

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Bisping vs. Le’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com has live updates of Saturday's UFC Fight Night “Bisping vs. Le” card starting at 6:30 a.m. ET.

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Milana Dudieva vs. Elizabeth Phillips

Round 1

Phillips comes out pumping her jab, using lateral movement before darting in and out with quick punch combinations. Dudieva stays in the middle of the cage, stalking slowly and trying to uncork heavy right hands. Spokane, Wash.'s Phillips is content to use her leg kicks and counter punches from the outside. Dudieva clips Phillips with one of her powerful overhands and shoots in behind it, but Phillips defends easily, though referee Thomas Fan tells her to watch grabbing the fence. Dudieva tries to pull guard and Phillips defends. Dudieva rolls forward, still working on a takedown, and finally elevates and slams Phillips. Phillips gets to the turtle position and tries to jump up, but Dudieva takes her back. Phillips shakes her off and takes top position as Dudieva angles for an arm, then a leglock attempt. Phillips powers through the attempts and pounds away.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dudieva
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Dudieva
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dudieva

Round 2

Phillips continues to patiently circle the perimeter of the cage while her Russian counterpart advances on her slowly. Referee Thomas Fan warns the women for inactivity and pleads for action. The pace has slowed considerably. Phillips potshotting from the outside against the passive Dudieva. Clean overhand right lands for the debuting Dudieva. Dudieva rushes into the clinch with a series of power shots, then trips Phillips to the mat. Phillips rolls through and takes top position, where Dudieva closes her guard and just tries to tie her up while Phillips chips away with punches on top until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Phillips
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Phillips
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Phillips

Round 3

Dudieva continues stalking forward slowly, looking for wild, powerful right hands on the circling Phillips. Phillips finally starts to come forward on her own, attacking with a lunging left hook and ending up in the clinch. Dudieva gets double underhooks and trips Phillips to the canvas, moving into side control. Phillips sweeps her almost immediately, avoids a triangle attempt and sets up on top. Phillips widens her base and grinds with short elbows, smashing them into Dudieva's face and forehead until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Phillips (29-28 Phillips)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Phillips (29-28 Phillips)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Phillips (29-28 Phillips)

The Official Result

Milana Dudieva def. Elizabeth Phillips via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Royston Wee vs. Zhuikui Yao

Round 1

Yao shows little patience from the bout's outset, just feinting for a brief seconds before trying to rush Yao with a wild salvo of strikes. He backs Yao up into the fence, but the Singapore native drives off of his back foot and scoops Yao off of his feet. Yao tries to quickly scramble up, but concedes his back to Wee, who sinks both of his hooks and tries to sink the rear-naked choke. Yao nearly rolls and shakes him, but Wee sinks his hooks again and keeps looking for the choke. This time Yao shakes him and gets busy with both hands in top position, looping powerful overhands through the guard of Wee. Wee looks to control Yao posture and angle for a submission, but the mainland Chinese fighter keeps pounding away.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wee
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Wee
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Wee opens with an inside leg kick but hits Yao square in the grown, prompting referee Steve Perceval to call for time briefly. Upon the restart, Yao gets to work with his overhand right, slowly sliding forward while unloading Chuck Liddell-esque punches on Wee. Another hard right smacks Wee, and when Wee tries to respond with a clinch knee, Yao hits him with another looping right. Two left hooks hurt Wee, then Yao hits him with two right crosses. Wee turns and tries to retreat but Yao chases him, running right into another double-leg attempt. Just as he did in round one, Wee shucks him by and takes his back with one hook in. Yao scoots to his seat, punching back over his far shoulder to hit Wee in the face. Wee boxes Yao's left ear while controlling him along the fence. Yao turns into Wee, escaping back control but giving up top. Wee stays busy in half guard until the round ends, chipping away with his right hand and short elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yao
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Wee
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wee

