

Bellator 113 Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Kansas Star Center in Mulvane, Kan., at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET with live Bellator 113 results and play-by-play.

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Marcio Navarro vs. Bobby Cooper

Round 1

Cooper goes to work quickly with his jab and leg kicks, scoring on the stalking Brazilian. Cooper counters with a flurry after Navarro fires off a low kick. Cooper with a punching combination to the body. Navarro answers with a hard leg kick. Navarro moves forward and lands another leg kick. While Navarro lands leg kicks, Cooper continues to pepper his foe with punches to the body. Navarro continues to be aggressive but can't land clean as Cooper dances around his punches by the fence. Navarro scores with a hard right, so Cooper sticks him with the jab a few more times before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cooper

Round 2

Cooper starts with more clean inside leg kicks, then slips a hard right hand behind it. Navarro stays coming forward in the pocket, using head movement to try to move around Cooper's jab and land counters, but is unsuccessful. Cooper bangs to the body and Cooper tags him up top. Right hook-left hook lands for Cooper but Navarro cracks him with a left. Good two-way boxing exchanges between the pair. A spinning back kick from Navarro goes wide and Cooper tags him with a one-two. Navarro keeps pressing forward but when he gets Cooper back to the fence, Cooper leans back, dodges his lunging overhands and counters with left and right hooks. Cooper slips throwing a kick and Navarro looks like he might dive to top position, but the Missouri fighter jumps back up and keeps pumping his left jab. Navarro is now bleeding badly from the nose as “Super Duper” keeps ringing him with the jab, occasionally popping a right hand behind it. Navarro keeps a high guard, so Cooper lunges in with a flying knee that stands Navarro up for a moment before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cooper

Round 3

Photo: Keith Mills/Sherdog.com

Cooper struck with style against Navarro.
Cooper begins the frame with a combination up top followed by a kick to the body. Navarro rushes forward with wide punches. Cooper doing a good jab keeping his opponent at range and using his jab. Navarro misses a left hook then lands an outside leg kick. Cooper moves forward with a jumping knee. Navarro's nose is bleeding as Cooper continues his jab assault. Cooper lands a left-right to the body then finishes with a hook to the head. Navarro fires off a right hook. Cooper goes back to the body with another combination. Cooper with a jab to the head and then lands a leg kick.

Navarro's most consistent offense has been his leg kicks, but Cooper is far more effective with his hands. Cooper counters Navarro with a right hand as his foe presses forward. Navarro tires a head kick. Less than 20 secons left and Cooper is mixing up punching combinations with kicks to the body. Navarro smiles but it's Cooper landing more offense in the period.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cooper (30-27 Cooper)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cooper (30-27 Cooper)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cooper (30-27 Cooper)

The Official Result

Bobby Cooper def. Marcio Navarro via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Frederick Brown vs. Daniel Gallemore

Round 1

Gallemore lands an outside low kick and the late replacement Brown barrels him into the fence. Gallemore grinds away with knees to the head and body, but when the big man tries to throw another big one upstairs, he slips and Brown slams him into side mount. Brown lands two hard rights, allowing the Kansas favorite to shrimp to guard. Brown keeps pounding and gets to side control.

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Gallemore busted Brown up badly.
He tries to take the back and grab a rear-naked choke, but is too hasty and falls off Gallemore's back while still clinging to a headlock. Gallemore fights back to his feet and clocks Brown with a knee, inviting another clinch. In the clinch, Gallemore lands two brutal elbows, then smashes Brown with a massive right hook. Brown falls face down and Gallemore is savagely punching away. For some incredible reason, referee Chuck Wolfe stands by while the supine Brown gets Gallemore's fist crammed into his face a half dozen more times until he finally decides to intervene and rescue Brown.

