

Bellator 166 Results: Play-by-Play & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog.com's live Bellator 166 coverage kicks off at 7 p.m. ET (online betting).

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Kinny Spotwood vs. John King

Round 1

Spotwood comes out landing a couple crisp jabs as King moves forward. After a leg kick from King, Spotwood ties his foe up and presses him against the fence. Spotwood has King’s back with the wrestling ride and is landing short right hands on his opponent. King briefly slows down Spotwood’s assault with a backwards elbow. Spotwood stays busy by landing short punches, although King answers with periodic elbows. King stands and Spotwood drives for a takedown. King defends and lands a couple knees to the midsection. Spotwood press his man into the fence and lands knees to the thighs The combatants are separated with about 30 seconds remaining. The round ends with both men standing. 10-9 Spotwood

Round 2

Spotwood catches a kick to the body and ties up King. Spotwood walks his man to the fence and grinds away from there. Not a lot is happening from this position, but Spotwood maintains control. Spotwood is using an underhook on the right side to keep King against the fence. Finally referee Kerry Hatley has seen enough and breaks the fighters up. King knocks out Spotwood’s mouthpiece with a jab and ties up his opponent. Spotwood turns his opponent around and lands a short knee to the gut. King reverses the position and tags Spotwood with a couple right hands against the fence. They briefly separate but Spotwood punches his way right back into the clinch. Spotwood stays busy with several short right hands to the body. Hatley finally calls time to return Spotwood’s mouthpiece. Spotwood goes to work with his jab when the action resumes, and a few get through King’s guard before the round ends. 10-9 Spotwood

Round 3

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Spotwood bested King to start the action.
Spotwood lands a left jab in an initial exchange. The punch appears to be clean, but King rubs his eye and the action is temporarily halted. They resume, and another left jab from Spotwood finds its mark. A slow-paced standup battle has ensued two minutes into the frame. King ends it by clinching with Spotwood and pushing his foe into the fence. King lands several short punches as he continues to drive Spotwood into the fence. Spotwood works his way off of the cage and pushes King’s back into the fence. Again, Spotwood uses the right underhook to keep King on the cage and they don’t separate until less than 30 seconds remain. King lands a throw late in the stanza but Spotwood reverses into top position and finishes the frame with a flurry of hammerfists. 10-9 Spotwood (30-27 Spotwood)

The Official Result

Kinny Spotwood def. John King via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Derrick Adkins vs. Chris Jones

Round 1

Jones lands a couple inside leg kicks to begin the catch-weight affair. Adkins is pressing the action from the center of the cage while Jones circles on the outside. The fighters trade leg kicks, but other than that both men have been hesitant to engage thus far. Jones rushes forward to close the distance, allowing Adkins to change levels for a takedown. Adkins lands in side control, where he opens a cut near Jones’ right eye with short elbows. Adkins tries to step over into mount, but Jones is able to stand. Adkins drops for a double leg and dumps his foe on the mat. Jones attacks with short punches from his back while maintaining full guard. Adkins creates some space and lands an elbow and a couple hammerfists before Jones scrambles back up. Neither man lands anything signicant before the bell sounds. 10-9 Adkins

Round 2

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Adkins put Jones away with a brabo choke.
Adkins counters a low kick with a long jab to the face. Jones is trying to be more aggressive to close the distance against his taller foe. Adkins stays busy with outside leg kicks. Jones responds with a hard kick to the inside of Adkins’ lead leg. Adkins lands a straight right hand to the body and follows up with a head kick. Adkins then takes Jones down and moves to take his back. Jones rolls to regain full guard and Adkins winds up in top control at about the halfway point. Adkins isn’t working enough from above and a standup is ordered. Adkins lands a jab and then drops Jones with a hard straight right hand to the nose. Adkins pounces for a finish and moves into side control. He’s looking to isolate the arm of his daze foe, but Jones is able to scramble up. Adkins lands a couple knees before transitioning to a brabo choke. He locks it up, drags his man to the ground and Jones taps out almost immediately.

The Official Result

Derrick Adkins def. Chris Jones via Submission (Brabo Choke) R2 4:09

Treston Thomison vs. Dawond Pickney

Round 1

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Thomison quickly hit an armbar on Pickney.
Pickney backs Thomison up with a pair of jabs early. Pickney punches his way into the clinch, secures a double leg and slams Thomison to the canvas. Pickney is landing hammerfists with his right hand but he keeps his hips high. That allows Thomison to transition to an armbar from his back. Thomison isolates his opponent’s left arm, and Pickney has no choice but to ask out of the fight moments later.

