

UFC on Fox 8 Results: ‘Johnson vs. Moraga’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from KeyArena in Seattle at approximately 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT with live UFC on Fox 8 play-by-play.

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John Albert vs. Yaotzin Meza

Round 1
Albert comes out slinging low kicks, one of which Meza is able to grab hold of and use to drag the local favorite to the ground. Albert scrambles back to his feet, where he’s met with a guillotine attempt from Meza, who pulls guard in an attempt to finish. Meza loses the choke and surrenders side control to Albert. Two minutes down and Albert sits up to try an armbar. Meza clasps his hands and rolls over, so Albert goes belly-down and continues trying to extend Meza’s left arm. Meza waits it out and extracts his arm to take top position, then socks his opponent with right hands as “Prince Albert” works to establish half-guard. Meza pulls guard again with a guillotine and then rolls into full mount. Albert rolls on top, loosens the choke and survives to hear the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Meza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Meza
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10

Round 2
Meza nearly buckles Albert’s leg with a chopping kick at the start of round two, then Albert drops to guard with a guillotine attempt of his own. Albert loses that and instead throws up a triangle, trapping Meza’s left arm. Meza stacks up and slams Albert but cannot free himself from the choke. Albert keeps working to tighten the choke, wrestling Meza to the ground, but Meza gets free. Albert slumps to the ground and surrenders his back to Meza, who takes back-mount and instantly starts hunting for a rear-naked choke. Meza flattens out Albert, softens him up with some punches and applies the RNC to force the tap. Yaotzin Meza gets the win via submission at 2:49 of round two.

Aaron Riley vs. Justin Salas

Round 1
Riley takes the center of the Octagon while Salas cuts angles and switches stances on the outside. Salas catches Riley leaning in with a hard leg kick inside, then another, and loops a left hook around Riley’s guard. Salas lands a kick to the body and appears to catch a finger in the eye, but the fight continues. A double-leg takedown lands for Salas, but he allows Riley right back up to continue striking. Salas connects with a nice left round kick to the body on the end of a punching combo. One minute left and Riley is still chasing Salas around the perimeter, coming up short on most of his punches. Riley stuffs a single-leg attempt and dodges a flying knee. Salas catches Riley off-balance and knocks him down just before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Salas
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Salas
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Salas

Round 2
The lightweights resume their positions from the previous round, with Riley in the middle and Salas moving around the outside. Salas moves to put Riley on the cage and quickly releases him. A nice left hand from Salas draws an “ooh” from the crowd, and he pushes Riley against the fence again. Referee Randy Corley warns Salas against grabbing Riley’s shorts, and they disengage. Salas catches a high kick, trips Riley to the ground and allows him back up. Riley’s face is a bloody mess from the accumulation of strikes, opened up around the eyes and nose. Salas keeps switching angles, landing punching combos and inside leg kicks as Riley stalks.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Salas
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Salas
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Salas

Round 3
There’s no change from the previous two rounds, as Salas sets up on the outside and allows Riley to chase him with lunging punches. Salas is able to counter and stuff most of Riley’s offense, even grabbing hold of the veteran with the collar-tie to mug Riley with a flurry of punches and knees. Riley, to his credit, keeps trying to jab and kick, but Salas is just too quick. With two minute left in the fight, Riley catches a finger in his right eye and the action is paused. Riley takes just a few seconds to recover and the lightweights get back to work. A leg kick from Riley almost takes the right leg out from underneath Salas, who circles out to avoid being pounced upon. Riley eats a knee and comes forward to slap Salas’ face with a left high kick. Salas glances at the clock with 40 seconds left. Riley tries another kick, misses and waves Salas forward. Riley tries more kicks in the final seconds but can’t find the mark, and this one is headed to the judges’ scorecards.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riley (29-28 Salas)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Riley (29-28 Salas)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Riley (29-28 Salas)

Official result: The judges score the bout 29-28 Salas, 29-28 Riley and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Justin Salas.