Round 3

Wee circles the outside, moving away from Yao and targeting his lead leg with low kicks. Wee stays on his bike, moving away from Yao's power shots until the mainland Chinese fighter commits to a combination, then changing levels for the takedown. Wee drives Yao back into the fence and gets him off of his feet while Yao angles for a kimura on the right arm of Wee. Hard hammerfists from Yao as he continues to fight Wee's takedown off. Wee is finally able to free his head, clear Yao's hips and take his back for the third time. Yao wisely shakes him over his shoulder, defends the ensuing armbar attempt, then gets busy instantly with both hands, pounding Wee in the chops. Wee overhooks Yao's arms and closes a high guard, trying to stall and tie his foe up. Yao isn't having it, punching through his guard with wide, swooping shots. Two heavy left hands on top, then another two. Wee is now bleeding above his left eye. Yao continues to pound away until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yao (29-28 Yao)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Yao (29-28 Wee)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Yao (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Royston Wee def. Zhuikui Yao via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Anying Wang vs. Colby Covington

Round 1

Covington quickly closes the distance behind his jab, changes levels, elevates Wang and slams him down powerfully. Covington moves to half guard and controls his man with a headlock while trying to pass into side control. Wang kicks him away for a moment, but the former Pac-12 wrestling champ dives right back into guard. Covington reaches behind Wang and gets a cross-wrist hammerlock, pulling Wang's own right arm behind his body and mugging him with unblocked punches. Wang keeps struggling along the fence, but Covington's pressure immense. Wang gets to his knees and nearly gets his back taken while Covington rides him. The Chinese fighter finally scoots up the fence and gets to his feet, but Covington lands a left body kick then another double-leg. Hard punches from Covington set up a pass to side control and heavy right hands. Wang tries to kick “Chaos” away, but he just can't get the American Top Team product off of him. Wang keeps bicycling his legs, but the unbeaten Covington doesn't stop punching. He clears Wang's legs and keeps punching and hammerfisting with power and control. Leon Roberts tells Wang to fight back and Wang concedes under the pressure.

The Official Result

Colby Covington def. Anying Wang via Submission (Punches) R1 4:50

Roland Delorme vs. Yuta Sasaki

Round 1

Like his Wajutsu Keishukai stablemate before him, Sasaki comes out with a wild flying knee attempt to start proceedings but doesn't make contact. Undeterred, he walks Delorme down, cracks the Canadian with a left roundhouse kick to the rib, then shoots a double. Sasaki is stuffed on the shot, so he slides up, hits a go-behind and dives on Delorme's back. He sinks one hook, the gets the other quickly as he sucks Delorme down to the mat. “Ulka” is all over Delorme's neck immediately, sinking his choking arm and then tightening the hold. Delorme is trapped and forced to tap out. Fantastic UFC debut from Yuta Sasaki.

The Official Result

Yuta Sasaki def. Roland Delorme via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 1:06

Shinsho Anzai vs. Alberto Mina

Round 1

Anzai quickly walks Mina down and unloads with both hands, dinging the Brazilian with hooks. Both men are freely swinging, but it's Anzai coming foward, landing clean and powerful while Mina fights off of his back foot. Hard knee for Mina, but Anzai won't back off. Mina lands a left hook on Anzai, who keeps jumping in with pairs of hooks. Anzai disengages, then comes right back with a whipping overhand. Two minutes into the first round, and this is turning into “Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots.” Huge left hook for “Animal” hurts Mina and Anzai hip tosses him onto the ground. He dives with punches, but Mina slickly escapes from the bottom of side control, gets underneath his foe's arm and nearly takes the back. Anzai frees himself but eats a knee on the exit. Anzai attacks him again, but walks into another hard knee. Anzai still keeps plodding forward, trying to create havoc with his fearless swinging. Him and Mina clash strikes and a Mina left appears to knock the Japanese fighter down, but the Pancrase veteran regains his feet quickly and gets back on the attack. Anzai's relentless aggression finally catches up to him: he jumps back into the pocket and eats a crushing right uppercut from Mina. Anzai's knees buckle and the Hong Kong-based Brazilian dives on him with repeated hammerfists. Anzai is clearly done, but for whatever reason, referee Thomas Fan requires a greater level of proof, standing by for a few seconds while Mina continues bouncing Anzai's head around.

