

UFC on ESPN 56 ‘Lewis vs. Nascimento’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

The Ultimate Fighting Championship makes its second visit to St. Louis for the upcoming UFC on ESPN 56 card, set to go down at 4 p.m. ET on May 11 at Enterprise Center.

The main event features a potential slugfest as explosive heavyweights Derrick Lewis and Rodrigo Nascimento take center stage to cap things off at the home of the NHL Blues. Sherdog.com brings exclusive live play-by-play coverage of every thrilling moment, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the Octagon excitement.


J.J. Aldrich (125.25) vs. Veronica Hardy (126)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Hardy (-135), Aldrich (+114)

Round 1

The next slate of UFC fights steps through the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, with a dozen fine matchups on the lineup. The first bout of the evening comes at the women’s 125-pound division, as roster staple Aldrich (13-6, 9-5 UFC) looks to put a three-fight win streak together at the expense of Hardy (8-4-1, 3-4 UFC)—who is also trying to do the same. Only one woman will get to three in a row, barring something unusual, and referee Josh Stewart will have the first say on who that is. The ladies do not touch ‘em up before getting after it, and instead Aldrich shifts right to the center of the cage, ready to engage. She pulls back before getting into boxing range, but she springs forward to test out a jab that is out of reach. Aldrich does the same reaching jab again that also misses, and a minute goes by without a strike landing—this draws boos from the crowd already. Hardy hears this and answers by lunging in to throw hands, and Aldrich takes one on the temple and gives one back to make Hardy backpedal. Aldrich doubles up on a jab, reddening the nose of her foe, and Hardy responds with two low kicks. Aldrich measures her jab and attempts a standing elbow that is feet away from her intended target. Aldrich plants a one-two on the beak and gets out of harm’s way before getting countered. When Hardy advances, Aldrich meets her in the middle and ties her up, where she pushes the Venezuelan to the fencing. Both women let fly short but effective elbows that force separation. Aldrich paws out with a left hand, and Hardy charges her and plants a kick to the ribs before getting too close and winding up in the clinch. Aldrich moves to take a body lock from behind, and she drills Hardy in the face with a heavy knee that opens up a tiny cut on the side of her left eye. Aldrich tries to drag her down, and Hardy gets away with a fence grab to keep her upright. Aldrich uses tight pressure to squeeze Hardy on the fencing, and Hardy allows this so that she can line up an elbow that smacks Aldrich in the nose and draws blood. Hardy scoots away, and she catches her opponent with a short combination. Aldrich nods at her, and Hardy lands a few more effective shots. Hardy bangs another elbow off her opponent’s cheek, and the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Hardy
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Hardy
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hardy

Round 2

The flyweights meet right in the middle of the cage, and Hardy attacks with kicks from both legs that get blocked. Hardy leaps forward in pursuit of a long one-two, and Aldrich ties her up briefly until a knee pushes her away. Aldrich lets Hardy lunge again so that she can capitalize with a solid right hook, forcing Hardy to take a back step. Hardy switches stances to launch a pair of piercing jabs, and Aldrich’s guard is up in time. Aldrich scores a left, and Hardy does the same and follows it with a body kick. Aldrich backs off, and Hardy gives chase with two more. They crash together landing hooks, and Hardy’s right hook is the best of the bunch. Aldrich swarms forward swinging her fists, and Hardy flings blows back at her as they engage in a small melee with elbows and knees as well. Hardy circles away, and Aldrich motions to her to keep trading. Aldrich ducks a right hand to shoot in for a takedown, and she succeeds in pushing Hardy back to the wall but is nowhere near getting her down. Aldrich gets in a few knees, and Hardy answers with her own as she attempts to escape the clinch position. Aldrich hooks her own fingers in the fencing to keep Hardy trapped in a position, until Hardy bends over make Aldrich follow her. Hardy spins to the side and gets away, and chants for Hardy start to amass in the building. She pops out a single low kick, and pulls back when considering a second. Hardy jabs her way into a standing elbow, and she avoids the elbow counter. The horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Hardy
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Hardy
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hardy

Round 3

Aldrich moves right to the middle of the Octagon to begin the final round, but it is Hardy whose offense gets going. Hardy strings a few punches together and a leg kick on the outer edge to evade what Aldrich tosses back at her. Hardy uses a jab-body kick combo, flustering Aldrich and not allowing herself to remain stationary and get hit back. Aldrich spins with a back kick that lands flush on the liver, changing Hardy’s complexion and giving her some pause. The confident Aldrich strides forward, and she rails Hardy with a one-two that sends the Venezuelan crashing down to her seat. Aldrich leaps on top, but Hardy turns around and snares Aldrich in an inverted triangle that lathers up the crowd. Aldrich slowly works her way out of the precarious position, and Hardy transitions to an omoplata shoulder lock solely with her legs. Aldrich does not show one iota of concern, as she slithers her limb free and shifts over to half guard. Hardy’s offensive guard does not slow, as she tosses her legs up to pursue a triangle choke. Aldrich shucks it aside and delivers a stern knee to the side. Aldrich drops down a number of left hands as Hardy scrambles madly, even pushing her feet off the wall in hopes of flipping them over. Aldrich is a 125-pound unyielding weight on top of her opponent, keeping Hardy stuck on her back and landing strikes any moment she finds an opening. Hardy kicks wildly to push Aldrich off of her, and when they climb back to their feet, they circle one another until time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich (29-28 Hardy)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich (29-28 Hardy)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Aldrich (29-28 Hardy)

The Official Result

Veronica Hardy def. J.J. Aldrich via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Jake Hadley (125) vs. Charles Johnson (125.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Hadley (-170), Johnson (+142)

Round 1

The next matchup comes at the men’s flyweight bracket, with a fighter in St. Louis’ own Johnson (14-6, 3-4 UFC), who is looking to push his UFC record to .500. If he does so, his opponent Hadley (10-2, 2-2 UFC) will slide beneath the midpoint mark, so something might have to give here. Referee Gary Copeland will take charge of the cage in this pairing, one that begins with a glove touch. The two paw at one another with jabs and low kicks to get going, and Hadley walks Johnson down to crowd him and back him against the cage. Hadley feeds his foe a steady diet of jabs and leg kicks, and Johnson responds in kind. Johnson mixes things up with a kick to the chest, and Hadley replies with a left hook. Hadley measures his left hook again, and it bounces off the pectorals harmlessly. Hadley keeps pressuring forward, staying active and giving Johnson plenty of reads. Johnson escapes to the side and eats part of a right hook, and Hadley takes advantage of this to clip him with a left and shoot in for a double-leg takedown. “InnerG” hits the mat and bounces back up as if he had springs in his shorts. They chip away at one another with leg kicks, and Hadley tries again for a level change but is intercepted and met with effective dirty boxing from the Missouri native. Johnson doubles up on his jab, and he leans back as a left hand flies past him. One after the other, they throw body kicks, and Johnson hops away to avoid a big left. Johnson blocks a head kick and the two otherwise potshot each other with effective but not overly powerful blows. Johnson backs his man off briefly with a one-two, and Hadley aims his own similar combination to the midsection. Johnson kicks the chest and punches the midsection, and Hadley also targets the body with a few punches. Johnson gets off two low kicks, and the extremely close round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Hadley
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Hadley
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hadley

