

UFC Fight Night London ‘Silva vs. Bisping’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC Fight Night “Silva vs. Bisping” coverage kicks off Saturday at 12:45 p.m. ET.

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David Teymur vs. Martin Svensson

Round 1

Teymur closes the distance immediately, blocks a high kick from Svensson and slugs back with a left hand. He catches another kick and bangs Svensson’s ribs with a left body blow. Svensson shoots for an early takedown, can’t get it and stands to have another kick blocked. Teymur begins to attack Svensson’s lead leg with kicks as they hit the 90-second mark. Svensson lands his best blow of the round with an overhand left that lands on Teymur’s chin and appears to stagger the striker momentarily. Teymur catches yet another kick and hits Svensson with a left-handed counter. Svensson has another double-leg takedown attempt shut down at the halfway point. The lightweights clash kicks and Teymur has his back taken as he spins around, but he scrapes off Svensson with the help of the fence. Teymur catches another kick and this time Svensson drops to guard; Teymur wants none of it and tells his countryman to stand. Teymur closes out the round with a spinning back kick followed by a late takedown in the center of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Teymur
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Teymur
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Teymur

Round 2

Both men swing for the fences with big overhand rights, looking to put an end to the fight early in round two. Teymur gets back to work with his leg kicks, then sprawls all over Svensson as he shoots from a mile away. Svensson stands and plods toward Teymur, tries to change levels and ducks straight into a blistering uppercut. Svensson drops to his back, covering up, and a few hammerfists are all referee Neil Hall needs to see before rushing in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

David Teymur def. Martin Svensson via TKO (Punches) R2 1:26

Teemu Packalen vs. Thibault Gouti

Round 1

Packalen floors Gouti with a massive uppercut in the first 15 seconds of the round, then tries to pound out the dazed Frenchman with follow-up punches from half guard. The stoppage doesn’t materialize, so when Gouti tries to post and stand, Packalen switches tactics and jumps on his back instead. The Finn slaps on a rear-naked choke which has Gouti tapping out in seconds.

The Official Result

Teemu Packalen def. Thibault Gouti via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 0:24

Daniel Omielanczuk vs. Jarjis Danho

Round 1

The southpaw Omielanczuk swings a big left hand over the top but it’s deflected by Danho, who shrugs as he circles away. Danho comes down the center with a straight right down the middle, then another before pressing Omielanczuk against the fence. Danho briefly considers a double-leg takedown, then comes back up to the clinch and delivers a pair of hard knees to the body. Suddenly, Omielanczuk breaks out of the clinch and hurts Danho with a sweeping left hand. Danho quickly resets and dings the incoming Omielanczuk with another nice knee to the body, then the heavyweights tangle again and wind up back on the fence. Danho puts a few short right hands on the face of Omielanczuk, who lands a knee to the ribs in the tie. The action slows and referee Leon Roberts separates the big men with just over a minute left in the round. They’re soon back in the clinch, Danho on the outside, grinding Omielanczuk against the cage. They’re broken up again and the final 10 seconds tick down without incident.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Danho
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk

Round 2

Omielanczuk controls the pace and distance through the first 90 seconds of the round, as the Polish fighter constantly presses forward on Danho. Though the offense is sparse, it’s Omielanczuk landing leg kicks and single punches while Danho fights off his back foot. Both men are exhausted and halfway through the round, it’s hard to tell who’s feeling it more. Omielanczuk keeps coming forward, however, and shoves a tired and off-balance Danho to the canvas in an exchange. Danho fends off Omielanczuk’s ground-and-pound, then stands up against the cage and keeps one hand on the canvas. Omielanczuk delivers an inoffensive but nonetheless illegal knee to the head, and referee Roberts pauses the action to give Danho time to recover. Omielanczuk is hunting for the finish when action resumes, bombing on Danho with big overhand shots and closing out the round with one last leg kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk

