

World Series of Fighting 5 Results: ‘Arlovski vs. Kyle’ Play-by-Play & Updates

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Sherdog.com reports from Atlantic City, N.J., with live World Series of Fighting 5 updates.


Neiman Gracie vs. Darren Costa

Round 1

Costa charges on Gracie and looks to hold him on the fence, but the BJJ black belt is quick to reverse the position and uses underhooks to pull Costa to the ground. Gracie winds up on the bottom after pulling guard, and Costa postures up to land some solid punches through Gracie’s guard. Costa stands up and referee Gasper Oliver tells Gracie to get back on his feet. Now it’s Gracie trying to wrap up, and he runs into a left hand from Costa before being shoved against the cage. Costa works some lefts to the body and changes levels to try a double-leg which goes nowhere. Gracie comes forward and gets clipped with another big left hook, then again has his back put on the fence. Gracie lands a knee up the middle and grabs a body lock, then spins Costa to the mat away from the fence with 90 seconds left. Costa tries to flip Gracie over the top and leaves his right arm exposed, and Gracie instantly applies a textbook armbar. Costa tries to bridge and escape, but the hold is in too deep and he’s forced to tap out.

The Official Result

Neiman Gracie def. Darren Costa via Submission (Armbar) R1 3:57

Ozzy Dugulubgov vs. Andrew Osborne

Round 1

Both men come out swinging kicks early in this 160-pound catchweight bout, with the southpaw Dugulubgov connecting with the harder shots. Osborne steps in to strike and eats a punch, but Dugulubgov slips on a follow-up kick and has to scramble back to his feet. Dugulubgov sticks a hard left straight down the middle and has a high kick blocked. A spinning back-kick to the body knocks Osborne to the ground, and Dugulubgov rushes in to hold his opponent on the fence. Osborne gets an arm inside to push Dugulubgov away and return to the center of the cage. Dugulubgov catches a kick and just misses as he launches a murderous overhand right. They close out the round with more flashy kicks, neither man landing anything significant.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dugulubgov
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dugulubgov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dugulubgov

Round 2

Anthony Geathers

Dugulubgov showed he's a leg man.
Dugulubgov lands a hard kick to the cup of Osborne in the first 30 seconds of round two. Osborne falls to the ground in agony, while ref Bill Bookwalter issues Dugulubgov a stern warning for the clearly accidental foul. Osborne takes the better part of his allotted five minutes to recover, but action eventually resumes. When it does, Dugulubgov knocks Osborne to the ground with a glancing counter left. Dugulubgov leans back, grabs hold of Osborne’s left leg and stretches out a fight-ending Achilles lock.

The Official Result

Ozzy Dugulubgov def. Andrew Osborne via Submission (Achilles Lock) R2 1:12

Gregor Gracie vs. Richard Patishnock

Round 1

Patishnock sets up on the outside, cutting angles near the cage; Gracie creeps forward in the southpaw stance. After 40 seconds, Gracie closes the gap and hits an easy double-leg, but Patishnock is quickly back on his feet. Gracie holds his man on the fence with underhooks until Patishnock begins throwing knees and escapes. Patishnock throws low just as Gracie changes levels to shoot, and the result is a hard kick that lands right on Gracie’s cup. Gracie is in pain, writhing on the ground, but he refuses a visit from the cageside physician and the fight resumes after nearly five minutes. Patishnock stuffs a trip takedown, almost has his back taken in the scramble and winds up against the fence. Gracie lands a knee right on Patishnock’s groin, and Patishnock takes about a minute to recover. Action resumes with less than two minutes left in the round, and Patishnock gets busy with chopping leg kicks. Gracie counters one with a hard left straight, but Patishnock goes right back to leg-kicking and then drops Gracie with a short right hand. Patishnock briefly drops ground-and-pound from the standing position, then opts to let Gracie stand. Knees and punches from Patishnock have Gracie in danger, trapped against the cage. Patishnock is coming on strong at round’s end, but he slips on a kick and finishes the frame trapped in an arm-triangle choke.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Patishnock
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Patishnock
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Patishnock

