

Invicta FC 28 Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog's live Invicta FC 28 coverage kicks off at 8 p.m. ET.

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Tracy Cortez vs. Kaytlin Neil

Round 1

Neil lands a left hand in an early exchange, and Cortez grabs a leg and ties her opponent up. They disengage from the clinch and Cortez throws a flurry. Cortez presses forward with wide power punches and drives Neil into the cage. Cortez goes high with a left hook and then changes levels for a takedown. Neil defends it well, but Cortez keeps her opponent’s back to the fence. Cortez lands a couple punches on the break. A left hook lands for Cortez, who drops for a single leg moments later. Neil looks to grab a guillotine, but Cortez is able to free herself. They clinch against the fence and Cortez stays busy with knees and punches to the body. Cortez backs off and Neil lands a straight right hand. Cortez forces the clinch behind a right hand and this time she gets Neil to the canvas. Neil fights her way up but is immediately taken back down, and Cortez settles in half guard with about a minute to work. Cortez pins Neil’s right arm with her left knee and lands some punches. Neil explodes and reverses on top, and now they’re both back up. Cortez pushes Neil against the fence and lands a couple knees before the round ends. 10-9 Cortez.

Round 2

Neil lands a straight right at the outset. Neil catches a body kick but lets it go. Cortez moves forward, lands a right hand and ties up her foe. Cortez has a waist lock, then separates to land an elbow before securing double underhooks. Neil lands a beautiful throw and lands some punches on the ground before Cortez hustles to her feet. Cortez lands a some short right hands from the clinch as she keeps Neil against the fence. Cortez continues to control Neil against the fence, landing periodic knees to the midsection. Cortez trips Neil to the floor near the fence. As Neil gets to her feet, Cortez attempts to jump on her back. Cortez can’t secure both hooks and Neil dumps her down and ends up in top position. Cortez posts near the fence and stands with 10 seconds remaining. They battle it out in the clinch as time runs out. 10-9 Cortez.

Round 3

Cortez stalks her opponent, and both fighters trade kicks. Cortez follows a leg kick with a punching combination upstairs. She looks to clinch but instead backs away. A left hand lands for Neil, and Cortez shakes her head. Neil finds the range on a kick to the body. Neil comes forward with a two-punch combo. Cortez catches a kick and takes Neil down against the cage. Cortez looks to isolate Neil’s right arm while she lands left hands to the face from top position. Neil reverses into top position and tries to take Cortez’s back. Neil doesn’t have both hooks in yet, but she’s still trying to slide her arm under her foe’s chin. Neil slides off the back and Cortez takes full mount. She postures up and unleashes a brief flurry of ground-and-pound. Cortez then transitions to an armbar, but she loses the hold, allowing Neil to take top position. Neil goes from a front headlock briefly to a guillotine before the combatants stand. Neil lands a knee just as they stand. They battle for position in the clinch as time winds down. 10-9 Neil (29-28 Cortez).

The Official Result

Tracy Cortez def. Kaytlin Neil via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Jillian DeCoursey vs. Rebekah Levine

Round 1

DeCoursey just misses on a right hand, but it’s mostly a feeling out session in the first minute. DeCoursey lands a multi-punch combination and then catches Levine with a kick to the face. Levine changes levels for a takedown and gets DeCoursey down with a single leg. DeCoursey nearly sweeps, but Levine is able to maintain top position. DeCoursey attempts to frame an armbar from her back. So far, Levine is keeping her hands connected. DeCoursey is up against the cage, making it difficult to extend the hold. Levine stands, but DeCoursey won’t let go of the arm. Levine keeps her foe stacked as the 2:00 mark arrives. Levine lands a couple knees to the body and then frees her elbow. DeCoursey rolls for a heel hook. A scramble ensues and DeCoursey has her foe’s left knee trapped with her legs as she lands some ground-and-pound near the fence. DeCoursey stands and drops more punches before the horn. 10-9 DeCoursey.

