

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Cerrone vs. Miller’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Revel Casino Hotel in Atlantic City, N.J., at approximately 6:35 p.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “Cerrone vs. Miller” play-by-play.

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Claudia Gadelha vs. Tina Lahdemaki

Round 1

Liam Kerrigan is the referee for this inaugural UFC women’s strawweight bout. Gadelha scores the first meaningful blows with a right hand counter to a leg kick, but Lahdemaki comes straight back with a right of her own. “Claudinha” presses forward to tag the Finn with a pair of hard left hooks. Gadelha uses a Thai clinch and knees the body of Lahdemaki to set up a takedown near the fence. When Lahdemaki pops back to her feet, Gadelha immediately takes her back down. Working from Lahdemaki’s open guard, the Brazilian roughs up her opponent with elbows and punches to the body. Midway through the round, Gadelha stands up and takes a few seconds to try a guard pass. Lahdemaki catches her in half guard, but the Brazilian powers right to full mount and then unloads with punches as Lahdemaki rolls to her stomach. Gadelha sinks in both hooks and rolls to her back, where she begins working for a rear-naked choke. Lahdemaki gives referee Kerrigan the thumbs up, so Gadelha releases the choke, switches to a body triangle and slaps on another RNC. Lahdemaki peels Gadelha’s wrists away and survives to see round two.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gadelha
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Gadelha
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gadelha

Round 2

Gadelha walks straight at Lahdemaki, absorbing a leg kick to land another pair of left hooks. Lahdemaki swipes back with a right, then scores with it again as she counters a combination from the Brazilian. Gadelha decides to close the gap and brings Lahdemaki back to the ground within seconds, again near the fence. Lahdemaki goes to her knees, and Gadelha takes the opportunity to climb on and work to secure back control. The pace slows, and referee Kerrigan stands up the women with about 2:00 on the clock. Lahdemaki is starting to pour on the right hands, bouncing on her toes as Gadelha slows down, but Gadelha’s hooks are still landing heavy. Jabs and right crosses from Lahdemaki close out the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gadelha
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Gadelha
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gadelha

Round 3

Lahdemaki keeps her hands busy early in the final round, also mixing in front kicks which hit Gadelha’s body and serve to keep the larger woman at bay. Gadelha is standing flat-footed in the center while Lahdemaki literally works circles around her and picks at the Brazilian with counter right hands. About two minutes in, Gadelha pushes out from the center and snaps back Lahdemaki’s head with a heavy right hook. Lahdemaki pushes back, moving Gadelha back to the center, where both women connect with hooks. With 2:20 on the clock, Gadelha scores an effortless trip takedown in the middle of the cage and sets up in Lahdemaki’s half guard. Heavy pressure from Gadelha keeps “Jelly Bean” from sitting up, though Lahdemaki is able to regain full guard. Lahdemaki tries to lock down Gadelha’s arms, then creeps a leg up to work for a triangle, but Gadelha stands as soon as she senses danger. They’re back on their feet with 30 seconds to go, but after Lahdemaki lands a couple punches, Gadelha plows her back to the ground to finish the fight on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gadelha (30-27 Gadelha)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Gadelha (30-27 Gadelha)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gadelha (30-27 Gadelha)

The Official Result

Claudia Gadelha def. Tina Lahdemaki via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) R3 5:00

Yosdenis Cedeno vs. Jerrod Sanders

Round 1

Vitor Ribeiro is the referee for this lightweight bout. Sanders sets up in the center of the cage while Cedeno takes the outside, and the lightweights spend the better half of the opening minute testing the range. Cedeno lands a leg kick, catches a body kick from Sanders and blasts the wrestler with a straight right hand that sends him to the ground. Sanders withstands the follow-up ground-and-pound to drive forward on a single-leg. Cedeno goes to his back and uses a heel hook to sweep out of the precarious position. With two minutes left in the opening round, Cedeno postures up in Sanders’ butterfly guard and lands some thudding elbows, then a big right hand as “J-Reazie” rolls away. Sanders controls Cedeno’s right hand from underneath, so Cedeno instead knees the body. Cedeno sits up and drops more right hands with 20 seconds to go.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Cedeno
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cedeno
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Cedeno

After the round, Sanders has to be helped back to his corner, where he is examined by the cageside physician. The fight is waved off shortly thereafter, and the official result is announced as “fighter retirement.”