Round 2

Gracie misses wide with a left hook, but clips Patishnock with a good right uppercut at the end of a combo. Patishnock charges forward with four or five long punches which miss as Gracie backpedals away. A leg kick takes the base out from under Gracie, but Patishnock won’t chase him down. Patishnock is scoring with body kicks, each one causing Gracie to fall a few steps back and drop his hands. In fact, whenever Patishnock comes forward, Gracie’s defense is to wheel away to the other side of the cage. Gracie walks forward now, hits Patishnock with a solid left high kick and then gets another takedown. Patishnock won’t stay down and gets up to press Gracie against the fence with 90 seconds to go. Patishnock drives a pair of knees into Gracie’s midsection, follows up with a short right hand to the face. Gracie throws peppering punches with both hands until Patishnock jacks his jaw with an uppercut inside and releases. Patishnock tries a double-leg at the end of the round and gets sprawled on.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Patishnock
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Patishnock
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Patishnock

Round 3

Patishnock turns away a takedown attempt from Gracie, whose movement around the perimeter of the cage has slowed significantly by the start of the final frame. Clean strikes are few and far between through the first half of the round.

A. Geathers

Patishnock used his standup to double up
on Gracie in the WSOF cage.
Patishnock slugs the Brazilian with three or four right hands as Gracie turns to sprint away. Patishnock denies another double-leg try from Gracie, who then misses a front kick and pops Patishnock with a straight left. Patishnock throws Gracie over the top on the next takedown attempt. Gracie tries to grab at the legs while Patishnock stands up, but it’s late in the fight and Patishnock slips right out. Gracie lands another straight left and taps Patishnock’s chin with a front kick just before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Patishnock (30-27 Patishnock)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Patishnock (30-27 Patishnock)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Patishnock (30-27 Patishnock)

The Official Result

Richard Patishnock def. Gregor Gracie via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sidemar Honorio vs. Jimmie Rivera

Round 1

Rivera opens up with a pair of hard right hooks as he walks down Honorio, who responds with outside low kicks. Honorio ducks the next punch from Rivera and slugs back with a right hook on the button which sends the Team Tiger Schulmann fighter crashing to the ground. With Rivera dazed, Honorio tries to swarm with ground-and-pound and finish the fight, but Rivera keeps his wits about him and keeps Honorio from landing any big shots from mount. Rivera scrambles up and absorbs a few more punches against the cage before slowing the pace by holding Honorio on the fence. Rivera steps back and then charges forward, socking Honorio with a right hand before hitting a double-leg takedown near the fence. Honorio tries to grab for a submission but winds up on his knees with Rivera in side control, landing left hands to Honorio’s head. Rivera switches sides to drop right hands, then hard knees to Honorio’s ribs. When Honorio gets back to his feet momentarily, Rivera drills him with a knee and takes the fight back to the floor. Knees, punches and elbows are scoring for Rivera, prompting ref Dan Miragliotta to instruct Honorio to defend himself. Honorio rolls through and will survive to see round two.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Honorio
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera

Round 2

Rivera gets in some early work on the fence, then changes to picking at Honorio with leg kicks as the inch along the outside. The hard kicks from Rivera are making the Brazilian whiff on counter punches, so Honorio tries a flashy capoeira kick which also comes up short. A stiff left hand from Rivera appears to stun Honorio, but Rivera doesn’t seem to notice and continues attacking with a measured pace. Rivera continues to pile on the right hooks as he moves in and out of range, prompting a frustrated Honorio to wave the American forward. Rivera obliges with a late takedown, but he’s forced to ditch the tactic when Honorio rolls for a leglock at the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera

Round 3

Honorio tries to overwhelm Rivera with punches on the fence and winds up on the wrong end of a takedown. Rivera scores with quick ground-and-pound before the bantamweights roll through and back to their feet. The next takedown attempt from Honorio sees him overpowered and shoved to his back, and Rivera follows him down to work from the Brazilian’s closed guard.

