swinging and missing in the final seconds as both guys go for the homerun shot but have very little left in their gas tanks.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nelson (29-29 Draw)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nelson (29-28 Nelson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nelson (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Roy Nelson def. Jared Rosholt via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Johny Hendricks vs. Stephen Thompson

Round 1

Referee John McCarthy is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 170-pound main event, with judges Sal D’Amato, Marcos Rosales and Glenn Trowbridge scoring at cageside. Both men line up southpaw, Thompson in his wide karate stance and Hendricks with his left hand loaded. “Bigg Rigg” dodges Thompson’s first kick and comes inside to clinch up against the fence. Thompson denies a short takedown attempt and escapes from Hendricks’ underhook to circle out to the center. Hendricks gets a right high kick to the face, albeit one without much behind it. Thompson sends a pair of hard punches down the middle, and these connect with much greater force. Hendricks stands in front of Thompson with his hands high and gets a right high kick bounced off his forearms. A straight right hand down the middle knocks Hendricks back a few steps. Now a pair of straight shots scores for Thompson, followed by a high kick deflected by Hendricks’ arms. Hendricks swings and misses with an overhand and gets clocked with a right-handed counter. Thompson follows up with a huge spinning kick to the chest, gets Hendricks looking one way with a straight right and then blows him up with a left cross. Hendricks drops to his knees and it only takes a few follow-up punches from Thompson to force referee McCarthy into action. Stephen Thompson picks up his most significant win to date with a sensational first-round finish.

The Official Result

Stephen Thompson def. Johny Hendricks via TKO (Punches) R1 3:31
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