

Bellator 116 Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Calif., at approximately 6:30 p.m. ET with live Bellator 116 results and play-by-play.

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Carlos Eduardo vs. Rodney Wallace

Round 1

Wallace leads with a pair of stiff jabs, but Eduardo responds with a left hook and then whiffs with a right hand. Another jab lands for Wallace, snapping the Brazilian’s head back. “Cachorrao” lands an inside low kick, but the UFC alum catches him with a counter left hook. Eduardo can’t find his range consistently, despite being the longer fighter. With two minutes to go, Eduardo clips Wallace with a glancing left hook, but Wallace is unfazed as he continues to press forward. The American slaps home a pair of inside low kicks and then circles to his right. Eduardo follows him and stuffs a weak takedown attempt from Wallace.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wallace
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wallace
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Wallace

Round 2

Photo: Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Wallace controlled the tempo throughout.
Wallace fires a front kick early in round two and then rifles off two hard jabs. Eduardo chases him and connects with a short jab of his own, but Wallace creates separation with a left hook and circles away. Eduardo nearly clips his man with a right straight, but Wallace avoids the blow and launches one-two. Wallace sticks another pair of jabs in Eduardo’s face, and the Brazilian retaliates with a decent right. Wallace hits all air with a jumping knee, but he continues to find a home for his jab.

Eduardo lunges ahead with a three-two combination that misses everything. Wallace is simply the faster of the two, and he continues to periodically pepper Eduardo with his left as he circles away from Eduardo’s right.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Eduardo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wallace
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Wallace

Round 3

Eduardo tags Wallace with a two-three as the American drops his hands during a low kick. Eduardo pursues with bad intentions, but he can’t connect with his right. Wallace drops for a single-leg, but Eduardo defends the attempt and separates. Wallace catches a low kick from the Brazilian and plants Eduardo on his back, where the Brazilian begins to swivel his hips for an armbar. Wallace scrambles away, but Eduardo catches his leg and tries to trip him up. Wallace stumbles but regains his base, and Eduardo joins him standing. Wallace ducks under a one-two for a double-leg takedown, but Eduardo stuffs him again. Wallace connects with a solid one-two and follows the combination with a body kick. Eduardo scores a takedown with 20 seconds to go, but Wallace easily pops back to his feet.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wallace (29-28 Wallace)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Eduardo (29-28 Wallace)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Wallace (30-27 Wallace)

The Official Result

Rodney Wallace def. Carlos Eduardo via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Luis Philipe Lins vs. Travis Clark

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Lins made quick work of Clark.
The light heavyweights look to trade right of the bat, and Lins drops Clark with a hard jab. The American falls on his backside and turns to get up. As he does, Lins hops on his back and drops some bombs on his ears. The Brazilian efficiently sinks the rear-naked choke, flattening out his opponent and quickly forcing the tap.

The Official Result

Luis Philipe Lins def. Travis Clark via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 0:40

Ricky Rainey vs. Andy Murad

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Rainey opened up Murad's face.
Murad lands a low kick to start, but Rainey counters with a right hand to keep him honest. Rainey lands a nice left hook and then a knee from the Thai plum. Murad leads with a right but misses everything, and Rainey counters with a solid right hand that dims Murad’s lights. “The Sniper” follows up beautifully, opening a large cut on Murad’s forehead with a high kick and then putting him away with three more clean punches against the cage.

The Official Result

Ricky Rainey def. Andy Murad via TKO (Punches) R1 1:11

Robert Emerson vs. Joe Taimanglo

Round 1

Emerson connects with a low kick to start, and Taimanglo looks to close the gap with some hooks and uppercuts. The Guam native eats a low blow, but Taimanglo recovers quickly and then lands a nice right hand. Emerson retaliates with a long right hand that snaps Taimanglo’s head back and wobbles him. The UFC veteran charges forward but soon finds himself upside down, caught in Taimanglo’s head-and-arm throw. Emerson looks for a leg lock and then uses it to stand, clipping Taimanglo with a pair of hard left hooks. Taimanglo is hurt, and he clinches up to score with a second head-and-arm throw. This time, “Baby Joe” retains top position and slides into mount, Emerson rolls onto his side and recovers half guard, stifling most of Taimanglo’s ground and pound. Emerson tries to stand, but Taimanglo hops on his back and slaps on a rear-naked choke. Emerson defends well as the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Taimanglo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Emerson edged Taimanglo on the cards.
Emerson moves forward and grabs double underhooks. The UFC veteran takes Taimanglo down and tries to take his back. He’s riding too high, however, and Taimanglo easily shakes him off. The tournament vet then takes top position and quickly turns the tables, capturing Emerson’s back and digging for a rear-naked choke. Taimanglo gives it up and tries to pivot into mount, but Emerson explodes up and escapes. With 90 seconds remaining, both men are searching for a right hand. Emerson then lets it all go and cracks Taimanglo with a nice extended combination, hurting Taimanglo with significant shots to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Taimanglo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Taimanglo
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Emerson