Round 3

Omielanczuk lands a trio of leg kicks, the last of which seems to clip Danho on the cup. Danho shrugs but then slaps hands with Omielanczuk, and the fight continues without pause. It’s slow going through the first minute as the big, tired heavyweights circle the cage, each looking to end the fight with one shot. Danho moves Omielanczuk toward the fence in the Thai clinch, but as he throws a knee to the body, Danho gets a left hook on the cup from the shorter man. Danho drops to his knees and needs a minute to recover; referee Roberts warns Omielanczuk but does not take a point for the accidental foul. Danho still hasn’t recovered after a minute, so the doctor is called in to check on him. The referee asks Danho if he wants to continue, and Danho clearly does not. This one is all over and will go to the judges’ partial scorecards for a technical decision.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk (30-27 Omielanczuk)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk (29-28 Omielanczuk)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Omielanczuk (30-27 Omielanczuk)

The Official Result

Daniel Omielanczuk def. Jarjis Danho via Technical Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-29) R3 1:31

Norman Parke vs. Rustam Khabilov

Round 1

The southpaw Parke stays out of range on the outside in the opening minute as Khabilov tries to snipe down the center with a few hard punches. Khabilov lunges into range with a flying knee and Parke turns his back to sprint away. After about 90 seconds of ineffective striking from both men, Khabilov grabs hold of Parke and runs him to the ground near the fence. Parke posts and stands after only a few seconds, and Khabilov follows him to the feet. Now it’s Parke pressing forward, but he walks into a Khabilov uppercut. Parke comes away from an exchange grabbing at his forehead after an apparent clash of heads. He recovers after a few seconds and they’re back to business with one minute on the clock. Khabilov connects with a hard, straight right, then dives on Pareke’s legs and executes another takedown. Parke goes to one knee and spends the final 20 seconds of the round preveting Khabilov from taking his back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Khabilov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Khabilov
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Khabilov

Round 2

Parke comes out aggressive in the second frame, backing up Khabilov to the fence and trying for a takedown. Khabilov fends off the shot but eats a pair of good punches as Parke keeps him near the wall. Khabilov circles to the other side of the cage and connects with an uppercut as he catches Parke leaning inside. The roles from round one have been reversed, as it’s now Parke putting on the pressure and landing kicks on Khabilov’s lead leg. Halfway through the round and the fight, Khabilov shows some signs of life, but when Parke denies him a takedown on the fence, “Tiger” backs off again. Khabilov is bleeding from a cut above his right eye, though the blood doesn’t appear to be as bad as the swelling. Inside the final minute, Khabilov gets deep inside on a double-leg shot and takes down his opponent, landing in Parke’s open guard. Parke tries to tangle up Khabilov, who gets through with only a few punches before standing up to kick at Parke’s legs for the final seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Parke
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Parke

Round 3

The lightweights swing and miss with single shots in the first minute, though Khabilov finds the mark with a one-two on the incoming Parke. The Irishman closes the gap on Khabilov, backing him toward the fence, where Parke scores a crucial takedown about 90 seconds into the round. Parke takes the back of Khabilov and begins hunting for a choke, but Khabilov fights it off, flips over and scrambles to his feet. Now it’s Khabilov dumping Parke to the ground and landing in the open guard of “Stormin’ Norman.” Khabilov passes to half guard, postures up and lands two or three solid right hands. Parke reclaims full guard with 80 seconds remaining and tries to tie up the wrists of Khabilov, who’s still finding space for some short left hands to the head. Parke rolls away, getting to his knees near the fence, but Khabilov keeps him wrapped up around the waist. Parke gets back on his feet for a split second before being suplexed back to the mat, and that’s where the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Khabilov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Khabilov)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Khabilov)

The Official Result

Rustam Khabilov def. Norman Parke via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Bradley Scott vs. Krzysztof Jotko

Round 1

Scott dodges an early high kick from Jotko and then lands a jab as he moves the southpaw backward toward the fence. Jotko scores with a nice kick to the body, then one to the leg. Scott continues to press forward with hands loaded, while Jotko moves around the outside with more dynamic footwork. Jotko lands a few more leg kicks, comes over the top and dings Scott with a left-handed counter. Three minutes in, Scott is wearing some redness on his nose where Jotko’s left hand as landed a few times. Jotko seems content to circle with his back against the fence, allowing Scott to constantly walk after him from the center. Jotko gets off balance in an exchange and goes tilting to his side. Scott seems to think Jotko is hurt and chases after him, walking into a Jotko uppercut.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Scott