The Official Result

Treston Thomison def. Dawond Pickney via Submission (Armbar) R1 0:51

Gregory Babene vs. Emiliano Sordi

Round 1

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Sordi was no match for Babene.
A left and then a right from Babene sends Sordi bouncing off the cage after an initial exchange. Another hard right hand from Babene finds a home. Babene closes the distance with a flurry of power punches, but it’s Sordi who presses his opponent into the fence in the clinch. They jockey for position before separating, and Sordi lands a jab. Babene throws another heavy combination and backs Sordi up with a right hand. Sordi lands a combination then a body kick. Sordi goes for a flying knee but Babene times it to land a takedown. Sordi uses a body lock to sweep and stand and then takes Babene down with a double-leg. However, Sordi finds himself ensnared in a tight guillotine on the way down. Babene cranks on the hold and Sordi briefly tries to wriggle free before tapping out.

The Official Result

Gregory Babene def. Emiliano Sordi via Submission (Guillotine) R1 3:11

Chris Honeycutt vs. Ben Reiter

Round 1

Reiter throws a lazy quick and Honeycutt immediately snatches the leg. Honeycutt gets the takedown despite a fence grab from Reiter but he can’t keep the Jackson-Wink MMA rep on the canvas. Honeycutt lands a hard kick to the body. Honeycutt catches another kick from Reiter and drives him into the fence. Reiter lands some elbows to the side of the head before going down again. Once again, Reiter pops right back up. Reiter misses a sweeping hook and Honeycutt counters with a knee to the body. Reiter forces the clinch but Honeycutt is able to break free, missing a knee on the release. Reiter shucks off a takedown attempt but eats a hard knee on the break. Honeycutt engages in the clinch again and lands several knees to the body and head of his opponent before they separate. 10-9 Honeycutt

Round 2

Honeycutt misses on a high kick, but is successful going to the body. Reiter plunges ahead and pushes Honeycutt into the fence. Honeycutt controls his foe’s head in the clinch and lands a knee. Reiter seems content to wait on the outside, but he hasn’t often committed to any combinations. Honeycutt goes back to the body with a kick then loses his footing on a takedown attempt. He hustles back to his feet and lands a double-leg takedown against the fence. Honeycutt grapevines his legs over Reiter’s and lands short punches from above before Reiter can explode to his feet. Honeycutt continues to attack with the rear kick to the body of Reiter. They combatants remain standing for the final 1:30 but neither lands any offense of note. 10-9 Honeycutt

Round 3

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Honeycutt absolutely dominated Reiter.
Honeycutt connects with a two-punch combination then stuffs a takedown. The longtime Josh Koscheck training partner is throwing a lot of wild kicks as well, but landing very few. Honeycutt lands a multi-punch combination that backs Reiter into the cage, where he takes his man down. Honeycutt looks for a guillotine but he’s out of position, and Reiter is up. Reiter drives for a takedown of his own against the fence, but he can’t finish it. Reiter lands a couple uppercuts with Honeycutt’s back to the fence before he escapes. Honeycutt stuns Reiter with a right hand to the face and then sprawls on a takedown. Honeycutt reverses into top position and begins pounding on his now bloodied for with ground-and-pound from half guard with a little more than one minute remaining. Honeycutt is in control now, as lands some elbows, gets full mount and then takes Reiter’s back with both hooks in. He finishes the frame peppering Reiter’s head with punches from back control. 10-8 Honeycutt (30-26 Honeycutt)

The Official Result

Chris Honeycutt def. Ben Reiter via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-25, 30-25) R3 5:00

Marcos Galvao vs. L.C. Davis

Round 1

Davis just misses with a straight left hand. Galvao is stalking Davis, methodically marching forward while Davis counters and moves out of range. Galvao tries a level change and pushes Davis into the cage. Davis turns his foe around, but Galvao has a body lock. The combatants take turns pushing one another into the fence, with each landing the occasional knee to the body. Galvao has both underhooks and he manages to trip Davis to the canvas at about the 2:00 mark. Davis uses his guard to push Galvao away, but the Brazilian dives right back into his opponent’s guard. Galvao is maintaining pressure from top position, creating enough space to land periodic ground-and-pound. Galvao walks his way up, and Davis is able to escape to his feet. He lands some short punches and knees against the Brazilian as the round ends. 10-9 Galvao