Round 2

The flyweights touch ‘em up, and Johnson reintroduces himself with a head kick that Hadley barely blocks. Johnson follows it with a straight right hand that wobbles the Brit’s legs, and Hadley smiles at him and corks back his left hand to prepare a counter. Johnson does not get reckless and walk into anything dangerous, and instead picks at him as Hadley gets his sea legs back beneath him. Hadley tries to shoot for a takedown, only for Johnson to stop it before it materializes and push away. Johnson switches stances, puts three hands on his foe’s face, and slips away before “White Kong” hits back. Johnson aims another high kick that bounces off the guard, and Hadley steels himself and digs a left hand to the liver. Johnson does not bat an eye and eats a body kick and another left to the same spot. Johnson wipes his face and rifles out a right hand and a hard low kick. Johnson stifles a half-hearted takedown and shoves his man back. When Hadley misses with a one-two, Johnson is there to jab and then string a few punches together after it. Leg kicks from both men get through, and Johnson stabs the midsection with his toes. Hadley’s leg kick leads to him backing away and eating two punches, and Johnson digs a right to the body. Hadley keeps working on the long lead leg of his opponent, and he absorbs a right hook flush on the face. Johnson lands a right hand, slips a punch and drills him with a right. As Hadley blinks it out, Johnson unloads with a vicious right hand that sends the Brit collapsing to his seat. The cobwebs are almost immediately cleared, as Hadley shoots in for a takedown and puts Johnson on his seat for half a second. Johnson climbs back up, Hadley hangs on from behind, and the round ends with the two men giving it up to one another.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Johnson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Johnson
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Johnson

Round 3

The crowd is alive and fully in support of their local man, who has momentum after dropping his opponent in the last round. Chants of “USA” echo through the building, and the two high five before getting going. Hadley tries to take them out of it by pressuring forward, but Johnson’s footwork allows him to not only get away from heavy shots but also stop any takedowns from getting remotely close. Johnson tries to counter shots as Hadley crowds him, and a good right hand intercepts and bloodies Hadley’s nose as Hadley goes for a low single-leg takedown. If Johnson was officially grounded, it was only for a second before “InnerG” is back on his feet. In the position with Hadley hanging on, Johnson elbows the calf over a dozen times before Hadley sets his leg down. The two separate, and the audience is elated. Johnson strafes from side to side offering jabs, and Hadley’s offense has waned to single left hands. Johnson pushes his hand out and a finger jams in the Brit’s eye, and Hadley waves Copeland off and says he wants to get right back to it. Johnson strings a few punches together on the restart, and Hadley ducks down but fails to take the fight down. Johnson keeps volume relatively high and his combinations steady, generally tossing at least two strikes in an exchange at a time. Johnson parries the oncoming hands and jabs the body with his foot, peppering “White Kong” from his preferred range. Johnson gives chase and scores a solid left hook on the nose, and Hadley sits down and delivers two left hands of his own. Johnson lets his hands go, resulting in a Hadley low single. Johnson sprawls and tosses it aside, where he ends the fight chasing after Hadley with punches and kicks. The two flyweights hug it out after 15 minutes of combat, and it could be a tough one to score depending on this last round.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)

The Official Result

Charles Johnson def. Jake Hadley via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Billy Goff (170.25) vs. Trey Waters (170)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Waters (-170), Goff (+142)

Round 1

A pair of welterweights both victorious in their promotional debuts—both men signed from the 2022 season of Dana White’s Contender Series—collide to separate the wheat from the chaff. New England native Goff (9-2, 1-0 UFC) would like to show that his region of the U.S. still has some life in it, while the towering Waters (8-1, 1-0 UFC) reps Florida. A touch of gloves in front of referee Josh Stewart checks the two men in. Waters keeps his hands low as he circles to the side instead of coming out forward, as the shorter Goff tries to reach him with lunging shots. Waters uses his long arms to jab, and he leans back to dodge a high kick. Goff has to rush in to get his range, opening him up for power shots that mark his nose up. Goff fires off several low kicks from both legs, and he backs Waters up to the fence briefly. Waters circles out and stings him with straight shots. Goff shoots in desperately for a takedown, and he pushes “The Truth” to the wire. They trade knees on the inside, and Waters grinds his elbow on the fence as he looks to frame off. Goff hurls Waters to the floor, and in his excitement, he tries to go after a choke but slides off the back and bails on it. They both climb back to their feet, and Waters gets back to jabbing and chewing Goff up with his distant strikes. Waters dings his foe with a one-two, and tags him a few more times only to get caught with an overhand right. Goff charges forward, tripping Waters up and chucking him to his seat. Goff slides around to get one hook in and hunts for a back take, but Waters stops that from coming together and turns around to push him over. Waters lines up and blasts Goff in the face with a clearly illegal knee, with Goff’s knee down, and Stewart does not say anything. Goff stands up, not hurt badly, and he chases Waters around and tees off on him. The two engage in a mighty slugfest, nailing one another with power punches, elbows, knees and maybe even a few whacks from a steel chair pulled from beneath the cage floor. They empty their gas tanks as they bash one another in the face, and the round ends before either man goes down.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Waters
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Waters
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Waters

Round 2

Goff comes out of his corner ready and rearing to go, and he presses forward after Waters and kicks him hard behind the knee. Waters’ leg nearly buckles, but he gathers himself to flick out long jabs. Waters slips a few shots and goes to the body, and Goff answers this by leaning over and jabbing him to the midsection. Goff tries to kick the taller man in the head, and the guard is up in time. Waters flails with a few fists, and Goff’s chin holds up. Goff surges ahead, kicking the side and winging a right hand. Waters prods him with effective blows, with Goff leading with his hands down and his face in the air. Goff punches his way into a takedown attempt, pursuing a single but letting it go to ring Waters’ bell with an elbow. Waters shakes it off and responds with power, resulting in Goff shooting for another takedown. Waters remains on his feet despite the exhausting effort, and he pushes off and tags Goff with a few punches. Goff continues to crowd him and walk him down, and he forces Waters to turn away for a moment when landing a right hand. Both men are totally spent, and Waters gets a full head of steam and blasts Goff in the face with a ferocious right hand. Goff leans over, in trouble and possibly wanting to take the fight down, and Waters snatches up a choke. Waters lets it go and shoves Goff away, and Goff nearly stumbles and falls over when gathering himself. Goff tries to meander forward, his energy reserves completely completed, and he leans over and finds himself in a power guillotine choke. Waters looks to the big screen to see if the choke is locked up from the other angle, and when it is not, he lets it go. Goff sucks wind but powers forward, swinging everything he has left. Waters counters him, and they lean on one another against the fence as the second round ends. They still have five minutes to go.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Waters
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Waters
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Waters

