

UFC Results: ‘The Ultimate Fighter 18’ Finale Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. PT with live updates and results of UFC “The Ultimate Fighter 18” Finale.

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Ryan Benoit vs. Joshua Sampo

Round 1

Benoit lands a body kick and a right hand, sending Sampo changing levels for a double-leg. Benoit stuffs the wrestler’s shot but eats a hard right hand and winds up underneath Sampo moments later. Sampo lands short punches as he works to advance past half-guard, and now he mixes in some elbows. “The Gremlin” tries out a keylock on Benoit’s left arm but quickly releases. Instead, Sampo hops into full mount, but Benoit drives forward and shoves Sampo to his back. With Benoit in his guard, Sampo throws up his legs, possibly looking for a triangle. Sampo doesn’t get the choke but succeeds in getting to his knees, where Benoit tries to take his back. Benoit is upside-down on Sampo’s back as Sampo tries to slip out the back door, and they stall out enough for ref Chris Tognoni to stand them up. Benoit lands a straight right, answered by an uppercut and a body kick from Sampo. Another right hand from Benoit is countered by a jab from Sampo which bloodies Benoit’s nose.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sampo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sampo
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Sampo

Round 2

Sampo only takes 20 seconds to close the gap and drag Benoit to the ground, then he quickly transitions to a crucifix. Sampo turns it into a mounted triangle and goes for another keylock, then releases the triangle and works to finish the arm lock from full mount. Just like in round one, Benoit explodes out of mount, and again Sampo surrenders his back. This time, Benoit sinks in both hooks and pulls Sampo to the mat with just over three minutes to go in the round. Sampo rolls over, eats a couple punches with Benoit in mount, and then rolls over again. Another thumping right hand from Benoit has Sampo covering up on his knees momentarily, but Sampo grabs Benoit’s leg just as quickly and sweeps to top position. Sampo gets busy with elbow strikes from Benoit’s open guard before attacking the left arm again. Sampo loses the arm but gains full mount, then takes Benoit’s back. Sampo sinks in a rear-naked choke, rolls Benoit and forces the tap.

The Official Result

Joshua Sampo def. Ryan Benoit via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 4:31

Drew Dober vs. Sean Spencer

Round 1

Spencer comes forward, swinging heavy punches and backing up Dober toward the fence. A few right hands sneak through for Spencer before Dober changes levels and puts him against the cage with a single-leg attempt. Spencer pushes down Dober’s head and stuffs the takedown. Spencer puts another pair of rights on Dober’s face, bloodying his nose. Dober keeps kicking at Spencer’s body and legs while he moves backward, but Spencer is getting the better of the exchanges with his crisp right hooks. Spencer goes to the body with a right and stuffs another shot. Spencer gets the last word in the round with a straight right down the middle just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Spencer

Round 2

Dober looks to attack Spencer’s body with kicks in the opening minute of round two, but Spencer is mixing it up as well, throwing power punches to Dober’s body and head. A standing elbow from Spencer precedes a clinch against the cage, where Spencer hits Dober with punches and elbows before exiting. Dober lands a leg kick outside but takes another hard right hook to the mouth which sends him shooting a single against the fence. Spencer breaks out, gets pushed to the cage again and then shoves Dober off with a hard elbow inside. Dober lands a nice counter left hook, but he’s wobbling backward as Spencer attacks with more hooks and a jumping knee to finish the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Spencer

Round 3

Spencer is stringing together combinations as the final round begins, taking a few shots in return but mostly overwhelming Dober with bunches of punches. Ref Yves Lavigne pauses the action for a moment as Spencer loses his mouthpiece; when the welterweights resume, it’s Spencer attacking the body of Dober with kicks. Dober is still swinging back, but he gets shoved against the cage after Spencer stuffs a long takedown attempt. They come off the cage and Spencer sticks a pair of stiff, straight rights in Dober’s face. Spencer lands an uppercut and Dober attempts to retaliate with a pair of tired arm punches. Dober shoots against the fence with two minutes left in the fight, but Spencer once again defends the single-leg. Dober gives up on the takedown and eats two hard punches, then a kick to the body, further bloodying his face. Spencer times a shot and drills Dober with a knee, then a huge right hook as Dober stumbles backward. With 40 seconds to go, it’s Spencer moving to clinch against the cage and clubbing Dober with short, hard elbows. Spencer sprawls on one last shot from Dober and finishes the fight with a leg kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)