Round 2

Scott closes the distance early in the second stanza and pins Jotko against the fence with an underhook, not allowing the Polish fighter to circle as he did in the first frame. Jotko breaks loose after 20 seconds or so, and now the fight picks up where it left off in round one. Jotko moves around the perimeter, flicking out jabs when Scott comes close enough. Two minutes in, Jotko tries a takedown in the center of the cage. Scott stuffs it, so Jotko presses him against the cage to deliver a series of knees to the Englishman’s body and legs. Scott disengages with about two minutes on the clock and resumes his stalking, trying to cut off Jotko’s angles around the edge. Jotko thumps the “Bear” with a kick to the gut and comes on strong in the final minute, landing kicks to the head and body of Scott, as well as a backward standing elbow in the last 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jotko

Round 3

The middleweights take up their familiar positions, with Jotko on the outside and Scott pressing him from the center. Jotko looked exhausted at the end of round two but seems to have found a second wind here as he bounces on his toes in front of Scott, firing off kicks and punches. Scott cracks down the middle with a good right hand, then has to cover up as Jotko returns fire with a left high kick. A plunging left straight scores for Jotko, who is venturing out to the middle of the Octagon more and more in the final round. Jotko threatens with another back-elbow and then decks Scott with a lovely left hand behind it. With 80 seconds remaining, Jotko catches a kick and runs Scott to the ground near the fence. Scott posts and stands but still has Jotko wrapped around his waist, and the Pole secures another takedown with 40 seconds on the clock. Scott eats a few right hands before he’s able to reclaim full guard. Jotko postures up to finish strong with a smashing elbow and one final flurry of punches from top position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jotko (30-27 Jotko)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko (30-27 Jotko)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jotko (29-28 Jotko)

The Official Result

Krzysztof Jotko def. Bradley Scott via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Arnold Allen vs. Yaotzin Meza

Round 1

Allen presses the action at the onset but it’s Meza scoring with some nice kicks to the southpaw’s lead leg. Allen has his left hand loaded, constantly testing the range with his outstretched right arm. Meza blocks a high kick and bursts forward with three or four quick punches, one of which seems to graze Allen’s face. Meza grabs for a single-leg takedown, can’t get it and winds up holding Allen against the fence with a left underhook. Meza switches to a bodylock, but the position allows Allen to get an overhook and spin him around. Allen trips Meza to the floor a few feet away from the wall. Meza tries to use butterfly guard to create space and escape, but Allen stays heavy on top and Meza has to settle for full guard. With one minute left, Allen stands over Meza and kicks at his legs, but after a few seconds of this, referee Grant Waterman tells Allen to back up and then orders Meza to his feet. Allen comes over the top with a huge left hand that grazes Meza’s face just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Allen
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Allen
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Allen

Round 2

Allen comes forward again and, after the better part of a minute, catches a kick to trip Meza to the ground near the fence. Allen stands over Meza for a moment, kicking at his legs, before deciding to come down to the mat. Meza powers back to his feet, but Allen trips him right back down. Allen doesn’t want to come to the ground this time and allows Meza to get up. Meza continues to be backed up around the edge of the cage as Allen applies constant pressure with jabs and kicks. Meza shoots for a takedown and gets a finger in the left eye from Allen’s outstretched right hand. Referee Waterman pauses the fight and calls the doctor to check on Meza, who is soon cleared to continue. The featherweights are back at it with just over one minute on the clock. Allen comes forward to slug Meza with a good right hook; the prospect’s open right hand draws a warning from the ref to keep his fingers tucked. A straight left hand appears to hurt Meza just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Allen
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Allen
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Allen

Round 3

Meza tries to get busier as the final round begins, forcing Allen to react to head movement and feints before shooting for a takedown in the center of the cage. Allen sprawls on the shot and winds up pressed against the fence by Meza with a left underhook. The fighters are in the clinch for only a matter of moments before referee Waterman tells them to work, then breaks them up. Allen takes a turn holding Meza against the fence for a few seconds; there’s no warning from Waterman this time. The 145ers break soon after and now it’s Meza’s turn to go for another takedown. Allen shuts it down and winds up on top after Meza rolls through to guard. Meza can’t produce anything off his back, so he stands and shoots on Allen once more. Allen denies this one, too, and the fighters separate with 60 seconds remaining. Allen defends another shot, puts Meza’s back against the fence and gives him a few knees to the body. The fighters break before the referee can separate them. Allen charges forward just before the end of the fight and puts Meza on the canvas with a right hand. The horn sounds before the referee steps between the fighters, so this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Allen (30-27 Allen)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Allen (30-27 Allen)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Allen (30-27 Allen)