Round 3

With one minute to recover, it remains to be seen who has more left in the tank after a mighty slugfest thus far. Goff does not pressure as much when the last round begins, and Waterson uses footwork and head movement to dodge the lumbering strikes soaring at his dome. Goff shoots in on the hips, going for a double-leg entry, only for Waters to stop it as he leans his back against the cage. Goff transitions to a single, and he lifts Waters off the ground but the stork-like legs of Waters allow him to catch himself before going down. Goff holds on tight, and he fishes for a trip that is not there. Stewart asks for Goff to work as a stalemate ensues, and the bloodthirsty crowd grows restless fast. Goff knees Waters once in the chest, and he drops lower for a single. Stewart breaks them up with two minutes to spare, and the fighters circle one another from kickboxing range. Goff slams Waters in the mouth with the instep of his foot, and Waters does not flinch. Goff surges ahead with punches, and he lands a few chopping low kicks to keep his man guessing. Waters sits on single strikes that largely miss the mark, while Goff also goes for a home run shot. Goff connects with a right hand and just misses with a head kick, and he throws caution to the wind and starts trading hands again. Waters stands in the pocket with him and lets his hands go, and both chins hold up despite taking hellacious punishment. They continue to trade punches and kicks right to the final horn. When the all-action battle concludes, Waters collapses to his seat in fatigue. What a banger, and an instant frontrunner for "Fight of the Night."

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Goff (29-28 Waters)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Goff (29-28 Waters)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Goff (29-28 Waters)

The Official Result

Trey Waters def. Billy Goff via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Tecia Pennington (115) vs. Tabatha Ricci (115)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Ricci (-155), Pennington (+130)

Round 1

The final women’s matchup of the evening takes place on the prelims between two strawweights on the outside of the top 10 looking in. Brazilian grappler Ricci (9-2, 4-2 UFC) holds a number next to her name in the top 15, while Pennington (13-6, 9-6 UFC) is back in action after two years away to have a baby with bantamweight champ Raquel Pennington. Both ladies dropped split decisions in their last times out, and one will break out of that losing column in the next 15 minutes or less. Before the two go at it, referee Nick Berens clocks the women in, and they bump fists. Ricci is immediately the aggressor, throwing hands right out of the gate. Pennington replies in kind, and she settles down and pushes out a few jabs. Pennington connects with a right hand off the forehead, and she aims another few punches before getting kicked in the ribs. Fast, frenetic exchanges result when the two crash together, and Pennington breaks off with a left hand. Pennington dings her foe with a left and a right, and she strafes away from a spin kick. Ricci reaches her with a short combination, and Pennington drives forward and gives her two back. Pennington whips a right hand that reddens the cheek of “Baby Shark,” and she is right there ready to trade violently when Ricci engages with her. Ricci catches her opponent at the end of a right hand, but Pennington ignores it and keeps right on delivering volume. Ricci scores, and Pennington replies with lengthy combinations. Ricci shoots in on the hips, and she bails and lands with a right hand. Pennington answers her immediately with a few punches that mark up the other cheek, and she embodies her “Tiny Tornado” nickname by attacking in kind. Pennington even throws a little too hard, and she recoils with a back fist. Ricci does not give much ground as the two women hit one another in the face repeatedly. Ricci crowds her and pushes her to the fencing, landing a knee but ultimately not keeping her there. Pennington scores a low kick, a few punches and an elbow, and Ricci parries and counters. Pennington blocks a head kick and they get back to business, trading punches but Pennington having the edge in terms of lands. Ricci rarely gives ground, willing to stand right in the pocket and throw. After Pennington gets off with a combination, Ricci pushes forward and hits a body lock takedown. The round ends with Pennington shoving her opponent off of her.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Pennington
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Pennington
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Pennington

Round 2

It takes five seconds for the strawweights to get right back where they left off in the second round. Ricci throws several kicks to keep Pennington honest, and all of her kicks up high miss the mark. Pennington pops her with a few strikes after the kicks, and she walks through a low kick to string a few fists together. Pennington rings Ricci up with a few successive blows when Ricci rushes at her, and she knocks Ricci back. Ricci responds with a standing elbow, and she crashes in and pushes Pennington to the chain-link fence. Ricci pursues a body lock takedown, after a first head lock throw does not go her way. Pennington retains her balance, and Ricci shoots in for a double and lifts her off the ground momentarily. Ricci drags “The Tiny Tornado” to a single knee, and Pennington wall-walks immediately to get up. Ricci hunts for a single, and switches to a double as she chains attempts together. Pennington’s defense remains resolute, and Ricci abandons the effort as Pennington pushes her off. Ricci drops down to her knees for a low single, and Pennington turns her around as she sprawls. Ricci doggedly pursues the takedown, and Pennington prevents multiple efforts from succeeding. A short elbow on the inside from Pennington busts Ricci’s nose open, and she checks her face to see the blood flow. Pennington gets some space, and she pushes the pace by going after Ricci with punch combinations. Every combo has anywhere from two to five punches in rapid succession, and she chains a few together to keep Ricci honest. Torres spins with a back fist that just misses, and the two strike until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Pennington
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Ricci
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Pennington

Round 3

The last round kicks off with Ricci attacking, and Pennington strikes back. Ricci tries to bully her to the fence, and Pennington stays on her bike to avoid getting sucked into the clinch. On another effort, “Baby Shark” latches onto Pennington and pushes her back to the wall, and she lands a few knees on the thigh when a takedown does not present itself. Ricci plants a knee to the body, and she searches for a trip and then shoots for a double. Pennington elbows Ricci on the side of the head, and Ricci clasps her hands around the waist and tries to drag her to the mat. Pennington pushes her foot off the fence to give her a position that keeps her from going down, and she forces out of the tie-up and shifts back to the center of the cage. Ricci reaches her with a one-two and a body kick, and Pennington throws back hard. Ricci connects with a right hand, and Pennington gives her back volume. Ricci scores with a stern knee, and when Pennington is trading back, Pennington leans over and takes another flush knee. Ricci loads up on all of her strikes while Pennington is content to touch with higher numbers. Pennington surges in with fists outstretched, and Ricci gives her back a Superwoman punch. Ricci rushes at her, and Pennington flips her on her head. Ricci climbs back up, only to get dumped once more on her head. The two dirty box with one another until the final bell, and it might be a toss-up.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Ricci (29-28 Pennington)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Ricci (29-28 Ricci)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ricci (29-28 Pennington)