The Official Result

Sean Spencer def. Drew Dober via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Walter Harris vs. Jared Rosholt

Round 1

Rosholt stakes the outside position while the southpaw Harris creeps forward with left hand cocked. Harris puts a quick hook on Rosholt’s chin, blocks a high kick and puts a kick on Rosholt’s midsection. A right hook scores for Harris as he steps into the pocket, then dips back out. Harris rushes Rosholt toward the fence with a pair of punches which pull up short, then a body kick which lands. A right hand sends Rosholt to the ground, but the wrestler rolls over and scrambles back to his feet. After a minute of feinting and patty-cake, Rosholt puts a kick on Harris’ midsection. Rosholt lands a straight right, answered by Harris with a straight left.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Harris
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Harris
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Harris

Round 2

Rosholt is starting to put together right hands and body kicks, prompting Harris to swarm the wrestler with heavy combinations. Rosholt catches “The Big Ticket” leaning and cracks him with a knee, then an uppercut when Harris gets upright. Rosholt does well to keep Harris on the outside during the middle portion of the frame, countering with kicks and right hands when the striker wades into range. Rosholt scores with more rights as Harris’ offense slows. After eating a pair of solid punches, Harris fires back with a nasty left straight, but Rosholt just takes it and finishes the round with a knee up the center.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 3

After taking a couple kicks to the body, Rosholt finally goes for a single-leg and puts Harris on the ground with ease. Rosholt briefly pins Harris’ left arm from half-guard and lands a couple short right hands before Harris can free the limb. Not much action on the ground as Rosholt works to keep Harris on the ground, occasionally sitting up to drop right hands. With two minutes to go, Rosholt threatens with a loose guillotine from which Harris escapes. Rosholt keeps busy on top with short punches and elbows, enough to prevent a stand-up order from ref Chris Tognoni and keep Harris on the canvas to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (29-28 Rosholt)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (29-28 Rosholt)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (29-28 Rosholt)

The Official Result

Jared Rosholt def. Walt Harris via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Tom Niinimaki vs. Rani Yahya

Round 1

Niinimaki backpedals early as Yahya charges forward, swinging and missing with a barrage of punches. Yahya shoots for a takedown in the center of the cage and gets it, but Niinimaki grabs for a guillotine as he goes to the ground. Niinimaki loses the guillotine but hits a sweep, putting Yahya on his seat near the base of the fence. Yahya rolls underneath for a kneebar, but Niinimaki breaks it up by coming down to the Brazilian’s guard. Yahya switches to a heel hook, allowing him to drive forward and take top position briefly. Niinimaki shoves Yahya to the canvas again, but this time Yahya grabs a waistlock and spins around to take Niinimaki’s back. Niinimaki escapes and both men scramble up for a split second before Niinimaki hits a trip takedown. Yahya gets to his knees with 30 seconds left, and Niinimaki puts him on his back to sock the Brazilian with a couple hammer fists.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki

Round 2

Niinimaki looks for a clinch and a trip early as he’s forced to block winging punches from Yahya. The jiu-jitsu specialist goes for a takedown, gets reversed and it’s Niinimaki who hits a double-leg against the fence. Yahya grabs a headlock on the way down, gets back to his feet and drops to guard again in an attempt to finish the guillotine. Niinimaki flips over the top to free his head and comes back to lay in cross-side control on Yahya’s left. Ref Kim Winslow warns Niinimaki to keep his elbow strikes away from the back of Yahya’s head, so the Finn instead drops short elbows and forearms on Yahya’s face. The pace slows and the featherweights are stood up, but Niinimaki instantly shoots for another takedown. Yahya pulls guard with another guillotine attempt, but he can’t get under Niinimaki’s chin and the Finnish fighter frees himself to end the frame on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Niinimaki

Round 3

Niinimaki takes all of 10 seconds to hit another takedown, this time putting Yahya on the ground away from the fence. The next 90 seconds are slow going, with Niinimaki methodically working to pass Yahya’s guard but struggling to free his left leg. Two minutes into the round, ref Winslow stands them up. Niinimaki shoots for another takedown; this time, Yahya is waiting with a guillotine and rolls Niinimaki onto his back. Yahya cranks the choke from half-guard but still doesn’t have his forearm under Niinimaki’s chin, and the Finn frees himself with just over one minute to go. Yahya hooks the leg of Niinimaki and drops a few elbows before leaning across to work on Niinimaki’s left arm. Niinimaki takes the arm away and defends underneath for the final few seconds of the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yahya (29-28 Niinimaki)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Yahya (29-28 Niinimaki)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Yahya (29-28 Niinimaki)