Round 2

A two-punch combination connects for DeCoursey. Levine ducks a right hand and ties up with her foe. Levine gets a takedown and DeCoursey immediately frames another armbar from her back. She can’t get it and DeCoursey goes to a closed guard instead. DeCoursey uses the fence to try and set up a triangle, but Levine defends it well. DeCoursey sweeps into full mount, and she drops a flurry of left elbows. Levine is trying to buck DeCoursey off of her. DeCoursey continues to float above her opponent, and she regains full mount. DeCoursey stays busy landing left and right hands from above as she remains in a high mount. DeCoursey moves to side control, where she continues to land punches. She transitions to an armbar but loses it quickly. She regains position, lands some more punches before going back to the armbar, but the horn signals the end of the round. 10-8 DeCoursey.

Round 3

A jab snaps back Levine’s head. DeCoursey kicks the lead leg then fires off a combination. A left hand lands for DeCoursey, as she appears to be in control early. DeCoursey is controlling the range with her punches, but neither is landing a lot in this frame. Levine catches a kick and marches forward behind a flurry of punches. Levine pushes DeCoursey into the fence, but her opponent has double underhooks and is able to get a takedown. They scramble up, but DeCoursey is holding onto a kimura on the mat. DeCoursey moves into half guard, and she hasn’t given up on the submission yet. DeCoursey lets the kimura go and lands a punch to the ribs from half guard. DeCoursey stays heavy from top position, landing punches to the head and knees to the body. DeCoursey moves into full mount just as the fight ends. 10-9 DeCoursey (30-26 DeCoursey).

The Official Result

Jillian DeCoursey def. Rebekah Levine via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Kerri Kenneson vs. Chelsea Chandler

Round 1

Kennison drops for a takedown almost immediately and gets a single log. Chandler clings to a guillotine and lets it go. They stand and Kennison keeps the pressure on. Chandler grabs a hold of the guillotine again, this time from the standing position. Eventually Chandler’s grip breaks and Kennison takes her foe back down. Chandler ties up Kennison with a kimura and eventually uses it to reverse into top position. From mount, Chandler alternates between the kimura and the armbar based on the position of Kennison’s arm. Chandler attempts to go belly down for an armbar, but Kennison escapes and moves into her opponent’s guard. Kennison only has a brief moment of freedom before she’s ensared in another armbar attempt by Chandler. Kennison moves Chandler toward the fence and lands some knees to the body, but her arm is still stuck. Kennison frees her arm and then lands some hammerfists as Chandler tries to transition to a leg lock. Kennison stands and looks to clear Chandler’s legs. Kennison picks her spots to land some punches and hamerfists as Chandler holds on to a leg. Chandler rolls away and they stand. Just before the horn sounds, Kennison drops Chandler with a left hand. 10-9 Kennison.

Round 2

Kennison pressures forward with punches and then backs away. A left hand over the top finds a home for Kennison. A counter straight left lands for Chandler, and then Kennison changes levels for a takedown. She drags Chandler down and tries to take the back. Kennison moves to mount in a scramble, and she drops some elbows from above. Kennison looks for an armbar, but Chandler stands and pulls her arm free. Kennison is right back up and driving for a takedown. Chandler frames a kimura as they go to the ground. She escapes that hold, but Chandler lands some elbows from her back as she locks in a triangle. Chandler looks to adjust and tighten the triangle. Kennison drops some short hammerfists to the face, but it won’t break Chandler’s hold. Kennison walks around to find some space and Chandler briefly switches to an armbar. Chandler still has the triangle but Kennison drops some punches from above. Kennison lands some knees to the body, still trapped in the hold, as time expires. 10-9 Kennison.