Round 2

Galvao lands a kick to the body. Referee Mike Beltran steps in because it appears to be low, but Davis says he’s fine and the fight continues immediately. Galvao changes levels and drives Davis to the canvas near the fence about one minute in. Davis utilizes the butterfly guard and is able to create space and scramble to his feet. Davis has a body lock, but it’s Galvao who lands a pair of knees to the body before the bantamweights separate. Galvao tries to time another takedown off a Davis punch but the Kansas City-based fighter is able to defend it well. They go back to the center of the cage and Galvao lands an overhand right-left hook combination. Davis counters a Galvao kick with a straight left. Galvao changes levels and pushes Davis into the fence. He shoves the American away and briefly rubs his right eye. Davis pushes forward with a combination and then stuffs a Galvao takedown. Galvao seems to be slowing somewhat but he counters an advancing Davis with an overhand right. Davis shrugs off a takedown try just before the round ends. 10-9 Galvao

Round 3

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Galvao slipped by Davis.
Davis takes the role of aggressor early, but he’s coming up short on most of his punches. Galvao lands a hard leg kick. His subsequent level change is stuffed by Davis. Davis remains in pursuit of Galvao, but he isn’t finding openings to land much in the way of offense. Davis again stuffs a Galvao takedown try. Galvao forces the clinch and tries to muscle Davis against the fence. Davis turns his man around, and Galvao is showing signs of fatigue. Davis breaks away and returns to the center of the cage. Galvao moves into clinch range, lands a couple short punches and has a level change denied. The close quarters battle continues, with Davis landing knees to the thighs and short punches to the body as time winds down. Davis fails on a takedown just before the round ends. 10-9 Davis (29-28 Galvao)

The Official Result

Marcos Galvao def. L.C. Davis via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28 , 29-28) R3 5:00

A.J. McKee vs. Ray Wood

Round 1

The featherweights trade kicks in the early going. Wood advances with a push kick then backs away. Wood lands a kick to the body, but McKee slams his opponent to the canvas. Wood uses a guillotine to rise to his feet and he circles away. McKee connects with a quick jab-left hook combination. McKee changes levels for a takedown and Wood times it perfectly, connecting with a jumping knee. McKee clings to a takedown, looking to clear his head while Wood hunts for a guillotine. McKee trips Wood to the canvas and pulls his head free. McKee hunts for a guillotine from top, then gives up and begins to move to take Wood’s back. Wood fends off the hook and escapes, and the featherweights are standing again. Wood attacks with a kick to the body followed by a spinning back kick to the body. Wood goes to the well again with a jump knee, but this time McKee plants him on the canvas. Wood is seated against the cage as McKee lands left hands to the ribs. McKee ends the frame on top. 10-9 McKee

Round 2

McKee lands a side kick to the body and moves away as Wood attempts to answer. Wood keeps the pressure on and connects with a hard kick to the body. McKee catches Wood in a front headlock and pulls him to the canvas. Wood stands and McKee lands a knee before separating. He quickly shoots in and takes Wood down with an ankle pick. McKee is landing elbows and punches from above before switching to the wrestling ride position. McKee stays attached to Wood’s back when he attempts to stand and he drives him back down to the floor. McKee gets one hook in as he continues to land ground-and-pound. McKee lands some harder right hands from the position, and one appears to land clean to Wood’s face. McKee keeps the pressure on, landing punches while attempting to slide his arm under Wood’s neck. The round ends with McKee hammering away with left and right hands to the side of the head. 10-8 McKee

Round 3

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McKee threw Wood around.
McKee again opens with a side kick to the body. He changes levels, lands a knee and then a kick to Wood’s head before the combatants break away. McKee shoots for a takedown and slams Wood to the canvas near the fence. McKee is applying pressure inside Wood’s guard. He stands and continues to land punches. Wood attempts to create some space but McKee is right back on him. Wood tries to frame an omaplata, but McKee easily escapes danger as he moves to side control and lands some knees to the ribs. McKee lands left elbows and right hands from half guard. Wood regains full guard and McKee stacks his foe against the fence. Wood attempts to set up a knee bar but McKee isn’t threatened. Wood stands, and McKee powers up for a belly-to-back suplex. McKee ends the period in complete control. 10-9 McKee (30-26 McKee)