Round 3

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Emerson (29-28 Taimanglo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Emerson (29-29 Draw)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Emerson (30-28 Emerson)

The Official Result

Rob Emerson def. Joe Taimanglo via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Karo Parisyan vs. Ron Keslar

Round 1

Parisyan connects with a low kick, but Keslar responds with a sharp double-jab and right cross. “The Heat” steps forward with a right hand that misses, but Keslar’s must faster right lands solidly on Parisyan’s cheek. Parisyan clinches up. Keslar shoves him away quickly. Keslar trades a right straight for a Parisyan uppercut, but the AKA rep cracks him back with another long right. Two minutes remain, and Parisyan connects with a glancing left hook while Keslar is off-balance. The UFC veteran switches to southpaw and eats another right hand up the middle. Parisyan clinches and absorbs a hard knee to the body. Keslar separates and lobs a few long shots at a bloodied Parisyan that do not land.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Keslar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Keslar
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Keslar

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Parisyan shocked Keslar with a right hand.
Neither man can connect with much of substance in the first minute until Keslar cracks the UFC veteran with another hard, straight right. Keslar bulls the judoka up against the cage, chopping away with short knees to the body. Keslar drives for an outside trip, but Parisyan shows a brief flash of his old self and swivels his hips, dumping Keslar on his head with a gorgeous counter throw. However, Keslar quickly pops back to his feet. Parisyan connects with a stiff jab and then suddenly drops Keslar with a hard right hand.

Parisyan pounces with a flurry of ground and pound, and referee Jason Herzog waves the bout. Parisyan scores the improbable, spectacular comeback.

The Official Result

Karo Parisyan def. Ron Keslar via TKO (Punches) R2 4:05

Bellator Middleweight Semifinal:
Joe Pacheco vs. Brandon Halsey

Round 1

Halsey asserts himself as the aggressor early on, driving Pacheco into the cage and taking him to the mat. Halsey is trying to pass to side control, but he is stuck in half guard. Pacheco explodes to his feet, and Halsey grabs a standing guillotine. Pacheco defends the hold well and then lands a long right hand. The undefeated “Bull” again drives him into the fence, but Pacheco defends the takedown this time. Halsey is now cut, and he looks a little weary. Nevertheless, Halsey pushes Pacheco back to the fence and pins “The Juggernaut” against the chain link. Pacheco tries his best to create space, but Halsey closes the round with a takedown, landing in side control.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Halsey
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Halsey
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Halsey

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Halsey took each round from Pacheco.
Halsey delivers more of the same to start round two, driving ahead with some hard punches and pressing Pacheco’s back against the cage. Halsey takes him down and defends a kneebar attempt easily, driving a string of fists into Pacheco’s face. Halsey slickly steps over into mount and then takes Pacheco’s back as he rolls over. However, “The Juggernaut” rolls back over and manages to recover his guard. Referee Mike Beltran is not impressed with the level of action from this position and stands the men up with 60 seconds left. Little occurs, however, as the men hang out in the clinch.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Halsey
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Halsey
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Halsey

Round 3

Halsey whiffs on a right straight and again instigates the clinch, failing on a single-leg attempt. Pacheco drives a knee into his mug Halsey dips for another takedown, but Halsey walks through it and completes the maneuver. With three minutes remaining, Halsey works from half guard, though Pacheco does a decent job of stifling a pass and any damaging ground and pound. Finally, Halsey passes to side with one minute to go, but Pacheco shrimps away and recovers half guard to end the fight.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Halsey (30-27 Halsey)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Halsey (30-27 Halsey)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Halsey (30-27 Halsey)

The Official Result

Brandon Halsey def. Joe Pacheco via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Bellator Heavyweight Semifinal:
Siala-Mou Siliga vs. Alexander Volkov

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Volkov displayed a violent assault on Mighty Mo.
Volkov launches a front kick, which Siliga catches and uses to close the distance. “Mighty Mo” briefly secures a takedown against the cage, but the former champion badgers him with short punches as he regains his base. “Drago” is using a strong overhook to prevent the takedown, and he lands a pair of hard knees to Siliga’s gut. Referee John McCarthy separates them, and Volkov attacks with more front kicks. Siliga drops for another takedown, but Volkov stuffs him and lights up the K-1 veteran with a beautiful left-right combination, finishing the sequence with a lead-leg high kick that stiffens up his opponent and sends him crashing to the canvas.