The Official Result

Daniel Gallemore def. Frederick Brown via TKO (Elbows and Punches) R1 3:34

Donnie Bell vs. Eric Wisely

Round 1

Bell counters a Wiseley leg kick with a right hand. Bell gets top position and goes to work in Wisely's guard. Bell is periodically trying to raise up and land punches, but Wisely is doing a good job limiting his offense. Referee Rob Hinds warns the fighters to improve their position. Wisely sweeps and returns to his feet. Wisely throws a wide left hand that connects. Bell changes levels for a double-leg takedown and he's back in Wisely's closed guard. Wisely is landing short, annoying strikes from his back. Bell goes to the body and then the head from above. Wisely has a body triangle from his back as he continues to pepper Bell with short strikes. Finally, Hinds orders a standup with 40 seconds to go. Wisely throwing power punches on the feet, but Bell lands a knee on the inside. Wisely with an outside low kick and then a left hand. Wisely ends the round with a spinning back kick that Bell catches as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bell
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Bell
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Bell

Round 2

Wisely begins the period with a low kick. Wisely conintues to attack the legs and Bell responds by landing a takedown. Wisely doing a good job controlling his opponent's wrists to prevent him from landing punches from top position. Bell drops double hammerfists down on Wisely, but for the most part he's still struggling to create space. Meanwhile, Wisely is doing his best to be active with strikes from the bottom. Hinds is once again threatening a standup, and then he follows through. Now up, Wisely lands a leg kick. Wisely clips Bell with a counter right hand, but Bell recovers quickly. Wisely with a low kick and Bell tries to get another takedown but is denied. Wisely lands a right hand and Bell misses wildly with a counter. Wisely with another hard leg kick and Bell appears to stumble briefly. Wisely finding his range in the second half of the round with consistent low kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wisely
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Wisely
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Wisely

Round 3

Wisely with a low kick and then a right hand up top. Wisely comes over the top with a left but it doesn't connect. Bell appears to have slowed from earlier in the bout. Bell complains about a groin strike after Wisely lands a kick, but referee Hinds didn't see it and Bell is forced to continue.

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Wisely outlasted Bell over 15 minutes.
Bell drives Wisely into the cage briefly, but Wisely pulls out and gets back to the center of the cage. Bell reaches for a takedown, but doesn't fully commit. Wisely cracks him with another hard leg kick. On the feet, Bell is winging punches, but not much is landing. Bell tries for a single leg takedown and ends up taking Wisely's back in a scramble. Bell tries for a rear-naked choke but is unable to secure it. The fighters return to their feet and Wisely is cut near his right eye. Wisely blocks a head kick from Bell. Wisely closes the round throwing wildly, but little connects as the round ends. Both fighters raise their arms when the bell sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wisely (29-28 Wisely)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Wisely (29-28 Wisely)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Wisely (29-28 Wisely)

The Official Result

Eric Wisely def. Donnie Bell via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Israel Giron vs. Cody Carrillo

Round 1

Carrillo comes forward while crouching and pumping his jab with Giron trying to land leg kicks. Giron shoots in and gets to Carrillo's hips, but can't yank him away from the fence. He switches to an inside trip and monetarily gets him down, but Carrillo pops back up and circles away. Carrillo continues creeping forward but can't actualize any clean offense. Giron turns southpaw and moves forward but he can't find any real offense either. Very conservative pace through three minutes. Carrillo advances and eats a one-two from Giron. Inside low kick by Giron segues into a double-leg attempt that is stuffed by Carrillo. Jab-low kick lands softly for Giron. Giron lunges forward at the 10-second clapper for a takedown but slips, so no real action occurs before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Giron
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Giron

Round 2

Carrillo stuffs another shot from the advancing Giron to start the round, but the Mexican fighter is undeterred, continuing to walk forward and look for counters. A right hook to the body lands for Giron and he tags Carrillo left hook upstairs on the exit. Giron tries a side kick and slips for a third time, but quickly stands back up. Carrillo swings a right hook, Giron clinches and drives him to the mat, but again, Carrillo slides up the fence and separates. An overhand right for Giron glances and he puts a low kick behind it. He tries to change levels and grab a single and again, Carrillo shows solid takedown defense, sitting out of the attempt and popping up. Awkward body kick for Giron lands but he can't grab Carrillo. Carrillo with a hard jab and Giron answers with one of his own. With 45 seconds to go in the round, Giron gets another body lock and yanks Carrillo around until he wrangles him down with an outside trip. Giron finally takes top position properly, punching away from half guard. Carrillo tries to shrimp and slide up the fence, eating punches on his way up at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Giron
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Giron
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Giron