The Official Result

Tabatha Ricci def. Tecia Pennington via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Terrance McKinney (155.25) vs. Esteban Ribovics (155)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Ribovics (-175), McKinney (+145)

Round 1

The matchmakers made sure at least one fight on the billing would practically promise bonkers action for as long as it lasts, and this is that bout. In 21 pro outings, McKinney (15-6, 5-3 UFC) has never heard the final bell, while Ribovics (12-1, 1-1 UFC) has gone the distance twice after 13 appearances. Referee Gary Copeland has donned his hard hat for what could be a wild and crazy first round, although it starts with a calm glove touch. McKinney immediately opens up with a one-two, and he takes a low kick and throws back hard. Ribovics sits down on a power punch, and he absorbs a flush combination and catches McKinney with a knee when “T. Wrecks” bends over. McKinney connects with a right hand, and Ribovics tosses out a few punches, reaches with a right hand and sets up one of the most beautiful head kicks one can muster as it collides square into McKinney’s head. McKinney is out cold as soon as the shin makes contact, and he collapses lifelessly to his seat as his back bounces into the fence behind him. Blood leaks out of his nose as he sits there, totally unconscious. Ribovics knows that he does not need to do anything else today, and he proudly walks away as Copeland tends to the snoozing lightweight. Wow, what a finish! “Knockout of the Year” has one more contender in an already crowded list with that absolute gem, and Ribovics has officially announced himself to the lightweight division in a massive way.

The Official Result

Esteban Ribovics def. Terrance McKinney R1 0:37 via KO (Head Kick)

Viacheslav Borshchev (155) vs. Chase Hooper (155)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Borshchev (-142), Hooper (+120)

Round 1

Wrapping up the prelims is a classic stylistic clash hearkening back to the days of old. Washington native Hooper (13-3-1, 5-3 UFC) presents as a devoted grappler, while foe Borshchev (7-3-1, 2-2-1 UFC) is all about slugging it out. Referee Keith Peterson will keep track of this 155-pound pairing for as long as it lasts, one that could take place anywhere but will feature no nonsense at all. There is no time for a fist bump, as Hooper tries to keep his range with kicks right when the fight begins. Borshchev fights off a takedown, and he gets plinked with a left hand that puts him down on the mat. Hooper jumps on top and thinks about taking the back or getting a submission, but elects to move to full mount and batter Borshchev with ground-and-pound. Hooper beats down Borshchev with punches until he sits up a little high, and Borshchev tries to turn out and escape. This allows Hooper to take his back for a moment, but he decides to climb back over to mount so he can make a statement by clubbing the striker relentlessly. Hooper postures up and smashes down several elbows, and Borshchev defends well enough to survive and stay in the fight, all while Peterson watches on closely. Hooper lines up a vicious elbow, and Peterson thinks about intervening but lets it keep playing out as Hooper has drawn some blood. Borshchev scrambles wildly and sits up, but Hooper bowls him over a few times. Hooper considers an armbar, but Borshchev turns all the way around and falls into an inverted triangle choke. While Hooper’s legs are wrapped around Borshchev’s head, Hooper also torques a toe hold to make Borshchev’s life completely miserable. Peterson checks to make sure Borshchev is still with it, and Borshchev responds affirmatively and gets his leg free from harm. The triangle grip around his head is still brutal, and Hooper turns around and sits down on Borshchev’s head as Borshchev’s dome turns a brilliant shade of red. Borshchev miraculously manages to make it to the bell, but he is easily way down on the scorecards in a round that might even get a 10-7 score because of how rough it went for him.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-8 Hooper
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-8 Hooper
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-8 Hooper

Round 2

Hooper starts the round throwing hands again, but he quickly decides to shoot for a takedown. Borshchev defends the first effort, and he gets turned to his side and somehow flipped over to do a handstand to keep himself from going down as his back is against the fence. Hooper circles around to drag him down with a crucifix, and he swirls over to take full mount and start pummeling Borshchev with ground-and-pound. Elbows and punches continue to hammer Borshchev, and Peterson watches closely but allows it to continue. Borshchev scrambles with every bit of energy he has, and Peterson asks him to fight back. Hooper follows him every step of the way, keeping a dominant position like a back take or a mount, and Borshchev turns to his side as Hooper clobbers him. Borshchev bucks and shifts his hips, even managing to get to butterfly guard, and Hooper snatches up a brabo choke and rolls him over. Borshchev pushes on the hip and then the back, and Peterson registers that single hand motion as a tap. Hooper releases the submission, and Borshchev immediately protests, screaming at Peterson that he did not give up. As a giant hematoma blows up on his forehead, Borshchev’s corner of Team Alpha Male also shouts that Borshchev did not surrender. This one-sided shellacking is going to go down in the books as a submission, and it may qualify for one if not two year-end awards in the “Beatdown of the Year” and “Robbery of the Year” categories—the latter depending on how one viewed the tapout. Either way, this is a massive victory for the youngster, who laid a beating on a tough guy that had never been finished.

The Official Result

Chase Hooper def. Viacheslav Borshchev R2 3:00 via Submission (Brabo Choke)

Waldo Cortes-Acosta (262) vs. Robelis Despaigne (262.5)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Despaigne (-192), Cortes-Acosta (+160)

Round 1

A heavyweight appetizer kicks off the main card before the main course between big men. Fastball-throwing Dominican Cortes-Acosta (11-1, 4-1 UFC) will ply his trade against skyscraping power puncher Despaigne (5-0, 1-0 UFC) in a pairing that may not go more than a minute or two. Referee Josh Stewart knows that danger is looming, but he is prepped and ready for what’s about to befall these two fighters. The large fists are not bumped before they get down to business. Despaigne keeps his hands low, and he walks through a leg kick and smashes Cortes-Acosta in the face with a left hand. Despaigne connects with a few more thunderous punches, and Cortes-Acosta answers his offense by shooting in and securing an easy takedown. Cortes-Acosta lands in half guard, where he holds down the taekwondo star and takes a few elbows on the side of the head. Cortes-Acosta is unable to maintain chest-to-chest pressure, but his sitting on the left leg of his foe prevents “The Bad Boy” from going anywhere. Cortes-Acosta starts softening up the body, and Despaigne flails off his back. Cortes-Acosta wrenches on Despaigne’s right arm to set up a keylock, and he begins to torque it on his second effort. Despaigne wriggles his arm free, turning to his side to prevent from being stuck flat on his back. This position allows him to also defend from the few strikes that come at him. Cortes-Acosta grinds his elbow on him and tries to present a forearm choke, but there is nothing to it. Cortes-Acosta rides out the round on top, dragging Despaigne to uncharted territory.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta

Round 2

Despaigne starts the round off with a long front kick, and he backs Cortes-Acosta off with long punches. Despaigne kicks low twice, and Cortes-Acosta responds with one of his own. Despaigne lunges forward with a single punch, and he gets caught backing off with a couple of long strikes from the former baseball player. The two trade leg kicks, and Despaigne unloads a head kick that gets blocked and fires one from the other side as well. Cortes-Acosta shoots for a takedown, and this time, the 6-foot-7 fighter stonewalls him. Despaigne breaks free, and the two big men start trading. Cortes-Acosta lands with heavy hands, and he pushes Despaigne back. Despaigne plods forward and whiffs on an overhand right, and the two are sucking wind two minutes into the second round. Despaigne kicks the ribcage, and wings two punches, and Cortes-Acosta signals to him that he has no sting on his punches. Cortes-Acosta nails his man with an uppercut, and Despaigne decides to tie them up. Cortes-Acosta uses the position to secure a body lock and toss Despaigne to the mat, and he climbs directly into full mount. Cortes-Acosta works the body a few times and lands some to the head, and he postures up and starts battering Despaigne with heavy fists. Despaigne twists and turns, only for Cortes-Acosta to sit heavily on top of his abdomen. Cortes-Acosta slams down a couple elbows and opens up with hammerfists and punches, but they are more for dramatic effect than actual stopping power. Cortes-Acosta drives home a few body shots and then goes to the head with punches until the horn blares.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta

Round 3

The heavyweights have unexpectedly reached the third round, and their energy reserves are running low. Cortes-Acosta tosses out a half-hearted low kick, and he misses with another as Despaigne loads up on two of his own. Despaigne sticks out a jab that dislodges the mouthpiece of his opponent, and he reaches with a second. Cortes-Acosta checks a kick and mocks his undefeated adversary, and he easily blocks a jumping switch kick. Despaigne kicks his lead leg a few times, and Cortes-Acosta shrugs at him. Cortes-Acosta gives him one low kick back, and he surges into action with a right hook. Cortes-Acosta slaps a low kick on the front leg, and Despaigne counters him with a front kick that snaps the head back. As the crowd gasps, Cortes-Acosta waves in the air to signal he is fine. Despaigne’s mouth is wide open as his hands are down by his waist, and he walks forward without concern. Cortes-Acosta ties him up and turns him around to push him to the fence, and he scoops the taller man up and deposits him gingerly to the floor. Cortes-Acosta shifts to side control before deciding to move himself back to half guard for control purposes, and he smacks Despaigne a few times and starts talking to someone outside of the cage. Cortes-Acosta bops Despaigne with feeble hammerfists and some light punches, more to stay busy than try to conclude the pairing. Cortes-Acosta is shouting at Despaigne, who is totally defeated and has nothing left to offer. Cortes-Acosta sits up and rains down punches, and Despaigne turns all the way over to grab one leg and defend his mug from ground strikes. Cortes-Acosta keeps hold of Despaigne’s right arm and slams him in the face with his own right until the horrible heavyweight match concludes. Barring something horrendous, Despaigne will be leaving the ranks of the unbeaten, and any confidence of him going far at heavyweight has been shattered to pieces.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta (30-27 Cortes-Acosta)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta (30-27 Cortes-Acosta)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cortes-Acosta (30-27 Cortes-Acosta)

The Official Result

Waldo Cortes-Acosta def. Robelis Despaigne via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Alex Caceres (145) vs. Sean Woodson (145)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Woodson (-198), Caceres (+164)

Round 1

Typically a fan-favorite, Caceres (21-14, 1 NC; 16-12, 1 NC UFC) will be entering hostile territory when he engages with Woodson (11-1-1, 5-1-1 UFC) at the Enterprise Center tonight. Both featherweights have designs on moving up the crowded featherweight ladder, and a win will do wonders for the victor. This intriguing striking affair will be governed by referee Jason Herzog, who starts the match when the two touch ‘em up. Caceres starts off with a long jab and a body kick, and he tosses a rear-leg head kick as Woodson dances out of the way. Woodson flicks out a jab and stumbles “Bruce Leeroy” and scores a trio of powerful calf kicks. Woodson snipes his foe with a left hand, forcing Caceres to turn partially, and then he beans the lead leg with another kick. Woodson counters a leg kick with a left hand, and he chains a kick of his own behind it. Caceres jumps forward to score left, and Woodson stands firm and knocks him back. Caceres crashes the pocket and looks to trade, and Woodson circles away and gets off a leg kick on the way out. Caceres aims a few punches as Woodson ducks away, looking to time the movements. Caceres flies by his foe with a front kick, and Woodson whips a head kick at him as Caceres’ hair moves with it. Caceres comes forward and they smack chests together, and Woodson backs away but eats a left on the way out. Caceres lunges with a left, and Woodson is there greeting him with his own lengthy punches. They both trade hands briefly, and Woodson ends his own series of strikes with a body kick. Woodson kicks low with both legs, and he gets knocked back to the wall from a combination. Woodson fakes a knee to make Caceres think twice about charging forward recklessly, and he swings a body kick that Caceres blocks. Caceres spins with a back kick, and due to the motion of his opponent, the kick smashes directly into the cup. Herzog calls time as Woodson’s face contorts in pain, but Woodson does not take long to recover before signaling he is good to go. They get back to hit, with Caceres timing a leg kick to connect with a left hand. Woodson snaps the head back with a jab and follows with a right hook, and both men whip head kicks at one another. Caceres lets his hands fly wildly, and Woodson slips and moves. The two men share a brief embrace as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Woodson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Woodson
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Woodson

Round 2

Fists are bumped, and Caceres leaps into action with a Superman punch that misses by a slight margin. Caceres goes upstairs with a hook kick, and Woodson slides to the side and chambers to fire a body kick. Woodson crowds “Bruce Leeroy” with a trio of punches that knocks Caceres off-balance, and Caceres retains his footing as he bounces off the wall. Caceres gains a full head of steam and rips the body with a few punches before going up top, as he presses Woodson back and up against the cage wall. Caceres pressures forward, checking a leg kick and connecting with a few shots. Woodson lances out a few straight punches, and Caceres’ own blows go wide. Caceres spins with a back fist and keeps turning to throw a hook at the end of it, and Woodson looks surprised but moves out of the way in a hurry. Caceres ducks a few punches but cannot avoid the snappy jab of his foe, and every impact or dodge makes his hair shake and might resonate more with the judges. Woodson meets him in the middle and trades, ultimately backing off when Caceres goes to the body. Caceres gets off a body kick, and Woodson pushes him away to reset. Woodson comes up short on a pair of hooks, and Caceres finds a right to the body and left to the head. Caceres whiffs on a huge left hook, and he chases “The Sniper” around and checks a few leg kicks before swarming the taller man. Woodson scores a knee on the break, and Caceres disengages with a right hand. Caceres plods forward, faking up high to kick the lead leg, and he walks through a few punches but eats some coming back. The super close round ends with both men landing strikes at the same time.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Caceres
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Caceres
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Caceres