Round 3

The bantamweights trade punches early in the final stanza, and both land some hard shots. They tie up against the fence, and Kennison circles off the cage. They go to the ground and Chandler looks for a heel hook near the fence. Kennison scrambles into top position and lands some short punches and elbows. Chandler gives up her back, and Kennison attempts to get her hooks in. Kennison is staying patient, landing some elbows and slamming Chandler’s head into the mat. Chandler attempts to stand, allowing Kennison to get closer to achieving full back control. They’re in a seated position, with Kennison having her back to the fence. Kennison slaps her opponent in the side of the head and face while maintaining back control. Chandler is doing her best to control her opponent’s wrists, but she can’t escape the position. Kennison transitions to a body triangle, and she lands some hard right hands to the side of the head. Kennison drops a few more elbows and punches as the fight ends. 10-9 Kennison (30-27 Kennison).

The Official Result

Kerri Kenneson def. Chelsea Chandler via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Kalyn Schwartz vs. Kay Hansen

Round 1

Schwartz counters a kick with a right hand before they tie up against the cage. They battle for position, both circling off the fence and trading knees. Schwartz is applying pressure now, landing knees and left hands to the face of Hansen. Hansen briefly tries to jump guard and abandons it quickly. Schwartz stays busy, landing short punches as she keeps Hansen’s back to the fence. Shwartz continues to win the positional battle by keeping Hansen pinned against the cage. Schwartz with more left hands to the body and head. Schwartz picks up the intensity of her offense landing an elbow and some knees before they separate. Hansen comes alive at the end of the round, and she tags Schwartz with a combination and backs her up. Schwartz lands a takedown at the end of the round. 10-9 Schwartz.

Round 2

Hansen lands a body-head combination before Schwartz answers and forces the clinch. Schwartz lands a knee before they separate. Hansen fires off a combination in space. Hansen is finding the range on some combinations, and using angles to move out of danger. Schwartz counters a high kick with a straight right that stops Hansen in her tracks. Schwartz shoots for a takedown and then scramble to a banana split position, tying up Hansen’s leg. Hansen lands some hammerfists. They eventually scramble back up, and Hansen finds a home for a right hand. Schwartz pins Hansen against the cage again. Schwartz busts Hansen wide open with an elbow, and she suplexes Hansen to the mat. Schwartz unloads with ground-and-pound as Hansen is on all fours. Hansen tries to move out of danger, holding on desperately to a leg, but Schwartz is relentless with punches to the head, and finally referee Dave Seljestad has seen enough. Hansen is pouring blood from a cut above her left eye.

The Official Result

Kalyn Schwartz def. Kay Hansen via TKO (Punches) R2 4:27

Minna Grusander vs. Fernanda Barros

Round 1

Barros rushes her foe with a flying front kick but Grusander avoids it. Barros moving in and out, but she eats a punch for her troubles. Barros wobbles Grusander with a wide right hook. Barros ties up Grusander and attempts to drag her opponent down. Grusander nearly gets the back, but Barros lets her back up. Barros backs up Grusander with wide power punches and a right hand finds a home near the fence. The Brazilian looks for a takedown against the fence. Grusander defends with a front headlock and drops to her back for a guillotine. Grusander has full guard and keeps the choke, but Barros is relaxed and composed as she defends. The Finnish fighter gives up on the choke and switches to an armbar. Barros stands and throws a punch as Grusander attempts to stand. Barros jumps into a guillotine choke. She slips off and Grusander ends up on top, where she drops some elbows inside her foe’s full guard. Barros transitions to a an armbar and tries to go belly down. Grusander breaks the grip and lands some ground-and-pound. Grusander is nearly on Barros’ back, and she ends the frame landing elbows and punches to the side of the head. 10-9 Barros.