The Official Result

Alexander Volkov def. Siala-Mou Siliga via KO (Head Kick) R1 2:44

Bellator Welterweight Semifinal:
Nathan Coy vs. Adam McDonough

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

McDonough destroyed a respected foe.
McDonough leads with a left hook, but Coy closes the distance and trips the Minnesotan to the mat. McDonough pops up, but “Soulforce” is relentless and plants him on his backside. McDonough again regains his base and stuns Coy with a sharp left hand counter. The Strikeforce veteran responds by instigating the clinch and roughing up McDonough with some short shots until he can separate. Coy catches his man with a right hook and then a knee during a scramble, though McDonough stuffs a takedown attempt on the rebound.

McDonough hurts Coy badly with a glancing kick to the head as the Oregonian changes levels. Coy is hurt badly, and McDonough tries to put him away with ground and pound, but the Strikeforce alum somehow survives and hits another takedown to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 McDonough
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 McDonough
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 McDonough

Round 2

Coy appears to have recovered, but he catches a hard left jab that puts him on ice skates. “Soulforce” takes a deep breath, and McDonough pursues with another left hook that puts Coy on his face. Referee Mike Beltran steps in and waves off the contest before McDonough can do further damage.

The Official Result

Adam McDonough def. Nathan Coy via KO (Punch) R2 0:30

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight:
Vladimir Matyushenko vs. Joey Beltran

Round 1

Jason Herzog will officiate this light heavyweight clash of UFC veterans. Matyushenko clips Beltran with a right hand and then a low kick as Beltran circles to his left. Another low kick lands for “The Janitor,” but Beltran rips a shin into his ribs in retaliation. Both guys are active with feints and straight punches, but neither can land anything of substance. Matyushenko drops for a double-leg, but Beltran shucks him off easily. Beltran lands a pair of left hooks to the body, followed by a looping right upstairs. Matyushenko lands a left hook-right hook combo, but Beltran sticks him with a hard jab on the exit before the fighters trade low kicks. Beltran roughs his man up with two short rights, and the former IFL champ responds with an overhand that catches Beltran on the cheek.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Matyushenko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Beltran
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Beltran

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Beltran surprised a gassed Matyushenko.
Matyushenko connects with a solid uppercut and then an overhand right, and Beltran fires back with a jab and a right to the ribs. A solid jab lands for the Belorusian, and Matyushenko charges forward with a four-punch combination. Beltran cracks him back with a hard right, but Matyushenko catches him with a right and a pair of pretty jabs. Matyushenko is really finding a home for his jab consistently, now, and Beltran seems content to just walk through it. Matyushenko changes levels for a takedown, but “The Mexicutioner” easily stops it.

Beltran cracks his man with a hard jab and several hard right hand leads.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Matyushenko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Matyushenko
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Matyushenko

Round 3

Matyushenko connects with an uppercut but fails on another takedown attempt. Beltran starts to go to the body, ripping lefts and rights to the ribs of “The Janitor.” Beltran charges hard and lands another left to the body, followed by a right hand upstairs. Matyushenko has a mouse under his right eye, and he is bleeding from his nose. Beltran pursues his foe and smacks him with a good left hook. The Californian stays with his body attack and then sprawls out on another Matyushenko takedown. Beltran rolls Matyushenko over and locks up a north-south choke, submitting the former UFC title contender in his final fight.

The Official Result

Joey Beltran def. Vladimir Matyushenko via Submission (North-South Choke) R3 3:06

Bellator Heavyweight Semifinal:
Blagoi Ivanov vs. Lavar Johnson

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Ivanov made Johnson cry uncle.
Johnson stalks the Bulgarian across the cage, his right hand cocked. Ivanov puts his head down and closes the distance, driving “Big” into the fence. Ivanov grags a single-leg and dumps the UFC veteran, landing in his guard. The sambo ace falls back for a foot lock, but Johnson stands and shakes him off. Ivanov grabs a front headlock and is looking for a guillotine. Instead, Johnson hoists him high and slams him to the mat. Ivanov escapes to his feet and cracks Johnson with a left before tossing him over his hip with a head-and-arm throw.

Ivanov lands in side control and secures and Americana, forcing Johnson to submit. Ivanov will now meet Volkov in the heavyweight final.