The Official Result

Alberto Mina def. Shinsho Anzai via KO (Punches) R1 4:17

Danny Mitchell vs. Wang Sai

Round 1

Sai is the immediate aggressor, backing Mitchell up and kicking to the body. Mitchell runs Sai into the fence and looks for a takedown, but Sai controls him with over-unders. Mitchell drops for a single-leg attempt, but Sai gets his underhook while widening his base, thwarting it. Mitchell finally gets his hands locked, but he can't get Sai off the fence. He turns Sai off of the fence, but the Chinese fighter sprawls out nicely, so Mitchell opts to pull guard, then rubber guard. Sai breaks the posture with punches and drives into Mitchell's high guard. Sai backs out of the guard, then dives in with a swinging right hand. He flurries, then stands back up in Ali-Inoki position before diving back down with another accurate shot. Mitchell keeps angling for submissions, but Wai is stout on top, affirming his position and landing elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sai
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sai
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sai

Round 2

Mitchell starts the second stanza with a spinning back kick, then tries to lock up a standing guillotine as Sai clinches, but in spite of his leverage advantage, Mitchell can't sink it. The Brit rushes in behind a one-two, but the AKA Thailand fighter sees his takedown coming and shrugs him off. Inside elbow by Sai, then a one-two. Mitchell responds with a teep, but Sai cracks him with a right hand coming forward and Mitchell falls to the butt scoot for a moment before standing up. He rushes inside on the Beijing native again, initiating another clinch. Left hook to the body and a right hook upstair land clean for Sai. Mitchell throws a one-two and shoots again, but his shot is slow and telegraphed, allowing Sai to easily widen his base and stuff the attempt along the fence. They stagnate there momentarily until referee Leon Roberts separates them with a minute to fight in the round. Mitchell cracks Sai with a body kick, Sai tags him with a right hand. Two hard body kicks land for Mitchell, but Sai grazes him with a pair of hooks before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sai
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sai
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sai

Round 3

Sai stalks the lanky Mitchell, keeping a high guard and looking to land punches. Mitchell continues stepping and circling, looking mostly for kick offense. “The Cheesecake Assassin” steps forward with a clean right hand, but tries to go back to the well and walks into an even harder right from Sai. Mitchell clinches and “The Fire Kylin” rips him with hooks and uppercuts. Mitchell tries to circle out and Sai sticks him with a right hand to the body. Mitchell keeps looking for kicks on the outside but just can't locate them. He goes to the body and Sai catches his kick, initiating a clinch where Mitchell gets off a volley of knees. Right outside leg kick for Mitchell lands, but he eats a right hand. On the break, Mitchell lands a right that stumbles Sai for a moment, but Mitchell's flying follow-up attack nets nothing. With a minute to fight, Sai walks through Mitchell's kicks and punches, swiping with hooks. Mitchell with a kick to the liver and a double-leg shot, but he still can't get that takedown. Sai muscles him up against the fence one last time as the fight expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mitchell (29-28 Sai)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Mitchell (29-28 Sai)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sai (30-27 Sai)

The Official Result

Wang Sai def. Danny Mitchell via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

“The Ultimate Fighter: China”
Featherweight Final
Guangyou Ning vs. Jianping Yang

Round 1

Ning throws an overhand right that cracks Yang on the crown of the head. He moves in to attack, but Yang hip throws him to the mat and into side control. Ning threatens to sweep to the back, so Yang bails and gets to his feet. Nang stays close to his man, invites the clinch, and winds up hitting a crisp lateral drop, taking top position for himself. Yang tries to kick Ning away, but can't initially. As Ning tries to dive back into top, Yang kicks him away again and scoots to his feet. The southpaw Ning feints and slides his lead leg forward, pressuring Yang despite being conservative with his output. Yang circles faster to his left, looking to stay on the outside. Ning steps inside with a hook and Yang hits a clever inside trip, but doesn't follow Ning to the mat. On the feet, they clinch and Ning unloads three knees to the body with emphatic vocal accompaniment. A jab, then a left hook sneak in for Ning. Yang tries to respond and eats a clean jumping knee. A first Ning body kick is blocked, but he scores with a second before round one ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ning
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Ning
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ning