Julie Kedzie vs. Germaine de Randamie

Round 1
Kedzie goes for an early single-leg and gets shoved away by the larger Dutchwoman. De Randamie slips to the ground, pops back up and is shoved against the cage. She reverses the position on Kedzie, who begins looking for an outside trip while de Randamie uses head-and-arm control to throw knees to the body. Kedzie gets off a couple knees of her own but cannot get her back off the fence. De Randamie keeps punishing the American’s body with knees until Kedzie finally turns it around halfway through the round. It doesn’t last long, as de Randamie gets Kedzie’s back on the cage again and continues her kneeing assault. They work off the fence and Kedzie catches a body kick, then uses it to put de Randamie on the cage. They trade positions on the outside until 15 seconds are left on the clock and de Randamie explodes out with another half-dozen knees. Kedzie returns to her corner trickling blood from her nose.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 de Randamie

Round 2
De Randamie starts the round with a hard leg kick inside and a stiff jab in Kedzie’s face. She backs Kedzie off with a front kick and just misses with a head kick. A counter right lands over the top for de Randamie, who sticks another inside leg kick and steps out of the way of a Kedzie uppercut. Kedzie lands a nice uppercut in a combo but is quickly backed off by a right hand. Two minutes into the round, Kedzie plows de Randamie down to the base of the fence with a single-leg. Kedzie works from half-guard, leaning right to left on de Randamie, but the cage is blocking her pass on the right. Kedzie frames up an arm-triangle, releases and sits up to land a couple short left hands. In the final seconds of the round, Kedzie drops punches and elbows to de Randamie’s body while the American Kickboxing Academy product shrugs her arms from underneath.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kedzie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kedzie
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 de Randamie

Round 3
De Randamie gets in a couple more knees as the bantamweights once again clinch up and move toward the fence. She turns Kedzie around and start working the Greg Jackson student with more knees to the body. Kedzie breaks out with three minutes left in the fight and lunges at de Randamie with long punches. De Randamie gets out of the way and snipes back with a right straight. Kedzie gets inside and lands a hard knee to the body, answered by a partially blocked head kick from de Randamie. Another takedown attempt from Kedzie is stuffed, and de Randamie follows it up with a cracking right hand that keeps Kedzie on the outside. Kedzie misses with a wheel kick and has another shot denied. De Randamie counters a lunging combo from Kedzie with a left high kick. Kedzie catches a leg kick and hits a takedown with 40 seconds remaining. It’s full guard this time for Kedzie, but she’s still having trouble landing ground-and-pound on the larger woman. De Randamie gets the better of the offense in the closing seconds with elbows and punches off her back.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (29-28 de Randamie)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (29-28 de Randamie)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (30-27 de Randamie)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27 de Randamie, 29-28 Kedzie and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Germaine de Randamie.

Ed Herman vs. Trevor Smith

Round 1
The start of the bout is delayed briefly as referee Herb Dean has to remove a piece of tape from Herman’s right-hand glove. When they begin, Smith walks through a hook from Herman to clinch on the fence. Herman has his back to the fence but is getting the better early as he hits Smith with uppercuts and knees to the body. Smith answers back with knees of his own and turns the tide as he gets in the harder strikes. Herman is eating some hard knees, and he gets socked with a big left hand as the middleweights split. Herman comes back with a left hook that seems to wobble Smith, but the Strikeforce import stays on his feet. An uppercut lands for Herman, but he walks right into another hook from Smith. Now it’s Herman who appears to be dazed, but Smith doesn’t pounce. They’re just trading huge shots, Herman walking through a hook to score with another uppercut that hurts Smith again. They clinch up and Smith drills Herman’s body with knees while “Short Fuse” keeps landing his uppercut. They break with one minute left in what has been a very busy opening round. Herman is on the charge, stalking forward on Smith with big left hooks and lead uppercuts. Herman goes to his right hand and scores with an uppercut and a hook as they clinch again. The round ends and Smith is sporting a cut on the inside of his right eye.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Herman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Herman
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10

Round 2
Smith lands a kick to the body and appears to connect with one up top, but Herman walks straight through it to drop “Hot Sauce” with a left uppercut. Smith falls to his knees and Herman sprawls out as he grabs hold of Smith’s neck in north-south position. Smith explodes out of the bad position and catches Herman with a kick as they stand. Herman is still coming forward, landing lefts, when Smith grabs hold and puts the “Ultimate Fighter” veteran on the cage. Herman reverses the position and exits with a nice one-two. Herman motions to referee Dean that he was poked in the eye, but the fight continues. It happens again 15 seconds later and Dean warns Smith to keeps his hands closed. Both middleweights are still swinging for the fences, with Herman ripping into Smith’s body with a knee and a hook. They tie up on a cage post and Herman scores with his uppercut again before being turned around. Smith cracks Herman with a short right in close quarters. Herman hits a takedown to side-control, though his head is caught under Smith’s right arm as Herman leans left to right, and that’s how the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Herman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Herman
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Herman