The Official Result

Tom Niinimaki def. Rani Yahya via Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 30-27) R3 5:00

Maximo Blanco vs. Akira Corassani

Round 1

Blanco charges straight at Corassani, pops him with a couple right hands and takes him down against the fence. Corassani is posting to get back to his feet when Blanco drills him with a knee to the face, and referee Mario Yamasaki steps in to pause the action due to the illegal strike. Moments later, as Corassani slumps to the ground in a heap, Yamasaki waves off the fight. Blanco does a cartwheel in celebration before Yamasaki informs him that he has been disqualified.

The Official Result

Akira Corassani def. Maximo Blanco via DQ (Knee to Head of Grounded Fighter) R1 0:25

Roxanne Modafferi vs. Raquel Pennington

Round 1

Pennington comes down the middle with a straight right and backs out of the way of Modafferi’s return fire. Modafferi keeps throwing, though, and after pulling up short on a dozen or so punches, she zaps Pennington with a good, hard right hand down the center. Pennington keeps on her back foot, dodging Modafferi’s punches and coming back to land a hard right of her own. Modafferi is keeping very busy, constantly putting combinations in Pennington’s face and overwhelming “Rocky” with volume strikes. Modafferi opts to put the fight on the fence with about 90 seconds left in the round but can’t toss Pennington to the floor. Pennington exits the clinch with a hard elbow, then pushes back Modafferi’s head with a double jab. Modafferi whiffs on a right hand and eats a cracking counter from Pennington just as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Modafferi

Round 2

Modafferi misses a spinning back-fist and eats a counter from Pennington, then shoots to try and take the Hawaiian down against the fence. Pennington does well to defend but can’t get off the fence, where Modafferi is able to land a couple elbows and punches before separating. Modafferi begins circling to her right around the outside, and Pennington sends her shooting after a big right hook to the face. Pennington stuffs the shot and pushes Modafferi to the ground, and the “Happy Warrior” throws up her legs, hunting for one of Pennington’s arms. Modafferi switches to a triangle, can’t cinch it and instead pulls rubber guard. Pennington breaks up the position by posturing up and dropping heavy punches through Modafferi’s guard. Modafferi tries another armbar, but Pennington escapes and ref Tognoni orders Modafferi to her feet. Pennington spends the closing moments of the round coming at Modafferi with combinations.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Pennington

Round 3

Modafferi shoots a double in the center of the cage and gets sprawled on. Modafferi is still the busier fighter, but it’s Pennington walking her down and scoring with heavy punches down the middle. After taking a right hand on the cheek, Modafferi clinches up, but she’s reversed and released from the cage by Pennington, who prefers to trade from range. Pennington catches a kick and rushes in to land another right while Modafferi spins around. Pennington shoves her to the ground and defends an armbar to land thumping ground-and-pound on Modafferi’s face and body. With one minute left, Modafferi is still angling for submissions underneath, eventually posting and getting to her feet. When they stand, Pennington grabs a guillotine and falls down on top of Modafferi, squeezing the choke from top position until Modafferi is saved by the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pennington (30-27 Pennington)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pennington (30-27 Pennington)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Pennington (29-28 Pennington)

The Official Result

Raquel Pennington def. Roxanne Modafferi via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jessamyn Duke vs. Peggy Morgan

Round 1

Morgan reddens Duke’s left eye early with a right hand. Duke responds with a push kick and a punch of her own, drawing a warning to keep her hands closed from ref Kim Winslow. They clinch against the cage with Duke on the outside, working for a toss which doesn’t land. Instead, Duke jumps guard with an arm-in guillotine. The choke looks deep, but Morgan postures up and, after 20 seconds or so, frees her head to take top position. Duke sneaks her legs up, working for a triangle; she can’t cinch it tight, but the position allows her to tee off with short elbows and punches to Morgan’s face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Duke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Duke
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Duke

Round 2

The bantamweights opt to keep the fight standing in the opening minute of round two, with Duke scoring the cleaner punches but Morgan sneaking through some good jabs. Duke’s right straight-left hook combo is working for her, reddening Morgan’s face. Morgan, the taller fighter, sticks her long jab in Duke’s face, but Duke punches through it with more powerful left hands. Duke goes to Morgan’s body with the hook and now mixes in leg kicks. Despite this, Morgan keeps walking forward, eating more left hooks and right crosses through the final minute of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Duke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Duke
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Duke