The Official Result

A.J. McKee def. Ray Wood via Unanimous Decision (29-27, 30-25, 30-27) R3 5:00

Bellator Bantamweight Title Fight:
Eduardo Dantas vs. Joe Warren

Round 1

Dantas comes out with his hands held low as he takes the center of the cage. Warren misses a one-two combo and Dantas tags him with a jab on the mug. Dantas taunts Warren by thrusting his hips, then throws a push kick. Another left jab finds the chin of Warren. Dantas lands several more jabs, then makes Warren step back with a two-piece combination. Dantas connects with a lead hook straight right combination. So far, the Brazilian is picking Warren apart in exchanges. Dantas continues to find a home for his jab, and is setting up his other combinations with that lead hand. Warren rushes in to close the distance and “Dudu” simply sidesteps him. Dantas follows a jab with a low kick. Warren’s face is already wearing the damage as Dantas connects with a left over the top. Warren tries a cartwheel kick as time runs out, but it doesn’t come close to landing. 10-9 Dantas.

Round 2

Warren immediately attempts to put the pressure on Dantas and close the distance. Warren pushes forward with a combination but Dantas moves aside before he can tie him up. Warren catches a kick and shoves Dantas away. Warren lands a left hook as he presses the action. Dantas connects with a lead hook-right hand combination and nods at Warren. Dantas finds the range on another combination. Dantas lands a hard kick to Warren’s lead leg. Dantas lands a left hook and follows up with a low kick. Warren is doing his best to close the range, but Dantas is landing the more effective offense. Dantas is starting to make an impact with leg kicks, as one forces “The Baddest Man on the Planet” to stutter step. Warren is switching stances to avoid the leg kicks now. Dantas is content to jab and leg kick at range, all while moving out of danger when Warren rushes forward with punches. 10-9 Dantas

Round 3

Dantas blocks a kick to the chest from Warren. John McCarthy calls time to warn Warren to keep his hands closed after an apparent eye poke. Dantas immediately sticks his man with a jab. Dantas lands a knee to the chest as Warren rushes forward. Dantas doubles up on his jab and backs Warren up. Warren close the distance and finally gets a hold of Dantas, securing a rear-body lock near the fence with more than 3:00 remaining. Dantas struggles to break Warren’s grip as the challenger gets one hook in. Warren gives up on that, drops for a takedown and is denied. Dantas returns to the center of the cage and tags Warren with a straight right hand. Warren is doing his best to cut off the cage but he can’t quite track Dantas down. Dantas again stings Warren with a jab. Dantas slips a big overhand from Warren and lands another combination. Dantas stuffs a takedown and then lands a kick to cup, leading to a pause in the action. Warren recovers and the action resumes. Warren eats several more clean straight punches from Dantas before the horn sounds. 10-9 Dantas

Round 4

Warren lands a right hand in an initial exchange, but a kick from Dantas buckles his lead leg briefly. Dantas lands a left hook and then angles out of danger. Warren misses badly on a cartwheel kick. Dantas tries a push kick, which allows Warren to close the distance and try for a takedown near the fence. Dantas shrugs him off and returns to the center of the cage. Dantas slips a massive Warren punch and the competitors touch gloves. Another Dantas jab finds its mark. Warren can’t keep Dantas tied up in the clinch. The Brazilian sidesteps a wild combination by Warren. Dantas goes back to the jab-low kick combo. Warren ties up Dantas and pushes him into the fence. He finally drags Dantas down, but the Nova Uniao fighter uses the fence to get up. Dantas returns to the center of the cage and goes right back to the jab. Dantas lands another jab before the round ends. 10-9 Dantas

Round 5

Warren comes out with an air of desperation and attempts to grab hold of Dantas. Again, the Brazilian eludes the challenger. A front kick from Dantas lands low, and time is called. McCarthy deducts a point from Dantas for the kick. Action resumes and Warren closes the distance and lands a knee. Dantas shakes his head. Warren is able to tie up Dantas and pushes his back into the cage. Warren is driving for the takedown but Dantas continues to fend him off. Warren is content to grind away from this position, pressing his opponent into the cage and land knees to the thigh. The fighters are separated with one minute to go and Dantas enthusiastically meets Warren in the middle of the cage. Dantas lands a couple more jabs then side steps as Warren rushes forward again. Dantas ends the round with a brief victory dance as the bell sounds. 10-8 Warren (48-46 Dantas)

The Official Result

Eduardo Dantas def. Joe Warren via Majority Decision (47-47, 49-44, 48-46) R5 5:00
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