The Official Result

Arnold Allen def. Yaotzin Meza via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Scott Askham vs. Chris Dempsey

Round 1

Dempsey walks across the cage and puts Askham on the ground with a double-leg takedown in the first 20 seconds of the bout. Askham throws up an armbar from the bottom, switches to an omoplata but loses that, too. Dempsey stands over his grounded foe, drawing a warning from referee Leon Roberts for grabbing the fence. Askham uses a leglock threat to sweep into top position, but the powerful Dempsey is able to escape to his feet within seconds. Dempsey goes after another takedown as he grinds Askham against the fence, now halfway through the opening round. The American drops to his knees, can’t get the double from there and comes back up to throw a knee at Askham’s gut. Dempsey keeps the pressure on until, out of nowhere, Askham dumps him on his head with a lovely trip. Once again, Askham is unable to hold Dempsey on the ground, and now the middleweights are back to trading on the feet with seconds remaining. Askham pushes forward and connects with a straight left that leaves Dempsey wobbling on unsteady legs. Dempsey leans forward with his hands down and gets a left high kick on the chin which sends him to the ground and brings an end to the bout.

The Official Result

Scott Askham def. Chris Dempsey via KO (Punch and Head Kick) R1 4:45

Davey Grant vs. Marlon Vera

Round 1

Grant takes the center of the cage and tries to cut off the angles of southpaw Vera, who moves fluidly around the perimeter. Vera catches a kick and puts Grant against the fence, but “Dangerous” spins him around and disengages after a few shoulder shrugs. Vera steps into range and gets decked with a right hook, and now he decides to drop to the ground for a scissor takedown. Vera grabs for Grant’s legs but also grabs inside his gloves, which draws a stern warning from referee Marc Goddard. Grant escapes leglock danger and stands over Vera to slug him with a few good punches. Vera leaps back to his feet inside the final two minutes and jumps on the standing Grant’s back, riding him to the ground. Vera secures the position with a body triagle and begins hunting for a rear-naked choke with more than a minute left on the clock. Grant, now bleeding from his nose, defends well and then spins around to take top position. It’s a strong finish to the round for Grant after the submission scare, as he finishes on top with punches for Vera.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grant
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grant
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Grant

Round 2

Grant lands a front kick to the midsection which Vera calls a low blow, but referee Goddard wags his finger at the Eduadorian and tells him the shot was clean. This only seems to spur on Grant, who comes forward with heavy hooks as he continues to walk “Chito” around the outside. Grant steps in to dig an underhook, can’t find a takedown and releases to resume striking. Heavy right hands and knees are scoring for Grant, forcing Vera to circle away and then shoot for a takedown. When the shot doesn’t work, Vera stands up and jumps guard, wrapping up Grant in his full guard. Vera continues to complain to the referee about something, but Goddard tells him to “concentrate on the fight.” With two minutes left in the round, Grant stands up to adjust his position and nearly gets caught in an armbar. Referee Goddard sees Vera grabbing the inside of Grant’s glove again, and the ref pauses the fight to issue a second warning. The bantamweights resume on their feet, and Grant steps into the pocket with a standing elbow strike before executing another takedown. Grant passes to the side, tries to mount but gets put back in half guard for the last 20 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grant
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grant
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Grant

Round 3

Vera fishes for a guillotine when Grant gets close enough but the Ecuadorian is ultimately taken down at the base of the cage once again. Referee Goddard warns Vera again, this time for grabbing the fence as he attempts to escape from underneath the English fighter. Both men are covered in blood as they fight on the floor, though both men are lumped up and cut, and it’s unclear who’s having it worse. Vera threatens with a triangle from underneath but Grant gives him no room to work the submission. Vera grabs inside Grant’s glove again, and this time referee Goddard deducts a point without hesitation. The fighters are brought back to their feet with a minute remaining, and Vera lands one of his best shots of the fight with an uppercut. Grant traps him against the cage, tries a takedown but can’t get it. Vera seems to hurt Grant with a stiff knee to the gut in the closing seconds, and that’s the end of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Grant (30-26 Grant)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Grant (30-26 Grant)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-8 Grant (30-26 Grant)