Round 3
Smith connects with a right hook before Herman gets inside on a shot and plows Smith to the canvas. Smith grabs a guillotine on his way down and tries to crank it as Herman works from half-guard. Herman pops his head free and frames up an arm-triangle choke from deep half-guard. He doesn’t appear to be in a position to finish, but Herman squeezes the choke nonetheless. Ninety seconds into the round, Herman releases and Smith is able to power back to his feet. Midway through the final round, both guys are looking spent, their hands hanging by their sides. Smith tries to clinch up and winds up with his back pressed against the fence. Herman releases and they resume striking, where Smith lands a glancing left hand before catching Herman on the cup with a high leg kick. Herman only takes a few seconds to recover, and ref Dean issues Smith a warning. Herman dives on a single-leg, can’t get it and instead muscles Smith against the cage to land some more uppercuts. Smith drills Herman’s body with a pair of knees, and they split with 25 seconds left. Smith lands an outside leg kick, countered by a left hook from Herman before the final horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Herman (30-27 Herman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Herman (30-27 Herman)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Herman (30-28 Herman)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27 Smith, 30-27 Herman and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Ed Herman.

Yves Edwards vs. Daron Cruickshank

Round 1
Cruickshank moves clockwise around the outside, flinging kicks to the body and head of southpaw Edwards in the center. Edwards backs him away with a head kick of his own, but Cruickshank quickly resumes his movement along the perimeter. Cruickshank goes to the body and lead leg of Edwards with chopping kicks, then keeps moving. Edwards is pushing forward, connecting with sporadic punches and kicks as he tries to close in on the slippery Cruickshank. Now punches come from Cruickshank, quick, popping shots to the ribs and head of Edwards. The veteran keeps coming forward and lands a couple leg kicks, coming up short with punches as Cruickshank counters with kicks. Edwards ducks under a spinning kick and explodes on Cruickshank with one final flurry of punches at the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edwards
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edwards
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Edwards

Round 2
Cruickshank takes his spot on the outside, again countering Edwards’ combinations with kicks to the body. Good head movement by the “Detroit Superstar” as he catches and dips out of the way of punches from Edwards. A left round kick slaps Edwards’ head, then a harder one with Cruickshank’s right leg backs Edwards away. At the halfway point of the bout, Edwards lunges in and puts a straight left on Cruickshank’s chin. Cruickshank catches his man coming in with a sniping left hand, answered by Edwards with a pair of punches. Cruickshank pushes Edwards away with a front side-kick, has a spinning back-fist blocked. A one-two lands for Cruickshank, but Edwards gets the last word in the round with a kick to the right side of Cruickshank’s body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edwards
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cruickshank
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Cruickshank

Round 3
Edwards is looking to get in Cruickshank’s face with punches and body kicks as the third round begins. Cruickshank is still moving around the outside, trying to counter Edwards. Cruickshank misses an axe kick, connects with a round kick up top. Edwards blocks the next two kicks with his arms and comes back with an inside leg kick. It’s all pressure from Edwards, who continues to scoot Cruickshank around the outer portion of the cage. Edwards slaps the backside of Cruickshank’s lead leg with a pair of hard kicks, then goes inside. Edwards is doing well to dodge almost all of Cruickshank’s offense in this round, which is coming mainly in the form of kicks and knees. With 30 seconds left, Cruickshank goes for a single-leg and is shoved away by Edwards. Another hard leg kick lands for Edwards, Cruickshank sticks a right hand on Edwards’ body, and that’s where it ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cruickshank (29-28 Edwards)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edwards (29-28 Edwards)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Edwards (29-28 Edwards)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27 Cruickshank, 30-27 Edwards and 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Daron Cruickshank.