A. Geathers

Rivera survived this early, nasty knockdown
to wear out Honorio for the win.
Honorio is throwing elbows from his back while Rivera scoots him toward the cage. Rivera defends a loose guillotine and postures up to slug Honorio with right hands as the fight enters its final 90 seconds. Honorio is grabbing for anything from the bottom, trying to isolate Rivera’s head or an arm, but Rivera is too busy on top, keeping busy with punches. Rivera’s offense isn’t particularly potent in the last 30 seconds, but he does manage to sock Honorio with a couple good right hands just before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rivera (29-28 Rivera)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rivera (30-28 Rivera)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera (30-27 Rivera)

The Official Result

Jimmie Rivera def. Sidemar Honorio via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rick Glenn vs. Artur Rofi

Round 1

The featherweights clinch up straight away, with Glenn taking the outside position on the fence. Rofi turns the corner and leaps on Glenn’s back, securing the position with a body triangle. Glenn has Rofi’s left arm trapped beneath his armpit, so Rofi tries to loosen him up with right hands. After 40 seconds, Rofi hops off and brings Glenn to his knees, hunting for an inverted triangle or armbar from high back-mount. Rofi looks to soften up Glenn with hammer fists and then goes all-in with an armbar attempt as Glenn stacks him up. Glenn is stuck in a kneeling position, defending the armbar while Rofi slugs him with right hands to the head. Sixty seconds left in the round and Rofi is still committed to the armbar, though Glenn seems to be out of danger. Glenn lifts and slams Rofi to score with a pair of punches before the round ends, and there’s some jawing between the fighters after the bell which forces ref Keith Peterson to pull Glenn away.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rofi
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rofi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rofi

Round 2

Rofi shoots an immediate double-leg and drags Glenn to the mat, but Glenn pops back up and puts his own back against the fence. Glenn reverses to take the outside position and decks Rofi with a hard elbow inside. Now, Glenn releases and backs out, and Rofi shoots back in right away. Glenn stuffs this one and makes Rofi pay with a hard right straight, then a pair of short left hooks. Another double from Rofi is denied by Glenn, who shoves Rofi against the fence and socks him with another big left hook. Rofi is on rubbery legs as Glenn continues to come forward and score with lefts. Rofi shoves off with a body kick and pushes forward on Glenn. The momentum is quickly reversed, as Glenn puts elbows and an uppercut on Rofi’s face. Rofi jumps guard and gets thrown to the ground by Glenn, eating a couple left hands on his way down. A leglock attempt from Rofi goes nowhere; Glenn finishes the round standing over Rofi, trying to land right hands but instead punching the canvas five or six times.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Glenn

Round 3

Glenn throws Rofi against the fence, where Rofi grabs the Thai plum and tries to knee up the middle, but instead winds up kneeing Glenn in the groin. Glenn recovers quickly and the featherweights resume throwing hands in the center of the cage. A body kick and standing elbow from Glenn allow him to put Rofi back on the cage. He releases and decks Rofi with a straight left, and now the fighters wind up in an ugly clinch with both throwing knees and neither landing clean.

A. Geathers

Glenn piled up punches on Rofi late.
Rofi lands a short elbow in the tie-up, shoots a double and gets sprawled on. Two minutes left in the fight and Glenn has Rofi pinned against the fence, backing up to land elbows and then hitting short lefts to the body. Rofi is stumbling all over, his hands hanging by his waist, but he’s still got enough sense to duck a Glenn high kick. Glenn corners Rofi again and connects with an uppercut and an elbow. Rofi drops to guard with a loose guillotine in the final 15 seconds, and Glenn finishes the fight on top, punching Rofi’s ribs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Glenn (29-28 Glenn)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Glenn (29-28 Glenn)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Glenn (29-28 Glenn)

The Official Result

Rick Glenn def. Artur Rofi via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Waylon Lowe vs. Georgi Karakhanyan

Round 1

Lowe blocks a hard, right high kick from Karakhanyan and circles off to the right. An inside leg kick lands for Karakhanyan, countered by the southpaw Lowe with a short right hook.