The Official Result

Davey Grant def. Marlon Vera via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

Mike Wilkinson vs. Makwan Amirkhani

Round 1

Wilkinson catches the first kick from Amirkhani, who pulls the leg back and circles away. Amirkhani shoots in for a takedown near the center of the cage and succeeds in putting the Englishman on the floor. Wilkinson shifts underneath to move Amirkhani from side control to butterfly guard, but his efforts to sweep are denied. Amirkhani stands, moves Wilkinson’s legs out of the way and dives back to the ground with a hard punch. Amirkhani gets to side control on Wilkinson’s left side, then passes to full mount with just under two minutes on the clock. Wilkinson gets a knee inside and pushes Amirkhani back to guard, though “Mr. Finland” scores with a few good punches and elbows in the transition. Heavy pressure keeps Amirkhani on top in the final minute, and further strikes have Wilkinson bleeding badly from his mouth at round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani

Round 2

Amirkhani shoots a long shot, gets denied but comes back and shoots for another before Wilkinson can reset. The second effort yields a takedown and top position for Amirkhani, who passes to north-south position, then cross-side control on Wilkinson’s left. The Englishman works back to his feet, and next time Amirkhani comes looking for a takedown, Wilkinson is waiting with a guillotine choke. Wilkinson drops to guard, then rolls on top to try and finish the choke, but Amirkhani calmly works his head free to take top position with two minutes left in the middle frame. It’s back to side control for Amirkhani, then over to full mount with 85 seconds on the clock. Wilkinson reclaims half guard and tries to climb off the fence with his feet, but he’s warned by referee Grant Waterman for hooking his toes into the chain-link.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani

Round 3

Amirkhani needs less than a minute to drag Wilkinson back to the floor and set up once again in the Englishman’s guard. Wilkinson kicks him away and tries to stand, but Amirkhani catches him with a pair of punches in the transition and takes him down again. Wilkinson uses a headlock to sweep into top position, suddenly turning the tables as he bullies “Mr. Finland” with elbows up against the fence. The revival is short-lived, as Amirkhani reverses at the halfway mark and then stands to dodge a few Wilkinson upkicks. Wilkinson scrambles up and the off-balance Amirkhani drops to his knees. Wilkinson forces him to the canvas and takes top position once again, now looking to mount inside the final two minutes. Amirkhani is fading underneath but it’s likely that Wilkinson will need a stoppage here to collect a win. Wilkinson is going for that finish, dropping heavy right hands on Amirkhani’s face and now framing up a D’arce choke. Amirkhani slips loose of the choke and reclaims top position when Wilkinson grabs for a leglock. Amirkhani mounts Wilkinson with 40 seconds left to fight, then sits up and drops short, hard elbows. Wilkinson yells at him from underneath and the rivals embrace at the end of a back-and-forth third round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani (30-27 Amirkhani)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani (30-27 Amirkhani)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Amirkhani (30-27 Amirkhani)

The Official Result

Makwan Amirkhani def. Mike Wilkinson via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Brad Pickett vs. Francisco Rivera

Round 1

Pickett misses with a few leg kicks and then catches a body kick from Rivera, who slugs the Englishman with a left hand as he hops on one leg. The strikers get back to circling, neither one in a rush to engage, instead working from the outside with leg kicks and jabs. Rivera dodges an overhand right and catches Pickett leaning over to land a short right hand. A hard body blow scores for Rivera, answered by Pickett’s right hand before the American can get out of range. Pickett drops to his seat after taking a left hand on the chin, but “One Punch” regains his wits quickly and powers back to his feet. Rivera slips another punch from Pickett and counters with a sweeping right hand. Pickett lands a pair of leg kicks before he’s stung by Rivera’s right hand again. Rivera looks to have hurt Pickett on three occasions in the round, and yet it’s Pickett pressing forward, trying back up Rivera to the fence. Pickett hits the ground again with 20 seconds left after another blistering punch from Rivera, who tries to polish off the Brit but can’t find the mark before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rivera
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera

Round 2

Pickett keeps coming forward at the start of the second round and walks into another barrage of punches from “Cisco.” Rivera touches him with a short left hook and an uppercut that has Pickett adjusting his mouthguard. An overhand right connects for Rivera, then a left hook behind it. Pickett decides to try a takedown and easily floors Rivera in the center of the cage with 3:00 on the clock, but it doesn’t last long as Rivera uses a chest-to-chest sweep. Rivera is scoring hard leg kicks to the left thigh of Pickett, which is swollen and bruised from the shots. Good work from Rivera on the feet down the stretch, dodging Pickett’s kicks and right hands in between jabs and low kicks of his own. Rivera ducks under a wide hook from Pickett and executes a takedown with 30 seconds left. Pickett jumps back to his feet and chases after Rivera with punches, but a left hand catches Rivera on the cup. Rivera composes himself and comes back to be greeted by a Pickett left hand just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rivera
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pickett
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera

Round 3

Pickett comes looking for a takedown but Rivera sprawls on his shot as they reach the fence. “One Punch” keeps digging for the takedown while Rivera uses the fence to steady himself. Pickett pulls his opponent away from the wall and down to the ground, but Rivera slows down any ground offense by looping his left arm around Pickett’s head. Pickett is still trying to extract himself from Rivera’s half guard when referee Neil Hall orders the bantamweights back to their feet with just about half the round remaining. Both men land leg kicks but there looks to be a little more juice behind Rivera’s strikes at this point. Rivera catches Pickett’s next kick and decks him with a pair of punches before releasing. Now it’s Rivera hitting a takedown with 70 seconds on the clock, but Pickett is back on his feet moments later. Pickett pushes forward, eating another hard right hand from Rivera on his way into the pocket. Now inside the final minute, Pickett changes levels, lifts and slams Rivera to the canvas. Pickett goes to side control on Rivera’s right side to close out the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pickett (29-28 Rivera)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pickett (29-28 Pickett)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pickett (29-28 Rivera)

The Official Result

Brad Pickett def. Francisco Rivera via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Tom Breese vs. Keita Nakamura

Round 1

Nakamura dodges a left hand from Breese and steps inside to wrap up the larger man with a bodylock. After a few seconds of struggling on the fence, Nakamura is able to trip Breese to the ground and pass straight into full mount. Breese squirms out from underneath and grabs for Nakamura’s legs, but experienced grappler “K-Taro” easily escapes the brief heel hook attempt. Breese muscles Nakamura against the fence with a right underhook and works the Japanese fighter’s body with short left hands. They separate with under two minutes left in the round, and now it’s Breese pushing Nakamura backward with front kicks to the body. The welterweights trade punches in the pocket and surprisingly it’s Nakamura landing a nice right hand. Nakamura wants another clinch on the fence; he gets it, but Breese spins him right around to take the outside position. Breese separates with a standing elbow and then zaps Nakamura with a straight left before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Breese
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Nakamura
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Nakamura gets another clinch and trip takedown in the opening minute of round two, and once again he passes straight to full mount. Same as in the first frame, Breese drops back to try a heel hook; the submission doesn’t stick, but Breese uses it to take top position and set up in Nakamura’s half guard. Breese nearly gets full mount but Nakamura keeps the Englishman’s right leg locked down in deep half. A couple short punches connect for Breese as he moves to north-south position on the kneeling Nakamura, then back to half guard when Nakamura flips over again. Nakamura’s nose has been bloodied by Breese’s punches, and now his ribs are taking punishment as well. Nakamura catches Breese’s left arm between his legs for an omoplata sweep to side control. It’s a nifty move for Nakamura, but he’s on top for only about 20 seconds before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Breese
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Breese
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Breese

Round 3

Breese pressures Nakamura on the feet with stout kicks and jabs which back up the submission specialist to the fence. Nakamura dives for a single-leg takedown, forcing Breese to backpedal and widen his base against the cage. After 30 seconds of struggle, Nakamura runs his man to the ground, where Breese once again attacks the legs. The heel hook threat yields top position for Breese, though only for a few seconds as Nakamura keeps his legs tangled up and sweeps back on top. Nakamura lands short right-handed hammerfists to Breese’s head from half guard while referee Leon Roberts calls for work. Breese elevates and sweeps, landing in position to try an inverted triangle choke on the kneeling Nakamura. The choke isn’t tight, but it does keep Nakamura in position, allowing Breese to sock his head with punches until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Breese (30-27 Breese)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Breese (29-28 Breese)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Breese (30-28 Breese)