Round 3

The featherweights meet in the middle, and Caceres strikes first with a spinning back kick. Caceres keeps his spinning going, but ultimately pulls up short before throwing another strike. Woodson slips to the side and kicks the body, and he gets off a right hand before Caceres can reach him back. Woodson brings up a knee, and he has a head kick bounce off the raised guard of his foe. Caceres races after his man with long right hands, and Woodson keeps him at bay with kicks to the side. Caceres goes with a heavy right to the body in the midst of a combo, and he returns fire with a few right hands. One concussive right hand stuns Caceres momentarily, but “Bruce Leeroy” uses the spirit of the Last Dragon and spins with a back kick and unleashes a flurry of punches before Woodson can escape. Woodson keeps to his own range with long, snappy jabs, and Caceres nails the body and pins with a back fist that smacks “The Sniper” in the head. Caceres does not take many steps back as he keeps his volume up, and Caceres rifles off jabs and left hooks. Caceres attacks the body with a left hand and a kick, and his momentum presses them up to the cage. Caceres goes to the body a few times before breaking off, and he ducks a jab when resetting. The head movement from Caceres is keeping him from taking a lot of flush shots, but Woodson still reaches him with short combinations. Caceres starts grinning after eating shots and throwing back with a vengeance, and a right hand of his clips “The Sniper.” Caceres kicks the front leg and spins but does not fire off anything, instead turning about to keep plodding forward. Caceres avoids a step-in knee but absorbs a few punches up top. Caceres ducks a right hand and blocks a head kick, and Woodson stands firm and gets off a right hand. Caceres walks through the fire, points to the ground and tries to force a brawl with the technical striker. Woodson engages to an extent, and the two men throw down until the final bell. Like many of the other decisions earlier tonight, this one is going to be close.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Caceres (29-28 Caceres)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Caceres (29-28 Caceres)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Caceres (29-28 Caceres)

The Official Result

Sean Woodson def. Alex Caceres via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Diego Ferreira (155) vs. Mateusz Rebecki (155.25)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Rebecki (-310), Ferreira (+250)

Round 1

Momentum is a powerful tool. Once on a solid six-fight win streak, Ferreira (18-5, 9-5 UFC) has since dropped three of four and now stares down his 40th birthday at the beginning of next year. Eight years younger and with his own 16-fight victorious stretch in tow, Rebecki (19-1, 3-0 UFC) has it going for him. Whether the torch is passed or the older man can get it done, referee Gary Copeland will keep tabs on the lightweight contest. The sportsmen gladly bump their fists together in eager anticipation of inflicting bodily harm on one another. Rebecki surges forward immediately, throwing caution to the wind swinging fists. Ferreira stays composed and prods out with front kicks, and he dips away from the power shots that fly past him. Rebecki continues attacking relentlessly, and he knocks Ferreira to his seat momentarily courtesy of fierce right hand. The Brazilian jumps right back up, and he keeps Rebecki honest with front kicks and a solid body kick. Ferreira lands with a left and a right, and a head kick gets Rebecki’s attention. He throws another high kick, and Rebecki crowds him more. Ferreira sneaks in a left hand as Rebecki walks forward with impunity, only to be met with three flush shots on the jaw. Rebecki strings three punches together, and Ferreira attacks the body with his foot. Ferreira comes up short on a head kick, and Rebecki buzzes his hair with an overhand right. The two take turns blasting one another, and Rebecki gets the better of an exchange with a solid right hand that appears to hurt the Brazilian. Ferreira fires back with bad intentions, and his head kick comes increasingly close to landing cleanly. Rebecki jabs his way into offense, and Ferreira answers them with a heavy body kick that makes Rebecki shake his head. Rebecki leans forward and when he attacks, his head smacks into Ferreira’s. Ferreira wipes his head, and Copeland notes the head clash. Rebecki unloads a left hand that knocks Ferreira clean off his feet, and he dives down into the guard in hopes of finishing the job. Rebecki gets slowed down by the active guard of his opponent, and he cannot pass guard or land much of note while Ferreira clears his head. The round ends with Rebecki on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Rebecki
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Rebecki
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rebecki

Round 2

The fighters tap hands together to open the round, and Rebecki says hello with a body kick and a powerful left hand. Ferreira drops to the mat, and he bounces back up and stings Rebecki with a left hook of his own. The Polish fighter has a foot bounce off the cup when kicking, and he apologizes as Ferreira signals he is ok. Rebecki ducks a right hand and shoots with a double, driving through the hips and putting Ferreira on his back. Ferreira hits the mat and threatens with a triangle choke, and his legs allow him to sweep and throw Rebecki off of him. Rebecki loads up on a big left hand that misses the mark, and Ferreira follows him with three punches up top while Rebecki’s eyes are swelling up fast. Ferreira jabs and absorbs a left hand on the nose that makes him tweak it to check if it is damaged. Rebecki lurches forward with a series of rangy punches, and he gets backed off as a high kick whizzes past his head. Rebecki bulldozes forward in pursuit of a takedown, and he manages to put the Brazilian on his seat for a moment. Ferreira climbs back up and works his jab, and he slips the most dangerous blows coming at him so that he can counter with three of his own. Ferreira flicks out jabs and a head kick, and he backs the Polish fighter off with body shots chained into punches in the head. The jab has split open the side of Rebecki’s eye, and Ferreira releases a number of punches to the swelling and bloody face. Copeland calls time and brings in the doctor, and Rebecki is cleared quickly and gets back to it. Ferreira drills his man in the head with a combination of punches ending with a head kick, and Rebecki catches it and tackles Ferriera to the floor. Ferreira scrambles to work his way up, and he turns the tables and drags Rebecki down from behind. The Brazilian climbs into full mount and he sits down on an arm-triangle choke, but time expires before he can get the tap.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Ferreira
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Ferreira
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ferreira