Round 3

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Giron's constant pressure was rewarded.
The bout continues to unfold in similar fashion, with Giron throwing leg kicks and trying to find moments to shoot for takedowns while Carrillo works the perimeter of the cage and jabs. Neither man can make serious inroads toward clean offense, glancing with jabs and counters. Giron gets in on another double-leg attempt but Carrillo stuffs him again. Carrillo lands a body kick and Giron fires back before driving for a single. He can't get it, so rather than continuing to drive, he stands and lets loose with his hands, tagging Carrillo on the exit.

The lightweights both land simultaneous hard jabs. Outside low kick lands for Carrillo and Giron's overhand right flies wide. Giron shoots a single again, Carrillo stuffs it and smacks him with a knee of the way up. Giron finally pulls Carrillo off his feet right at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10 (30-29 Giron)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-10 (30-28 Giron)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Giron (30-27 Giron)

The Official Result

Israel Giron def. Cody Carrillo via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Bellator Season 10 Lightweight Tournament:
Derek Anderson vs. Brandon Girtz

Round 1

The taller Anderson takes the center of the cage as Girtz cirlces on the outside. Girtz wings punches to close distance and then gets the ankle pick for the takedown. Anderson quickly returns to his feet, however. Anderson testing the waters with head kicks, but so far Girtz isn't letting them through. Anderson lands a kick to the body as Girtz continues to circle on the outside. Anderson using a mixture of kicks to control the rnage. Girtz lands a takedown with about 2:00 to go. Girtz lands a few knees to the body while holding on to a kimura attempt. Anderson grabs the cage and escapes, receiving a warning from the referee in the process. Girtz changes levels as Anderson comes inside and gets another takedown. Anderson sweeps and takes top positon. Now in half guard, Anderson lands punches to Girtz ribs. Anderson finishes the frame in Girtz's guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Anderson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Anderson
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Anderson

Round 2

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Anderson's counter knee obliterated Girtz.
As the second begins, Girtz comes out aggressively, fighting out of a crouch. Girtz rushes forward and fakes low, as if to shoot a double-leg takedown. He instead throws a big left overhand. However, Anderson times it perfectly and is ready with a devastating right knee counter. The knee smashes clean into Girtz's jaw, leaving him unconscious at the very moment of impact. His lifeless body timbers back like a falling tree, hitting the canvas flat with his arms outstretched. Referee Rob Hinds instantly jumps in to prevent Anderson from dishing out any further punishment on the insensate fighter. A sensational knockout by Derek Anderson.

The Official Result

Derek Anderson def. Brandon Girtz via KO (Knee) 0:23 R2

Bellator Season 10 Lightweight Tournament:
Tim Welch vs. Derek Campos

Round 1

The stockier Campos comes forward from the opening bell, pressing the much taller Welch. Campos throws a spinning back kick that misses wide. Welch loads up on a wild overhand, allowing his Brazilian foe to counter with a clean, hard uppercut. Campos continues to work the jab despite the reach disparity against his larger foe. He sneaks a clean left hook in behind it. Welch is circling the perimeter of the cage, not using his reach effectively and struggling to land his punches. Campos' jab takes Welch's mouthguard out momentarily, and on the restart, he continues to press, landing sharp hooks inside. Welch throws a kick before the bell rings and Campos takes him off his feet with a right hand as he steps in.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Campos
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Campos
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Campos

Round 2

Campos sticks his jab out to gauge the distance on the rangier Welch. Welch fires a wild hook, Campos ducks under and tags him to the body. The stockier Brazilian steps in again and rakes Welch with a pair of hooks that stumble him to the fence. Campos realizes he's hurt and attacks with punches, dropping him to the mat. Welch gets back to his feet but Campos dumps him on the canvas and gets up in half guard. Campos locks up an arm-triangle in good position, moving to full mount, then finally to the far side to try to finish it. The cage is in the way of him basing out, so the MMA Lab fighter is able to wait it out and escape at the halfway mark of the round. Welch gets back to his feet and refereee Jason Herzog pauses the contest briefly to give Welch back his mouthguard. On the restart, Welch circles around Campos but can't locate his jab. Welch flicks a long teep but can't connect, though he comes back with a Superman punch that tags Campos. Welch lands a nice left to the body, but Campus keeps pressing forward, landing short jabs. Campos takes Welch down with 10 seconds to go but can't advance position.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Campos
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Campos
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Campos