The Official Result

Tom Breese def. Keita Nakamura via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Gegard Mousasi vs. Thales Leites

Round 1

Leites shoots immediately for the legs of Mousasi, who backs up against the fence and keeps his balance as the Brazilian tries to whip him to the ground. Leites switches to a body lock and pulls guard, dragging Mousasi on top of him, but Mousasi wants none of it and stands up to get some space from the grappler. Leites is springy on his feet in front of the relatively flat-footed Mousasi as they circle in the third minute. Mousasi sticks a jab, lands a leg kick and takes a shot to the lead leg in return. Leites is working off his back foot, sliding his head out of the way when Mousasi fires down the center with two-piece combinations. Leites turns another busted takedown attempt into a clinch on the cage, and once again the BJJ black belt pulls Mousasi on top of him. Mousasi stands right away and resets in the middle of the cage. Mousasi presses forward with more jabs and leg kicks but neither man lands anything significant in the last 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi

Round 2

Leites tries to close the gap and walks into a snappy right hand, then repeats the mistake and gets tagged with a stiff jab. Mousasi is starting to find his rhythm on the feet, and now he fends off a half-hearted takedown attempt. Leites is starting to wear some damage about two minutes into the middle frame as he continues to eat one-twos in the striking exchanges. As he’s backed up to the fence, Leites circles out to the center. Leites is posing few threats to Mousasi, who is now walking forward and jabbing at will, further busting up Leites’ nose. A left hook sends Leites shooting for a takedown, and again Mousasi sprawls all over him. Mousasi thwarts two more takedown attempts in the span of 30 seconds; after the second, Leites flops back to guard and just lies on the ground while Mousasi kicks at his legs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi

Round 3

Leites pulls guard in the first 10 seconds of the round, and this time Mousasi follows the Brazilian to the ground. There’s little threat from Leites, who is exhausted to the point that he isn’t even angling for submissions from underneath. The middleweights are brought back to their feet after the better part of a minute, and Mousasi gets back to marching on Leites with more pawing jabs. Leites swings wildly and clips Mousasi with a pair of hard left hands on the cheek. Mousasi takes a few steps back, shakes off the cobwebs and then resumes his forward march. Leites eats some more punches, takes a look up at the clock which shows 2:00 remaining. He pulls guard again and Mousasi puts all his weight on top, driving Leites’ head into the ground with shoulder strikes from half guard. Leites is a bloody mess, breathing heavy on the bottom but still trying to pull rubber guard, seemingly more to slow down Mousasi than to try for a submission. The fight ends with a solid 30 seconds of inactivity on the canvas, drawing a chorus of boos from the London crowd.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)

The Official Result

Gegard Mousasi def. Thales Leites via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Anderson Silva vs. Michael Bisping

Round 1

American referee Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight’s middleweight main event. Bisping goes upstairs with a right high kick but it’s avoided by Silva, who circles to his left as he switches between stances. Bisping is trying to corner the former champ near the fence, but after he touches Silva with a grazing right hand, “The Spider” decides to come back to the center. Silva lands his first good shot of the fight, a thudding left kick to Bisping’s ribs, then pushes off the Englishman’s oblique with his right foot. Halfway through, the opening round is still up for grabs, and now it’s Silva moving forward, looking to take it. Bisping fends him off with some good left hands off his back foot, but Silva keeps pressing forward. Silva evades a couple punches from Bisping and gives him a cheeky wave to come forward. Bisping obliges and closes in on Silva near the fence, missing with another head kick. Silva walks forward on Bisping in the closing seconds and appears to lose his footing after taking a pair of left hands on the chin. Silva screams at Bisping and waves him forward again just as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bisping
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 2