Round 2

Both featherweights flash their lead hands early, but neither commit to a solid jab. Instead, Yang goes inside-outside with his low kicks. He throws a five-punch combination, but Ning easily moves his head around each punch, then dumps Yang with a double-leg moments later. Ning tries to get busy with his ground-and-pound, but Yang hits an elevator sweep. In the ensuing scramble, Ning wraps up a quick arm-in guillotine and jumps guard, pulling on Yang's head. He can't pop his hips out enough and makes it easy for Yang to extricate his head. “Smasher” is undaunted, kicking Ning away and hopping right back up to his feet. Yang shoots, Ning easily sprawls. The pair trade body kicks back-and-forth, then Ning tags Yang with an overhand right. Yang lets off an inside low kick, but gets Ning in the cup. Referee Steve Perceval briefly calls time, but without much of an ability to communicate the rules to Ning, they both quickly just shake it off and resume the bout. Upon resumption, the two exchange wide, glancing hooks but neither man does serious damage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ning
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Ning
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ning

Round 3

Yang continues feinting and hopping forward, yet there's not much in terms of volume. He chips at Ning with some low kicks while “Smasher” seems content to look for single counter shots. The pace grows tedious as each man's advance prompts the other to move straight back. Yang continues to attack the lead right leg of Ning. His attack seems to bring Ning to life, as he begins to return fire with outside low kicks and body kicks of his own. Ning throws up his hands and taunts Yang, prompting Steve Perceval to urge the men to take action. With one minute to go in the fight, the boos begin to rain down as Ning and Yang touch their jabs to one another and trade leg kicks like a sparring session. At the 10-second clapper, Yang advances on Ning, who backpedals at top speed until the end of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yang (29-28 Ning)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Ning (29-28 Ning)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-10 (30-28 Ning)

The Official Result

Ning Guangyou def. Jianping Yang via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Lipeng Zhang vs. Brendan O'Reilly

Round 1

O’Reilly circles to his right around the outside while Zhang stakes out the center of the cage. The Australian pushes into range with jabs, changes levels and winds up pressing Zhang against the fence with an underhook. After absorbing a few knees, Zhang pushes off the cage and trips O’Reilly to the ground, leaving the “TUF: China” winner on top, trying to pass to side control. O’Reilly holds his opponent in half guard as the fighters scoot around the cage. O’Reilly sweeps to top position and pushes Zhang up against the base of the fence. Both men throw short right hands, Zhang to the head and O’Reilly to the body, as the final 30 seconds tick down.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 O'Reilly
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 O'Reilly
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-10

Round 2

O'Reilly uses low kicks to set the early tempo in the second frame. He jabs, then jabs to the body, follows with a cross downstairs and a low kick. He runs Zhang back into the fence. Zhang turns him around, lands an inside elbow and tries to muscle O'Reilly to the mat. O'Reilly turns his hip and looks for a harai goshi, but can't take Zhang off of his feet or break free. Zhang maintains double underhooks, knees the Australian to the body, then ragdolls him down to the mat. Zhang can't control O'Reilly at all, allowing him to turn his hips and backward roll. Before O'Reilly can get up, though, Zhang dives on his back, sinks his hooks, then secures the body triangle. He nearly sinks his left arm under O'Reilly's neck, but O'Reilly peels his hand. With a minute to go, Zhang boxes O'Reilly's ears and forces him to roll. “Badger” turns over but can't get free from Zhang who turns him right back over, keeps his back and threatens him until the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Zhang
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Zhang
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Zhang

Round 3

Tentative jabbing marks the first minute, inspiring jeers from the Macau crowd once more. Both men have slowed noticeably, as they alternate taking deep breaths and throwing lukewarm low kicks. O'Reilly rushes Zhang back into the fence, where they fight with over-unders. O'Reilly's mouth is now bleeding. The Chinese fighter hits an inside trip and though O'Reilly doesn't land flat on his back, Zhang again jumps on the Aussie's back as soon as he hits his knees. Zhang sinks his body triangle and opts for a simultaneous double punch to the ears from back mount. Zhang turns his torso, gets an angle and unloads with hammerfists from back control. There's a hole through the lip of O'Reilly, the source of the blood oozing from (and into) his mouth. Zhang is relentless from back control, smacking O'Reilly's head around while grappling for a rear-naked choke opportunity. Zhang keeps punching and elbowing until the horn as O'Reilly just holds on.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Zhang (29-28 Zhang)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Zhang (29-28 Zhang)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Zhang (30-27 Zhang)