Melvin Guillard vs. Mac Danzig

Round 1
Danzig pushes forward on Guillard early, gets backed away by a long jab. A slapping inside leg kick lands for Danzig, so Guillard gives him a hard one back on the outside. Guillard grazes Danzig on the back end of a left jab-right straight combo, then pushes him against the fence. Danzig escapes after Guillard puts a forearm across his throat. Guillard keeps him at bay with a jab, a leg kick and a right hand. Another hard leg kick lands for the “Young Assassin,” and the lightweights clinch on the fence again. Guillard repeats the forearm across Danzig’s throat before quickly exiting with a right hand. Danzig pushes forward again, lands a leg kick then gets backed away with some snappy jabs from Guillard. Still posted on the outside, Guillard continues to pump the jab before Danzig rushes in to clinch. Guillard shoves him off and resumes striking, crouched in a boxing stance and willingly backing up toward the fence to lure Danzig in. Off the fence comes Guillard to land a left, but Danzig returns fire with a pair of punches to the body. Guillard finishes the round with a thumping kick to Danzig’s body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guillard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Guillard
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Guillard

Round 2
Guillard has a high kick blocked but follows up with a pair of left hands on Danzig’s cheek. Danzig moves in to clinch and then spins to take Guillard’s back, and Guillard fights the hands to escape. Guillard pulls up short on a Superman punch, gets tapped with a jab and comes back to sting Danzig with a right straight. Danzig is bloodied on the bridge of his nose as he continues pressing forward. Guillard counters a Danzig kick with a hard right over the top, then punishes Danzig’s right side with a body kick. Another right lands for Guillard on the counter before he steps in and puts a short left hook on Danzig’s chin. Danzig’s legs go out from under him, and he tries to roll from his knees to his back as Guillard pounces with punches. Guillard traps the right arm and bashes his opponent’s unprotected face with hammer fists, turning out Danzig’s lights and forcing referee Steve Newport into action. Melvin Guillard scores a crushing knockout at 2:47 of round two.

Danny Castillo vs. Tim Means

Round 1
Castillo strikes first with a long punch to the body of the taller man, but Means catches him off-balance with a hooking punch and tries to capitalize. Castillo reverses the momentum to take top position, and Means keeps busy off his back, slapping at Castillo’s head with punches and palm strikes. Castillo grabs a can opener and scoots Means toward the fence while trapped in a body triangle. Means switches to closed guard and hits Castillo with body punches, while Castillo keeps hold of the can opener and drops elbows. Means gets back to his feet with 1:40 remaining, but Castillo maintains back control and drags Means back to the ground. Castillo tries to take back control and Means slips out, then cracks Castillo with a knee as they stand. Castillo hits another takedown with 45 left on the clock and spends the remainder of the round roughing up means with grinding ground-and-pound.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Castillo

Round 2
Means is able to stuff a takedown attempt and hit Castillo with a knee on the way out. The “Dirty Bird” moves backwards to dodge wide punches from Castillo, who can’t find the range, despite repeated attempts. Means flicks some jabs in Castillo’s face as the action slows midway through the round. With 90 seconds left in the frame, Castillo drives forward and uses a waist lock to trip Means to the canvas. Means closes up guard and slaps at Castillo’s ears before using a butterfly guard to push him away. Castillo takes the back as Means scrambles up, dumps Means back to the floor but can’t keep him there, as Means stands up just before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Means
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Means

Round 3
Means slips a punch, slugs Castillo with a leg kick, then gets tagged with a pair of wide punches as Castillo moves back in. Castillo wants to clinch but Means comes off the fence and flicks backhands as Castillo from a distance. Means puts a good left hook on Castillo’s body, then steps in with one knee to the body and two to the head. Castillo stumbles backwards but appears to recover quickly, as he clips the incoming Means with a right. An overhand left from Castillo lands on the temple of Means, who shakes it off and waves Castillo forward. Means catches Castillo leaning and drills the wrestler with a knee. Castillo comes in to tie up and moves from the back to a single-leg. Means is taken down but immediately rolls Castillo and moves into side control. Means stands with one minute left and grabs hold of Castillo’s legs, then leans in to slug him with a left. Another left comes as Means leaps down and Castillo eats it to stand up. Means catches Castillo coming in with a knee to the body, and this is headed to the judges for what is likely to be another narrow decision.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Means (29-28 Castillo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Means (29-28 Means)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Means (29-28 Means)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Danny Castillo.