The Official Result

Blagoi Ivanov def. Lavar Johnson via Submission (Keylock) R1 4:08

Brandon Bender vs. Mario Navarro

Round 1

Mike Beltran will oversee this featherweight contest. Navarro opens up with a low kick to the lead leg of Bender. He pushes forward doubling up the jab but walks in to a Bender double leg and is forced to his back. From guard Bender postures and looks to strike before getting tied up but the defensive Navarro. Bender looks to strike with a body body head pattern. Navarro threads a leg inside to play butterfly guard but is forced back to full as Bender nearly passes. Bender is able to land in half guard for a moment until Navarro flirts with a kimura. The arm attack yields little however he is able to establish full guard. Navarro circles his back away from the cage and attempts an armbar but nothing is there. The relative lack in action forces referee Beltran to stand the two men up. On the feet little happens as round one expires.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bender

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Bender rear-naked choked Navarro.
The middle period starts with Navarro stalking Bender. The two featherweights clinch and it is Navarro who is pressured up against the fence and then ultimately to the floor. Bender back on top moves to side but is forced back inside the closed guard of Navarro. The Rancho Cucamonga native goes back to his body, body, head attack. Navarro tries to frame up a guillotine choke. It looks semi-deep however Bender is able to maintain composure and get out of the submission with relative ease. Beltran has again seen enough and orders the men back up. On the Feet Navarro launches a knee that lands.

Bender clinches with double underhooks. He spins to the back and puts his hooks in. Bender drags Navarro to the floor and it’s just a matter of time until he sinks in the fight ending rear-naked choke.

The Official Result

Brandon Bender def. Mario Navarro via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 4:15

Poppies Martinez vs. Josh Smith

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Martinez guillotined Smith in round one.
Jason Herzog will oversee this lightweight affair. Smith launches a push kick to the body of Martinez to start the first round. He follows it up with a left high kick that forces Martinez to circle away. Smith then lauches a flurry of knees, kicks, and punches. “The Tachi Kid” fires back with a right hand and then clinches with smith. Against the fence Martinez looks for a takedown and secures a single leg. On the floor Smith brings his guard high and looks to lock in a triangle on the Tachi Palace Fights lightweight and featherweight champion. However, Martiniez is wise and postures out.

He then stands and eats a pretty hard upkick which allows Smith to get off of his back and ultimately on top of Martinez. He looks to take the back of Poppies however Martinez goes to his back and plays guard. A scramble ensues which allows the Lemoore, California native to grab the neck of Smith. Martinez has a choke sunk in deep and Smith has no choice but to submit.

The Official Result

Poppies Martinez def. Josh Smith via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 3:50

Keith Berry vs. Dave Vitkay

Round 1

“Big” John McCarthy is called upon for our final contest of the evening. Vitkay wastes little time as he charges across the cage and the two men clinch after a flurry of missed punches. The fighters separate and Berry lands a left hook that drops Vitkay. Still with his wits about him Vitkay stands. At space Berry smiles as he feels he is the superior striker. Vitkay however closes the distance and forces Berry in to the fence. From there the Atlanta native lands some knees to the body before Berry pushes him away and takes the center of the cage. Berry launches another left hook and follows it with a right hand. The combo misses but he is able to clinch up with Vitkay. After a brief moment on the fence the fighters move back to open space which allows Berry to lower his elevation and secure a takedown. Vitkay has none of it and stands. Vitkay launches a high kick and falls to the floor as the blow misses. The round expires.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Berry

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Vitkay handed Berry a tough loss.
The two middleweights touch gloves to start the middle frame of this 185-pound tilt. Vitkay charges hard out again and launches a left high kick that is blocked. The two men clinch with Berry being pressed up against the fence. However, the Strikeforce veteran secures double underhooks and forces Vitkay to the mat. Berry settles in to half-guard. Vitkay isolates a leg and attempts a foot hold. The submission isn’t there however, he is able to gain top position from the scramble that ensues. Now in half guard Vitkay underhooks the right arm of the floored Berry and punches his face with the left.

Berry moves but is forced to defent a Vitkay kimura attempt. Again the submission isn’t there for Vitkay however he is able to transition to mount. He postures and rains down some strikes that are blocked. The round expires.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Vitkay

Round 3

The final frame from Pechanga starts with a very aggressive Vitkay. He launches a left high kick and then enters in to a double leg forcing Berry back to the mat. With Berry seated on the mat and his back postured up against the fence he tries to step over to mount while working a kimura. Berry has none of it though and stands. Vitkay ducks a Berry jab and enters in to a double leg. This time the takedown works so well that he is able to elevate the crowd favorite and slam him to the mat. From half guard Vitkay finds the right under hook and again attacks with the left. He implements a should strike the plants Berry’s head in to the mat. He then steps over with his right leg and mounts what looks to be a tired Berry. The crown starts to jeer their hometown fighter while Vitkay postures. Berry explodes though and sweeps Vitkay. The crowd roars with approval. However the positioning is brief as Vitkay scrambles and gets on top. He settles in to the closed guard of Berry and rides the round out on top.

Sherdog Scores

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Vitkay (29-28 Vitkay)

The Official Result

Dave Vitkay def. Keith Berry via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00
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