Round 2

Grusander catches a kick and lands a punching combination. The Fin seems to be finding her range with straight punches now. Grusander counters a spinning back kick with a one-two. A right hand backs up Barros. Barros lands an overhand right, but Grusander is unfazed. Barros is landing some more big wide shots, but Grusander keeps marching forward. Grusander lands a kick after a combination, then tags Barros with more punches. The Brazilian shoots and Grusander sprawls on it. Now Grusander has a dominant positiion and knees the arm and creates an opening to land a series of right hands near the fence. Barros is on all fours and Grusander is alternating punches to the head and knees to the body. Barros is covered up on all fours, but is still eating a lot of shots. Grusander continues to unload with punches and hammerfists as referee Dave Seljestad moves in to take a closer look. Barros isn’t doing much to defend herself now, and finally the bout is called off.

The Official Result

Minna Grusander def. Fernanda Barros via TKO (Punches) R2 4:26

Kali Robbins vs. Pearl Gonzalez

Round 1

Robbins doesn’t waste much time initiating the clinch, and she gets a takedown near the fence. After a scramble, Robbins ends up in full guard. Gonzalez is active from her back, and she frames an armbar. Robbins defends it, but Gonzalez still has a triangle. Robbins eventually frees herself and ends up in side control. Gonzalez is still active from her back, but Robbins is doing a good job staying on top and out of danger. Finally, Gonzalez scrambles her way into top position, and she postures up and lands some ground-and-pound. Robbins sweeps and they stand. Gonzalez throws a knee to the body and slips to her back, and Robbins follows her to the ground. Robbins passes to side control, and they scramble, with Gonzalez attempting to set up an armbar from her back. Robbins avoids it but doesn’t stay on top for long, as Gonzalez is able to sweep into top position. The back-and-forth battle ends with Gonzalez working her way up and Robbins driving for a takedown against the fence. 10-9 Robbins.

Round 2

Gonzalez comes out throwing punches, as Robbins clearly wants to get the fight to the ground. Gonzalez tags Robbins with a right. Robbins marches through the offense of her opponent and pushes Gonzalez into the cage. Robbins gets a takedown, but is reversed almost instantly. Robbins scrambles back into top position, and Gonzalez lands a couple elbows to the side of the head. Robbins is in her foe’s half guard. “Pop Tart” lands some ground-and-pound, but Gonzalez recovers full guard. Robbins clears the legs and moves to side control. Gonzalez is still very active from her back, but Robbins has done a solid job of staying on top this round. Robbins is back in side control. Gonzalez uses the fence to walk her legs up and roll into top position with about one minute to go. Gonzalez tries to create space to land some elbows from above. Robbins tries to clear some space with her legs but can’t get rid of Gonzalez. The UFC veteran ends the frame landing some heavy punches from above. 10-9 Gonzalez.

Round 3

Gonzalez lands a jab. Robbins moves forward and eats a right hand. Gonzalez fires off a combination and lands as Robbins attempts to close distance. Robbins eats a lot of punishment but is able to tie up Gonzalez about 45 seconds in. Gonzalez lands some knees to the gut with her back to the fence. Gonzalez lands a hip toss and gets Robbins to the mat. Gonzalez is in side control against the fence. Robbins recovers half guard, but Gonzalez pounds away with left hands and elbows. Gonzalez continues to apply pressure from above as we hit the 2:00 mark. They stand and Gonzalez lands a knee to the body. Gonzalez creates some space from the clinch and kicks Robbins in the face. Robbins drops for a takedown and pushes Gonzalez into the fence, hunting for a single leg. Gonzalez sprawls and Robbins drops low, allowing her foe to pound away with punches and elbows to the ribs. They return to the feet, and Robbins pushes Gonzalez to the cage, eating elbows as time runs out. 10-9 Gonzalez (29-28 Gonzalez).