Round 3

Campos presses forward with a knee. The fighters clinch and Campos throws his man to the ground. Now in Welch's guard, Campos attempts to advance position. He passes to half guard against the "Fight Master" alum. Welch shoves Campos away and gets back to his feet, only to slip after throwing a kick.

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Campos easily cruised past Welch.
Now Campos hovers above him as Welch looks to land upkicks from his back. Campos moves back into Welch's half guard. Welch tries to execute a switch but winds up flat on his back again. Campos remains heavy on top, but he isn't landing much in the way of ground-and-pound. The crowd is getting restless as Campos continues to control positioning. Campos begins to land some heavy left hands from above. Campos stands and tires to clear the legs as Welch fires off some more upkicks. Welch transitions to top position and finishes the frame in Campos' full guard, but it's probably too little, too late.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Campos (30-26 Campos)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Campos (30-27 Campos)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Campos (30-27 Campos)

The Official Result

Derek Campos def. Tim Welch via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Bellator Season 10 Lightweight Tournament:
Marcin Held vs. Rodrigo Cavalheiro Correia

Round 1

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Held showed off his adept leglock arsenal.
Held wades forward into the pocket against the southpaw Cavalheiro, who is loading up on powerful hooks. He lets loose with a wild right, so Held changes levels and dumps him on the canvas. Cavalheiro overhooks Held's arms, so Held turns him around from the fence, picks him up and slams him back down to the mat. Held turns him back to the fence, then rolls back for one of his trademark leglocks. He goes for an outside heel hook, but Cavalheiro keeps rolling. Held loses control of the heel, so he switches to a toe hold.

Held gets a nasty angle on the submission, prompting Cavalheiro to hold his hand up, contemplating a tap. He then cries out and taps to the toe hold and referee Rob Hinds quickly rescues him.

The Official Result

Marcin Held def. Rodrigo Cavalheiro Correia via Submission (Toe Hold) R1 1:56

Bellator Season 10 Lightweight Tournament:
David Rickels vs. Patricky Freire

Round 1

Rickels stops a charging Freire with a clean front kick to the face. Freire keeps pressing but runs right into a left hook from Rickels. Rickels lands an elbow jab then a glancing knee before uncorking an overhand right that Freire blocks. Pitbull responds with a hard outside low kick. Short, tense exchanges so far. The two come together again, each landing hard, short lefts. A hard jab from Pitbull snaps Rickels' head back. Rickels swarms with a short flurry but Freire rings his bell with a left-handed counter. Rickels clinches his man against the cage, kneeing the body. The Kansas fighter moves to the collar tie and unloads a series of right hooks and uppercuts. Rickels pushes away and launches a head kick, but Freire blocks it easily. “Caveman” looks for a Superman punch, but runs right into a trip takedown from Freire. Freire does nothing on top for the last 10 seconds, though, as it is Rickels elbowing his shoulders and palm striking him in the face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rickels
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rickels
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Rickels

Round 2

Photo: K. Mills/Sherdog.com

Freire ripped Rickels in his own backyard.
Rickels throws a right-leg roundhouse kick upstairs that Freire blocks. He continues to stalk the Brazilian, pressing with punches. As Rickels comes forward, a left hook to the jaw hurts him. The “Caveman” wobbles back to the fence. Rickels tries to kick Freire to the body and get separation, but Pitbull is all over him with rights and lefts. Rickels tries to swing back, but another massive left hook drops him flat on his back. Pitbull drives one final right-handed coffin nail into Rickels' chin, prompting referee Jason Herzog to take action.