Jorge Masvidal vs. Michael Chiesa

Round 1
Chiesa sticks a left hand down the middle and then drives on a single-leg, pushing Masvidal against the cage. Masvidal hops on one leg and uses his back against the fence to defend, and he nearly takes Chiesa’s back as the two move to grapple on the ground. They work back up and Masvidal puts Chiesa’s back to the fence, where Chiesa drops Masvidal with a surprise right. Chiesa catches the wounded Masvidal on his knees and tries to lock up a modified guillotine, but Masvidal somehow pops his head free and comes back to damage Chiesa with punches on the fence. Chiesa keeps the seesaw action going by slugging Masvidal with a right and clinching up. Masvidal turns it around and releases, then Chiesa makes him regret it by striking with a speedy two-punch combo down the middle. Chiesa blasts Masvidal with a left straight behind a body kick, but Masvidal keeps inching forward, trying to counter with hard hooks. Masvidal catches Chiesa leaning in with a knee to the body. He starts to close in on the bearded local, so Chiesa explodes out with punches. In the last 15 seconds, Masvidal lands a big right up top and a left to the liver.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Chiesa
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chiesa
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Chiesa

Round 2
Chiesa takes 25 seconds before moving in on a double-leg and plowing Masvidal to the mat. Masvidal bounces back up with the help of the fence, then drops back down as he traps Chiesa in a deep guillotine choke. Masvidal rolls to his back and things appear dire for a moment, until Chiesa pops free and drives on a single-leg. Masvidal goes over the top and blasts Chiesa with a right hook, a left, then a right to the body. Masvidal catches a kick and Chiesa goes to his back, halfway through the round. It’s slow going for the first 20 seconds, but Masvidal unloads with right hands that have Chiesa covering up. Chiesa gets to his knees and Masvidal punishes the body with a knee. Chiesa rolls to his back again, but things aren’t much better there, as Masvidal is just unloading with both hands. Back to the knees goes Chiesa, and now Masvidal is framing up a brabo choke with 30 seconds remaining. With 15 seconds on the clock, Masvidal rolls him over and tightens the choke. This time, it appears Chiesa will survive, but his squirming tightens the choke and Chiesa taps out a split-second before the horn sounds. The official time of Jorge Masvidal’s submission win is 4:59 of round two.

Liz Carmouche vs. Jessica Andrade

Round 1
Andrade looks to touch gloves, but Carmouche wants none of it. Both women start swinging and Carmouche connects with a knee before shoving Andrade against the fence with underhooks. Carmouche switches to a double-leg and takes Andrade to the floor, then moves straight to side control. Andrade rolls to her knees and stalls out, allowing Carmouche to sock her in the ribs and head. The 135ers stand up, now 90 seconds into the bout, and Carmouche muscles Andrade into the fence again. Andrade grabs a loose guillotine but releases as Carmouche trips her to the ground. Carmouche passes from half-guard to side control on Andrade’s left. Andrade slips out and stands with Carmouche in a fireman’s carry, slams her down and socks the Strikeforce vet with a couple quick punches. Carmouche drives forward and Andrade goes to guard with another guillotine. This one looks tight, but Carmouche stays calm and knees Andrade’s posterior and she defends the choke from guard with half a minute remaining. Carmouche keeps kneeing and survives to see round two.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Andrade
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Carmouche

Round 2
Carmouche backs Andrade away with a front kick, but the Brazilian comes back with a combination that pulls up short. A huge double-leg takedown from Carmouche has Andrade struggling to maintain her guard. Carmouche moves to full mount and sits up to pummel Andrade with both hands. Andrade gives up her back and absorbs more punches before Carmouche decides to try for a rear-naked choke. The choke isn’t under Andrade’s chin, so she’s able to escape. It’s out of the frying pan and into the fire, however, as Carmouche is quickly in mount, then back-mount, where she brutalizes Andrade with elbows and punches. Ref Herb Dean is telling Andrade to fight back as Carmouche continues her assault from a high mount. Andrade offers a few weak punches to Carmouche’s body, enough to keep her in the fight momentarily. She rolls over and Carmouche bashes away from the back, now with 90 seconds left in the round. Andrade rolls to her back again, and a few more punches from Carmouche are all Dean needs to see. Liz Carmouche gets a decisive win via TKO at 3:57 of round two.