The Official Result

Lipeng Zhang def. Brendan O'Reilly via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Tyron Woodley vs. Dong Hyun Kim

Round 1

Kim walks directly toward Woodley, lets go of a left hook and comes inside. Woodley glances with two quick punches in response, then drives the South Korean in the cage wall. Woodley opts to separate and reset standing. “Stun Gun” isn't interesting in a feeling-out phase: he marches right at Woodley again and rips off a spinning back elbow. As Kim tries to revisit the technique that he wasted John Hathaway with in March, Woodley is all-too-hip to his plan: as Kim is mid-spin, Woodley smashes him behind the ear with a right cross that sends Kim falling on his face. The former Mizzou Tiger wrestler pounces with an underhand right that flattens Kim to his back. Woodley lands a crushing right-handed bomb as he dives into Kim's guard, two more rights, then flurries with both hands until referee Leon Roberts dives in to save the overwhelmed Kim.

The Official Result

Tyron Woodley def. Dong Hyun Kim via TKO (Punches) R1 1:01

Michael Bisping vs. Cung Le

Round 1

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Le
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 2

Bisping throws his jab-right cross immediately, just missing with the latter. Le looks for a spinning attack in retaliation, but Bisping lances him right a right hand. A Bisping jab makes Le squint his right eye and wince, so Bisping tags him with another. Le motions to referee John Sharp that he was poked, but it appeared to be a clean jab. More importantly, “The Count” doesn't care and continues to swarm with jabs and right hands. Bisping is really starting to land with frequency, and his right hands have opened a cut at the corner of Le's left eye. As soon as Bisping sees the blood, he ups his output even more. “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 3 light heavyweight winner keeps coming in behind his jab, putting more and more hooks and uppercuts together. John Sharp waits for Le to circle out of another Bisping combination, then calls for a doctor check. The blood flow is considerable, but the cageside doctor permits it to continue. Bisping stays aggressive, but Le senses that his moment could be slipping away and returns fire. Le lands two hard body kicks that back Bisping up momentarily. Bisping looks for a flying knee, but upon takeoff, absorbs a Le side kick straight to the cup. Bisping rolls his eyes and shakes it off, taking just a brief second before resuming. Both of Le's eyes are badly swollen. Another clean Bisping one-two registers. The pace slows as the second comes to a close. The mouse under Le's right eye is now becoming grotesque.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 3

A hard roundhouse kick to the liver lands for Le, but Bisping sticks him with another jab. Left hook-right outside low kick lands for Bisping. Le gets aggressive now, standing his man up with a left hook, then putting a spinning back kick into Bisping's gut. Bisping is showing more caution now, though he continues sticking his jab out and gauging the distance with leg kicks. Le shows off a wheel kick, but it is easily blocked by Bisping. “The Count” misses the first two-thirds of a combination, but the left hook on the end finds its target. More combination punching for Bisping gets the blood flowing down Le's face, as the former Strikeforce star returns fire with another left roundhouse kick to the body. With 30 seconds to go, Bisping comes in behind his jab, then digs hooks to the body. Le takes a deep breath and whacks Bisping with a left hook. Bisping presses on, landing another left hook before round three ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bisping
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Bisping

Round 4

Le is still struggling with Bisping's jab, especially as the Brit puts more hooks behind it. Bisping lands another one, then two hooks to the body. Two more punches, then a head kick puts Le against the fence. Bisping senses he's got Le in the danger zone and he wants to consolidate: “The Count” lands a one-two, a left hook to the body, a head kick, then lets loose with a dozen flurrying hooks that bat Le's head from side-to-side. As Le tightens his guard, Bisping grabs the clinch and drills straight through his defense with a clean knee that puts Le flat on his back. Bisping pounces to close the show and John Sharp rescues Le before he takes any more significant damage.

The Official Result

Michael Bisping def. Cung Le via TKO (Knee and Punches) R4 0:57
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