Bisping looks to pick up where he left off, once again backing up Silva to the fence and attacking the Brazilian’s midsection with kicks. Silva has his hands by his sides, standing square in front of Bisping and inviting him to strike. Bisping won’t take the bait and backs up a few steps, allowing Silva to do the same. The middleweights meet back in the center, now 90 seconds into the round. Silva is looking to counter, not throwing much in Bisping’s direction but staying right in front of the Brit, inviting exchanges. Suddenly, Silva explodes forward with a pair of punches, including one which draws a grin from “The Count.” Silva fakes a punch low and then goes high and smacks Bisping with a backfist on the way out. An overhand left connects for Silva, but Bisping shrugs it off. A leg kick lands for Bisping inside the final minute before a left hand to the chin once again takes Silva’s legs out from under him. Silva drops to his back and nearly clicks the incoming Bisping with an upkick. Bisping pounces on his downed opponent and closes out the second round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bisping
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 3

Silva comes out for round three with a tight southpaw stance, though he continues to allow Bisping to back him up against the fence. It’s slow going in the opening minute, then Bisping gives Silva a pair of kicks on the lead leg. The middleweights meet in the center of the cage, now about two minutes into the round. Bisping’s constant forward pressure has stifled Silva’s offense, though a caught leg kick allows the middleweight great to trip Bisping to the mat momentarily. Bisping jumps back to his feet and now circles the outside while Silva takes a turn working from the center. Silva waves his hands in front of Bisping but never lets loose with any hard punches. Bisping lands a jab, backpedals around the edge of the cage and dodges a head kick. Silva is turning on his aggression and now knocks out Bisping’s mouthguard with a punch. Bisping wants it back, motioning to referee Dean to pick up the shield, but the ref tells him to fight on. While Bisping is distracted, Silva pulls down the Brit’s head and leaps into the air with a flying knee. The strike blows up Bisping, who crumbles to the canvas a split second before the horn sounds. There’s confusion in the cage as Silva jumps atop the fence to celebrate; he has to be called down to return to his corner for the break.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Silva
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 4

Bisping’s face is mess as the fourth frame starts, blood leaking from his nose and a cut opened by Silva’s huge knee strike. He walks forward on Silva and gets clipped on the cup by a low kick, but Bisping recovers quickly and gets back to work. More pressure from Bisping now, backing up Silva against the fence. Once again, Silva drops his hands and invites Bisping inside, looking to counter once “The Count” starts to throw. The tactic isn’t working for Silva at the moment, as Bisping ducks in and out of range to deliver some glancing blows without serious repercussion. Halfway throught the round, Silva walks out to the middle of the cage, but he’s soon moved backward again. Silva throws a long, straight punch and gets a finger in the right eye from Bisping’s outstretched hand. Referee Dean warns Bisping and calls for the doctor to check on Silva’s eye. Silva takes a minute to clear his vision but appears to be alright, and the fight is back on with about 90 seconds on the clock. Bisping continues to search for Silva’s chin with his left hand, but Silva’s head movement keeps him out of trouble. Silva presses forward in the last 30 seconds and does his best work of the round with a pair of slashing elbows, an uppercut and a Superman punch.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 5

Silva slaps the bloody face of Bisping with a left high kick and then slides backward to avoid a four-punch flurry from the Englishman. Bisping is constantly pawing at his left eye, which seems to be badly affected by the blood leaking from several spots in his face. The doctor is called in to check on Bisping; he wipes away some of the blood and Bisping is quickly cleared to continue. Silva slaps hands with Bisping as they get back to business with 3:30 on the clock. Bisping backs up Silva to the fence, where “The Spider” lands one of his trademark front kicks, snapping back Bisping’s head. Bisping stumbles backward across the cage, where Silva catches up to him and delivers a left high kick, a straight right hand. Bisping is eating everything fed to him, refusing to go down even as Silva lands some of his hardest strikes of the fight. Bisping lands a few leg kicks on the stationary Silva, who stands eerily still in front of the charging “Count.” Silva fends off a takedown attempt and the middleweights circle back to the center with 70 seconds left to fight. Silva backs up to the fence and drops his hands once again, but he misses with another whipping front kick up the center. Down to the last 20 seconds now, Bisping is still coming forward but not throwing hands, and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva (48-47 Silva)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Silva (48-47 Bisping)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva (48-47 Silva)

The Official Result

Michael Bisping def. Anderson Silva via Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 48-47) R5 5:00
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