

WEC 29 Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas with live play-by-play of WEC 29, which features Paulo Filho (Pictures) versus Joe Doerksen (Pictures) for the vacant middleweight title and welterweight champion Carlos Condit (Pictures) vs. challenger Brock Larson (Pictures).

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Blas Avena (Pictures) vs. Tiki Ghosn (Pictures)
Round 1
Blas looked for a takedown right away and achieved it on his second attempt and went straight to mount. Tiki immediately gave up his back and fought off a rear naked choke before escaping. Again Blas forced Tiki to roll over, but this time he sunk his arm under his chin and forced a tap at 1:01 from a rear naked choke.

Steve Cantwell (Pictures) vs. Justin McElfresh (Pictures)
Round 1
Cantwell rocked McElfresh early on with a left hook that staggered the taller fighter before catching him with another. A wobbly McElfresh stepped forward to clinch where he was met with another left hand and a crushing knee to the body. Cantwell then opened up and landed a three punch combo that sent McElfresh face first to the mat where he covered up until "Big" John McCarthy stepped in at 0:47 of the opening period.

Logan Clark (Pictures) vs. Eric Schambari (Pictures)
Round 1
Schambari took the fight to the floor early in the round with a double-leg. Logan, from his guard, was offensive for the duration of the frame, going for an omaplata and a triangle choke. Schambari defended but did not do enough to take the round on the Sherdog.com scorecard. 10-9 for Logan Clark.

Round 2
More of the same in the second. Schambari scored a quick takedown and found himself on top for most of the round, but it was Clark who did more damage. Clark landed two upkicks that landed solidly, and went for a gogoplata and an armbar that nearly finished Schambari. 10-9 for Clark.

Round 3 A fatigued Schambari turned it up a bit in the third and took mount shortly after securing a takedown. Schambari looked content with the position, as he did not attempt to rain strikes downward or look for a submission, but it was enough to take the round on Sherdog.com's scorecard. All three judges disagree with the .com scorecard, and award the fight to Eric Schambari, 29-28.

Justin Robbins (Pictures) vs. Antonio Banuelos (Pictures)
Round 1
Robbins hit nothing but air on an attempted left leg headkick that caused him to stumble to the mat. Banuelos quickly took advantage of the opportunity and jumped into his guard with strikes. Throughout the round, Antonio Banuelos dove in with ground-and-pound from guard and half-guard, fighting off Robbins as he looked for several up-kicks and a lazy guillotine. 10-9 for Banuelos.

Round 2
Round two sees the pace slow. Robbins came out working kicks, while Banuelos stayed on the outside, trying to find his range. Banuelos caught a kick to the body about 90 seconds in and tripped Robbins to the mat, where the contest stayed until the end of the round with Banuelos in control. 10-9 for Antonio Banuelos.

Round 3
Both fighters looked to work from the clinch in the final stage, trading knees and tight dirty boxing. Banuelos then brought the crowd to its feet with a strong throw that sent Robbins to the canvas head over heels. From here, Banuelos dominated the rest of the round with ground-and-pound from half-guard and side-control. Robbins' right eye was bleeding as the horn sounded. 10-9 for Banuelos. The judges score the contest 30-26 and 30-27 (twice) for Antonio Banuelos.

Hiromitsu Miura (Pictures) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (Pictures)
Round 1
Miura scored a takedown early in the frame but he couldn't do anything with it, as Gonzales was able to quickly get to his feet. Miura then landed a straight right that sent Gonzales to the canvas, but he recovered quickly enough to get half-guard and defend. Miura looked for a keylock and an armbar before the round ended. 10-9 for Miura.

Round 2
Miura put Gonzalez away in the second with a flying knee and strikes. Miura started the round with a failed head kick before exchanging strikes with his opponent. Just as Gonzalez dropped levels for a takedown, Miura exploded into a left flying knee that caught him flush. From here, Miura went for an arm triangle before taking his back momentarily. Gonzalez escaped but was taken back to the canvas where he tapped to a barrage of left hands at 3:35 of the stanza.

Jamie Varner (Pictures) vs. Sherron Leggett (Pictures)
Round 1
Leggett opened up early with a sloppy right hand lead and a single-leg attempt, which was stuffed by Varner. The UFC veteran closed the distance and slammed Leggett hard to the canvas. Leggett worked back to his feet where he was slammed directly onto his head. Varner tried to pounce but he landed strikes to the back of Leggett's head, prompting referee Steve Mazzagatti to take a point from Varner. Leggett, who was not injured by the foul, was quickly taken back down to the floor by a slick single-leg. Varner, by this point, sporting a mouse on his forehead, took Leggett's back and pounded away with elbows and right hands until Mazagatti stepped in to halt the contest at the 4:08 mark.

Jeff Curran (Pictures) vs. Stephen Ledbetter
Round 1
Ledbetter got the action started with a left kick to the body. Curran answered with a right hand that floored his opponent. Ledbetter recovered to push the action against the cage. Curran fired his right hand before switching positions against the fence. Ledbetter tripped Curran to the canvas and worked punches to the body and a shoulder punch. Ledbetter again took the fight to the floor after referee Yves Lavigne restarted the action to standing. Sherdog.com sees the close round 10-9 for Ledbetter.

Round 2
Curran opened up with his hands early in the second, landing an overhand right and a shot to the body. Ledbetter wanted none of the standup, as he dropped levels and secured a fast double-leg. Curran worked back to his feet, where he went to work on the body with punches and a knee. Curran lands an outside leg kick and hops away just as Ledbetter attempts a tackle. Ledwetter is successful on his later attempt and starts to work from Curran's guard. Curran slaps on a tight triangle choke, but Ledbetter was saved by the bell. 10-9 for Curran.

Round 3
Curran snaps Ledbetter's head back with a crisp jab early in the final stage. Seconds later, he answers a Ledbetter flurry with a left hand. After absorbing a crushing body kick, Ledbetter scored a gutsy single-leg as Curran attempted to bounce. Ledbetter again took the fight to the mat after Lavigne restarted the action. Curran fought back to his knees where he locks on a reverse triangle and a Kimura on the exposed arm. Ledbetter escaped but was caught in another triangle when the final horn sounded. 10-9 for Curran. The official scores read 30-27 and 29-28 (twice) for the winner, Jeff Curran.

Paulo Filho (Pictures) vs. Joe Doerksen (Pictures)
Round 1
Both fighters traded low kicks in the opening minute. Filho shot first with a strong single, but the Canadian had none of it. Filho's second attempt was more successful however, as he caught a Doerksen knee while in the clinch and took the action to the canvas. Doerksen quickly escaped and tagged Filho with a few punches before being pushed back to the cage. Filho opened up with his hands and caught Doerksen with a right and a left haymaker. He continued the sloppy onslaught until John McCarthy showed mercy and stopped the bout at the 4:07 mark.

Carlos Condit (Pictures) vs. Brock Larson (Pictures)
Round 1
The challenger tripped the champion to the canvas in the first minute of the welterweight title bout, but was greeted by an up-kick. Larson then went to his knees where he started to strike. Condit, showing excellent technique, went straight to an armbar where he forced a tapout to the painful hold at 2:21 of the first.

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