The Official Result

Yosdenis Cedeno def. Jerrod Sanders via TKO (Retirement) R1 5:00

Aljamain Sterling vs. Hugo Viana

Round 1

Sterling lands a couple body kicks and gets countered by a heavy right hand from the Brazilian. The next right straight from Viana sends Sterling to the ground momentarily. “The Funk Master” pops back to his feet and continues circling around Viana, who sticks to the center and tries to find a way inside Sterling’s length. Ninety seconds in, Sterling gets a body lock and trips Viana to the ground near the fence. Sterling tries to keep the Brazilian in place by triangling his legs, then looks to take Viana’s back when he stands. Viana powers back to his feet, still held against the fence and now absorbing hard knees from Sterling to the body. With 90 seconds to go, Sterling releases and backs out, deflects a couple high kicks from Viana and misses with a pair of axe kicks. Sterling slaps Viana’s head with a right high kick and slips out of range as “Wolverine” counters.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sterling
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sterling
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sterling

Round 2

Sterling spends a minute fending off Viana’s attacks, keeping the Brazilian out of the pocket with kicks, before shoving him up against the fence. The clinch doesn’t last long, and once Viana is loose, he sticks Sterling with a stiff jab. Sterling eats a right hand over the top and decides to change levels, easily putting Viana on his back with a single-leg in the center of the cage. Viana scrambles back to his feet, but Sterling holds his leg on the way and punishes Viana with a kick to the gut. A few seconds later, Sterling catches hold of the leg again and sweeps Viana back to the canvas with 1:40 on the clock. Sterling again tries to climb on Viana’s back, and this time he gets both hooks in. His rear-naked choke doesn’t have much on it, Viana defending well with 30 seconds to go. Sterling slaps on a body triangle and softens up Viana with punches as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sterling
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sterling
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sterling

Round 3

Sterling shoots for an early single-leg and gets rebuffed by a counter hook. The next shot is successful, though, and Viana is on his back only 30 seconds into the final round. Sterling leans right to left across Viana’s body and sits up in half guard to slug the Brazilian with a heavy elbow. Viana pushes him away and tries to scramble free, but Sterling comes right back and steps into full mount with more than half the round remaining. Sterling works for an arm-triangle choke while softening Viana with left hands. With 90 seconds on the clock, Sterling abandons the choke and postures up to pummel Viana with both hands. Viana attempts to cover up and grab hold of Sterling to slow the offense, but a trio of particularly heavy hammer fists proves the last straw for referee Kerrigan, who halts the bout.

The Official Result

Aljamain Sterling def. Hugo Viana via TKO (Punches) R3 3:50

Jessamyn Duke vs. Leslie Smith

Round 1

The bantamweights meet in the center and begin firing in the pocket. After Smith lands a couple hard punches over the top, the rangy Duke backs out and begins circling, picking at “The Peacemaker” with leg kicks as she moves. Smith closes the gap enough to connect with an overhand right that draws blood from Duke, who continues circling to her left. Smith scores with some hard leg kicks of her own and walks through a Duke uppercut to land a right hook. Duke catches a kick and tries to punch Smith, but Smith pulls the leg free and bombs on Duke with a barrage of 10 or 12 heavy punches, mixing in a couple high kicks. The punches upstairs daze Duke, but it’s a pair of left hooks to the gut which eventually drop her to the ground, sending referee Ribeiro into action.

The Official Result

Leslie Smith def. Jessamyn Duke via TKO (Punches) R1 2:24

Pat Healy vs. Gleison Tibau

Round 1

Dan Miragliotta is the referee for this lightweight bout. Not much clean offense from either man through the first minute, but then the southpaw Tibau begins to find his range with powerful, straight punches. Healy moves him around the perimeter, trying to land leg kicks on the Brazilian. When Healy comes too close, Tibau grabs hold and plows him to the canvas near the center of the cage. Healy uses wrist control and a wide guard underneath to slow the pace and create distance, but Tibau yanks his arms free and drops a couple heavy hands as he sits down in the American’s open guard. Short left hands connect for Tibau before he stands and kicks at Healy’s legs, and Healy follows him back to the feet for the closing moments of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tibau
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tibau