Robbie Lawler vs. Bobby Voelker

Round 1
Voelker goes around the outside with a looping left and the southpaw Lawler comes back with a quick left hook. An inside leg kick goes for Voelker, answered by a Lawler body kick. Lawler hits an effortless takedown to half-guard and begins thumping Voelker with lefts. Voelker scrambles up and is pinned against the cage, where Lawler hits him with a hard kneed to the gut. Another knee from Lawler as he tries to slip around the back, can’t, and resumes holding Voelker on the fence. Voelker is spraying blood from his nose as Lawler backs up to jack his jaw with an uppercut. Voelker comes over the top with a left hand which Lawler ducks and counters with another uppercut. Lawler lands another left and Voelker wipes at the blood around his right eye. A partially landed head kick backs Voelker off with 90 seconds left in the first frame. Another left high kick hits Voelker’s arm and head, and Lawler follows this one with a flying knee. Lawler hits a standing elbow and takes a kick to the body. He’s just picking at Voelker, who is swinging back with wild punches in between pawing at the blood on his face. Lawler closes out the round with another flying knee and a punch to the body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawler
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawler
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Lawler

Round 2
Lawler gets clipped on the chin with a short left and slips on a counterpunch, but he manages to stay on his feet. A few seconds later, he catches Voelker leaning right and blasts him with a clean left high kick, shin to temple. Voelker hits the ground dazed and Lawler seals the deal with a couple more punches. Referee Dan Miragliotta waves this one off just 24 seconds into round two, giving Robbie Lawler the win via head-kick knockout.

Jake Ellenberger vs. Rory MacDonald

Round 1
The rangy MacDonald keeps Ellenberger on the end of jabs and kicks early on. Ellenberger explodes forward with a pair of ill-intentioned punches which MacDonald slips. Ninety seconds in and neither man is letting go, both welterweight feinting and changing levels to lure the other. Ellenberger slaps with a body kick under MacDonald’s armpit, then ducks in and stuffs a left in the Canadian’s face. Three minutes in, the Seattle crowd starts to boo. MacDonald has a right high kick blocked, sticks a couple jabs and pushes off with a front kick. Ellenberger tries a front kick and swings with a pair of hooks that comes up short. Thirty seconds left in what has been a tentative first round, and Ellenberger has a pair of left hooks go off MacDonald’s hands. MacDonald gets Ellenberger to bite on a feint, puts a jab in the wrestler’s face, but can’t finish a trip takedown before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 MacDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 MacDonald

Round 2
MacDonald strikes with a front kick to open the round, then backs away from an Ellenberger jab. More boos from the crowd as the welterweights are still hesitant to engage after nearly six minutes. MacDonald pops a jab on Ellenberger, who lands a counter hook on the exit. MacDonald whips a front kick up the middle that has Ellenberger wiping his nose. Two minutes in, Ellenberger shoots a double which MacDonald snuffs out with his back to the fence. MacDonald continues to put his lead left hand on Ellenberger’s face, now halfway through the fight. MacDonald changes levels and this time Ellenberger stands him up, though the American is unable to land any offense on the split. MacDonald slaps his man with a right high kick and matadors Ellenberger again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 MacDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 MacDonald
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 MacDonald

Round 3
MacDonald continues his methodical approach in the third round, creeping on Ellenberger and picking him apart with jabs and kicks, while also keeping the “Juggernaut” guessing with high kicks. Ellenberger hits a jab, comes over the top with a glancing left and eats another pair of jabs. MacDonald slips on a kick but pops up before Ellenberger can capitalize. MacDonald is bleeding out the nose now, and he’s set up on the outside to allow Ellenberger to be the aggressor. There’s not much aggression coming with under two minutes remaining, so MacDonald comes off the fence to resume jabbing. Ellenberger clips MacDonald with a left hook in an exchange, then grazes with a right and comes in to plow down MacDonald with a double-leg. Forty seconds left and Ellenberger works from MacDonald’s butterfly guard. MacDonald is doing well to control the head and hands of Ellenberger, effectively neutralizing the top position in the last half minute.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (30-28 MacDonald)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (30-27 MacDonald)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 MacDonald (30-27 MacDonald)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27, 29-28 and 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Rory MacDonald.