The Official Result

Pearl Gonzalez def. Kali Robbins via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-26, 30-27) R3 5:00

Milana Dudieva vs. Christina Marks

Round 1

Dudieva lands an inside leg kick as she stalks her opponent. A counter right for the Russian glances off the chin of Marks. Marks lands an inside leg kick and the flyweights exchange. Marks reels off a nice two-punch combo that connects. It’s an overall tentative beginning for both fighters as we’re halfway through the round. Dudieva counters a low kick with an overhand that hits Marks in the chest. Neither flyweight has really found the range on her punches. An inside leg kick connects for Marks. Dudieva slips after throwing a combination but Marks lets her up. Neither fighter finds the range as time expires. 10-10.

Round 2

Dudieva opens with an inside leg kick. Marks snaps off a left jab that connects. A front kick by Dudieva comes up short and Marks answers with a combination. Marks again finds the range on her jab. Dudieva lands a kick to her foe’s lead leg. Dudieva moves in behind a spinning back fist and follows up with two winging hooks but nothing lands as Marks fires back, also unsuccessfully. Once again, for the most part neither fighter is finding the range on her punches. Seemingly out of nowhere, a hard right hand by Dudieva sends Marks to her seat near the fence. The Russian pounces and unloads with a series of five to six unanswered standing-to-ground punches before the flyweight contest is halted.

The Official Result

Milana Dudieva def. Christina Marks via TKO (Punches) R2 3:57

DeAnna Bennett vs. Karina Rodriguez

Round 1

Rodriguez counters a kick with a two-piece combo. Not a lot of action early, but Bennett grabs a kick and drives Rodriguez into the cage after about two minutes. Bennett slams the Mexican fighter down but Rodriguez hustles to her feet and they separate. Bennett just misses a right hand. Rodriguez lands a leg kick. Rodriguez moves forward and lands a combination in the pocket. Bennett comes forward and Rodriguez fires off another quick one-two. Rodriguez throws a front kick and Bennett takes advantage, as she ties up her foe and pushes her into the fence. Bennett has two underhooks, and they trade knees against the cage. They separate at the end of the round and trade punches before the horn sounds. 10-10.

Round 2

Bennett partially lands a body kick. Rodriguez is trying to punch her way into the pocket, but she’s coming up short thus far in the round. Bennett throws another body kick and Rodriguez tries to counter with a combination. Bennett forces the clinch and pushes Rodriguez into the fence. Bennett lands a knee and then they separate. Bennett times a punch and gets a takedown in the center of the cage. Rodriguez stands quickly but Bennett stays attached to her foe, driving for another takedown against the fence. They separate again and Rodriguez counters a body kick with some straight punches. Rodriguez looks to be warming up, as she tags Bennett with some more punches near the fence before they tie up. Bennett lands a knee to the body. Bennett keeps Rodriguez against the cage before they separate with about 20 seconds left. Bennett shoots for a takedown and Rodriguez lands a left hand as she moves away. Bennett tries for another takedown but is denied as time expires. 10-9 Bennett.

Round 3

Rodriguez lands a glancing jab. Rodriguez comes in with a combination but can’t land anything. A straight right for Rodriguez finds a home. The Mexican fighter lands another right hand behind a double jab before moving out of range. Rodriguez moves forward with a combination and finds a home for a few strikes. A short jab lands for Bennett. Rodriguez counters Bennett with a two-piece. Rodriguez is doing some of her best work with punching combinations in this frame. Rodriguez moves into the pocket and lands another short combo before moving out. Bennett finally gets the tie-up with a little more than a minute left. Rodriguez lands a standing elbow, and Bennett keeps grinding away. They separate and trade, with Rodriguez getting the best of the exchange. Bennett goes for a takedown and drives Rodriguez into the cage as the fight ends. 10-9 Rodriguez (29-29 Draw).