Round 2

Tibau clips Healy with a spinning back fist, changes levels and brings “Bam Bam” to the ground. They scoot from the center to the fence, where Healy gets to his knees and slowly climbs back to his feet. The 155ers separate and Healy pushes straight ahead on Tibau, who slides to his right to dodge the Strikeforce vet’s punches. Tibau keeps baiting Healy into range, landing a left hand and dipping out to avoid Healy’s slower offense. With 90 seconds on the clock, Healy finally gets hold of Tibau and presses him against the fence. Tibau quickly reverses the position and releases the clinch, drawing Healy back to the middle of the cage. Healy rushes the Brazilian with a series of punches to the body and initiates another clinch on the fence. Tibau muscles him off, but Healy comes on strong with punches to the body and head at the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Healy
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tibau

Round 3

Healy comes on strong to start the third round, moving Tibau toward the cage and then winging hooks at the Brazilian’s body with both hands. Tibau defends a single-leg, leading Healy to clinch up top. Now it’s a double-leg from Healy, again defended by Tibau, who circles out of the clinch 90 seconds into the round. Healy double-pumps a slow jab and eats a left hook counter. A right straight from Healy gets him into range again, but he can’t keep Tibau on the fence for long this time. Tibau lands a big uppercut just as Healy connects with a right hook that rocks the Brazilian’s head. Two minutes left in the round, and Healy is starting to tee off with punches in close quarters, repeatedly finding Tibau’s chin with right hands. With 80 seconds on the clock, Tibau grabs a single-leg, elevates Healy in the center of the cage and dumps him on his head. Healy seems unfazed as he scrambles up and uses a single-leg of his own to drive Tibau against the fence. Tibau reverses and hits a takedown with 20 seconds left, and he finishes the fight landing half a dozen left hands on Healy.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Healy (29-28 Tibau)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Healy (29-28 Healy)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Healy (29-28 Tibau)

The Official Result

Gleison Tibau def. Pat Healy via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Lucas Martins vs. Alex White

Round 1

Gasper Oliver is the referee for this featherweight bout. White moves Martins toward the fence early, landing a pair of right hands, but the Brazilian hits harder with a left hook that appears to sting “The Spartan.” Now it’s Martins pressing forward while White circles to his right, absorbing more left hands and kicks. White puts a left hand in Martins’ breadbasket ; “Mineiro” responds with a nasty right-handed counter and thumps the American’s body with a kick. Martins is beating White to the punch when White wades into the pocket to throw combinations. A particularly hard left hook on the temple of White draws an “ooh” from the crowd, but White just keeps coming and now pushes Martins backward with a side kick to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martins
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Martins
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martins

Round 2

White emerges for round two sporting some serious redness and a minor cut around his right eye, the product of Martins’ hook work from round one. The American is more active than Martins with his offense through one minute of round two, but Martins is landing the cleaner punches and leg kicks when he does throw. The southpaw White is leaving his body exposed, an easy target for Martins’ right leg. Straight right hands from the Brazilian keep White out of the pocket, so White stays on the outside, cuts an angle and hits Martins to the body. An overhand right on the end of a combination from White tags Martins, maybe White’s best strike of the fight so far. A spinning back fist is blocked, but the left hand behind it knocks Martins to the ground briefly. Martins shoots against the fence with 55 seconds on the clock, but he’s back out 10 seconds later as White stuffs the takedown attempt. White hits Martins with a right-straight counter, circles off the fence and gets into a wild exchange to finish the round. White gets the better of the trading with a right hook at the end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martins
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 White
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White

Round 3

White is busy at the start of round two but again less accurate than his opponent, pulling up short with flailing punches and eating clean counters from Martins. Leg kicks are working for Martins, too, as he stands in the center of the cage and fires out at the American. A blistering right straight catches White on the button, and he does a slow-motion fall to the ground. Martins pounces and knocks him unconscious with a pair of hammer fists as referee Oliver steps in to rescue White.

The Official Result

Lucas Martins def. Alex White via KO (Punches) R3 2:08

John Lineker vs. Alptekin Ozkilic

Round 1

Keith Peterson is the referee for this flyweight bout. Lineker mixes up his punches to the body and head, then counters a low kick from Ozkilic with a heavy left hook counter. Ozkilic waits for Lineker to come inside and changes levels to try for a takedown, then spins to take Lineker’s back as they tumble to the mat. Lineker nearly twists free, but Ozkilic stuffs him underneath at the base of the fence and now sits up in the Brazilian’s half guard. Lineker explodes to his feet midway through the round, whiffs on a big right hand and eats a counter. Lead uppercut lands for Lineker, causing Ozkilic to circle away. “Hands of Stone” catches up with Ozkilic and zaps him with another uppercut. Lineker is really loading up on his punches, telegraphing huge right hands which Ozkilic easily sidesteps. A single-leg shot from Lineker is stuffed, so he chases after Ozkilic and tags him with a snappy combination. Lineker hits a late takedown, but Ozkilic pops right back up. Lineker gives him a knee to the body on the way, and Ozkilic finishes the round with a left hook.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ozkilic
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Ozkilic
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ozkilic