Demetrious Johnson vs. John Moraga

Round 1
Referee Herb Dean is the third man in charge of tonight’s UFC flyweight title bout, with judges Sal D’Amato, Lester Griffin and Chris Lee scoring at cageside. The champion Johnson starts on the outside while challenger Moraga tries to get into striking range. There’s a little give-and-take before Moraga slaps at Johnson’s body with a kick, misses with a left hand lays a shin across the champ’s breadbasket. Johnson moves forward now, landing counters when Moraga tries to clinch. Midway through the round, Moraga grabs hold of the speedy champ and pushes him against the fence. Johnson quickly reverses and hits a double-leg with two minutes left. “Mighty Mouse” pops his head free from a loose guillotine and now leans right to left in side control, dropping elbows on Moraga and prompting the challenger to work to regain guard. Johnson doesn’t allow it and sits up in deep half-guard to sock Moraga with a right. As they scramble up, Johnson gets a front headlock and uses it to control Moraga in the last 20 seconds, trying for a guillotine just before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 2
Johnson lands a couple leg kicks inside before flooring Moraga with another powerful double-leg 30 seconds into the round. The champ stands up and shucks Moraga’s legs to pass on the left side. Johnson has a mounted crucifix for a brief moment and is able to drop four or five hard punches before Moraga squirms free. Switching tact, Johnson puts knees on Moraga’s body, but he nearly pays the price when Moraga whips up his legs for a reverse triangle attempt. Johnson gets his head loose and goes back to side control, leaning across to isolate Moraga’s left arm for a kimura. Moraga gets his arm free and stands, but he gives up his back in the process and he’s slammed right back to the ground seconds later. Moraga stands again and holds Johnson on the fence with a single-leg, now with 90 seconds left in the round. Johnson gets free, hits a leg kick and then drives Moraga to the mat, again moving straight to side control. Moraga regains half-guard, so Johnson tries a kimura from that position instead. He loses it and sits up and finish the round dropping ground-and-pound on Moraga.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 3
Moraga comes over the top in the opening moments of round three and lands a punch that has Johnson backing up. The champ comes right back, but Moraga appears to be finding his range a bit now and even gets Johnson to bite on a feint. Johnson puts an end to that with another big takedown in the middle of the cage¸ followed by another pass to side control. Moraga gives up his back, but Johnson can’t get his hooks in and Moraga stands up. Moraga looks angry as he rushes Johnson into the fence with a standing elbow and a knee, then holds the champ there with a body lock. Moraga hits a trip and appears to be on his way to top position before Johnson turns him over in mid-air and goes to side control. Again, Johnson leans right to left and sets up a kimura on Moraga’s far arm. Moraga slips out when Johnson overcommits, and this time the challenger is able to successfully complete a takedown. Johnson is quickly back to his feet, where he dodges a spinning kick from Moraga before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 4
Moraga grazes Johnson with a wide left and takes a kick to the body before being taken down by the champion. From north-south position, Johnson spins to take the back; he can’t secure it and instead allows Moraga to stand, slapping the challenger with a kick to the body in the process. Johnson switches stances as he moves in and out, popping Moraga with quick kicks and knees. Another takedown lands for Johnson midway through the round. Moraga scrambles up, right into the clinch of Johnson, who continues his work with knees to the gut. Moraga goes to his knees and eats a knee to the face at the same time; referee Dean doesn’t call a foul and they fight on. Johnson stands and puts more knees on the body of Moraga before the challenger can stand. Thirty seconds left and Moraga rocks the champ’s head with a nice counter right hook; Johnson drives through it to hit a takedown and finish the round on top, but the right hand from Moraga has the champ leaking blood from his nose.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 5
Johnson’s nose is still bleeding as he leaves his corner for the final round. He moves around in front of his challenger for 40 seconds before committing to a takedown and flooring Moraga in the center of the cage. Moraga gets up, is dumped back to the canvas and goes to his knees in an attempt to stand again. Johnson latches on to the challenger’s head and right arm in north-south position, possibly looking for a brabo or anaconda choke, but Moraga powers up. Johnson hits another takedown, this time with about three minutes left in the fight. Johnson leans left to right in side-control and drops stapling elbows on Moraga’s face. Now working in the opposite direction, Johnson tries once again for a kimura. Instead of finishing there, Johnson steps over Moraga’s head and stretches out for an armbar on the right side. With both of his arms under Johnson’s control, Moraga verbally submits and referee Herb Dean waves this one off. The end comes at 3:43 of round five -- the latest finish in UFC history -- and Demetrious Johnson retains his UFC flyweight title.

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