A. Geathers

Karakhanyan took his first opening, squeezed
it and seized it against Lowe.
Karakhanyan is coming over the top with left hooks, grazing the top of the head as Lowe puts up a high guard. Lowe is backed up by more kicks from Karakhanyan, but the UFC vet comes back to swipe with a left hand. Lowe shoots in for a single-leg but leaves his neck exposed, allowing Karakhanyan to jump guard with a tight, arm-in guillotine. Karakhanyan has the choke deep beneath his left armpit, and after a moment of struggling, Lowe is forced to tap out.

The Official Result

Georgi Karakhanyan def. Waylon Lowe via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 3:37

WSOF Middleweight Tournament:
Jesse Taylor vs. Elvis Mutapcic

This bout has been canceled by the New Jersey State Athletic Control Board. According to NJSACB Commissioner Aaron Davis, the fight was scratched after an official witnessed Elvis Mutapcic taking an unidentified prescription drug in his locker room.

Rolles Gracie vs. Derrick Mehmen

Round 1

Mehmen moves forward with jabs, gets backed off by a Gracie front kick. Gracie sneaks a long left hook around Mehmen’s guard, follows up with an outside kick to the lead leg. Mehmen keeps reaching forward, pawing with punches, but Gracie is doing well to pick him off with jabs and counter hooks on the outside. Gracie is mixing in body kicks now, continually moving backwards as Mehmen tries to chase him down. The BJJ ace finally threatens with a takedown in the final 30 seconds of the round, but Mehmen stands him to finish a frame contested entirely on the feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gracie
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Gracie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gracie

Round 2

Photo: Lucas Noonan/WSOF

Mehman put Gracie away spectacularly.
The pattern from round one resumes in the second frame, with Mehmen looking to close in on Gracie while the Brazilian backpedals, fires off counters and pumps jabs to keep the “Caveman” out of range. Mehmen finally gets Gracie cornered against the cage, but he can’t land anything clean as Gracie grabs a Thai plum and then circles out. Mehman lunges forward with a right hand that clips Gracie on the chin and spins him around. Mehman rushes in to follow up, but Gracie flops to the ground, unconscious, and referee
Bill Bookwalter jumps in to rescue the fallen fighter.

The Official Result

Derrick Mehman def. Rolles Gracie via KO (Punch) R2 2:40

WSOF Middleweight Tournament:
David Branch vs. Danillo Villefort

Round 1

Branch lands a hard leg kick and shoots low for a double-leg. He can’t get it and instead settles for holding Villefort against the fence with an underhook, working a couple right hands to the Brazilian’s body. Referee Gasper Oliver splits up the middleweights after an uneventful 40 seconds, and now Villefort comes forward, looking to strike. “Indio” appears to suffer an eye poke as he wades in with wide left hands, but ref Oliver did not see it and tells the pair to fight on. Villefort is still blinking his right eye as Branch closes in and holds him against the cage to drill Villefort’s body with more right hands, now mixing it up with some to the head. Villefort is looking over Branch’s shoulder, trying to get another restart from the ref, but it’s not coming as Branch stays busy with the body blows. After the 10-second clapper sounds, Branch changes levels and drags Villefort to the mat to close out the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Branch
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Branch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Branch

Round 2

Branch is quick to close the distance, grab hold of Villefort and work for a takedown, which comes at the base of the fence. Villefort keeps an open guard while Branch stays tight on top, focusing more on maintaining position than generating potent offense. Branch does manage to sneak through some solid punches and grind elbows across his opponent’s face, though, and he defends when Villefort throws up his legs to threaten an armbar attempt. Two minutes left in the round and Branch continues to grind away, not giving Villefort any space underneath. Villefort finally pushes off and reaches underneath to grab at Branch’s legs, but Branch is able to stifle it and finish the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Branch
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Branch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Branch

Round 3

Branch grabs at the legs of Villefort, who steps backward to dodge the double-leg. Villefort comes rushing back with a flying knee which Branch grabs and turns into a takedown. Villefort throws up his legs, looking for an armbar, but Branch flattens him out and advances to half guard.