Round 2

Ozkilic lands a left hook counter as Lineker stands a foot away, feinting and threatening with punches that don’t come. Now, Lineker lets his hands go and his uppercut twice finds its mark on Ozkilic’s chin. Ozkilic fends him off with another hooking counter and nearly slips to the ground as he circles off the fence. Left straight-right hook combination lands hard for Ozkilic, so Lineker changes levels for a double-leg shot. Ozkilic does a quick sprawl and sprints away, but Lineker catches up and drills Ozkilic with a left hook-right straight. A left hook to the body seems to slow Ozkilic for a moment, or at least puts him on his back foot. Lineker is still finding the mark with lead uppercuts, and now another body shot catches Ozkilic. Quick exchange in the pocket, with Ozkilic scoring a left hook up top and Lineker going back to the body. A short right hook from Lineker makes Ozkilic whiff on a big left. Lineker hits a takedown with 10 seconds on the clock, but Ozkilic stands up immediately and finishes the round with a left straight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lineker
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lineker
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lineker

Round 3

Both flyweights come out firing in the final round, but it’s Lineker landing hard left hands and leg kicks in close quarters, then waving for the Atlantic City crowd to come alive. Ozkilic fails on a takedown, eats another bunch of punches and a knee as Lineker pulls away. Ozkilic’s hands are dropping, perhaps the result of Lineker’s body work, and now the Brazilian shuts down another takedown attempt. Ozkilic stands in the pocket for a moment and pops Lineker with a couple short lefts. Lineker comes back with power, cracking Ozkilic with heavy hooks, then double- and triple-pumping his jab to bloody Ozkilic’s face. Lineker’s left hook is landing repeatedly as the 125ers fight near the fence, Ozkilic continually circling and firing back but unable to contend with the Brazilian’s speed and power. Lineker stuffs a takedown, goes body-head again and eats an overhand right to rip Ozkilic with an uppercut. With 15 seconds remaining, a left hook finally cracks Ozkilic’s chin. He falls to the ground, and a couple more punches from Lineker seal the deal, forcing referee Peterson into action.

The Official Result

John Lineker def. Alptekin Ozkilic via TKO (Punches) R3 4:51

Joe Proctor vs. Justin Salas

Round 1

Both lightweights land leg kicks to start the bout, and Salas explodes forward with a four-punch combo that pulls up short as Proctor backpedals. Salas clips Proctor’s chin with a right hook and follows up with a knee in the Thai clinch. The next blitz from Salas sees Proctor land a counter left hook, opening a cut above Salas’ right eye. Proctor is bleeding from his nose as he backs up some more and again counters Salas with a clean left hook. A couple more lefts from Proctor send Salas shooting for a single-leg takedown, stifled by Proctor and punished with hard leg kick. Twenty seconds left in the opening round, and Proctor fends off another level change, but he heads back to his corner sporting a grotesque hematoma on the left side of his head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Salas
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Salas
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Proctor

Round 2

Salas starts the second round with some body work, mixing up his combinations to good effect while staying out of range of Proctor’s counters. Salas comes upstairs with a right hook, circles away and comes back for another, while Proctor clips the body with a right hand. Salas moves around the outside now, hits Proctor with a leg kick and takes one to the body. A left hook from Proctor drops Salas, who scrambles over toward the fence, powers back to his feet and shoves Proctor against the cage. Salas seems to have recovered just as Proctor lands a short right hand that puts the Wyoming native back on the canvas. This time, Proctor leaves him no room for recovery, bashing the shooting Salas with hammer fists until he gets the stoppage from referee Oliver.