Round 3

The lightweights touch ‘em up to begin, and Ferreira leads the dance with a few punches up top and a front kick. Rebecki swings back, and Ferreira is the fresher and more accurate man of the two as he lands cleaner. Ferreira looks for his jab and kicks the body, and he checks Rebecki’s chin with a one-two. Ferreira powers ahead with another short combo, and he lines up several head kicks that get blocked but have an impact. Rebecki loads up on a left hand, and Ferreira stands firm and lets him have it with a swarm of punches that stagger him. Rebecki takes a breath and kicks the lead leg, and he gets driven back with a straight right hand. Ferreira times Rebecki ducking down for a level change with an uppercut, and he chews up the midsection with power shots. Ferreira walks through power punches from the Polish fighter, and he gets taken down and turns the corner to stand back up. Ferreira goes after Rebecki’s leg to sweep him and turn him over, and he finds his way on top and slides straight into mount. Ferreira bombards Rebecki with punches and elbows, and Rebecki twists and turns in any effort to escape. Ferreira sits on him awkwardly and works Rebecki over with his fists, until Rebecki muscles his way to his knees. Ferreira drags his man down and moves back to mount, and he gets going with a number of elbows as Copeland is watching closely. Copeland asks for Rebecki to fight back, and Rebecki sits up to protect himself from further damage. Rebecki somehow slides out the back door, and both men get back to their feet with a little under a minute to go. Ferreira jabs the body with a kick, and he continues to aim strikes to the midsection. Ferreira knocks Rebecki to the wall with a one-two, and he shoots for an easy takedown and throws Rebecki to the mat so he can hop into mount. Ferreira postures up and drills Rebecki with punches and hammerfists. Ferreira keeps striking, sensing the finish might be right around the corner, and Copeland waves the fight off to save Rebecki from any further harm. The Polish fighter’s long win streak is now a thing of the past, and the shellacking from “CDF” has made him nearly unrecognizable. This is a mighty comeback performance for the 39-year-old, who survived a tough first round and put away a man that came into this bout the winner of his last 16.

The Official Result

Diego Ferreira def. Mateusz Rebecki R3 4:51 via TKO (Punches)

Alonzo Menifield (205.5) vs. Carlos Ulberg (205)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Ulberg (-245), Menifield (+205)

Round 1

Throughout his entire UFC run dating back to 2019, Texas-based powerhouse Menifield (15-3-1, 8-3-1 UFC) has never strung three wins together. Triumphant in his last two, he meets City Kickboxing’s Ulberg (9-1, 5-1 UFC), who seems to be putting it together piece by piece as he works his way up the 205-pound board. To the victor belong the spoils and a number next to their name. Taking charge of the Octagon will be referee Nick Berens, who hopes to not get caught with any errant blows when these two heavy hitters collide. Fists are bumped before they are traded. Menifield charges like a bull to start the fight, marauding forward and swinging his mighty fists with a vengeance. “Atomic Alonzo” lands with a looping right hand but crashes into the cage, and Ulberg turns him around and nails him with a right hook on the temple. A left from Ulberg sends Menifield down to the mat, and Menifield springs back up ready for blood. Both men winging power shots, Ulberg’s cruise missile of a left hand finds its home on the jaw and puts Menifield down in a heap. Berens leaps between them when Menifield hits the deck, and Menifield protests but is holding his head and not entirely with it. Menifield gets back upright, but his knees are wobbly, and his cries fall on deaf ears. This ridiculous fight wraps in less than 15 seconds, and it will clock in the top five at light heavyweight for fastest finishes when the time is official. The victorious Ulberg calls for his placement in the latest video game, while declaring that he will destroy any opponent in the top 10.

The Official Result

Carlos Ulberg def. Alonzo Menifield R1 0:12 via KO (Punches)

Joaquin Buckley (170) vs. Nursulton Ruziboev (170.25)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Buckley (-166), Ruziboev (+140)

Round 1

Ever since moving down to 170 pounds, the 5-foot-8 kickfighter Buckley (18-6, 8-4 UFC) has found a new lease on life, even if he tries to move up a more logjammed division with contenders waiting ages for title shots these days. Looking to crash that party will be Uzbekistan finisher Ruziboev (34-8-2, 2 NC; 2-0 UFC), who has shifted back and forth from welterweight and middleweight over the years. Knowing that one of these men may need smelling salts in the foreseeable future, referee Keith Peterson is ultra-prepped and ready for the nonsense-free proceedings. There is a stern staredown between the two that ultimately results in no touch of gloves. Buckley crowds his way forward to begin, and he backs away from a front kick that is aimed his direction. Buckley shifts to the left and right while trying to find his way in, and Ruziboev is warned for outstretched fingers. Ruziboev reaches with a right hand, and Buckley comes at him swinging. Ruziboev ducks away from a huge overhand left, and he tries to line up straight shots to intercept the shorter man coming in. Ruziboev misses another front kick, and he lets Buckley fly past him when Buckley is winging shots. The crowd starts chanting “USA,” and Buckley absorbs this energy and surges forward, where he takes a flush flying knee to the body and tackles Ruziboev to the ground. Buckley is wrapped up when landing on top, with Ruziboev hooking his arms around Buckley’s to hope for a stalemate that results in a standup. Buckley is pushed away, and he swings when Ruziboev fights back to his feet. Ruziboev returns fire and clips him, and Buckley retreats only to sprint forward and smash straight into Ruziboev’s chest to put him flat on his back. Buckley decides after landing a few strikes to stand back up, and Ruziboev follows him up. Buckley hops away from a front kick and scores a low kick, and his jabs as well out of range. Buckley keeps his guard up to block a high kick, and his blitz of a few looping strikes come up short. Buckley raises his hand in the air as he circles away, and he tells Ruziboev to fight him. Ruziboev motions to come get him, and Buckley answers as he leaps forward throwing wild hooks. Buckley spins with a back kick that is brushed off, and he walks off disappointed. Ruziboev runs at him and jumps with a flying knee, but Buckley is elsewhere as the round concludes.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Buckley

Round 2

Buckley appears to have a fire lit in his belly as he starts the second round, as he races forward and releases a big kick early. Ruziboev retreats and measures Buckley with a right hand. Buckley resets and blazes forward, ripping Ruziboev off of his feet and tossing him down to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Ruziboev uses his offensive guard to kick Buckley off of him, and Buckley allows him to get back up. Ruziboev gets off a right hand that partially connects, and Buckley closes in and lands as body shot. Ruziboev trots forward with his arms outstretched, and he walks into a front kick to the sternum. Buckley chases Ruziboev around and shrugs off a right hand so he can unload with body shots. Buckley takes a flush knee and responds with a right hook that lands cleanly. Buckley is struck with another knee on the way in, and is still struggling to find the range. A side kick from “New Mansa” finds its target, and his guard is high enough to block a straight right hand from his foe. Ruziboev splits the guard with a front kick and hops away from winging hooks that whiz past him. Buckley starts pointing around the cage, and he tries to use this misdirection to charge in and crack his foe. He gets off a big right hand and wrenches Ruziboev down to the mat, slamming him down and landing in side control. Buckley puts a knee on the belly, and Ruziboev pulls him back to guard. Buckley rains down punches, and Ruziboev answers with an armbar that Buckley completely ignores. The round ends, Buckley helps his foe up and they embrace.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Buckley
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Buckley