The Official Result

DeAnna Bennett def. Karina Rodriguez via Split Decision (30-27, 27-30, 30-27) R3 5:00

Mizuki Inoue vs. Virna Jandiroba

Round 1

The strawweights tie up about 30 seconds in. Jandiroba connects her hands, picks up Inoue and plants her on the canvas. The Brazilian sets up in her foe’s full guard. Jandiroba lands methodical ground-and-pound while Inoue utilizes a high guard. Inoue tries to stay active from her back, both with her guard and with elbows. Still, it’s Jandiroba maintaining top position. Jandiroba stands and Inoue rolls for a kneebar. Jandiroba pulls out and winds up back on top in full guard. Janiroba stands, briefly clears her foe’s legs and lands a couple hammerfists. Jandiroba stands again and dives back into guard. The Brazilian ends the frame landing some more ground-and-pound. Inoue’s eye is swollen as she heads to her corner. 10-9 Jandiroba.

Round 2

A right hand connects for Inoue early and Jandiroba answers with a front kick to the body. Inoue is more aggressive at the outset, pushing the pace with punches. Jandiroba shoots and puts Inoue on her butt near the fence. Jandiroba clears the legs and is in side control, but is too close to the fence to get much offense going. Inoue tries to scramble up, but Jandiroba stays on top, now in the Japanese fighter’s full guard. The referee isn’t seeing enough action and orders a standup. Inoue ties up and gets a takedown, but Jandiroba quickly reverses into top position. Jandiroba is in half guard now, keeping the pressure on and landing short strikes. That’s how the round ends. 10-9 Jandiroba.

Sherdog Scores

Round 3

Jandiroba absorbs a short combination in close and just misses on a big overhand right. Inoue lands another right in an exchange. Inoue pushes Jandiroba against the fence and lands some short knees to the thighs and an upward elbow to the head. Jandiroba breaks away but Inoue is right back in her face and they clinch again. Jandiroba gradually drags Inoue to the mat and passes to side control. Inoue gives up her back and Jandiroba works to get her hooks in. The Brazilian alternates between ground-and-pound and hunting for the choke from back mount. Inoue rolls over as Jandiroba pounds away with punches and elbows. The Japanese fighter is moving just enough to stay alive, but she’s getting beat up. Now Jandiroba is on Inoue’s back with a body triangle applied. Jandiroba transitions to an armbar, but Inoue is able to keep her hands connected and it looks like she’s going to survive the round. The horn sounds with Inoue defending the armbar. 10-8 Jandiroba.

Round 4

A left hand connects for Inoue early. Inoue then lands a straight right. Inoue is landing nicely in the opening minute. Jandiroba times a takedown and takes Inoue down. Inoue nearly sweeps into top position, but Jandiroba powers back on top. Jandiroba is in half guard now, staying heavy on top. Inoue recovers full guard, and a standup is ordered shortly thereafter. They clinch and Inoue lands a knee to the liver against the fence. They separate, but it doesn’t take Jandiroba long to shoot. This time, Inoue sprawls and pushes Jandiroba into the fence. The Japanese fighter lands a standing elbow and then executes a hip toss near the fence. Jandiroba reverses into top position and rides out the round landing moderate ground-and-pound. 10-9 Jandiroba.

Round 5

Inoue comes out with a sense of urgency, attacking with straight punches. They clinch about 30 seconds in, and Jandiroba pushes her opponent into the fence. Jandiroba looks for a single leg takedown, but Inoue maintains her balance and lands some punches to the side of the head. Jandiroba is persistent, and she eventually puts Inoue on her back. The Brazilian fights hard to pass guard, but Inoue does a good with her limiting the advance with her legs. It’s looking like a repeat of previous rounds, as Jandiroba is just overpowering Inoue with her grappling prowess. Jandiroba stays busy with punches from above, while Inoue does her best to land offense form her back. With less than a minute to go, Inoue briefly frames an armbar, but Jandiroba is able to clear her arm. They scramble and the Brazilian ends the fight on top. It appears as though Jandiroba will claim the Invicta strawweight title. 10-9 Jandiroba (50-44 Jandiroba).

The Official Result

Virna Jandiroba def. Mizuki Inoue via Split Decision (49-46, 46-49, 49-46) R5 5:00
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