The Official Result

Joe Proctor def. Justin Salas via TKO (Punches) R2 3:27

Rick Story vs. Leonardo Mafra Teixeira

Round 1

Story blocks a high kick under his arm, but Mafra stuns him with a left hook and then follows up with three or four speedy punches that rock Story’s head. Story changes levels and drives Mafra to the ground at the base of the fence; the Brazilian twists and shrimps underneath, trying to escape or catch a submission from open guard. Story punishes his opponent’s body with punches, gets pushed away and clips Mafra with a right hand as they stand. Another takedown for Story follows shortly after, this time toward the middle of the cage. Mafra tries to sweep and instead finds himself mounted, but he’s able to get a knee inside and push Story back to half guard. Mafra nearly hits a sweep, but Story stays heavy on top and continues grinding with sporadic punches and elbows, now from Mafra’s closed guard. Inside the final 30 seconds, Mafra powers back to his feet, only to be pinned against the cage and double-legged back to the mat before round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Story
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Story
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Story

Round 2

Story nearly has another early takedown, but Mafra survives the single-leg and hops over to the fence. The wrestler stays after it, though, and Mafra finds himself slammed to the canvas a few seconds later. Story works from half guard, leaning right to left across Mafra’s body, and now “The Horror” frames up an arm-triangle choke on the other side. Story has the choke in place as he steps to mount, then over to Mafra’s left side. Once Story completes the pass, Mafra has no choice but to tap out.

The Official Result

Rick Story def. Leonardo Mafra Texeira via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R2 2:12

Edson Barboza vs. Evan Dunham

Round 1

Barboza sticks to the center of the cage early while southpaw Dunham moves in angles around the perimeter. Dunham ducks inside to punch and gets picked off by a jab. The American comes off the cage now and pops Barboza with a left hook, while Barboza counters and lands with the same on the other side. Dunham comes in behind a punch for a single-leg shot, stuffed by Barboza. Tense exchanges through the middle of the round as both men test the distance, moving in and out of range. Dunham charges in, an again both lightweights connect with left hooks. A whipping body kick from Barboza lands toes-to-liver and sends Dunham to the ground in agony. Barboza follows with four heavy right hands, and with no defense from the kneeling Dunham, referee Keith Peterson has seen enough.

The Official Result

Edson Barboza def. Evan Dunham via TKO (Kick to the Body and Punches) R1 3:06

Donald Cerrone vs. Jim Miller

Round 1

Dan Miragliotta is the referee for tonight’s lightweight main event, with judges Eric Colon, David Tirelli and Cardo Urso scoring at cageside. Cerrone lands the first blow of the contest with a step-in knee to Miller’s gut. A sweeping left hook from Miller sends Cerrone backward mometarily, and the New Jerseyan follows up with a body shoot. Another left to the body scores for Miller. He runs through a knee from Cerrone to press the “Cowboy” against the fence. Cerrone won’t be held, but soon after he circles away, Miller catches a kick and brings him down again. Another quick standup from Cerrone, and now the Jackson-Wink MMA fighter presses the action with a pair of long, straight punches. Miller throws a left hook to the body and takes another knee for his trouble. Cerrone has a right high kick blocked and is pushed backward by a front kick. Two minutes left in the opening round, and now Miller eats a straight right to grab a body lock and push Cerrone to the cage. Cerrone gets tripped to the mat, but he finds a quick whizzer escape. A straight right lands for Cerrone, countered by a hard hook from Miller, and now it’s Cerrone looking to clinch on the fence. Miller breaks out with 30 seconds on the clock and catches Cerrone coming forward with another right hook. Cerrone puts a front kick in Miller’s breadbasket in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Miller
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 2

Cerrone uses whipping front kicks to keep Miller out of the pocket in the opening half minute. Miller presses forward to land a right hand, then gets Cerrone’s toes right in his gut. Referee Miragliotta pauses the action, thinking Miller took a low blow, but Miller tells the official that the strike was legal and wants to fight through the pain. Miller stays on his back foot for a solid minute, trying to evade Cerrone’s strikes and recover from the body blow. A knee to the affected area nearly puts Miller down, but he times a huge overhand left as Cerrone rushes in to finish. Cerrone is stalking now, biding his time against his wounded opponent as they circle the outside with 2:00 on the clock. Miller lands an overhand right, a leg kick and continues moving backward. A right high kick from Cerrone catches Miller going the wrong way, landing shin-to-ear and sending Miller crashing down to base of the fence. Cerrone stands over Miller and punches him out with a pair of right hands, send referee Miragliotta.

The Official Result

Donald Cerrone def. Jim Miller via KO (Head Kick and Punches) R2 3:31
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