Round 3

Hands are clapped together to begin the final round. They use alternating jabs to still look for their respective distances, and Buckley leaps forward and pulls back before reaching the target. Buckley has a right hand glance off the target, and Ruziboev replies with a few body shots. Buckley eats a left hand and laughs it off so he can blast Ruziboev in the face with bombs. Buckley knocks Ruziboev off his feet down to his seat, where he moves to top position, and Ruziboev flails frantically with his legs and lands a few upkicks to get Buckley away. Buckley holds on the neck when Ruziboev sits up, and Ruziboev escapes and tries to land some shots. Buckley chases after him and connects with some punishing blows, and Ruziboev goes down again. Buckley leaps on top and begins an onslaught of ground-and-pound when he gets to mount, and he hammers Ruziboev with punches as Ruziboev’s face has been bloodied up. Ruziboev struggles to hang on and grabs the glove to protect himself, so Buckley frames off with his elbow and clobbers him with additional elbows. Ruziboev survives the assault somehow and sweeps the shorter man, and he ignores a triangle setup to move into the half guard so he can blast Buckley with his own offense. Buckley twists and turns, and he explodes to turn Ruziboev over and put him down again. Buckley sits up and jackhammers Ruziboev with right hands, and Peterson is watching closely as Ruziboev’s eye is busted up. Buckley unleashes with everything he has, and Ruziboev responds with several illegal upkicks that land on the spine and the back of the head. Peterson calls time to acknowledge the foul, and Buckley asks for them to be stood up. Ruziboev tries to offer a glove touch, and Buckley shrugs him off. Ruziboev loads up on a head kick, and Buckley walks him down and slugs him in the chops right to the final horn. This matchup somehow has gone the distance, although it is no question who will get their hand raised.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-8 Buckley (30-26 Buckley)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Buckley (30-27 Buckley)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-8 Buckley (30-26 Buckley)

The Official Result

Joaquin Buckley def. Nursulton Ruziboev via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-26, 29-27)

Derrick Lewis (264) vs. Rodrigo Nascimento (265)

BETTING PREVIEW | SCOUTING REPORT | ODDS: Lewis (-148), Nascimento (+124)

Round 1

The UFC heard the constant cries of fans calling for more heavyweight and middleweight main events and made sure to deliver. Despite one victory in his last five go-rounds, Lewis (27-12, 1 NC; 18-10 UFC) is entering into his 12th UFC headliner. He hunts for a concussive victory to extend his knockout record with the promotion, and he has been matched up against Brazilian up-and-comer Nascimento (11-1, 1 NC; 4-1, 1 NC UFC). With seven combined decision wins in their 38 victories, referee Jason Herzog will likely be more than in-cage decoration before the heavyweight headliner is all said and done. With no bad blood between them, the two large gentlemen totaling 529 pounds are summoned to the middle of the cage to bump their extra-large gloves. It’s on with the show. Lewis says hello with a head kick, and when Nascimento comes in towards him, Lewis threatens with an inside trip takedown. Nascimento keeps to his feet as he absorbs a right hand to the side of the head, and he turns Lewis around to the floor. Lewis hits a trip and slams “Yogi Bear” to the ground. Nascimento gets right back up, and Lewis greets him with a knee to the belly. Nascimento tries to take him down in response, but Lewis chucks him to the wall and knees him a few more times for good measure. Nascimento gives him a few knees back to think about, and Lewis elbows him. Nascimento hangs his hands over the fence until Lewis breaks away, and he sneaks in a left hand on the break. Lewis takes a step back to avoid a low kick, and he fires off a jumping switch kick and a swarm of four huge punches. Nascimento ties him up, and Lewis uppercuts and elbows him. Nascimento trips Lewis up and puts him down to the ground, where he looks to get some strikes going on top. Nascimento works the body and head, and he hacks down with a pair of powerful elbows. The Brazilian hammers Lewis with a few more elbows before stepping over to half guard on the other side. Nascimento slashes with elbows until he steps over to full mount, and Lewis explodes at the right time to turn Nascimento over and put the Brazilian on his back. Nascimento clings to his man, holding on to the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Nascimento
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nascimento
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nascimento

Round 2

The heavyweights meet in the middle, and Lewis walks through a low kick to sling two hooks. Nascimento gets off a leg kick, and he walks face-first into a huge right hook from “The Black Beast.” Lewis slugs away until the two end up against the wall, and Nascimento holds on to prevent further offense. Lewis thinks about another takedown as they knee one another in the tie-up, and they jockey for position on the fence. Lewis tries to throw his foe down, but Nascimento keeps his balance and stays upright. Nascimento touches Lewis four times, and Lewis drills him with one far more powerful uppercut. Lewis flirts with another trip, and he lets go of the clinch to unleash a series of hammers. Lewis blasts Nascimento with six punches, and Nascimento desperately clings to him to stop him from landing more. Lewis gets enough space to slash an elbow up top, and he leans on Nascimento. Lewis elbows Nascimento and clobbers the Brazilian with some more heavy punches, and he tries a trip but falls over and gives up his back. Nascimento circles around to take his back, and he gets a hook in. Lewis hand-fights to prevent a submission from coming together, and they turn at the same time so that Lewis is on his back while Nascimento is in half guard. Nascimento grinds down with his elbow immediately, and he sits up and slams it down on Lewis’ face a few times. Nascimento remains on top until the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jay Pettry scores the round: 10-9 Lewis
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Lewis
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Lewis

Round 3

The heavyweights lumber towards one another, and Lewis tosses out a slow low kick and a one-two that all comes up short. A jumping switch kick from “The Black Beast” slaps into the side, and he measures himself and jumps with a knee. This time, Nascimento is ready for this and counters. Lewis gathers himself and unleashes hell with a monstrous one-two that separates Nascimento from his senses. Nascimento, barely still conscious, clings to Lewis’ leg in an attempt to show signs of life to Herzog. Lewis hammerfists Nascimento, turning a bit so that he can get a better angle and pound the fight out with vicious power punches. After around a dozen punctuating blows, Herzog has seen enough, and the UFC’s all-time knockout leader has just gained one more on his mighty ledger. Lewis drops down to his celebratory predator position, and takes his shorts off and fans Nascimento with them. Lewis flops to his back, and he takes his cup out of his undergarments and throws it at the media row—an undisclosed media member catches the groin cup, and he will now have to wash his hands thoroughly. Lewis is not done yet, as he motions to the crowd that he wants to take off his last remaining garb of clothing. After tossing his gloves into the audience, he pulls his shorts down to moon the fans. In his triumphant post-fight interview, Lewis says he’s “getting too old for this s--t” and that commentator Michael Bisping promised him a drink six years ago. Bisping tells Lewis that drinks on him tonight. Next week, the UFC takes back to the Apex, and we will be there for it. We hope you are too.

The Official Result

Derrick Lewis def. Rodrigo Nascimento R3 0:49 via TKO (Punches)

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