A. Geathers

Branch wasn't fun, but he was effective.
Branch takes back control when Villefort tries to post and escape. Both hooks are in for Branch, who is patiently working for a rear-naked choke with half the round still remaining. Villefort posts and turns over to escape danger, but Branch stays glued to him on top, now leaning left to right in Villefort’s half guard. Villefort repeatedly shrugs his shoulder and looks toward referee Oliver for a stand-up; it doesn’t come, and Branch finishes the fight in top position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Branch (30-27 Branch)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Branch (30-27 Branch)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Branch (30-27 Branch)

The Official Result

David Branch def. Danillo Villefort via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Andrei Arlovski vs. Mike Kyle

Round 1

Arlovski tosses aside the incoming Kyle and resets in the center of the cage, as the heavyweights open the fight with a tentative minute of striking. A counter right hook from Kyle drops Arlovski in the middle, but the “Pitbull” recovers and scrambles to his feet. Arlovski connects with a kick but eats another hard left hand in return. Kyle is getting the better of the exchanges now, as Arlovski ducks in throwing at the body and Kyle returns fire with hard counters up top. Arlovski comes over the top with a solid right hand and pumps his jab to keep Kyle on the outside. Another right connects for Arlovski, followed by a side-kick to push Kyle away. Arlovski tries a double-leg, gets stood up and swipes Kyle with a wide right hook. Kyle falls to his seat, seemingly more off-balance than hurt, and quickly stands back up. Arlovski pushes forward with a good right hook, misses with the follow-up punches in the combo. Kyle has his head rocked with another right

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kyle
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kyle

Round 2

Arlovski continues to find a home for his overhand right in the opening minute of round two, keeping Kyle on the outside with long punches and push kicks. A big combination in the pocket from Arlovski sends Kyle shooting a double, which Arlovski defends by widening his base against the fence. Referee Dan Miragliotta warns Kyle to get his fingers out of the fence; when a few more seconds elapse with no action, “Big Dan” breaks them up. Arlovski is putting right hooks on Kyle’s body now, but the pace slows in the latter half of the round. Long right hands are still working for Arlovski, and he ducks inside to put a short uppercut on Kyle’s chin.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Arlovski
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Arlovski
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Arlovski

Round 3

Arlovski fakes a takedown attempt, wades out and comes back to stick a double jab in Kyle’s face. The former UFC champ comes away from the next exchange complaining of an eye poke, but ref Miragliotta tells him to fight on. Kyle sends Arlovski to the ground for the second time in the fight with a right hook, but again Arlovski recovers and stands.

A. Geathers

Arlovski went tit-for-tat with Kyle and
came out on top via decision.
A pair of rights land for Arlovski, but he takes one in return as Kyle catches him coming in. Arlovski flicks out a slapping leg kick, Kyle counters over the top with a straight punch. Kyle works two hard hooks to the body as Arlovski steps in to strike. Arlovski ducks forward with a long left hand, putting Kyle against the cage, but Kyle circles out. A brief guillotine attempt from Kyle falls away as Arlovski backs out. Arlovski puts one last one-two over the top before the bell, and this one is headed to the judges’ scorecards for a decision.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kyle (29-28 Kyle)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kyle (29-28 Kyle)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kyle (29-28 Kyle)

The Official Result

Andrei Arlovski def. Mike Kyle via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00
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