Round 3

Duke clinches up with Morgan in the center of the cage and mugs “The Daywalker” with uppercuts. The women move to the fence, Duke on the outside, continuing to rough up Morgan with uppercuts even as Morgan holds underhooks. Duke botches a throw and pulls Morgan to the ground with an awkward side headlock, accidentally surrendering her back. Morgan immediately takes advantage, freeing her head and jumping on the back of Duke, who flattens herself on the canvas to prevent Morgan from sinking in her hooks. Duke turns around, putting her back to the mat, and Morgan stays heavy on top, flattening her opponent from half guard. With 30 seconds left, ref Winslow stands them up, and Duke takes advantage by slugging Morgan with left hooks and knees to the gut, then one final right straight to close out the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Duke (30-27 Duke)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Duke (30-27 Duke)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Duke (30-27 Duke)

The Official Result

Jessamyn Duke def. Peggy Morgan via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Chris Holdsworth vs. Davey Grant

Round 1

Grant connects with a wide right hand as Holdsworth moves in to clinch and presses the Englishman against the cage. Grant turns it around and separates with a nice left hook to the chin before clinching up again. The bantamweights break and now it’s Holdsworth staggering Grant with a straight right. Holdsworth muscles Grant against the fence and pops him with short lefts as he works for an inside trip. The takedown doesn’t come and the fighters separate again. Holdsworth ties up to try another trip on the fence, but again Grant defends well. Grant whiffs on a pair of hard punches and gets wrapped up, but he reverses Holdsworth with a body lock and tries to throw him down. Holdsworth slips out and winds up on top, in Grant’s closed guard as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holdsworth
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holdsworth
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Grant

Round 2

Holdsworth finally completes a takedown and passes to side control about 45 seconds into round two, bloodying Grant’s nose with a head kick shortly before. Grant gives up his back as he tries to stand, and Holdsworth immediately latches on to back control. Holdsworth slaps on a rear-naked choke which forces Grant to tap in just a few seconds.

The Official Result

Chris Holdsworth def. Davey Grant via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 2:10

Jessica Rakoczy vs. Julianna Pena

Round 1

Pena quickly closes the distance, wraps up Rakoczy against the fence and trips her to the ground. Pena moves to half guard, tries to pass to side control but gets tangled up in Rakoczy’s long legs. Rakoczy kicks Pena away and scrambles up, but Pena comes back to hold her on the cage. Rakoczy gets off the fence and Pena follows, tossing the boxer to the mat in the center of the cage. Pena postures up in Rakoczy’s guard and lands a couple punches, then stands and dives back down to the ground, passing Rakoczy’s guard in the process. Pena takes full mount with two minutes left in the opening frame, and Rakoczy traps Pena’s right arm to keep her close. Pena pulls the arm free and begins mashing away with ground-and-pound, heavy punches and elbows scoring as Rakoczy kicks up her legs, trying to hook Pena’s arms. Referee Mario Yamasaki is taking a close look as Pena continues to unload with punches on both sides of Rakoczy’s head. The 10-second clappers sound, and it seems Rakoczy may be able to make it out of the round, but with just seconds left, ref Yamasaki waves it off.

The Official Result

Nate Diaz vs. Gray Maynard

Round 1

Referee Yves Lavigne is the third man in the cage for tonight’s lightweight main event, with judges Adalaide Byrd, Junichiro Kamijo and Chris Lee scoring at cageside. Maynard lunges in to strike and gets countered by a right hook. The wrestler grabs hold of Diaz’s left leg and pulls him to the ground, where Diaz wraps him up tight as Maynard pushes him over to the fence. Diaz gets to his feet and tosses Maynard to the ground, but both men are quickly back on their feet. A couple quick punches from Diaz put some swelling over Maynard’s left eye. Diaz denies the next single-leg attempt and knocks down Maynard with a stiff left hand. Maynard scrambles up and Diaz smells blood, attacking “The Bully” against the cage with more cracking punches. Maynard is out on his feet but still somehow standing, and Diaz is looking for a stoppage from ref Lavigne. Diaz lands a few more punches to Maynard’s bloody face, and Lavigne has seen enough. Maynard slumps to the ground as Lavigne pulls Diaz away.

The Official Result

Nate Diaz def. Gray Maynard via TKO (Punches) R1 2:38
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