The Official Result

Patricky Freire def. Dave Rickels via KO (Punches) R2 0:54

Bellator Light Heavyweight Title Fight:
Attila Vegh vs. Emanuel Newton

Round 1

Newton with an outside leg kick and then a couple of straight punches. Newton lands a spinning back kick on Vegh's thigh following a brief exchange. "The Hardcore Kid" is switching stances during the feeling out process. Vegh comes forward with a combination. Newton whiffs on a punch and Vegh responds with a knee in the clinch. They separate and return to the middle of the cage. Vegh leads with an uppercut and follows up with a combination against the fence. Newton mixing up his kicks to the legs and body to keep Vegh from pressing forward. Newton misses on an overhand right-spinning back kick combination. Vegh throws a head kick and follows with a right hook. Newton ties his foe up and pushes him against the fence as the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Newton

Round 2

Newton begins wiht an outside leg kick. Newton misses on a spinning back fist and then the light heavyweights briefly trade in close quarters. Newton lands another leg kick while Vegh circles to his left. Vegh lands a jab and Newton misses with a counter right hand. Newton grabs a body lock, presses Vegh against the fence and knees his opponent in the cup. Time is called so Vegh can recover. Vegh doesn't take long and they resume. Newton gets Vegh's back after failing on a single-leg takedown attempt. Newton misses a right, Vegh ducks under for a clinch but they quickly separate. Newton remains the more active striker this round. Vegh lands a counter left hand and Newton keeps moving forward. Newton connects with a kick to the body before securing a body lock. Vegh attacks aggressively when the two combatants separate.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Newton

Round 3

Newton fires off a straight right hand. The Californian continues to switch stances and vary his kicking attacks while Vegh hesitates. Newton lands an outside leg kick and follows up with a three-piecd punching combination. Newton cracks him with a short right hand but can't connect with a body kick. Vegh counters Newton with an uppercut. He briefly has the Hardcore Kid reeling and attacks with knees against the fence. Vegh counters again with an uppercut as Newton moves forward. Newton has a cut on the bridge of his nose. Newton closes the distance and changes levels for a takedown, but Vegh defends it and breaks away. Vegh lands a kick to the body. Vegh cracks Newton with a straight shot near the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vegh
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Vegh
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Vegh

Round 4

Vegh lands a right hook to start the frame. Newton ties his man up and presses him into the fence. Vegh escapes and circles away. Vegh attacks with a punching combination and Newton responds with a kick to the body. Newton fires off a couple jabs as he continues to try and stalk Vegh. Now Newton attempts a single leg on the Slovakian, but he has to give it up and throws a knee to the body instead. They're back in the center of the cage and Vegh finds a home for his jab. Newton with a pair of outside leg kicks. More of Newton's punches are starting to land cleanly as the round progresses. Vegh counters with a right hand over the top. Newton remains persistent with his outside leg kick attacks. Vegh tries for a takedown of his own before throwing a knee and backing off. With 10 seconds to go, Newton pursues while Vegh circles away. The round ends to a chorus of boos.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Newton

Round 5

Newton starts off with an aggressive flurry of punches and kicks. He's pressure Vegh and has the American Top Team product on the retreat. Newton switches gears and tires fo ra takedown. Vegh fends off the single-leg against the fence, and Newton gives it up and lands a knee to the body. Vegh lands a solid right hand. Newton responds with a straight right of his own, then another one. Newton forces a clinch and drives Vegh against the fence, where he lands knees to the body and thigh. The interim champ attempts to drop for a takedown but Vegh breaks away. Vegh fires off an uppercut and an overhand. Then the Slovakian tries for a takedown but he can't get Newton to the canvas. Newton gets an underhook and has his adversary against the cage again, where he lands some short strikes before they separate. Newton is upping his aggression, landing a jumping knee as Vegh moves away with his hands helf low. Less than 40 seconds to go and Newton presses Vegh against the cage once more. Vegh sprawls on a single-leg takedown and fires off a knee and punching combination as the round ends. Both light heavyweights raise their arms in triumph.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton (49-46 Newton)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton (49-46 Newton)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Newton (49-46 Newton)

The Official Result

Emanuel Newton def. Attila Vegh (49-46, 48-47, 47-48) via Split Decision R5 5:00
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